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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
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No. 1084586 ID: 681cb5
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Ah, welcome back, jacinthe des bois, to my humble boutique. Here to hear the ending of my little tale?
It will be a pleasure to continue narrate this story of hardship, doom and love to you, Madam. But first, let us look back to what once was. Renard ruse, let us see what the cards have to say, about the past, present and future, yes?

After shuffling the deck he pulls the top card from it and places it in front of you. It’s the Queen of Wands.

Our story starts with Belle Knott, a vixen who’s both confident and determined, yet still passionate and optimistic. Six months ago she married the love of her life and has since then lived happy and fulfilling life. Yet, just a few weeks ago, her dear little hubby suddenly inherited an old mansion in the forgotten town of Crowmoor, flipping her whole life upside down. Even if the move was sudden and stressful, there were worse things to come. As they arrived, it didn’t take long for Belle to find herself in the middle of a large conspiracy involving cults, murder, abominations, eternal life and unfathomable beings from beyond this world. But the fox doesn’t go out without a fight… and she is willing to stand strong, even against the very end of reality.

Bernard place the next card on the table, the reversed King of Swords.

What was once the sun of her life has now become a ruthless and oppressive monster. Chris Knott was once a loving husband, but now something else has taken his form. It begun before they even arrived to Crowmoor, as he was oddly excited to move to the mansion he had inherited as fast as possible. After that, he has slowly losing himself, as another entity has gained more and more control. Is there even a Chris left to save? After all, the devil himself, the Bövel from the old world, have come to claim what he deems is his. The very soul of Chris. Only a promise made as an act of true love can save him now…
No. 1084587 ID: 681cb5
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Now, let us leave the past and focus on the present…

The next card the catfish pulls is the Five of Wands.

Conflict. Aggression. A great struggle. There will be hardships, pain and even loss, but you cannot give up, Belle. Stand your ground and fight, for us all. It might look bleak but remember that you are not alone. Father Elijah Throrn, the turtle priest. Sophia Corbin, the retired crow doctor. Perry O’mally, the hound pub owner. Bernard Samson, the catfish owner of this fine establishment and finally Josephine Rebis, the bat anthropologist. They might help you… but beware… they can’t all be trusted. One or more of your friends are not what they say... and might spell your doom if you aren’t careful.

The fourth card is the Tower.

Disaster! Destruction! The chaos has begun and the very world trembles before it! Now is the time for upheaval of the old world… so that a new, horrifying one will take its place. The ritual has begun… and only you, Belle, can stop it. They eye has seen this world… and it is coming. Do not give in to despair, no matter what.
No. 1084588 ID: 681cb5
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And finally, the future.

The next card depicts the Ace of Pentacles.

What is this? An opportunity! A resource that will aid you! Do not let it slip between your finger, mon ami, as you will only get this one chance. Watch carefully, and remember what you’ve learned… and the opportunity will present itself.

He pulls the final card, the six of cups.

Ah yes, memories. The sentimental ideas of what we have lived through shape what we are, does it not? Remember who you are, Belle. Remember who Chris is. That is the only way to save him, to save you both. May your promise to him never be broken. And that, as they say, is that… the end of this reading.
No. 1084589 ID: 681cb5
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As the catfish is about to put the deck of cards away, a final card falls from it, landing right on top of the cards already laying on the table. A red eye glares right through you as Judgment has come.

Ah, interesting. There is one final event, one final show. Reckoning has come and it is time for you to be judged for your deeds. Your actions across these days will come to fruition, and I can only hope you have done what needs to be done. Who will live and who will die? You cannot save them all, chérie, do remember that. The eye will see you… and decide your fate. May god have mercy on your soul.

But now, before we continue our story, do you have any questions, jacinthe des bois? Otherwise, feel free to wake up at any time, Belle. Whenever you are ready… to face the coming day.
No. 1084591 ID: 8f9bc4


Did you know the tarot deck is basically a poker deck with fancy illustrations? When they play poker, they discard all the major arcana except for "The Fool" who becomes "The Joker."
No. 1084750 ID: 27d959

Why me?
No. 1084753 ID: 1ab965

Anything more you can tell us about who to trust or how to save Chris?
Once all is said and done, will we be able to sleep soundly, if we survive?

I know it's just an altered Rider-Waite deck with added references, but I love the look of this deck.
No. 1084766 ID: 5ebd37

Can you tell us anything of the beast or it's lair?
No. 1084902 ID: c75e0b

How do you know so much? Why do you disappear sometimes, like when Edward was looking to recover his medallion?
What will become of you if we fail?

And more importantly, do you have any advicebon how to continue our search?
No. 1085166 ID: 15a025

Can you play us a song to sooth our uneasiness?
No. 1085430 ID: 681cb5
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>Did you know the tarot deck is basically a poker deck with fancy illustrations?
…no, it’s the other way around. A poker deck is just a tarot deck with the major arcana removed. Now, do you have any real questions, chérie?

