Guns for Hire Minions

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Descriptions of the minions of Armas Laine in the quest Guns for Hire, particularly those under the semi-direct control of the player base.


Nameless Minion

Most Worthless Minion run by Your Name Goes Here Fool

Appearance: Generic and underdeveloped
Date of Birth: January 1st, 1980
Soul: Soulless bastard
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Shooting people, punching things, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500) OR Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Series #1-#7: The Korean Kapers (Varies)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Jan 26th, Paydays every Wednesday ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #2: Feb 2nd ($150)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #3: Feb 9th ($150)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #4: Feb 16th ($150)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #5: Feb 23rd ($150)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • AN-94
  • Secondary weapon(s) or item(s)
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Cash from jobs
  • 1 Ushanka


  • Six hours a day drinking
  • One hour practicing melee
  • Four hours trying to get into the pants of other minions, particularly when drunk
  • Keeping an eye out for any incredibly stupid things to do and jumping on them

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here

Minion Profiles

Put your individualized minion's profile here. Be sure to keep it updated regularly, as it may be referenced at any time to determine their status. Now arranged alphabetically by first name.


The (Social) Hacker run by ManOfTroy

Appearance: 5' 10", 160 pounds, dark hair, weak stubble, brown eyes, military buzz that's growing back in.
Date of Birth: January 1st, 1980
Soul: His soul was skittish and almost hyper alert, like a ferret. But he has become more comfortable and started behaving normally. His eclecticness places him firmly in the 'overeager' phase Armas was in not too long ago.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army because information doesn't want to be free
Strengths: Twitch gaming, twitch shooting people, punching computer keys, information warfare, social warfare, social hacking, hacking, electrical engineering, social engineering, drinking prodigious quantities of Red Bull, Jolt, and vodka; and hacking
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world, being a fragile and squishy for a Russian.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #1: Identity Theft ($13,234)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Heart and soul ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • AN-94
  • Secondary weapon(s) or item(s)
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Cash from jobs


  • Four hours failing at teaching melee/learning da Chakras
  • Three Hours socializing outside of the Russians with locals
  • Six hours of dying with Camella, including Chakra Training
  • Keeping an eye out for strange, invisible, thing and confronting it.

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here

Bagga Aksoy

The Fledgling Vampire run by Juroko

Appearance: 5'4", 124 lbs, wiry build
Date of Birth: May 1st, 1994
Soul: Drive. Ambition. Focus. Self-discipline. Qualities sufficient to win scholarships, to be a dedicated student, to become the premier fighter of his boxing team within a year of joining. But resentment permeates his soul from having his future stolen by his conversion into a vampire.
Background: Orphaned Vampire, High School Student
Strengths: Boxer Bagga, "Long Fuse, Big Bomb", Augmented Arm Aedes, Blood Sucker, Chakra Adept (reinforcement only), Blood-Fueled Passive Regeneration (10ax), Ibruhem Bloodline Ignoramus
Weaknesses: Sunlight, Divine energy, his father
Languages: English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • Amen-made formal wear and three changes of Amen-made casual clothes
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Full wardrobe, boxing gloves, misc personal items


  • Vampire Boot Camp with the Zoismus clan


  • Long Fuse, Big Bomb: Bagga is an ocean of calm, a rock of stability... until he hits his breaking point. Then he's an emotional wreck.

Prior to being made a vampire, Bagga was a driven high school student and a gifted featherweight boxer. Bagga was turned against his will, possibly accidentally, and managed to survive long enough to be inducted into the Orphanage for vampires. He impressed Armas during the night lessons at Ito's Dojo, and was subsequently offered a job. Bagga has a grafted arm (courtesy Gianni) which he named Aedes. It's 1.5 times stronger than his normal arm, can take a huge beating without breaking if both the elbow spike and palm spike are in. The palm spike can fully drain the blood from a body in a moment. His palm can mist out blood for future blood magic, or simply to mist out blood. When the spikes are retracted Aedes looks like Bagga's natural arm. He thinks of it as akin to a very advanced prosthetic limb instead of as his arm.

Currently Bagga is trying to learn how to activate his bloodline's kinetic redirection power.


The Otherwise Unremarkable Cook run by torac

Appearance: 6', Heavy frame, black hair, brown eyes, hairy all over.
Date of Birth: July 12, 1983
Soul: Like the smell of home cooking in some reassuring way
Background: Russian Black Operations Army.
Strengths: Shooting people, punching things, cooking, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka

  • Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world
  • Has restless leg syndrome

Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: In for a penny... ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • Sniper Role (prefered)
*H&K MSG90-A2 (Sniper rifle)
*Škorpion vz. 68 (Submachinegun Sidearm)
*H&K USP Compact Tactical .45 ACP (concealed Sidearm)
  • Assault Role (Secondary)
*AN-94 [Carried in Hand] (Advanced Assault Rifle)
*Škorpion vz. 68 (Submachinegun Sidearm)
*H&K USP Compact Tactical .45 ACP (concealed Sidearm)
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Ushanka (Thanks, Vlad!)
  • Cash from jobs


  • Learning how to brew alcohol (Bought books MONDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 2011; will take a week to study before being able to start implementing)
  • Drinking
  • Cooking magic meals
  • One hour practicing melee

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here


The Good Little Minion run by TMIoverload

Appearance: 5'8", 150 pounds, green eyes, cropped blonde hair, chin scruff
Date of Birth: March 8th, 1978
Soul: Rock-steady. Not much ever seems to faze this man-and his 'been there, done that' demeanor's still going strong.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Shooting people through walls, punching things, drinking prodigious quantities of spiced rum, Chakra Apprentice II, Deviously Daring Driver Dmitrii
Weaknesses: Confronting his superiors, Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #3: Scandi-Slaying ($3900)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Wallflower ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • AN-94
  • Thomson Contender Encore .600 Nitro Express Magnum
  • Thermal/Night Vision Goggles (ATN FIITS14 w/4th Gen. IIT)
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • $13279.16


  • Two extra hours at Ito's Sunday through Thursday

A good little minion who avoids confrontation with his allies and especially superiors like the plague, and can be counted on to act on his own initiative when left or sent out alone. He's a little too good at falling in line though, so don't expect him to speak up when someone's about to do something really stupid. Primarily used to urban combat, he's come to prefer dealing with enemies from the other side of a wall, using thermal goggles to aim through it and bringing armor-piercing rounds with just in case the walls are thicker then expected, or he needs to shoot through more then one.

In the company, and among the Mafia, Dmitrii has a reputation for liking to party with drugs, alcohol, and hookers.

Chakra Apprentice II: Dmitrii has learned three chakra orientations to "fairly proficient" levels, and while he's no faster at changing orientations, he's skilled enough to count as a versatile Chakra Apprentice. Dmitrii's three orientations are for reinforcement, ghostriding, and goblinic chakra charm making.

Deviously Daring Driver Dmitrii: Dimitrii has a soul quirk that makes him able to operate most vehicles with ease.

