Golem Quest

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Golem Quest by Bob

[ Mordre's Abilities ]
[ Skill Sets ]
[ Secret Bonuses ]
[ A List of Deep Spawn Names ]

[ First Thread] [ Summary]

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[ Discussion]
[ Discussion 2]

Golem Quest is about a newly sapient Soul Grave that names itself Mordre, then goes about building an empire. By Bob.

Character List

The list has been ordered by first appearance/mention.


Mordre's Abilities (Sapient and Sentient Soul Grave) The primary character of Golem Quest, with a soul that is pure unadulterated Chaos (paradoxically while being fixed to a universal stillpoint: timeless, a horrendously Order quality; also a hybrid of mortal, Deep Spawn, and Chaos souls), Mordre is a Soul Grave, a metal golem designed by the now dead Mosmordren Empire to use the souls of the fallen as it's fuel source. (This Soul Grave, particularly the Soul Furnace, was made to be a multi-dimensional anchor, and the ability to contain the Chaos Souls that pull segments of time from other worlds, and splice them into this reality's timeline to fuel the creation of instant augmentations to Mordre's form.) Finding itself newly sentient and sapient -- the mass of souls within the golem formed a gestalt consciousness due to the Curse/presence of the Master of Sorrow/Mosmodren Administrator, caused by the Chaos recoil of a Chaotic Soul magic working of the Master of Sorrow -- upon awakening to the blasted landscape of its former homeland, Mordre has vowed to take revenge on its destroyers, while at the same time crafting an Empire of its own design. As a sapient non-Life Golem, Mordre suffers the stigma of being anathema to nearly every major civilization on Zakrath, an immortal and powerful creation of war given the ability to plan and think for itself without orders. In order to avoid discovery and the subsequent annihilation that would likely follow, Mordre has adopted the personality of a kindly old mage, with a love for cats and maids, who has discovered how to control a golem over long distances. His true nature is now his most closely guarded secret, known only to: Arkus, Kyorto, the Drazken clan, Lenryt, members of the Order of Harmonious Discord, the Frostback Mountains Deep Spawn, and Mordre's consumed Hero Souls. Bobobo has stated Mordre, as an individual, only exists in one reality.

Skill-set link (Human/Male/Mage) A major supporting character, and the first person to know Mordre's secret, Arkus also happens to be the one who originally woke Mordre from his stasis-like slumber. A poor destitute, Arkus grew up around death and poverty (though the location of his homeland is still unclear), an upbringing that instilled in him a firm sense of apathy to death and horror. As such, Arkus finds himself easily adaptable to new occurrences, however distasteful and outright horrible. It also fostered a desire to rise above such a position, and he now seeks to become a true mage, with his ultimate goal being to have the Mortal Coil directly request that he join them. As one of the few to know Mordre's secret, Arkus is functionally his second in command in all endeavors in the Warring States, as he has a surprisingly vast wealth of knowledge of recent events in the core states. Under Mordre's sponsorship, he has also vastly improved in magical skill, reaching a level of power most aspiring mages work at for years in the space of months thanks to the wealth of study materials he has been provided in conjunction with own predisposition to learning. He plays the role of "Mage Mordre's" only apprentice to those who do not know the secret. He currently is generating World energy from around his veins and nerves; an explanation might be found in the harmony of Chaos and Order existing in his system, the two artfully interwoven in what at first looks a chaotic scrawl but when looked at more deeply reveals hidden complexities.

Lorgk the Blood/Red Knight
(Premen/Male/War Chieftain) First encountered in the Frostback Mountains, Lorgk was the first organic being to block direct hits from Mordre and manage to damage him. As the Leader of the Drazken Clan, Lorgk's motives were to attack the Yetis and reclaim the bronze and ruby mine that had been wrenched from the Drazken's control for 70 years. After Mordre realized that he was being used by the Yetis, he joined forces with Lorgk and the Drazken to help take back the mine, now renamed Mordreden to honor the metal warrior that had aided them and given them a second chance to rebuild and protect what was rightfully theirs. Lorgk is a straight to business type; he doesn't screw around or mince words when he can help it. Lorgk holds Mordre's words in high regard, and even gives him overwhelming control in political or diplomatic issues. After giving over his family sword, True Edge, he now bears Legalloth, the Legacy of Lorgk, formerly Abaeloth's crystal magic-absorbing sword, containing all the souls of Lorgk's ancestors, the bearers of True Edge, save Draz, and will probably contain his own soul, too, when he dies. He also wears the Slayer's Bastion, formed from his old bone armor and blood vestments bound with Goran bone and Red Steel, a reactively offensive set of durable armor that steals spilled blood to form sanguine armor. Bang's gift of the Boots of the Earth grants Lorgk significant land speeds.

(Premen/Male/Head Shaman) Mingsk is the relatively young, but head shaman of the Drazken clan. He is originally from the clan, but had to campaign against Fekk for his position. He argued that the clan Fekk had come from has not had to battle for two years and Fekk would be a poor leader in the face of battle. When the matter came down to a duel Mingsk defeated Fekk handily. He used his own style of combat magic, a style which is focused on empowering his body, giving him hardened skin, increased muscle, and flexible bones.

(Premen/Male/Shaman) Surgo is an elder shaman of the Drazken clan. He was once the head shaman, but his position had been wrested from him by Mingsk.

(Human/Skin Life Golem/Female/Mage) Kyorto is a past mage of Mosmordre, manifested as a spirit bound to a building in the ruins of Mosmordre, close to where Mordre was found. She has been resurrected by Mordre in return for promised service/assistance, taking the form of Life Golem made from the skins of World mages woven together into a tapestry. Her illusion magic allows her to appear to others in her old form. She currently is disguised as an old colleague of Mage Mordre.

Oggroth the Hungry Mountain
Skill-set link (Premen Life Golem/Male/Warrior) Oggroth respects power in a warrior and holds Mordre in the highest regard. He wields a large ball-on-chain. He is now a Life Golem created through the Inverted Immortal Genocide: Soul Infusion. To handle the mass of souls within his body, he was modified with the help of Dorgrum, Jojo, Heol, and Mordre to be able to eat anything, be it souls, rocks, mountains, snow, meat, bones, and, likely, politics, to be converted into the building blocks of his body. His innate durability and strength has much increased, allowing him to support fighting unarmored and crumple armor and shatter bone with bare-handed strike. Being used by Lorgk as a prestige booster, as a Goran-like underling.

Skill-set link (Premen/Male/Shaman) Jojo is a user of the rare SoulDreaming magic, seemingly centered around sending himself into the Dream, and Ulzrick's and Heol's SoulDreaming teacher. Jojo moves around using invisible magical 'legs' that he creates with SoulDreaming to compensate for his crippled legs.

(Premen/Male/Assistant Shaman to Mingsk/Deceased) Fekk comes from the Garott clan, a clan larger than the Drazken. He campaigned to become the head shaman, touting his experience working with large groups of shaman. He practices a style of combat magic in which he infuses cold or heat onto his limbs, making his blows exceptionally dangerous. Fortunately for Mingsk he managed to avoid many of these and defeated Fekk in single combat for the position of head shaman. Fekk was eaten by Goran in the battle between the Drazken and the Gorkin.

(Human(?)/Female(?)/Super-Sized Entity/Grand Elder Mage) She is an enigma shrouded in mystery, a super-sized entity, the soul of a planet that underwent Maginova and ate the souls of the other planets of his solar system, fused with a human girl. She first appeared in the forests outside Duras to meet with Mordre and recover 'The Caged One', a being that was residing within him. She granted Mordre the stabilization of the Chaos that became Immortal Genocide and the ability to do Magnetomancy in exchange for surrendering 'The Caged One'. She has called on Mordre in the past to do favors for her in exchange for granting him a gift of his choice and has indicated that she will continue to do so. Is the first person to kill a Grand Elder mage, and also a child that killed two. Wants to eat souls, so SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING (or a Pristine Soul, if you need something better), FIGURE OUT WHY!

(Premen/Male/Peace Chieftain) Mordre has only met Delro a few times, and has not had a direct conversation of substantial length to reveal more about him. All Mordre is aware of is that Delro is Logrk's second in command and is more suited to diplomacy rather than straight combat.

Ugrokk the Tall/Reaping Thunder Shadow
Skill-set link (Premen/Male/Warrior) Specializes in tactical combat and axes. Lots and lots of axes. Has an armor made by Del Roga which allows him to become invisible by absorbing heat, and then releasing all that heat and light negated in a very painful bright flash. Also has a mechanical arm, The Whispering Grasp, crafted by Toledo Gialgorra and his three youngest daughters, that has and imparts the following qualities: enhances wearer's strength to sufficient levels to be lethal against even experts of combat magic, arm always treated as armored, arm attracts any electric discharge to its form and store the energy for later use without harming the wearer, automated repair functions, five feet of mono-wire stored in the tip of each finger spring loaded for use as garrotes, pressure spikes mounted on the sides of the wrists (Gialgorra constructed spikes that are akin to Jezebel's WASP spikes), 4 modular external hard-points for later installations, a collapsible heat axe that is electrified when held with fractal saw-teeth and self-sharpening metal formatting, palm-mounted electrolaser, redline function (double engine output by tripling wear rates. Redline function electrifies entire arm, including mono-wire), and The Thundering Heart (an electrical and pressure engine powering the arm that can allow the circulation of the blood to continue and the mind to keep firing even after fatal damage to the heart; this also allows Ugrokk to fake his death).

Del Roga
(Human/Male/Blacksmith) His former workshop, Del Roga & Sons, located in Hletwa crafted amazing arms and armor using a blood absorbing axe that provides a complete image of the customer as well as a rundown of all their strengths and weaknesses. Now, after Mordre placed such a fascinating order that delayed completing the Steel Fists' order, he was forced to leave his shop after being effectively ruined by the Steel Fists. He is currently working at the Arcanoworks.

Derkin the Machete
Skill-set link (Human/Male/Rogue) Derkin is a former bandit who was captured in the forests near Duras. He now serves Mordre as a military CO.

Ozmand the Hammer
(Human/Male/Heroic Warrior/Deceased) Ozmand was a capable warrior with his trademark hammer. He died while assisting Mordre defeat Verther. He was absorbed into Mordre willingly as a way to keep fighting after death. His soldiers are now commanded by Ozrick.

(Stone Golem) Olmezca is a Stone Golem with a sapience apparently much like Mordre's. He serves Lenryt and was encountered with her in the woods near Duras. He can speak Premen because he picked up the tongue as he wandered their land when, long ago, his creators waged war with the Premen.

Dulu The Golemslayer, Golemslain and Golemforged
(Half-Premen/Half-Human/Male/Small Tomb/Golemnslayer) Dulu was bound to Weinsho's service by threats and some form of magic, also DUUUUUUULUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Dulu is Mordre's most worthy foe, having been noted to be exceptionally powerful and perceptive for a mortal. Dulu prefers to approach problems and diplomacy honestly and head-on, finding tricks and deceit to be distasteful. Naturally, this put him at odds with his one-time employer, who had put him into a Small Tomb as both punishment and insurance against his further defeat. All three soul magic spells binding him have been removed; one by Jojo, the second was partially removed with the help of Mordre and Jojo, and the third along with the remnants of the second were removed by Eldghodd. Currently traveling with Mordre in the Land of Dragons, for unknown reasons.

(Human/Male/Warrior) He is an agent of the Reavers Of Nibelheim known for being unflappable. Initially hired to hunt down a mage, Mordre, and somehow remove him from Duras. The group itself is small, expensive, but in high demand for their skill. When fulfilling contracts they prefer to find the easiest path and avoid combat when possible. If forced into it however they are incredibly effective.

(Human/Male/Berserker) He is a member of the Reavers of Nibelheim. Outside of combat he is a very skittish and cautious man. When in battle he becomes a berserker, fighting unarmed. He can rip out throats with his bare hands and leap twenty feet in a single jump, all the while screaming.

(Human/Male/Warrior) Ozrick, Ulzrick's older brother, was the apprentice to the late Ozmand 'the Hammer' and now leads his troops. He has joined the State army, becoming a captain with a hundred heads under his command.

