Magic Kingdom Quest

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Magic Kingdom Quest by Mr.C

Quest Intro


Home to many creatures of many shapes and sizes, it has been your home for as long as you known. There are 4 kingdoms in Avalon: The Zurvian Empire, Blackwaters, the Republic of Tulran, and the Dragon's Blood. But a new one is about to emerge.


You are a young man who has been put in charge of a new kingdom,your once tiny village has grown to include many mighty people. But you know it is not enough, as non of your people have a Providence.

What is a providence you ask? The only way to explain it as the Maker's power manifest. Those few individuals with Providence hold an immense power, and can often times form kingdoms with their power. The Maker awards providence to those that have the power to change their world. There is a darker way to gain providence however: To eat the heart of someone who had providence.

Long ago, you had a providence, but it was far too dangerous, so you sealed it away. People instead follow you for your intense bravery and wisdom. You have 4 heroes at your disposal. They are the knight Sir Bradford, the archer Lady Alina, and the twin mages Windvale and Relinculus.

As your kingdom grew, you gained new allies and enemies. By refusing an alliance, you gained the wrath of the of the Blackwater Castle Rengrave. It was through an attack though that you gained your new providence: Death Call, a providence that summons spirits and undead warriors to fight for you. It was also how you gained control of the Graveyard Beast, a skeletal beast that is very powerful yet almost like a pet to your forces. While this was going on, the heroes Bradford and Alina both gained Providences, super strength and control over the elements respectively.

You entered an alliance with Dragon's Blood when Chieftain Armbreaker, with his champion the giant Dragon blood Headsmasha challenged you to a team battle with your hero Bradford. You were knocked out, but Bradford became enraged and gained another Providence, which made him invulnerable. With this he won both the fight, the loyalties of Armbreaker's tribe, and the hand of Armbreaker's daughter Slimtail in marriage.

The new fiancees went on a quest to kill Blackwater raiders, and during that time a Tulranian ambassador, who might frown upon your necromancer allies and abilities (read: RIP AND TEAR) has arrived. How this will go, time will tell...

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