Feodor Aleksandrovich Morozov

Getting Better run by Seventeen

Appearance: 5'11"; short, light brown hair
Date of Birth: July 1st, 1977
Soul: His soul has a feeling to it as if it wanted to rip itself apart to give to those around it. In recent weeks it has gained an increased luster and sheen, a result of his increased involvement in the company. It looks like a soot-stained martyr, an oil-slicked good samaritan, a corrupted kindly friar.
Background: Samara State Medical University, Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Limited university education in chemistry, mathematics, and statistics; Extensive university education in biology, medicine and surgery; Ten years experience as a front-line combat medic, dealing with (or attempting to, at least) injuries both mundane and supernatural in origin, and other support roles including radio communications and driving; Two years experience as a civilian ambulance driver/paramedic; Very basic training in chakra use in general, and the Reinforcement and Mystical Ascetic Palm orientations, specifically
Weaknesses: Serious personal history of mental health issues, having been diagnosed previously as suffering from post-traumatic stress, major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder, and having both personal and family history of alcoholism; Feels responsible for younger brother Alexei's apparent death; Cynical due to age and experience, and finds it hard to form relationships
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #6: Guarding Guns ($900)
  • Jung Salvage Job ($0)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: In for a penny... ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • Ivan Ivanovich: A shapeshifting mannequin-like creature that enjoys having surgical procedures upon 'him', feels no pain, and is exceedingly loyal to Feodor. Currently on loan to Gianni for a project I'm not going to disclose to you plebs. Especially you, Dunnet.
  • Charms and magical items: regeneration charm, gargoyle bone mind manipulation resistance helmet
  • Medical supplies
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Bullet-proof greatcoat (Thanks, Titus!)
  • Ushanka (Thanks, Vlad!)
  • Weighted exercise vest ($385)
  • Winter clothes made of fur and leather, with animal tooth/ivory buttons (Thanks, Amen!)
  • Laptop (Thanks, Andrei!)
  • Dozen bottles of high-quality vodka
  • Cash ($33,248.16)


  • Chakra training with Go Ping
  • Chakra training with Ito
  • Assistant instructor at Ito's
  • Assistant Surgeon at Finnigan's
  • Surgical practice with Ivanovich

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here


Fabricant Grenadier run by No one at the moment, talk to Bob if you want to play her.

Appearance: 193cm tall, noticeably thick-limbed (for her height), somewhat wide shoulders. Grey eyes, short dark blonde hair.
Date of Birth: December 14th, 1983
Soul: Her soul feels playful, but determined: like life's a game for her to play, and that she will follow the rules she chose to play by. She seems to have transitioned rather well to the world of magic.
Background: Transferred from Russian Ground Forces to Russian Black Operations Army after several accidents in and out of the field.
Strengths: Grenade specialist, some training and experience training in machining and drafting, Good spatial awareness.
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world, brash demeanor when not keeping quiet, somewhat low alcohol tolerance (for a Russian), will attempt to put people in dangerous situations if they commit acts she deems unacceptable.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish.
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Van Halen ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • AN-94
  • 10 RGN Offensive Fragmentation Grenades
  • 5 RGO Defensive Fragmentation Grenades
  • 5 RDG-1 Floating Smoke Grenades
  • 5 RDG-3 Smoke Grenades
  • Two bandoliers, hip wrap and thigh straps
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Laptop from Andrei
  • Bottle of Meat/Vodka thing from Vlad
  • Bullet-proof Greatcoat
  • Cash from jobs ($40013.16 US)


  • 4 hours a weekday split between chakra training and instructing at Ito's.
  • 6 hours a weekday chakra training with Camella.
  • 3 hours a week marksmanship training Camella.
  • 3 hours a week melee training with Camella.
  • 4 hours a week[end] long-distance shooting training with Camella.
  • 1-2 hours a day building contacts regarding vendors of metal, hardware, and other specified items.
  • Keeping an eye out for any incredibly stupid things to do and jumping on them.
  • Catching sleep when she can.

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here
Grisha is known around Ito's Dojo as 'one of the hot instructors.' Attracts the masochists.


Patient Armorer run by No one at the moment, talk to Bob if you want to play him

Appearance: 6'2”, Dark Hair, not only a big man but a large one, he seems singularly solid.
Date of Birth: July 8th, 1978
Soul: His soul resounds like a metronomic clock, as if keeping time for the universe simply by being. He has a fundamental out-of-place feel to his soul, a result of his difficulties in recent weeks.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Using heavy guns, taking hits, a tinkerer especially when it comes to Armors, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka
Weaknesses: Being a squishy mundane, inept when it comes to common modern electronic use.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: In for a penny... ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • XM25
  • Makarov PMM, Ten round version.
  • Heirloom pocket watch
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Cash from jobs: currently nothing.

Currently setting up a forge, as well as the work every Russians is doing at the dojo.
First forge experiment seems to be a request from Nikifor about arm armor.

Igor is not slow per say, but he does prefer to take his time mulling things over. He is the kind of man that is not only capable of patience, but actually enjoys the passing flow of time. He obviously dislikes using rapid firearms, but somehow prefers the use of Heavy ones like RPGs to being a sniper. He not so secretly has a love for big booms, so his strategies tend to focus on herding the targets in a group for him to blow them up. He has a deep love and affinity for clocks, which comes from his late grandfather, a clockmaker who raised him. When his family fell on hard times, the only thing he could keep was a pocket watch he pilfered, and has been repairing ever since. Igor only touches his pocket-watches when sober, but has gotten into the habit of heavily tinkering on everything else he could get his hand on when he gets drunk- that is to say, almost every night if he can help it. Not a big talker, he nonetheless is liked on his team if only for his habit to cobble-up emergency repairs on his squad's equipment, especially armors. His talent with tinkering mechanical parts is matched by his utter inability to do anything when it comes to modern electronics. He is utterly inept with them and doesn't like microwaves, ovens, microwave ovens, toasters, TV, the internet-he's QUITE detached from modern media, and only reads magazines and journals-such as ones on Armor.
Igor is known around Ito's Dojo as 'the instructor that's out of touch when he gives examples, but strong enough to be less dangerous than Gloom for learning good defenses.'

Iosef Markovic

Heavy weapons guy run by Grail

Appearance: 6'5" and built like what most professional body builders strive for. Mussy, medium length brown hair tops his head. Oft glazed over green eyes regard with the world with a half interest.
Date of Birth: August 7st, 1979
Soul: His soul is like a fogged over light, shining brightly, though less so than before; maybe due to some mental clarity loss, or imagined loss. On the other hand, his flame of a soul is now less desperate to illuminate everything around it, and more stable for it.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Higher than average diligence, proficient with heavy weapons, doubled stamina, knifeproof skin, huge muscles, snakelike quickness, and a bottomless gullet for food and drink alike.
Weaknesses: Afraid of the darkness
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500)
  • Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: In for a penny... ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • Primary: GatMalite
  • Secondary: AN-94, Ruger SR1911
  • Amen-made armor
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Encrypted Satellite Phone
  • Laptop
  • Ushanka
  • Free t shirts
  • $67,213.16 on his cash card


  • 1,5h/day extra martial practice at Ito's

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here Traits:

  • Daring Devil Dealer trait - Lets him handle potentially unstable rituals (like a baws).

Iosef is known around Ito's Dojo as 'the instructor that is totally okay with being a punching bag, great for working on practical form against a live partner with.'


