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|<big>Kara Quest  by Reka</big>
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|thread1=10511 |thread1name=Chapter 1&ndash;2
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[http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/9997.html Chapter 1-2]<br>
|thread4=30783 |thread4name=Chapter 4
[http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/18066.html Chapter 3]<br>
|thread5=32501 |thread5name=Chapter 5
[http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/19973.html Interlude]<br>
[http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/20312.html Chapter 4]<br>
<blockquote>''Read [[KaraQuest]]. It's short! ~ Endorsement by [[Reka]].''</blockquote>
[http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/20636.html Chapter 5]<br>
Because fuck it.
Because fuck it.

Kara Quest is set in the [[Rastin-Vresch Continuity]], along with [[Apocalyption]], [[NicQuest]], [[The Protagonist Dies]], and [[BlazeQuest]].  
Kara Quest is set in the [[Rastin-Vresch Continuity]], along with [[Apocalyption]], [[NicQuest]], [[The Protagonist Dies]], and [[BlazeQuest]]. Drawn by [[Reka]].


==Main Characters==
==Main Characters==
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQKara.png|left|Not Shown: Incredible Tallness]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
===Kara Sigurd===
===Kara Sigurd===
Our Protagonist. Kara sets out with the arguably heroic goal of stopping Rastin's tyranny, destroying shit and molesting people along the way. Kara is a drunk, and extremely temperamental and violent, although occasional evidence is shown that she might be smarter or kinder than she lets on, if only she weren't constantly ripped off her ass and people weren't trying to take over the fucking world all the time.
Our Protagonist. Kara sets out with the arguably heroic goal of stopping Rastin, destroying shit and molesting people all along the way. Although vague evidence is shown that she might be smarter or kinder than she lets on, Kara is extremely temperamental and violent, a drunk, and usually beset by assholes. As it is, a day where she only brutally murders a few people is a pretty good day.
As it stands, a day where she only brutally murders a few people is a good day.
It never comes up, but Kara is the tallest person in the cast, and the scale for which all other characters are measured. In a quest filled with art distortions, Kara's "taller than everyone else"ness is the only constancy.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQHope.png|left|Not Shown: Incredible Smallness]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
===Hope Tristam===
===Hope Tristam===
Our Lancer. Hope joins the party at the beginning of the second chapter, although she can be seen in the background as early as the end of the first. Although annoying, Hope worms her way into the party after hearing how Kara is fighting Rastin, providing large amounts of exposition and healing for the party.
Our... Lancer? Hope worms her way into the party for the sole purpose of aiding the fight against Rastin. Although small, she proves to be very knowledgeable, and provides massive exposition and magical healing towards this goal.
Hope briefly interacts with /Quest/ on a personal level during the interlude chapter, revealing herself to be unexpectedly pragmatic and driven, foreshadowing her intentions.

In the end, it turns out that Hope has been using Kara to get to the crystal, with the intention of using it to "create a perfect world, filled with nothing but hope"... this despite her earlier claim that "hope is the denial of reality". She intends to purge the world in holy fire, leaving only the chosen 'perfect' few, whereupon she will recreate the world under her watchful eye. She probably would have also reinstated prohibition. Kara rejects, and the two do battle, with Hope now revealed as the True Final Boss. In the end, Kara seals Hope inside the crystal, dooming her to nigh ultimate power and immortality with nothing to do.
Hope briefly interacts with /Quest/ on a personal level during the interlude chapter by summoning the Orb of Limited Psych, revealing herself to be much more pragmatic and focused than a girl her age should probably be. She admits to the orb that she is bad at planning... but she is apparently cunning enough to get people to do her work for her.

