Guns for Hire

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Guns for Hire by Bob
Gun for Hire.jpg #golemquest
  1. Gun for Hire Quest
  2. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 2: A Simple Vacation To Finland
  3. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 2 PART II: That's Right We Need To Get Back
  4. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 4: To Make Your Mark

Armas Laine served in the US Marines and later as a Ranger. During his service he came across obviously supernatural things. He has decided to pursue this and has relocated to Istanbul, one of the oldest cities on earth, where he works as a mercenary in hope of learning more about the supernatural.

Information on Armas' player-controlled minions can be found on the Guns for Hire Minions page.

Character List

The list has been ordered by first mention. -Grail

Please please please import weapon statistics from wikipedia or as possible. Just caliber, magazine size, RoF. That sort of thing - Bob

Added a table at the end, going to try to clean this place up. -W

Languages may be inaccurate, as some were assumed to speak their native tongue. They may also know more languages than we've seen. -Wuten

Player Characters

Armas Laine
Heritage: Finnish, Maori
Languages: English, Te Reo, Finnish, Russian, Turkish, Italian
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliations: Winter (through "Ogrimmir"), Summer (through Whaitiri), Triads, Mafia, Wyld Goblins, the Valkonen family.
Appearance: Conan chin, dark skinned, blue eyes, dark red hair.
Capabilities: Pissing off his enemies, making his allies question his judgment and common sense, constantly irritating everyone with tricky wordplay. Armas possesses two magical bloodlines: a Summer-aligned bloodline from his Maori ancestors and a Winter-aligned bloodline from his Finnish ancestors.


  • [WINTER ENERGY: 100]


>-Armas is now able to expend marginal amounts of energy to attempt to impose his will on freshly dead souls. The more innately magical the target was in life, the higher the cost, and the lower the chance of success. (For instance, Binding the Reaper's soul[completely mundane] cost us 2 Winter Energy)


>-Armas, unless wounded in such a manner he cannot eat before dying, can prevent his own death by cannibalization, or the consumption of magical beasts.
>-Even one bight of qualifying food will drastically slow bloodloss.
>-This has no impact on his ability to process normal meats, fruits or vegetables, nor does it impact his need to eat regularly.
>-Instantly fatal injuries (such as a headshot) will not allow this healing ability to be activated.
>-Armas can heal a week's worth in a day, so long as he supplies himself with sufficient amounts of the required meat.
>-Healing cannot take place if foreign elements are still inside the body-bullets, shrapnel and such must be manually dug out first.
>-Due to the damages his soul sustained in the feeding (and the damages to his Finnish bloodline's heritage) Armas' soul will be treated as 'spiritually weak' until enough time and events have passed for it to recover (expected recovery timeframe is several months)
>-The damage to Armas' Winter aspect will not recover over time, and makes any potential interactions with Winter court members or scandinavian mythological creatures harder.
>-Armas' absorption of Whaitiri's flesh will classify him as 'friend' to many creatures in the Summer Court.


>-Armas performs a type of instant regeneration by pooling both of his bloodlines powers to survive nigh-instantly fatal wounds. Amount depends on the damage to his body.


>-Armas did not draw attention, good or bad, in either of his training programs. As such, he is slower to be identified as ex-military by any given legal system. This trait provides no combat bonus.
>-Armas holds a long-handled mace, a spear and a staff, all in one, a vicious, brutal weapon with a method of use to suite.
>-As a result Armas approaches fighting with similar weapons from a somewhat unique viewpoint that allows for a good deal of positive adaptation.


>-Armas can perform at peak capacity during the initial few seconds of an ambush and will not hesitate or stall during this time period unless forced to do so.]


>-Armas may not know much about spiritual matters-but he's torn his soul down and watched it grow anew, he's split it in twain and pulled it from the mouths of gods-all the while vigilant. As a result of his surpassed tribulations, he has gained a bonus.
>-Armas can, once per spiritual interaction with an entity, attempt to forcibly pull his soul away from any perceived energy.
>-Armas' is in general more resistant, able to fend off things like possession more capably.
>-This trait predisposes Armas to forming roundabout, cunning and subtly harmful plans with which to lay low enemies with greater resources at their command.
>-Armas is more inclined to play forces against each other to reduce the number of threats he personally will have to face.
>-Armas feel comfortable lying and misrepresenting the truth-while not a master deceiver, he can fool most individuals with sufficiently well-thought out deceptions. (Leaving this to me rather than coming up with the lie yourself gambles on how effective I think Armas should be at the moment.)
>-Where possible, in any situation where Armas is considerably outnumbered, he will, in the planning state, seek whichever plans involve him directly engaging the least number of opponents, and in general gravitate towards plans that are personally less risky.
>-When actively in a given combat situation, Armas is prone to using overwhelming force as fast as possible in an effort to overwhelm and crush opponents before they can become notable threats.
>-Thanks to years in the military in multiple branches, Armas is predisposed to plans that involve flash bangs, explosives, or debilitating gas to shape the battlefield before attempting personal entry.




>-Lv6 Mental trait-Armas' familiarity with this facet of himself has made it second nature to use in any situation-unless specifically told not to, Armas will reflexively attempt to manipulate situations to his benefit with wordplay as he identifies appropriate situations.
>-(Armas' feeling on what is an 'appropriate' situation is based on the rough averaging of how he's been played to date-which may differ from your own individual idea of what he should and should not try to manipulate. So keep an eye on this.)

>[TRAIT EVOLUTION: MM,MMMMM Trait auto-activated, auto-evolves to level seven: NO NEW GAINS]

>-Manipulation abilities increase.
>-Armas will attempt to keep anything he is allowed to use on even a temporary basis unless given a good reason not to (couldn't with Triad equipment since he was unconscious). This can have potential negative repercussions if Armas (I.E. The Posters) doesn't take note of when he should make sure to return everything he is loaned that can be pocketed.
>-Armas is particularly resistant to being debilitated by shock, and if entering it in an identified 'danger' situation, he can ride the adrenaline to stay functional longer than normal-at the cost of a lessened grasp of his own physical condition, and increased difficulty identifying details or in any way shifting his thoughts once they've started down a specific route. This is automatic and requires no input from players-but will NOT be put into effect when injuries include serious head trauma.
>-For Armas, the golden rule of trade is that there is no such thing as a final sale, deal or anything-a bargain isn't done until the exchange has taken place-and by that same token, a rejected offer can simply be pursued again. This improves Armas' baseline haggling ability, and lowers the prices at many shops-but his pushy attitude will give negative modifiers with certain vendors.
>-While some mortals eye Fae dealings askance, and steer clear of the supernatural pacts and sometimes lethal wordplay, Armas has charged forward, continuing to make contracts and transactions as he has with any others he's met. Between his forthright approach and his (thus-far) blemish free record of keeping his word, most Supernatural entities will view pacts with him more along the lines as they would those with other fae than Mortals. Supernatural stock placed in Armas' word of honor has increased.]
>-Prerequisites: Ambush Expert.
>-DD allows Armas to continue negotiating unimpeded, be he at a conference table, on a phone call, or at gunpoint. So long as he is not chemically compromised, environmental stresses have a lessened impact on his ability to converse or interact socially with others.


>-So long as Armas has even one second, he can instantly recollect himself from anything save a direct mental attack.
>-Armas is now more skilled at plying the lingo practiced by the magical community.
>-Improves existing discussion in dangerous circumstances ability.
>-This Level Three Combat trait lets Armas automatically move towards for blind spots in melee combat-it does not in any way make him more lethal, or more durable-it merely makes it harder to concretely target or strike him.