Sir Keddic Harksburton the 4th The Golden Lion
Skill-set link (Human/Male/Warrior) Keddic -- whose soul is a giant core of Order, a self-building tower that replicates newly experienced Order, the experience of adventures added, layer by layer -- is the inheritor of the Way of the Harksburton, a fighting style created by his family. Charged with adding to it in some meaningful way before passing it on, he created the offensively focused Way of the Harksburton sub-style, Sanguine Kinetic Pugilism, and mastered White Blood, gaining Universal White Blood Competency. He is able to summon his sword out of his own blood so long as the Proud Lion is close enough to be detected. He has named his blood cloak the Lion's Hide. All members of the Harksburton bear a blood oath against Aurockoth, the God of Blades, a humanoid life golem who has slain three scions of the Harksburton line and has stolen several accolades belonging to the family. He is currently traveling with Mordre as a way to ease boredom and improve his technique.

Moss Withermane
(Moss/World Parasite?) Moss is a strange creature that subsists on World energy. It was fed the strange stone that emitted World Magic, and has been growing ever since, now fifteen feet tall and six feet wide at last encounter. Not much is known about it's origins, but it has produced several strange seeds that suck up World magic. It acts like Mordre's faithful hound, by his side most of the time.

Skill-set link (Human/Male/Schizophrenic/Warrior/Apprentice Shaman) Ozrick's younger brother and Jojo's newest apprentice, Ulzrick shows talent in the planning and strategy side of warfare, and has become unmatched in infiltration in the Arcanoworks. He has a natural affinity for Will Magic, and SoulDreaming, which is powered by Ulzricks from multiple dimensions speaking to each other in a form of a hivemind and is seeminly centered around imagining power within the Dream for Ulzrick to use. Ulzrick has progressed in the realms of SoulDreaming to the point where Jojo is unlikely to be able to teach him further.

Skill-set link (Human/Female/Former Peasant/Warrior/Leader) She now commands troops for Mordre and serves under Derkin. I'd hit it. Arkus would too. She has been nominated as the tentative commander of a Golem Armor regiment, which is currently being experimented with by Derkin, Arkus, Del Roga, and Jezebel. The regiment is dreamed to be a walking tank division.

Skill-set link (Human/Male/Former Peasant/Warrior) A stealthy fighter specializing in bladed warfare of all forms with an affinity for stealthy operations. He serves under Derkin as a CO for Mordre's troops. He currently wields two Blood swords, with a multitude of various lesser blades.

Skill-set link(Human/Female/Inventor) Jezebel came from the Western Islands. She is standoffish and specializes in non-magical weapons of varying forms, especially those designs involving water or electricity. I`d hit it.

Lucrazzia Gialgorra
(Human/Female/Inventor's Assistant) One of Dr. Gialgorra's four daughters. She is has a propensity for invention like her father and is prone to long winded and overly exuberant tangents. Mordre met her at the entrance to her father's home, manning the front desk, after which she led him to her father's arena. She is known to wear several pairs of goggles and many scarves.

Dr. Toledo 'Steel' Gialgorra
(Human/Male/Inventor) Dr. Gialgorra loves SCIENCE!. He, displeased that magic is used as a stopgap to overcome problems when science is perfectly capable of doing the same if not more, invented C.A.N.T.I., a Golem operated by technology rather than magic. Blaming magic for holding back scientific advances, he issued a challenge to the world to defeat C.A.N.T.I. using any other Golem; he, in his Dapper Adventurer, a suit of armor made for fighting alongside C.A.N.T.I., and C.A.N.T.I. have not lost as of yet and has faced over 800 opponents. He has 4 daughters. He is the governor of a collection of islands, the Gialgorran Expanse.

Lord Donwick Dregas
Skill-set link (Human/Male/Noble/Golem Operator) First encountered in the Western Islands, Lord Dregas was seen as a participant in the contest to defeat Gialgorra's steam golem. His golem Silicanthos performed valiantly against C.A.N.T.I. until it was demolished by Gialgorra's Supreme Voltaic Beam. With no golem, and hard times cast upon his family, Lord Dregas had resigned himself to return home empty handed. That is, until Mordre extended an invitation to the Kyogrock Arcanoworks. After finding a piece of Silicanthos that wasn't vaporized, and claiming a clay golem by the name of Giodiaz that was left behind in a failed assassination attempt, Lord Dregas accepted the offer. Now he works in Mordre's service by managing finances and other diplomatic measures.

Mage Wendelin
(Human/Female/Mage of the Mortal Coil) She is skilled in rune craft and has inscribed her staff and Stone Golem with a multitude of runes. Met when she was attacked by the operator of the Small Tomb Diozagrath. The golem severed one of her arms, but through quick action she was saved by Mordre, Professor Gialgorra, and Sofiazza Gialgorra. In gratitude she gifted to Mordre several books the Mortal Coil uses to teach its students rune craft.

Sofiazza Gialgorra
(Human/Female/Inventor's Assistant) One of Dr. Gialgorra's four daughters. This one enjoys explosions and firearms. Her arms have been replaced with (deatachable) synthetic prosthesis that give her capabilities far beyond the human norm. Her weapon of choice is a belt-fed 40 millimeter repeat fire gun with a drum canister.

Anastazia Gialgorra
(Human/Female/Inventor's Assistant) One of Dr. Gialgorra's four daughters. She was mentioned as creating advanced medical devices that are used within her father's facility. Her creations managed to save Mage Wendelin's arm after it was severed by Diozagrath.

Gwendelazia Gialgorra
(Human/Female/Inventor's Assistant) One of Dr. Gialgorra's four daughters. She is mentioned as being the eldest of the four. Currently seeking adventure off the island her father owns.

(Human/Female/Rogue) First encountered in a raid on Diomand's warehouses, she had been keeping tabs on Mordre for quite some time, though her intent had not been malicious. A deal was brokered for her services before departing the Western Islands: if she procured information on Weinsho or succeeded in killing and taking his skin, a very handsome sum of money would await her. Her most direct form of travel is through an enchanted item called the Spatial Grapnel, a grappling hook that can attach itself to anything her mind can conceive the grappling hook attaching itself to and swing about from point a to b and so on. Mordre possesses a stone for the purposes of communication to Ellayia.

Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas
(Human/Male/Warmage) Quinton is a Warmage of the Azelhaedran State, tasked with the supervision of an outpost near the Arcanoworks, and Mordre's direct superior in matters of the State.

Magnum Bang The Human Dynamo, Annihilator Of Armies, Smasher Of Sieges, Cracker Of Castles
Skill-set link (Human/Male/Masked Warrior) Magnum Bang -- whose soul is almost pure chaos, creation, explaining how he can 'create' spell calculations, and in general think so swiftly, tying in with his roguish eccentricities -- is a unarmed fighter without comparison and is capable of incredible feats, sworn to use only Curatiomancy. He has various runes of power tattooed unto his very bones, and the Forever Rising, an ever-shifting scarf, restricted to Bang, shading from scarlet to brassy sunrise orange upon which seven masks stand in stark relief (each with their own individual appearance, and paired with flayed faces woven into the threads themselves to give the masks flesh, allowing a reality glitch to draw out their power without wielders), throbbing with a form of life from the yeti leather bonded with the threads. He has a strong battle lust and travels around the country to find conflicts to satisfy himself. He is currently traveling with Mordre because Mordre attracts conflict wherever he goes. He would like to get to know Collete the Colossus more intimately. Wears a dark red mask called Red Eye of the Dynamo (teasingly called Nagging Wife; its original name was White Sapient Legacy), with gaps over his scalp, mouth, jaw, and nose, eyeholes barely as large as his eyes, adorned with spiral stylized to look like an eye, ends canted and angled, the coiled line a brilliant orange, like fire made cloth.

The Fierce Dragon Lubu The Unparalleled
(Human/Male/Warrior/Dragon) The High Dragon, the Emperor, of the Land of Dragons, he is allegedly the first and only individual in recorded history to master all aspects of Mass Connection, and has mastered the ten most famous arts of the Mass Connection styles. He is ridiculously strong, instantaneously mastering and surpassing the original's techniques when shown those techniques, and with an assuredly Legendary Soul - an absolutely enormous and ever-growing soul further empowered by his perpetual Moment of Inspiration - backing up his power. Currently fighting to impose his rule upon the rest of the Dragons of his land after he killed the former Emperor and the said Emperor's only son and heir, sparking a civil war because of the custom of his peers to test their strength against an emperor that overthrows the previous emperor by force. Really, he just doesn't care.

(Human/Male/Souldreamer/Localized God) Controlling his body from a Dream mind, as his mind does not function in the corporeal sense due to the sacrafice of his Ego for his Souldreaming, Figment can completely integrate the Dream and reality into each other up to fifty feet around him. As the resulting reality is his Dream, he can give himself any ability he wants and change reality within that sphere of influence as he sees fit. Thus, he can spy on any point in the world, and access every possibility to learn information and to bring into this reality various potent magical items. His speech indicates he sees Zakrath as a play, as he refers to the Caged One as 'the stage', the Deep Spawn as 'the stagehands', and everybody else as 'characters', with Lubu, Broggamek, and potentially Mordre as 'central characters'. He has made references to the 'fourth wall' and 'the audience'. He is a friend of Oz.

Carkiano the Blue Knight
(Human/Male/Knight) Much like Mordre, Carkiano, a Golem Armor operator, leads a force to restore order in the Azelhaedran State; he has a comprehensive setup with several captured outposts in the South. Trade and talk of future alliances was discussed at length before a storm interrupted and forced the two to go their separate ways. Carkiano employs the use of a Golem Armor, that takes a small piece of his soul and magnifies it to golem levels to enhance his actions, entirely composed of Blue Steel, a sword (Midnight Storm), a spear (Dawn Thunder), a shield, and a cloak for the storage of all his equipment (Dreamcloak); also in his arsenal of resources are the Hounds, Life Golems under Carkiano's direct control that travel and assist where he cannot.

Dame Valiria
Skill-set link (Human/Female/Knight) She is the daughter of Carkiano and sister of Vonjeen. She escorted Mordre to meet with her father, the Blue Knight. Dislikes the overprotective nature of her father and brother alike.

Knight Vonjeen
(Human/Male/Knight) He is the stuttering son of Carkiano and brother of Valiria and overseer of a mining operation under the Blue Knight. Mordre briefly interacted with him on the way to the lodgings of the Blue Knight. Vonjeen was noted to have some manner of hidden strength, Oggroth observed that Vonjeen's sword did not furrow the ground despite it being much too large for a man of Vonjeen's stature. Whether this phenomenon is caused by pure wrist strength or some means of magical augmentation, is currently unknown. He has a Golem Armor, scavenged from Mosmordre, The Blue Devil, named for the blue tint of its red/almost-black metal when surrounded by the blue Soulfire, formed from Order and Chaos coexisting in the same area to mutual benefit rather than destruction, it produces, that drains the wearer's soul, now the souls of the buffer, to power the Soulfire.

(Armor-Suit-Bound Soul/Small Tomb) A Paradox Knight, of the Order of Harmonious Discord, dedicated to keeping the balance of things. He, Eisenhardt's ancestor, is a dead soul, bound to a suit of armor, sent to the Arcanoworks with Kyrchesia to verify that Mordre is not a threat to civilization, approaching the Arcanoworks aggressively, though backing off once Kyrchesia told him off, and once Mordre presented himself as enough of a non-psychopath for them to hesitate in immediately killing him.

(Rainbow-Robo-Unicorn-Bound Soul/Small Tomb) A Paradox Knight, of the Order of Harmonious Discord, dedicated to keeping the balance of things. It is a dead soul, bound to a metallic, chromatic unicorn. It was sent to the Arcanoworks with Reinhardt to verify that Mordre is not a threat to civilization. It is Reinhardt's mount, and the one to reveal that the two are not flesh and blood creatures.