During the interlude chapter, Hope admits to the Orb of Limited Psych that she is bad at planning, but she is apparently cunning enough to manipulate people into doing her work for her.
''Pre-Crystal Powers:'' Healing, Gambits, Summoning

''Post-Crystal Powers:'' blasting the shit out of things with pure light  
Pre-Crystal Powers: Healing, Gambits, Summoning?
Post-Crystal Powers: Blasting the shit out of things with pure light

[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQRastin.png|left|You are now breathing manually. You are now blinking manually. Your head itches. The Final Countdown is playing in your head.]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Our Designated Villain. Rastin takes over the city Kara lives in with the aid of his Magic Crystal and MIB Army, with the goal of eventually taking over the world, seemingly for no other reason than "Because I Can". During their inevitable meeting, Rastin explains several of the hazier plot points to Kara under the guise of a villain's monologue, although he is an admitted troll and it's unknown how many of his words can be trusted. Although informative, he seems to enjoy taunting Kara with answers that don't fully explain her questions, or bring rise to new ones.
Our Designated Villain. Rastin takes over the city Kara lives in with the aid of his Magic Crystal and MIB Army, eventually planning to take over the world -- just because he can. During their inevitable meeting, Rastin explains several hazier plot points to Kara under the guise of a villain's monologue, although he is an admitted troll and it's unknown how many of his words can be trusted. He seems to enjoy taunting Kara with answers that don't fully explain her questions, or bring rise to new ones.
He enjoys drinking tea in front of other people and being a complete asshole. His favorite anime is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
He enjoys drinking tea in front of other people and being a complete asshole. His favorite anime is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

''Pre-Crystal Powers:'' Trolling

Pre-Crystal Powers: ???
''Post-Crystal Powers:'' God Hand, Spiral Energy
Post-Crystal Powers: God Hand, Spiral Energy

[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQGeorge.png|left|YAYA?]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
An adorable Cutebold, and Kara's best friend. George is found standing outside the Happy Trigger Gun Store near the beginning of the story. Kara briefly ponders over George's existence, then kicks him in the groin, and kidnaps him to drag along with her adventures. Originally intended as a minor supporting character, /quest/ took an instant shine to him, quickly resulting in his and Kara's improbable marriage. In the end, George serves a pivotal role in the final battle, causing effects with the Mox Wand and reviving Kara after her drunken Xom-induced blackout.
George is an adorable [[Kobold|Cutebold]], Kara's best friend, and probably the sanest person in the cast, which isn't really saying much. Kara finds him standing outside the Happy Trigger near the beginning of the story, briefly ponders over his existance, then kicks him in the groin and kidnaps him to drag along with her adventures. They are soon married.
George is completely unable to talk, the few times he speaks being voiced with an unintelligible "YAYA!", although he remains very expressive through most of the quest. Despite the language barrier and his general complacency, George has also been described as "the one who probably had the best idea of what was going on, with the information he was given".

Apparently, George is all for his wife experimenting with lesbianism.
George is completely unable to talk, merely voicing an unintelligible series of "YAYA!", although he remains very expressive and is clearly at least somewhat intelligent, despite the language barrier and sense of general complacency.

==Supporting Cast==
[[Image:KQLance.png|left|Nic's greatest nemesis.]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Lance is a creepy fucker who likes to murder cats. He joins Kara briefly for the promise of a weapon and ownership of any cats the party may find. He was generally dependable, but still creepy.

He was eventually consumed by a massive hoard of cats and nobody mourned.

==Supporting Cast==
Lance also wears a cape, which is not nearly as cool as you'd think.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Row row fight da powah
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQPrevous.png|left|Fatty fatty fatty fatty FAT FAT FAT!]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Prevous is one of the seven owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, although he was kicked out of the store by Jeslyn after eating the entire inventory in a single binge. Prevous says he used to be a trucker, and is found hanging out at the Mister Pubb bar, where he's easily recruited following the promise of a good meal. In retrospect, feeding Prevous is INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE, costing about $500 a meal, but Kara has such an excess of money she never seems to notice at any point. Despite being an incredibly fat bastard with debatable hygiene, Prevous is incredibly tough, surviving explosions, being trampled by cats, and taking a hit from a massive godbeam of holy light.
Prevous is a fat bastard, and one of the owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, as well as a former trucker. He joins Kara for the promise of a good meal.

