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[[File:Let me explain.png|thumb|right]]
[[File:Let me explain.png|thumb|right]]
A basic guide on how to do run a [[Quest]] correctly, with advice written by various successful [[Quest Authors]]. These are all rules of thumb, and as such, can be broken when necessary, but following these is a good start.
This page offers tips and advice for running a quest! These aren't hard rules, but you may find the information here helpful for making something you and your readers enjoy.

Important Note: If you feel like you have any advice to give, go right ahead and add it! We are all ears.
==What even is a Quest?==
A quest is an interactive storytelling medium, akin to a 'choose your own adventure' book being played out as your choices are made. A character is placed in a world, and it is the job of the suggesters to guide them forward on their journey.

=Starting A Quest=
Part of their charm is that they aren't linear in the way a webcomic is, nor are they a single person's story. The authors and suggesters work together to weave a tale either from whole cloth, or in a world the author has built around the character(s) ahead of time.
Advice for preparing to make a quest.

====Character Creation====
==Getting Started==
Do you want to let your suggesters create the main protagonist, or do you want to have a completely pre-made protagonist?  Either way works.  Both ways can provide an entertaining time for all.
Quests are a lot of work, and take a lot of dedication to run to completion. Unless the scope is very small, a quest can run for months or even years. You may have an amazing, grand idea for your quest, but it's important to not run it for your first time. Put it aside for now, and think up something small, simple, and fun to test the waters and make sure this is something for you. If you don't end up enjoying it, better to lose a small story than see a grand scheme go half-finished.

====Opening Exposition====
Running a 'test quest' can help you know if you're ready to put in that kind of time, or if you'd prefer to tell smaller stories that are much easier to finish.
If you have a good idea of the world and/or the characters, you have a couple of choices.  Instant Immersion, or Opening Exposition.  Instant Immersion lets you get right into the action and explain the world and/or characters as you go along.  Opening Exposition lets you introduce a few concepts about the world and/or characters before you get into the fun ''The World is in Danger'' bits of the quest.  Both have their cons to go along with their pros.  With Instant Immersion, if you aren't careful, you can miss out on explaining a key element of the quest that might have been important or even helpful in prior situations.  With Opening Exposition, you stand the risk of dragging the exposition on for too long, letting things get dull and stale.

==Have Events Planned==
Being an artist isn't required to run a quest, but this site has a very strong artist lean, and quests with only text or GIS images don't tend to do as well, and generally have fewer participants. Keep this in mind as you plan out your story.
Have a few different things planned that will happen to the protagonist, and think of a few ways he might react to them. Come up with a general idea of the order in which these things will happen, and a reason for them to happen.

====Have Events Happen That The Protagonist Has Nothing To Do With====
===Creating a setting===
The rest of the world is still happening. Maybe some small time NPC we met 5 chapters ago got married since the last time we saw him. Or while we are out adventuring, we come home to find the city has a new mayor because the old one was caught cheating on his wife. Life still happens, and having a few things like this will help add realism to the world, and make the players think that more is out there than what we see.
====The protagonist====
The protagonist is the eyes through which your suggesters see the world. They are the ones we'll get to know the best and form the deepest bonds with.

==Have an Ending Planned==
There's many ways an author can create a quest protagonist. Some already have a character in mind, while others prefer to let the suggesters make a new character from scratch. Both methods are perfectly fine, and it's completely up to your tastes as a storywriter. The important thing is that you remain flexible. The character should be able to learn and grow as the story goes, and the suggesters will often add to their depth over time.
This may sound like railroading to some, but knowing how you want to end it will help you have a goal in mind, and help you keep going and (hopefully) help you finish.

=Running A Quest=
If you're letting the suggesters design your protagonist, in whole or in part, be sure not to include options you don't like. If you're set on a male protagonist, don't offer the choice of gender, for example.
Advice for once you have it off the ground.

