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1014571 No. 1014571 ID: e51896

This quest where you gotta help a Pizza deliver guy deliver a pizza in 30 updates, or less… Or sabotage his efforts!


Message from PEA: This quest is mainly created to help kick me outta my long hiatus and gain the motivation to get back into making my main quest Enclosed Curtains again. With that in mind, this quest will very stupid, so plz don’t take this quest seriously. Just enjoy the journey and don’t worry about the destination. The art style might change as I want to also use the quest to practice my art skills and experiment with new art styles and find out what I’m most comfortable with. I will try to update once every few days but once a week the latest will try to be the requirement. I have a rough work schedule, so plz bear with me.

The quest will be cut into 3 sections, a prologue, the 30 update countdown, and then an epilogue. Right now, we’ll be going through the prologue before we start the countdown. Sometime before we begin the countdown, I will explain the rules. But as of now, the prologue will just introduce characters and this world, and getting yourselves prepared for the pizza guy’s next delivery.

379 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1050408 ID: e51896
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After Jerry finishes catching his breath, The PIZZA PARTY continues on their way to escape THREE HAMS ROAD, running as fast as they can. Jerry is still a bit tired, but he can see the end of the street just right up ahead! Just one more block, and he’ll be able to escape this cursed perpetual night back into the protection of daylight! He looks back to make sure they aren’t being chased, and is pleased to not find w2K on their tails. Perhaps she is more focused on getting that weird slime that she thinks is sauce over coming after them? At this moment, he starts thinking that nothing can stop them now!


No. 1050409 ID: e51896
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BONK Jerry runs face first right into w2K’s… face. Kazoo, who was hitching a ride on w2K, managed to jump right off before the impact. Gerbera and Mary weren’t so lucky, and ran right into Jerry, sandwiching him between w2K’s bat form and Gerbera. The PIZZA PARTY falls right onto the ground
No. 1050410 ID: e51896
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w2K transforms back into her robotic vampiric waitress lumberjack roller skating mascot pig form and gives a glare towards the PIZZA PARTY

w2K: Not only did you have the balls to show up at BURGERVANIA’s property…
w2K: You also had to attack my customers…
w2K: Get their hopes up for a sauce that won’t likely exist due to them taking it all…
w2K: Not save any of that sauce for me…
w2K: Had me mistakenly let a food critic publish a false advertisement for said sauce!
Mary: *gulps* uh… well, technically, some of those parts wasn’t really our fau-
w2K: SHUT IT! I’m MAD!
w2K: But not as mad as how low our prices are for our Spicy Boned Blood Cell Nuggets!
Gerbera: Sorry! We just wanted to pass by without you hurting us,
Gerbera: So we HAD to distract you like that…
w2K: OH! You want to PASS, Certainly! I’ll help you pass… AWAY!

No. 1050411 ID: e51896
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Suddenly, w2K slumps over, as if she lost sensation in the upper part of her body. She doesn’t say anything as her eyes close.
Mary: Uhhh… wh-what’s happening?
Mary: I am not liking where this is going…
Gerbera: Maybe… she ran out of power?

Her televised face fades away, and the entire screen turns blue. Did she get so angry that she broke something in her programming? Is she even part of some kind of computer program to begin with?

It doesn’t take long for a message to display on the screen


Following that, a loading bar appears and starts filling up quickly. This cannot be good!

Jerry, Gerbera, and Mary try to pick themselves up and run, but they're still dizzy from the crash. It doesn’t help that the anxiety is high among the PIZZA PARTY. They can only sit in horror as the bar fills right up until a new message appears on the screen.


No. 1050412 ID: e51896
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w2K slowly rises from her slumped position, as a terrifying face appears on the screen. It’s angrier than any expression Jerry has ever seen from her before. It doesn’t even look piglike, it’s downright MONSTROUS.

w2K: wILL 2 Kill mode activated!
wILL 2 Kill: Oh Jear Bear
wILL 2 Kill: My sweet Jear Bear…
wILL 2 Kill: After all the times I chased you… it wasn’t just to hunt you down to feed my sweet little kitty…
wILL 2 Kill: I always had this feeling of enjoyment, and fun from the thrill of chasing you down.
wILL 2 Kill: The adrenaline from the fear you’d feel from getting chased by me always turned me on!
wILL 2 Kill: and I’ve always relished in the anticipation of finally getting to capture you whenever you showed up…
wILL 2 Kill: Just like when we dated, right? When we would watch scary movies together, go on roller coasters, visit haunted places.
wILL 2 Kill: I miss those days, ever since you broke up with me.
wILL 2 Kill: I missed the heart pounding experiences we shared together…
wILL 2 Kill: I missed YOU!

No. 1050413 ID: e51896
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wILL 2 Kill: But I can see that you’re too far gone, and no longer want anything to do with me. You’ve even taken the time to actually SABOTAGE me…
wILL 2 Kill: I had some small hope you’d quit :pizzid:, BURGERVANIA’S arch nemesis and return to me…
wILL 2 Kill: But you made it clear where your priorities stand after you attacked my customers and humiliated me, toying with my hope to take down :pizzid: with that sauce.
wILL 2 Kill: Burning my dreams to ashes

wILL 2 Kill takes a match from her HAMMERSPACE, and sets her chainsaw on fire as she says that.


Oh crap, with Gerbera as a plant, and Mary as a Stuffie, they are highly flammable, and they are freaking out big time!

wILL 2 Kill: So I had to activate this mode to rid myself of any remaining love I have of you which was holding my will and senses back from KILLING you.
wILL 2 Kill: It’s time to rev up the chainsaw…
No. 1050414 ID: e51896
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wILL 2 Kill: Because Kazoo is surely hungry for one Jerry Burger with lettuce, and a nice little rag to clean himself with after.

Jerry is now in the FINAL PART of w2K’s wILL 2 Kill’s SITUATION
Number of HELPS needed to get away from w2K: 2/3
Number of SABOTAGES Jerry is subjected to against wILL 2 Kill: 1. The next SABOTAGE will have a one in two chance of something BAD happening
IMPORTANT: MARY IS TERRIFIED OF FIRE, and will not be able to focus on how well each item will be effective or not. As such, you will not know how many HELP or SABOTAGE points each item will give you. This is the final wILL2Kill encounter. Good luck!
Jerry thinks this is the final situation of this delivery’s segment before he reaches the SECOND CHECKPOINT


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 2/5 )

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(Purr Feckt detection raises by 25% if he rummages through it)(contains a water bottle full of sweat, Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it)

Jerry thinks he can use Sweaty Kitty’s sweat to extinguish the chainsaw, and hopefully short circuit it too, giving them the chance they need to escape… maybe even short circuit her tv monitor too?

Mary: Normally, I’m against using Purr Feckt’s purse, but right now, I agree! I REALLY don’t want to be set on fire!
Gerbera: Me neither!

HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): ??? | SABOTATGE (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): ???
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you..


Mary: We can still defend ourselves with the seashell!
Gerbera: And as I said before, she might get whiplash after attempting to swing that chainsaw at us!

Jerry thinks that with the chainsaw on fire, it’s going to diminish the value of the seashell more than it would if it wasn’t on fire. Not to mention, it could heat up the diamond to the point where it’d get too hot to stay inside it.

HELP: ??? (It’ll lower the value of the seashell significantly) | SABOTAGE: ??? (It’ll lower the value of the seashell significantly)


Mary: Are you still tired Jerry? Maybe this can pick you up and help get us out of here if your perception of time is slower.
wILL 2 Kill: Showing off that donut again? We’re no longer accepting it. BURGERVANIA is only accepting your DEATHS as payment.
Gerbera: We already told you! Stop listening in on these sections of the update!

HELP: ??? (but you’ll have a sugar crash next UPDATE) | SABOTAGE: ???

Jerry still wonders about throwing Mary at w2K with the screwdriver to unscrew her monitor, but the last he checked, Mary was against the idea, being too scared to go near her. Now with her chainsaw on fire, it’s no doubt that Mary is going to be completely HORRIFIED of the idea. Jerry looks over at Mary and sees him shivering with fear as Jerry considers the screwdriver.

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???


Gerbera: Do… you think the deodorant will absorb the fire?

Jerry thinks it’s flammable, and will most likely send all of them to the burn ward

Gerbera: good point… but hmm… there’s something special about this particular deodorant that can absorb a lot of things… Maybe there’s a slight chance it can save us?

Jerry wonders what happens if they threw it at the chainsaw and cause a fiery explosion to burn wILL 2 Kill.


HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???


Gerbera: She REALLY has some issues to work out… maybe Sweaty Kitty can save us by giving wILL 2 Kill some advice?

Jerry also thinks about those fortune tellers that might be able to get him some advice to get him out of this SITUATION. As of right now, wILL 2 Kill is much scarier than talking to fortune tellers, and would put his fate in their hands if it means saving his life

Mary: I know Purr Feckt doesn’t like you much but… you know how there is a law that allows wILL 2 Kill to assault you for invading BURGERVANIA’s property?
Mary: I’m not officially working for :pizzid:, and she’s threatening me so…
Mary: Maybe, just maybe, we can get some legal help on this?