Prevous's sin is Gluttony. His store special is a massive sandwich filled with forty different kinds of foodstuff, doused in butter and gravy, with beef patties for bread.
In retrospect, feeding Prevous is '''incredibly expensive''', but Kara doesn't really seem to care at any point. He also has extremely debatable hygiene. But on the plus side, he's superhumanly tough, surviving more than his fair share of damage, and is generally pretty happy to be along with people.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQJeslyn.png|left|If you enjoyed this article please send money.]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Jeslyn is one of the seven owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, in charge of budgeting and anything else related to money. She appears watching the cash register during Kara's second visit to the store, and joins the party following both the destruction of her store and being paid a large amount of money to do so. Afterwards Jeslyn frequently reminds Kara that she expects compensation for her shop, although Kara never seems to get around to paying her.
Jeslyn is a gold digging bitch, and one of the owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, in charge of budgeting and anything else related to money. She joins Kara after being paid a disproportionately large amount of money to do so. Afterward, she spends a lot of time reminding Kara that she owes her even more money following the total destruction of her store.  
It's been stated that Jeslyn will do ANYTHING for money. Even that. However, Jeslyn does have preferences, which may effect the cost of her services, and her prices are usually exorbitant.
Jeslyn is seen in possession of several items she wasn't given during the final chapters, including pistols, grenade launchers, and the Supervisor's yellow sunglasses and tie. It can be assumed she loots the items Kara doesn't bother to take, and simply doesn't tell anyone.

Jeslyn's sin is Greed. Her store special is a very small, very cheap, incredibly overpriced sandwich.
Jeslyn will do '''anything''' for money. Even that. But she does have standards. So it will be incredibly expensive.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQJay.png|left|o/` and the science gets done and you make a neat gun o/`]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Row row fight da powah
Jay is the head of Ignometics, the magical research facility. He's a generally nice person who provides Kara with magical items and enchantments in exchange for funding, and gives her money in exchange for things to research.

Jay is a little nerdy, but very responsible. He also has a ponytail that he probably thinks makes him look cool.

==Minor Characters==

==Minor Characters==
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
===Cat Horde===
===Cat Horde===
A positively massive horde of cats, taller than most buildings. It was summoned shortly after Lance ingests an entire bottle of cat attraction lotion, at the suggestion of /quest/. It includes some cat-based cameos, a Mega Neko, and at least several hundred regular cats. It proceeds to completely obliterate several MIBs, trample Prevous, and devour Lance. It then leaves, never to be seen again.
An absolutely massive horde of cats, taller than most buildings. It was summoned after Lance ingested an entire bottle of cat attracting lotion, at /quest/'s suggestion. It proceeds to obliterate several MIBs, trample Prevous, and devour Lance. It then leaves, never to be seen again.
The horde included some cat-based cameos, a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MegaNeko Mega Neko], and at least several hundred regular cats.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQLaloth.png|left|SO LAZY]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Laloth is one of the seven owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, usually left in charge of low demand jobs, such as keeping an eye on the store while the others are out. He appears briefly to sell Kara sandwiches during her first visit, and seems to recite lines from memory, not even bothering to alter them for gender. Although cheerful, he is extremely unresponsive to all forms of influence, and is possibly a complete stoner.
Laloth is a lazy fucker, and one of the owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, usually left in charge of low demand chores nobody else can be bothered with at the time.
It's been said that, because of complacency, Laloth would have joined Kara if she'd only asked, but he would have been almost useless. His stats are also probably higher than listed, but Laloth's laziness would never show it, even had his life been in danger.