==Always Present Options==
====The world your protagonist inhabits====
This is most important. There always needs to be something for the players to suggest, or else nothing can happen. So, do your best to give them something to work with. If they don't bite and do something entirely different, that's fine too, but at least they had options. There are a few guidelines to help ensure you are doing this, which can be tl;dr'd as follows:
Creating a world for a quest is not too unlike creating one for a tabletop RPG. Some prefer to make a finely crafted world full of lore and things to see. Others like to play it by ear, or even leave the world up to the suggesters to create as they desire.  

* [[TestPattern]]: Yelling at PCs < Faffing about < Boring exposition < Interesting exposition < Stuff that reveals new options
Think about what setup works for you, but be prepared for people to go places you don't expect them to go. No matter how fleshed out your world is, you'll likely have to make some things up as you go! Winging it is part of the challenge and fun of running a quest.
* [[Farmer|Farmer's Corollary]]: Cutscene your way to hell if you have to; do not stop to wait for a choice until there is a choice to be made.

====Don't Present Options That Are Not Actually Options====
If you're going for a deep, lore-filled world, It can help a place feel fleshed out to have events happen that the protagonist isn't directly related to. Maybe an NPC got married since we saw them last. Maybe a city has elected a new mayor. Little things like this can help a world feel 'alive'.
*There is a path going left or right.
*>Go left
*The left passage ends in a locked door! Nothing else is here.
*>...Go right I guess

Don't do this. If you present options to them that don't actually affect anything if they are taken, don't present them. The locked door above could have easily been right at the intersection, and it would have worked just as well. Making people waste time doing things that aren't actually doing things directly relates to the guideline below this one.
===Making your first thread===
This is where you put it all together and present your world to the suggesters at large. In general, quests start out by setting the scene and then asking the suggesters to guide the protagonist through whatever situation they face, be it danger or asking a cute girl/boy/eldritch horror on a date. That last one actually comes up sometimes.

However, in the above example, if we already happen to have the key for the door on the left, then it's not a false option. We could then use the key and proceed. If the key is actually down the right path, however, then the left door was never an option, and going right first was the only choice.
If the suggesters are making a character, it's usually best to start by asking them to define such things as sex (a fair warning: female wins almost every time, so if you prefer a male or other, don't leave it up for others to decide!), race (if applicable), body type, personality, skills, etc. How little or how much they decide on is up to you, and don't worry about making too many options for character generation.

====Don't Waste Updates====
====Some rules of thumb for making a title post (Also known as an OP)====
Don't have an update not actually update anything. If it doesn't present new information, new choices, or new stuff to work with, then it isn't really an update. For example, yelling at the players for being stupid is a waste of an update. Yelling at the players for being stupid and then pointing out information that they seem to have overlooked is not great, but better.
* <b>Always write the name of the quest in the subject field.</b> This helps people find it in the archive. <b>Please don't write "????" here.</b>
* Most authors write the protagonist's name (if it exists) in the name field, but this is up to your tastes. You can type a space to have it appear blank.
** It is also acceptable to use the name field for your author name or handle, if you prefer.
** Tripcodes are not necessary.
* <b>The title post should have an eye-catching image.</b> This will help it stand out among the others.
* <b>The title post image should not be all black or darkness.</b> Kind of as a corollary of the previous.
* <b>Don't use RubyQuest's start.</b> Unless you're specifically going for a parody, you probably shouldn't be starting in a black room with 3 glowing buttons; it's been done to death.
* <b>Nobody uses the e-mail field for e-mails.</b> In general you want to leave it blank.
* If you're starting a new thread for an existing quest '''link the old thread(s) or the wiki article in the OP'''. Make it easy on readers who'd like to get caught up!