(Premen/Male/Shaman) Dolg was a Shaman who joined the Drazken during their merger with a smaller tribe. He was taken off the task of constructing a magical binding to cage Khordu and Dorgrum to teach Lorgk Combat Magic. With his aid Lorgk began his journey to become a Shaman, first focusing on magically increasing Lorgk's speed and swiftness.

(Deep Spawn) Dorgrum embodies the concept of HUNGER, and his form revolves around FACES and EATING. One of the two individualized Deep Spawn that attacked the Drazken Clan. Currently serving as representative between Eldghodd and Mordre (and, by extension, the Drazken Clan).

(Deep Spawn) Khordu embodies the concept of RENDING, and his form revolves around FANGS and EDGES. One of the two individualized Deep Spawn that attacked the Drazken Clan.

(Deep Spawn) Eldghodd, one of the Scientiomancers, the masters of the Deep Spawn, is the System Administrator for the region surrounding the Drazken Clan mine (presumably the Frostback Mountains region). Eldghodd's form seems to heavily incorporate shadows and malice.

(Premen/Female/Maker/The Wounded Healer) One of those that were wounded but survived and gained power through their maiming and survival in the Deep Spawn attack on the Drazken Clan. Despite having her legs chewed off and blinded, she managed to heal himself and possesses great power over healing - but she herself is crippled, almost worse then a Soul Dreamer, as she can never heal her own wounds and has no powers to replace them. Mate to Lukgo.

(Premen/Male/Warrior) One of those that were wounded but survived and gained power through their maiming and survival in the Deep Spawn attack on the Drazken Clan. A nasty blow to the head during the battle left this young warrior vulnerable, afflicted with blinding pain when struck by even light blows; this ruined his chances at ever being the great warrior he'd always envisioned himself as. He strives to perfect all those warrior's skills which do not involve direct fighting, such as tactics, scouting, and tracking, so that he might continually prove himself valuable to the clan in spite of his limitations.

(Premen/Male/Shaman/Deceased) One of those that were wounded but survived and gained power through their maiming and survival in the Deep Spawn attack on the Drazken Clan. Always fascinated with the power of blood magicks more than the others, he used his power to try and destroy the Deep Spawn, but lost an arm for his trouble. Having been conscious while losing large amounts of his own blood, Nanal had time to think and feel on the blood magicks he wielded. Eventually, he gained such mastery over Blood that he could form an arm sculpted from blood. Nanal was devoured by Goran in the battle against the Gorkin clan. ;_; tears were shed.

(Premen/Female/Shaman) One of those that were wounded but survived and gained power through their maiming and survival in the Deep Spawn attack on the Drazken Clan. During the Great Spell that opened the cavern, Heol was the shaman that held the magic together. The backlash from the spell releasing the Deep Spawn from the mine and the spear of a backstabbing Yeti left her broken and her soul disjointed from her body. Weak, too weak to be noticed save to those sensitive to disembodied souls (like Mordre), she needs to build her power, relearn magic of every sort, and will then become a being of pure magic - but until then, she is a ghost upon the ice.

Oz The Breaker, Left Handed God of the Fist
(Human/Male/Warrior/Living Legend) Oz is a master of several styles of Mass Connection, the creator of Ghosthand style, a combat addict; his left arm is made of Lorxotite and palladium, his right forearm is completely made of Blood Iron. His only family is dead. He has finally gained a student in Bagrom, and has started his school in the capital.

Bagrom Tyotworro
(Human/Male/Warrior) Bagrom is a practitioner of the Jade Soul Style of Mass Connection, but, because he refused to comply with his master's orders to use only what he is taught, never to experiment with the style, he cannot master the style and learn to use the greatest techniques the Jade Soul Style has to offer. Thus, he sought out Oz to teach him, because the style Oz created and mastered will likely sync well with Bagrom's way of fighting, and was accepted as Oz's first student after Oz chopped off his right arm at the elbow..

Korgotyo the Chained
(Rageglut/Male/Warrior) Korgotyo is a practitioner of the Chaining Calamity Style, and is likely a Master of the style, since he was teaching students of the style at Waltora. He is very old, living from before Shangod (the High Dragon before Lubu) was High Dragon.

(Human/Male/Mage) Senth is a child mercenary from Trollingwood, though he lives and fights in the Land of Dragons. Apparently, he likes to drug his opponents. He is a user of Tractomancy (and skilled enough to instantaneously teleport his brain's electric signals to other parts of his body) and some form of Mass Connection that allows him to affect his/another's mass and center of weight to wherever Senth wants. Oddly, by Keddic's estimation, his soul seems to be all souls, at one point or another. Which is massively weird and prevents the status of Senth's soul from being known since, by soul senses, he is a completely different person from moment to moment. Keddic met him while participating in the Grab Bag section of the Gainer Tournament, where Senth STOLE Old Bessie, the bastard. He is currently working for Mordre.

Ancestral Dragon Jaegrezweistrik The Radical AxeGod
(Armor-(or Axe-)Bound Soul/Small Tomb/Dragon) Jaegrezweistrik is an Ancestral Tomb, a Paradox Knight of the Order of Harmonious Discord, and a Dragon (the only Ancestral Tomb to hold that title for three hundred years [two hundred of those years as Dragon, but the difference doesn't matter]) dwelling within the Land of Dragons. The suit of armor he may be bound to (the other candidate is his axe) is an excessively colorful blue-base suit; which matches with his giant ever-shifting axe he talks and produces music from in excessively attention-getting oriented speech patterns, which is entirely Word Magic.

Ash Dragon Jioga the Arbiter
(Human/Male/Warrior/Dragon) Jioga is a Dragon and a vassal of Lubu, joining Lubu to have ready access to a superior soul, to forcibly evolve himself in this fashion. He - being highly proficient at runecrafting, Chronomancy, and Tractomancy - fights by striking once with a simple and plain sword, but, through magic, makes it so that he actually strikes many times in many places. Has a slightly antagonistic relationship with Mordre, professing his enmity to stem from Lubu's fickleness; he believes, with Mordre's arrival and actions to earn favor with the High Dragon, his own position would be damaged if Mordre succeeds.

(Rageglut/Male/Warrior) Part of Mordre's Metal Skulls of the Indelible, the new 17th Imperial Giant Brigade, the command of which was gifted to Mordre as a reward for going above and beyond expectations. Torruga is the most promising of the Ragegluts under Mordre's command: though first impressions (dressed without the uniform, bearing a non-standard weapon: a sword) cast him as the rebellious one, he later proved to be the one who most quickly absorbed the lessons his trainers had to teach. Looking to understand Rageglut blood more, Keddic currently teaches Torruga the fundamentals of Blood Magic when there is time; he has shown ability to create 'sticky' blood tendrils.

Mordre's Deep Spawn

A List of Deep Spawn Names

These are the fifty thirty-five thirty-four Deep Spawn that Eldghodd gave Mordre. Not all Deep Spawn eggs have been hatched, which is dangerous, as the eggs will gain too much chaos, though that will only happen in a manner of seasons, not days or hours. (Mordre has three months left, as of around day 150.) Mordre's soul recovers exponentially from making the Deep Spawn, fully recovering in a cycle after hatching nine Deep Spawn. Mordre can sacrifice eggs to forcibly evolve, improve, and restart Deep Spawns' existances, which could result in new abilities for the Deep Spawn. All Deep Spawn know all languages that Mordre knows.

Unless stated otherwise, all Deep Spawn are assumed to be a perfect balance of Order and Chaos, their souls in two distinct parts, for the chaotic now, and the ordered forever.

The general restrictions currently are: bound to Mordre, bound to truth, bound not to speak of Mordre's nature to those who do not know of it, bound to not start violent confrontations unless in the defense of their own existence/that of designated allies' or under Mordre's specific command.

(Deep Spawn) Nihilino embodies NOTHINGNESS, form of EXISTENCE and EMPTINESS. A twelve foot tall and completely featureless humanoid shape with a hole that opens into oblivion where it's face would be. A cloak writhes free from gashes that sprout on it's body, and leather as black as sin tightly bind about the form, as excess nothingness floats behind the figure, a cape and wings alike, from moment to moment. Nihilino has Order dominating, forming two-thirds of his soul. Nihilino's abilities are: slow erasure of others' existences through touch, render the souls of those who gaze into the maddening hole in his blank face into nothing, creation of Chaos Annulment Cores (Order spheres that sacrifice their existence to unravel Chaos in all its forms). Nihilino is bound to do no harm to allies by means of his gaze or inadvertent touch, though it will only dull his friendly fire as much as possible, not outright banish it. Nihilino's spawn are simple orbs of shadow, consuming what they touch, like omni-dimentional pits that swallow all, without fear of growing full.

(Deep Spawn) Mothbern embodies the Concept of DESSICATION, its form revolves around DUST and BONES. A ten foot tall archetype of an organic deathknight, merely a skeleton, its bones alien, spurs, spikes and fangs naught seen on any living thing traverse it's surface, and upon its body, chitinous armor worked into depictions of wailing beings of all sorts, seeking reprieve from their own frailty, the images in question constantly shifting, displaying the quintessence of mortality, of knowing an end comes. A sword shimmers into existence in it's hand, a blade that looks vaguely reminiscent of True Edge if swollen to immense proportions, a dark, pitted metal that seems only partly there. Mothbern has Chaos dominating, change and time happening far too fast. Contact with Mothbern, whether through sword or Armor of Dessication, ages/decays/etc. the touched. His spawn are dessicated corpses with freakish strength, capable of tearing bodies limb from limb.

(Deep Spawn) Sadronm embodies the concept of LEADERSHIP (STRATEGY), and its form revolves around MAGNIFICENCE and INSPIRATION. A vaguely amphibious, vaguely reptilian precursor slaved to humanoid shaping with a staff of carved bone, throbbing as clumps of ochre goo slips and slides about the staff, vibrating as the air flows by, clutched in the hands of this eleven foot tall fresh existence. Sadronm usually does not fight directly, but directs his spawn, tangled masses of snapping serpents with fangs dripping with venom, and other spawn if leave is given, to fight optimally.

(Deep Spawn) Phohn embodies the concept of COMMUNICATION, its form revolves around WIRES and SOUND. A mass of wires with a humanoid upper body and an unraveling lower body, eventually fading into a haze that spreads about the ground for feet around it, towering some fourteen feet high. Capable of hearing words spoken/thoughts "spoken" by anyone Phohn meets, translating them, and projecting the translated words into a target's head. Main usage: telephone service.

(Deep Spawn) Zelgoto embodies STRENGTH, in the form of STONE and STEEL. A being one would almost take for a Stone Golem, if the stone did not heave with breaths, if it did not emanate a clear sapience. Nearly the size of Mordre, Zelgoto has a Resilient form, with mountain peaks-turned spikes jutting from its form. Zelgoto is the strongest of Mordre's Deep Spawn, in a purely physical sense, and second in durability. Zelgoto's spawn take the form of hunching beings with stone teeth and horns emerging from beneath heavy pelts of hair.

(Deep Spawn) Vandgurd embodies the concept of PROTECTION, its form revolves around METAL and IMPENETRABILITY. A massive being with arms dwarfing even Mordre's siege arm, with skin pitted and dully gleaming as if wrought of a baleful metal. Its horrendously top-heavy body is some eleven feet above the ground, minus its neckless head atop its shoulders. Vandgurd is the most durable of Mordre's Deep Spawn, and the second in strength, and the most capable physically. Vangurd can ignore depth, folding space, as it's arms leap through perception to reach distant objects. Vandgurd's spawn take the form of heavyset life-size dolls of metal.

(Deep Spawn) Aggocrag embodies the concept of GUTSY EARTH, its form revolves around MOUNTAINS and RED HOT ROCKSLIDE. A figure some thirteen feet tall, mountain and magma conjoined, fury radiating from its every fiber. Crystals hewn from the heart of the Frostback Mountain cover its form. The third toughest and strongest, in terms of durability and physical strength, of Mordre's Deep Spawn. Aggocrag makes up for this by being able to exude magma at will.