Laloth's sin is Sloth. His store special is a plain turkey sandwich, soaked in warm milk, taking a very small amount of time to craft.
He appears briefly to sell Kara sandwiches during her first visit to the store, and seems to recite lines from memory, not even bothering to alter them for gender. He's cheerful, but extremely unresponsive to all forms of influence.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQTeabot.png|left|Tea?]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Teabot is a rather generic robot created almost solely for the purpose of serving Rastin and his guests tea. He is incredibly dedicated, and becomes very sad when people do not accept his tea.
Teabot is a generic robot created solely for the purpose of serving Rastin and his guests tea. He is very dedicated, and becomes very sad when people do not accept his tea. He is also incapable of saying any other word than "Tea".
In addition to offering tea to Kara, Rastin, and eventually Prevous just before their battle, Teabot is seen carrying Rastin in the very final "Epilogue" panel of the story, which may or may not be canon, who appears to be alive if not exactly well.
Teabot is incapable of saying any other word than "Tea".
Teabot uses the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Earthbound Earthbound] font when speaking in-panel.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
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Who is he? What does he want? What is his connection to Rastin?
Who is he? What does he want? What is his connection to Rastin?
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies Nobody knows!]
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies Nobody knows!]

[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Kuhral appears during Hope's interlude as a tiny cat with two tails, probably a remnant of the giant cat horde. She follows along with the party on her own for awhile, mostly riding atop George's head. Although she fails to really contribute anything, she does allow Kara to make some last minute cash by letting Jay scan her for magic, although Kara fails to use this money for anything.
Kuhral appears during the interlude as a tiny cat with two tails, and is probably a remnant of the Cat Horde. She follows along with the party on her own for awhile, mostly by riding atop George's head. Although she doesn't really contribute anything, she does let Kara to make some last minute cash by letting Jay scan her for magic. Kara subsequently fails to use this cash for anything. Maybe she gave it to Jeslyn. Who knows!
Kuhral mysteriously disappears shortly into the siege on Rastin's Headquarters, presumably because it was getting too dangerous, but mostly because the author got tired of drawing her.
Nobody noticed or cared.
Kuhral mysteriously disappeared shortly into the siege on Rastin's Headquarters, presumably because it got too dangerous for her, but mostly because the author got tired of drawing her. Nobody cared.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:KQNic.png|left|NOW WITH HAT]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Nicolas is bumped into on Kara's way into Ignometics.  Kara shoves him to the side, because clearly, she is far more important.  What is he, a lawyer or something?  That's boring.  And stupid.  He probably doesn't even have a shotgun.
Nicolas is bumped into on Kara's way into Ignometics.  Kara shoves him to the side, because clearly, she is far more important.  What is he, a lawyer or something?  That's boring.  And stupid.  He probably doesn't even have a shotgun.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
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Although no doubt capable, Rudy fails to assist Kara in any way, no doubt because his incredible manliness would have quickly derailed the quest and eclipsed Kara's status as protagonist, and Rudy is just too much of a suave motherfucker to stay where he is not needed.
Although no doubt capable, Rudy fails to assist Kara in any way, no doubt because his incredible manliness would have quickly derailed the quest and eclipsed Kara's status as protagonist, and Rudy is just too much of a suave motherfucker to stay where he is not needed.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
===[http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Ruby_Quest Tom]===
===[https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Quest:Ruby_Quest/Characters#Tom Tom]===
Tom appears very briefly (ie, a single panel), riding atop the giant horde of cats. He fails to do anything of importance but wave enthusiastically, but was still apparently cool enough to get an image on the cast page.
Tom appears very briefly (ie, a single panel), riding atop the giant horde of cats. He fails to do anything of importance but wave enthusiastically, but was still apparently cool enough to get an image on the cast page.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
===[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrubs_(TV_series) Turk and J.D.]===
===[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrubs_(TV_series) Turk and J.D.]===
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They don't even get an appearance in the cast image, the poor schmucks. No doubt they'll just have to be satisfied with all their wads of doctor cash.
They don't even get an appearance in the cast image, the poor schmucks. No doubt they'll just have to be satisfied with all their wads of doctor cash.
[[Image:image|thumb|left]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
===[http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Dorf_Quest#Xom Xom]===
[[Image:KQXom.png|left|Query: Is he looking left or up?]] <!--picture accompanying  heading-->
Xom appears from the Magic Crystal after George accidentally zaps it with the Mox Wand, unfolding from a large, strangely shaped shard "in a way that it could only do if it were composed entirely of lines". After thanking Kara for releasing him, Xom proceeds to 'help' the party by first rendering Kara so drunk as to pass out instantly, and then later unlocking the crystal for Kara to seal Hope inside (which Reka stated would have been impossible for anyone but Xom, who does impossible things all the time).
===[https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Quest:Dorf_Quest/Setting#Xom Xom]===
Xom appears from the Magic Crystal after George accidentally zaps it with the Mox Wand, unfolding from a large, strangely shaped shard [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LeaningOnTheFourthWall "in a way that it could only do if it were composed entirely of lines"]. Xom thanks Kara (and not George) for releasing him, then proceeds to 'help' the party by doing various impossible things, half of which is not actually helpful at all.
Despite being a god, Xom apparently can't understand a damn thing George says.
Despite being a god, Xom apparently can't understand a damn thing George says.