Jerry hates the idea of getting Purr Feckt’s help, and she has usually been annoyed by him calling her… but perhaps for justice, she’ll pull through and get P.I. Zzander over here to arrest her?

Gerbera: There’s also Rocio, maybe she can… cheer us on?
Gerbera: maybe not…

Jerry also wonders what calling Vincent and Harmon would do. He’s not sure what kind of advice they would give him to get him out of this SITUATION.

- Call the Sweaty Kitty
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)

- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)

- Call Purr Feckt
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

- Call Rocio
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

-Call Harmon and Vincent
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Gerbera: Maybe if she hits this, she'll get confused and think she got me and Mary at the same time?
Gerbera: I don't want to let this get broken though, it was a really nice gift.

Jerry only points out that he doesn't have a substitution doll of himself to hide behind.
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Jerry Again brings up the idea of putting the radio at max volume, and make a getaway while covering their ears as wILL 2 Kill is distracted by the ringing in her ears
Gerbera: We still need the radio for THE ZA to dance to though
Mary: And my sensitive ears might not be able to take the noise…

Help: ??? | Sabotage:???

Jerry reminds Gerbera that w2K hates :Pizzid:, and suggests using the costume as a distraction.

Gerbera: "Without someone wearing it though, will she really choose to focus on it?"

He admits that Gerbera has a point, but suggests combining the costume with another item to resolve this issue. The wig or Jerry’s hat!

Gerbera: "A headwear?"

Jerry explains that they can stick the wig or his hat inside and puppet the suit with their arms to sell the appearance of someone inside of it.

Gerbera: "Huh... That might work!"
Mary: "But... If she cuts the costume, won't you lose your arms?"
Gerbera: "We'll have to pull out pretty quickly, but it's not impossible!"
Mary: "...Plus, you'd be close to the suit, and could end up getting cut or burned because of that."

This will be a high risk, but worth it to get rid of this costume… er, he means, make an escape… maybe?

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Gerbera: I-I don't want to hurt anyone, but this is an emergency!
Gerbera: I don't know how good she is with that chainsaw, but I'm a trained guard!

Jerry appreciates the enthusiasm to finally whack someone, but worries it may be misplaced at this moment. He doesn't think it'd be wise for his leafy companion to battle against a flaming weapon.

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Gerbera: Bud, it’s empty
Gerbera: Unless we can fill it up with something, like the Sweaty Kitty’s Sweat

Jerry wonders what if they pretend it’s HOLY WATER to scare the shit out of wILL 2 Kill

Mary: I’m not sure how Vampire weaknesses work, but if that’s what it takes…

Jerry also thinks they can PRETEND they’ve got water in there without putting anything inside, but maybe they’d have to be pretty good liars to convince her.

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???
(Purr Feckt Purse detection raises by 10% if Jerry refills gun with Sweaty Kitty’s sweat)

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: Well, it looks like she cut all lingering ties from you… you probably won’t have any reason to hold back in getting my help.

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 8.
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 6.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES, RANDOMLY giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)(You can hide him in there to protect him, but you won’t get an idea of the points each item will give you)
No. 1050415 ID: 5499f4

Use 8 HELP points, no items. You know what you have to do Jerry, you have to... Apologize.

You've got to apologize for breaking up with her and for avoiding her because of your JOB that you HATE. You should have broken up with her by explaining why, and not using that as an excuse, but you couldn't, its hard to admit that you're JEALOUS that she enjoys her job. It's hard to admit that you still LIKE the HEART POUNDING CHASES, the song and dance, the teasing and violence, just like back then. Maybe even let it slip that you may be getting demoted or even losing your job soon.

You've been trying SO HARD to be even half as successful as she is but you're CURSED with SITUATIONS and BEING LATE, where things are just so out of your control. You want to blame the universe, you want to blame yourself, but maybe that's not it, maybe you like the situations, the puzzle solving, the meeting new people constantly in strange situations, the life of ADVENTURE.

Jerry doesen't even know what he's talking about anymore as gerb and Mary run off with the Pizza, maybe they heard part of it, maybe they didn't. But this causes W2K to not kill you because really she just misses you, and has a psychotic way of showing it. Certainly not healthy, but you're very similar, you both like adventure, hijinx, and frightening scenarios, and you've been gifted with them constantly lately.

All that but she says she already knew, and then something bad happens that someone else suggests lol
No. 1050420 ID: dc13c4

I agree with your idea but to a more finally to this move I suggest that Jerry destroyed his pizza was well. Maybe this whole day was a big wake up call to him, like fuck it they don't pay me enough for this shit. Best outcome she forgives you and stops you from destroying the pizza. Worst outcome after pizza gets destroyed so does Jerry's haircut
No. 1050538 ID: 629f2e

I vote SABOTAGE, not that it will matter if y'all are using 8 bonus HELP points, but it's the principle of the thing. (I don't want a very bad thing to happen to the party, so I'm actually glad you guys are doing that personally.)

(...Especially since it'll give free reign to play the bonus SABO points later :evilgrin:)

I'm not even going to spare the effort to write a SABOTAGE option this time, HELP will win. Let's see how that could go.

First of all: Mary. Mary is a stuffie, and as such he is very susceptible to fire. We need to take care to make sure he's safe. Since we don't have room in our inventories, I suggest stuffing him inside Purr Feckt's purse (add like 5-10% chance that she notices as a result of him unintentionally shifting things around while being inside).

Second, regarding the wig. Have Gerbera put it on for now since they have a free head space.

And third, the actual suggestion!

Have Gerbera take the pizza and the purse containing Mary, and get away. You're the one w2K wants, so she'll keep her attention on you. Have them drop the Gerbera doll as they go to ensure w2K gets confused and doesn't notice them (Gerbera agrees to temporarily part with it if you promise to bring it back to the checkpoint). (Technically, YOU aren't using an item to benefit the situation for YOURSELF, so suck it Rocio we're still counting this one.)

Then, with nobody else around but you and your ex, have an honest conversation with her to try and talk her out of killing you. You don't have to break down or start blubbering, just be honest and say some things you should have said before. If you really want to make it a big moment, maybe take off the shades. Meet her true face with your own.
No. 1050539 ID: 87e33c

If you do take off your shades make sure it's a camera angle where the audience can't see what's behind the shades like double d from ed edd n eddy
No. 1050564 ID: 8483cf

I vote HELP! And let’s use all 8 HELP points too.

Jerry is drawing aggro, so the pizza is actually the least of our concerns here. Give it to Gerb and get Mary outta there.

I doubt talking to w2k will help at first. w2K is refreshingly honest about what she wants: a nice, heart-pounding chase scene. Murder is on the table, sure, but she always loved the chase. Give her a nice long one and maybe she’ll have flashbacks to all the good times.

When she has her nostalgia, THEN we can break out the points in >>1050415.

Also w2K is totally wrong about Kazoo. Here’s an idea: get Kazoo to vouch for you and distract her with the PIZZID hat Kazoo is wearing. She’ll rage at the awesome PIZZID swag… that’s being worn by her pet! She can’t kill her pet! That might shock her enough to dial down the murder.exe.

And then give her a peek at those peepers! No one can resist the eyes of a star.
No. 1050644 ID: e51896

4 HELP votes + 8 extra HELP points, 1 SABOTAGE vote, giving us:

12 HELP points, 1 SABOTAGE point

since SABOTAGE can't beat HELP with it's potential highest possible roll against HELP's potential lowest roll, I think it's safe to say the HELP wins this round...

however, team HELP no longer has any extra HELP points to use for later SITUATIONS while SABOTAGE has 6 extra points. But hey, you all have plenty of updates left after the SECOND CHECKPOINT, which means more room for SABOTAGE ;)

the votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED
No. 1053524 ID: e51896
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Jerry KNOWS he should run away from his psychotic chainsaw wielding ex girlfriend. It’s common sense, right? She DID threaten to turn him into cat supper when Jerry’s uncle forced him to break up with w2K for dumb :pizzid: business reasons, so him trying to talk w2K down, let alone, go back into a relationship with her would be extremely dangerous and unhealthy.

So… why is it that he is getting this urge to APOLOGIZE and REASON with her? He knows he was justified in breaking up with her. He knows he was justified in breaking up with her. She was a BURGERVANIA employee, and he wouldn’t be allowed a job at :pizzid: if he didn't. It wasn't anything personal, she’s the one acting like a psycho over it… It’s a perfectly valid excuse! Why has she always been so extreme after hearing his excuse?

He tries to put himself in w2K’s shoes to figure out how she can act this extreme to Jerry after spending so much time together in love…


After thinking of the word love, a feeling emerges from Jerry’s heart and mind, followed by the memory of the Sweaty Kitty hugging him. It’s comforting, it’s wholesome. It’s SWEATY It’s… lovely… a feeling Jerry doesn’t want to lose as soon as he feels it.