The one who watches you like a hawk run by Seventeen

Appearance: Generic and undeveloped
Date of Birth: September 3rd, 1985
Soul: His soul's still a harshly observant eye-but it feels... less alien, less suspicious of us now.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Shooting, stoicism, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Jan 26th ($225)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #2: Feb 2nd ($225)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #3: Feb 9th ($225)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #4: Feb 16th ($225)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #5: Feb 23rd ($225)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000+$4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • AN-94
  • [Ястреб, ”Hawk”]: A battle-scarred Mosin-Nagant, owned by Ivan's father Roman and his father Konstantin before him. The Model 1891/30 with iron sights was issued to Ivan's grandfather during World War 2, and has seen another four wars since he stole it on the war's conclusion. Despite nearly seventy years of loving care, the rifle's stock, poorly carved into the shape of a stooping hawk, has become indelibly stained – the blood of a Japanese soldier whose head Konstantin knocked in, coffee spilled by Roman when he was surprised at camp by a pair of mujahideen – and damaged – a grit-filled, impossible to clean gouge from a trench tool, a rake from the claws of a bear killed on a hunting trip, shrapnel wounds from a mine - with every scratch and stain resulting in a story told to the rapt attention of the family's children.
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Cash ($564,004.16)
  • Pocket watch


  • Sniper group with Satai, Matvey, Nikifor, and Hillevi. Four hours a day, seven days a week
  • Temporary Head Assistant Instructor at Ito's Gym. (+$225/wk)

<More to come>

[Sniper's Stillness]: Ivan is a traditionalist sniper, favouring accuracy over all else. When he chooses to fire, he stills himself, slowing his breathing and heart rate to improve his precision. For every five seconds he spends aiming at a target, he gains +1 to hit. This bonus is lost if he loses his target for even a fraction of a second.
[Eagle Eyes]: In return for receiving the groping of his life from Gianni, Ivan has gained vastly improved eyesight – 20/5 vision, the ability to see in the UV spectrum, and impressive low-light vision.
[Movement Monitor]: Ivan is immensely talented at immediately detecting the slightest movement in his line of sight.
[Range Roper]: Ivan is competent at throws and trips, and is quite capable of delaying foes that reach melee so he can open up range again.
[Familial Flayer]: Ivan is so used to the weighting of his rifle that while he's holding it, he can handle it as well as a knife.

"Soul Eyes" quirk: Ivan can see the general position of a soul

Ivan is known around Ito's Dojo as 'the instructor that's like Ito sensei.'

Lev Soloyov

The Tainted Blade run by The_Falcon (for now, if a new guy wants him just contact me)

Appearance: He has ash-blond hair, including a rugged beard and a veritable mane of hair. He is more wirey than bulky and is a bit on the short side. Green eyes and gnarled hands.
Date of Birth: October, 1986
Soul: Lev's soul seems to be warring with some tightly held beliefs from childhood. It doesn't look innately dangerous.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Throwing Knives, Cutting Things, Woodcarving , Almost dying, Bad Jokes, Drunken Inspiration, Fertile
Weaknesses: Fleshy human meatbag, Coward/Berserk[Why yes he IS conflicted], avacado, orange dogs, medics, guady ornaments, folklore knowledge, [aversion to sunlight], logic
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #6: Guarding Guns ($900)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: But, God gave us Blades! ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • AN-94
  • Assorted Knives
  • complex braces, strapping, and 236 throwing knives (never want just enough to fill the braces), total comes out to: $120 per compact, tungsten-cored, balanced throwing knife (thank god you bought bulk), 4k for a bracing rig set custom tailored to you... $32,320
  • 186 [Homing], [Piercing(Mundane)], [Bleed], [Return], 50 [Homing], [Piercing(Mundane)], [Piercing(Magic)], [Bleed], [Return], with each item classed to the equivalent of a bloodliner (your knives can piece bulletproof vests, metal armor, leather-all of that no prob. Your knives lock onto whatever you are focused on at the time of throwing them-but cannot exceed your max throw distance in their flight so they can curve around corners-but only so far as you could throw them in a straight direction bleed causes the blood to gather on the knife's handle and steam off passively while the knife is in the flesh.)
  • 24 Putrid cursed fairbian sykes stabbing blades.
  • Heirloom Shashka[maintained]
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • $3,813,936.16 = cash from jobs up to MvNIII - 21k to families - 20k bet at hobgob arena + 60605 winnings at hobgob arena - 32,320 for custom throwingknife and bracer set-30k bet+91509winnings -90kbet+211636.8winnings-25kfoodtoredcaps-3k guidance pay-180k bet+6,802,392.2 winnings.(2.64 mil for the enchant to knives, 354k for the variable supression charm)
  • Some Quantity of Wood
  • few carvings
  • Charm that helps knife throwing

24:00-4:00 Sleep, 04:00-5:00 Camella's Morning Jog (for the crazies), breakfast 05:00-11:00Chakra Training (Camella), 11:00-14:00 Chakra Training (Ito) 14:00 Lunch, Melee [Knife or Sword] training with Feodor, 15:00 Melee [Knife or Sword] training with Feodor, Nap or discretionary, 16:00-20:00 Nap or discretionary 19:00 Nap or Tripping over things and almost dying, 20:00 Dinner/ Tripping over things and almost dying, 21:00- 23:00 Chakra Training (Ito)
A rugged man who's instincts are better than his considerations, He is quite battle hungry, lurking beneath that, however, is a cowardice that lends it's self as a leash to his wild blood, Will most likely be restrained until he throws himself in. In the past he's struggled between a strong primal desire to live and an insane deathwish, he was afraid of life and death, now since joining the company he fears death somewhat more.

He never knew his blood parents, both died while trying to perform some bogus ritual, turns out candles are not the friend of dry wood. He ended up in a small Orphanage, run by a kindly old woman who's name Lev does not know to this day. She instilled in him a love of folklore and woodcarving.

However, one day a circus came to town, Lev head filled with adventure joined it. Unfortunately the circus was more than a little, seedy. He Loved it though, even being used as target practice for the knife thrower. Once he was in, he couldn't get out, and the fun was only ever on the surface, a show.

Later, he ended up getting three clowns, a fireeater, a snake charmer, a sword eater, a bearded lady and a Beast-trainer pregnant, there may have also been a bear. Lev was an adorable kid. The ringmaster raped Lev for his insolence and randyness, Lev killed the ringmaster and fled. Never did get to do the trapeze artist.

He decided to hide in the army, offically, he died on duty. In actuality, he ended up through misfortune under Chuganov's domain, misfortune being seeing a few things he shouldn't of, not shutting up and savage murder of a target which was supposed to be captured.

Until Armas "saved" him and the other russians, he spent most of his time wondering why he wasn't yet dead.
Lev is known around Ito's Dojo as 'one of the instructors who is really good at melee weapons training.'
Around the mansion, Lev has recently acquired a reputation for being an idiot, getting his pecker bitten off by sewer monsters, and being unstable enough to merit supervision.

Lev is a half- Hag super pretty boy. Skin is now grey and blue, hair is the colour of the sea under a stormy sky. Women will love him Men will want to punch him in the face

Lots of fey things happenTHing.

Lev has thermal immunity while in water, boiling/freezing doesn't matter.

