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Resonance by Cirr
[Thread #1]
[Discussion Thread]

A quest by Cirr. What starts as a journey for the truth turns to something more, in a world fraught with ancient mystery and dangers from beyond the stars.

Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.



A male cenesu of unspecified age. Fairly knowledgeable about the world around him. Currently on a search for knowledge of his species' history. Wears a lab coat for no specified reason.


A female seltwil with a red robe. With a symbol on it. Something something chapter just started seriously we know nothing yet


Guardian Essence of Terea, Aspect of Creation, words words words.


Chapter 1 - Resonance

Teteke finds an ancient golden tower and touches a magic crystal hovering in the air. This causes the Thousandfold (us) to be bound to him. He stumbles across a craftkind that talks but shouldn't and it chases him into an elevator. He goes upstairs, touches a different crystal and starts hearing more voices. Au suddenly appears and berates the Thousandfold for existing.

The Thousandfold talks to Au, who reels off some exposition before sending us back to Teteke, plus one artifact. Teteke struggles with the craftkind again before breaking it, and goes up to the top floor of the tower just in time to see the end of the world as we know it.

We talk to someone who we apparently killed all their family and friends and we don't remember. Go team!

Chapter 2 - Seekers

(Currently ongoing.)




Bird-like creatures with a strong natural curiosity and an affinity towards science and investigation. Though flightless, they have powerful legs and are capable runners. They lack a strong potential for harnessing conventional domains of magic.


Lizardish creatures with a strong affinity towards magic. Have tealish spines along their backs and tails that tend to glow with a strength proportional to the magic charged by the seltwil in particular.


Shadowy creatures. Not a lot known about them yet.


Golden machines inset with shiny metals and gemstones, with a dome-like body, twelve legs underneath, six arms at the perimeter and a bunch of eyes around the sides. Contain a lattice of kaier crystal within them. It's not known yet as to what this is actually for.


Unified Tereans

The only structured nation on the world known so far. Consists predominately of cenesu and seltwils.

Golden Empire

An ancient empire of unknown origin that has a fascination for gold and kaier crystals, cyan crystals that have interesting properties.

The Machine

A collective of darkish grey, red-eye machines dedicated to overthrowing and destroying the Golden Empire due to some slight on their behalf.

Magic Domains


The domain of making something out of nothing.

  • No known spells have been encountered yet.


The domain of making something into nothing.

  • No known spells have been encountered yet.


The domain of making something do or become something else.

  • Command Glyph: A spell used by the craftkind in the seventh Conduit Tower. So far known to blind a target if specified.


