Bite Quest

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Bite Quest is a quest updated on weekly update sessions by BiteQuest. The main character is Spikesby Biteface, a magical, blade-armed critter who can apparently only speak in 'waks'.

Book 1 (Chapters 1 - 6):

Book 2 (Chapters 1 - 6):

Book 3 (Current)  :

Spikesby is rumored to be an excellent dancer.

The World

Bite Quest is run in an original setting in which the world has been mostly destroyed by Wizards wielding near-limitless power. Most of them were killed during a war that took place an indeterminately long time before the start of the quest.

Most of the world was swallowed by a black fog called the Sea of Oblivion, leaving only a tiny peninsula that resembles a sunfish. The Wizards have divided the peninsula among them, and each lives alone, ruling over his or her small domain.

The Wizards seem to be impossible to kill through normal means, and are each extremely powerful. Some of them resemble some of the normal species of creatures, but only vaguely. Normal people can only access magic by making a sacrifice to one of the Wizards in exchange for power. Those who do are called Adepts. The sacrifice can be something physical, like an arm or an eye, or something more conceptual, like compassion or confidence.

The Adepts' powers are extremely specialized and narrow for the most part.


Several strange species make up the population of the Bite Quest universe. No common fantasy races appear.


Gour stand roughly 8' tall and resemble armadillos. They have three fingers on their hands and two toes on their feet. Some have plates on their skin while others do not. For the most part, they wear masks that cover one of their eyes.


Ravians resemble sectoids or traditional alien grays. They are roughly 6' tall and extremely thin. They distrust most of the other species and don't like wizards or magical creatures.


Ophians are large, colorful snake people. They have snaky tentacles instead of arms and a long tail instead of legs. Some have hoods and fangs while others do not, and they typically "stand" about 7' tall or so. The Ophians were originally magical creatures created by the Wizard Kshaara the Devourer, but they rebelled against her and slew her.


Blockheads are reddish pink and have rectangular heads, They are the smallest of the species by far, standing around 3' in height. They are extremely stupid, but industrious.


Golden are pale skinned humanoids with hoofed feet. They are extremely few in number, and are made into Adepts shortly after being born. Metal helmets that cover most of their face are fused to their heads, and these helmets allow them much more extensive magical abilities than a normal Adept. Golden can fuse normal creatures together to make mindless abominations that they directly control, and can also bind normal magical creatures to them. They tend to be hated and feared because of their abilities and their lack of discretion in using them.

Magical Creatures

The Wizards can also create creatures of their own that they can use as minions or release for their own amusement. Magical creatures are created with a sort of blank, stock understanding of the world, but no real emotional depth or ability to conceptualize. Most magical creatures can immediately recognize other magical creatures and communicate with them, even if their normal power of speech is limited or absent. Over time, they can develop unique personalities and acquire souls. Other magical creatures can "smell" souls, and do not identify creatures with souls as magical creatures anymore. It isn't known exactly what souls do or mean in the setting entirely, or if they're good for anything. They seem to be tied to emotional range and the ability to conceptualize and empathize.

It seems that magical creatures must follow any commands that a Wizard gives them. Normal people consider magical creatures to be dangerous and antagonistic.


Spikesby Biteface

Spikesby is a magical creature called a Snikt. He can't talk to normal people, but can communicate with other magical creatures. He has sharp blades for arms, clawed feet, a vicious beak, and a barbed tail. His skin is also supernaturally tough. He may or may not have acquired a soul, and has generally been trying to help people when he finds them. He has also been systematically making enemies of the wizards he has encountered so far.


An Ophian that Spikesby rescued in the Desert of Ruin and brought to Suri. She seems kindhearted and friendly, but not particularly skilled or clever.


A Ravian that Spikesby rescued from Ryxix's minions. He is shrewd and distrustful. He was also left in Suri with Ria.


A Gour adept that has the power to tear the hearts out of magical creatures. He was traveling with Llewin's party as a guard, and was originally antagonistic towards Spikesby. After he learned that Spikesby is trying to get a soul and was acting against the interests of the Wizards, he has been helpful. He seems somewhat unhinged and psychotic.


A Golden that Spikesby rescued from Nemesises in Radia's territory. She seems almost useless, although her blood can heal other people. She is emotional and totally lacking in confidence. She may have been abused by her brother, Ashleigh.


Glory's brother. Spikesby encountered him in Flails Breaker's territory and with the help of Heartsbane defeated him. Although Ashleigh escaped, all of his minions were killed, and it seems he was ambushed by some of Ryxix's Snikts and carried off.


Sky is a creature created by Flails Breaker that was chained up in his castle. She resembles a moth and is approximately 8' tall and brightly colored. She has wings and can fly, and seems spunky and friendly. Spikesby rescued her and is currently traveling with her.

Known Wizards

Although the quest author has posted a complete list of remaining Wizards, Spikesby has only encountered a few of them.

Zorsuz Blacksoul

The Wizard that Spikesby serves. He has never appeared directly in the quest. He lives on the very edge of the Sea of Oblivion and is attempting to move its border back. He also takes things like compassion and love from his Adepts, and his gifts tend to be curses more than blessings.

Xix Ryxix

A giant monster that resembles and antlion. Ryxix is his own tower and moves around in his domain, the Desert of Ruin. He created the snikts and uses them to ambush and kill travelers in his region. He had some prior history with Kshaara the Devourer, before the Ophians rebelled against her.

Spikesby killed several of his Snikts and rescued most of their victims. Spikesby was later told that Ryxix will certainly seek him out to get revenge.

Kshaara the Devourer

A huge, fanged serpent monster, she created the Ophians. They all began to acquire souls and eventually rose up against her. She is impaled on a forest of spears in the top of her shattered tower in Suri and bleeds constantly. Although she appears dead, some theorize that she is constantly regenerating and if the spears were removed, she would heal.

The Ophians use her blood to draw wards on the walls of the city that protect them from the vengeful Ryxix.

Radia the Glorious

A mostly-humanoid giant with portions of her body replaced by golden energy. She lives at the top of a glass mountain covered in razor-sharp ridges. Her domain is called the Radiant Plains, and she doesn't allow anyone inside to cover their face.

She created Nemesises, winged creatures with birdlike feet and four eyes.

/quest/ considers her to be a huge bitch, and she poked out Spikesby's eye for what she considered to be an insult. She seems to like insulting Flails Breaker.

Flails Breaker

A giant minotaur whose head is a skull full of fire. He makes a wide variety of bizarre creatures, mostly for the purpose of rape and violence. He is well-known for his lusty and violent tendencies and follows whatever natural impulses are strongest at the time. He initially tried to kill Spikesby, but after learning that he was Blacksoul's instead of Radia's servant, decided to let him go. Spikesby stole a creature named Sky from him, but Flails Breaker isn't currently aware of this.

Quests by BiteQuest

TGchan: Bite Quest | FlareQuest | Crowmanticar | Karen's Heart | Lahamu Quest | Sammy's Adventure | Adventures of Bug Girl With a Laser Rifle | No Escape | Survivors | NEO SEX MALL | Save Us All | Operator | Endure | Merchant Story | Decision Assistance | SEXCOM | The Sea