The Last Flight of the Sparrow
The Last Flight of the Sparrow by Starit |
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Something something spess murder mystery, and you're an antman.
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(Seriously, it's a murder mystery quest. Even the table of contents is a spoiler. Stop reading if you're not up to date.)
Head of Security Tiak Belint
Our valiant protagonist. Handy with a screwdriver, providing what you want is something swiftly broken into its component parts.
Captain Kiodo Beredime
Physician Kivo Labras
The mysterious doctor, who's crew file is missing the biographical information.[ref]
Engineer's Assistant Habresian "Mongro" Solav
[TODO: death]
Bartender Mok Corrainte
Janitor Mat Nouki
Off his meds, even when on his meds. [TODO: murder]
Head Engineer Trake Voniggan
[TODO: murder]
Head of Security Atuk Bounent
Listed in the crew files as Head of Security,[ref] despite that role being given to Tiak.
Ordered by room number.
Yery Tcaru
Zira Niadar
Short and mysterious.
Keranos Drai
"The Colonel", given his military uniform.
Reto Mikos
[TODO: murder]
Zeno V'yrian
Nayria V'yrian
The Goo
Whispers to Tiak in a mumbling fashion about being whole and separated.[ref] Eats through metal.[ref] Is motile, and small parts sometimes seem quite agitated, presumably seeking the larger mass.[ref]
Stowaway mercenary
[TODO: death]
The Sparrow 12 is...[TODO: {{{1}}}] No lethal weaponry is allowed on board the ship.[ref]
Top deck
Bridge, infirmary, captain's office.
Middle deck
Security office, bar, passenger cabins.
The door to the evacuation pods is on this deck, but only opens when the emergency protocol is activated.[ref]
Lower deck
Engineering, environmental, Mat's room, toilets, crew quarters.
Cargo bay
Container with bullet holes which the goo might have escaped from.[TODO: Doc's results of studying it]
Zero deck
Busted and obsolete section of the ship that's not supposed to be used. Only the Captain is supposed to have a copy of the key to let the lift go down there.[ref] [TODO: Bits of interest that I've doubtless missed.]
Medical bay
Entrace is blocked with debris, which is too heavy for Tiak to move or cut. But there's a small gap. Contains two barrels of extract of perticanto.[ref]
Cargo bay
Full of smuggled rifles.
The hyperjump trip is supposed to take three days, during which most people should be in hypersleep.[ref] Tiak was supposed to wake up ten minutes into the jump, but actually did't get awoken until gone 25, during which time someone sabotaged the mainframe.[ref] [TODO: flight course from [ref], correlate with Mongro's PDA [ref].]
Green Goo
blah blah maybe the non-zero cargo hold
Crescent Keys
blah blah Queen Snaketits blah three of them blah got two
Extract of Perticanto
Trake found barrels of it in the Zero Deck Medical Bay.[ref] Mat mentioned it in relation to "the man who had to die twice".[ref]POST MISSING Yery was able to identify it and inform Tiak of its effects.[ref]
Weapons Smuggling
Mongro etc. etc.
- 2 days 23:30 until arrival
Tiak wakes up laer than expected and finds himself trapped in his room with the mainframe nonfunctional. The camera he sends through the wiring panel alongside the door sees a blur and then suddenly stops transmitting. As he corrects the wiring, a person in a hazmat suit appears on the other side and grab-slams Tiak's face into the wall, knocking him unconcious.
Chapter 1
- 2 days, 22:50 until arrival
Fourty minutes later, Tiak regains conciousness, to find his ID card and gloves missing, and a Sinarri cutting tool locked in the brig—which he can't open without his card. He also retrieves a key labelled "H.S." in the corridor outside. The bar proves empty, to Tiak gets himself a drink and pockets the balloon released by pressing the hidden party button.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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