(Deep Spawn) Burduko embodies the concept of SPEED, in the form of TRANSPORT and CONVEYANCE. Before having a second egg implanted, a thin form some eleven feet tall, body like alabaster tortoiseshell, adorned with a prolific number of vents, obscuring smoke emitting from each one in turn like some humanoid pipe organ. After, beneath what used to be cloth wrappings, with sullenly burning eye sockets, a hollow metal humanoid cage, organically cast, in the center of an aerial vortex, howling winds swirling into an eternally tiny tornado. An oddly sheathed blade that formerly was Burduko's right arm's hilt casually cupped, the living metal fusing between the points of contact. Transportation available to visited areas, locations identical to visited areas, and Mordre given time to focus if Mordre is in an unfamiliar area; barring outside aid or identical locations method, safe transportation only of those with regenerative abilities on par to Deep Spawn and non-living objects (e.g. Mordre). Lenryt created a steel box at each of the following locations, allowing transportation to: Mordreden, the Arcanoworks, a cave some distance from the port on Gialgorra's Island, the entrance to Kyorto's tower, and the Capital of the Land of Dragons. Burduko also has a localized wind current manipulation ability, centered around the manipulatable three-dimensional cyclone around his form, allowing him flight in speeds considerably above his impressive ground speed. Burduko's Deep Spawn Tractomantically imbued sword, made from its own body, has Severance inclined aspects. Apparently, when Burduko is conjoined together with Velada, they can protect an area from spacial and temporal shenanigans. Burduko's spawn takes the form of masses of cloth and blurred air, wrapped and coiled about until the trapped wind looks like fluttering mummies.

(Deep Spawn) Velada embodies the concept of CHRONOLOGICAL STABILITY in the form of GEARS and CONTINUITY. A cloud of red fliers swarming about a metallic hive in a vaguely humanoid shape, always shifting and buzzing, the beats to their wings seeming to almost make a pervading backbeat of an ever ticking clock. Velada serves as a temporal anchor, undoing any aberrations in the flow of time. Velada's spawn are monstrous mechanical bees.

(Deep Spawn) Murhyihal embodies the concept of RESTORATION, in the form of TOOLS (For repairing metals) and CRYSTALS (For healing fleshbits). A being growing as a mass of crystal and metal in a vaguely humanoid shape, it is able to give up its own body to replenish others, spines on its metallic portions allowing incredible manipulation, to aid in construction as well. Its voice is like a saw on metal. The crystals dotting its form, similar to Inverted Soulfire, hold within them the potential to revert, to unharm, restoring injuries by sacrificing their existence. Murhyihal can supply proto-metal that takes on the characteristics of metal around it, rather than specific types of metal. It can fully restore five Deep Spawn before running out of materials for further healing, and needing half a cycle to recover (or one Deep Spawn's worth of healing per day). The regeneration provided by Murhyihal requires a compliant recipient (i.e. healing cannot be administered on the fly, time must be put aside for it), and allows even magically sustained wounds that would otherwise pierce regeneration to be combated. Murhyihal's spawn look like nothing more than giant leeches, only able to grant passive regeneration to their (living, at least partially organic) host. The regeneration is as a normal spawn of equivalent quality possesses, and cannot stack.

(Deep Spawn) Akeakam embodies the concept of STRENGTHENING, his form revolving around OIL and NEEDLES. A being not to fight, but to make others fight more ably. He is a towering mass of shifting needles festooning a transparent membrane holding thousands of gallons of some perilously shadowed fluid, an oil so dark it eats the light around it flows all about, radiating a power one can scarce fathom. Akeakam's personal enhancement is multi-tiered, imbuing a passive Combat Magic that steals magic from foes on contact to add to one's own mana pool. This stolen mana is then directly converted to direct body amplification, in the form of body hardening, and improved reaction time. Akeakam's spawn are simple sacks and a single needle, a brilliant red elixir the cargo they carry, granting a strength equivalent to conventional spawn, i.e. rend mundane metal, rip bodies apart, though still inferior to Deep Spawn, which can be stacked with other spawn of Akeakam or other methods of strength enhancement; all twenty on a single person can potentially make a normal human stronger than Vandgurd or Zelgoto. The spawn hold enough energy to provide a ten minute boost before needing at least an hour to regenerate fluids, while Akeakam regenerates more slowly but has a much larger reservoir.

(Deep Spawn) Nidhogg embodies the concept of BEASTS, manifesting as WRATH and STRENGTH. Nidhogg is a Beast Parasite, inhabiting and drawing power from a non-souled body and its existence, warping the shell around them, and changes forms by slaying and consuming the new form desired as host. Nidhogg gains power through the experiences of these bodies, and can bring that potency with it to new vessels (e.g. an older Nidhogg potentially can elicit similar potency as a dragon from a cat). Nidhogg cannot articulate words in any way, so bound into dominating animalistic and primal essences, though comprehends verbal orders or via Phohn. Nidhogg fully brings the Deep Spawn augmentations, regenerative and direct bolstering alike, and methods of consuming power through feasting (e.g. eating members of the same species as the current host allows quick empowerments which can potentially lead to Core Being levels of power given enough individuals) into its host, and removes the need to eat from its host. The form, abilities, and number of Nidhogg's spawn are partly dependent on Nidhogg's current host. Currently, Nidhogg's host is a fairly young female dragon from the Land of Dragons, and has the following modifications: significantly stronger physically, enormously more powerful magically, regeneration unscaled at the rate of its smaller brethren, sixty significantly stronger than normal wyvern-like spawn, twice original strength of its innate ability to feast on magic, and expanded methods of Combat Aeromancy and Gravimancy (much more nimble, partly extended innate magic into the realm of the Arcane, now able to reach up to fifty feet from its body).

(Deep Spawn) Dompaggio embodies the concept of INQUIRY, its form revolves around ESPIONAGE and STEALTH. A pile of jet black clothes, the stitching and tailoring style always shifting, a masked face with a monocle ringed in eyes the only accent visible beneath its tophat of smoke, a gloved hand, and a voice too normal, rich, calming, indulgent, the voice of a storyteller one longs to listen to.

(Deep Spawn) Welgahoo embodies the concept of LAND IMPROVEMENT, in the form of LIVING WORLD SPIRITS and CONNECTED NETWORKS. A biped, green and brown, like a forest made flesh, with no eyes or mouth. Its main purpose is to convert inhospitable/infertile land into a paradise of greenery.

(Deep Spawn) Bobobo embodies the concept of KNOWLEDGE, his form made of BOOKS and WORDS. The Tome Bobobo, The Book of Possibilities, eight feet tall, five feet deep, and two feet wide, it's cover a shaggy pelt, its pages lined with teeth. Created from thoughts of holding all knowledge, it can accurately answer almost any question asked, drawing on knowledge from many possible realities and identifying patterns to conclude information about this reality. As its spawn are its anchors to other possbilities, its spawn cannot be manifested in the Setting it occupies.

(Deep Spawn) Rutgur embodies the concept of STORAGE, in the form of WHITE CLOAKS and BLACK COFFINS. A robed figure, a series of chained coffins floating around him, each one fit with double doors, ever so slightly cracked open. Two shadowed wrinkles could be eyes, but with no mouth.

(Deep Spawn) Mahklargg embodies the concept of TRAINING, its form revolves around INSIGHT and RESPECT. A black-skinned humanoid monster whose size equals Mordre's, its veins blowing as blood so brilliantly red beats through its system; despite its piercing scarlet glare, flat white teeth, a face less monstrous than misshapen.

Known 'enemies'

Yeti Elders
(Yeti/Shaman/Deceased) Mordre's first real enemies. They attempted to trick him into helping them defeat the Premen Drakzen Clan, from whom they'd stolen a valuable ruby mine. Mordre saw through their ruse and helped the Premen retake their mines.

Goran The Magic Eater
(Premen/Male/Warrior/Mage/Deceased) Goran was the leader of the Gorkin Clan who in turn lead many Premen clans with an iron fist. He was known to have survived hundreds of years past the normal lifespan of a Premen, made nonmortal by his binding to the concept of Hunger, ala the Deep Spawn, fittingly because he was the student of Dorgrum. His skin is completely immune to magic and his mouth actually consumes it. He was a small-time Combat Phonomancy practitioner and basic Arcane Gravimancy user (that was powered by a rather potent existence, so by some other standards, he was a rather big-time mage), picked up and refined over the centuries. Now thankfully dead, and soul eaten by Mordre.

The Caged One
(Super-Sized entity/Core Beast/Planet God of Zakrath) The Caged One is the Core Beast/Planet God of Zakrath, still sleeping and has not awakened/undergo Maginova. Mordre has encountered two identified fragments of the Caged One. One was the entity that first possessed Arkus in the Frostback Mountains, then possessed Mordre, and finally taken by Lenyrt to be given back to the Deep Spawn (probably. At least, it matches with what information we have...). The next was Lorgk's family sword, True Edge, who attempted to possess Lorgk and turn him into its puppet to commit genocide to the Deep Spawn, and threatened to unmake Mordre. Both are Grade-A possessing assholes. Presumably, all such fragments, and the whole, are Grade-A assholes. As per information given by Eldghodd, the Caged One is caged by the System, which had to be modified because, instead of most, it developed a life after having a soul (most develop a soul after having a life); like all Cosmic Souls, it is a Dimensional stillpoint; it desires freedom, and it can warp the world around it if the the System does not siphon off excess energy.

Core Beings
(Sanguine and Ethereal Excretions and Runoff of The World) Also called World Nightmares by the Premen, along with many other titles from other civilizations. Beings that are a threat and an inevitability of the System, these entities are formed when pressure is shunted from the System. Despite, or because of, their nation destroying power, these beings cannot support themselves without a house, a vessel to host them, leading to them burning their existence. Mordre has met two (maybe) Core Beings: Timmy, the talking!Core Being in the cellar of the barn in the northern field of Trekel, and the Core Being in the Land of Dragons that was summoned into a host. Both are Bad News, as the Trekel Core Being had tapped into a deep running Leyline to gain power and is draining the color from the world around it (which is highly ominous), and the LoD Core Being couldn't even be hurt until Mordre destroyed its damage-nullifier with Immortal Genocide's anti-magic field.

Verther The Bandit King
(Human/Male/Magnetomancer/Deceased) Verther was Eisenhardt's apprentice. Ran an army of bandits with the (assumed) purpose of attacking Del Roga for the information stored in his magical axe.

(Human/Archmage) Weinsho is Mordre's current archenemy. He is a mage that has apparently gained some measure of competency with Soul Magic and along with Eisenhardt wishes to take Del Roga's axe and use it to find information on one of his customers. He has holdings in the Azelhaedran State, among them several captured research outposts. After Dulu's death, he summoned away the soul and bound it into a Small Tomb, one designed specifically to play against Mordre's weaknesses. In combat he prefers the odds always be stacked in his favor, such as when he placed several of his mage apprentices, golems, and Dulu to take out a caravan Keddic was manning for Mordre. Unlike Eisenhardt, he believes in taking multiple apprentices at a time, several of them in fact made off his some of his papers and summoned a Core Being in the fields near Trekel. His ultimate goals seem to be acquiring power, enough to in fact make him a ruler. Eisenhardt believes he would be a visionary, but lacks the means to actually get a seat of such power.

Lord Barcho
(Human/Male/Wannabe/Deceased) A mage who had taken control of one of the abandoned research outposts in The Azelhaedran State. After a clever ploy, Mordre had him and his men surrendered within his own base and learned he was in fact no mage at all. In terms of skill he was less competent than Arkus at the time and he had only managed to figure out how to recreate the hand-cannons by piecing together the notes and testing them over the course of two years. Mordre ultimately snapped his spine and ate his soul, earning him not much more than he would from a normal soul.

(Human/Male/Magical Item User/Deceased) Balboa worked for Weinsho. He slaughtered every man woman and child in Berluut.

Daobo The Bloody
(Human/Male/Mage/Deceased) Daobo was a Blood mage and student of Weinsho. His soul gave Mordre minor competency with blood magic.