Powers: Fuck near anything he wants to do, although in Kara Quest Xom only displays his ability to render people drunk, and an ability to fool around with the physical manifestation of all magic. Reka described him as "a walking Deus Ex Machina".
Powers: Being a walking Deus Ex Machina.

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===Chapter One===
===Chapter One===
===Chapter Two===
===Chapter Two===
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==Notable Objects/Items==
==Notable Objects/Items==

===[[Orb_of_Infinite_Psyche|Orb of Limited Psych]]===
===[[Orb_of_Infinite_Psyche|Orb of Limited Psych]]===
Hope summons the Orb of Limited Psych with the aid of her spell book during the interlude chapter, in order to help her save Kara from death and future apprehension. It's name is a play on words, due to both the small number or replies the author expected for the interlude, as well as its very brief appearance in the story.
Hope summons the Orb of Limited Psych with the aid of her spell book during the interlude chapter, in order to help her save Kara from death or capture. It's name is a play on words, from both the small number or replies the author expected, as well as its very brief appearance in the story.
At the end of the chapter, having served its purpose, Hope destroys the orb so that it can no longer influence her decisions.
At the end of the chapter, having served its purpose, Hope destroys the orb so that it can no longer influence her decisions.

===Hope's Magick Manual===
===Hope's Magick Manual===
A book visibly carried by Hope in 90% of the scenes she appears in. It's unknown what exactly is inside it, although she does open it briefly to assist her in summoning the Orb of Limited Psych. Presumably other spells were inside as well.
This book is visibly carried by Hope in most of her appearances. It's unknown what exactly is inside it, although she does use it to help her summon the Orb of Limited Psych. Presumably other spells were inside as well.
The book, still technically in Hope's inventory, was sealed inside the Crystal at the end of Kara Quest along with her, so we'll probably never know.

You'd think it would have a bigger role, but it doesn't.

===Magic Crystal===
===Magic Crystal===
The physical manifestation of all Magic, the possessor of which can do just about anything. The crystal binds to whoever touches it, granting them unlimited power, but not the knowledge of how to use it. Rastin explains that he found the crystal deactivated and turned it on after binding to it, causing magic to flood the world. He further explains that the only way to relinquish ownership would be to kill him, provoking the battle between him and Kara.
The physical manifestation of all Magic. The Crystal binds to whoever touches it, granting them unlimited power and the ability to do just about anything, but not the knowledge of how to use it.
When Kara first sees the crystal, it appears to be hooked up to some kind of machinery, although the reason for this is never brought up or questioned. Hope then disconnects it during the final battle while attempting to use the crystal as a shield.
At the end of the quest, Hope is sealed inside the crystal, still alive and bound to it, preventing anyone else from binding to it again. Its fate after is unknown.
Rastin explains that he found the crystal deactivated and bound himself to it, activating it soon after and flooding the world with magic. He further explains that the easiest way to relinquish ownership is to kill the owner -- him.
Although never actually stated in the quest, Reka admitted that Hope was looking for the crystal before the Quest began, and Rastin simply beat her to it.