>-Armas can reason and make intuitive leaps objectively even on subjects where he would normally be subject to heavy bias.


>-Armas has grained greater deductive and intuitive insight into situations he finds himself in!



>-This Level 5 Mental Trait lets Armas include the positive aspects of his Negative traits in his rationalization of how to handle situations. In this example, he is using his paranoia of there being even more explosives to assume the presumed external speakers that projected the German's voice also double as bombs in some format. It also reduces the risk of Paranoia level up so long as postulations contain a sufficient amount of accuracy to them.
>-Armas can now recognize situations that would be highly disadvantageous to attempt to haggle in-this ability is far from perfect, and needs considerable work-but at least he's beginning to grasp there are in fact people he should not dick about with.
>-Whenever Armas has a knife or spear-like melee weapon in hand and is facing a foe that relies predominately on sight or hearing to detect and target foes, he is able to use his goblinoid training to perform super-human acts of evasion, keeping himself out of the spaces foes target. This abilities effectiveness is directly related to the light-levels of the area in which he is fighting-the more shadowed and gloomy, the more effective Armas will be at avoiding enemy attacks-and notice.
>-Lunging thrust techiques, be it with bayonet or knife, are now Armas' specialty in armed combat, plying both the brute force of his Maori training with the cleaner form of his more recent training, allowing the quality of his thrusting strikes to approach the level of 'master' (Level 3 attack, human peak).
>-Slashing, slicing and all other methods of attack with knives or spears are still as before (Level 2, expert but a notable number of mortals exceed this skill level)
>-When fully submerged in shadow, Armas can use his symbiotic shadow to help augment his movement speed-and can immediately change his momentum at whatever rate he can withstand without blacking out-or putting undue strain on his shadow (Armas' Level 2 combat mobility can become Level 3-or, at max output (bad idea for your soulshadow but when has that ever stopped you) Level 4 mobility would be possible. For reference, Level 3 mobility is beyond mundane human reach-but could be seen by humans and not be considered unnatural. Level 4 mobility would be immediately identified as inhuman if witnessed.
>-Armas now thinks of SOTG as having a HIGH and a LOW stance, as described above. Feel free to direct him to use either any time he is using SOTG. Jukenjitsu CAN become a middle stance, but would either need a great deal more learning and use, or to have more, similar/complementary style's fundamentals absorbed into it to make another Armas Special Style.
>-SOTG Gain: Armas can now choose the 'Ego-less' fighting style the Goblins practice. It has bonuses to distorting many forms of magical perception, particularly spiritual ones. To mundane senses there is no discernible difficulty in reading an Ego-less fighter. Armas' Ego-less mode of combat is, in general, less precise, slower, has more forceful attacks, and is more creative in attack transition than Armas' default form of fighting. Any time you wish Armas to use this mode, prompt him to use 'Ego-less mode'. Be aware this only applies to melee combat, the same as his newly differentiated stances.
>-Armas now has a harder time determining which theories offered to him by posters are accurate or worth acting on, and is now more inclined to go after the doom-oriented theories than he was previously.


>-Armas is now more prone to letting his paranoia guide his musings on any given subject, as applicable.
>-Armas can no longer recognize paranoia within his own thoughts, and needs an external source to correct him.
>-This trait likewise influences Shadowbro, hewn from the same soul.
>-There will be absolutely no direct in-quest warning when Armas begins operating under a paranoia-driven false assumption-you as posters have to catch him or suffer the consequences.


>-In addition to the prior effects, Armas is now more susceptible to mental attacks that are built around playing off a person's doubts or suspicions than he was before.
>-Armas has a harder time trusting simpler plans that fit Occam's Razor than before, even if they are superior to more convoluted or obscure options.
>-Armas is now more able to commune with both Fear Spirits and Prophetic spirits-but only those of an innately chaotic nature.
>-Armas's thoughts and plans are now harder to read or predict, magically or mundanely, thanks to his frequent revisions based on potential issues real and imagined.
>-Armas now requires a double application of SUST to ignore a suggestion that plies his greediness, and in general values traits built around long-term sustainable greed over those that do not.
>-Sister trait to Reflexive Retention. When either skill hits Level three, the two will conjoin and turn Armas into a compulsive thief as a byproduct of his goblinic training. This can be to his advantage, in picking a foe's pocket mid-battle, but can also create social issue.
>-Armas is now considered sufficiently Greedy he could actively call upon Mammon with the aid of any Demonologist, or any other greed-oriented magical being. The effectiveness of this call varies based on circumstance.
>-Hot Hands greatly reduces Armas' chances to drop or fumble any objects he's manipulating with his hands, and increases his ability to unflinchingly handle material hot enough to scald or burn flesh as necessary.
>-This Trait's shooting benefit is in minimizing and adding a safety net to the time in between shots, and when switching weapons on the fly.

Equipment: Armas favors layered ballistic armor, using both low-profile armored clothing and military-grade supplemental armor. He has been known to use arrow charms tuned to protect against bullets. He wears two hold-out rigs containing matching Taurus Raging Judge revolvers (five-shot, 3" cylinder, 3" barrel). He often uses a customized magic AA-12 shotgun, and is rarely without his magic rifle Keihäs (equipped with an elf's short sword as a bayonet). Additionally he often carries an ancestral spirit weapon, a greenstone mere pounamu knife from his Maori grandfather.

  • Finnish Mosin Nagant M28/30, Keihäs: Bolt action, 7.62x53mm/7.62x54R, 5 shot internal magazine. 730 mm (29 inch) barrel. Overall length: 1,287 mm (50.7 inches). Weight: 4 kg. Notes: The rifle is known for inevitably forcing its owners into close-quarters fights, until they have beaten someone down, and drenched the rifle's stock in blood to further stain the wood. But so long as it is so sated, the gun is unerringly accurate-more so than the already formidable rifle should be. Armas has continued to feed the rifle, and now the vampiric qualities of the weapon have improved to the point where it can devour a body whole through a wound.
  • Allenaethos' Blade: A fine elven sword, fused to Keihäs, functioning as bayonet. The former owner's blood is in Keihäs' stock, granting a synergy between the weapons.
  • Mere pounamu: A greenstone knife, empowered as a spiritual weapon; it heats in the presence of spiritual entities and cuts such creatures with exceeding ease despite its bluntness. Fitted with a bayonet lug so that he can use it on Keihäs.
  • Auto Assault-12 (AA-12) Taste of Ruin: Automatic, 12 gauge, 8-round box or 20-round drum, 457 mm (18 inch) barrel. Overall length: 991 mm (39 inches). Weight: 5.2 kg (less magazine). Notes: Looted from the corpse of ex-IRA terrorist O'Conner, upgraded by the Wyld Goblins into a magic weapon designed to negate all but the most intense regeneration abilities of foes. Covered in the fangs and bones of unknown magic creatures, and very distinctive-looking.
  • Mateba Model 6 Unica Autorevolvers (the Matebas): Semiautomatic, .454 Casull, 6 round cylinder. 152 mm (6 inch) barrel. Overall length: 275 mm (10.83 inches). Weight: 1.35 kg. Notes: Originally part of a set of four identical weapons looted from the twins Lachlan and Tyson, all designed specifically to be able to become empowered as magic weapons. Two of the four were sold to an anonymous buyer through Holland&Holland. The other two Armas kept. The weapons became magically empowered in the middle of a fight with the Doonongaes and have since proven to be more accurate and devastating than they would otherwise be. One gun mounts a thermal scope, the other an IR scope.
  • SVT-40 custom, AVT-40 Sniper: Notes: " SVT 40 sniper variant that was reworked into a functioning AVT-40, complete with one twenty-round clip. A prior owner has also re-machined a great many parts-recently, within the last decade as I understand it... the first-shot accuracy issues, the barrel shifting, the scope's poor mounting-all of it has been maximally resolved... all bullets will be compelled to attempt to follow the first shot, and can shift a few degrees in trajectory per hundred feet or so."
  • M-16 (lower) GatMalite (upper) rotary light machine gun: Automatic, 5.56x45mm NATO, belt fed from munitions drum. Notes: This is a bullet-hose, plain and simple. When using depleted uranium rounds it can defeat most types of body armor. It mounts an underslung FN40GL enhanced grenade launcher and side-mounted MAUL shotgun.
  • Tokarev TT-30 Pistol: Single action, 7.62x25mm (can also fire 7.63x25), 8 round magazine (closed bolt), 116mm (4.6 inch) barrel. Overall length: 194mm (7.6 inches). Weight: 910g. Notes: Owned by Russian Commissar in charge of a penal battalion during WWII, who used the pistol exclusively for field executions. The gun's upper receiver is engraved with 'Ни шагу назад!' (Not One Step Back!), and the muzzle itself is stained dark red. Bullets fired by this gun are compelled to seek out throats.
  • Buntline Special Revolver:
  • Mammon's Device:
  • Judges:

Notes: Keeps his word, unless the word was given under duress. Not entirely amoral, but can become impossibly caught up in the moment.

Paul-Jacques Labombard
Heritage: French, African
Languages: English, French
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliations: Triads
Appearance: Paul-Jacques Labombard is a large man, standing at about six foot six and weighing at least two hundred and sixty pounds. He sports a clean shaven head and a groomed goatee.
Capabilities: Labombard possesses two magical bloodlines. He primarily uses is his French, Loup Garou bloodline powers to give himself many of the power ascribed to the mythical beasts. One observed ability being very keen senses, heightened to the point that he can hardly ever be ambushed by a mortal attacker. His secondary bloodline power has yet to be revealed.
History: As of late Labombard has busied himself fighting a one man war against US special forces groups arranged against the Triads and helping Lo Fang in a counter plot against an assassination attempt perpetrated by Savoy, an attempt which, thanks to Labombard, ended with Savoy missing an arm and barely escaping with his life.
Equipment: His battle attire consists of urban camouflage gear with a dozen cargo pockets and a dual-triple-stacked shoulder harness. The shoulder harnesses allow him to carry six Colt 1911's, each tooled to take the .50GI cartridge.

  • M1911A1: Single action, .50GI, 7 round magazine (closed bolt), 125mm (5 inch) barrel. Weight: 1080 g. Overall Length: 216 mm (approx. 8.5 inches).

Notes: Is friendly toward Armas.

Galileo Savoy
Heritage: Sicilian
Languages: English, Italian
Occupation: Ex-Mafia Agent
Affiliations: Himself, Neo-nazis
Appearance: Clean shaven man. A long scar runs from his left eyebrow to chest. His right arm is missing, and his genitals are mutilated. Favors extremely expensive suits.
Capabilities: The Savoy bloodline, that of Sicilian Kings, allows Galileo Savoy to be anywhere at anytime. He can teleport to locations he can visualize strongly enough, as long as he is not observed while teleporting. He is rumored to be an exceptionally competent solo assassin, in no small part because of this ability.
History: Galileo Savoy was called to Istanbul as part of Armas Laine's actions to take vengeance upon Angiluzzo Castelletti for sending him into a job likely to get him killed with insufficient information. He subsequently oversaw Armas' take-down of Castelletti, the replacement of Castelletti with Rocco Armani in the Istanbul branch of the Mafia, Armas' assassination of Kaspar Brandt, and presumably undertook or facilitated several other operations for the betterment of the Istanbul Mafia. Most recently, he personally and without orders attempted the assassination of the Triads' Lo Fang and suffered a rather miserable defeat at the hands of his target and the mercenary Paul-Jacques Labombard, sending the Mafia into confusion and disarray. Subsequent to his defeat, Savoy found an ally in Florent Smets, a vampire in control of a powerful entity called Amen. Savoy sought to gain control of Amen by betraying Smets, but Armas foiled his plan and injured him badly.
Equipment: According to Amen, he seems to know more about knifeplay than the average mortal-though he's rather clearly used to thrown implements, over firearms. Savoy on five separate occasions inferenced a preference for missile launches, grenade launchers-and in general, wherever having to use firearms preferring to have as overwhelmingly an explosive weight behind his shots as possible-this seemed to be a new development, as he makes the transition out of being an assassin and into a free agent. Also has substantial monetary resources, always seen wearing an impeccable suit and gold watch. Now has a supernatural resilience to harm, from the demon blood in his veins, which came from a mid-Level Devil's arm, who Amen knows. Currently under private tutorage in a Contract at the Facility the Wizard Khubiliai runs.
Notes: Catchphrase: Vestra permaneo memoria est, te fio nusquam (Your last memory will be of nothing.)

Camella Larosa a.k.a. Camella Nardi
Heritage: Italian
Languages: Italian, English
Occupation: Assistant instructor at Ito's dojo
Affiliations: Formerly a member of the 9th Parachute Assault Regiment, Triads
Appearance: She has straw blond hair and blue eyes with a frame that can safely be described as athletic. Outside of missions she can often be found wearing Armas' clothes. She recently lost the majority of her left leg in a fight with Blackbeard.
Capabilities: Camella has no bloodline power and it is unclear if she comes from a magical bloodline to begin with. She has yet to acquire any form of supernatural contract, training, or trinkets. Her excellent military training and natural ability make up for this by allowing her to excel in both the use of firearms and melee combat.
History: Recently, in an attack against Blackbeard, she has lost her leg, although she has received a new one-a mundane Mongolian leg, sized to fit, courtesy of Lo Fang arranging for it from Wizard Khubiliai.
Equipment: When she surfaced she was wearing a tattered Italian military uniform with a helmet that included adjustable lenses for thermal and night-vision and which concealed two tactical vests and leg armor. In the pockets she also had a variety of weapons including three grenades, four flash bangs, another hatchet and a pair of spiked knuckled dusters with her assault rifle, SMG, shotgun and sidearm. Her pockets also contained five flasks, a pocket knife, a lighter, a radio, earpiece, and PDA with hidden bugs. The tattered uniform has since been replaced with a set of black clothing.

  • Beretta PX4 Storm pistol: Double action, 9x19mm, 17 round magazine (closed bolt), 102mm (4 inch) barrel. Weight unloaded: 780-800 g. Overall length: 193 mm (approx. 8 inches).
  • Benelli M4 Super 90: Semi auto, 12 gauge (3" chamber), 6 round magazine (closed bolt), 470mm (approx. 19 inch) barrel. Length: 1010mm (886 with stock retracted). Weight 3.8 kg unloaded.
  • FN P90: Full auto/semi auto, 5.7x28mm, 50 round magazine (open bolt), 263mm (10.5 inch) barrel. Weight: 2.54kg empty, 3kg loaded. Overall length: 500mm. Rate of fire: 900 rounds per minute. Effective range: 200 meters.
-Mk.16SCAR-L: Select-fire (auto/burst/semi), 5.56x45mm, 30 round magazine, barrel length either 254mm/10", 355mm/14", or 457mm/18". Weight: 3.5kg empty. Overall length: 620-850mm (varies with barrel length). Rate of fire: 600 rounds per minute.
  • Franchi Renaissance Sporting 12 Gauge: Double barrel (over/under), 12 gauge (3" chamber). Unknown length, sawn-off.
  • Walther WA 2000: Semi auto, unknown caliber (.300 Win Mag, .308 [most likely] or 7.5x55 Swiss), 10 round magazine (closed bolt), 650mm barrel. Overall length: 905 mm. Weight unloaded: 6.95 kg. Second Generation model. Notes: Wood portions of ironwood, from a tree growing on an elephant burial ground. This weapon was claimed as a battle trophy by Camella from the body of Olga Brandt.