>Why me?
Why anyone? You were simply in the wrong place at the right time, nothing more.
>Can you tell us anything of the beast or its lair?
While part of its soul is still that of a child, do not try and befriend it Belle. It being has been tainted by evil… and it will not hesitate to kill you if given the chance.
>Do you have any advice on how to continue our search?
Follow that tracks of those that worship the eye. Find out what they are doing.

>Anything more you can tell us about who to trust or how to save Chris?
Sadly, mon ami, I cannot.
>Will we be able to sleep soundly, if we survive?
Maybe, maybe not. Will you?
>How do you know so much? Why do you disappear sometimes, like when Edward was looking to recover his medallion?
There are a few provisos, a couple of quid pro quos, that I have to adhere to, chérie. Though, I am sad that I wasn’t able to say goodbye properly before I left, Belle.
>Can you play us a song to sooth our uneasiness?
I would… but it’s time for you to wake up… and smell the ashes…

Looking down at the cards one last time, you spot a new one lying on top of the others. The Lovers. Where did it come from?

A crossroad is up ahead, jacinthe des bois… which path will you choose?
No. 1085431 ID: 681cb5
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Something cold and hard is pressing against your cheek, pulling you struggling mind out from your dream. For a moment or two, you just stare into nothingness… and then after blinking a few times, you-
No. 1085432 ID: 681cb5
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Shaking your head, your try and compose yourself. What happened last night? You remember eating dinner and then… falling asleep? You weren’t even tired… odd…

You can hear Chris mutter something under his breath in the foyer, something you can barely hear…

Chris: “...vel…”

Is he talking to the statue?
No. 1085438 ID: 5ebd37

Yeah there's only one person here who could have left that axe there, Chris has been compromised.
Before he sees that you're awake, locate and secure the shotgun.
No. 1085439 ID: eb0a9c

Grab axe, go find the shotgun while Chris is busy. Leave him here to... distract the spirits.
And himself.
No. 1085458 ID: 8f9bc4

> Now, do you have any real questions, chérie?

No I love you Bernard ♥


Seems like Bövel Chris used that axe to chop off your head. Except for some reason he couldn't, and left it stuck in the chair instead. Hm... seems Chris is having a conversation with Bövel right now.
No. 1085459 ID: 273c18

The food was drugged, you almost got killed by Bovel. I think you'd better go get the shotgun. I'd suggest taking the axe too but you'll make noise pulling it off the chair and Chris will notice. Bovel might win the current struggle if he gets distracted. But hey, now you know Chris is really in there somewhere, and he's strong enough to fight back.

Hmm, if you trapped Chris in a room, would it prevent the ritual? Maybe... but the cultists would come up here to free him, and you can't exactly fight all of them in a siege as they arrive to reclaim their leader. (also it would really throw the plot off the rails)
No. 1085461 ID: 273c18

Oh and don't threaten Chris/Bovel with the shotgun, you're just taking it to keep it out of his hands.
No. 1085473 ID: ded497

Also I doubt he'd keep a loaded shotgun in reach.
No. 1085924 ID: 681cb5
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>I love you Bernard ♥
Huh? What does Bernard have to do with anything? You know, you really should visit his shop again… he might know more about what’s going on.
>The food was drugged, you almost got killed by Bövel. But hey, now you know Chris is really in there somewhere, and he's strong enough to fight back.
Ugh, no wonder you have a headache… and you’re pretty sure it’s the other way around. Bövel is the one that’s in Chris… and now you know he can influence him enough to try and attack you. Dammit… you better be alright, hubby.

>Grab axe.
You add the axe to your pocket. (How does all this trash even fit your pockets!?)
>Before he sees that you're awake, locate and secure the shotgun
Shotgun? The only shotgun you’ve seen so far is the one O’mally the pub owner has under the counter. Do you mean the hunting rifle Chris used yesterday? The good news is that the rifle is easy to find… the bad news is that the reason why you found it is because Chris still has it with him. Maybe you can-

Chris: “Stop sneaking around, Bluebell.” the rabbits tired voice startles you, “I’ve heard you fumbling around ever since you woke up.”
Belle: “Oh, I wasn’t…” with hesitation, you ask, “Are you alright?”
Chris: “No…” he rubs his temple, “I have a killer headache. What did we even drink yesterday?” the rabbit shakes his head, “I remember making dinner… and then… nothing?”
Belle: “…something took over your body, Sunflower.” an annoyance visibly washes over Chris body as you talk, “And drugged our food.”
Chris: “Can you stop it with that mumbo jumbo.” he snaps, “Ghost doesn’t exist… and even if they did, why would one try and drug us? That’s just absurd.”
Belle: “Chris, you’re in-”
Chris: “Do you ever shut up?” for the first time in this conversation, he turns his head to look at you… and just for a moment, the thing staring at you is not Chris, but a creature of pure hate and madness. “Ugh, sorry, I didn’t…” his voice cracks slightly, “Just leave me alone, love. I just need some time…”
Belle: “Okay…”
Chris: “Thank you.”

