A Little Town Called Coxwette
A Little Town Called Coxwette by RML |
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A fugitive cat hops off a speeding train into an isolated town with strange residents and a history. Something something wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean?
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Charlemagne "The Legend" Llewellyn
The protagonist. A womanizing cat with a criminal background. Known as "Chuck" by the ladies.
Harold Pal
A friendly turtle that emphasizes certain WORDS!
Ramona Plath
The middle aged owner of the Plath House Inn. Ramona is an atrocious cook.
Sally Plath
The Head Librarian of Coxwette's library. Has a strong work ethic.
Naz works at the Coxwette library specializing in computers. Naz loves pranks often enlisting Chuck in her shenanigans.
An employee at Coxwette's Library. Selma produces strange fan-fiction on her blog that she isn't keen on sharing.
Owner and Head Baker of Marcie's Bakery. Marcie possesses a stunningly bright optimism and very good baking skills. Very naive about innuendo.
Penny Farthing
Penny is the owner and cook of the Farthing Passion Cafe. Penny is more knowledgeable and experienced with adult matters and subjects compared to her niece, Marcie.
Susanna Stark
Susanna is the mayor of Coxwette. Professionally dressed and eager about her citizens livelihood however is hiding a familial secret.
Lisa Goodfaith
Lisa is the mayor's right-hand woman. Always seen with her clipboard, Lisa is a by the book person.
An immigrant who does the heavy labor in the town. Rachel has a secret passion for dancing. The English language isn't her strong suit.
Rita works at the post-office.
Geoff is one of the few male residents of Coxwette. Geoff is Rita's brother and lives with Naz and Selma.
Angela is Coxwette's school teacher. Angela has a fondness for singing and playing the guitar.
Ellen Stoppe
A depressed young woman who runs the Shoppe Stoppe, the town's convenience store.
Layla Hoode
A curt policewoman.
A rifle toting farmer who lives outside the town alongside his daughter, Donna. Own's the woods near Coxwette and is NOT fond of the town or its residents.
Donna is a friendly woman who doesn't live in Coxwette.
Sophie Phetphommasouk
Sophie is the town's tailor (primary profession) and doctor (secondary profession). Comes from a foreign land.
Appearances by the cast Inside the Quest.
ITQ: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
Quests by RML |
TGchan: Wonderful World | Ink Quest | Antebellum | The Witch of Whimbly | Peep Quest | HoochKwust | Incense | gaffe QUEST | White Quest | The Shouters | Bastion of Innocence | Titans We Are | The Amazing and Wonderful City of Paradise | A Little Town Called Coxwette | V-Town | The_Abissene Collaborations: The TGchan Caravan |