The Metal Titan Eisenhardt
(Human/Male/Master Magnetomancer/Master Geomancer) Eisenhardt, a mage whose soul is close to Legendary status and a descendant of Reinhardt, is allied with Weinsho. He approached the Arcanoworks in search of Mage Mordre, and fought Mordre, seeking to kill Mordre in retaliation for the death of his apprentice, Verther. The first round ended in a standstill from Eisenhardt's perspective, and the second was cut short due to Mordre's use of humor to remove Eisenhardt's willingness to fight at that time. He has a Blood Iron armor, though he doesn't use it until he can pull up a Leyline close enough to the surface to replace the magical stamina he loses by turning the Blood Iron into armor.

(Human/Male) A gang leader of the Western Islands, Diomand held an enmity for Gialgorra, and funded a failed attack against Gialgorra. He most likely has fled the island and has been picked up by Weinsho to use in his endeavors against Mordre.

Cyfus Oteldt
(Human/Male/Pirate) He is the current owner of The Shell of Gavrock, former member of the port guard. Payed Gialgorra to repair the Shell's engine, disappeared shortly after. Resurfaced as a pirate, uses the Shell of Gavrock to terrorize and plunder merchant ships in the waters of the western islands. Gialgorra encourages Mordre to search for him and end his criminal career, a venture that will no doubt be pursued in the future.

Aurockoth, The God Of Blades, The Reaper Made Flesh, The Living Sword, The Soul Grave Slayer
(Life Golem) The Castiliathen Empire feared the Soul Graves, and so, with the help of the world's other nations, they decided to create a Life Golem specifically designed to combat them. Aurockoth was originally a man from the Cazterria house, a rival warrior house to the Harksburtons, nominated to act as the base for the golem. They fused his soul one hundred and ninety three times with souls of other beings. Somehow Aurockoth survived the process and became what some would call an avatar of war and power, responsible for the destruction of three of the six demolished Soul Graves, two of which he did without any aid. After the war, he disappeared, but is known to go wherever there is a good fight to be had. It is worthy to note he is a warrior feared by nearly all others: Dulu notes that the only ones he imagines that could best him in direct confrontation is Jak Stryfe The Golemslayer. His usual method of fighting is to create a sphere of blades and spurs around him from his flesh, slaughtering all who come within the boundaries of the sphere.

Abaeloth The All Consuming
(Human/Male/Warrior/Deceased) One leader of The Disciples of Domintus. He battled with a cloak of shadow hands, a Dream-based magic that allowed him to remove all matter touching the hands from reality in exchange of having bits of his soul disconnected from him. His personal philosophy revolved around the survival of the fittest and even bowed to his enemies upon his death. The first fight saw his sword, made of the crystal that holds World Magic within the ground and keeps it from spilling out onto the planet, granting it great magic-neutralizing properties, taken as a spoils of war. The second time around, one sword with magic-nullifying properties and a cloak conjuring Dream-shadows hands of matter removal were looted.

(Yeti/Male/Shaman) The one to cement the YETI GENOCIDE objective, a yeti who had tricked Keddic into receiving a floating rune believed to be a simple communication spell. He then used his magic to make them believe he was securely tied up while they took him into Mordreden. After that he caused the clan's fortifications to disappear and led hundreds of Yeti to attack the village while he attempted to unleash the beasts from within the mines. Used the Goran fight to hinder Mordre, by empowering the avalanche above what it should have been, forcibly demanifesting the spawn, stealing Mordre's Soul Soldiers to replace its arm, and firing spells at Mordre. He is the?/an? elder shaman of a vast collective. Through a method of Soul manipulation and crafting with Goran's arm, severed at the height of his power, Trollzaru has become the Yeti equivalent of Goran, thirty feet tall, covered in bone, eyes, teeth, and mouths.

Duke Mordecai
(Human/Male/Mage) A being of great power who take control of Mordre's form if the Soul Furnace is damaged and Blood Flow is active; the sole observed case of such happenning produced great improvements, heavily Chaos aligned, to Mordre's form. He is Duke Mordecai, once the heir apparent of the Mosmordren Empire, and Mordre's creator: he planned and made Mordre as proof of the power of hybrid magic, combining Soul magic with Chaos itself. His mastery of what he called Soul Chaos allowed him to rewrite his soul's history, like he could hone his soul so perfectly for a given task it is likely all his soul could even be used for, before snapping back to normal. When he died, under the Curse, he, through some events Mordre does not know, entered Mordre's form. His war title was Master of Sorrow.

Jeeba Hechlor
(Human/Male/Warrior) One leader of The Disciples of Domintus, with all the associated flaws (general insanity and violence obsession) and strengths (really fucking powerful). He, the current Head of the Hechlor family according to Keddic's knowledge, and like all of his line, thinks all other houses other his own and the royal house as lesser; which might be somewhat correct as his house is the premier in alchemical augumentations. His body is ridiculously durable, skin giving as easily as teak, wounds repairing themselves in minutes (except when he is using Soul Magic), and inexhaustable stamina ever powering his monstrous strength (Oz reports that when he met Jeeba, Jeeba had three hearts and a backup mind); Keddic believes him to be the most physically strongest warrior in Castiliathen. He also pratices Soul Magic, powering a death field, and other techniques that allow him to unravel cells (the lance of blood Keddic launched was destroyed, though plasma only could absorb the energy), and his eyes allow him to see any and all moving objects, and only moving objects, in an omnidirectional format. He likes to use consumables, using a DragonSpark and a RageSphere in his fight with Keddic. If the battle seems to be not going his way, and unlikely to go his way in the near-future, he sends his soul away to safety and leaves his mindless body to slow/hinder/cripple his opponents.

The Pure Lady
(Human(?)/Female(?)/Mage(?)) The prophet of the Disciples of Domintus, this person is noted to have a Soul Grave, Domintus. Bobobo stated that The Pure Lady is always something raw, primal, a precursor to conventional magic no matter how details may shift.

Domintus the World Reaper
(Sapient(?) Soul Grave) The god the Disciples of Domintus worships, claimed to dwell within the metal tomb of a Soul Grave by the Pure Lady, the prophet of the Disciples of Domintus. Eisenhardt reports that there is a dark, deep depth, an emptiness that seems alive only in mockery of the word, a fanatically intense and perfect void dwelling within a sea of anti-existence of an otherness greatly exceeding that of Lenryt's within this Soul Grave, who fights with Chaos, growing hundred of tons of metal -- minutely shaped spears, axes, swords, pikes, arms, claws, all manner of metallic sculpture weaponized as self-purging tides -- from its body at a rate even Legendary Souls could not hope to sustain, and that the golem itself possibly may be Anathema, with a sapience. Oddly, Bobobo could not find Domintus as an individual in any other possibility, the Pure Lady's Soul Grave much more conventional; Domintus the World Reaper exists only in one reality.

Giana Bamblino The Lancer of Hearts
(Human/Female/Warrior/SoulDreamer/Deceased) Giana, once one of the Three of the Blue Knight, the sole survivor after their defection to the Disciples of Domintus and the other two's subsequent deaths for their betrayal and before her death when Chaos, of the Dream portal to the Pure Lady and Domintus, and Order, of Carkiano's spear and Mordre's Amaranthine Annhilator, clashed to create a magic nuke. She used Dream magic, notably her ability to pull herself into the Dream to step into a different possible 'here'; though she wore a wooden peg as her left leg, her sacrifice for her SoulDreaming had to do with her nervous system, but it was a sacrifice only when she had thirty-three leather cloaks wrapped around her body. She wielded a hooked spear with chains on its back that faded into the dream after a certain distance. She had a last-ditch escaping method that involves plunging a knife into a dark patch of leather ringed in strange looking runes located above her heart.

(Dragon/Male) Broggamek is a sapient fifty thousand feet long dragon, capable of living above the planet's atmosphere, spitting a mountain of burning acid, affecting multiple targets with Arcane Gravimancy and Aeromancy three miles away, and has/had the service of at least three thousand and two hundred seventy-eight dragons (none observed were of the Elder class). He has been noted by Figment to be implacable, unable to be deterred from goals, based on his tendencies to hoard items imbued with Belief. Unlike other dragons, who consume the flesh of the Caged One, Broggamek consumes Belief.

Hui The Patient
(Human/Male/Warrior) Hui, a Living Legend, a Master of the Jade Soul Style, is over two hundred years old, the oldest founding member of a school to still teach, and an excellent businessman, opening new schools every few years. It is rumored that he has another 'preferred' style, despite his stance on his students' purity of style (they must only learn and practice Jade Soul; never any other style); Bang believes Hui steals parts of his students' souls while he homogenizes them, which might explain his stance. Quite a few seldom-voiced grudges against Hui exist, stemming from suspicious personal disasters falling upon those who go against Hui.

To Be Determined

Patchwork Creature
(?) First met in the Frostback Mountains, this creature was noted to be odd, feeling patchwork. When questioned about the sense, Kyorto answered that the only known example of such a creature can only be found in the Cursed Lands, forming when powerful souls migrate to a new body, while their original body follows, constantly seeking the soul it lost. It was met again, in the State, after it hatched from a chrysalis, becoming a massive beast. It responds to some voice(s) in our Dirge. Oddly, Bobobo could not see another example of this creature in any other reality.

Collete the Colossus
(Human(?)/Female/Warrior) Mentioned by Bang as being one of the strongest warriors he's ever faced. She is supposed to be ludicrously durable and resilient, standing against Bang's vicious hits without taking much damage.

Samuel 'Sam' Vimes
(Human/Male/Mercenary Captain) A retired soldier turned career watchman, he currently is the head of a freelance security force. He personifies stubborn determination, is a expert of Blood Combat Magic and a master of blood rage. A good friend of Del Rogo and a friend of the people. His platoon includes life golems that may be sapient. Currently in the service of the Azelhaedran State. He had been investigating Kyogrock Arcanoworks and the recent activities of Mordre (and his nature, be it sapient Soul Grave or eccentric mage) before being called away.

(Human/Male/War Mage) An eccentric war mage from a long line of mages in service to the Azelhaedran State, he is an expert at morphic magic (the reshaping of matter on contact) and close combat. He is the commander of the Armstrong Armada.

Jak Stryfe the Golemslayer
(Human/Male/Warrior) The self-proclaimed king of golem hunting and slaying, he bears custom-fit Lortoxite armor runed to absorb thermal and kinetic energy, storing it in hexagonal diamonds embedded in his armor, which can then be converted into energy discharges, and a pair of swords, one forged of Lortoxite the same as his armor, allegedly possessed by the spirit of a great beast, a potent soul that ravages his foes, and the other the one-time blade of the emperor of the Mosmordren Empire, a Necronostrium sword that can writhe and shift it's shape for unnatural attack angles and striking at distant foes. He also has a Small Tomb servant, as large as a dog, lightning fast and festooned with wings of blades and rending claws. He is a natural magic sensor, a particularly talented one, so illusion magic is all but useless against him, and has the appropriate paperwork in every nation to employ Blood magic as he sees fit. Dulu suspects him to have learned of Soul magic as well, as after happening upon the Caemlo Repository, he vanished for several months, to return with new and devastating skills, not the least of which being able to craft some sort of faux-golems from his own blood and crystal from the earth, effectively able to make his own armies on the spot.

Captain Falcon
(Human(?)/Male/Mercenary) The only independently contracted mercenary force fighting in the Azelhaedran state at the behest of the State operating without any assistance or support, this singular fighter is renowned for being a one man army, and for having perfected brutal, one hit kill techniques able to smite anything he can touch. Known for being able to jump on air as if it were a solid, weight bearing surface without issue, achieving a pseudo-flight, and being completely impervious to fire of all known sorts. Captain Falcon is also said to be supremely fast, though there have been no direct observations to support this claim as of yet, unlike his pseudo-flight and fire immunity.

Dowsan The Contemplative
(Human/Male/Researcher) Dowsan is the lead researcher of a War Hound experimental facility in the Capital, and a Puppeteer. He creates War Hounds, experimenting with different capabilities and abilities for War Hounds; the Spined Lion was a malfunctioned experiment of his. He is interested in bypassing the anti-Puppeteer capability of Ragegluts, and made a deal with Keddic for a supply of Rageglut blood in exchange for Puppetry lessens.


