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Discounted prices are in square brackets.


Create Worker Drone (50)

Reduces ichor costs to 80% within assigned base feature. Base features can only have one worker drone at a time working in them.


Upgrades can be applied to units for the same cost as during creation. Units can be named if so desired.


Ichor Worm (20) [16]

Create an Ichor Worm, a fairly simple melee unit. Available upgrades are:

  • Speedy (15) [12] - More action points.
  • Tough (20) [16] - Resilience to damage.
  • Vicious (20) [16] - Improved jaw strength.
  • Smart (20) [16] - Resistance to mind control.

Spiker Tick (50) [40]

Create a Spiker Tick, a ranged unit that cannot move and attack on the same turn. Available upgrades are:

  • Sniper (30) [24] - Range becomes 8 hexes instead of 5.

Typhon Bike (20) [16]

Create a spiderbike vehicle for Typhon. Grants increased action points and the ability to fly over impassable terrain and enemy units. Only one of these can exist at a time.


Shaper Drone (250)

Consumes a Worker Drone. Allows for further spawnery actions. Does not discount prices of things that are unlocked with a shaper drone.


Ichor invested in basic research is boosted by a factor of 1.2.



Improve Typhon (??)

Invest variable amount of ichor into Typhon to improve capabilities. Available areas of improvement are:

  • Health - Typhon can take more damage before collapsing.
  • Attack Strength - Typhon's claws are sharper and have more force behind them.
  • Ichor Flux Rate - Typhon can channel ichor at a greater rate per combat turn.
  • Action Points - Typhon can do more things and/or move further in a combat turn.

Design New Unit (??)

Design a new unit with a specified purpose. More ichor will result in a better but more expensive unit, and vice versa.

Improve Existing Unit (??)

Unlock a new upgrade for a specified unit type immediately. Better upgrades come with more ichor investment.

Investigate Enemy (??)

Study captured enemy specimens to learn more of their precious, precious secrets. The more ichor spent, the more useful the result will be. Requires enemy specimens. Dead specimens are consumed, and live specimens can only be used for research once. Living subjects provide twice as much information.


Examine Ichor (??)

Study the material of pure magical force made manifest, and which makes up Typhon and his units. Further understanding of this material can open the gate for more efficient usage in creation and investing, as well as possibilities of amassing control of ichor over a larger general area.

Examine Ether (??)

Study the material that opposes ichor, and which makes up Nyx and her units. Further understanding of this material can allow for its manipulation in addition to ichor. This will also allow for unlocking specific abilities only ether-based units can be capable of.

Examine Link (??)

Study the link that ties Typhon and Nyx together. Research will indicate the mechanisms and nature of the link, and, in time, whether these mechanisms can be adjusted.

Design New Structure (??)

Design a new structure to be used inside (or outside) the base. External structures will require worker drones or animus geists for operation, and can potentially be used in certain combat scenarios. Animus geists can be produced for zero ichor at any time, including during a combat situation.


Engineer Drone (1000)

Consumes Science Drone. Allows for further laboratory actions. Discounts basic and advanced prices. Boosts basic and advanced investment. Does not discount or boost unlocked choices.



Locate Ichor Deposit (30)

Locates an area of the shattered world high in ichor. Ichor is returned after intel is retrieved.

Study Faction (50)

Finds the location and area of influence of a specific faction, if the faction is known of. Ichor is returned after intel is retrieved.


Observer Drone (250)

Consumes a Worker Drone. Allows for further observatory actions. Does not discount prices.