====Always Have Ideas (But Don't Get Too Attached To Them)====
==Methods for collecting suggestions==
Even when your options are left open and possibly vague, it's good to still have a few 'correct decisions' thought of beforehand. This helps you plan ahead, prods the players towards possible courses of action when stuck, and gives you an idea of what might happen in your ''next'' update.
Once your first update is up, it's time for people to suggest ideas for how the story or character should progress! But how do you go about asking for those suggestions?

But if the players come up with something different, consider just rolling with it. Part of the fun of questing is the effect players have on it, and you might be surprised with the results.
Some prefer to have the character or narrator ask directly. "What do I do next?" "What do I say to them?" Others leave it implied, simply pausing the story where it is to wait for input.

==Know When to Yield (AKA Listen To Their Theories)==
Regardless of the method you choose, remember that you do have some sway to avoid options you really don't want to happen. Your protagonist can simply refuse to consider it, or you can leave it out of the vote options. Be careful, though, as doing this too often is against the spirit of quests.
Admit; you can't think of every possible thing. And the players will, sometimes, invariably, think of stuff that would never cross your mind. So, steal their ideas. Show no shame!

How often you'll do this depends on how crazy / random your players are, and how fast-and-loose you are handling your own plot. And when done well, they'll never notice you cheated. Hell, they might even think they 'guessed your plan', and that tends to make them happy. If you need examples, ask your favorite quest writers.
===Freeform Questing===
Freeform questing is when you let the suggesters post with whatever action, idea, or question they have in mind, with no effort on your part to limit their options. This method allows for great creativity, but can be hard to handle if you have too many suggestions. It also makes it a little harder to guide the story in the direction you might want it to go.

Freeform is good for NPC conversations, and for putting someone in a setting and letting them explore. It also helps the narrative flow for those who read a finished quest, as each update flows into the next without pausing to list a bunch of options.

===Vote-based Questing===
Vote-based questing means giving a list of options, and holding a vote on which option should win. This lets you guide the story more easily at the cost of suggestor freedom and creativity. This method is much easier to handle for large amounts of suggestions, and in some cases can increase the amount of suggestions you receive as it's easier for them to pick an option than it is to come up with something from whole cloth.

=Ending a Quest=
Vote-based is good for overall pacing, and giving you a rough idea of what the next piece of story might entail. It also helps prevent suggesters going for something you don't want to do, as you can simply leave it off as an option. Or, you can be flexible and let a good custom suggestion or one with a lot of support win in spite of the vote limitations. It's up to you if and where you'd want to do this.
Advice on how to actually finish one of these things. (Finish? A [[Quest]]? HAH.)