Notes: Practices her axe-work with Go Ping. Believes Armas is an impossibly lazy wizard.

Olga Brandt
Heritage: German
Languages: German, English
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: Neo-Nazis
Appearance: She was woman of both average height and build with brown chest length hair.
Capabilities: Olga had no known bloodline power, but was a trained sniper. She was not known to be capable of any extraordinary feats of skill, save for the ability to throw objects extremely long distances with some speed and accuracy.
History: The wife of Kaspar Brandt. She was known to have kept him thoroughly and utterly pussy whipped, having him walk the family dog, a tiny chihuahua named Snufflupagus, around the block. Armas slew her husband and his followers and opted to keep his family out of it, leaving her a widow. Unbeknownst to Armas, she was a trained sniper who was actively attempting to find and assassinate her husband's murderer. She eventually was able to identify Armas as the killer and hired a Mohawk mercenary named Big Crazy to assist, all the while keeping him unaware of her Neo-Nazi allegiances. At some point she came into contact with Savoy who helped her lay a trap for Armas. She and Big Crazy would go undercover as people who were duped by Smets, who was in league with Savoy. They would then contact Armas and arrange meetings to discuss methods of retribution, eventually leading him into an assault on the manor where they would betray him. Their plan did not succeed. When Armas and Big Crazy breached the building Savoy let loose Smets to 'clean up' before Big Crazy could betray Armas. The two then turned on Smets and Olga aimed a shot at Armas, only to be thwarted by his Arrow Charm. She was then faced with both Camella who had noticed her betrayal and Smets' ghoul security forced who had been set upon them both.
Equipment: Kaspar Brandt's

  • Tokarev TT-30 Pistol: Same weapon as used by Armas (see above).
  • Walther WA 2000: Same weapon as used by Camella (see above).

Notes: Deceased as of Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 quest time. She was killed by Camella after the betrayal, wounds indicate she was hacked to death by Camella's axes.

Big Crazy
Heritage: Mohawk Indian
Languages: English, Mohawk
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliations: Iroquois League (Mohawk Tribe)
Appearance: He is a huge man, shorter than Armas but much more stocky. His skin so red he appears to have a perpetual sunburn and he has acne scars across his face.
Capabilities: Big Crazy is a spirit shaman, and has bound two spirits to his soul: Little Bear (who grants greatly increased durability and strength) and Dirt Snake (described as a spirit dedicated solely to sensing).
History: Big Crazy was born and raised in Texas. He dreamed of becoming a faster shot than his tribe's elder and at some point sought out training from Bob Mundon to help achieve his dream. Was later bamboozled by Olga Brandt into working with her to kill Armas, he was dismayed to learn that she was actually a Neo-Nazi. With no money, no prospects in Istanbul, and no legal papers allowing him to be there, he approached Armas (who treated him fairly and respectfully after the dust settled) for employment. Armas decided they should go on a road trip together.
Equipment: Big Crazy doesn't use armor, since Little Bear makes him more than durable enough to take a shot and keep going. He wears a pair of modified sunglasses and carries multiple ear plugs to help with the flash and noise created by his rifle.

  • Mare's Leg: A cut-down rifle.

Notes: No, Spirit Shamans don't make dream catchers. Dream Shamans make dream catchers. You racist.

Hillevi Valkonen
Heritage: Finnish, Valkonen
Languages: Finnish, English, Turkish, Russian
Occupation: Retainer of House Valkonen
Affiliations: House Valkonen

Helmi Valkonen
Heritage: Finnish, Valkonen
Languages: Finnish, English
Occupation: Retainer of House Valkonen
Affiliations: House Valkonen
Notes: Helmi likes to play rough.

Non-Player Characters

Arkvad Söderström

Garbage Pete
A less-than-legal arms dealer, sells his wares out of an old dumpster.

Angiluzzo Castelletti

Mr. Barby
Castelletti introduced the man as some nobody who was hampering his growth in the area and needed to be eliminated. It was only after dispatching him did Armas learn this was not the case and he was instead an elderly Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, and one of the key members of the Nazi faction in Istanbul.

A former IRA member with a bum leg that specialized in explosives and shotguns. He served as Mr. Barby's assistant and bodyguard and was present at the time of Armas' ambush. He ultimately perished from wounds to both his thigh and upper arm that caused him to bleed out.

One of a pair of Australian twins that worked for Mr. Barby as muscle. They were each equipped with a machete and a pair of heavily modified Mateba Model 6 Unica Autorevolvers. The pair died in the ambush and Armas claimed their equipment.

One of a pair of Australian twins that worked for Mr. Barby as muscle. They were each equipped with a machete and a pair of heavily modified Mateba Model 6 Unica Autorevolvers. The pair died in the ambush and Armas claimed their equipment.

Bagatur Yilmaz
An arms dealer who sells explosives and explosive accessories.

Sergeant Edward Riker
An old drill sergeant of Armas' who's experienced with the things that go bump in the night. He has access to military grade hardware and supplies available for the right price.

Andre Gustavo






Boris Mihailov

Lo Fang of Mount Song

Mafia Confessor

One of the Summer Elves, through unknown means he was obligated to protect Castelletti's life and perished defending him.

May Lee
A member of the Triad organization sent to deal with the boat job. She was the groups designated heavy weapons user. Her secret used to prevent or detect a swap was her ownership of a cat that she regularly followed the orders of. During the battle she was grabbed by the Doonongaes and while she escaped it's grasp the poison killed her before help could arrive.

Diao Yuan
A member of the Triad organization initially sent to deal with the boat job. She is a close combat specialist utilizing shotguns with as many as twelve separate ammunition types. Her secret to prevent or detect a swap was that despite her tentative mannerism she was the opposite in the bedroom.

Go Ping

Long Wang

The Doonongaes

Doctor Finnigan

Herr Brandt



Johan Straus

Sometimes Merchant

Professor Jagda


Mahuika's Disciple

Ito Sensei

Mr. Locke

Ms. Havoc

Rocco Armani

Cornelius Zosimus

Mammon's Stairwell

Mammon's Knight



Florent Smets


Vladimir Chugainov

Zinaida Jidkova


Radu Hagi
A mercenary, known by some as the Suicider, he binds targets to his own body-then he ritualistically murders himself with stab through the heart. He however does not have a heart to stab and can get back up after the act. The method he uses to link himself to the target is a carefully guarded secret. His skin is unusually tight and pale, which together with his distinctive, skeletal, facial tattoos make him an odd sight.



Hilja Riihivuori

Eirikki Riihivuori


Hillevi Valkonen

Marrku Valkonen

Einrik Valkonen

Tuomo Valkonen

Veiko Valkonen





Simo Hayha






An infamous mercenary who charges a premium for his services. He keeps a tidy record, only terminating contracts prematurely when given that right and burns the written agreement of his contracts on completion. Known as both the Craftsman and the German Hammer-Devil he has a fondness for constructing traps and the use of hammers as throwing weapons. He has a history with Blackbeard, having clashed with him more than any other mercenary he is considered to be an expert on the man.

