The Bride Markets of Nysas

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The Bride Markets of Nysas by Market Mistress and FMKER

Something something slavegirl ERP.

Started by Market Mistress, allegedly hijacked by FMKER around the time Cassandra was sold.

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He gnawed the rectitude of his life; he felt that he had been outcast from life's feast.

Bought by: Draconic Seeker

Winning Bid: five suits of masterwork dragonscale armor, and dragontooth dagger

Our narrator, auctioneer, and master of ceremonies.

It's not clear if she was even supposed to be a slave, or on sale. But when a generous offer was placed, her sister cheerfully sold her out and took over.


Drow Ex-Priestess

In these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.

Bought by: unnamed bidder

Winning Bid: one (1) godsglade oak sapling, carefully transplanted into an enchanted pot

Looking for a hero to keep her safe from Lolth and her minions.


Wood Elf Maid

"As a rule," said Holmes, "the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be. It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify."

Bought by: Centaur Chieftain

Winning Bid: three unicorn horns, in perfect condition and not yet used

An 18 years old. (...doesn't that make her massively underaged by elven standards)?


Eladrin Noble

It was admitted by all her friends, and also by her enemies--who were in truth the more numerous and active body of the two--that Lizzie Greystock had done very well with herself.

Bought by: A Barbarian

Winning Bid: a handful of oversized rough diamonds, the threat of doing generic barbarian things to those who outbid the bidder, and several square kilometers of woodland glade

A virgin, sold into slavery when her mother didn't pay her debts. (Not clear if those are her mother's debts, or her own).


High Elven Spinster

He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it--namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.

Bought by: A Northern Wanderer

Winning Bid: 8 Golden arm bands of Draupnir and a rune amulet of teleportation

Wants is a handsome young man to keep warm at night.

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The Houseplants

There are two classes of people in this world, those who sin, and those who are sinned against; if a man must belong to either, he had better belong to the first than to the second.

Bought by: DanZapman

Winning Bid: five ACTUAL full-sized Snickers, not the fun-size shit. Almond flavor

Two lovely green individuals, not to be overlooked!


The Lamp

To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name.

Bought by: DanZapman

Winning Bid: n/a

A shiny little piece. Likely does not contain a genie, or else the slave market would have charged more.

Thrown in as a gratis along with the houseplants.


"How are you? You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive."

Bought by: n/a

Winning Bid: n/a

A visitor to the market that caught the eye of several of his peers. Despite the bidding, the auctioneer was curiously unwilling to enslave him on the spot for pleasure and profit.


Blue and Blonde Hair

Debt is the prolific mother of folly and of crime; it taints the course of life in all its dreams.

Bought by: A Northern Wanderer

Winning Bid: n/a

Thrown in, on the house, when the Northern Wanderer successfully purchased the High Elven Spinster.



"I will not retire," cried Kate, with flashing eyes and the red blood mantling in her cheeks. "You will do him no hurt that he will not repay. You may use force with me; I think you will, for I am a girl, and that would well become you. But if I have a girl's weakness, I have a woman's heart, and it is not you who in a cause like this can turn that from its purpose."

Bought by: Kome

Winning Bid: mastercrafted Vestal armor

A Southern Courtesan, and one half of a delightful pair.



A brilliant morning shines on the old city. Its antiquities and ruins are surpassingly beautiful, with a lusty ivy gleaming in the sun, and the rich trees waving in the balmy air. Changes of glorious light from moving boughs, songs of birds, scents from gardens, woods, and fields - or, rather, from the one great garden of the whole cultivated island in its yielding time - penetrate into the Cathedral, subdue its earthy odour, and preach the Resurrection and the Life. The cold stone tombs of centuries ago grow warm; and flecks of brightness dart into the sternest marble corners of the building, fluttering there like wings.

Bought by: Kome

Winning Bid: arcane pistol and with returning mana pellets

A Southern Courtesan, and one half of a delightful pair.


Human Enough

That shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid.

Bought by: n/a

Winning Bid: n/a

The first non-elf (officially) on the block.

Ignored for not being a sergal.



Perhaps other souls than human are sometimes born into the world, and clothed in flesh.

Bought by: n/a

Winning Bid: n/a

The second narrator slash auctioneer, who takes over after cheerfully selling her sister into slavery.

(Cassandra's dialog appears in quotes, while Delilah speaks in non-quoted prose).


Apology Girls

"Circumstances may accumulate so strongly even against an innocent man, that directed, sharpened, and pointed, they may slay him."

Bought by: n/a

Winning Bid: n/a

Kome was offered to take one of the two free, to make up for his negative experience. He apparently ignored the offer.


Lush Plants

"But let it be sword, lance, or bolt that strikes me down: for I should think it shame to die from an iron ball from the fire-crake or bombard or any such unsoldierly weapon, which is only fitted to scare babes with its foolish noise and smoke."

Bought by: mageykun

Winning Bid: vintage collection of snapple caps

A collection of flowering, leafy succulents and certainly not part of the background.


A Collection of Plants

"O fie, Miss, you must not kiss and tell."

Bought by: n/a

Winning Bid: n/a

A collection of plants, housed in whimsical and playful pottery.

A bid of 2 copper was placed for the fern and moss arrangement at the bottom left, but it was never accepted.



Melancholy streets, in a penitential garb of soot, steeped the souls of the people who were condemned to look at them out of windows, in dire despondency."

Bought by: n/a

Winning Bid: n/a

Our third narrator, left in charge when Delilah opted to join her sister and her sister's new owner in a threesome.