It’s clear that he’s waiting for something, but what? Not to mention, he’s also keeping tabs on you, so that he knows where you are. What is he up too? If only there was a way to spy on him without him noticing…

[Current objectives:]
What is Chris doing?
What’s up with the strange flute? Music is important for the rituals?
Use the lens with the telescope… and learn the true name of the red star.
Find the tower of light and figure out what 13b650 means.
Find a house of flesh and gore, where the beast sleeps, and retrieve something important from there.
Where is the slaughterhouse?
Find a way to remove the mist.
Stop the blessed event and defeat Bövel.

Strange Flute
Strange Lens
Note with the Symbol of Graves
Music Box
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Wood Chopping Axe
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
No. 1085925 ID: 273c18

You can use the spy holes in the walls, if you want to spy on him.
You know, you could just ask to borrow the rifle.
No. 1085930 ID: 5ebd37

Trade axe for gun? because its time to go beast hunting.
No. 1085958 ID: 15a025

Bernard seems to be pretty knowledgeable. Maybe if we show him the flute he might be able to play us a tune with it.
No. 1086347 ID: 681cb5
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>Bernard seems to be pretty knowledgeable. Maybe if we show him the flute he might be able to play us a tune with it.
Maybe… but even if he can’t, you still have a lot of questions for him. You should go find his shop later.

>You know, you could just ask to borrow the rifle.
Chris: “What?” he seems genuine confused for a moment, before he looks down at the rifle he’s currently holding, “No, I need it. Go away.”
Belle: “What if I trade my axe for it?” you ask him, holding up the axe in question, “It’s a very fin-”
Chris: “Just leave me alone, Belle.” the rabbit mutters, rubbing his head, “I’m really not in the mood right now.”
Belle: “But-”
Chris: “I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP AND LEAVE!” he suddenly turns around and snarls, showing of his wicked teeth, “Is that so hard to understand!?”
Belle: “…”

>You can use the spy holes in the walls, if you want to spy on him.
As you make your way to the stairs Chris moves into gallery, trying his best to keep his distance... yet, you can feel his eyes burning into your neck as you ascent to the second floor. Moving quickly, you enter the library and open the secret passage there, the one that leads into the impossible corridor that open up the observatory.

It takes a few tries to find the right peepholes, as your husband is moving around down there, but you finally manage to spot him in the living room. Walking up to the fireplace, he raises his gaze and looks right at you, smiling… can he see you!?

But as he fixes his hair and start looking even smugger, you realize he’s staring at the painting of Bövel, the one you’re currently looking out from.
No. 1086348 ID: 681cb5
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You follow his path as he move around the house, first to the dining room, then the kitchen before finally going down the stairs to the basement.

There, the rabbit stands in front of the wine rack with the false bottles, taking his time to look around just to make sure you weren’t following him.

Grabbing one of the bottles, he twist it counter-clockwise while pushing it in, making it emit a loud click as it slide into place. You can’t see which bottles he grabs afterwards, but you can hear the same click four more times…
No. 1086349 ID: 681cb5
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And then, the wine racks slides away, revealing a hidden entrance behind it. A gaping maw that leads into pitch darkness, its breath can be heard as the wind flows through it, making it howl like a beast…
No. 1086350 ID: 681cb5
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And then the wine rack slide back into place, as if it never moved in the first place.

No. 1086352 ID: 273c18

Well we basically know the combination. It's the descendants, in order.
No. 1086355 ID: 8f9bc4

You may know the combination but... do you really want to go down there? It felt like when you went to the observatory and entered something hungry and alive.
No. 1086477 ID: 9bf0de

Nothing ventured...
No. 1086480 ID: eb0a9c

Set up a trap. Open the cellar, but spread some tar and tacks so when he returns he'll be incapacitated for a while.
No. 1086534 ID: 681cb5
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>Do you really want to go down there? It felt like when you went to the observatory and entered something hungry and alive.
…you need to save Chris, even if it means braving the very jaws of hell itself.

>Set up a trap. Open the cellar, but spread some tar and tacks so when he returns he'll be incapacitated for a while.
Well, you don’t have any tar or tacks, but you do find a bottle of grease. Pouring it on some of the steps, you make it rather hard to ascend the stairs without slipping if you don’t have as long legs as you have. Hopefully he won’t hurt himself to bad…
No. 1086535 ID: 681cb5
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Making your way to the wine rack, you find it sitting there like last time, taunting you. Each bottle are stamped with a letter, from A to Z… so there must be a code here, surely?

>Well we basically know the combination. It's the descendants, in order.
Hmm… he only pulled five bottles, so it can’t be any of the longer names… wait, do you mean just the first letter? …what were their names again? And in which order where they born? Gah, you better go back up and check-

Suddenly, you hear the front door slam open, followed the footsteps of at least a dozen people scurrying inside.

“FIND HER!” someone snarls with a deep and guttural voice, more fitting a beast than a man, “THE MASTER COMMANDS IT!” And with that, you hear people start moving around the house above you. Most of them are going to the second floor, but there is a few that are walking around in the halls right above you.

It’s just a matter of time before they find you down here… you better get moving.