Human: Basic humans. Highly common with many different Nations, Governments and the like.

Froggock: A frog-like race. (?)

Yeti: A tricky race that dwells in the north, known to have shamans and warriors of high caliber. Mordre has plans for their extinction.

Premen: Strong Human-like race that dwells mainly in the north, operating in clans. Has warriors, makers, and shamans. Does not have a written language, so can't read.

Morgren: Life Golems. They have formed a strange, perpetually warring set of Clans since the fall of the empire of their masters, and now fight both each other and everyone they find, pillaging and raiding as they go, only submitting to those they deem stronger.

Ragegluts: A specialized species of Life Golem, effectively the Land of Dragon's version of the Mosmordren Morgren. They are forged by binding the emotion of rage to the soul itself, while filling the body with a plethora of Blood magically divorced of ownership, along with several beasts. The end result is a powerful, hulking creature, whose strength fluctuates in correlation with how much rage they have. Highly resilient to Blood Magic when the magic is not powered with its own blood.

Deep Spawn: A race of entirely soul-based beings, whose corporeal form does not matter for the continuance of their existence. Seems to be that the 'rulers' of Deep Spawn are those that once were other (mortal) beings, that lost their mortal existence after a long while spent as souls without fleshy and mortal bodies. All the others apparently are hatched from eggs the originals made with massive amounts of Soul and general magic energy. (The hatching requires raw magical input (Names, concepts, forms, etc.) and a piece of the soul of the one hatching them.) Deep Spawn are all bound to something, be it truth, duty, another Deep Spawn (usually an Administrator), etc. They appear to be remembered by the surface as the 'faceless abominations' referred to in Zakrath's equivalents of "Damn you to Hell!" (e.g. "Go find a cave somewhere, go underground, and get yourself killed and eaten by faceless abominations!) The ones Mordre met seemed to be entirely dedicated to the maintenance of the Caged One's prison.

Core Beings: Highly powerful magic beings comprised of the world's energy. Usually wreck major havock when released upon the surface world, until they run out of energy and dissipate.

Dragons: Winged serpentine creatures with considerable amounts of proto-souls oriented in their stomach native to the Land of Dragons, living in the True Mountain-ranges, where they eat the flesh of the Caged One that reaches the surface. They are able to utilize Combat Aeromancy and Gravimancy, gaining competency and Arcane reach with age. Older, larger dragons display more evidence of thought and planning than normal in their ilk. Dragons can learn to click teeth together to create a spark for igniting their acid spit, which is potent on its own, and their gigantic bodies are decptively quick, their flesh able to enhance eaters' vitality, their Blood Iron (and carbon from their bones) grants hardness to alloys containing the Blood Iron. The main danger from them is their lunging, long-necked bite, and their enormous gaping maw containing never-ending fangs.

War Hounds:

World Information and History

This Quest takes place on a world called Zakrath. Throughout this planet there are Leylines of magical energy flowing which help shape the world. The Leylines lose strength the nearer they are to the sea, as they do not exist IN the sea; thus, any islands not close enough to the main continents of land are without Leyline power.

There also exists a phenomenon called The Wall, the eternal storm wall that marks the end of the known world. Once one goes too far out from any landmass, there's just never-ending, all-breaking super-storms raging without end, leagues tall eternal hurricanes and tidal cataclysms. Mages have tried opening paths in it before, but nothing has worked yet.

Currency exchange:

Diamonds (by the carat) are worth 110 Marks.

Emeralds (by the carat) are worth 80 Marks.

Rubies (by the carat) are worth 50 Marks.

Sapphires (by the carat) are worth 30 Marks.

1 Mark (gold coin) is worth 100 Rounds (Silver coin)

1 Round is worth 100 Bits (Copper coin) (Smallest denomination)

In the Land of Dragons:

Lo are worth 1000 Dobu.

Dobu are worth ~(1/14),(1/15) of a Mark.


In Zakrath, the year is sixteen months long, three weeks a month, ten days a week. Weeks are called a cycle.

The months are:

1 Dormivin (Winter)
2 Mors (Winter)
3 Mellitius (Spring)
4 Perennius (Spring)
5 Praeclarum (Spring)
6 Libiturnius (Spring)
7 Malanius (Summer)
8 Inferius (Summer)
9 Vescere (Summer)
10 Centum (Summer)
11 Astra (Fall)
12 Vigintum (Fall)
13 Enuberum (Fall)
14 Noctum (Fall)
15 Quindecimber (Winter)
16 Sedecimber (Winter)

The days are:

Zakday, Morday, Atenday, Washiday, Corday, Lorthday, Castiday, Enduday, Rathday, Randinday.

Important Organizations

Mosmordre Empire: Mordre's "birthplace", now destroyed. The lands once known as this empire are now known as The Cursed Lands, because the curse used to destroy it corrupted the land itself. The Curse broke open the Leylines of the Empire, unleashing an incredible amount of energy that killed and mutated every living being in the Empire. Even now, there is a miasma that persists, tainting everybody that enters the Lands. The Mosmordren Empire was an oligarchy, with anyone able to elevate themselves into the ruling class by demonstrating sufficient magical skill to become mages, at the cost of having to serve the born nobles despite their gained prestige. Society was caste system, with aforementioned ability to get placed into 'mage' roll available to all caste levels. Yes to slaves and forced labor, as well as serf caste. Since it was a caste system, mindset roughly of: bottom caste: "Life is shit, but if I don't do as told, I die." mid castes: "The empire provides, I must return the favor." Mage: "The empire is wonderful, but it needs my help to exist, and it is my duty to give it." ruling caste: "The empire is shaped to serve my whims, but cannot persist if I do not bend my whims to the betterment of the Empire." There was nationalism as well as racism and speciesism, Mosmordren citizens viewed themselves as superior to others, this extended to the caste system. The Empire started the war, they wanted land and resources, and sought to take it from the 'lesser' nations. Prior to war, Mosmordren Empire was feared for past displays of strength, but had otherwise not pursued unified war, building the hostilities that led to Castiliathen being able to get so many allies. No one allied with the Empire, that's why it's said EVERYONE was against it during the final war before it's fall. The war lasted for three decades, but was not 'everyone against empire' until the last eight years.

Castiliathen Empire: Castiliathen is the largest stable nation, famed for it orderly cities, harsh laws and high quality of life for the non-slave castes. Their system is founded on a large life-golem slave and indentured servitude means of production. They are famous for possessing The Founders, the world's largest stone golem powerfully warded, that guards their capital. This is Keddic's, and his line's, homeland; Aurockoth was created by this nation. Castiliathen was the nation that led the coalition that destroyed the Mosmordren Empire. They have claimed a Soul Grave as spoils of war.

Drazken Clan: Premen clan in the northern mountains, operates a large ruby/bronze mine. Allied with Mordre due to his actions in reclaiming their mines. They currently are based in Mordreden, the large stronghold of the Drazken Clan, called the Icy Bastion becuase of the massive walls surrounding the stronghold, enchanted to be immune to both the magic of the Premen and Yetis. Due to Lenyrt's work in compacting the ice and snow, along with the bodies and souls of those killed in Goran's battle with Mordre and the Drazken and the maigc of the Yetis and Lenryt, and some opportunistic magic by Mingsk and the Drazken shamans, the Wall feeds into, and is linked to, the ice surrounding the stronghold. What this precisely means is not known, nor if the above information is correct, as Mordre has only suspicions.

Gorkin Clan: Once lead by Goran, a powerful Premen leader. Goran controlled eleven clans besides his own Gorkin Clan, all subservient to the Gorkin Clan. He controlled them with the strength of the Gorkin Clan, which under his leadership had grown to hold more than five thousand warriors, all who followed Goran's will without question. However, fully half of his clan was devoted to policing and taxing the clans he had conquered, forcing them to labor for him and his clan so that they as warriors one and all need not.

The Mortal Coil: An international Wizard society that hoards knowledge like mad, and out of necessity grew to become a chain of exclusive magic colleges to continue funding the research of graduates. Ruling body are the seven (now six, after Lenryt killed one of them) Grand Elder Mages, a position with no term limit, with new members selected whether by political maneuvering, or by demonstrating enough skill to best an existing Grand Elder mage in combat.

Land of Dragons: A nation made of millions over a massive region, with a culture that promotes the acquisition of strength, whether it is through physical and/or magical combat, or through political machinations. The culture views the body and soul as separate entities (displaying vehemence against any act that would harm the soul), and has a reverence for the departed ancestors. The nominal head of state is the High Dragon, though other Dragons have enough sway over their own territories that the High Dragon must have the support of the other Dragons to effectively govern the entire country. There are five to eleven (depending on who one asks) True mountain-ranges, where dragons live and some of the flesh of the Caged One are exposed.

Disciples Of Domintus: An organization dedicated to the worship of their god, Domintus The World Reaper, said to reside in a massively potent and unruned Soul Grave, and the tenet of the survival of the strong and cruel, going about destroying existing systems in favor of a church-ruled state. They are headed by the eight Knight-Captains (now seven, with Abaeloth dead) and the Pure Lady, their prophet and the master(?) of the Soul Grave they say is the vessel of their god; the main army consists of fanatical Berserker-Zealots who are willing to do anything for the god they worship.

Despardos: A desert nation located between the Warring States and the Land of Dragons. Home of Bang, and the Masked Warriors, fighters who have proved themselves worthy and strong enough to wear a mask, which grant some benefit to their bearers as determined by the wearer's own style.


The blood vessels of the Caged One, a network of energy contained within crystal and stone. These are the source of World Magic, as, though the Leyline cystals have great magic absorption properties, energy leaks through anyways. As mentioned above, Leylines only exist in significantly large landmasses.

This network is also the System, also the Grand Seal or Supreme Binding, referenced by the Deep Spawn. This System has Administrators, also called Scientiomancers (Eldghodd has admitted that all Administrators once were like Mordre and Dulu, souls that have grown old and powerful that who they once were is a meaningless question with a meaningless answer), responsible for maintaining a section of the System. Each Administrator has many individualized Deep Spawn helpers in maintaining the System (presumably non-individualized Deep Spawn are not needed, as Dorgrum and Khordu are bound not to manifest their spawn when not in combat. This presupmtion, of course, assumes that maintaining the System does not involve combat). Eldghodd, for example, has at least 285 individualized Deep Spawn attendants (number reached calculating the number of individualized Deep Spawn needed to obtain the 6000 (285 gives 5985 Deep Spawn) Deep Spawn that Eldghodd mentioned. Math assumes that Eldghodd cannot manifest his own non-individualized spawn and that there are exactly 20 non-individualized spawn for each individualized Deep Spawn). Also, Scientiomancers have the commands that allows for the enaction of the Curse.

Due to the actions of the Caged One, it was necessary for the System to be modified to siphon off excess energy. There now are flaws and malfunctions in the System, leading to pressure building up within the System, relieved by letting out energy onto the surface, which form Core Beings, leading to energy being removed in a manner deemed most sustainable over time. Due to the actions of mortals when faced with this information (aka the mortals' near extinction through ceaseless incursions of Deep Spawn holdings, compounded with Core Being manifestations (which increase with the loss of population) they couldn't handle with their losses fighting Deep Spawn) and the weakening of the System due to such actions, Mordre has been asked to never reveal this information to anyone.

Magicks and their properties

Magic is a relatively rare, costly and difficult to master line of talent within the setting. Learning any new magic both requires some source of knowledge from which to learn the spell in question, and the requisite amount of time for the individual to grasp the spell or magical theory in question through practice and study, varying in length by learner. The more advanced magics are harder to learn, and very few have the dedication and the means to become Grand Mages, those recognized in all lands as having mastery of magic, and because of this, it is no wonder there are less than 100 Grand Mages or better (Such as the Grand Elder Mages, those who command the greatest of power, influence and knowledge.)