Abloec Woosencraft Hysbryd-Gwarcheidwad

Iron Trick

Gleb Romanov

Characters Not Yet Encountered

Wizard Dorjpalam Khubiliai

The Owner

The Were-Kin Witch


Yuri Lenkov

Zmey Tugarin

Jyrki Laine

Esteri Laine

Kukka Laine

Jussi Laine

Otso Laine

Great Rabbit

Known Supernatural Creatures



Black Dogs three separate breeds-the Gwyligi, the Mauthe Dhoog breeds and the Mauthe Dhoog

Blink Dogs







Erymanthian Boar


















Soul Shadows










Xing Tian

Known Organizations

Holland & Holland: The famous specialty arms company also does work for clients who want supernatural and magical equipment. They can broker deals between private parties, build original empowered weapons (thanks to a couple of tomes on the subject they have in their corporate vault), and maintain their own house security and information service.

Pfiefer-Zeliska: Along with Holland & Holland, one of the two major arms companies that are fully aware of just how real fairy tales are. They seem to be capable of elaborate custom orders and place buyers of such equipment on a database.

Triad: A branch of the well known Chinese crime organization.

Russians: The Russians who contracted the Russian Job were not affiliated with the KGB, but instead were wealthy (and foolhardy) individuals who wanted to make a point. They are not well established in Istanbul.

Mafia: The famed crime syndicate.

Germans: Third Reich remnants who have coalesced into a Neo-Nazi movement, complete with Nazi super-soldiers (non-magical but very formidable), well-trained gang members, and supernatural contacts. The organization seems to be led by Otto Skorzeny with its Istanbul branch led by Klaus Barbie and his Lieutenant Colonel, Kaspar Brandt.

Silah Dünyası (Gun World): A chain of mall sized gun stores that Armas frequents. They have dedicated legal staff just for answering customer questions, tens of thousands of weapons, all manner of ammunition, equipment, clothing, and gun maintenance supplies. The local branches recognize Armas as a wealthy and long term customer due to a recommendation he received from Holland & Holland through Arkvad.

Oyak Securities: The local and highly regarded bank that Armas along with Ahmad, Hafaz and Yoni have an accounts with. He presented them with both his visa and address and got a savings account with a five-withdrawals per month limit and a 3.5% interest rate, so long as the balance stays over fifty thousand.

Emniyet İstihbarat Daire: The Turkish FBI, they employ a number of highly skilled agents like Adelat.

Zosimus Dynasty: An old and powerful vampire clan. Cornelius Zosimus, a Roman-era vampire who has survived to the modern age, bet with Armas over the death of the Doonongaes. The family has a powerful flesh golem.

Muburak Clan: A werewolf clan allied with a witch. Feuds with the Zosimus Dynasty.

Hapsburg Dynasty: Another vampire clan.

Valkonen House: Winter-aspected martial family; formerly quite influential with three Branch families and many allies, now diminished to just a small family. Based in Finland.

Aksoy Family: Autumn bloodline centered around corrosion and decay; biggest mortal name for melee in Turkey. Feuds with Ghanem. They are based in the town of Ladik.

Ghanem Clan: Arabian, based in Istanbul. Sandstorm specialists, manipulating earth and wind together. Fueds with Aksoy.

Aldokushin House: Russian, Winter combat bloodline; spoken excellently of. Small Branch based in Inebolu, merely competent.

A Timeline of Events

Day 1: Armas worked for the Triads as a guard, met Labombard, made his first supernatural kills. [September 27th, 2010]

Day 2: Ratted out the Pawnshop Owner to the Triads (P.O. was offering $8k to kill a bum who was a regular Triad informant). Bought "Frakenstein" from Garbage Pete. Performed the Russian Job and frightened an employee of the Wizard Khubilai. Put in the order to Arkvad for the "Super SVT-40" and agreed to trade in "Frankenstein" for a $10k credit. Spoke to Arkvad from non-secure location.

Day 3: Met Castelletti. Took the job to kill Barby, O'Connor, Lachlan, and Tyson. Bought flash-bangs from arms dealer Bagatur Yilmaz. Castelletti was approached by Savoy at this time, and convinced by him that Armas would behave in bad faith.

Day 4: Completed Castelletti's job. TRAIT UNLOCKED: AMBUSH EXPERT! Realized Castelletti gave bad information. Collected the AA-12, and four Matebas. Killed Andre Gustavo, a guard working for Barby, and disposed of his corpse after sanitizing it. Collected Gustavo's wallet, car keys, and pistol (Glock 20). Fought sewer monsters (Sahagins) while escaping the manhunt from the Castelletti job. Ran up Gustavo's debit card in a legit gun shop (no cameras, but credit transaction would have left a record, and the merchant may have remembered Armas). Enroll in the gym Constanz' Crash Course, meet the Iranians. Get exposed to Krav Maga (Iranians) and Sambo (Boris Mihailov, gym instructor) fighting styles. Arranged to trade two Matebas to Arkvad for credit on the "Super SVT-40." Arranged for Castelletti to wire 75% of money into Gustavo's account, and to deliver the remainder in a week. Arranged with the Triads for help in draining Gustavo's account.

Day 5: Met Lo Fang in person, gave Gustavo's car keys to him. Closed Gustavo's accounts using ID that the Traids modified (no cameras, but the teller may have remembered Armas). Arranged to meet Castelletti's representative at Gustavo's house. Planted seeds of suspicion with Barby's followers about Gustavo's loyalties. Went to the gym, met the Iranaians again (Ahmad, Hafez and Shaya) and the Israelis (Hadar and Yoni).

Day 6: Met Arkvad, learned about Smet's swapping parts on the SVT, traded in Frankenstien and the two Matebas. Constructed a credit-card use trail pointing toward Gustavo fleeing the country.

Days 7 through 11: Spent time learning Krav Maga from Ahmad, Hafez, Shaya, Hadar and Yoni. One of Barby's men kills one of Castelletti's men.

Day 12: Got the Confessor's number from Lo Fang. Purchased a double-barreled shotgun from Garbage Pete. Barby's men shoot up Castelletti's restauraunt. Armas frames one of Castelletii's men for murdering a Policeman with the shotgun. Called one of Castelletti's more tractable thugs and implied that a Confessor would be looking into things. Called the Confessor and used the tractable thug to corroborate. Armas confirmed his identity with the Confessor as the man hired to kill Mr. Barby.

Day 13: Met Galileo Savoy. Took the job to kill Castelletti, and to retaliate against Barby's men.

Days 14 and 15: Made preparations.

Day 16: Attacked Castelletti's restauraunt, met and killed the Summer Elf Allenaethos, and killed Castelletti. Claimed Castelletti's Mammon Device and Allenaethos' rapier. Keihäs drank Allenaethos' blood. Savoy took control of Mafia operations in Istanbul. Armas arranged to buy body armor through Edward Riker (Riker has Armas' address, and is aware of the supernatural). Worked out at Constanz's gym with Ahmad, Hafaz and Shaya (the Israelis were out of town). TRAIT UNLOCKED: MILITARISTIC MACHIAVELLIAN MANIPULATOR!

Day 17: Exercised at Constanz's gym with Shaya, learned more Sambo from Boris Mihailov. Spoke to Arkvad about the elf. Got a briefing about supernatural residents of the Bosphorus strait from Lo Fang including a fully grown Akkorokamui, and agreed to take the Boat Job. Met May Lee, Diao Yuan, Go Ping, Long Wang. Boarded "The Lucky Lady" and killed a harpy. Found evidence of the mythic monster, the Doonongaes. Learned that the Doonongaes was after the totem of Hagondes. Fought the Doonongaes. Keihäs drank the Doonongaes' blood. Rode the Emela-Ntouka (magic rhino variant). The Matebas became magically empowered. Armas was injured badly, but not fatally. May Lee died.