[Blade Buffer] - Lev's skin now turns away mundanely thrust knives [Slick Slider] - Lev is now harder to grip and grapple [Theatrical True Thrower] - (+4 to throwing) [Crippling cutter ] - lv 2 knife fighting [Ranged Roller] - (bonus to dodging while rolling)

Lyubov Ivanovna Khorobrova

The Witch Saint of Tesla run by CaptainButthead a.k.a. BUTTZ

Appearance: 5'11", 150lbs, muscular build. Light skin, blue eyes, short brown hair. Strong family resemblance to Svetlana.
Date of Birth: March 13th, 1989
Soul: Like all Witch Saints, Lyubov's soul doesn't feel like it is made of soul stuff, but instead something emblematic of the god she's connected to: Lightning, to represent Tesla. Her soul is still perilously overcharged, but does feel a little firmer. The central feature of her soul is a tesseract, the fourth-dimensional linkage to Tesla. There are analogues on her soul to structures in normal souls: memory, cognition, personality. There’s already a meta-pattern to her soul reminiscent of what her soul was like before: a cheery, capricious, mischief-maker who delighted in distraction.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army, Russian Army Mechanic, University Drop-out
Strengths: Very Vigilant, Decidedly Determined, Sambo Specialist, Способный солдата, Guitar Gal, Witch Saint of Tesla, 1000 Ways to Die, The Other Lyubov
Weaknesses: Overcharged Soul, Cold Fish, Incapable Commander, Maladjusted Multitasker
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish, Japanese, Mustelid
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1,500)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5,263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #4: Meatpack the Brothers ($5,750)
  • Armas Assignment #1: Identity Theft ($21,433.34)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Booze Foot ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #2 through #5: Training Montage ($600)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • AN-94 (fitted with green laser)
  • Škorpion vz. 68 (with 2 20-rd magazines, personal weapon)
  • Walther PPS pistol (concealed carry, usually on her person)
  • Amen-made armored outfits (Casual suit, fire resistant motorcycle leathers)
  • Amen-made formal wear and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Full wardrobe (outfits for sleeping, casual wear, workout, swimming, formal and business wear, and a robe)
  • Jewelry, shoes, and accessories
  • Acoustic guitar, guitar case, music books
  • Netbook, phone recording rig, camera, and MP3 player
  • X-Box 360 (in the living room)
  • Portable sewing machine and sewing kit
  • Holster making materials (2 bolts of nylon, wadding, 10 yards "slip-not" material, assorted elastics, snaps, and buckles)
  • The flower that smells like your favorite thing, a gift from Zhenya
  • $1,200.00 cash
  • $163,475.73 on her cash card


  • Jogging with Camella
  • 10 hours divine magic practice with Sake daily (70 hours weekly)
  • 2 hours instructing at Ito's Dojo (14 hours on the job weekly)
  • Prank Calls with Sake when possible (no more than 4 hours a week)
  • Night Sessions at Ito's Dojo (14 hours of combat training weekly)


  • Very Vigilant: Lyubov enjoys superb awareness, and thus is harder to ambush. Her vigilant attitude extends to proactively looking for opportunities and anticipating problems. This trait synergizes with Decidedly Determined so that even if taken by surprise Lyubov has a greater chance of warning allies about the danger.
  • Decidedly Determined: Some people have more grit and verve than others. Lyubov's determination is such that she's hard to pull off a task once she sets her mind to it.
  • SAMBO Specialist: Lyubov is a qualified - though not accredited - Kandidat Master (rank 2) of combat SAMBO. While she can coach, her Cold Fish trait means she's bad at teaching people she doesn't already know, and her Maladjusted Multitasker trait means she can't teach classes, just individual pupils.
  • Способный солдата (Sposobney Soldata, "Capable Soldier"): Lyubov was a good soldier, and has above-average marksmanship with small arms and grenades.
  • Guitar Gal: Lyubov is a fair to decent classical and jazz guitar player. Before she enlisted, she briefly considered a career as a musician.
  • Witch Saint of Tesla: Lyubov has a direct magic conduit to Nikola Tesla, a prolific inventor who became the god in the electric grid. Because of the nature of his transformation into a god, he has mathematically based belief magic, which makes all divine workings wrought with his magic (and by extension, Lyubov's) well outside the normal format for Belief magic. What this means, beyond it being extraordinarily easy for Lyubov to attack and dominate divine beings, remains to be seen.
  • 1000 Ways to Die: Lyubov is a multidimensional being, and has the memories of how her path diverged from those of her sister-Lyubovs. In each case, she remembers how "she" died. As a result, Lyubov is intimately familiar with what sorts of mistakes will get her killed.
  • Scholar Lyubov: In another dimension, Lyubov managed to do well in school, and studied engineering. Lyubov has access to her sister-Lyubov's memories, and thus remembers an education she never received.
  • Overcharged Soul: Lyubov's soul is currently dangerously overcharged with magic energy, a side-effect of the conduit to Tesla forming. In her current state her soul is quite malleable, and even modest actions will have great effect in shaping her soul. Until she learns how to control the flow of energy in her soul and body, she cannot safely use any magic.
  • Cold Fish: Lyubov's first impression is usually a bad one. She tends to leave mundane people with the sense that there's something subtly wrong about her.
  • Incapable Commander: Lyubov is downright horrible at leadership. While she is a good spear carrier, and sufficient by herself, she is bad at directing others effectively. This is due to her trouble with coordinating anything beyond personal actions.
  • Maladjusted Multitasker: Lyubov's inability to coordinate beyond what's right in front of her extends beyond leadership and into some difficulty with general multitasking.

Lyubov served as an army mechanic in the normal army, and is qualified to run a basic, if slow, garage. Alterations, repairs, tune-ups, part swaps, etc. are all within her ability, given the right tools. She is also good at working with crafts, having some modest skill at sewing and planning projects.

Lyubov has recently become the Witch Saint for the god of Science and Electricity: Tesla.

Lyubov grew up in Mozhaysk, which isn't half as boring as she makes it sound. She was basically an immature kid during her teenage years, and was a delinquent and troublemaker. She's had three relationships total, two of which ended in being cheated on/betrayed. The last relationship she had was with a fellow soldier, and ended in her being made a scapegoat and then assigned to the Black Army. She didn't have a strong male role model throughout much of her childhood, as her grumpy grandfather died when she was young and her father (a soldier sent to Afghanistan) died to a rocket attack before she was born.

Despite a year of fighting horrors and committing atrocities against innocent civilians in the name of keeping magic secret, the Black Army hasn't destroyed Lyubov's ability to face life with good cheer. It did leave her far more wary, though.

Lyubov, foolish young person that she is, she didn't quite realize how much she'd taken her mother for granted until she read the news story about her own death. She has since reconciled with her mother and urged her to come live in Istanbul with her.

Lyubov is known around Ito's Dojo as "Booze Foot" by the Night Lesson students, and as 'the instructor who will distract you constantly, don't look at her butt it's a trick' by the day students.

In the company, Lyubov is known for being cheerful, chatty, and usually well-intentioned. She is best friends with Sake, thanks to their common prankster attitude. She encourages people to spoil him.

Matvey Baich

The Cossack run by Grail

Appearance: 6'1", clean cut brown hair, light brown eyes. Strong, athletic build. Typically wears practical and fitting clothing. Well groomed and cleanly out of habit.
Date of Birth: March 24th, 1978
Soul: Matvey's soul has undergone the process of becoming Soul Transcendent. One effect of this has been that his soul has sprouted quirks based on what he had done up to that point. This amounted to seven quirks with three buds which were eventually altered into a triple bind with his blade Shuhadaku Zayin. As soul quirks can layer over themselves in effect Matvey's original, root quirk, has flavored all of the quirks that have come after it, giving him a means to escalate their power. The quirks of Soul Transcendents do not retard the growth of their souls and in fact Soul Transcendents see roughly a 66% in rates of soul growth. The process involved in becoming a Soul Transcendent also grants an initial boost in soul size, with Matvey's soul having grown seven times in volume and ten times in density. A recent expedition to SugarSkull's Arena saw his soul grow even more, a third again as large and three times in density/coherence.
Background: Starshina in the Russian Ground Forces, Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Authoritatively Assertive, Bucolic Benevolent Beastmaster, Capable Commander, Dunter Dancer, Efficient Evader, Fleet Forfending Formless Fighter, Military Marksman, Streaking Striker, Chakra Apprentice
Weaknesses: Seriously Stubborn
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250) - Team Leader
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $10,000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000 + $5000 officer bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Slippery, ain't he? ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000 driver bonus + $10,000 officer bonus)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000 + $10,000 officer bonus)

