Bad End Quest (Psithief)

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Bad End Quest (Psithief) by Psithief

A quest by Psithief.

Runs with the Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 ruleset.


  • "Also, too much information." - Anonymous
  • "I feel like this is some kind of hellish soap opera." - Anonymous
  • "I'll be honest. At first it was kind of interesting, if a bit too broad, but then suddenly A DRAGON APPEARS AND YOU HAVE SEX WITH IT AND YOU ARE NOW PREGNANT WITH DRAGON BABY and I went 'hell no'" - Z
  • "I'll be honest. At first it was kind of interesting, if a bit too broad, but then suddenly A DRAGON APPEARS AND YOU HAVE SEX WITH IT AND YOU ARE NOW PREGNANT WITH DRAGON BABY and I went 'hell yes'" - Anonymous
  • "Well, in the vein of Hatch Quest, and Tezakia Quest, this quest shall have an appropriate nickname too. I'm recommending Utter Depravity Quest." - Anonymous
  • "My god. It's true! Quests NEVER end up like their title makes them out to be! Gun for Hire is now on track for Infinitely Godly Power quest, Golem Quest is now Infinitely Powerful God quest, Whitespace quest wasn't in Whitespace, and Bad End Quest had a GOOD END. What next, Defective involves NO MECHANICAL FAILURES? The World Is Mine involves us forming a democracy? Sorry, I'm just going crazy cuz I just noticed this trend." - Anonymous
  • "Holy crap we're good at this whole dragon sex thing." - Anonymous
  • ":D i like us" - Anonymous
  • "HEY! Rope in that bloodlust! You're getting your crazy all over our interface!" - Seven01a19
This is a very NSFW quest, containing badly written sex scenes, overly detailed dialogue, poorly drawn images and updates that barely advance the plot.
It started as the story of the hijinks of a mentally ill adventurer and then devolved into porn from there.


The goal of Bad End Quest is to continue questing such that Good Ends are avoided!


Bad End Quest is told in the third person, shown from any of the player characters' perspectives. When they coherently subvocalise, their thoughts are displayed in italics. They are not aware of the suggesters.

Bad End Quest has an extremely poor image to text ratio. There is a LOT of text.


Player Characters

Abed Decimus the Red

Abed was a male human. He transformed into a female and got pregnant, and now cannot change back to male until she gives birth. She has a deadly temper and is a creature of lust.

Versparki Arisha

Versparki is an undead necromancer. She has been given a quest by the Lord of Dust. Until Abed spared her from oblivion she was an uncaring automaton, lacking all compassion whatsoever.

Non-Player Characters


Valinoghtorklax is a red dragon. He burnt down Abed's home and got her pregnant. The two of them have an unhealthy relationship based entirely on sex.

Minor characters

  • Thaae
  • Maldrimir

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Character Sheets

Disclaimer: Unless you have access to all of the D&D v3.5 books none of the following will make sense to you. Do not trust internet searches to explain this.


Abed Deci­mus The Red
Half-Vampire Human Warblade 4//Egoist 4
Medium Humanoid (human, psionic)
Hit Dice: 4d12+8 (39hp)
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 feat)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 24 (+3 natural, +5 armour, +3 shield, +3 Dex), 22 with Punishing Stance
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+7
Full Attack: +2 frost scimitar +10 melee (1d6+5 magic piercing +1d6 cold, 18-20/x2)
and slam +2 melee (1d6+1 magic bludgeoning)
Special: +1d6 with punishing stance
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: blood drain (unused), charm gaze
Special Qualities: powers, manoeuvres, change shape, blood dependency (dormant), DR 5/silver or magic, fast healing 1, resist cold 5, resist electricity 5
Saves: Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
+3 Reflex if not flat-footed.
+1 vs. mind-influencing effects
Abilities: Str 16 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 12
Skills: Autohypnosis +6, Balance +10, Bluff +3, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +8, Heal +3, Hide +5, 
 Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, geography, local, nature, religion, the planes) +4 [+5 creatures], Knowledge (psionics) +10 [+5 creatures], Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Psicraft +12, Spot +2, Tumble +10
Feats: Weapon Focus (scimitar), Power Attack
Bonus Feats: Improved Initiative, Craft Universal Item [Item Creation], Blade Meditation (Diamond Mind)
Proficiencies: Simple and Martial weapons, Light and Medium armour, Shields
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
ECL: 6th

Manoeuvres Readied:
• emerald razor
• sapphire nightmare blade
• moment of perfect mind
• insightful strike

Manoeuvres Known but not Readied:
• wolf fang strike
• steel wind

Powers Known:
1st – inertial armour, psionic grease, conceal thoughts, thicken skin, know direction and location
2nd – sustenance, psionic knock, animal affinity, chameleon
3rd – psionic darkvision, energy retort

PP per day: 32
Base: 25
Bonus: 7


Versparki Arisha
Female Evolved Necropolitan Wood Elf Dread Necromancer 4//Incarnate 4
Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
Hit Dice: 4d12 (31hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +6 armour, +1 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Full Attack: charnel touch +1 melee touch (1d8 negative energy)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: negative energy burst 1/day, charnel touch, spells, incarnum radiance 1/day, see invisibility 1/day
Special Qualities: low-light vision, rebuke undead, aura, detect opposition, undead traits (immunity to critical hits, 
 sneak attack damage, poison, nausea, ability damage to physical ability scores, ability drain, death effects, disease, 
 stunning, mind-affecting effects, sleep, paralysis, nonlethal damage, energy drain), DR 2/magic and bludgeoning, 
 turn resistance +2, resist control, unnatural resilience, fast healing 3
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +7
Immune to effects that force Fortitude saves unless they also affect objects.
+2 vs. control undead
Abilities: Str 16 Dex 12 Con — Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 22
Skills: Bluff +7, Concentration +13, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2, Listen +5, Search +2, Speak Language (Common, Elven), Spellcraft +2, Spot +5
Feats: Corpsecrafter, Undead Meldshaper
Bonus Feats: –
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapon (battleaxe, longbow, rapier, shortbow, longsword), Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
Alignment: Neutral Evil
ECL: 5th

Spells Known:
1st – bane, bestow wound, cause fear, chill touch, detect magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I, undetectable alignment
2nd – blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, death knell, false life, gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict moderate wounds, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, summon undead II, ray of sickness*

Spells per day: 8/6
Base: 6/4
Bonus: 2/2

Essentia: 4 (Capacity 1, 2 for soulmelds)
Chakra Binds: 1 (crown, feet, hands)
Soulmelds: 4
• Necrocarnum Circlet: Detect undead within 30ft. as if using blindsight. Undead within 30ft. gain +1 turn resistance per point of Essentia invested
  (or +2 per point if animated by the wearer). Bind (crown) - Can animate a corpse within 30ft. as a necrocarnum zombie until the soulmeld unshapes. 
  It must have 4HD or less. You have a penalty to hp equal to the zombie's HD. Essentia invested in this soulmeld counts as Essentia available to the zombie. [Bound, 2 invested]
• Fellmist Robe: Gain a 10% concealment miss chance, plus +5% per point of Essentia invested (up to 50%) against nonadjacent attackers. Soul - Gain concealment even against adjacent attackers. [1 invested]
• Cerulean Sandals: Lets one walk on water.
• Dissolving Spittle: Deal 1d6 acid damage to a target within 30ft. using a ranged touch attack. Provokes an attack of opportunity. +1d6 points of acid damage per point of Essentia invested. [1 invested]