Strange Flute
Strange Lens
Note with the Symbol of Graves
Music Box
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Wood Chopping Axe
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
Bottle of Grease
No. 1086555 ID: 15a025

Well, if each bottle is for one letter, he pulled out five bottles, and it's the name of a Kråkholme. Should be easy enough.
More than likely it's Bövel, but there's a chance it could be Björn as well. Or maybe it's just magic and goes with the name of the current owner and it's Chris.

I'd say try Bövel first, then Björn, and if nothing else works, Chris.
No. 1086576 ID: 8f9bc4

The purity of cold fear has granted you clarity.


5 letters
No. 1086624 ID: a3b6f7

This guy is some special kind of narcissist, making puzzles out of his past names all the time.
No. 1086976 ID: 681cb5
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>Likely it's Bövel, but there's a chance it could be Björn as well. Or maybe it's just magic and goes with the name of the current owner and it's Chris.
Hmm, no… that strange O letter doesn’t exist here… the one with dots above it. And it can’t be Chris, as you’re sure you saw him pull this bottle that’s marked B. Hmm… maybe if you spell it with just an O? Or maybe…

>The purity of cold fear has granted you clarity.
…B for Bövel… M for Marius, his grandson… S for Sigmund, the grandson of Marius… E for Emerik, the grandson of Sigmund… and finally D for Dragomir, the grandson of Emerik. Each of the inbred children that Bövel has possessed over the years. Every last puppet he has consumed for his own use… and now, Chris is next.

As you push in the final bottle marked D, the wine rack starts to move to reveal the secret passage behind it. A narrow set of stairs descending into the deepest pits of this wicked place, carved out from the very limestone that the town rest upon. Is this a natural cave or… is manmade? It seems to smooth for a drill… and to uneven… but surely nature wouldn’t create something like this?

Your train of thought is derailed as you hear people start shouting and moving above you, making it clear they heard the wine rack move as well. You have no choice but to venture on, to run from these lunatics. As you start to make your way down the steps, the door behind you closes… and you can hear someone tumble down the stairs and swearing in a familiar voice… but you can’t place it. With a soft thud, your way out from this tomb has closed off, leaving you alone with your lantern in the dark.
No. 1086977 ID: 681cb5
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At the bottom of the stairs, the tunnel widens into a colossal cavern. Teeth of limestone jets out from the floor and ceiling, making the already claustrophobic stone halls even more hostile. Across the walls several maws opens up, tempting you to go deeper and deeper into the depths of these limestone catacombs. The air is stale and hard to breathe, while the light from your lantern barely managed to travel a few meters before being consumed by the endless darkness. Somewhere, deep in these twisted corridors, something drips slowly into a pool, the sound echoing through the hallow halls breaking the suffocating silence.

There are no sign of Chris… nor is there any indication that the ones above are following you down here. They probably don’t know about these secret passages… Bövel is not one to share his secret, you feel like.

>This guy is some special kind of narcissist, making puzzles out of his past names all the time.
At least he didn’t build a bunch of statues in his likeness or anything… you really wouldn’t be able to handle more than that horrid painting upstairs.

…a feeling of dread smothers you, as you feel that death waits behind every corner down here. You better be careful.
No. 1086978 ID: 8f9bc4

Maybe it's the burrow of some giant beast. You have seven passages, seven ways to go, but look! Each passage has something carved into the stone beside it, some sort of symbol. That should tell you where to go, and what leads to danger. What are the significance of these symbols? You must have seen them before. Think!
No. 1086979 ID: 5ebd37

The middle bottom passage has the burial ground mark next to it.

Also worth checking;
The blood trail over there, is it fresh?
Is there light coming from the furthest passage?
No. 1086980 ID: 273c18

Do the symbols look familiar?
No. 1088280 ID: 681cb5
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>Maybe it's the burrow of some giant beast.
…can a beast of this size even exist? These caverns are huge…
>The blood trail over there, is it fresh?
Looking at it, you can see it slowly trickle across the limestone, fresh enough to not even having dried yet. You really hope that isn’t Chris’s blood…
>Is there light coming from the furthest passage?
There is… maybe it’s Chris? Surely, he should have a light? Then again… if it isn’t Chris… you don’t know who you just might find down there instead.

>Each passage has something carved into the stone beside it, some sort of symbol. What are the significance of these symbols? You must have seen them before. Think!
Strange carvings marks each of the passages, but you can’t for the life of you figure out what they mean. Have you seen any of these before?
>The middle bottom passage has the burial ground mark next to it.
That’s the symbol Josephine gave you! It’s a perfect match! What did she say again? It would lead you to the main grave site of the Misquat tribe? Surely, it has to have some kind of significant, seeing how they were the first one to… well, find the red star.