He thinks about how w2K must have felt when she lost Jerry. Jerry gave her an EXCUSE for why he couldn’t be with her, but he never even tried to fight it. Perhaps they could have thought of ways to stay together despite the SITUATION. Giving up on their relationship broke her heart to the point of becoming the way she is now. She lost that feeling Jerry felt from the Sweaty Kitty’s hug because of him.

Yep, no doubt about it. Jerry feels like, and is in fact, an ASSHOLE.

But, with the thought of Sweaty Kitty’s hug fueling Jerry’s resolve, he’s going to make things right, have a heart-to-heart talk with the psychotic killing ex, and APOLOGIZE.

How hard can that be…

No. 1053525 ID: e51896
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It’s decided. Jerry hands the pizza over to Gerbera and tells them to take Mary split up from him while he deals with w2K.

Gerbera: My bud, are… are you sure?

Jerry reminds Gerbera that they, and Mary are both very flammable, and he does not want them to suffer on his behalf as it is mostly him that she wants.

Gerbera: But Jerry…

Jerry tells Gerbera that what he is going to do with w2K will be personal, and would actually really feel more comfortable dealing with this one by himself.

Gerbera: I… understa-

The PIZZA PARTY are interrupted by wILL2Kill swinging her chainsaw down at them, prompting them to roll away in opposite directions.

wILL2Kill looks over at Gerbera and Mary, and then over at Jerry. Right now, the only things that Jerry can think of is to get w2K’s attention away from his PIZZA PARTY members, and to provide wILL2Kill with something she’s been wanting and missing: a long suspenseful chase. It might be enough to get their hearts racing like they did when they were dating. Perhaps the nostalgia will change her mood enough for her to hear Jerry out.

Jerry successfully manages to get wILL2Kill’s attention by saying something along the lines that he has gone through so many deadly SITUATIONS already throughout his time working for :pizzid:, that her threats doesn’t scare him, and to just TRY to make this his last SITUATION. As Jerry runs off with w2K close behind him, Gerbera and Mary look back in concern as they head off to WALK-INTO-A Bar.
No. 1053526 ID: e51896
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The chase is intense! Fleeing through the streets, dodging cars, jumping over sawhorses, slipping past anyone who gets in the way.. But no matter what, Jerry just kept running, and wILL2Kill just kept chasing. He hears the laughter of wILL2Kill right behind him from time to time, prompting him to run faster. The laughs were sinister, but he noticed from time to time that they sounded like the ones he remembered when they were together long ago.

The chase comes to a halt when Jerry makes a wrong turn and ends up in an alley with a DEAD END. Oh shit! w2K creeps closer to Jerry as he backs towards the wall

wILL2Kill: haaaah, just like oooolllld times, Jerry
wILL2Kill: shame it has to end here. While it’s been fun running around like the old days, I hold no more love towards you just as you have none for me!
wILL2Kill: And I can’t let ANYBODY associated with :pizzid: escape from death!
wILL2Kill: Even if I’ll miss trying to kill you after.

wILL2Kill raises her flaming chainsaw, ready to strike.
No. 1053527 ID: e51896
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As Jerry looks around for ANYTHING that might save him, he can only find Kazoo, who had been following wILL2Kill throughout the chase rubbing against his legs. Jerry picks him up, and points out that Kazoo likes him enough. He’s even wearing some kind of :pizzid: hat that he’s refused to remove so far. Her own pet, wearing something associated with :pizzid:! Would she be willing to kill her own pet for being associated with :pizzid: like that?!

wILL2Kill: HA! You think my kitty is going to stop me from slicing and dicing you like our special mouthwatering BURGERVANIA onions?
wILL2Kill: I have been detached from all emotions barring pure contempt towards you… and nothing, not even my precious Kazoo or my nostalgia is going to stop me,
wILL2Kill: even if I ha-

wILL2Kill’s face gets bluescreen’d with a message saying her wILL2Kill mode decreased by 25%, probably due to the chase, and Kazoo. Shoot, it’s not enough…

But maybe…
No. 1053528 ID: e51896
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…Jerry needs to not give up and keep pushing forward, despite the percentages’ odds. He needs to speak from the heart and apologize.

He removes his shades to see wILL2Kill eye to eye, and make it clear that he's being genuine. And if he’s not genuine enough (which he thinks he should be already), well he did take acting classes to make up for that.
No. 1053529 ID: e51896
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>If you do take off your shades make sure it's a camera angle where the audience can't see what's behind the shades like [REDACTED] from [REDACTED]

Why? Well if that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get. But the camera man is not going to be too happy about trying to make sure Jerry’s eyes don't get into a panel. Be sure to thank them when you get the chance.

As soon as wILL2Kill’s face switches back from bluescreen to murder face, Jerry quickly shouts out an apology. She hesitates, granting time for him to explain.

He apologizes for breaking up with her the way he did, for not even trying to make things work. He guesses that the reason why he didn't was because he just HATED the cards he’s been dealt with. Not being able to land a job after so many years of college, having to be miserable in a job where nobody respects him, getting put into countless SITUATIONS that make his crappy job even less rewarding...

Seeing wILL2Kill having a job that genuinely makes her happy, with customers that even come to BURGERVANIA just to see her, he couldn't help but feel ENVIOUS that she has a job that makes her happy.

Ever since he broke up with w2K, he’s been trying and trying be get SOME enjoyment over losing w2K and SOME level of the success and happiness she has. But FATE just keeps putting him into too many SITUATIONS and PROBLEMS... It just feels too much to handle at times, making him want to blame everything and everyone. Even himself…

But maybe, that’s a lie. Maybe he’s coming to realize that those SITUATIONS that he is unlucky to find himself in might be what he actually likes. It puts him into little adventures where he meets new people, solves puzzles to find solutions to the various SITUATIONS, and just the weirdness of it all… It reminds him of the days when he and wILL2Kill used to be together and get into fun suspenseful outings… maybe that’s why he comes back to THREE HAMS ROAD from time to time. To relive those days, despite her trying to kill him.

At the end, Jerry apologizes for not being more honest. He felt like being a defeatist when he got stuck in :pizzid:, to the point where he felt like she didn’t deserve him, ending the relationship and making his SITUATION worse. He decides that whether she kills Jerry or not, he is planning on quitting :pizzid:. He'll probably just stagnate from there, as this job is what broke them up in the first place and kept him from going anywhere in his life. Even if he wasn’t quitting, he was going to get demoted anyway and lose his position as the delivery guy. So why even bother?
No. 1053530 ID: e51896
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Suddenly, wILL2Kill is squeezing the life out of Jerry! Jerry is struggling to breath, believing that his efforts were for nothing.

As he shuts his eyes to accept his fate, he hears…


wILL2Kill seemed to have switched back into w2K, and she is bawling her eyes out.

w2K: IT’S OKAY, just please… I…
w2K: I for… I forgive you.
w2K: I-I had no idea you were feeling this way this whole time…

w2K covers her face onto Jerry’s polo, but her squeeze is becoming lighter until eventually she lets go.

w2K: I’m sorry I tried to kill you… I just…
w2K: It just felt like you had no feelings for me anymore at that moment, so I just snapped.
w2K: In reality, I guess all those chases weren't really to try and kill you and feed you to my cat…
w2K: But… to try to win you back by trying to get you feeling scared, like we’d feel during our time together doing suspenseful activities.
w2K: And now… You're quitting your job, and I won’t be able to try to relive those days with you anymore…

Jerry doesn’t know what to say and can only look down at his feet.

w2K: Please, Jear Bear, don’t quit this pizza run, or your delivery job.
w2K: I don’t want you to keep giving up like you have been.
w2K: Just keep trying, okay? Even if it means there’s only a tiny chance to succeed.

After thinking a bit, and feeling the impact of w2K’s words, Jerry puts his shades back on and gives w2K a nod. He thanks her.

w2K: Please succeed in delivering that pizza, I know you can.
No. 1053531 ID: e51896
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Jerry is about to walk off before w2K calls out to him.

w2K: Wait… before you go…
w2K: I think I want you to know this number.

w2K’s screen switches channels to a large number that says 8 and 3. Jerry raises an eyebrow in confusion

w2K: It’s something my father wanted me to remember in case he forgot…
w2K: He said something about these numbers being used on the third, and fourth line, whatever that might mean…
w2K: I’m not sure what it’s for, but he sometimes brings up THE MAYOR whenever the topic of these numbers comes up.

Jerry isn’t too sure what it could mean, but he gets the feeling it has absolutely nothing to do with him and his current PIZZA RUN or QUEST. But at the same time, it feels like something somebody should remember for another time, and another place where things ended up differently. That thought confuses Jerry, so he concludes that this is nothing he himself should worry about. But he thanks w2K regardless

w2K: Do… you think we can get back together one day?

Jerry says he isn’t sure. There are still a lot of personal things the two of them need to work out, and well, she did legitimately try to kill him. As of right now, the relationship would be UNHEALTHY if they got back together now, but perhaps… They can start small and just see each other as friends for now.

w2K: It… it hurts… but I understand.
w2K: I’ll accept our friendship
w2K: I still have to destroy your pizza if you come by here again, BURGERVANIA’s policy…
w2K: But I promise I won’t kill you…
w2K: And maybe… we can see our chases to be more fun, like the times we were together?