Shuhadaku Zayin AKA Old Boss Dick: The self proclaimed oldest sword, an ancient magical blade that developed self-awareness just from the aggregate experience it absorbed from it's countless wielders. It's seen civilizations rise and fall, slain kings and stopped armies. This sword has, amongst it's 'notable kills throughout history': a Dragon clan for an island that no longer exists, a full dozen wizards, three of them Witch/Wizard Saints, one a God Wizard, has slain, if you add them together, as many gods as there are in the Greek pantheon, a Skinwalker infiltration party, eleven giants, thirty three cyclopii of 3+ eyes and one Hecatoncheires. It long ago lost its original magic from literal millions of uses, and so now, it has a hole in it that is supposed to hold magic any time it's made to contact another magic weapon or intercept a magical attack, it replicates the ability into a single, consumable magical ability. It can repeat this as often as necessary. Indestructible and razor sharp or no, it's not magically able to ignore friction or able to seamlessly split steel-it needs muscle behind it to properly push it through defenses. Can temporarily bestow memories from past wielder's styles and allow the user to emulate them, amounting to a total of 12,768 collective fighting styles and their resultant hybridizations from 2,948 past users. If allowed it will alter budding soul quirks into nodes for weapon interfacing, allowing for memory-dumps and grabs and copies. Any amount of it's vast experience can be safely downloaded, although it lacks the inclination to do so. To start it simply grants the user knowledge of how to approach a foe to cut it and potential problem areas prior to engaging it. That ability replication will, at the beginning of any bout with someone, make a pale imitation-it's potent, but not as powerful as the real thing as the battle lasts and Matvey's primary quirk keeps applying it will slowly equal the real thing... and, when nearing soul-rupture levels, exceed it. 8mm thick, 13cm wide, 8 decimeters long. Handle is full two-handed sword sized-or scaled for far meatier hands, approximately 24cm of handle. Shaped like a single-edged leaf blade with a hook at the base in lieu of an actual hand guard. It strikes one as simple and decidedly unshowy. Despite potent magic it almost appears to be rusting from the sheer weight of the ages. A day spent cleaning the blade removed the rust...and the skin from Matvey's palms. Requests: -Insists on owner spending at least two hours a day meticulously polishing and cleaning them.
-Insists on pure formality of daily sharpening despite being forever sharp.
-Will attempt to drag wielder into fights if wielder does not sufficiently satisfy OBD's lust for combat.
-Insists on owner collecting bladed implements smaller than itself so that it may mock said blades.
-Will randomly simulate sounds of a creeping assassin while owner sleeps. If owner does not rouse to address possible threat, creates 130DB tuning fork-style soundwaves to force issue, and then lectures owner about lack of situational awareness.
-If the owner acts too laid back/formal/uptight/reserved/lazy/apathetic/anything that's not hot-blooded warrior behavior, will create a concussive wave to forcibly agitate owner's heart and manually place them into an energetic, adrenaline-fueled state. Particularly prone to this when waiting in line.

  • AN-94
  • L129A1 Sharpshooter (with bipod, GL and magical suppressor)
  • OTs-20 Gnom
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Encrypted Satellite Phone
  • Laptop
  • Ushanka
  • Full Wardrobe
  • Roman retooled Egyptian Divinitech bracer - Is currently broken, requiring assistance from divine entities to repair. When functional can 'mantle' divine energy signatures to replicate the aggregate defensive measures of the contributing divine essence into a consumable shield-like customizable batteries. The armguard itself is NOT MAGICALLY DURABLE.
  • $402,664 on his cash card


  • Officer Duties (?-hours/week)
  • Camella's Chakra training (42-hours/week)-On hold
  • Instructor at Ito's Gym (14-hours/week minimum)-On hold
  • Ito's Chakra training (28-hours/week)
  • Hiking (7-hours/week)-On hold
  • Sharpshooting practice (-28 hours/week)
  • Horseback riding lessons (7-hours/week)-On hold
  • Attend to weekly Brownie gifts (nominal amt. of time/week)-Transferred duty to Bagga and Lyubov after having moved out



  • 'Authoritatively Assertive' trait, Matvey is skilled at leading others, even in stressful and life threatening situations. He can inspire group cohesion and cause others to work together more readily. With the experience gained from commanding a wide range of personality types, including particularly difficult ones in the Black Army, he can make others fall in line with relative ease.
  • 'Bucolic Benevolent Beastmaster' trait, he can expertly handle and care for animals. Given a creature who behaves similarly to commonly found domestic animals Matvey can train them for service.
  • 'Capable Commander' trait, is knowledgeable in how to compose, position, maneuver, and units for military operations.
  • 'Dunter Dancer' trait, Matvey is prone to performing particularly well on a high roll under pressure when using Dunter Footwork, and in general when shining, shines bright. It does not reduce his chance to screw up.
  • 'Efficient Evader' trait, At all times while dodging successfully, Matvey is considered 'braced' for the purposes of attacks, counters and parries.
  • 'Fleet Forfending Formless Fighter' trait, Matvey has a self-made method of swordsmanship hewn from his first experiences holding a blade, his breathless, frantic struggles against that which lives under the surface. It lacks any tradition form, by all appearances it is inelegant, base, and primal, but in it he has reached a level of competence and found it even causing subtle adaptations in his soul to better suit it. He has learned how to use this style even at high speeds, processing the outside world just as well even at his top speeds and prioritizing other high speed objects capably.
  • 'Military Marksman' trait, having a knack for firearms Matvey can ably make precise shots at long ranges, particularly with weapons that have a high rate of fire or considerable recoil.
  • 'Streaking Striker' trait, he has a +5 bonus to initiative, together with magic nerves to being similar to having reactive speeds of a score-old vampire. This synnergizes with magic nerves to give him a generally superior reaction speed.


  • [Eye of the Tiger] root quirk - When putting in a static amount of 'effort' into something Matvey will slowly build a self-perpetuating level of growth in that investment.
  • [Heroic Spatial Awareness] quirk - Any object within his field of vision, whether he focuses on it or not, constantly has it's relative position known. This translates to all visible objects always being 'targeted' by Matvey. Can judge distances with ease and take into account environmental factors easily. This translates into being an nigh impeccable shot with any form of projectile weapons.
  • [Over-Mind] quirk - Matvey's mind moves much more quickly when being invaded or in any way impacted by outside magical actions. His mental speed boost translates to mental defenses that rapidly accelerate and rail against his enemies with their speed and motion.
  • [Slippery Soul] quirk - Matvey's Soul can lose cohesion and slip out of a manipulators grasp. It lets him treat some or all of his soul's total density, the weight of experience, as not being real. Over-use can result in soul rupture.
  • [Magic Nerves] quirk - Matvey's soul has supplanted his nerves as his method for turning thought into actions. Can react almost instantaneously so long as he has magic. If hit with an attack that would disrupt this he will have to revert to his standard nervous system which is staggering (half a minute at most). Does not equate to naturally faster thoughts, just faster translation of decided choice to action. With the effect of his root quirk his reflexes gradually get even more keen as he further invests himself.
  • [Danger Intuition] quirk - Only requires one sensory detail about an impending personal attack to automatically fill in the rest and be fully aware (as much as his aggregate senses would normally allow) of the threat's details. Effectively a limited spider-sense. The more he puts into being aware of his surroundings the better this ability functions due to the root.
  • [War is Home] quirk- While participating in a battle, Matvey is preternaturally aware of it's flow. He has a natural sense of who's winning, who any given fighter is affiliated with, and can roughly sense the morale of groups of combatants (but not individual morale). This also allows him to remain spiritually unfazed by any mundane manifestation of war, be it gas, burning babies or actual berserkers. Due to the root quirk the longer he is in battle the more preternaturally aware he becomes and the more able he is to direct it.
  • [Mister Rogers] quirk -Everyone finds him innately pleasant to be around, and thoughts that in any way could construe him as a threat seem to slip away. People do not wish to hurt him unless given personal cause. People who work under him want to trust, obey, and excel for him. His body language, words, and actions all key in on what the person would find trustworthy, compelling or deserving. The longer he is around someone and the more he is invested the more potent the ability due to the root quirk.