==End it with a Bang==
===Parsing Suggestions===
People like a good show. Give it to them, and make them remember it forever.
Once you have some suggestions submitted, it's time to figure out how to use them and generate your next update.  It should be noted '''there are no hard rules on how you use suggestions'''.  The following list are all examples of strategies employed in various quests:
* '''Majority Rule.'''  Whatever the most people wants, goes.
* '''Best Idea Wins.'''  There's a correct answer or solution, and if even one person suggests it, it'll be used.
* '''Everything Wins.'''  Your protagonist tries to follow, or react to, every suggestion!  Results may vary from disaster to comedy to wonderful.
* '''Most In-Character Wins.'''  Your protagonist treats the suggestions as a brainstorming session, and then runs with the idea(s) they like best.  Or perhaps there's an idea so true to who the protagonist is that they can't ''not'' use it.
* '''Pick and Choose.'''  Construct a gestalt, using pieces of different suggestions and ideas to make a better (or more interesting) whole.
* '''Minority Wins.'''  Yes, really, it's been done.  Probably not something you want to overuse, and it risks blowback, but subverting a vote in the right circumstances can be powerful or interesting.
* '''Like I'd listen to you!''' Just have your character just argue with the suggesters and/or insult them while they do whatever.
* '''Quota.'''  Sometimes an option requires a minimum numbers of suggesters to support it.  (Ie, "X requires 5 or more votes").
* '''Stall or Clarify.'''  Sometimes the suggesters will misunderstand the situation (or you'll present it wrong) and you'll feel the need to give them more information before a final decision is reached.  Sometimes the suggesters will come up with a really good question that affects the outcome of the vote and you'll want to answer it.
* '''Railroad.'''  Sometimes the suggesters only have the appearance of choice.  Employ carefully.  As discussed in more detail below, it's hard to do right.
There's also no rule you have to stick with a single strategy.  Different decisions can be made in different ways.  You're also not limited to stick to this list if you think of other ways to use suggestions!
==Running your quest: Tips and tricks==
===General tips===
* <b>Don't push yourself! Know your limits and take breaks!</b>
* <b>Back up your data!</b> This is good advice in general.
** Don't write your posts on the site.  Write them in a text editor so you can save, and so you don't lose everything if you close a tab or your browser crashes.
* <b>A useful way to post multi-frame updates is to make several tabs, each filled with part of the update.</b> Then you can go from tab to tab posting the entire update in seconds.
* <b>Try to avoid situations where there's only one option.</b> If there's a path going left or right, don't have one lead to a dead-end. This kind of ruins the nature of letting things be up to the suggesters. If you do make a dead end, be sure to put something interesting there so there's more to do than backtrack!
* <b>Keep it interesting.</b> Stopping in front of a door and asking if it should be opened isn't very interesting, unless you offer some insight about what might be behind the door.
* <b>Make sure each update accomplishes something,</b> be it moving to a new location, advancing the combat, or building on characters. If a switch is pulled, it's best not to have the result be that nothing happens. If the current location or scene has no real options, go ahead and move the plot forward automatically.
* <b>It's against the spirit of quests to keep the story on rails.</b> 'Railroading' is when the character does something that the suggesters either didn't suggest, or actively suggested against. It's extremely frowned upon. There are a few situations where this can be effective in giving a feeling of powerlessness, but it should be used very, very sparingly. It's very hard to do right, and much safer to avoid outright.
* <b>Sometimes the suggesters simply can't choose what they want.</b> If you have votes that tie, or freeform where nobody has a consensus, then it's fine to go ahead and pick the option you feel makes for the best story (or that the protagonist is most likely to choose in a vacuum).
* <b>A lot of people never expand the thumbnail.</b> Keep this in mind when planning how much detail and information goes into the artwork. If you set a precedent for hiding things in the art, people are more likely to expand images after getting burned once.
* <b>Be mindful of how severe the punishment is for a 'wrong' action.</b> Trap options and bad ideas can often land the character in a poor situation. Once the character has suffered a consequence, the suggesters will be a lot more cautious, which could help or hurt depending on the mood of your quest.
* <b>Because there's a number of people seeing your story unfold, people will often try to guess what happens next, and they might be right.</b> It's up to you if you want to reward them, or change your story to keep them guessing. Be mindful that doing this too much can lead to an incomprehensible story!
* Sometimes the suggesters will come up with something better than you have. <b>Roll with it!</b>
* Remember the number of people reading and enjoying a quest is generally larger than the number of people suggesting and actively contributing.  And that's ok!
===Suggestor tendencies===
There are some ways in which suggesters can be predicted. None of these are a guarantee, but keeping them in mind can be helpful for planning your adventure.
* They almost always pick 'female' for character generation.
* They often prefer to make friends rather than fight.
* They often try to flirt with any NPC you introduce.
* They often react disproportionately to betrayal, or perceived betrayal, by NPCs.
* Loud minorities will sometimes complain about a chosen action. <b>Don't let them distract or discourage you!</b>
* <b>They are often paranoid.</b> Even if you're running something lighthearted, people will sometimes be afraid to do something that might lead to consequences.
* <b>They are easily distracted.</b> If no effort is taken to guide the story, they will happily have the character faff about getting nothing done until they eventually lose interest in the quest. Having a quest about faffing about is fine, but make sure there's something interesting to do and that they are guided to it!
* <b>They love to be teased.</b> Having the romantic interest confess right away will bore them, but having the romantic tension last a long time will keep them very much hooked.
* <b>They love matchmaking in general.</b> Seriously they love the romantic tension like a lot.
* No really, <b>be very careful about how you handle romantic/sexual tension!!!</b>
* Suggesters often want what they can't have, or to attempt to derail things.  In a lot of quests, that might mean pursuing romance and sex.  In a porn quest, that might mean ignoring the smut you're offering and pursuing something else entirely!