Jerry says he thinks he’d like that, and will make sure she won’t capture him and destroy his pizza the next time they meet. w2K manages a small smile through the soaking tears and hiccups, and falls to her knees to get closer to the concerned Kazoo’s level.

w2K: Goodbye Jerry.
w2K: And please… follow your dream
w2K: I know you’ve tried for so long and hard to go back into acting, only to be turned down so many times…
w2K: And I know it’s disheartening and feels pointless after so many fails, but keep at it. Someone will hire you.
w2K: I’m not saying this so you can quit my competitor’s business or be together with me again. I’m saying this for your sake.
w2K: You deserve to be happy somewhere you put a lot of PASSION in, not in a job you feel is a dead end.

No. 1053532 ID: e51896
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Jerry respects w2K’s request and leaves her to her thoughts with Kazoo. After walking by her, he finds Mary waiting for him at the end of the alley. Huh… he didn’t go with Gerbera?

Mary: Boss… is everything alright?

Jerry gives a slow small nod.

Mary: …
Mary: Hey, let’s take a walk. We don’t need to rush, okay?
Mary: From what I saw on my way here, there’s no other SITUATIONS from here to the bar, so you can take your time if you need it.
Mary: Well… there was that mummy, but Gerbera just ripped off a piece of the wrappings off her to wipe some of their sweat off and just kept running

Jerry again nods, and puts Mary on his shoulder. Thankfully, there’s no other SITUATIONS to harass them on their walk to the bar. Seems like his bad luck finally decided to throw him a bone for once, allowing him some time to think.

...Or it could be that he wasn’t holding the pizza at that time to lure anyone near him. He sometimes wishes he could just put the pizza in his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION. Unfortunately, that had risked some issues before, like the pizza cooling down a little faster for some reason, and other things. Maybe he should just let Gerbera hold the pizza for the rest of the run, so that people can target them instead of him? But then Gerbera might be seen as the one who delivered it to the customer and not him, taking credit as Jerry loses his job. Or Gerbera might just screw something up and ruin the pizza during a SITUATION…

But… is that a bad thing really? After what w2K said, maybe getting demoted won’t be as huge of an issue as he thinks it would be. It would actually give him more of an incentive to try harder and obtain his dreams instead of stagnating in a job he never liked. Even if the pizza delivery job allows him a place to stay, and the :pizzid: pizzeria makes his uncle a lot of money for Jerry to mooch off of, it wasn't what he wanted to do with his life.

And maybe people would love to see his comeback as an actor again, after his less than stellar performance as a child actor. People do love an underdog comeback story… Maybe it won’t matter if he fails this pizza delivery, even if he’ll be forced to wear a humiliating mascot costume until he manages to find an acting job that pays well… Maybe he can put on a mask to make that experience less embarrassing or something?

No, he shouldn't just give up and let Gerbera be in charge of the delivery. Giving up would just put him in a worse position, just like how giving up on getting his dream job got him stuck at :pizzid: to begin with. Plus, w2K told him not to give up this pizza delivery.

He decides he'll get back to job searching, and not use the excuses to give up before he finds something. After all, he has gotten through a lot of difficult and deadly SITUATIONS all for a lot of stupid pizzas without giving up, so why not keep that determination up for himself?

That, and it's probably best to get this delivery finished for the customer. They did pay for it. Yeah, at this point Jerry has no idea where he's going with his train of thought, but bottom line for him: No giving up on the pizza delivery, and no giving up on job hunting, no matter how pointless or disheartening it may seem.
No. 1053533 ID: e51896
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Gerbera: Jerry! My bud! You're okay!

And just like that, Jerry is snapped right out of his thoughts and realizes he made it to the WALK-INTO-A bar. Gerbera looks relieved to see him and Mary.

Gerbera: Is Mary with you?! Oh thank goodness. I was worried you got lost or captured by w2K after I realized you weren't with me.
Mary: Oh… sorry to worry you. I just… couldn't continue being a pushover coward by leaving boss by himself like that.
Mary: I thought he needed me, and I was so worried about him!
Mary: But, he handled it himself after all. I should not have had you worry like that, Gerbera.

Jerry says he actually appreciates Mary accompanying him on the walk back after going through that, and shouldn’t beat himself too much about it.

Gerbera: Yeah, as long as you're here with us, that’s all that matters.

Mary sighs in relief, and thanks the two as they enter the bar. The place is… surprisingly quiet. He'd think it'd be full of college students after their last day of the school year, but then he remembers the end of year performances, projects, and film festivals take part in as part of their climax. Shows of all the skills they accumulated throughout the school year, and more than enough to keep them occupied. He assumes it'll be busy later at night, when all that is over. Good news for his friend Jordan, the bartender, who just happens to be cleaning some glass cups at the counter. She tends to get anxious when it gets super busy. He hopes she's not thinking about the rush too much right now.

Jordan: Jerry! Out on another pizza run? You came at a good time.
Jordan: It's the calm before the storm, so I'm free right now.
Jordan: Need me to heat up your pizza again?
Jordan: or do you want to hear some gossip?

Jerry says he's fine on the pizza, and is just here for a breather. He will think about talking to her if he has the time.

Jordan: No problem. Feel free to talk if you do.
Mary: So… what should we do first, Boss?

As Mary asks that question, the ears of one of the customers sitting at the counter perks up, and slowly turns towards the PIZZA PARTY to see who is talking. She has a glare in her eyes before suddenly doing a double-take. Her expression quickly changes to bewilderment and what looks to be disbelief as she keeps staring at Jerry. It’s as if she is trying to process what she is seeing.

The woman seems to be some kind of WEREWOLF MONKEY… wait, that can’t be… There is no full moon tonight, nor are they in THREE HAMS ROAD’s CURSED NIGHT. Maybe she’s one of those rare hybrid species, one being half-canine, half-monkey. She looks real strong, with a torn up coat and… is that a priestess hat? It seems to be torn up as well, with some kind of symbol on it. There are a few broken bottles on the floor by her feet, and what looks to be a mouse-sized mouse standing next to her on the counter, looking a bit concerned about the monkey-wolf thing. She’s also wearing a priestess hat with the same emblem, but it doesn’t have any tears on it.

Now that Jerry thinks about it… the tough priestess monkey canine thing does seem really familiar, but he can’t quite put his finger on it. He wonders if he’ll remember who she might be if he talks to her. She does look like she has something IMPORTANT to say to Jerry. Call it a hunch

Besides that, the only other thing of interest is that it looks like Harmon and Vincent have entered the bar, perhaps finished with their bike ride, and are heading into the basement hiding under one of the tables. Jerry gives them a nod as the two nod back. Jerry thinks the two are going to the bar’s secret BLACK MARKET to help out down there.

With that, Jerry decides to think about what to do during this SECOND CHECKPOINT. He considers that he has 13 UPDATES left before it’s too late, and maybe about 5, or 7 SITUATIONS to get through. so he has PLENTY OF TIME before he has to hit the road again. Maybe enough time to grab a drink? Though, he might get INTOXICATED if he does that… in any case, there’s a lot of options, so he decides to think about what he might still need to do before he heads back on his Pizza run…


- SIDEQUEST: Convince Purr Feckt to kick Mary out of this quest and bring him back into his own quest where he belongs!
(Jerry already got Mary a bunch of wood and seeds (you can see what they are here >>1030255) , now all that's left is to try to convince Purr Feckt to bring Mary back… Though if you want, Jerry did find a PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE at the black market to give to Mary before he heads back.)

- SIDEQUEST: Find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael to give her for free to improve customer satisfaction!
(Jerry already has Bananas in the BANK, he just needs to pick them up mind the item management)

SIDEQUEST: Give Purr Feckt some flowers to help with the NEGOTIATIONS for Mary
(Jerry can get some at the store)

SIDEQUEST: DON’T use the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN so Gerbera can give it to Snowpea in its highest quality
(Jerry failed this quest, but it doesn’t matter too much. He can probably refill it though at the BLACK MARKET and have Gerbera give it to her later… or not. It’s not Jerry’s highest priority)

SIDEQUEST: Succeed in Rocio’s challenge to not use an item on 5 separate UPDATES during a SITUATION or PROBLEM
(you have 4/5 left!)

SIDEQUEST: Get Eugene, or his disguise over to the Cardboard box in the Alley!

REMINDER: you can return the VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL to the MUSHEUM for something great to happen… or sell it for a LOT of money at the BLACK MARKET to buy something super expensive there.

REMINDER: Purr Feckt will come look for you sometime after UPDATE 20, but will appreciate it if you see her sooner (she will not find you in the SECOND CHECKPOINT though, this is a safe area)

REMINDER: the chances that Purr Feckt will find out Jerry rummaged through her purse is currently 15%, but you can lower it more by switching the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE with regular water

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind you don’t have to finish ALL these sidequests. There are no completionist prizes in this quest, so don’t worry.