Deciding to take the Bat’s advice, you follow the corridor even deeper into these twisted tunnels. Soon enough you enter a massive cavern, one that is just as tall as it is wide. Looking up you can see nothing but darkness, while below you there is such a massive chasm that you can’t help but wonder if it goes all the way to the center of the earth. Finally, over said chasm an old, rickety suspension bridge hangs, beckoning anyone foolish enough to walk over it. You’re about the turn around to find a safer path when you spot footsteps on the dry planks. Rabbit footsteps. Chris’s footsteps. Taking a deep breath, you push away your fears and take the first step onto the bridge, making it creak and sway…

You can’t help but feeling watched by something in the dark… something huge…
No. 1088281 ID: 681cb5
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Halfway across, you can see a shadow shift in the darkness. Something is moving around, something big. Glimpsing the sight of massive fingers dragging the creature forward, as if some kind of scorpion of hands, you turn around to run. But behind you another massive shape has taken form, one at least three times as tall as yourself. It, too, starts moving towards you, unfolding into a giant flower of all too long arms, making it skitter across the bridge like a spider. The old wood of the bridge creaks under their weight, as they silently creep closer to you.

…the smell of death and decay fills the air…
No. 1088282 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1088283 ID: eb0a9c

Yeah, you're screwed.
But you have one gambit left to play.
Use your inventory to chop the bridge, then hang to the side you want to land on. From there, it's a matter of luck and strength.
No. 1088286 ID: 273c18

Yeah, this is the way to go. Cut the bridge, hold onto the side nearest your destination, climb up after it falls.
No. 1088296 ID: 5ebd37

You've seen Indiana Jones right? Wrap your arm around one rope, chop the other, then just hold on.
No. 1088386 ID: 8f9bc4

Maybe they're friendly zombie horrors?
No. 1088402 ID: 9281ef

The music box!

Open the music box!
No. 1088714 ID: 15a025

No. 1088715 ID: 273c18

Oh, only cutting one support might be enough, yeah.
No. 1089850 ID: 681cb5
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>The music box! Open the music box!
You still haven’t found the key to wind it up, remember! You need the key first!

>Maybe they're friendly zombie horrors?
“So… can we talk this out?” you ask, looking at the abomination that’s slowly slithering closer, “Do you even understand me?” Neither of them answers, or even react, to your voice. Instead, they are slowly itching closer, revealing their forms little by little. “I’ll take that as a no…” you mutter as the beast in front of you enters the light, showing off its long spine ‘tongue’ with what you can only assume is it’s host skull still stuck on the end. These are clearly not your cuddly monsters…

>You've seen Indiana Jones right? Wrap your arm around one rope, chop the other, then just hold on.
Placing your axe on the rope, you yell, “One step closer and I’ll cut it!” but neither of them reacts. Even as you start sawing through the rope with your axe they do nothing, seemingly not even seeing want you’re doing. Do these things even have eyes? You aren’t given time to ponder that fact as the axe finally cuts through the rope, making it snap.
No. 1089851 ID: 681cb5
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With a loud crack the whole bridge gives out, as ropes and planks breaks beneath the weight of the monsters.

The beasts’ screeches loudly as they fall pass you, flailing blindly after something, anything to grab on too. It’s only with luck you manage to dodge their assault as they pass, as if they grabbed you, you too would plunge into the darkness below. Their screams grow fainter and fainter… before they are gone completely, never seemingly hitting the ground of the massive open maw below you.

It stills hungers for you… and you can feel it breathing as you try to get a better grip on the rope…
No. 1089852 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1089853 ID: 681cb5
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With shaking hands, you pull yourself up onto the edge, thanking your father for insisting that you join in on his hunts in your youth.

You really hope the worst is over…
No. 1089854 ID: 681cb5
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Going even deeper into the gullet of the great stone leviathan, you soon find yourself at a dead end. In front of you is a massive wall, decorated with stone carvings that have to be thousands of years old. Depicting a person standing between two pillars above the symbol of graves, with worshippers bowing before them on each side, they raise their hands towards the sky… towards a single eye in the palm of a giant hand. The Red Star.

Wait, you can see footprints going towards the wall before disappearing… rabbit footprints. Chris been here, and recently too! Looking closer, you spot a small seam climbing up the massive stone slab in front of you, clearly indicating that this wall is in fact a door. A door that’s two massive stone blocks weighting probably hundreds upon hundreds of tons. How in god’s name can anyone move this!?

You search the area around you, but find nothing. There are no hidden levers, buttons or other contraptions nearby. But how do you open the gate? Hmm… did you read something about this back in the library? Or in the mansion? You have to get through, because there is no other way out, now that the bridge is gone.

…you can feel it staring at you from above, as if expecting something…

Strange Flute
Strange Lens
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
Bottle of Grease
No. 1089879 ID: 8f9bc4


Hmm... if you had the coffin from earlier... it can't be the lens, since Chris went through. What was it you read from that book in the library? Seems like a lifetime ago! Star worshippers, beyond the bowl of tiny fires, ritual appeasements, carved beacons but you don't have a beacon!
No. 1089887 ID: 15a025

Ah! It's just like that painting with the brown rabbit in purple robes back at the mansion. The attunement I believe it was called. Are there some pillars and an alter in the room? You may have to get up on the alter and perform some kind of dance and musical performance with the strange flute.
No. 1090578 ID: 7220f3

That book back in the house library said that a door sealed with the image of a 'pagan God's could be unsealed by speaking its true name. But what if it's not the star that marks this wall, but the figure in the middle? Try saying "Bovel"

Or maybe the flute? Do any of the runes on the flute correspond to the carving? Could the red star's true name be a tone?
No. 1090581 ID: 75f478

>rabbit footprints.
I find it kinda dangerous nobody around here wears shoes.

