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*If an item is given more than one special power it gets the title Artifact
*If an item is given more than one special power it gets the title Artifact

==Poisens/damage per turn effects==
==Poisons/damage per turn effects==
This section is under construction and will be mediated upon. Coming soon.
This section is under construction and will be mediated upon. Coming soon.
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'''Feats:''' Build Barrier<br>
'''Feats:''' Build Barrier<br>
'''Capacity:''' 5/5, Crossbow, Wood Plate<br>
'''Capacity:''' 5/5, Crossbow, Wood Plate<br>
'''Claims:''' 0<br>
Tiny Goldenrod Neumono<br>
'''Stats: '''Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 1<br>
'''Feats:''' Air Magic<br>
'''Capacity:''' 4/5, Crossbow, Padded Leather<br>
'''Claims:''' 0<br>
'''Claims:''' 0<br>

Revision as of 11:04, 15 June 2013

TCSG:Kingsmen by Bamump

Rules: Players in this game are fighting for their king, they are to engage in melee combat and fight the opposing force. The object of this game is for the king's men to clear the tile grid of the opposing force. Turns are comprised of a move action and an attack or passive action. Each unit takes up one tile on the grid and can interact with objects or other characters on the grid.

Reading the Unit sheet: Move indicates the number of tiles a unit can move in any direction. HP stands for the health points a unit has, if this number drops to 0 the character is considered “incapacitated” for this character cannot take anymore actions until the end of engagement. If the characters HP drops below 0 he is considered “Dead” where the player must generate a new character and his old character's body is now an object that other players may interact with. Atk is the amount of attack damage based on weapon currently equipped, this is the main score used to determine how much damage other characters take when an attack action is used against them. Df stands for defense, this number determines how much damage is subtracted from attacks directed towards this character, if an attack is greater then twice the defense of a character's armor then the armor or object is destroyed. Multiple attacks against a single characters armor stack. Feats are either abilities or moves that improve character effectiveness. Capacity is the number of objects a character can have on his person. A character gains an extra feat or can raise an attribute by 1 once every 10 kills. If a player is shown to be competent in the eyes of the king (be the most valuable asset in an engagement), he may be given a chance to raise any stat by 1 point or gain 1 extra feat as well.


Feats list

  • Dual wield light- lets you dual wield light weapons, light weapons are weapons that take up 1 capacity excluding bows
  • Dual wield mod- lets you dual wield moderate weapons, moderate weapons are weapons that take up 2 capacity excluding bows
  • Dual wield heavy- lets you dual wield heavy weapons, heavy weapons are weapons that take up 3 or more capacity excluding bows
  • Item toss- lets you toss an item or weapon to another character (passive action)
  • Dig- you can dig underground once a turn to avoid engagement (full round action)
  • Medic- lets you heal up to your HP to another characters HP (passive action)
  • Thief- lets you steal one item on another character (passive)
  • Build barrier- lets you construct a barrier of the terrain that takes up a tile to defend against attacks (full round action)
  • Build general- lets you build bridges, weapons, and other things based on objects in characters possession (item specific)(varied round action)
  • Meaty- adds 2 extra HP to total HP
  • Spindly- adds 2 extra Move to total Move
  • Animal handling- lets your character persuade an animal to become his ally and it will fight with the kings men for rest of *engagement (passive action)
  • Persuasion- lets your character persuade enemy characters to fight for the king on the kings men side during rest of engagement (passive action)
  • Monster taming- lets your character tame hostile monsters to fight with the kings men for rest of engagement (passive action)
  • Pact- enlists a tamed or persuaded character to fight with the kings men permanently until death (full round action)
  • Summoner- lets a character place another character on a tile that is within 2 tiles of the caster (passive action)
  • Built- your character is strong, so strong that he gains 3 more Capacity slots
  • Mount- With this feat you can an animal (horse) companion that you may ride
  • Backpack- you have an object that increases your capacity +10, you may pass this object to other characters
  • Magic (_____)- the character who takes this feat must choose an element (water, wind, earth, fire, time, shadow, sound). You are able to fire an element based attack range 5 that deals 2 damage Or you may accentuate another feat.
  • Grimrage- the character has fury un-beholden by any mortal, you are given 3 turns of immortality where which no damage can harm you but there is great risk. Once the 3 turns are exhausted the character instantly becomes incapacitated (passive action)
  • Priest- You have the ability to revive dead characters, of any side. If the priest raises a fallen enemy the chance for a claim against it is forfeit. If a body is left on the field it is incapacitated, if off the field it can be redeployed with 0 hp. (passive action)
  • Poisoncraft- the character implements a variety of materials to cause status effects or do damage over time. Used to make poisons to apply to weapons or to use as thrown objects. (item specific)(varied round action)

