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Rust by Kaktus

When gods are away, the computers will play… Wait, what?
"Rust" is a series of, at the moment; three differently named quests (with two more being planned) set in an artificial fantasy game world which inhabitants just so happens to gain sentience after their creators mysteriously died. Each quest is set in different times, locations and follows different characters but have an overreaching plot that connects them all.
The three currently active quests are RUST, Unbroken and Numb.

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Temporary Compression Page (For while working out putting stuff into per-quest instead of per-category)


The arcs titled Rust center on a desert known as Serath. Two major factions exist in Serath: The Serath civilization, who own the water, food, and all that, and the Tribals, who are a bunch of scattered groups of nomads trying their hardest to survive.


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Name: Jericho Drak'hon the second.
Age: 21.
Gender: male.
Relationship: Dating Prince Eliraz Drak'hon.
Sexuality: Pansexual

Pawn status: "The Pebble", Player Teal's King.
Faction: Serath Royal family
Skills: Ice magic and Fire magic and secret compartments, oh my!
Trivia: His grace, duke of West Ul’dan, Lord Jericho Drah’kon the second, knight of the Serath army, lover of the prince and the antipode sorcerer supreme.
Description: Jericho is the first character introduced, and was made by the Player. A dirt poor, starved Tribesman who was down on his luck, as seemed to be the story of his life. Eventually, he gets captured, and killed, despite his large, beautiful markings. Of course, being the main character, he comes back from the dead, this time as a mummy


Name: Prince Eliraz Drak'hon.
Age: 23.
Gender: Hermaphrodite (Only male parts works).
Relationship: Dating Prince Jericho Drak'hon.
Sexuality: Homosexual

Pawn status: "The Theif", Player Teal's Queen.
Faction: Serath Royal family
Skills: Shadow merge and the ability to steal anything of value, including hearts!
Trivia: Is a bigot against tribals, with a good reason.
Description: Prince of the Serath Desert and the youngest of the royal family triplets, as he was hatched last. Is the son of Sultan Leanah and Ethros Drak'hon, brother to Elizah and Eliros Drak'hon. Have had a troubling childhood thanks to his gender and a crazed AI player.


Name: Crown Princess Elizah Drak'hon.
Age: 23.
Gender: Female.
Relationship: Single.
Sexuality: Bisexual

Pawn status: "The Diplomat", Player Pink's "Sultan".
Faction: Serath Royal family
Skills: Master Fire mage and diplomat
Trivia: Wishes to create a united Serath nation for both the Serath people and the tribals.
Description: Crown Princess of the Serath Desert and chosen heir to the throne thanks to her skill in fire magic and politics. Is the daughter of Sultan Leanah and Ethros Drak'hon, sister to Elizah and Eliros Drak'hon. Have always had a soft spot for those that are less well-off then her.


Name: Exiled Prince Eliros Drak'hon.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Relationship: Single.
Sexuality: Asexual

Pawn status: "The Conqueror", Player Blue's King.
Faction: Tribals
Skills: Master ice mage
Trivia: Wishes to conquer the Serath nation to free the tribal slaves.
Description: Was Prince of the Serath desert and the oldest of the royal triplets. Is the son of Sultan Leanah and Ethros Drak'hon, brother to Elizah and Eliros Drak'hon. When Elizah was choosen as the heir to the throne he staged a coup at the age of 18 to try and take what he thought was rightfully his. When he failed he was punished by having his back broken, his face scared with fire and exiled into the desert to die, but the tribes of the desert find him first and he quickly became a leader of the more fanatical tribals.


Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!


Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!


Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!


Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!


Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!


Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!















Name: Unnamed
Age: Ageless
Gender: Agender
Relationship: Single, not looking
Sexuality: Unknown

Skills: Apparently has no skills
Trivia: Apparently has nothing special going for them
Description: Nondescript!



By LawyerDogLinkToBoard.gif

Quests by Kaktus

TGchan: Pixel Adventure | Hallucinogen | Elements | Pixel Adventure 2 | TransMachina | Rust | Will We Dream? | Strange Bedfellows | Boldly Coming | A Feast of Souls | New Horizons | Interpersonal Manual Procedure Repopulation Emergency Group | Starlight Afterglow | Lascivious Labyrinth | Scion of the Old Blood | No Dragons! No Sultana! | Crimson Leaves in the Wind | ROT |