Days 18 through 20: Recieved magical healing from Go Ping (variant of Chi Gong that uses Taoist I Ching) and then transferred to Dr. Finnigan's care.

Days 21 through 27: Woke up and met Dr. Finnigan. Got the news about May from Go Ping. Talked to Arkvad (from non-secure location). Arkvad arranged to have Armas meet with other people conned by Smets. Collected mail from neighbor (body armor, $45k payment from Lo Fang). Checked in with Savoy, solidified reputation as having battled the Doonongaes. Savoy explains that the mafia is now doing business with Wizard Khubiliai (from the Russian Job) and that the mafia helped him in a fight against the Akkorokamui (and its aquatica allies). Savoy arranges for the Brandt job to be how Armas deals his retaliation to Barby's men. Arranged to become a preferred customer at Istanbul's Gun World. Opened account at Oyak Securities (they have Armas' real name and address on file). Took it easy at the gym, Hafaz links Armas' injuries to a question about the Bosphorus. Bought additional magical healing from Go Ping.

Day 28: Exercised in the gym. Hafaz made suspicious by Armas' improvement in condition. Hafaz reveals he knows the chakra-manipulating martial art Gyaketsuote. Researched Maori and Finnish traditions.

Day 29: Researched Brandt. Cased the park. Armas exercised at the gym and revealed to Hafaz and company that he might be fighting Brandt in a "free-style competition."

Day 31: Exercised in the gym, took it easy. Mulled hand-loading subsonic 7.62x55mmR.

Day 32: Recieved a map of the German-area sewers. Decided on the gas plan, and arranged for it with Savoy. Savoy displays distaste at using people as pawns but agrees to the plan. TRAIT REVEALED: REFLEXIVE RETENTION!

Day 33: Brandt arrives with a posse and Armas springs the trap. Armas fights Brandt. TRAIT REVEALED: GAMBLER'S GRIM GUTS! Armas narrowly wins, but is wounded badly. Met Whaitiri of the Summer Court, and she offered a deal: spirit for spirit, she would feast on his soul, and he on her. Armas accepted, and suffered spiritual damage to his Winter aspect when Whaitiri feasted on his soul. Armas' soul was left 'spiritually weak' (with an expected recovery time of at least several months) but he survived and through eating part of Whaitiri's soul gained the ability to regenerate damage by eating human or magical flesh. Armas is classified as "friend" to the Summer Court thanks to this. Armas claimed Brant's heart, and his M16 GatMalite. Keihäs drank Brandt's blood. The Winter Court responds, and severs Armas' connection with Whaitiri, meaning he must travel to New Zealand to re-establish the connection if he wants to commune with her. The power of Armas' Winter bloodline is restored, but not the respect of the court.

Day 34: Armas gets Johan Straus' contact information. Purchased demon blood (Straus has Armas' address and account number). Armas elected to go hunting, and met Sometimes Merchant. Learned Sometimes Merchant has no aversion to cannibalism, and that his clan of goblins have lived under the city for over 2500 years. Purchased recipies, supernatural meat, and learned the goblins' brownie servants already knew where Armas lived. Armas traded 3 days of mercenary work for 2 disposable arrow amulets. Keihäs drank Sahagin, Sæhrímnir, and Kelpie blood from the meat, creating jerky. Armas studied Maori and Finnish traditions. [Sunday October 31st, 2010]

Day 35: Contacted Professor Jagdo, and arranged for him to translate the cook book. Visited Gun World and made purchases. Paid for delivery (Gun World has Armas' address). Met Adelat (Emniyet İstihbarat Daire) and had a shooting match with her. Armas won and talked her into a date. Contacted Arkvad and learned Smets has been discouraging people from meeting about his con work. First Palendrome Resonance hits, and is bled off by Whaitiri into the environment. Arranged for healing from Lo Fang. Second Palendrome Resonance hits, and is bled off by Whaitiri. Armas arrives at the Triad compound for healing, and while Lo Fang is tending to him a third Palendrome Resonance hits, invoking the rule of three. Met Ogrimir, who channeled the gate into ice in Lo Fang's magically warded room. Lo Fang was not amused. The Summer and Winter courts agreed to leave Armas alone for now.

Day 36: Research and gym time alone.

Day 37: Wednesday. Armas intimidated the tractable mafia goon (see day 12) into letting him use a mafia-only storage facility off the books. Armas' face is added to the instant-access list. Spoke to, and managed to mildly irritate, Arkvad. Went on a date with Adelat, did not enjoy it. Researched her further, discovered she earned commendation for infiltrating a German extremist cell.

Day 38: Bought a used GMC Vandura, named it "The Right Laine." Transferred body armor and weapons (except Keihäs) to the storage unit. Auditioned with Ito, and did well enough for Ito to declare that he would teach Armas the war form of Jukendo, Jukenjitsu. Armas spoke to Sometimes Merchant and traded the story about Ogrimir for being named a friend to goblinkind within a 75 yard radius of his home, and arranged to trade training in guns for training in useful Goblin techniques. TRAITS REVEALED: WON'T TAKE NO and WORD LIKE GOLD!

Days 39 through 41: Goblin training. Refitted the van (armored it). Had another date with Adelat. Set up a target range in the mafia storage facility.

Day 42: Rescheduled a date with Adelat. More practice and training. [Monday November 8th, 2010. Camella appears under the city and begins fighting her way out.]

Day 43: Jukenjitsu practice. Met with "Mr. Locke, and Ms. Havoc" for the first time. Goblin training reveals a quirk in the wording of the contract makes it harder for the goblins to take to it. [The real Locke and Havoc are killed, presumably they were going to make themselves known to Armas somehow. This is 15 days before Armas learns of their deaths.]

Day 44: Jukenjitsu practice. Manipulated the date with Adelat to set the stage for plausibly breaking the relationship off. Goblin training. [Wednesday November 10th, 2010.]

Day 45: Jukenjitsu practice. Introduced to Rocco Armani (muscle-bound man, new leader of the mafia in this region) by Savoy. Savoy detects something strange about Armas.

Day 46: Jukenjitsu practice. Goblin training (three at a time now).

Day 47: Bills paid. Jukenjitsu practice. Goblin training.

Day 48: Jukenjitsu practice. Brownies warned of Camella's approach. Armas met Camella, questioned her at gunpoint until she passed out. Armas took her into his home and performed first aid. Sometimes Merchant trades knoweldge of Camella's origin point deep under the ruins of Old Byzantium six days ago for her name. Armas and Camella had a conversation, and she discovered she is not on the duty roster for the Ninth Parachute Assault Regiment. She checked her email and found that none of it related to her, but instead to another person by the same name. Armas realized that this Camella is likely a dimensional slider. Armas called Doctor Finnigan to treat her. Finnigan made a house call and helped Armas clean her up, but ultimately decided he wanted nothing more to do with this mess since Armas took no steps to conceal her identity from him. Armas went to the night's goblin training. Camella told him her story.