It never comes up, but the Magic Crystal's real name is "The Loom". Hope is assumed to have had prior knowledge of and have been searching for the crystal -- and Rastin beat her to it, the god damn troll.

===Mox Wand===
===Mox Wand===
In reality Xom's Cane, supposedly created 'completely accidentally' by Ignometics, although it's possible it was actually summoned. Using it caused completely random and uncontrolled effects that flew in the face of logic and causality, usually coinciding with whatever the author wanted to happen at that particular time.
In reality Xom's Cane, supposedly created completely accidentally by Ignometics, although it's possible it was actually summoned. Using it causes completely random and uncontrolled effects that flew in the face of logic and causality, coinciding with whatever the author wanted to happen at the time.
After being used to unintentionally release Xom from the Magic Crystal, Xom asks for it back, whereupon it was quickly handed over. Xom keeps possession of it for the rest of the quest.
After being unintentionally used to release Xom from the Magic Crystal, Xom asks for it back, where it is quickly handed over. Xom keeps possession of it for the rest of the quest.

Appearances by the cast [[Inside the Quest]].

== Official ==
'''ITQ:''' {{post|1788}} {{post|2051}} {{post|2219}} {{post|2431}} {{post|3319}} {{post|3353}} {{post|6630}} {{post|10322}} {{post|31106}}
=== Official ===
Image:IMAGENAME.png|Derp derp words.
File:Ohgodwhatamidoing.GIF|Title Card. Also, first panel drawn!
File:8.GIF|Reka's most hated panel. Point and laugh!
File:KQ_358.GIF|Best panel.
File:KQ-Height Chart.PNG|Height Chart by Reka.

== Fanart ==
=== Fanart ===
Image:IMAGENAME.png|Image goes here. By Author.
File:OTP.png|By [[Gnome]].
File:Sigurd.png|Kara steps up to bat. By [[MrQ]].
File:2r2vfvr.png|Kara is a classy lady! By [[Reaver]].
File:Hope Fanart.png|By [[Gnome]].
File:Morepropaganda.jpg|More propaganda!
File:339ssd3.png|War is Fun.
File:Drillcane.png|Forever a jerk. By [[Gnome]].

[[Category:Image Quests]]
[[Category:Image Quests]]
[[Category:Completed Quests]]
[[Category:Completed Quests]]
[[Category:Completed Multi-Thread Quests]]

Latest revision as of 20:02, 9 June 2024

Kara Quest by Reka
  1. Chapter 1–2
  2. Chapter 3
  3. Interlude
  4. Chapter 4
  5. Chapter 5

Read KaraQuest. It's short! ~ Endorsement by Reka.

Because fuck it.

Kara Quest is set in the Rastin-Vresch Continuity, along with Apocalyption, NicQuest, The Protagonist Dies, and BlazeQuest. Drawn by Reka.

Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.

Main Characters

Not Shown: Incredible Tallness

Kara Sigurd

Our Protagonist. Kara sets out with the arguably heroic goal of stopping Rastin, destroying shit and molesting people all along the way. Although vague evidence is shown that she might be smarter or kinder than she lets on, Kara is extremely temperamental and violent, a drunk, and usually beset by assholes. As it is, a day where she only brutally murders a few people is a pretty good day.

It never comes up, but Kara is the tallest person in the cast, and the scale for which all other characters are measured. In a quest filled with art distortions, Kara's "taller than everyone else"ness is the only constancy.

Not Shown: Incredible Smallness

Hope Tristam

Our... Lancer? Hope worms her way into the party for the sole purpose of aiding the fight against Rastin. Although small, she proves to be very knowledgeable, and provides massive exposition and magical healing towards this goal.