Latest revision as of 16:35, 30 June 2018

Let me explain.png

This page offers tips and advice for running a quest! These aren't hard rules, but you may find the information here helpful for making something you and your readers enjoy.

What even is a Quest?

A quest is an interactive storytelling medium, akin to a 'choose your own adventure' book being played out as your choices are made. A character is placed in a world, and it is the job of the suggesters to guide them forward on their journey.

Part of their charm is that they aren't linear in the way a webcomic is, nor are they a single person's story. The authors and suggesters work together to weave a tale either from whole cloth, or in a world the author has built around the character(s) ahead of time.

Getting Started

Quests are a lot of work, and take a lot of dedication to run to completion. Unless the scope is very small, a quest can run for months or even years. You may have an amazing, grand idea for your quest, but it's important to not run it for your first time. Put it aside for now, and think up something small, simple, and fun to test the waters and make sure this is something for you. If you don't end up enjoying it, better to lose a small story than see a grand scheme go half-finished.

Running a 'test quest' can help you know if you're ready to put in that kind of time, or if you'd prefer to tell smaller stories that are much easier to finish.

Being an artist isn't required to run a quest, but this site has a very strong artist lean, and quests with only text or GIS images don't tend to do as well, and generally have fewer participants. Keep this in mind as you plan out your story.

Creating a setting

The protagonist

The protagonist is the eyes through which your suggesters see the world. They are the ones we'll get to know the best and form the deepest bonds with.

There's many ways an author can create a quest protagonist. Some already have a character in mind, while others prefer to let the suggesters make a new character from scratch. Both methods are perfectly fine, and it's completely up to your tastes as a storywriter. The important thing is that you remain flexible. The character should be able to learn and grow as the story goes, and the suggesters will often add to their depth over time.

If you're letting the suggesters design your protagonist, in whole or in part, be sure not to include options you don't like. If you're set on a male protagonist, don't offer the choice of gender, for example.

The world your protagonist inhabits

Creating a world for a quest is not too unlike creating one for a tabletop RPG. Some prefer to make a finely crafted world full of lore and things to see. Others like to play it by ear, or even leave the world up to the suggesters to create as they desire.

Think about what setup works for you, but be prepared for people to go places you don't expect them to go. No matter how fleshed out your world is, you'll likely have to make some things up as you go! Winging it is part of the challenge and fun of running a quest.

If you're going for a deep, lore-filled world, It can help a place feel fleshed out to have events happen that the protagonist isn't directly related to. Maybe an NPC got married since we saw them last. Maybe a city has elected a new mayor. Little things like this can help a world feel 'alive'.

Making your first thread

This is where you put it all together and present your world to the suggesters at large. In general, quests start out by setting the scene and then asking the suggesters to guide the protagonist through whatever situation they face, be it danger or asking a cute girl/boy/eldritch horror on a date. That last one actually comes up sometimes.

If the suggesters are making a character, it's usually best to start by asking them to define such things as sex (a fair warning: female wins almost every time, so if you prefer a male or other, don't leave it up for others to decide!), race (if applicable), body type, personality, skills, etc. How little or how much they decide on is up to you, and don't worry about making too many options for character generation.