Jerry ₵A$H:

Gerbera ₵A$H:

Jerry Bank
- 4000
- Bananas

Gerbera bank


Jerry’s Hammerspace

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE (15% chance Purr will notice Jerry used it) - Jerry didn't steal this, he just hasn’t had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, Jerry would hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), a pair of handcuffs. Water bottle full of sweat, And pretty much anything else you want. The more Jerry uses this, the higher the chance Purr Feckt will find out it’s been used. Currently at 15% chance she’ll find out.

- VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL - Sell it at a black market to make a LOT of ₵A$H (Jerry thinks there is one at both CHECKPOINTS. Though the second CHECKPOINT will most likely give more money for it) using it will decrease its value though. Jerry can return it to the MUSHEUM for something good to happen as long as you don’t use it until then (near the second checkpoint)! Jerry can use it to hide in for stealth, or to protect himselfself from attacks very easily (but it’s value will go down) Jerry isn’t giving it to P.I. Zzander, he’s an asshole who will take all the credit. But he can probably give it to Purr feckt to help negotiate in helping Mary.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT # 2 - The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, make your perception of time move SLOW, but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.

- SCREWDRIVER - has a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT – It is SUPER ABSORBANT, more than a towel… seriously, why the fuck is this even a deodorant and not marketed as a cleaning supply??? It won’t just absorb water, so be creative with what it can absorb when suggesting to use it! Also makes you and things less smelly!

Jerry’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 1261 ₵A$H) in pocket

- JERRY’S SMART PHONE – Contains phone number to the pizzeria, his uncle, Harmon, Vincint, Purr Feckt, Rocio, Iraphena (1000 Cash for her fortune telling services) and Felafaf (will tell your fortune for free, but at the cost of having 9 SABOTAGE points the next update) and the Sweaty Kitty’s. W2K and Gerbera are blocked. In pocket.

- NOTEBOOK PAPER - has Ramona's (Rachael's) name, location, phone number, order, and price. In pocket

- LIGHTER – lights things up. In pocket

- CIGARETTES - take a smoke. In pocket

Jerry’s Equipment

- :pizzid: HAT

- :pizzid: POLO





Gerbera’s Hammerspace

- GERBERA DOLL - Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

- RADIO - Gerbera uses this mainly to dance in they’re costume. One more use before it is out of batteries

- THE ZA COSTUME - Dress up as ’s mascot!

- MACE - Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

- CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN - Destroys the clothing of an individual.

Gerbera’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 50 ₵A$H, their business card, A picture of SNOWPEA) in pocket

- KEYS - to their home, in pocket

- SMART PHONE - contains Snow pea’s home number, Jerry’s Smartphone number, Snowpea’s Smartphone number, :pizzid: pizzeria, Snowpea’s work phone, Snowpea’s parents phone number. In pocket.

Gerbera’s Equipment:

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO



Mary's Inventory

CLIPBOARD AND PEN - self explanatory

Mary’s Equipment:

VINEGAR’S HAIRCLIP - from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It gives whoever wears it a weirdly comprehensive knowledge of chemistry. (Equipped)

CONWAY’S THONG - Merch from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It makes you feel way happier with yourself but also makes you wanna wear minimal clothing (Equipped)



>With Gerbera here, they will do some actions on their own unless you recommend they do something else. They will automatically leave with Jerry if he decides to continue the pizza delivery.

(can do TWO things with this action)

Listen to Jordan’s gossip
- Seems like she’s got some interesting information about MARINATION UNIVERSITY… but what could it be?

Get a drink
- Jerry will become INTOXICATED, which means the author (ME!) will for 5 updates, vote 1 point into HELP or SABOTAGE, and even vote which item he wants.

Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse
- Jerry will remember who this person is, and might learn something important out of them depending on how things go.

Heat up the pizza
-if your pizza got cold, Jordan will allow you to borrow her oven and heat it up. Jerry doesn’t need to warm up the pizza.
- You can give them back the VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL for something REALLY GREAT.

>BANK (can do multiple things)
- Lets Jerry withdraw or deposit ₵A$H
- Gerbera can do this too on their own, but the amount they’ll pull out can’t be controlled. They refuse to tell you how much they have.
- Jerry has 4000 ₵A$H in the bank and 1261 in pocket
-attempt to rob it (Jerry is not DESPERATE enough to do this)
- store an item (you'll be able to pick up any items stored here in another bank at the SECOND CHECKPOINT later)
- Jerry has BANANAS he can pick up here.

>Go to the store!
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 1261 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 0 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. System must be broken probably. So go to the bank first.
-You can buy and sell LEGAL items here
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H tho.
- Jerry’s HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION is FULL. Consider throwing or selling items here.


- LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS = NAME YOUR PRICE! THE HIGHER, THE BETTER! (this will make Mary’s mood and friendship with Jerry SKYROCKET depending on how much Jerry buys, and will affect the ending depending on if you manage to find a way to get Mary back home. This won’t be in your inventory, Jerry will just have it shipped to the Pizzeria.) (Jerry already enough to get Mary’s farm going if he returns to his world, but he could always buy more)

- BANANAS = 1 ₵A$H (can use the banana peel to make someone trip!) (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael) (You already have some in the BANK)

- IMPORTED SPRING WATER BOTTLE = 500 ₵A$H (Expensive because it’s imported from a rare hot summers, which is better than a hot springs! can be used to hydrate.) (can replace the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE from the purse to decrease the percentage of Purr Feckt’s detection that Jerry used it by 5% bringing it down to 10%) (Expensive because it’s imported)



- POLAROID CAMERA = 19 ₵A$H (Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside it's more common use of taking photos.)

- GOOFY STRING = 20 ₵A$H (It can be a belt, a rope, a bracelet, a bundle of rubber bands and more! Comes in COLORFUL and EVEN MORE COLORFUL styles. You can also eat it! It tastes like liquor flavored licorice! It comes in a can with 3 uses)


- A LOT OF SHEEP = 100 ₵A$H (You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep…)


- RICE = 5 ₵A$H (Good for drying out your phone. (Sweaty Kitty would probably like this)

- DUCT TAPE = 100 ₵A$H (Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!)

- DUCT TAPE GNNUY = 300 ₵A$H (It's a gun with little bnnuy ears at the end. it shoots a retractable roll of duct tape that you can use to pull yourself, but requires duct tape to reload after a few uses or the adhesive will wear off. Acts like a grappling hook, or a tape gun with a child friendly shape so it's not censored in over 17 countries! Kids love it, parents hate it! (can be merged with Duct tape)

- FLOWERS (NEW)= 20 ₵A$H (can be given to Purr Feckt to help convince her to help bring Mary home.)

- BATTERIES (NEW) = 10 ₵A$H (gives something POWER, like Gerbera’s RADIO

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE = select a value between 1-500 ₵A$H for the items Jerry will sell from inside the purse. (The more ₵A$H you want, the emptier the PURSE will be and the higher the percentage Purr Feckt will find out you used the purse increases, and the more you’ll stress Mary out)
Entire Purse is 1000 ₵A$H, (Mary will cry if you sell the entire purse, and you won’t use the purse to effect the percentage on how Purr Feckt will help Mary one way or another)


- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #2 = (can’t be sold here.)


- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = 1 ₵A$H (because it’s been used)

- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 1261 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 50 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. They probably don’t want any investigators to track this place through someone’s bank history.
-you can buy and sell ILLEGAL items here
- I have items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you for guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H
- if you want to buy some of the REALLY EXPENSIVE items here, sell the SEASHELL.


- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #1 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, be really really tasty… That's it. It’s actually really the most attractive donut, and you can give it to someone to trade or negotiate for almost anything you want from them, materialistic or otherwise. But after about [1 Update] the person who eats it will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma.



- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #6 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, Make your eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma, and a desperate need to blink.

- ANGERY RUBBER DUCKY = 1200 ₵A$H (Its squeaks tauntS your target, making them angry enough to focus on attacking the person who is squeaking at them. Jerry thinks he can trick Gerbera into using it in a situation to make a getaway)

- WEED = 500 ₵A$H (technically not illegal anymore, but they still sell it to make it feel like the good ol’ days when it was illegal)

- MIND CONTROL DEVICE = 250,000 ₵A$H (Discounted and Nerfed (this will let you mind control your target. But it’s been patched since Jerry has been in the last CHECKPOINT, so it won’t make the quest too easy. Can only be used for 1 update and the price lowered.)



- POWER CAPSULE = 500,000 ₵A$H (lets Jerry use a SUPER POWER for 1 UPDATE. The power is decided by what the voters want it to be.)

- JOTUND’S MIGHT = 400,000 ₵A$H (makes you bigger and stronger, almost as strong as Mr. Armstrong! can’t be reversed if used)


- :pizzid: drone prototype = 2,000 ₵A$H (This was an invention from Jerry’s uncle… but it didn’t work out well. Somehow it ended up in the BLACK MARKET)

- TEAL SPOTTED MUSHROOM = 10,000 ₵A$H (Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.)