Hope briefly interacts with /Quest/ on a personal level during the interlude chapter by summoning the Orb of Limited Psych, revealing herself to be much more pragmatic and focused than a girl her age should probably be. She admits to the orb that she is bad at planning... but she is apparently cunning enough to get people to do her work for her.

Pre-Crystal Powers: Healing, Gambits, Summoning

Post-Crystal Powers: blasting the shit out of things with pure light

You are now breathing manually. You are now blinking manually. Your head itches. The Final Countdown is playing in your head.


Our Designated Villain. Rastin takes over the city Kara lives in with the aid of his Magic Crystal and MIB Army, eventually planning to take over the world -- just because he can. During their inevitable meeting, Rastin explains several hazier plot points to Kara under the guise of a villain's monologue, although he is an admitted troll and it's unknown how many of his words can be trusted. He seems to enjoy taunting Kara with answers that don't fully explain her questions, or bring rise to new ones.

He enjoys drinking tea in front of other people and being a complete asshole. His favorite anime is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Pre-Crystal Powers: Trolling

Post-Crystal Powers: God Hand, Spiral Energy



George is an adorable Cutebold, Kara's best friend, and probably the sanest person in the cast, which isn't really saying much. Kara finds him standing outside the Happy Trigger near the beginning of the story, briefly ponders over his existance, then kicks him in the groin and kidnaps him to drag along with her adventures. They are soon married.

George is completely unable to talk, merely voicing an unintelligible series of "YAYA!", although he remains very expressive and is clearly at least somewhat intelligent, despite the language barrier and sense of general complacency.

Supporting Cast

Nic's greatest nemesis.


Lance is a creepy fucker who likes to murder cats. He joins Kara briefly for the promise of a weapon and ownership of any cats the party may find. He was generally dependable, but still creepy.

He was eventually consumed by a massive hoard of cats and nobody mourned.

Lance also wears a cape, which is not nearly as cool as you'd think.

Fatty fatty fatty fatty FAT FAT FAT!


Prevous is a fat bastard, and one of the owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, as well as a former trucker. He joins Kara for the promise of a good meal.

In retrospect, feeding Prevous is incredibly expensive, but Kara doesn't really seem to care at any point. He also has extremely debatable hygiene. But on the plus side, he's superhumanly tough, surviving more than his fair share of damage, and is generally pretty happy to be along with people.

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Jeslyn is a gold digging bitch, and one of the owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, in charge of budgeting and anything else related to money. She joins Kara after being paid a disproportionately large amount of money to do so. Afterward, she spends a lot of time reminding Kara that she owes her even more money following the total destruction of her store.

Jeslyn will do anything for money. Even that. But she does have standards. So it will be incredibly expensive.

o/` and the science gets done and you make a neat gun o/`


Jay is the head of Ignometics, the magical research facility. He's a generally nice person who provides Kara with magical items and enchantments in exchange for funding, and gives her money in exchange for things to research.

Jay is a little nerdy, but very responsible. He also has a ponytail that he probably thinks makes him look cool.

Minor Characters

Cat Horde

An absolutely massive horde of cats, taller than most buildings. It was summoned after Lance ingested an entire bottle of cat attracting lotion, at /quest/'s suggestion. It proceeds to obliterate several MIBs, trample Prevous, and devour Lance. It then leaves, never to be seen again.

The horde included some cat-based cameos, a Mega Neko, and at least several hundred regular cats.



Laloth is a lazy fucker, and one of the owners of the Seven Deadly Sammiches, usually left in charge of low demand chores nobody else can be bothered with at the time.

He appears briefly to sell Kara sandwiches during her first visit to the store, and seems to recite lines from memory, not even bothering to alter them for gender. He's cheerful, but extremely unresponsive to all forms of influence.



Teabot is a generic robot created solely for the purpose of serving Rastin and his guests tea. He is very dedicated, and becomes very sad when people do not accept his tea. He is also incapable of saying any other word than "Tea".

Teabot uses the Earthbound font when speaking in-panel.