Some rules of thumb for making a title post (Also known as an OP)

  • Always write the name of the quest in the subject field. This helps people find it in the archive. Please don't write "????" here.
  • Most authors write the protagonist's name (if it exists) in the name field, but this is up to your tastes. You can type a space to have it appear blank.
    • It is also acceptable to use the name field for your author name or handle, if you prefer.
    • Tripcodes are not necessary.
  • The title post should have an eye-catching image. This will help it stand out among the others.
  • The title post image should not be all black or darkness. Kind of as a corollary of the previous.
  • Don't use RubyQuest's start. Unless you're specifically going for a parody, you probably shouldn't be starting in a black room with 3 glowing buttons; it's been done to death.
  • Nobody uses the e-mail field for e-mails. In general you want to leave it blank.
  • If you're starting a new thread for an existing quest link the old thread(s) or the wiki article in the OP. Make it easy on readers who'd like to get caught up!

Methods for collecting suggestions

Once your first update is up, it's time for people to suggest ideas for how the story or character should progress! But how do you go about asking for those suggestions?

Some prefer to have the character or narrator ask directly. "What do I do next?" "What do I say to them?" Others leave it implied, simply pausing the story where it is to wait for input.

Regardless of the method you choose, remember that you do have some sway to avoid options you really don't want to happen. Your protagonist can simply refuse to consider it, or you can leave it out of the vote options. Be careful, though, as doing this too often is against the spirit of quests.

Freeform Questing

Freeform questing is when you let the suggesters post with whatever action, idea, or question they have in mind, with no effort on your part to limit their options. This method allows for great creativity, but can be hard to handle if you have too many suggestions. It also makes it a little harder to guide the story in the direction you might want it to go.

Freeform is good for NPC conversations, and for putting someone in a setting and letting them explore. It also helps the narrative flow for those who read a finished quest, as each update flows into the next without pausing to list a bunch of options.

Vote-based Questing

Vote-based questing means giving a list of options, and holding a vote on which option should win. This lets you guide the story more easily at the cost of suggestor freedom and creativity. This method is much easier to handle for large amounts of suggestions, and in some cases can increase the amount of suggestions you receive as it's easier for them to pick an option than it is to come up with something from whole cloth.

Vote-based is good for overall pacing, and giving you a rough idea of what the next piece of story might entail. It also helps prevent suggesters going for something you don't want to do, as you can simply leave it off as an option. Or, you can be flexible and let a good custom suggestion or one with a lot of support win in spite of the vote limitations. It's up to you if and where you'd want to do this.

Parsing Suggestions

Once you have some suggestions submitted, it's time to figure out how to use them and generate your next update. It should be noted there are no hard rules on how you use suggestions. The following list are all examples of strategies employed in various quests:

  • Majority Rule. Whatever the most people wants, goes.
  • Best Idea Wins. There's a correct answer or solution, and if even one person suggests it, it'll be used.
  • Everything Wins. Your protagonist tries to follow, or react to, every suggestion! Results may vary from disaster to comedy to wonderful.
  • Most In-Character Wins. Your protagonist treats the suggestions as a brainstorming session, and then runs with the idea(s) they like best. Or perhaps there's an idea so true to who the protagonist is that they can't not use it.
  • Pick and Choose. Construct a gestalt, using pieces of different suggestions and ideas to make a better (or more interesting) whole.
  • Minority Wins. Yes, really, it's been done. Probably not something you want to overuse, and it risks blowback, but subverting a vote in the right circumstances can be powerful or interesting.
  • Like I'd listen to you! Just have your character just argue with the suggesters and/or insult them while they do whatever.
  • Quota. Sometimes an option requires a minimum numbers of suggesters to support it. (Ie, "X requires 5 or more votes").
  • Stall or Clarify. Sometimes the suggesters will misunderstand the situation (or you'll present it wrong) and you'll feel the need to give them more information before a final decision is reached. Sometimes the suggesters will come up with a really good question that affects the outcome of the vote and you'll want to answer it.
  • Railroad. Sometimes the suggesters only have the appearance of choice. Employ carefully. As discussed in more detail below, it's hard to do right.