Ohotnik: Matvey's faithful chimeric dog-bear companion, guardian, and someday war mount.

  • Format: One single breedable entity.
  • Scale: Horse-shouldermatch, base form ursine/canine hybrid
  • Durability: 6ton explosive, 20x, omni regen
  • Strength: Paragon-Ogre/Rend hardened steel structures in seconds.
  • Speed: 294 MPH, max speed in three strides
  • Mobility: All Terrain capable (worldly/mundane), climb/swim capable.
  • Unique Characteristics: Natural Mount, Scenting, Breed True, Rudimentary User Interface, High Efficiency Waste Disposal, Mental-Resistance of Bloodline level, Possession Bloodline Resistance, Chameleon Fur, Water Resistant Fur
  • Canine: Andrewsarchus mongoliensis, Katmirkin, Foo Temple Dog, Caucasian Shepard, Sceadugenga, Hellhound
  • Ursine: Finnish Holy Bearspawn, Golden Bear, Polar Bear

Nikifor Kaveldun

The Mad Gambler run by DoubleU and Captain-Lightning

Appearance: Nikifor is a stocky muscular figure, weighing in at 176 pounds and 5'8" in height. Fair skinned, with a wide squarish jaw. Usually adorned with a thick coat of stubble. Brown haired and green eyed, Nikifor is most notable for his piercingly observant gaze. Identifiable by the wide scar close to his jugular.[Handsome bastard here.]
Date of Birth: September 17th, 1978
Soul: Nikifor seems to have become a bit lonely, and it shows in his soul. He's dedicated himself to his sleep and his practice and it's paying off with some solid performance and a better sense of Chakra.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Swordplay, urban infiltration, (still in progress).
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world. More to come.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #3: Slay the Scandinavian
  • Jung Mission #7: Road Trip to Samandria
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: But, God gave us knives ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • AN-94
  • A 34" Scimitar acquired from an Arabian weapons vendor
  • A 12" parrying dagger with wave-shaped edges and "sword-breaker" slots near the hilt
  • A pair of 6-sided bone dice, with worn, barely visible pips
  • 1 Vector SMG w/ 3 30-round mags
  • 1 MSG90-A2 w/ 2 mags
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • $5180.16
  • $7200 (wait a sec guys, lemme calculate some stuff later)
  • A new set of Bone/Ivory carving tools and $2000 worth of raw ivory


  • TBD

Er...still under construction!
Nikifor is known as 'one of the instructors who is really good at melee weapons training.'


The Clawed Bear run by Seventeen

Appearance: 6'1", thick build. Thick black beard growing back in. Black, untrusting eyes. A number of gang and prison tattoos hidden under his clothes.
Date of Birth: December 25, 1989
Soul: Like looking into a prison cell, to find it glaring back. And one that is feeling rather smug, at that.
Background: Street gangs, Prison, Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Punching people, stabbing people, drinking beer and vodka.
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world; prone to violence, sometimes even when seemingly unprovoked; having a well-connected antagonistic father out to get him; few useful skills outside the realms of crime and violence; lacks "flight" part of "fight-or-flight" instinct; too self-assured for his own good.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission 6: Guarding Guns ($900)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Jan 26th ($150)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #2: Feb 2nd ($200)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #3: Feb 9th ($200)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #4: Feb 16th ($200)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #5: Feb 23rd ($200)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #2: Feb 2nd ($200)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #3: Feb 9th ($200)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #4: Feb 16th ($200)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #5: Feb 23rd ($200)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • Shiv made from a rusty old bayonet
  • Russian military gear, formal wear, elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket, ushanka,
  • Cash/gold ($190,713.16+1.5oz)
  • Charms and magic items: arm speed/kinetic shield bracers, blood production charm, blood iron collection charm, knife-belt and glove teleportation combo
  • Magic knives: heat, paralysis, memory-thief, sahuagin-killer, anti-regeneration
  • 50L low-magic Zhigulyovskoye-alike beer
  • Laptop


  • Blade practice with Lev and Nikifor
  • Fight Club, two nights a week

Rostislav was born to Tatyana, a poor prostitute, on Christmas Day, 1989, in the back of a run-down brothel in one of the worst neighbourhoods of Moscow. He spent the majority of his childhood playing in the streets near whichever brothel his mother was working at the time, while his mother's health worsened and they became poorer and poorer, eventually coming to rely on the charity of his mother's fellow prostitutes. When Tatyana died of pneumonia in the winter of 1997, Rostislav was left with nothing more than the clothes he wore and hazy memories of the few times his father, a low-ranking member of the Solntsevskaya gang named Mikhail, visited him. Finding himself with no other family to turn to, and not relishing the thought of continuing to live in brothels, he sought his father out.

Mikhail was a black-hearted criminal, but despite his utter lack of care for Rostislav, decided to humour the boy. After sitting through what seemed to him an endless stream of whining, Mikhail had an epiphany – “deniable assets” being so valuable in the world of criminal enterprise, why not use the boy? Mikhail set Rostislav up with a local gang of youths, and periodically gave him instructions – break into a certain business, rob a certain traveller, intimidate a certain witness. Mikhail was ecstatic, his plan was a magnificent success, and in the six years Rostislav worked for him, he rose steadily through the gang's ranks.

At the age of nineteen, Rostislav received a fateful task from his father: kidnap the son of a local businessman. The night arrived. Rosti and his gang found the young man smoking outside of a nightclub, and prepared to grab him. Rosti went first, knife up, but the man got spooked and tried to run. Seconds later, he was dying against the wall with Rostislav's knife under his ribs. Rosti stood there, shocked, while his so-called friends ran away and the commotion drew onlookers – including the man that Rosti had been there to capture. Rosti had killed the son of a politician. Arrested and charged with murder, Rostislav couldn't believe what had happened and in his confusion accidentally led the police to his father. Mikhail managed to keep his freedom with a few large, well-placed bribes. He was furious. Rostislav's fuck-up had cost him a great deal of money as well as status within his gang. He spoke to Rostislav for the last time during his trial, telling him that if he ever saw him again, he'd kill him.

Rostislav was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Prison life was much like life in the gang, though more violent – to cement his place in the hierarchy, Rostislav was forced to stab seven inmates with his rusted old bayonet. Soon after his last victim was discovered, he was taken from the prison and conscripted into the Black Ops Army.

Rostislav has recently had all of his bone and muscle replaced, along with his heart, by the reprogrammed portion of Amen known as the Meat Circus. He now possesses flesh golem muscle and gargoyle bone, rendering him at least eight times as strong and four times as fast as he was prior to the grafting. He also possesses a [REDACTED] heart, that gives him regeneration.

[Crude Cutter]: Rostislav is a very enthusiastic knifeman, but accuracy and efficiency are less important to his personal style than pure strength and speed. This leads to him doing strictly more damage than an average knife-fighter per strike, though he isn't suited to drawn out fights and will deteriorate in performance relatively quickly.
[Cunningly Crude Cutter]: Rostislav has learned to tank his lack of stamina with Reinforcement, improving his long-term prospects in a fight.