Mysterious figure who appears in the very final "Epilogue" panel of the story, which may or may not be canon. Who is he? What does he want? What is his connection to Rastin? Nobody knows!



Kuhral appears during the interlude as a tiny cat with two tails, and is probably a remnant of the Cat Horde. She follows along with the party on her own for awhile, mostly by riding atop George's head. Although she doesn't really contribute anything, she does let Kara to make some last minute cash by letting Jay scan her for magic. Kara subsequently fails to use this cash for anything. Maybe she gave it to Jeslyn. Who knows!

Kuhral mysteriously disappeared shortly into the siege on Rastin's Headquarters, presumably because it got too dangerous for her, but mostly because the author got tired of drawing her. Nobody cared.



Nicolas is bumped into on Kara's way into Ignometics. Kara shoves him to the side, because clearly, she is far more important. What is he, a lawyer or something? That's boring. And stupid. He probably doesn't even have a shotgun.


Rudy appears briefly along with the giant cat horde. He's the last of the horde to leave, giving Kara a parting Seductive Glance before he goes. Although no doubt capable, Rudy fails to assist Kara in any way, no doubt because his incredible manliness would have quickly derailed the quest and eclipsed Kara's status as protagonist, and Rudy is just too much of a suave motherfucker to stay where he is not needed.


Tom appears very briefly (ie, a single panel), riding atop the giant horde of cats. He fails to do anything of importance but wave enthusiastically, but was still apparently cool enough to get an image on the cast page.

Turk and J.D.

Turk and J.D. appear very briefly (ie, a single panel) to see Kara off from her departure from the Sacred Heart hospital. While Turk waves goodbye, J.D. stares off into space, no doubt imagining what fantastic adventures he would have at Kara's side. They don't even get an appearance in the cast image, the poor schmucks. No doubt they'll just have to be satisfied with all their wads of doctor cash.

Query: Is he looking left or up?


Xom appears from the Magic Crystal after George accidentally zaps it with the Mox Wand, unfolding from a large, strangely shaped shard "in a way that it could only do if it were composed entirely of lines". Xom thanks Kara (and not George) for releasing him, then proceeds to 'help' the party by doing various impossible things, half of which is not actually helpful at all.

Despite being a god, Xom apparently can't understand a damn thing George says.

Powers: Being a walking Deus Ex Machina.

Notable Objects/Items

Orb of Limited Psych

Hope summons the Orb of Limited Psych with the aid of her spell book during the interlude chapter, in order to help her save Kara from death or capture. It's name is a play on words, from both the small number or replies the author expected, as well as its very brief appearance in the story.

At the end of the chapter, having served its purpose, Hope destroys the orb so that it can no longer influence her decisions.

Hope's Magick Manual

This book is visibly carried by Hope in most of her appearances. It's unknown what exactly is inside it, although she does use it to help her summon the Orb of Limited Psych. Presumably other spells were inside as well.

You'd think it would have a bigger role, but it doesn't.

Magic Crystal

The physical manifestation of all Magic. The Crystal binds to whoever touches it, granting them unlimited power and the ability to do just about anything, but not the knowledge of how to use it.

Rastin explains that he found the crystal deactivated and bound himself to it, activating it soon after and flooding the world with magic. He further explains that the easiest way to relinquish ownership is to kill the owner -- him.

It never comes up, but the Magic Crystal's real name is "The Loom". Hope is assumed to have had prior knowledge of and have been searching for the crystal -- and Rastin beat her to it, the god damn troll.

Mox Wand

In reality Xom's Cane, supposedly created completely accidentally by Ignometics, although it's possible it was actually summoned. Using it causes completely random and uncontrolled effects that flew in the face of logic and causality, coinciding with whatever the author wanted to happen at the time.

After being unintentionally used to release Xom from the Magic Crystal, Xom asks for it back, where it is quickly handed over. Xom keeps possession of it for the rest of the quest.


Appearances by the cast Inside the Quest.

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Quests by Reka

TGChan: Kara Quest | Sue Quest, Too | Dracula's Quest