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NicQuest by Adept
NicQuest Splash.jpg
Active Thread

Chapters 1&2
Chapter 3

NicQuest Summary

A psychic black lawyer fights an oppressive regime to save a humorous captions website. Shit blows up.

NicQuest is allegedly ongoing, though Adept's a lazy bastard. NicQuest is set in the Rastin-Vresch Continuity, along with Apocalyption, Kara Quest, The Protagonist Dies, and BlazeQuest.


Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.


Nicolas Zere

Nicolas is a business lawyer with no real combat skills to speak of in a setting involving zombies and a hostile government takeover, which of course means that he'd be the quest's main character and primary protagonist. Nicolas' primary traits are his genre-savviness and his ability to somehow combine the traits of being a total geek with having a charm score that doesn't feed off the bottom of the fishtank. During the first chapter, he winds up bound to a bizarre crystal... thing, which grants him some psychic powers, primarily the ability to make illusions and use telekinesis. His weapon of choice is a CLASSY DERRINGER.

Joel Grey

Joel Grey is a defecting MIB mook with a love for animals and a passionate interest for firearms. She speaks with a stutter and seems to enjoy dressing up in business suits; whether this is a side effect of living as a red shirt or simply a character preference remains unclear. She often winds up as a more level-headed foil for Nicolas' strange but genre-savvy behavior.


Nic's pet cat. Has been used as a weapon in the past. Probably not appreciative of this fact.


This... THING is not natural. It better resembles a freak attempt to animate a dustmop than a small yappy dog. Despite allegedly detesting dogs, Nicolas found himself saving Mappy from the antagonist's office in chapter two.



The ultimate troll.


Here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. Simultaneously.

The most fucking badass enemy mook ever. Repleatedly withheld from promotion for flagrant displays of bubblegum chewing. Has been described as 'stupid but loyal, like a dog' by Joel, who apparently used to be his MIB partner.

Agent Logan

The scrubber who interrogated Nicolas in chapter one, only to be interrogated after Nicolas turned the situation around. Only named MIB underling aside from Joel and Bubbles.

Victor Radley

Nicolas Zere's unknown rival, and apparently the SIC of the MIB. He professed to be controlling the demon of technology, Vresch, and made it clear that he very very personally 'hated' Nicolas.

Probably dead.



Hello, ladies~

'Prince' Tyrael is the perfect exemplar of modern man and everything one can aspire to be. You cannot hope to be as awesome as Tyrael. All units of awesomeness are, in fact, measured in units of 'approximate awesomeness in relation to Tyrael'. Nobody's ever gone above half a Tyrael. Ever. Owner of the Seven Deadly Sammiches.


Some unimportant jealous bitch. Tyrael's assistant manager.

CZ and his Minions

CZ's a paranoid criminal mastermind who's way too gullible for his line of work. He runs a fake ID business, as well as an underground market for trading psionic equipment. His only named henchman is a chick with knives known as Roxie.

The Mustachioed Cat Pig Devil Dog


The Mustachioed Cat Pig Devil Dog is a strange figurine that may or may not be a lovecraftian horror in sheep's clothing. Its stare haunts Nicolas at night.

After being examined at an Ignometics branch, the object was reported to register at 0.0 Thaums; IE: It has no magic, Holmes. Nicolas is hardly convinced.


NicQuest and KaraQuest are derived from an online d20 Modern campaign that Adept and Reka took part in. Nicolas was Adept's character. He has been somewhat flanderized for questan purposes, and has since come to be more distinctive than the original character probably ever was.


