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File 171806311585.png - (20.01KB , 800x500 , hunger quest title card.png )
1092801 No. 1092801 ID: a7e32a

An entry-level quest about finding food to eat.
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No. 1092802 ID: a7e32a
File 171806318084.png - (8.29KB , 500x500 , i promise the art will get better, i just wanna ge.png )

You are hungry. It is morning. You need to find sources of food and then shelter before nightfall at 22:00 to be safe. The night is dangerous.
You need a source of Meat, Plant, and Water for the day to have a balanced diet.

You also want to avoid being eaten. That kills you, and dying sucks.

You're not defenseless though. You've got some stats! Let's talk about them.

Body governs health. If you find something that could resemble armor, it'll give you some bonus health until it's destroyed. Armor stacks within reason, and assuming you survive an encounter, you'll get your health back and fix your armor if there's any left. You start with three health; not a lot in a fair fight, so fight dirty.

Threat is how threatening you are in a fight. Equipment and situations can give you a bonus, so scavenge up weapons and look for terrain advantage if you're hunting or fleeing. Generally speaking, equipment is so beneficial that you're going to struggle against something weaker than you if you're unarmed and your prey isn't. The one who rolls higher than their opponent succeeds, and if your result is double than your opponent's, you'll make a critical hit, which deals two damage. Threat can come in decimals which act as tie breakers, where a tie means both succeed. You start with 1d8 in threat, a wild yet reasonable die for a creature your size.

Skill is how you do something that would usually be beyond your animal instincts. For example, climbing a wall might be hard but doesn't take much skill, whereas acrobatically leaping from platform to platform in a chase could be beyond your usual behavior, yet still reasonable. To succeed in such an action, you'll automatically spend a point of Skill. Skill returns when you do not spend a Skill point or get in a fight for at least an hour, so spend it freely - a lot of time will be spent searching, moving, etc. You start with three points in Skill.

Now that you know your stats, pick one that you excel in. If you choose Body, you'll get an extra three points of health, making you nearly unkillable in an otherwise even fight through simple endurance. If you choose Threat, your body has natural features that make you a better combatant. You'll receive a flat +3 bonus to all Threat rolls, equivalent to a proper weapon, and will put you on par with much larger creatures and render smaller prey trivial. If you choose Skill, you receive an additional 3 skill points, opening up higher thinking options more frequently.
No. 1092803 ID: 462d8c

Seems the best if we're hunting for meat
No. 1092804 ID: 4c750c

I see the potential for these points to provide opportunities to enhance both our other stats in the future. If skill points are involved in crafting, even more so. Would hate to run short on them in a critical moment.
No. 1092807 ID: a7a180

Skills to pay the bills.
No. 1092811 ID: 0e2cec

I'm torn between Threat and Skill. On the one hand, Threat sounds immediately useful and quite powerful. On the other hand, intelligence is pretty broken, and it sounds like Skill might be equivalent to smarts, so I'd probably lean that direction. If Skill is more like dexterity or something, I'd lean sliiiightly towards Threat, I think.
No. 1092813 ID: a7e32a

I would love to provide some clarification!

>I see the potential for these points to provide opportunities to enhance both our other stats in the future. If skill points are involved in crafting, even more so. Would hate to run short on them in a critical moment.

Armor can provide additional health, such as fashioning some hide into a cloak or grabbing a large skull as a shield. Once destroyed or abandoned, though, you will have to acquire more. Likewise, weapons are useful until broken, expended, thrown, etc. A spear is a good weapon. and good weapons will generally give you a flat +3 (think +2 as something improvised like a stick or a large rock, +1 as some debris like a small rock or shard of glass) but if you throw a spear, you have no spear and might have to retrieve it. Choosing Body will double your health in a way that can't ever be lost, and a flat +3 threat to every roll is effectively always being armed with at least one good weapon while keeping your hands free for other actions.

>I'm torn between Threat and Skill. On the one hand, Threat sounds immediately useful and quite powerful. On the other hand, intelligence is pretty broken, and it sounds like Skill might be equivalent to smarts, so I'd probably lean that direction. If Skill is more like dexterity or something, I'd lean sliiiightly towards Threat, I think.

Skill represents both. It's generally applied to all things that would be beyond your natural, animalistic thinking and capability. I'll offer a more detailed situation for clarification, though with words instead of a picture.

You're trying to ambush a creature significantly larger than you, armed with only a palm-sized sharp rock. The benefit to taking it down is you could eat it, fashion it into armor, and have food for the next day as well. You know it will be passing through the area soon, and you have time to prepare. Behind you lies a crumbling wall, with a second level above you that you could hide in. Vines creep up the wall.

Using the vines, you climb the wall to the second level. While time consuming and a bit difficult, climbing this wall is perfectly in your capabilities and doesn't require any Skill, just a handful of minutes. There, you see a large flat surface that could move easily with a push, but is across a gap that spans from wall to wall, cutting you off. A bar hangs over the gap, however. Investing one point of Skill, you leap to the bar, swinging across and landing on the other side. A normal short leap would be free, but swinging takes a bit more effort. You cut some vine from the wall, which is simple and free, but invest a second point of Skill to fashion a trap by tying one end to the moving flat surface and swinging the remaining vine over the bar, so that if something pulls the vine it will drag the flat surface into the gap and down onto whatever tugs the vine. Ambushing is powerful yet natural, though it takes some wit to come up with a proper trap.

You lie in wait. The larger beast eventually plods along, snaps at the vine, and is instantly crushed by the trap. You spend your third point of Skill using the sharp rock to cut off thick sheets of hide to wear, but break the rock in the process. However, you now have a hide cloak that will eat two points of damage before being torn to shreds.

I hope that helps!
No. 1092814 ID: 5ebd37

Skill, be a tricksy creature
No. 1092815 ID: 0e2cec

Yeah, thanks; let's go with Skill.
No. 1092816 ID: 4c750c

Yeah, definitely skill! Being crafty and generally having our wits about us sounds like it lets us do cool outside the box stuff that’s right up my alley~
No. 1092820 ID: 5d0606

My vote goes for skill, seems to be the better choice indeed...
Though I'm curious to see what a Threat based pint-size terror would be.
No. 1092864 ID: c33f37

Skill! Brains are better than brawns (when you're small)

First ever post here
No. 1092866 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1092867 ID: a46e3f

Welcome! Join us! :P

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