Magic has a color to it: a blend of ceil, byzantine, and maize, with a stark taupe/umber silhouette, and some blotches of fulvous, zaffre and wisteria (as described by Bang, using existing colors).

Magic needs a fuel source, and a type.

Fuel Sources

Keep in mind that all fuel sources ultimately stem from the soul, whether of the mage's own, or another's.

In order of relative average power (except for Dream):

Soul: Soul, be it the caster's own or those of the dead, is the most powerful magic fuel type, and it alongside Blood Magic were the mainstays of the Mosmordren empire, and were the source of much of their power. After their fall, Soul magic became a capital crime (i.e. No new spells fueled by Soul may be cast or begun, effective date/time royal seals blah blah. This allowed a loophole for pre-existing passive magics, such as Soul Graves, to continue existing. Can't make new Soul Graves, or start new spells, but any Soul magic begun BEFORE the ban, if at no point altered or ended, is still legal).

Blood: Blood is less potent than Soul, but still a far cry above what one can usually expect out of Will. Blood requires a much larger amount of fuel for the same purpose as Soul does, and as such there are no blood mages who use their own blood exclusively (or at least they have very brief careers). Blood magic requires a special permit to be practice without being arrested and potentially executed. The permits can be notoriously difficult to obtain.

Will: Will, the will of the soul, is the act of forcing magic to occur through the order and strength of one's thoughts. Will mages tire much more quickly than any other mage, and are more prone to burn out than most thanks to how easy it is for them to exceed their safe limits. Mages that become adept at Will magic can expect to be held in high demand and esteem for their prowess.

World: World draws power from the world around the caster, be it from a forest, an ancient mountain, a desert oasis or one of the planet's leylines; there are few accomplished mages that practice World alone, as there are many dead zones around the world where there are no ready sources. Knowledge of World magic usually indicates a laymen learner of magic has started to gain some decent knowledge of the mechanics of magic itself, and may be hired as an adviser or their word given more weight than a simple amateur.

Word : Word is the known tonal combinations that can cause minor magics to occur, such as sparking a fire, snuffing a candle or moving a couple pounds of material about. Most anyone can attempt to learn these, and learning these spells are the firsts steps any would-be mage takes in most cases. Word is powered by belief, a pool of multi-dimensional metamagic from all the millions, billions, that believe that magic would work that way, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Word Magic is descended from an as of yet unknown form of phonic magic.

Dream: Dream draws power from the Dream of Zakrath, the dream of the Caged One, open gates to other realities, other possibilities. The magic drawing from this source is most easily used to manipulate the fabric of reality, removing things from reality to place them in the Dream, and vice versa. A sacrifice - parts of the body, the soul, the mind - must be given to be able to tap into this source; at least, for normal organics.

The magic types (Word/World/Will/Blood/Soul) are just fuel sources for the most part, like different octane gasoline for a car, I suppose. The only thing making this analogy not fit perfectly is that some fuel types are more suited to certain pursuits than others (World magic is best for detecting/manipulating leylines, Blood magic blood, etc.)

The findings of the Drazken Clan Shamans indicated that Blood and World magic are alike: the currents of World have a similarity to the flowing nature of Blood. It has been theorized that tapping and combining World (Leyline) and Blood magic will amplify each other's form. World and Word also appear to be linked, as any casting of Word creates ripples of an unknown nature in the nearest Leylines.


Soul Magic has, as part of its domain of superiority over other sources, the balance of Order and Chaos of a soul. Saturation of just one type in a soul increases yield, though each individual has their own ideal balance, which changes over time (unless a soul is dead or is pure Order; in those cases, the ideal state is locked down).

Order is the null, unchanging, anti-existence. Perfect order is nothing, a void where not even time is needed, perfect stasis. Order contains within its themes: rejection, the exclusion of everything not the self, prevention of change of self. Saturation of Order leads to the ability to laugh at time when approaching critical mass.

Chaos is creation, change, the new, action quantified, existence. Perfect chaos is anything, constant creation, boundless energy leading to nukeline cancer. Saturation of Chaos lead to the ability to to make anything of any energy sort wavelength matter type whatever approaching critical mass.


It appears that to use Blood Magic, one needs to be alive, or emulate life enough that one has a pseudo-life (their form saturated with blood or a replacement substance that contains the power of blood).

Blood magic can reach, or at least approach, Soul levels of power if the blood used is exclusively comprised to White Blood Cells. White Blood is more responsive to magic and has a greater sense of ownership than the other parts of the blood. That may have to do with White Blood being something like the soul of blood, born from the proto-souls, the Possiblity Cells, contained in the marrow of the bone.

White Blood is primarily concerned with defending the body, tied to the concepts of SENSING and REJECTION, and has intrinsic Order magic piercing abilities and detection capabilities, with potential immunal rebellion as a recoil from usage. The more harm (from toxins and disease usually but also magic when White Blood is controlled with magic) that is done to the body, the more blood is saturated with White Blood, and the easier the body can fight off the same harm. he utilization of White Blood imparts qualities upon the wielder; though exactly what qualities are imparted depends on the wielder (e.g. Keddic gets general blood-related fun stuff, Bang gets increased resistance to tumors).

Types of Magic

Destructive: Destructive magic focuses on causing damage/decay to something or otherwise causing something to wear down more quickly than it would naturally.

Regenerative: Regenerative magic focuses on repairing or reinforcing existing things.

Augmentive: Augmentive magic focuses on adding new traits to something that already exists.


Combat Magic: Internalized magic, focused on self improvement, extending to anywhere one has an unbroken line of Ownership. In the Land of Dragons, the style of Combat magic practiced is called Mass Connection. Keddic knows an aspect of Mass Connection called The Winding Way, which is built around coiling, maybe folding space to alter the positioning of objects, though that is not at all the extent of it.

Arcane Magic: External Magic, magic of altering the world around one's self.


Belief creates a pool of slowly refilling multi-dimensional metamagic that the subject of the belief can tap into for their own benefit; though only the belief of millions over a significant period of time generates an appreciable amount of magic for the subject to use. The subject of the belief does not need to be sapient, or even sentient, to be empowered by belief (e.g. DragonSparks).

In the Land of Dragons, belief empowerment is encoded within the culture. Anybody who is a Dragon is tapping into the belief of the millions of citizens that know of them.

Masks, the national brand of magical artifact of the land of Despardos, are similarly powered by belief, and can tap into greater amounts than normal to achieve the power to do great acts.

Fields of Magic

Tractomancy: Dimensional/Spatial magic, dealing with distance, the relative space between locations, all that. (Fairly rare)
Ignimancy: Manipulation of electricity. Not many people do it, since what they work with is fast enough that one screw-up is usually terminal.
Necromancy: The act of expediting the coming of death (really just specialized, applied Chronomancy) More common than general Chronomancers.
Pomumancy: Wood/plant manipulation
Geomancy: Earth manipulation
Chronomancy: Time manipulation (mages in this field are exceedingly rare)
Aquamancy: Water manipulation
Magnetomancy: Metal/magnetic field manipulation
Aeromancy: Air manipulation
Gravimancy/Sepulchrumancy: Weight manipulation [Gravity]
Kinetimancy: Force/vector manipulation
Curatiomancy: Healing magics of the conventional, non-SoulDreaming sort
Pyromancy: Fire manipulation (this, Geomancy, and Magnetomancy are the three most common areas of magical study currently)
Phonomancy: Vibration manipulation, rather than just audible sound
SoulDreaming: Dream/alternate realities manipulation


SoulDreaming is a field of magic that accesses the Dream, the Caged One opening gates to other realities, and therefore dependent on the Caged One. Thus, manipulation of dreams and alternate realities comes most easily to SoulDreamers, feats miserably hard and perhaps unheard of outside SoulDreaming.

For SoulDreamers to access the Dream, they must give up a piece of themselves, most commonly a physical part of their body, but bits of their soul or some aspect of their mind also satisfy the sacrifice requirement. For those who sacrifice an aspect of their mind, their alternate self or selves usually fills the niche of the aspect sacrificed, as Dream selves are connected most easily to other alternate versions of themselves.

To Jojo's knowledge, gems cannot be used to empower SoulDreaming works, unlike pratically every other style of magic.


Codified ways of using Magic, always for the purposes of combat.

Castiliathen Warrior Houses Styles

Way of the Harksburton

Way of the Harksburton revolves around the manipulation of blood, used to enhance the normal capabilities of the user's body and grant the ability to do unnatural things to the user's blood. Normally a defensive-oriented style, the sub-style Sanguine Kinetic Pugilism produces more offensive effects.

Way of the Hechlor

Way of the Hechlor revolves around rotation, and the imparting of. The style involves spinning, sweeping blows and leg movements to whirl the body about, touch imparting some sort of torsion on foes, causing their spines to twist and ultimately shatter themselves, limbs to likewise curl up, and to turn blows to follow the user's spin, making striking the user directly during spins monstrously difficult.

Mass Connection

Winding Way

Winding Way is built around coiling, maybe folding space to alter the positioning of objects with souls, though that is not the extant of it. Thought to be part of a larger whole with the Winding Path.

Winding Path

Winding Way is built around coiling, maybe folding space to alter the positioning of objects without souls, though that is not the extant of it. Thought to be part of a larger whole with the Winding Way.

Jade Soul

Jade Soul seems to revolve around manipulating the soul of one's body, producing various special effects.

Ghosthand and Breaker

Ghosthand revolves around exuding the soul of one's hand from the body, being material and immaterial, and using the force of one's soul to overwhelm opposition. Breaker seems to revolve around absorbing metals into one's body as an Alchemical augment.

Iron Body

Iron Body involves adding the properties of Iron to the body, presumably using the iron in one's system as a medium for this change. This style is exclusively built around defense and hardening, with little to term offensive included in the style.

Fluid Fist

Fluid Fist revolves around the manipulation of fluids around the fist, of course. The fluids usually(?) are a potent acid of some kind.

Armor Annuller

Armor Annuller is specifically designed to reduce fights to a less charged format, using one's energy to negate the combat energies of others.

Stone Fist

Stone Fist is based on using contact with stone and earth to manipulate it.

Fire Flesh

Fire Flesh is based on forming a layer of fire over one's skin to create an armor made of fire.

Chaining Calamity

Chaining Calamity revolves around defining the chain(s) upon the practitioner's body as part of the body, and thusly controlling its action, all while housing it in energy. All its techniques seem to be built around binding, or imprisoning, being a heavily suppressive style, with many agonizing submission moves.

Metal Information

Most metals retain Normal properties but Steel is referred to as Base Steel.

Blue Steel: forged with inbuilt Regenerative magicks infused into the metal as it is shaped. More durable than normal steel, keeps sharp longer than normal, and cannot rust. Makes excellent long term armor for any terrain.

Red Steel: forged with inbuilt Destructive magicks that lets every cut it makes be magically widened, such that even a small cut could end up a grievous injury. Causes sharp, vibrating tremors when forged into blunt weaponry. Can destroy Blue Steel with relative ease, but when faced against other Red Steel, will start to warp and wear so long as it is forced to clash against something of it's own nature. Can make armor that magically rusts Blue Steel or below quality metals upon contact. Starts to deteriorate if attacked with Red Steel (said weapons will suffer likewise). Prohibitively expensive, not seen in any mass production form. Red Steel cannot be inscribed with runes.

Rune Steel: Blue Steel with runes inscribed into them during a second forging: The effects vary from rune to rune, so while some examples of Rune Steel may be nearly indiscernible from Blue Steel, some examples will have powerful magical enhancements. Price of manufacture varies in proportion with the quality of the rune used.

Black Steel: Invention of the now fallen Mosmordren Empire, steel with Augmentive magicks forcibly infused into it by spilling the blood of those actively harvested for Soul Grave fuel onto the Base Steel while it is forged atop enchanted anvils, the souls of thousands ground to dust during their forging to give them a strong connection with death. Now the metal is poison, causing wounds inflicted to rot, and being impossible to wield for long without starting to decay. Only Soul Graves, the golems the metal was forged for, are safe to possess it without harm, as the blood in the metal forms a symbiotic connection with the souls and dark magicks that animate a Soul Grave. The metal is conventionally unbreakable, and causes non-Soul/Blood fueled magicks cast in the immediate vicinity to be weakened, sometimes outright negated, depending on proximity, the strength of the mage, and the amount of Black Steel present.