[Monstrous Muscle]

[Whore Whisperer]

Adib: A two thousand year old Nubian slave, worked on by so many fleshcrafters over the centuries that he's more of a golem than a man. Won by Rostislav after an extremely violent fight.


The Cautious Tinkerer run by Ironybot

Appearance: 5'10", dark brown hair, average build leaning toward fast over strong, Siberian facial features and skin coloration.
Date of Birth: January 1st, 1980
Soul: His soul is decidedly more cold and analytical than normal; he's plotting payback to someone, or maybe deciding if payback's necessary. He's got that stewing hate feel about him, even if it's minor.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Shooting people, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka, tinkering with electronic hardware, setting traps, building and flying RC vehicles
Weaknesses: Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world; lack of melee talent
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish, Mustelid
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Company Quartermaster ($1,000/month plus side benefits)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: In for a penny... ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • Barret M107A1
  • Serbu Super-Shorty
  • PVV-5A Plastic Explosive, 1.5 lbs (2)
  • RGN Offensive Grenade (4) and tripwire triggers
  • Claymore Mine (1)
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Disposable fake ID (3)
  • 300 .50 BMG rounds (-$1,500)
  • Various webcams, encrypted wireless dongles, industrial grade batteries, motors, transmitters, low-grade professional RC parts, micro-PC (-$3,000)
  • $2,680.16


  • (completed) Carouse with Dmitri, Nikifor, mafia grunts (-$2,333)
  • (on hold) Tinker with electronics to create useful and entertaining items (-0 hours/week)
  • Work with Titus in creation of armored sleeve/stungun device (-10 hours/week)
  • Sharpshooting practice (-28 hours/week)
  • Quartermaster duties (-ungodly huge number of hours/week)

Satai is of the opinion that this whole fighting things that can end him with a wave of their hand sucks, and all the more so when they are trying to eat his face. In fact, he doesn't even like fighting things that can shoot at him normally. His idea of how to kill someone right is to use a car bomb. Mines? Great. Grenades also good, grenades+tripwire traps are even better. Those flying drones that shoot missiles that the Americans pilot around like video games to kill hapless enemies in countries they want to abuse while sitting back and drinking soda- where the hell can he get one? His military skills and hobbies strongly reflect these preferences; he puts significantly less emphasis on melee training in his personal regimen, and more on effectively designing, building, and setting traps both manufactured and improvised, and on tooling around with scratch-built electronics with a particular emphasis on RC toys.

Svetlana Khorobrova

Lyubov's Mother run by Abeo

Appearance: 5'11", 120lbs. Light skin, brown hair, blue eyes. Strong family resemblance to Lyubov.
Date of Birth: November 9th, 1968
Soul: Unseen
Background: Russian Office Worker, Housewife
Strengths: Nagging people, fixing problems, paperwork, patience of a saint
Weaknesses: Indulges her delinquent daughter too much, Hates being in the spotlight
Languages: Russian, English
Work History:


  • $10,000


  • Worrying about her stupid daughter

Svetlana met her late husband Ivan while he was on leave, visiting his grandfather. When Ivan died in Afghanistan to a stray RPG round Svetlana was left raising Lyubov with just her parents' help (both of whom were in their 50's at the time, having not had Svetlana until they were in their 30s). She got a job as a secretary, and stuck with it despite bosses who were not the best of people. Lyubov grew up being, well... Lyubov. Even as kid she had a way of finding trouble, or making it.

Svetlana thought her only child was a layabout for not going to a conservatory to pursue her guitar playing, a fool for dropping out of university, and was utterly worried when one day Lyubov announced she was going to enlist. The past three years have been a combination of Svetlana being very religious and praying for her foolish daughter, constantly reminding Lyubov to go to church when she can, and doing her job (which was no great shakes, but paid the bills). Between medical and funerary expenses for the father-in-law and her own parents, Svetlana doesn't have much left in the way of savings, so the lawsuit and loss of her job were just the icing on the cake of supposedly losing her daughter. The fact that Lyubov was alive was a huge relief.

Titus Yakimov

The Nice Guy run by Guile

Appearance: A short (5'9") bulldog of a man with thick brown hair, in the process of growing out a short moustache and full beard now that the squad is no longer part of any formalized military.
Date of Birth: January 1st, 1980
Soul: Still a bearded bogatyr, clad in damaged kalantar and kol'chuga, upper face covered by a misyurka...a bit more secretive than before, though.
Background: Russian Ground Forces, folded into Russian Black Operations Army after impressing the wrong people
Strengths: Shooting people, punching things, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka, The Bodyguard, Sambo Specialist
Weaknesses: Being mundane, Mind of a Sportsman
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Oruzhiya? I barely know ya. ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  • Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)


  • Current cash: $46,000 (-1000 taser glove materials, -1000 meeting with Hamlet, -500 kevlar, -500 camping supplies, -11,000 raiju pelt, -10,000 lightning gems)
  • AN-94
  • SR-1
  • Russian military gear (supplemented with QuadEye, gasmask, comm)
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • WWII German Army Uniform
  • $10,000-worth of precious and semi-precious stones attuned with divine lightning properties (garnets, amethysts, opals, 1 Lightning Ridge opal, 1 flash stone, 1 ruby, 1 sapphire, 1 emerald)
  • The Gauntlets (in progress)
*mk.I: Armstar Bodyguard 9XI-HD01 modified with the King Cobra taser for more power
*mk.II: Kevlar/nomex blend glove backed by Raiju pelt (2/6), hard plastic backing on knuckles
*mk.III: mk.II upgraded with divine lightning-charged opals as superconductors
         LR (Lightning Rod) and RLR (Ranged Lightning Rod) runeschemes
*mk.IV (underway): 


  • Assistant instructor duties at Crash Course (SAMBO)
  • Upgrading the mk.III


  • Mind of a Sportsman: Titus dislikes killing humans. On such missions, his conscience hinders his performance.
  • The Bodyguard: Perhaps because of this mindset, Titus is exceptionally good at protecting a mission objective. He is also familiar enough with modern armors to make his own if given access to polymerized weaves or ceramic plating.
  • Sambo Specialist: Titus is a qualified - though not accredited - Vzrosliy Razryad (rank 2) of combat sambo. He also has the proper mindset to teach or coach.

Vladimir Maksimovich Volkov

The Man Who Arranges The Bombs run by Gunpowder Symphony

Appearance: 7'7", 644lbs, light brown hair, perpetual five o'clock shadow, green eyes, heavyweight build
Date of Birth: October 30, 1971
Soul: Volatile, uncomfortably warm and fully of energy. While he's had some growth, his core traits still dominate.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army, factory worker
Strengths: Natural Shotgun Surgeon (as Bob termed it), explosives, basic firearm maintenence, basic metallurgy and metalworking, massive alcohol tolerance (even for a Russian), HUGE
Weaknesses: Poor in general military skill compared to the other Russians, except in use of shotguns and explosives. Terrible at controlling automatic fire, too used to massive shotgun recoil and thus overcompensates when trying to keep lighter weapons in line. Only accurate when firing one shot at a time or when using the AN-94's 2-round burst due to its recoil mechanics. Horrible driver, could probably crash a golf cart in an open field. Cannot cook. At all. Managed to set a stove on fire when boiling water at one point. Eats a lot of microwave meals and fast food as a result, if someone else isn't cooking. That and his huge appetite might explain why he's a bit on the heavy side. Known to sow terror and discord amongst all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants due to aforementioned gastronomic capacity.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep ($1500)
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $3000 bonus)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #5: The Bodyguard ($10,500)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: In for a penny...($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)

Fleshcrafting Modifications:

  • Muscles (Density): Muscles are made denser, but stronger.
  • Muscles (Growth): Unblocks Myostatin with a genetically encoded antagonist so that one naturally grows muscle as IF actively stressing them for growth. Grows muscles up to one's frame's max at nearly all times.
  • Bones/Ligaments: [Prerequisite: Muscles (Density)] Increases durability, but reduces available muscle space.