Maybe playing the flute to the tune of the musica box might help.

If not, try saying those aweful names Bövel cried out in the dream. You remember that, right?
No. 1090593 ID: 681cb5
File 171521014592.png - (66.75KB , 700x550 , 25.png )

>Try saying those aweful names Bövel cried out in the dream. You remember that, right?
Huh? What dream? You have some vague memories of a tarot reading but… no, no strange names.
>Maybe playing the flute to the tune of the musica box might help.
The damn music box won’t play unless you find the key to wind it first, for crying out loud! Besides, you don’t know how to play the flute anyway…

>Ah! It's just like that painting with the brown rabbit in purple robes back at the mansion.
Huh… that’s right. The carving is similar to the painting, what with the altar, pillars and the central figure… not to mention, that eye might just be the obelisk that was in the background. But how does that help you…?
>Are there some pillars and an alter in the room? You may have to get up on the alter and perform some kind of dance and musical performance with the strange flute.
…you’ve already checked this whole area. There’s nothing here. In fact, something tells you that this altar and pillars might be located right behind this massive door. You just need to get through it first.

Let’s see… as Chris got pass it before you, the key can’t be physical… at least you hope so. That rules out the flute and the lens… wait, why was the lens so important again? No matter…

>That book back in the house library said that a door sealed with the image of a 'pagan God's could be unsealed by speaking its true name.
That’s right… that old book you read when you first arrived! Of course, as Bövel in Chris body would already know the name, he could pass it easily!

You just need to say the name of the red star out loud and the door will open!
No. 1090594 ID: 681cb5
File 171521015476.png - (63.08KB , 700x550 , 26.png )

…which is something that you don’t know. Oh god… you… you can’t open the door! You don’t have the true name of the red star!! But… y-you can’t go back either… because the bridge is gone!!! You’re stuck here!!!!

No. 1090595 ID: 681cb5
File 171521016698.png - (56.59KB , 700x550 , 27.png )

For a few hours, you desperately try to find a way out, turning your hands into a bloody mess as you claw in vain against the door. Then, as your lantern dies and leaves you in complete darkness, you finally give in and surrender to your fate.

Mercifully, the ice cold night make quick work of you, as you fall asleep dreaming of your hubby, to never wake up again…

They will never find your remains.

-You have died-

You scored 68 out of a possible 100 points; you are on the edge of oblivion.

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or QUIT?

Restoring and old save…

No. 1090596 ID: 681cb5
File 171521017627.png - (76.44KB , 700x550 , 28.png )

And then, the wine racks slides away, revealing a hidden entrance behind it. A gaping maw that leads into pitch darkness, its breath can be heard as the wind flows through it, making it howl like a… wait… didn’t you just…?
No. 1090598 ID: 681cb5
File 171521019029.png - (84.36KB , 700x550 , 29.png )

Huh… you got the strangest case of déjà-vu…

You’re standing in the secret passage between the library, the observatory and the attic… and you just got this feeling you have to do something very important before you follow your husband through the secret door in the basement… but what?

Strange Flute
Strange Lens
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
No. 1090600 ID: 273c18

Let's go up to the observatory and use the lens to obtain some possibly-mindrending forbidden knowledge about an eldritch god!
No. 1090603 ID: 5ebd37

That lens was hidden for a reason, and that was to hide the name of the red star, which is probably important. You should try the observatory now, you might not get the chance later.
No. 1090724 ID: eef602

i really hope these reloaded saves wont affect our ability to get the true ending
No. 1090760 ID: 15a025

Alright then Belle. Arm yourself with something and head up to the observatory. See if you can't find anything more up there about the red star.
No. 1090762 ID: eb0a9c

We need to learn about the cult's monsters... find some way to repel them, or injure them if we're cornered.
No. 1091972 ID: 681cb5
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>I really hope these reloaded saves won’t affect our ability to get the true ending.
The what now? This isn’t some game! And the only ending you’ll get is the one where you save your hubby, no matter what. You made a promise on your rings, remember?
>Let's go up to the observatory and use the lens to obtain some possibly-mindrending forbidden knowledge about an eldritch god!
You’ve been procrastinating on the lens for too long. It might be a bad idea, but it was hidden for a reason… and going by what you know about demons in media, knowing their true name is a weapon that can be used against them. If this is what it takes to save Chris…

Making your way through the twisting and warping passages, it doesn’t take long before you reach the vault on top of the mansion. Even now, the ruminations of generations of crazed warlocks hangs in the air, as the old wood whispers of forbidden knowledge just out of hearing range each time the building moves in the wind. The wickedness of this room stains your very sanity, as you feel your head start to throb painfully… you better be quick, or you’ll go mad in here…

Climbing up to the telescope, you insert the strange disc into the slot on the side, making it slide into the apparatus as if it always was a part of it. Sitting down and putting your eye too it, you have to wonder if it will even work. After all, it’s still daytime… and the sky is overcast with clouds.
No. 1091973 ID: 681cb5
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Looking out into the cosmos… you can see stars… and is that Mars?