- ELECTRONIC MAIL = 400 ₵A$H (An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.)

- SPECIAL MONOCLE = 2,300 ₵A$H (Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.)

A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE = 2 ₵A$H (A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.))

THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!! = 600 ₵A$H (Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.))

- PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE (Equipment) = 1000 ₵A$H (Cell service that can cross dimensions, time is a bit wonky though, so some service exceptions may occur. But if you upgrade the service plan for an extra 2000 CA$H it CAN be reliable! Too bad you don't want to spend the extra cash. At least while you're here it works perfectly. Can be for Mary so he can communicate with Jerry if he goes back! Also so he can do stuff while he's still here in case it all goes tits up.)

- HIRE DYON (3 Months) = 20,000 ₵A$H/month (Dyon is a slime girl with the unique ability to copy and paste superpowers. Sometimes. Dyon can copy a power if she maintains contact for approximately thirty seconds; most powers will be removed from her menu after three months. Her paste therapy takes one month on average (give or take two weeks) and has a success rate of 100% for D-class powers, 50% for C-class powers, 30% for B-class powers, 10% for A-Class powers, and 5% for S-class powers. Dyon has permanently copied the [Electrokinesis], [Lesser Transmutation], and [Dreamstuff Pymary] abilities for herself and can use them at will. Dyon is a horrible employee. She demands payment up front, is brash and abrasive, almost never follows orders, and will bail the moment she can interpret a technicality in her contract. But if you can take the time to earn her loyalty, she'll renew her contract for peanuts and may even increase her copying success rate.) (NEW)

- VORETEX = 250,000 ₵A$H (Every vore fetishist wants one of these. This cyber-psionic augmentation creates a user-friendly portal to a pocket dimension in their orifice, which connects to a giant bio-module attuned to the user's DNA. Long story short, anything that gets eaten will fit. Banned in all civilized eating contests. Rumors of the ability to vacuum objects are considered silly.)

- A KODAMA DOLL DRESSED LIKE A MAGICAL GIRLl = 5 ₵A$H (You're not sure why this is at the black market - is that the shriek of an angry harpy in the distance? Grumpy insists you buy now or never speak of this again.)

- ONE-WAY DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL DEVICE = 1,000,000 ₵A$H (RESERVED). (Apparently it’s a device that can allow someone to travel to any dimension they want, provided they know the coordinates. However, it only has enough power for one use, so it’s a one-way trip. Looks like somebody is already going to buy it. So he can’t buy it.)


- WATER BOTTLE FULL OF THE SWEATY KITTY’S SWEAT = 1,000 ₵A$H (but the detection level will go up by 10% (total 25%)

-PURR FECKT’S PURSE = Besides the water bottle full of the Sweaty Kitty’s sweat, They find nothing of interest, but don’t tell Purr Feckt that… actually, do tell her, it’ll be funny.



- SCREWDRIVER = They are not interested.

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = They are not interested.

>Read a newspaper

-Learn some lore, get hints, look at advertisements, get a sidequest, and other stuff.
- Has something about a virus going around affecting people, ads, and info on certain streets he’s heading to catches Jerry’s eyes.

>Chill with Vincent and/or Harmon

- They might give you some helpful advice, or maybe give you a side-quest.
- Harmon and/or Vincent can potentially help you convince Good ol Grumpy to give you a DISCOUNT at the BLACK MARKET,. But it all depends on how your negotiations go with each of them, what you give them, and who is with you. a dice roll will determine afterwards whether they will join you or not
- base percentage of one of them helping is 50% each
- depending on what Jerry tells them to help decrease the price could either increase, or decrease the percentage, choose your words wisely! Or don’t. Have fun with it!
- You’re chances to get their help after spending another action to talk to them after each fail increases by 10%
- you can spend multiple actions to try to get their help in each UPDATE
- your chances to get their help also improves by giving them a certain pizza with various results (you can only give one pizza related item to one of them)
(A piece of the customer’s pizza increases by 50% (will decrease customer satisfaction though))
-Vincent will automatically help you if you got WEED (you don’t have any, Find some in the BLACK MARKET maybe)
-you can only give one person one item per action
-Your chances to get their help might increase or decrease depending on who you’re with.
(Mary has no effect on the percentage)
(Gerbera decreases chance of recruiting one or both of them by 30%, they think Gerbera is UNCOOL)
-Current percentage of getting Harmon or Vincent’s help at getting a discount is currently 20% each

>All purpose repair store
-fixes something you broke,

>talk/text someone
- Can be anyone you want
- Up to 3 people can be talked to in this action.

>ITEM MANAGEMENT (this is a free action and won’t count towards an action, this includes throwing an item away, or putting an item in or out of your inventory)

This will continue Jerry’s Pizza journey.
No. 1053534 ID: e51896
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But let's check in with these dorks real quick.

The GIRLS NIGHT OUT WITH A PUMPKIN is still going strong. Rachael, Kaia, and Jackie are currently watching Charrise put her reputation on the line as she streaks through the dorms through her ONLYFAUNUS stream
No. 1053535 ID: e51896
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Kaia: Don’t just stand there, that koala is coming right towards you, you IDIOT!
Rachael: Oh… oh gosh… uh… umm…
Rachael: *whispering* how is she that brave…?
Jackie: …

Rachael grabs one of Charisse’s pillows, biting into it to calm her anxiety and slow her beating heart from seeing Charisse’s escapades… Or maybe it’s excitement? She tries to comprehend what sort of feelings Charisse must be feeling right now. If it was Rachael, she would be really terrified and extremely anxious… But seeing Charisse like that? Seeing her actually have fun doing something so daring, even laughing as she hops around the dorm in the nude... to Rachael this is a new territory of emotions. Charisse’s attitude towards the state she’s in feels contradictory to Rachael, but yet… it feels… right?

Rachael: …nerve wracking… suspenseful…
Rachael: Exhilarating…
Jackie: ………

She remembers hearing somewhere that excitement, and anxiousness are pretty similar to each other, and that if she’d ever feel nervous to tell herself to not think of it as her being anxious, but instead, see it as being excited. Maybe it’s similar to this? Maybe Charisse is feeling the same sense of excitement that others feel from roller coasters, or horror movies… Maybe, the risk of streaking and exhibitionism is something that can give one that same suspense, and is so easily accessible to perform, provided one doesn’t get caught.

Kaia: Oh, thank the gods and goddesses that Koala didn’t notice…
Kaia: if he just turned his head, he could have seen her…
Rachael: W…whoa… umm…
Jackie: ………………………….

Rachael then remembers that she is soon going to have to be in a similar SITUATION as Charisse, and her heart starts racing again at the thought as she bites and squeezes the pillow harder against her chest. Her, the well-behaved quiet student who keeps to herself to not stand out, is going to do something so insane and leave her comfort zone of shallow water, and straight into the deep end. With it being UPDATE 17, her dare could happen at any moment. She’s scared, but could there be a small part of her that she’s been ignoring most her life that is looking forward to it?

Kaia: *siiigh* what a relief, he went into one of the dorm rooms without seeing her.
Kaia: I swear, that woman is going to ruin her life one day doing dangerous stunts like that…
Kaia: Wait… why is she heading down the stairs now?! She’s not thinking of going outside now… is she?!
Rachael: …
Jackie: .................................................................

No. 1053536 ID: e51896
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Kaia: Omph!

Rachael, surprised by the usually quiet Jackie’s outburst, is frightened enough that she leans away from them, knocking Kaia over with her.

Kaia: Ugh, Jackie, what was that all about? You scared the daylights out of us!
Jackie: I’m just so jealous that Rachael and Charisse has gotten the awesome dares, while I didn’t get any yet and have to instead sit here and wait
Kaia: ………
Kaia: Wat?
Jackie: Kaia, I don’t want to wait until the pizza arrives, or for Charisse to finish her dare. I know we gave Rachael the chance to dare Charisse before she did her dare as a way to comfort the new girl into our party
Jackie: but I’m stuck waiting
Kaia: Jackie, isn’t the point of truth or dare is to… NOT want to be truthed or dared?
Jackie: I have sophisticated tastes in what I want
Kaia: Sophisticated? That’s not-
Rachael: She’s… really doing it! Aah!

Kaia looks over at the stream and finds that Charisse has somehow already made it to the bottom floor, and is planning on heading out. Kaia, not wanting Charisse to go through with it, quickly picks up her phone to stall her.

Kaia: You know what, Yeah! Let's call Charisse right now and get her to truth or dare someone, QUICK!
No. 1053537 ID: e51896
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Charisse: Alright, chat… are you all ready for me to take this into the next level?
Charisse: This is going to be FUN as soon as I walk out that door
Charisse: And better yet, there’s a bunch of performances going on, so I can play this off as an art piece as an excuse!

Charisse’s phone starts ringing, stopping her in her tracks.

Charisse: Oh! Whoops, sorry, my pervs!
Charisse: Going outside is going to have to wait for juuuuuust a moment.
Charisse: I gotta take this call real quick.