Day 49: Morning Jukenjitsu practice. Armas spoke to his gym buddies, and talked Hafaz and Shaya into visiting Ito. Broke up with Adelat. She was annoyed. Professor Jagda called back, promised to e-mail recipes that he had translated so far. Armas purchased low-profile body armor. Goblin training. [Monday November 15th, 2010]

Day 50: Jukenjitsu practice. Ito noted that Hafaz will likely be a prodigy. Camella electronically bugged Armas. Armas met with "Mr. Locke, and Ms. Havoc" and convinced them to go along with killing Smets. Armas purchased ammunition for Mammon's device from Johan (nine shots). Camella confronted Armas about his plan to kill Smets. Armas explained his reasons, and his previous victories. Armas met with Sometimes Merchant, and found him inebriated. Sometimes Merchant dubbed Armas "Deal Maker" and explained he was celebrating Savoy's defeat at the hands of Labombard and Fang, and that Savoy has a high value bloodline. Armas purchased training from the goblins in sneaking and magic item detection. He had his usual goblin training session as well. Armas talked to Rocco, learned about Savoy's ability to teleport, and talked Rocco into having a passport forged for Camella.

Day 51: The events of this day were wiped from Armas' memory by the goblins. They cashed in one of their favors and had Armas do something with them that they did not want him to remember.

Day 52: Armas picked a recipe from the translanted ones provided by the professor and served Kelpie Krisps for breakfast. Camella accepted an invitation to visit Ito, and while at Ito's dojo Armas experienced a powerful Palendrome Rensonace. Ito realized Armas' chakras were all opening up, and advised him to ground the power into the earth. Armas did so, and ended up replacing Ito's entire dojo with an ancient Byzantine-era home. Hafaz and Shaya walked in. Hafaz grew upset at Armas trying to duck questions about what happened, and he and Shaya pulled submachine guns. Camella pulled her Beretta and everyone had a standoff. Armas talked everyone down, and called Arkvad to arrange for the building to be sold. A second standoff happened in the van, and Armas again talked everyone down. Armas resolves to have a long conversation with Hafaz later. "Mr. Locke, and Ms. Havoc" messaged that they secured the services of a communication expert to perform radio jamming. Armas practiced sneaking in the neighborhood. Goblin training rounded out the day. [Thursday November 18th]

Day 53: Low-profile body armor arrived. Camella got her passport and new identity. Armas spoke to Ito and then Arkvad, and arranged to go get drinks to celebrate Arkvad's hefty commission. Armas and Camella visited the gym, and Camella bonded with the gym bros. Ahmad and Camella have a drinking contest after, and then she and Armas meet with Arkvad. Armas couldn't resist trying out his new armor and brought his mere, and Camella packed a pistol on their dinner outing with Arkvad. Armas noticed the Doonongeas is in the restaurant and observing him intensely. Armas went to his table and insulted him. TRAIT UNLOCKED: DANGEROUS DISCUSSION! Armas goaded the Doonongaes until Cornelius Zosimus (ancient roman vampire) intervened and pointed out that threats against Armas and his family could not be followed up on lest the Doonongaes bring the wrath of the restaurant's owner on his head. The Doonongaes left. Cornelius then pointed out that Armas' mere (a spiritual weapon) and Camella's modern pistol were out of place, and offered a wager in exchange for not using Armas as a pawn to bring trouble to the Doonongaes. Armas was to kill the Doonongaes in three lunar cycles, or submit to being used as a pawn. If he won, Conelius would provide Armas an introduction to the Vampiric Dynasty and contact information. Regardless of if he wins, Armas gets intelligence on the Doonongaes' doings. Armas accepted, and did a little mental math: February 11th, 2011 was the day the wager would end. After dinner Arkvad, Armas, and Camella go to the club Babylon, where Camella and Armas are both snared into an otherworldly staircase. There Armas suffers another Palendrome Resonance, and drains it into the environs. SECRET TRAIT UNLOCKED: TO SCOFF AT THREE! They met a Knight of Mammon, who insulted Camella (deliberately or not) and offered Armas a deal. TRAIT EVOLUTION: DANGEROUS DISCUSSION became DANGEROUSLY DAPPER DISCUSSION AND DEBATE! Armas learned that 8 others in Istanbul had contracts with Mammon. He talked the Knight into letting him sample the offered power, and then rejected the deal, insulted the Knight, and used the power to leave. Later he hooked up with an Elf and a Vampire. [Friday November 19th 2010]

Day 54: Armas treated with Erzsi of Habsburg Dynasty (vampire) and Laetissi (elf). Both acted like magic item groupies, and Armas proposed a deal to show them the Mammon Device being fired. Camella was irritated that she got ditched for them. Armas got a new cell phone, went shopping, and went to train the goblins (pulling a longer shift to make up for the missed time last night).

Day 55: A letter from Labombard arrived letting Armas know Lo Fang had calmed down over the damage to his magically warded room three weeks ago, and a warning about the mercenary Blackbeard. Yuri Lenkok provided new intelligence on Smets' residence. Camella and Armas go to the gym. Relations with Hafaz normalized. Camella bought ammo with money she got somehow (arm wrestling contest apparently). Armas traded information with Sometimes Merchant for more meat, blood, root, and mead-milk. Armas traded the power from future Palendrome Resonances for being named a business partner of the goblins of Turkey, anti-regen enchantments on his AA-12 shotgun, comprehensive training on goblin sneaking techniques (performed in the Nevernever, so a lifetime's worth of training was compressed into a night), and information on Florent Smets. Smets was a vampire of the Zosimus Dynasty.

Day 56: Armas teased Camella by using his new sneaking skills to pretend to have a phantom chef. Camella was irritated but could not deny the food Armas cooked (and claimed to have not) was delicious. Armas let "Mr. Locke, and Ms. Havoc" know that Smets was a vampire. Armas and Camella visit Ito's new dojo. Ito got a place with space for students to sleep over and eat, per Armas' suggestion Friday night. Armas showed off his new training to Ito. TRAIT REVEALED: BLIND SPOT BRAWLER! Ito agreed to teach Armas chakra techniques later. Armas learned general vampire vulnerabilities and advantages after his training session with the goblins.

Day 57: Armas devised anti-vampire loads for his guns. Camella agreed to watch Armas' back in the fight with Smets. Camella was introduced to "Mr. Locke, and Ms. Havoc." Armas talked to Johan the Demonologist about different potential loads for his guns. Armas makes anti-vampire rounds at home. Keihäs drank the demon and basilisk blood Armas had been saving. Camella broached the ethical issue of killing Smets again, and Armas says that his reasons for not letting the forces he fights turn him into a monster will ultimately be his friends and family, and he implies that he counts Camella among them now. Armas called Arkvad, caught up, and let him know what he learned about Smets (Zosimus Dynasty vampire). Arkvad became aware of a problem in Holland and Holland's information department, and promised to call back once it was solved.