Wait, there’s a red dot… can you zoom in with this thing?
No. 1091974 ID: 681cb5
File 171693374644.png - (508.30KB , 700x550 , 32.png )

You twist the handle of the telescope and are met with a completely different sight. Did you zoom in? Or is this something completely different? It looks like hands reaching up into the sky… towards… a red dot? It’s still there… let’s try one more twist…
No. 1091975 ID: 681cb5
File 171693376384.gif - (14.74MB , 700x550 , 33.gif )

…is that the Andromeda galaxy? It’s so small… and… wait… where’s the dot? There’s nothing here?
No. 1091976 ID: 5ebd37

you might be zoomed in a little too far. If it is a big eye, you might be seeing the reflection in its pupil.
No. 1091977 ID: 273c18

Yeah zoom out a little.
No. 1091982 ID: eb0a9c

Oh, that means it totally will, but I think we've established that winning is worth a few losses.

What's that animation about?
No. 1092036 ID: 681cb5
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>You might be zoomed in a little too far.
Twisting the knob in the opposite direction, you try and zoom out… but instead the image of Andromeda is pulled even closer. Behind it, you can see strange colors splashed across the infinite black canvas. There’s nothing here but an endless abyss.
No. 1092037 ID: 681cb5
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…and then the abyss moves its attention to you… and blinks…

It doesn’t gaze upon the earth, nor the American continent. It isn’t even looking at the town of Crowmoor. No, this thing… it’s staring straight at you. It has seen you.

You now have its attention…
No. 1092038 ID: 681cb5
File 171701977771.png - (130.92KB , 700x550 , 36.png )

You scream.

You have been screaming for a long time.

Your hands are bleeding, as you’ve dug them deep into the wood of this accursed dome…

You try to cry but there aren’t any more tears. Not anymore.

How long have you screamed? Days? Weeks? Months? Maybe even years? Or just a few seconds?

Burning inside your mind is a name. Something that cannot be pronounced without ten thousands stars screaming in agony as they die… something that cannot be written down as there are no letters, no symbols that convey their meaning. It burns… and hurts so much…

But you didn’t get it for free. No, it took something from you as well.

It took your name.

…you can no longer remember your name…

Strange Flute
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
The true name of the red star
No. 1092039 ID: 273c18

Really? To open the door we have to kill ten thousand suns? Well, I guess there's billions of them anyway, and >99% of them don't support life.
No. 1092041 ID: eb0a9c

This explains why good people can't have nice things.
But we aren't good people and we demand the defeat of our enemies before they defeat everyone on this planet.
Head to the catacombs after you've filled your 'spell slots'. It's time to end this.
No. 1092044 ID: e2b4d6

>…you can no longer remember your name…
<o> Knott

But even if you're unable to remember your own name, you can at least remember your husband's name, right? It's Chris Knott. You're doing everything you can to save him from whatever is possessing him!
No. 1092047 ID: 8f9bc4

You don't need your name, you don't need your eyes, you have but one thing to do, which is be a general nuisance and interfere with Bövel's plans. Time's a wasting! Exeunt!
No. 1092065 ID: 5ebd37

Your name should be written in your <o>. Or you can just get a new name later.

Anyway time to head down catacombs and tear an ancient spirit out of your husband, so you can kill it again for making you go through all this.
No. 1092211 ID: 681cb5
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With shaky legs, you start to leave this cursed dome. Having to steady yourself against the wall, you slowly make your way through the twisting corridors, each step making the headache gets worse and worse… all the while your eyes burn as if you’ve looked directly into the sun…

>Your name is <o> Knott.
Your name is what? You don’t understand…
>Your name should be written in your <o>.
…in your what? Why does it feel like you’ve lost something?
>Or you can just get a new name later.
That’s not how it works… you can’t just call yourself <o> and make that your new name, can you?

>Really? To open the door we have to kill ten thousand suns? Well, I guess there's billions of them anyway, and >99% of them don't support life.
It doesn’t actually kill ten thousands suns, it just sounds like ten thousands suns screaming in agony as they are snuffed out, one by one, over the eons. Even they will not escape its gaze…
>But even if you're unable to remember your own name, you can at least remember your husband's name, right?
Chris… Chris Knott… you’re coming, hubby… you’re coming and you’re going to make them pay.

>Head to the catacombs after you've filled your 'spell slots'. It's time to end this.
What catacombs? You meant the place Chris ventured into? The one behind the secret wine rack door? Right, enough is enough. You’re going to go down there, find Chris, kick the ass of whatever is possessing him before burning this goddessforsaken house to the ground, or your name isn’t… err… whatever it is!
No. 1092212 ID: 681cb5
File 171718793898.png - (156.07KB , 1035x550 , 38.png )

You find yourself in the attic once again… but something is off.