There's also no rule you have to stick with a single strategy. Different decisions can be made in different ways. You're also not limited to stick to this list if you think of other ways to use suggestions!

Running your quest: Tips and tricks

General tips

  • Don't push yourself! Know your limits and take breaks!
  • Back up your data! This is good advice in general.
    • Don't write your posts on the site. Write them in a text editor so you can save, and so you don't lose everything if you close a tab or your browser crashes.
  • A useful way to post multi-frame updates is to make several tabs, each filled with part of the update. Then you can go from tab to tab posting the entire update in seconds.
  • Try to avoid situations where there's only one option. If there's a path going left or right, don't have one lead to a dead-end. This kind of ruins the nature of letting things be up to the suggesters. If you do make a dead end, be sure to put something interesting there so there's more to do than backtrack!
  • Keep it interesting. Stopping in front of a door and asking if it should be opened isn't very interesting, unless you offer some insight about what might be behind the door.
  • Make sure each update accomplishes something, be it moving to a new location, advancing the combat, or building on characters. If a switch is pulled, it's best not to have the result be that nothing happens. If the current location or scene has no real options, go ahead and move the plot forward automatically.
  • It's against the spirit of quests to keep the story on rails. 'Railroading' is when the character does something that the suggesters either didn't suggest, or actively suggested against. It's extremely frowned upon. There are a few situations where this can be effective in giving a feeling of powerlessness, but it should be used very, very sparingly. It's very hard to do right, and much safer to avoid outright.
  • Sometimes the suggesters simply can't choose what they want. If you have votes that tie, or freeform where nobody has a consensus, then it's fine to go ahead and pick the option you feel makes for the best story (or that the protagonist is most likely to choose in a vacuum).
  • A lot of people never expand the thumbnail. Keep this in mind when planning how much detail and information goes into the artwork. If you set a precedent for hiding things in the art, people are more likely to expand images after getting burned once.
  • Be mindful of how severe the punishment is for a 'wrong' action. Trap options and bad ideas can often land the character in a poor situation. Once the character has suffered a consequence, the suggesters will be a lot more cautious, which could help or hurt depending on the mood of your quest.
  • Because there's a number of people seeing your story unfold, people will often try to guess what happens next, and they might be right. It's up to you if you want to reward them, or change your story to keep them guessing. Be mindful that doing this too much can lead to an incomprehensible story!
  • Sometimes the suggesters will come up with something better than you have. Roll with it!
  • Remember the number of people reading and enjoying a quest is generally larger than the number of people suggesting and actively contributing. And that's ok!

Suggestor tendencies

There are some ways in which suggesters can be predicted. None of these are a guarantee, but keeping them in mind can be helpful for planning your adventure.

  • They almost always pick 'female' for character generation.
  • They often prefer to make friends rather than fight.
  • They often try to flirt with any NPC you introduce.
  • They often react disproportionately to betrayal, or perceived betrayal, by NPCs.
  • Loud minorities will sometimes complain about a chosen action. Don't let them distract or discourage you!
  • They are often paranoid. Even if you're running something lighthearted, people will sometimes be afraid to do something that might lead to consequences.
  • They are easily distracted. If no effort is taken to guide the story, they will happily have the character faff about getting nothing done until they eventually lose interest in the quest. Having a quest about faffing about is fine, but make sure there's something interesting to do and that they are guided to it!
  • They love to be teased. Having the romantic interest confess right away will bore them, but having the romantic tension last a long time will keep them very much hooked.
  • They love matchmaking in general. Seriously they love the romantic tension like a lot.
  • No really, be very careful about how you handle romantic/sexual tension!!!
  • Suggesters often want what they can't have, or to attempt to derail things. In a lot of quests, that might mean pursuing romance and sex. In a porn quest, that might mean ignoring the smut you're offering and pursuing something else entirely!