Charisse looks at the caller ID and finds it to be Kaia, to which she smiles deviously

Charisse: Heh, well chat, what if I take this call right here in the middle of this empty hall towards the exit? Right in the open?

Charisse does just that, and is greeted to Kaia’s screams

Charisse: Now, now, if you scream like that, people might hear and give away my position, heeheeheehee!
Kaia: CHA- oh forget it!
Charisse: What's up anyways? Oh, did the pizza guy arrive finally?
Charisse: Oh shoot! I forgot that part of the dare where I have to use my hands to cover up Ra-
Kaia: Look, I only called because one of us wants to continue the truth or dare game and your turn is taking a little too long…
Charisse: Blame the pizza guy for not getting here sooner.
Kaia: It’s only UPDATE 17, they should be here soon, so you should NOT go outside and just… stick around the dorms so you don’t miss him and can get here to finish the dare..
Kaia: Anyways, we would like you to spin the bottle, or I guess at this point, roll the dice on your phone since you’re not here, to see who you’re going to truth or dare next
Charisse: What, and I’m not going to witness anyone doing my truth or dare request?
Kaia: Ugh, look, we’ll record videos for you to see when you get back… Just roll the dice.
Charisse: Sounds like a plan then.

Charisse then pulls up a very simplistic dice rolling app and sets it to a 1D3 dice. She wonders which girl or pumpkin the dice will choose, and what sort of truth or dare to have them do.

Who does the dice choose as the next victim? Kaia, who probably needs a dare as a way to punish her for being so uptight or find a revealing secret about her? Rachael, who she can probably make her current dare be a bit more fun, or finally find out what Rachael is hiding by choosing the truth, or Jackie, who WANTS to be dared?

And also, what should their truth or dare be?

MESSAGE FROM PEA: just like the first checkpoint, that was a lot to take in, so to simplify things, I organized what to do into a little checklist:

- choose three actions Jerry can do
- Who is getting truthed or dared next?
- Will the victim choose Truth, or Dare?
- What should the truth or dare be?
- (optional) item management, throw items away for more space!

Also, thanks to:
EDMANGO for letting me cameo Cannie from Catalyst https://questden.org/wiki/Catalyst
Tippler for letting me cameo Jordan from the You Died/Stare at Explosions series https://questden.org/wiki/You_Died
Himitsu for letting me cameo his character Marlee (his quests here: https://questden.org/wiki/Himitsu)

Also, I’m not accepting requests for new items this time becuz me tired.

No. 1053555 ID: dc13c4

I am for the idea to listen to Jordan’s gossip, that way we can at least know what we will be dealing with on our way to the delivery. As for if we succeed in the whole eavesdropping somebody from the bar tags along with us but only for one update, if we fail at it we start a huge bar fight.
No. 1053558 ID: 735290

Action 1: Bar. Talk to the monkey canine and gossip with Jordan.

Action 2: Musheum. Give them the seashell back.

Action 3: Bank. Pick up those bananas, withdraw 1000 or 2000, store an item or two, maybe the screwdriver and donut. Try to convince Gerbera to store the radio, it's almost out of batteries and/or the mace since she has a gun now.

Dare Kaia, she deserves it.
No. 1053678 ID: a9235c

To make things easier, I'll add this new rule: no hammerspace capacity limit during checkpoint, you can take as much as you want, but youll need to throw stuff out if your over limit when you head back on the road
No. 1053710 ID: 8483cf

First things first: this is is 99% likely to be the last checkpoint we get, so let’s make it count. Remember to withdraw the bananas before we leave this checkpoint!

Second things second: Truth or dare takes priority over all non-fun things. Definitely dare Kaia, it’s her turn to not be so uptight. The best way to loosen her up is to remove her ability to complain and shout Rachael’s embarrassing secrets. I vote we dare Kaia to put as many marshmallows in her mouth as she can- she’s a squirrel, she can handle it! Once that’s done, Jackie can take a picture of it and no one who sees it will ever be able to take Kaia seriously again.

ACTION 1: Let’s take a breather. That ex-boss fight was tough! Walk into the bar.
ACTION 1A: Take a drink. It’s a breather!
ACTION 1B: Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse. They look tough (and not-tough). Maybe they’ve heard the rumor about MARINATION UNIVERSITY too?

Action 2: Absolutely, positively, go to the Musheum. Let’s get something REALLY GREAT! I bet it’s a full-body portrait of Snowpea that Gerb commissioned from the greatest artist in CRUST CITY.

Action 3: Go to the bank, make a withdrawal, and get some bananas! Also let Gerb gets some cash, poor plant is $BROKE$
No. 1053714 ID: 629f2e

Alright, this is gonna be a long one.

Action 1 - Musheum

Look we've carried that shell for long enough. Get RID of it! As fun as it would be to sell and get the best items from the Black Market, doing so would definitely have consequences. Let's do the right thing for now.

Action 2 - Bank

Make sure Gerbera comes with you, and discuss what you're going to take out and put in together.

-Store the Notebook paper. You have a phone dude. Just... take a picture of it. Or write the details in a note file, just stop using pocket space on this. Hold the Screwdriver in your pocket instead. Should fit easily if the tip is off.

-Store the Donut. You keep saying you'd rather use it off the clock, so commit! Put it away so you have room to hold another item.

-Obviously take out the bananas, this is what we've bought them for.

-Tell Gerbera to take out AT LEAST 300 CA$H if they want to refill their gun. Tell them where we're going in advance, so that they can withdraw appropriately. They might be interested in the :pizzid: DRONE PROTOTPYE or A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE

-Try to convince Gerbera to store the GERBERA DOLL and/or RADIO.

-Finally, take out 2500 CA$H. Why that much? Because:
A: You're going to want to buy that Wristwatch phone for Mary, don't act like you won't.
B: It leaves you with enough money on hand to get two decent items. I'd push for the SPECIAL MONOCLE, ELECTRONIC MAIL or THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!!

Okay, that was a lot. Now OBVIOUSLY, this is set up for us to head to the BLACK MARKET, but hold your horses a bit. We don't have to do that now, y'know? I mean, there's a lot worth doing, we're probably gonna stay here for another update. With that in mind, let's hold off on shopping for now, and save that for next update. That'll make it easier to all vote together on what to buy.

Instead, let's chill for an update.

Action 3 - WALK-INTO-A Bar

Do NOT get intoxicated. This is the most important delivery you've had in some time, failing ANY SITUATION will look a million times worse if you're drunk. Also you can only do two things, and this is only the third most interesting. Do the math.

-Listen to Jordan's gossip. It'll give you some insight into what to expect at the university. Or at the very least it'll just be interesting. Also, get three waters for all of you. Gotta stay hydrated if you're gonna keep running around as you have. (...Can Mary even drink? And should you get him a dog dish instead of a glass?)

-Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse. I'll specifically suggest having Mary interact with the mouse, since she might feel more comfortable with someone of a similar size (especially someone as soft as Mary).


That's all for Jerry and the Pizza Party. Sleepover Truth or Dare time.

It seems we're all in agreement about daring Kaia, but I'd like to put in a dare idea for Jackie as well. After all, she's the one who was bored and wanted to do stuff. It'd be a shame to just make her watch.

For the sake of having options, I'll offer a truth and a dare for both Kaia and Jackie.

Kaia Truth: "You're pretty defensive of Rachael. Do you love her~?" (Tease her a bit for her behavior and maybe convince her to cool down a bit.)

Kaia Dare: "Give Rachael a big ol' hug!" (Since Kaia seems a bit averse to the lewds, force her to get up close and personal with her under-dressed best friend)

Jackie Truth: "Who are the cutest members of our party? Rate us all by your own tastes, including yourself." (Honestly just want to see what she thinks).

Jackie Dare: "Swap clothes with Kaia!" (It would make for some humorous imagery, and that's more than enough of a reason.)
No. 1053812 ID: e5709d

... You know what? I vote you cash in the seashell now and store a million C$SH at the bank. Because seriously, WHY DO YOU NEED TO KEEP DELIVERING PIZZAS WHEN YOU HAVE AN OBJECT WORTH A VAST FORTUNE?!
Do not, under any circumstances, use the seashell or allow it to come to any harm. In fact, let the quest get derailed if you need to, because all you need to do is hire an investor and get a solid portfolio lined up. Pour a significant chunk into researching the acid solvent for public consumption, do some personal research yourself over time, and you've got your purpose in life and a high chance of reaching high-class status within the next twenty years.

Restock the clothing destruction ray squirt gun. Once you do, store it in the bank and have the material researched in the epilogue.

1) Buy Duct Tape, Flowers, Batteries, and A Lot of Sheep
2) Repair the Clothing Destruction Ray Squirt Gun (by restocking)
3) Deposit Clothing Destruction Ray Squirt Gun, retrieve all C$SH
No. 1086129 ID: 7c55ad
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Message from PEA: I’m finally back on the saddle. Sorry it took so long, I had a massive writer's block, and was just drained from doing this quest for a while and needed a break to work on other things for awhile (like drawing Donut’s Lucha Quest! Highly recommend reading it) But now I have the willpower to continue this quest. I thank you all for waiting, and especially thank Himitsu for helping me a lot with writing this update and what directions I should take to finish it. Since it’s been awhile, some things may have been forgotten, so I urge you guys to read the sidequests and reminders on the last panel to help you all get back on track. My goal is to get this quest done before the end of the year at the very most, so let’s do this!