Magic (____) Rulings

Leveling the feat
The magic feat progresses through a leveling system with each purchase of the feat.
the progression begins as thus: lesser control / support / manipulate shape / greater control / create
Lesser control
Lesser control is the control and simple manipulation of the element, such as throwing a spellward bolt of electricity or fire. You can also move or contain the element within the confines of a relatively small space
You can wield the element in a way that can enhance an attribute or contain the element around you or another character, an example is to improve upon an allies armor by covering them with stone
Manipulate Shape
You have mastered the ability to form the shape of the element in which you are wielding, whether to build a wall of stone or using a whip made of fire
Greater Control
The ability to control a large area of the intended element is sought after by many a magic user. Raising lakes or splitting mountains, yes you have almost achieved the power of a god
Creating your Element
Matter cannot be created or destroyed but you are a full fledged warlock, turn water to stone or if there is no water just summon it up from the very nothingness itself
There is nothing limiting you from taking magic(____) for different elements, each one will start with lesser control and if you have the necessary resource to draw from you may manipulate both at one time


1 Atk / 0 Df / 0 Move / 1 Capacity
Short sword
2 Atk / 0 Df / 0 Move / 2 Capacity
Long sword
3 Atk / 0 Df / 0 Move / 2 Capacity
4 Atk / -1 Df / -1 Move / 3 Capacity
4 Atk / -2 Df / -1 Move / 3 Capacity / this weapon hits targets 2 tiles from character
2 Atk / -1 Df / 0 Move / 1 Capacity
Tall cleaver
3 Atk / -2 Df / 0 Move / 2 Capacity
Battle axe
4 Atk / -2 Df / 0 Move / 2 Capacity
5 Atk / -2 Df / -1 Move / 4 Capacity / this weapon hits targets 2 tiles from character
2 Atk / -1 Df / 0 Move / 1 Capacity
Large club
4 Atk / -1 Df / -1 Move / 2 Capacity
War pillar
6 Atk / -2 Df / -2 Move / 4 Capacity / this weapon hits targets 2 tiles form character
/ this weapon can destroy solid terrain
3 Atk / -1 Df / -1 Move / 3 Capacity / this weapon hits targets 2 tiles form character
1 Atk / 0 Df / 0 Move / 3 Capacity / this weapon can hit a target 5 tiles away
2 Atk / -1 Df / 0 Move / 3 Capacity / this weapon can hit a target 8 tiles away
2 Atk / -2 Df / 0 Move / 3 Capacity / this weapon can hit a target 10 tiles away


Padded leather
1 Df / 0 Move / 1 Capacity
Hardened leather
2 Df / -1 Move / 1 Capacity
Wood plate
2 Df / 0 Move / 2 Capacity
Stone plate
3 Df / -2 Move / 2 Capacity
Iron full
4 Df / -2 Move / 3 Capacity
6 Df / -3 Move / 4 Capacity

Special Item Rules:

Item naming rules (so as to designate level of item)

  • All modified items will be given a level count before the items name (ex. +1 padded leather)
  • Any modification of an item is considered raising the level of it
  • When you modify things more then once you can give the item a title of prestigious.
  • When you modify things greater then 3 times you can give the item a name and that item qualifies for the masterwork title.
  • When you modify things greater then 5 times you can make it character specific and that item qualifies for the legendary title.
  • Any item that is given a special power automatically qualifies as a named item
  • If an item is given more than one special power it gets the title Artifact

Poisons/damage per turn effects

This section is under construction and will be mediated upon. Coming soon.



4 Move / 4 Atk / 2 Df / 2 Capacity / 2 HP / cost 1 claim
2 Move / 6 Atk / 4 Df / 8 Capacity / 2 HP / cost 1 claim
6 Move / 2 Atk / 0 Df / 8 Capacity / 3 HP / mount feat or 1 claim


3 Move / 4 Atk / 3 Df / 0 Capacity / 2 HP / cost 2 claims


4 Move / 0 Atk / 0 Df / 5 Capacity / 2 HP / cost 3 claims / customize-able 1 feat, 1 weapon, 1 armor

Character Roster:


Active Units (As of Stage 2-3)

Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 5, Attack: 1, Defense: 1
Feats: Build General, Time magic *2
Capacity: 2/5, +1 Dagger (move), Paddedleather
Claims: 2

Finn O'Lynn
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 3, Defense: 1
Feats: Medic
Capacity: 5/5, +1 Double shot Longbow (dam), Wood Plate, Herbs
Claims: 8

Humanoid Flesh Construct
Stats: Hp: 5, Move: 2, Attack: 6, Defense: 1
Feats: Meaty
Capacity: 5/5, War Pillar, +2 Hardened Leather (+1 def, +1 move)
Claims: 3

Heavy Knight
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 2, Attack: 3, Defense: 6, Shield: 4
Feats: Built
Capacity: 8/8, Drake's Fang (lightened, +1 Atk), +1 Boulder (move), Custom Shield, Manacles
Claims: 5

Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 5, Attack: 9, Defense: -1
Feats: Built *2
Capacity: 2/11, +2 Custom Bow "Gungnir" (attack equals unused capacity, +1 move, lightened)
Claims: 5

Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 4, Defense: 2
Feats: Thief, Opportunity knocks
Capacity: 4/5, Longsword, prestigious Padded Leather (+1def, lightened), Longsword,
Claims: 0
Animal: Dragline the Bull

Stats: Hp: 2, Move: 2, Attack: 6, Defense: 4
Capacity: 3/8, 3 Gooey Roots

Stats: Iron claw- Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 2, Defense: 0
Double Shot Bow- Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 2 (each), Defense: -1
Feats: Monster Taming, Pact
Capacity: 5/5, Iron Claw, Double Shot Bow, Bolas (x2)
Claims: 5

Sir Robes
Robed Person
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 4, Defense: 0
Feats: Medic
Capacity: 5/5, Glaive, +1 Wood Plate (move)
Claims: 5


100% recycled shrub
Stats: Hp: 30, Move: 2
Capacity: 0/100
Weight: 200

Stats: Hp: 5, Move: 3, Attack: 4, Defense: 1
Feats: Meaty
Capacity: 5/5, Claymore, Woodplate
Claims: 0

Robot Dinosaur
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 2, Defense: 1
Feats: Monster Tamer
Capacity: 5/5, Longbow, Woodplate
Claims: 0

Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 2, Attack: 6, Defense: 0
Feats: Built
Capacity: 6/8, War Pillar, Woodplate
Claims: 0

Homeless Man
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 2, Defense: 1
Feats: Build Barrier
Capacity: 5/5, Longbow, Woodplate
Claims: 0

Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 1, Attack: 4, Defense: 1
Feats: Mount
Capacity: 5/5, Glaive, Stone Plate
Claims: 3
Animal: horse

Lord Evil
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 2, Attack: 3, Defense: 4
Feats: Pact
Capacity: 5/5, Longsword, Iron Full
Claims: 0

Silver Fayte
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 3, Defense: -1
Feats: Persuasion
Capacity: 5/5, Spear, Wood Plate
Claims: 0

Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 1, Attack: 5, Defense: 2
Feats: Built
Capacity: 7/8, Halberd, Iron Full
Claims: 0

Tower Equinox

Active Units (As of Stage E1-1)

Chrafalabagis (Chraf for short)
Kobold (the scaly type)
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 2
Feats: Medic
Capacity: 5/5, Crossbow, Wood Plate
Claims: 0

Darkly Cloaked Human
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 3, Defense: 2
Feats: Summoner
Capacity: 4/5, Longsword, Woodplate
Claims: 0

Fargus Tunnelrammer
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 2
Feats: Build Barrier
Capacity: 5/5, Crossbow, Wood Plate
Claims: 0

Tiny Goldenrod Neumono
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 1
Feats: Air Magic
Capacity: 4/5, Crossbow, Padded Leather
Claims: 0

Tiny Pink Neumono
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 1
Feats: Shadow Magic
Capacity: 2/5, Knife, Padded Leather
Claims: 0

Sentient Mass of Shadows
Stats: Hp: 3, Move: 4, Attack: 3, Defense: 1
Feats: Shadow Magic
Capacity: 3/5, Longsword, Padded Leather
Claims: 0

Animated Armor with a confused family of rats in it
Stats: Hp: 5, Move: 2, Attack: 3, Defense: 4
Feats: Meaty
Capacity: 5/5, Longsword, Iron Full
Claims: 0

Sir Metallo
An Armoured Human
Stats: Hp: 5, Move: 1, Attack: 4, Defense: 3
Feats: Meaty
Capacity: 5/5, Large Club, Iron Full
Claims: 0



Dakdo the neumono macgyver tinkering awayLinkToBoard.gif
Juroko the boulder comet knight rides the catapultLinkToBoard.gif

Quests by Bamump

Series: Shortquest Quest | Speed Zoom Quest | Justicequest | Moria | 2chirp | Hunter | TCSG:Kingsmen | Buoyant Reality | Amazing Gamuch Quest

One Shots: Cookie Mafia | Epic Survival | Bad Parody Quest | Seducing the Possessed | Dirge of Lamentations | Just so Wonderful | Grey Mage Quest | Cueball Quest | Personafied | Crusade Time | A Series of Tiny Quests | Wiggle Quest | The Jobquest | Space Time Quest | [[DOOBIE]] | Yeti Quest | Ratblade | Space Peeps | Another Potential | Saturday Morning Indigo | Crocodile Pit | Date Quest | Bonkoro | NME | Ayam | Coldmas | I like the color RED | [+] | 2 days | Dernk | Peep Commander | Spess Alien | Anescedium | Chirp's Interactive Journal | Keep Safe | Yew Oddysey | Studio Quest | Bunbunfiltration | The 7nth | Renew Bamump | Demon Do

Collaborations: Porn Quest | LimitedQuest

Other notable creations: Krobin | Hunt High