
From questden
Revision as of 17:09, 6 September 2011 by LionsPhil (talk | contribs) (Dropping this to being the "power user" route. (Where "power user" means "likes more work". :3c ))
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This is the template to create a straightfoward new page for a quest that doesn't have one if you don't want to use the easy method (which builds a page using Template:MakeNewQuest).

There are older templates at Typo/Minimum Standard Template and QuestpageTemplate.

Copy everything in this box (not the source code of this page!):

Something something A DESCRIPTION. This is the spoiler-free lead-in to let people know what the quest's about.

= Characters =
== Ruby ==

= Plot =
== Chapter 1 ==

= Fanart =

<!-- If the author has a template, put it here, e.g. "{{LionsPhil}}" -->
[[Category:Image Quests]] <!-- If it is one -->
[[Category:Running Quests]]