The trapdoor is down, yet neither you nor Chris has been up here for a while…

And you hear voices coming from downstairs… they sound… angry… and footsteps. Lots of them.

...you don’t recognize them.

Strange Flute
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
The true name of the red star
No. 1092215 ID: 8f9bc4


They must have come searching for you up here, and left the trap door open on their way out. They probably won't search in here a second time, so you have a moment of safety up here, but only just so.

Can you hear what they're saying? Where they're going to look next?
No. 1092216 ID: af80da

Maybe The true name of the red star can be your name now since you now have a slot open for a name... maybe it already is your new name?
No. 1092217 ID: dd3fe0

So, assume that the hypothetical that you can no longer perceive your name, nor any allusions to your name, nor the meaning of your name if you looked up what it meant. This is equivalent to, essentially, a form of brain damage. It's metaphysical in origin and nature, sure, but it's analogous to the sort of thing that people have to deal with for entirely physical reasons as well.

You have taken a wound in the violent conflict to defend and protect those you care about from harm. Honor that, continue fighting for that cause, and just deal with it. Maybe you can be usefully given a new name that you can perceive in the future, maybe you can't, and that's fine, as long as you *win*.
No. 1092220 ID: eb0a9c

Well. If you have a kid and name them <*>, you could call yourself <*>mother.

If you have become a mage, you should scavenge this place for spell components, then test them out on the angry lynch mob.
No. 1092222 ID: 8f9bc4

enough about the name, already! There is an angry mob to worry about!
No. 1092236 ID: 5ebd37

Stay in the walls, peep on the intruders.
No. 1092278 ID: 15a025

Looks like you'll have to make this a stealth mission. Sneaking in the walls might help you find where they're looking. Arm yourself with something to clobber them with in case they discover you. Try to make it to that wine rack in one piece.
No. 1092917 ID: 681cb5
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>Stay in the walls, peep on the intruders.
Going back into the secret passage, you make your way through its twisted corridors trying to find a peephole that will show you your unwanted visitors. Finally, you find one that is looking out into the foyer, where several masked people in robes has gathered.

“Lord, the basement is empty.” one figure suddenly appears in the corner of your vision, wielding a shotgun, “We have searched everywhere.”
”Good. Then start searching the ground floor.” the largest of the cultists snarls with a deep and guttural voice, more fitting a beast than a man, ”Rip apart the walls if you have too! She will not escape us! THE MASTER COMMANDS IT!” Their movements are stiff and unnatural, as if they were made out of wood, ”We have the mansion surrounded, so she must still be here.”
“Maybe we can call out to her, make her reveal herself. What was her name again?” the cultist on the stairs quickly answers, “It’s… um… it’s… err…” The cultists look between each other, as if trying to find the one with the right answer, “I got it on my tongue but… I just can’t find it?”
”Her name is… … …is not important.” the large one finally hisses, clearly unable to remember your name either, ”She is the fox, nothing more.”
“And if we don’t find her?”
”Then we will burn her out. This mansion is of no more use to us.” the leader makes a sound that make your bones rattle, as the very wood of the walls starts creaking and warping slightly, before continuing, ”Remember, while the master would prefer her alive, do not hesitate to kill her if she causes trouble. Now start tearing this place apart!”

And with that the majority of them shuffle off, leaving only the leader and one of the cultists standing next to them. The hunt is on…

>Arm yourself with something to clobber them with in case they discover you.
You still have your axe… though, seeing how well armed and numerous they are, fighting them is really not a good idea. No, you need to figure out a way down into the wine cellar without being noticed… somehow…

Strange Flute
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
The true name of the red star
No. 1092918 ID: eb0a9c

One of them as a shotgun. In fact, that shotgun looks very familiar.
You need to neutralize him first. If you can take his gun, this hunt gets far easier.

And will you please try casting magic? You didn't sacrifice your identity to learn one little name!

>Your name has been erased
Come to think of it, it appears every mention of your past identity has been ripped from reality by whatever Constellation took interest in the 'adowable widdle micwobe'. The arse also stole your wallet, the cultists can't remember who you are... it appears that everything with even a passing mention of your existence has either been scrambled or outright removed from reality. With creativity, this could actually be a criminal opportunity; if the government's secret databases which they keep to monitor all of the country have been corrupted, and only you know for certain that has happened... that kind of information could be very valuable to the right power players.
Something to think about.
No. 1092930 ID: 5ebd37

Oil lamp plus whiskey equals a fiery distraction? As in, setting the house on fire while sneaking into the basement. Not like this evil place is worth saving anyway.
No. 1092932 ID: 8f9bc4

> The arse also stole your wallet

hahaha intergalactically mugged

Maybe some sort of distraction? If you could get them to chase you the wrong way, they might clear out of the path to the wine cellar.
No. 1093001 ID: 15a025

Oh my stars the librarian is part of the cult too!

Wasn't there a way into the basement from the secret wall space you're in? Do you think you could beat to the basement?

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