  • Detonation tools and accessories
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Rugged, worn-out old jacket
  • Gunsmithing tools
  • Laptop with mouse and scanner/printer
  • $500 worth of random busted gun parts for practicing with
  • Current funds: $18,243.15 (I think)


  • Gunsmithing practice (8 hours/week) (on hold)
  • Trolling/searching for gunsmithing information on the internet, with one hour dedicated exclusively to info related to ammo fabrication (10 hours/week) (on hold)
  • Bulletproof crazy time with Ito (1 hour/day)

Vlad is a big man who likes big bangs, whether they might come from the enormous shotgun he carries or a well-placed series of demolition charges. As long as it goes BOOM, he's happy with it. Despite his lack of general skill in comparison with the rest of his unit, he's enthusiastic about his work and always looking for an opportunity to blast something into smaller pieces than it originally consisted of. Though capable of limited discretion when on the job or otherwise called for, his manner tends to be much like his tools of the trade; energetic, unsubtle, and with a complete lack of volume control. Needless to say, he tends to give the impression that sobriety is a terrible condition that only happens to other people, even when he's not actually drunk. Additionally, he has a marked interest in becoming a gunsmith.

Vlad is known around Ito's Dojo as 'the other instructor that is totally okay with being a punching bag, great for working on practical form against a live partner with.'

Zhenya Koslov

The Burned Gun run by The_Falcon

Appearance: 5'3", 118 lbs, black hair usually bound up in a bun or ponytail, dark brown irises, clear complexion. She favors long-sleeved garments and long pants or skirts as a result of having lived most of her life with burn scars (now magically healed).
Date of Birth: July 12st, 1979
Soul: Zhenya 's soul has an air of determination around it. It is slightly more coherent than the rest of the Russians. Her soul's growth seems wholly independent of her chakras.
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Gun expert (pistols), standard alcohol tolerance, minor experience in a variety of martial arts, violin virtuoso, Rienforcement.Vrs.Duke
Weaknesses: Bad liar, Arsonphobia(large), Can't cook
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party
  • Mafia v. Nazis I: Clean Sweep
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu
  • Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  • Jung Mission #1: Dead Dealer on the Docks (2.4k)
  • Jung Mission #7: Road Trip to Samandria (6.6k)
  • Armas Assignment #1: Identity Theft ($1333)
  • Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3000)
  • Ito's Dojo Week #1: Van Halen ($150)
  • Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3000)
  • Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5000 + $4000)
  • Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)


  • -------Base Loadout ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Longarm - AN-94
  • Primary Sidearm - Season revolver (unnamed)
  • Secondary sidearm - 2 EMF Hartfords(equipped with moon clips)
  • Underarmour - Custom made formfitting enchanted chainmail; Ceramic armour
  • Headgear - Amen made headgear (complete with helmcam)
  • Overarmour - Nemean Lion trenchcoat.
  • Misc - Belt of Ogre strength, 3 Demon Grenades(when avaliable), 1 blade charm(when avaliable), 1 arrow charm(when avaliable)
  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • AN-94 (Primary)
  • 1 TT-33 + 3 Extended Mags (armory, stored)
  • 1 Heckler & Koch HK4 (armory, stored)
  • 1 Heckler & Koch P7 K3 (armory, stored)
  • 1 Heckler & Koch USP 9 left handed (Second)
  • 1 Heckler & Koch USP 9 right handed (other second)
  • 2 EMF Hartford 45. Revolvers(equipped with moon clips) (2900 rounds) (Stored)(Not armory)
  • 1 Volquartsen MKIII Lightweight(wooden grips)(stored)(not armory)
  • 10 moon clips
  • Mateba MTRC-12 .38special with Carbine attachments(50 rounds)
  • Mateba MT1 .22LR (550 rounds)
  • 2 illegal 20-round magazines for Colt 1911s and variants (SR 1911s inclusive)
  • 3x Korovin TK pistols
  • 1x Nagant M1895
  • 3x FEMARU 37M
  • 2x FEMARU P37
  • 1x SPP-1 underwater pistol
  • 2x Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless
  • 1x Smith & Wesson .44 Hand Ejector 1st Model 'New Century' "Triple Lock"
  • 1x ots 38 silent
  • 2x Enfield No 2 Mark 1
  • 2x Roth Steyr model 1907 / M.7 self-loading pistol
  • 3x Frommer Stop pistols
  • 1x Bergmann model 1910/21 pistol
  • 1x Bergmann Bayard model 1908 pistol
  • 1x Bergmann "Mars"
  • 6x FN Browning HP (4 Belgium version, 2 canadion vers, 1 with shoulder stock)
  • 15x P08 luger parabellum 9x19
  • 1x luger parabellum carbine
  • 7x Type 67 silenced pistol (chinese)
  • 3x Type 64 silenced pistol (chinese)
  • 2x Astra Mod.400
  • 1x Sauer 38H pistol
  • 3x Sauer 38H pistol war model
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • Three casual wear outfits.
  • rules of the road book(Istanbul)
  • 1 Ushanka
  • Custom fitted chainmail armour.
  • Custom concealed carry pistol holster (Lyubov gave as a gift)
  • Neamean Lion trenchcoat with a stylish cut and rated to protect up to tank fire, with comparable general magical coverage. Also rated to protect against flames up to hellfire. 62 k
  • Belt of Ogre strength, classed as Wyld. Works with other strength stacking items and is as durable as gargoyle bone if not moreso. Gives the user increased strength and the durability to withstand it. 123k
  • A variable season magic revolver which emits it's magic as a pulse of air held together by the magic. Ice bullets freeze, summer bullets burn, autumn bullets decay, spring bullets cause wild uncontrolled cancerous growths. 83k
  • $9,763.16 - $600(violin) - $300(clothes) -$1000(EMF HartfordS) -$960(3000 .45rounds and 10moon clips) - 6,913.16(mateba MTRC and MT1)-Pingpongballs(84)-Lyubovgft(80)-MKIII(5,200)-rulesofroad($2)-Dukedrinking($5000) +9k(Jung missions)+Itopay(150)+Doony,Ironhead,IDwork(16333)+MafiaRescue(20,000)-Matveybet(35,117)+Matveybetwinnings(450k)-Arenastuff($436k)= $24,000


  • Practice with Violin Ito Class
  • Practice with Magic pistols
  • Fire training

Zhenya is a short woman with a naturally calm, quiet demeanor. She enjoys reading and classical music and herself plays the violin quite well. A good problem solver and likes to think outside of the box when planning time comes. Dabbles in a wide variety of martial arts, though not reaching very far in any other than what she learned in the military. Is a pistol nut and would love to collect a representative of every pistol on the face of the earth. Can rattle of pistol specs without seeming to stop and think. Zhenya is terribly afraid of fire due to a childhood experience where her house burned down. She can handle herself acceptably with small ones (matches, candles) without showing much anxiety, but much bigger(campfires and up) and she will start to freak out. This, among other things stopped her from learning how to cook. She is also a terrible liar as she cannot do so without smiling or looking away. Owes Satai a favour.

Zhenya is known around Ito's Dojo as 'one of the hot instructors.'

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