Wootz Steel: Wootz Steel is a rare, prized steel alloy, of superior strength to normal steel, in general durability, tensile strength, and ability to keep an edge. Despite having no innate magic, the steel performs almost as well as Blue Steel.

Blootz Steel: A new alloy that Mordre has invented, Blootz Steel, as indicated by the name, is an alloy of Wootz Steel and Blood Iron. Because of the Blood Iron component that comprises the alloy, a golem made of metal can use Blood Magic, by circulating the blood around to simulate the blood flow of living organisms. The innate magical currents pervading the metal provide some basic enhancement to this already supernatural metal and lend themselves quite well to future runing.

Morphic Steel: Alloy that DULU!!! is constructed out of. Grants extreme flexibility.

Necronostrium: Called 'Death Metal' or 'The Reaper's Steel', Necronostrium was invented and crafted in small amounts by the Mosmordren empire during the height of it's power. A collection of powerful magics allowed the metal to make edge implements of unparalleled viciousness, even the smallest wound made with such a material magically being enhanced until even a shallow cut could be a dire injury. Further, wounds will fester, rot, and reject the power of leylines flowing in the area, causing agony and some mutation to those struck. The wounds are unable to be treated, magically or otherwise, until the wounded has been exposed to the light of dawn. This metal can claim dominion over all earthly materials, able to cleave a path through any conventional defense. It's forging process was lost with the fall of Mosmordre.

Lortoxite: A.K.A. Starmetal, A.K.A. The Blessings of Lortox, the patron deity of the asteroid ring around the planet Zakrath. Lortoxite (conventionally, a predominantly Tungsten-Carbide alloy) falls from the asteroid ring as blazing meteors. If the fallen metal is sufficiently heated and infused with enough magic, it can be forged into unbreakable equipment, making particularly effective instruments of combat, as the power of the reforged meteors gives otherworldly impact to blows. Conversely, armor made out of Lortoxite has the capacity to absorb and nullify tremendous impacts delivered to the wearer, in correlation with the amount of Lortoxite-forged armor they wear and what hit them. The drawback is that any piece of Lortoxite can only be forged ONCE, and once shaped into a knife, hammer or helmet, it will forever hold that form. Some astronomers make significant wealth, predicting the fall of new pieces of Lortoxite.

Golem information and Types

For normal golems, think of them like computers. Given a problem, they can solve it. But they need to be given direction on what to do.

Once an owner dies, if there is no one else listed as next in line to be master (such as in a military setting), the golem goes inactive. It must then be awoken to bind it to a new owner. In theory anyone could do this, but the tools needed to activate golems are rare and expensive, especially for Soul Graves. Okay, looks like one does not need any tools to activate golems, deducing from the lack of any noticeable tools when Mordre saw Dregas take control of Geodiaz. Of course, Geodiaz is a clay golem, so other golems (such as Soul Graves) might need activation tools, but Arkus was suspicious that he needed a tool to activate Mordre when asked, so...

-CLAY: The first type of golem ever made, a basic form has been perfected in efficiency of craft that nearly every town has, a seven foot tall, seven hundred pound vague, rotund humanoid shape. Other designs are seen as well, but none are nearly as easy to make, and are thus rarer. Clay golems are made with clay from dead volcanoes and crystals from live volcanoes, upon which control runes are inscribed. The runes for the default clay golem are readily known, though access to the materials needed is not.

-STONE: Vary in size, shaping and purpose greatly, as they are crafted almost exclusively with World magic, by drawing on the power of mountains or rock quarries (preferably over leylines for best results) to imbue stone with life. Not frequently used in warfare, as the time and energy required to craft even relatively simple ones is not worth the relative ease most common stone golems can be shattered with.

-WOOD: crafted with World magic in ancient forests (also benefiting from from being over leylines), wood golems can be made relatively easily out of any tree and at great speed if necessary, but different trees make different golems, and the time spent shaping the golem impacts the quality. They cannot have runes inscribed on them, and can be burned fairly easily.

-LIFE: Life Golems are made with Blood Magic, and involve the grafting of traits onto a base living form to create a new species that can be controlled as a sapient slave. Approval from the local government is required to make life golems, and learning Blood Magic is rare on it's own, so very few Life Golems have been made since the fall of the Mosmordren Empire.

--MORGREN: A species crafted by the Mosmordren Empire as shock troops, they were bred and molded to be violent and powerful, vicious fighters. Made from a base Premen augmented with Gorilla, Tiger and Rhinoceros, they are eight to ten feet tall, have some seven hundred to twelve hundred pounds of slabs of ropey muscle, have patches of thick, pelt-like hair on their shoulders, forearms and pelvis, and have rough, pebbly skin, their hide tougher than good leather armor. Their jaws are massive and ludicrously overdeveloped, with viscous fangs and a horn protruding from their forehead, their necks and spines heavily reinforced.

--RAGEGLUTS: A specialized species of Life Golem, effectively the Land of Dragon's version of the Mosmordren Morgren, forged by binding the emotion of rage to the soul itself, while filling the body with a plethora of Blood magically divorced of ownership, along with several beasts. The end result is a powerful, hulking creature, whose strength fluctuates in correlation with how much rage they have. Highly resilient to Blood Magic.

-METAL: Soul Graves were the invention of the Mosmordren Empire, and their greatest military strength. Can only be forged with Soul and Blood Magic, and the souls of many fresh dead are needed to power the golems. Nonetheless, their power is considered vastly superior to most other mid-to-large production model golems. In the Land of Dragons, there are independently operating Golems of metal called the Dao (large siege behemoths that are briefly animated with magic when their housing castle is attacked), and Small Tomb-equivalents called Ancestral Tombs, existing for such a time that a term for those souls that have had their connection to their mortality and prior existence lost has been in use for some time, that are controlled by the entombed soul.


Current Goals and Objectives

(X)'s Denote tasks that will also help us complete our goal of getting revenge on those who destroyed the Mosmordre empire.

Discover how the Curse was enacted

Find out how Acturo Fissykus was able to know the commands that were supposed to be restricted to Scientomancers(X)

Build an empire

Acquire the aid of the Yeti Tribe or Premen Clan (Complete)

-Defeat Goran and the Gorkin Clan and free the Premen Tribes under his control (Partially Complete: Goran dead, Gorkin survives)

-Unite the tribes and obtain massive manpower

-Solve the mystery of the Drazken's bronze mine (Complete)

-Drive out Demons from bronze mine and reclaim it in the name of Mordreden (Complete)

-Create trade routes to the Drakzen Clan's lands in order to facilitate further growth of the tribe (Complete)

Ally with or gain control of the Azelhaedran State(X)

-Meet new units in the Azelhaedran state: Sam Vimes(Complete), State War Mage Alexander Armstrong, Captain Falcon

-Destroy the talking Core Being

-Run the Arcanoworks and free more research outposts from enemy control

-Ally with the Blue Knight (Complete)

Acquire resources and allies from the Western Isles

-Acquire the relics of Gavrock

-Purchase Pistols of Gavrock (Complete)
-Trade Diomand for the Chains of Gavrock (Complete)
-Liberate the Shell of Gavrock from the pirates around Golgan Island
-Find the Gaze of Gavrock located on one of islands near Gialgorra's

-Defeat Professor Gialgorra's Steam Golem or find a way to ally with Gialgorra

-Find a working Endless Steam Engine to see if we can replicate it and use it to empower our self.

-Find the true identity of the rogue Ellayia

Defeat Archmage Weinsho and his cohorts (X)

-Find the location of the Archmage and more information about him (Completed)

-Destroy Dulu once and for all or find a way to free his soul from Weinsho's control and turn him to our side (Partially Complete)

-Capture his bases within the Azelhaedran State

-Locate and capture any bases of his in the Land of Dragons

-Defeat Eisenhardt or make convince him to ally with us

Help Our Allies

Keddic Harksburton

-Destroy Aurockoth, The God Of Blades, The Reaper Made Flesh, The Living Sword, The Soul Grave Slayer(X)

-The White Blooded Lion/The White Amplifier: Make Keddic aware of White Blood Cells, either through guidance or via training in healing magics. (Complete)

-Find some way for Keddic to either harvest large amounts of White Blood and/or get his own blood hyper-infused with white blood cells in some way. (Complete)
-Increase Keddic's expertise on using and comprehending White Blood. (Complete)

-Complete his knowledge of the Winding Way, and of Mass Connection.

-Help him find his old master, the Lined One, and perhaps clear the Lined One's name. (Complete)

-Help him develop his soul to the point that he qualifies for Legendary Soul status.

-Increase his total magical stamina and his rate of magic stamina regeneration. (Arkus is working on this)


-Restore her by acquiring five (5) unbroken world magic mage skins (5/5) (Complete)


-Turn him into a great mage

-Find the roving magic library called the Caemlo Repository

-Help him develop his soul to the point that he qualifies for Legendary Soul status.

Drazken Clan

-Defeat Goran The Magic Eater and the Gorkin Clan (Partially Complete: Goran dead, Gorkin survives)

-Increase their holdings, population, and overall stregth.

-Enlarge their mining area by giving over the flesh of the dead, live bodies, or completely nonmagical technology to Eldghodd or his representatives. The area can also be enlarged by an additional three miles radius for every opening to Eldghodd's domain, to a maximum of nine openings.
-Convince, by charm or by force, the other Premen tribes to answer to Lorgk as Over-Chieftain.

Lord Dregas

-Restore Lord Dregas' golem Silicanthos (Leyline Geyser noted by Bobobo as always used to do so)


-Find out its origins

-Empower it to the point where it can eat Core Beings.

Magnum Bang

-Organize a reunion between him and Collete the Colossus for either a rematch or to help him "give her a bone of his own".

-Help him pay off the three (3) favors he owes to Figment who gave him his body runes and improved scarf. (0/3)

-Help him develop his soul to the point that he qualifies for Legendary Soul status.


-Help him form his Staff of Dream, which will empower his SoulDreaming magic. (Ongoing, but with Kyorto's aid he has made progress)


-Create or find him a place he can call home, a place where he is accepted unconditionally.


-Find her a companion, someone she can honestly call her better.


-Help him become a noble through military exploits.

Mordre-Centered Goals

Prevent own destruction for being a sapient golem with free will

-Deal with the Paradox Knights and their knowledge of your free will

-Prevent Vimes from learning that we are sapient

-Keep up the disguise of Mage Mordre

Concerning our unique qualities

-Discover the reason(s) Mordre is sapient. (Complete: Mordre has a singular soul that is Mordre not someone else)

-Discover the nature of this singular soul of Mordre's and why Mordre is a 'cancer of the soul' and 'rot of the Curse'. (Partially Complete: Mordre was born in part from the recoil of a Chaos Soul magic working of the Master of Sorrow)

-Discover why Mordre is able to produce and use Pristine Souls.

-Discover the origin and nature of the Creature.

-Discover what the fuck is the entity that possessed us during the Goran fight and why it called itself the true inheritor of the Mosmordren Empire.

Improve Ourself

-Learn how to utilize white blood cells or a golem-equivalent with our Blood Magic, or obtain a soul that knows.

-Find a method to speak with the souls entombed in our form, and use it (Complete: Heroic Souls only)

-Find a way to mimic life enough that we could develop our own soul instead of being forced to rely only on eaten souls to grow in power. (Complete: formed Mordre's Soul Grave soul)

-Become a Dragon, tapping into the pool of magic the belief of the people in the Land of Dragons generate.

Secondary Goals

-Kill all those lying scheming yeti bastards.

-Discover the origin of Earth languages (Latin, Spanish) in this world.

Quests by Bob

TGchan: Ant Quest | Dream Quest | Golem Quest | Spacer Quest | Volunteer Quest | Guns for Hire

Not by Bob, but inspired by him: Bob Quest