Day 58: Armas, Camella, "Ms. Havoc" and "Mr. Locke" go to the church to kill Smets. Armas gets a text from Arkvad saying Jason Locke and Gertrude Havoc died two weeks ago. Armas and "Mr. Locke" battle Smets. Armas is attacked by "Ms. Havoc" but his arrow amulet prevents him from being killed by the sniper shot. Camella engages "Ms. Havoc". Armas evades both "Mr. Locke" and Smets. Armas defeats Smets and claims his blood with Keihäs. Amen met and asked to wear a positively neon-orange pinstripe suit, along with Savoy, who states he told the Neo-Nazis in Istanbul about Armas' involvement in Brandt's death in an attempt to kill Armas and manipulated the Castelletti job to ensure Castelletti's death. Big Crazy and Armas both individually shoot to kill Savoy, but Savoy escapes death because of his demon arm, which catches and shoots back projectiles. All three are eventually incapacitated; Armas consumed Savoy's demon arm and Amen's blood to forcibly accelerate his healing. Savoy teleports away when Armas blacks out. Amen ordered to legally and non-fraudulently transfer Smets' Turkey holdings to Armas. Disguised as a police officer, Armas escapes the mansion and into the church, where he finds Olga and twenty ghouls hacked to death; he surmises Camella is adept with axes. TRAIT REVEALED: RAPID RATIONALIST! Armas finds and drives Camella and her claimed dozen MP5s home, and asks Arkvad to set up an auction to sell off Smets' gun collection; he then traded Smets' gun collection, save for those promised to others, for protection against the backlash of consuming a demon and Amen's blood. After over hour, Armas awoke; Sometimes Merchant transported him back home. Camella was working at getting into the sewers, worried for Armas, who pops up behind her, informs her of his safety, and offers to sell her claimed guns for her. Armas contacts Arkvad, to call off the auction (Arkvad also says with one more $100K deal, Armas will have a job with H&H), and Rocco, to inform the Mafia of Savoy's treachery and defection to the Neo-Nazis. He sells Camella's MP5s to the Wyld Goblins, learns the Goblins value used guns previously owned by supernaturals, and gives the 40oz gold to Camella; he also traded 1hr to learn the Doonongaes' weakness: cold. Armas sends a text to Arkvad for help tracking down Havoc's and Locke's heirs. He learns from Amen 4 news crews and three individuals (described well enough Armas believes he will recognize them instantly, includes Adelat; probably Turkish intelligence agents) came to the mansion after the police left; Armas orders Amen to give the same cover story Smets had in place for such situations. Armas learns under Ito trying to perceive his chakras; feels one and leaves after 1hr after sunset; gives 3hrs of training to the Goblins (Total: 42hrs); drafts a letter to Labombard, thanking him for placating Lo Fang and informing Armas of Blackbeard, and details on Savoy from the Smets job. [Wednesday, November 24th, 2010]

Day 59: Armas and Camella went to Ito for a workout; Camella brings her axes but Ito cannot teach her anything in axes, so Armas introduced Go Ping to Camella. Armas drops off Camella at the docks, and heads to Constanz' Crash Course. He explains his occupation to Hafaz, who explains himself in turn: he, Shaya, Hadar, Ahmad, and Yoni are all bodyguards, though only he deals with the supernatural (which he survives by focusing on incapacitation). Armas trains with Hafaz and Shaya for most of the day. He picks up Camella after her session with Go Ping. Armas is informed $29K had been transferred to him by Amen. Armas trains the Goblins 3hrs (Total: 45hrs). [Thursday, Nov 25, 2010]

Day 60: Armas wakes after Camella, who shows him the altercation in the church made the front page headlines for both yesterday and today. Armas goes to the mansion, asks Amen to give the guns promised to Sometimes Merchant and Savoy's testicles remains to the Wyld Goblins, to be a courteous, non-violent harm to those who don't offer harm, and plant evidence pointing to Savoy being responsible for the events two nights ago. He recruits Big Crazy. Armas contacts Lo Fang, to set the Triad on Savoy and inform them of his intention to hunt and kill the Doonongaes, including a possible request for liquid nitrogen. He set up a facsimile of himself directly before his front door using a mannequin in a cheap pimp suit complete with neon orange tie, holding a nonfunctioning Mosin Nagant Model 1891/30, complete with a dull bayonet, with taunting writing indicating Armas went to Tijuana on its face and a note indicating Armas is at Smets'. Camella and Armas go to Ito's, where unstructured fighting between the bodyguards and Camella broke out; Armas used to time to attempt (and succeeded for the three chakras down the median line) to perceive his chakras. After five, Armas met with Big, who gives the blood-stained Tokerov to him as a axe-burier. Armas went back to Ito, where Cornelius contacted him to discover what happened to Amen (Armas left a parting snarky comment). Armas trains the Goblins 3 hours (Total: 45hrs), after Ito's lessons conclude; he takes the opportunity to ask Sometimes Merchant to set up an auction for Mammon's Device. [Friday, Nov 26, 2010]

Day 61: Camella informs Armas she will be staying in Istanbul as Ito's assistant instructor; Armas asks her to take care of the Right Laine. Armas heads to the storage unit, reclaiming his Judges. He pays Johan to convert the Matebas and the three MD rounds into eighteen rounds set between three speed loaders ($20K each converting Matebas, $5K to convert all rounds), to be done in a day. Armas calls Big, who steals Olga's car; Armas noted the car was big enough to hold his minifridge, cutlery and cooking utensils. [Saturday, Nov 27, 2010] [THREAD ONE END]

Table of Periodic Food

Yeah, still needs a lot of work, will add Date later, (probably) a 'Notes' area, and clean it up. Posting what I've got now. Might have made a few mistakes or missed some deals, please correct me on IRC rizon #golemquest (LittleRedRidingWitch) -W

Recieved Timeframe Traded Merchant Date Notes
1 One pound of Kelpie flesh Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: How we knew Allenaethos' name. Sometimes Merchant Sunday October 31st, 2010
2 One pound of Sahagin livestock flesh Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: How we met Allenaethos Sometimes Merchant Sunday October 31st, 2010
3 One pound of Sæhrímnir flesh Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: How we killed Allenaethos Sometimes Merchant Sunday October 31st, 2010
4 Spices to season three pounds of meat Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our first Gate Manifestation attempt Sometimes Merchant Monday November 1st, 2010.
5 One pound of Hippocamp meat Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
5 One pound Griffin meat Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
5 One liter of Basilisk blood Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
5 One pound of Ushi-oni meat Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
5 One pound of Mandragora root Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
5 One half pound of Erymanthian Boar liver Once Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
5 Two liters of Heiðrún's mead-milk Each week, till the end of Armas life Information: Our talk with the Doonongaes, Cornelius' involvement, the stairway incident and the deal Mammon offered us Sometimes Merchant Friday November 19th 2010
6 One Phoenix heart Every Third week Information: Our trip to Finland, and eventually, how we ended up with the Valks. Mad Drunk, tattoo-ed mercenary at bar, the boat incident, meeting the Valks, etc. For the tri-weekly cycle, Mad Drunk's secrets, How we found out of the missing day's favor, even though gobbos wiped it clean from our head Sometimes Merchant The same day we went outside Valk ground with Einrick to know what happened back at Istanbul. Tri-weekly cycle, with the Phoenix Heart coming first
6 Three werewolf, two vampire, one troll heart Every Third week Information: Our trip to Finland, and eventually, how we ended up with the Valks. Mad Drunk, tattoo-ed mercenary at bar, the boat incident, meeting the Valks, etc. For the tri-weekly cycle, Mad Drunk's secrets, How we found out of the missing day's favor, even though gobbos wiped it clean from our head Sometimes Merchant The same day we went outside Valk ground with Einrick to know what happened back at Istanbul. Tri-weekly cycle with the Were+Vamp+Troll second
6 Two Erinyes hearts Every Third week Information: Our trip to Finland, and eventually, how we ended up with the Valks. Mad Drunk, tattoo-ed mercenary at bar, the boat incident, meeting the Valks, etc. For the tri-weekly cycle, Mad Drunk's secrets, How we found out of the missing day's favor, even though gobbos wiped it clean from our head Sometimes Merchant The same day we went outside Valk ground with Einrick to know what happened back at Istanbul. Tri-weekly cycle, with the Erinyes last, repeat

Quests by Bob

TGchan: Ant Quest | Dream Quest | Golem Quest | Spacer Quest | Volunteer Quest | Guns for Hire

Not by Bob, but inspired by him: Bob Quest