Gun for Hire Quest

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Gun for Hire Quest by Bob
  1. Gun for Hire Quest

Armas Laine served in the US marines and later as a ranger. During his service he came across obviously supernatural things. He has decided to pursue this and has relocated to Istanbul, one of the oldest cities on earth, where he works as a mercenary in hope of learning more about the supernatural.

Character List

The list has been ordered by first mention. -Grail

Please please please import weapon statistics from wikipedia or as possible. Just caliber, magazine size, RoF. That sort of thing - Bob

Player Characters

Armas Laine

Paul-Jacques Labombard
A black Frenchman currently working as a mercenary on long contract with the Triads. He was primarily charged with working against any US special forces groups arranged against the Triads, but has also worked jobs guarding special shipments from swarms of vagrants and US Navy Seals alike.

Galileo Savoy

The wife of Herr Brandt. She is known to have kept Herr Brandt thoroughly and utterly pussy whipped, having him walk the family dog, a tiny chihuahua named Snufflupagus, around the block. Unbeknownst to Armas she had investigated her husband's murder and has killed nearly a score of mafia men to learn the identity of his killer. Now with the mercenary she hired known as Big-Crazy and her own considerable skills as a sniper she has set her sights on killing Armas.

Camella Larosa

Non-Player Characters

Arkvad Söderström

Garbage Pete

Wizard Dorjpalam Khubiliai

Angiluzzo Castelletti

Mr. Barby




Sergeant Edward Riker

Andre Gustavo






Boris Mihailov

Lo Fang of Mount Song


May Lee

Diao Yuan

Go Ping

Long Wang

Herr Brandt



Johan Straus

Sometimes Merchant

Professor Jagda


Mahuika's Disciple

Ito Sensei

Mr. Locke

Ms. Havoc

Rocco Armani