Charisse rolls the dice on her dice roll app to determine who is going next, and what luck! It’s her!

Charisse: Ha! Bitchin’, check it, it’s my turn again, chat!

Next she rolls a 3-sided dice to find out who she will truth or dare, and it lands on…

Charisse: Hehe, I’m gonna pause the stream for a moment, chat. I’ll be right back!
Charisse: Hey Kaaaaia, looks like it’s my turn to dare you this time!
Kaia: Great… why’d it have to be her
Kaia: Alright, alright. Let’s get this over with.

Charisse thinks it over. The possibilities are endless.

She can get Kaia to spill the beans on what Rachael is hiding… but Rachael has been pretty cool, cooler than Kaia has been. So she decides to respect her secret for now. She could dare Kaia to give Rachael a big ol’ hug, considering how underdressed the bnuuy is, but she figures she has bullied the bnuuy enough as is.

Eventually, a mischievous grin crosses her lips, as the perfect plan brews.

Charisse: Alright, buckteeth, I got something for ya!
Charisse: Truth or dare? heh heh heh…

Kaia raises an eyebrow. A devious marsupial like her has got to have some kind of nasty dare for Kaia. That laugh sounds like it could be something really humiliating. She’s not going to fall for that.

Kaia: Alright alright, truth!
Charisse: Heh, got you right where I want you…
Charisse: SO! You've been pretty defensive of Rachael. I think it’s time to address the elephant in the room…
Charisse: Do you looooooooove her~?
Jackie: oooooooooooohhhh!
Kaia: Forget it! Dare, then! DARE!
Charisse: Hah! I knew it, you fell right into my trap!
Charisse: And my dare is for you to fit as many marshmallows into those big ol' cheeks of yours as you can, or hell, forget that, empty the entire bag into your mouth instead!
Kaia: Uh… what?
Kaia: I mean, it is demeaning I guess, but it's not as bad as the previous two dares.
Charisse: I'm not done yet!
Charisse: After you gobble those marshmallows in your cheeks…
Charisse: Have your pic taken immediately after, and make it your profile pic in all your social media accounts for an entire month!
Kaia: A…all of them?
Charisse: ALL OF THEM! With no context either!
Charisse: I’m not going to be there to see you do it, after all, so I gotta have proof, yo!
Jackie: Ahahah! Oh! She got you good!

Kaia gulps. If such an embarrassing photo like that is on her social media accounts, she won't be taken seriously anymore, and all the issues in life she complains about on Chirper won't hold as much water. But… she can't wrestle with that truth option, and she is too scared to know Rachael’s reaction to whatever answer she gives. So she yields.

Kaia: Okay, okay, I'll accept the dare, Just tell me where the marshmallows are!
Charrise: in the drawers at my study desk.
Kaia: Damn it, the bag isn’t even open! You really didn't eat a single one?
Charisse: I was saving those for s’mores for summer, but this dare is so worth the bag!
Charisse: Now stuff 'em' all in your big yapper! Everyone’s waiting!
Kaia: *groan* Just streak back to us, the pizza guy will be here any update…
Charisse: Yeah, yeah.

Charisse ends the call and starts up her stream again

Charisse: Sorry, pervs, no outdoor adventures, but don’t worry, I’ll get streak run on my schedule for you all to enjoy, and it’ll be much longer than 10-15 updates
Charisse: For now, let's think of another daring activity, any suggestions?
Charisse: …
Charisse: Ding dong ditch as many dorm rooms as I can on my way back? Oooh! That’s a good one!

Meanwhile, a faint “CHARISSE, NOOOO!” can be heard somewhere upstairs
No. 1086130 ID: 7c55ad
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Ugh, whatever, it’s Charisse’s own damn fault if she wants to make a fool out of herself. Kaia has bigger, stupider things to worry about. She opens the bag when she feels Rachael’s hand on her shoulder.

Rachael: Kaia, I uh…
Kaia: ACK! No, no. Don’t worry about it!

Kaia quickly opens the bag, and dumps its contents into her mouth. Her cheeks expands as the sugary treats drop in like an avalanche. There’s so much that she can barely contain them! Some are even sticking out of her mouth… and yet, she somehow managed to fit them all in!

Jackie: HAHA! that’s a riot!
Rachael: …sorry Kaia…
Jackie: Say cheese!

Kaia sees Jackie pull her phone up. Shoot! Kaia isn’t ready! She attempts to tell Jackie, but the marshmallows only muffle her voice. Before she can do anything else, Jackie snaps a picture. Kaia is so startled that she swallows ALL the marshmallows!

Kaia: *cough cough* Jackie! *cough* I wasn't ready yet!
Jackie: Oops! But hey! The picture turned out amazing! Ahahaha!

Kaia is almost too afraid to look, but she HAS to. If only to process the damage that could be caused by her picture. She immediately cringes at how she looks, with her eyes in shock, a gooey mess in her mouth, and puffed up cheeks.

Kaia: Okay, That is NOT going to be my profile pic! I want a do-over!
Jackie: But we can't, you ate all the marshmallows…
Jackie: You know, you could just take the truth option an-
Kaia: Just send me the pic already and I'll set it up!

Kaia gets sent the pic, and she proceeds to change each of her profile images, one by one. She gives a regretful sigh after setting up the last one, and ducks her head under her arms on the desk in shame.

Kaia: ugh… I don't even want to check any of my social media pages… I can't bare to see people's reaction…

She suddenly gets a call on her phone. Great, it's Charisse…

Jackie:looks like you're getting one, like it or not.
Charisse: HAHAHAHAH!
Charisse: Oh man! You look like you ate a giant pillow! HAHAHAHAHA!
Kaia: Yeah? Well, at least I'm not naked…
Charisse: …
Charisse: Good point. But I'm finding some fun in my SITUATION, you should too! Make a joke about your avatar pic! Make light of dumb things like that, girl. Come on! It’s not that bad!
Kaia: I guess… *sigh* yeah, I guess I should
Charisse: But you know… you refusing to pick truth implies you do have romantic feelings for Rachael, wouldn't you agree, Jackie?
Jackie: heeheeheehee

Kaia doesn't have to take this, she simply hangs up the phone.
No. 1086131 ID: 7c55ad
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Kaia: ugh, that damn roo…
Kaia: But at least she's enjoying herself
Rachael: K…Kaia?!
Kaia: EEP! uh! About that truth, uhh, I want to make it clear that uh, I value our relationship as lov- uh FRIENDS, no wait, umm, more than friends? No, I mean!
Rachael: um, uh, it's not that… I wanted to ask, have you seen anyone put my clothes anywhere?
Kaia: Oh, whew Uh, I mean, what? Your clothes? Didn't you leave them in the bathroom?
Rachael: They're not there!
Rachael: All I found in the bathroom was the stuff I was carrying in my pockets at the time, only my clothes were missing!
Kaia: Huh? Did Charisse take them as a prank!?
Jackie: I don't think so, we saw her between the time Rachael came out of the bathroom, and Charisse leaving to do her dare… she wouldn't of had time.
Kaia: That's true, and I didnt see you go in there this entire time… where could they have gone?
Jackie: uhh… was that door always open?

The girls, minus one girl, with a pumpkin are surprised to see their door left open. How long has that been the case? But Kaia specifically remembered closing and locking the door. The only other thing she can see is dirty wet footprints leading out the door.

Jackie: Did we just get robbed while we were watching the stream?
Kaia: I don't know, it looks like everything seems to be in order here…
Jackie: But… What about Rachael's clothes? What if those were stolen?
Kaia: That's… a possibility.
Rachael: But… w-why would anyone want to steal my clothes?
Rachael: At least they emptied my pockets before taking them, but…
Kaia: Don't worry, I'm sure Charisse has clothes you can borrow after the party.
Kaia: *Sigh* I better give her a call and let her know some sicko robber came in. They might still be streaking, errr… sneaking around the building… I wouldn’t want her to run into anyone dangerous…

No. 1086132 ID: 7c55ad
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THIS WAS A DANGEROUS MISTAKE!!!!! AHH! The monkey werewolf immediately grabbed him by the neck with lightning fast reflexes when Jerry approached, lifting him off the ground, and MAKING HIM drop his pizza box! This is a CHECKPOINT, there’s not supposed to be SITUATIONS in a CHECKPOINT! Aaaaaand Jordan the bartender isn’t here… Probably went into the back at the worst possible time. Bah!

Gruff Werewolf: Alright… Talk! What’s your fuckin’ deal? Huh?
Gruff Werewolf: Why’d ya come all this way here? You STALKIN’ me?
Gruff Werewolf: Say somethin’ or we’re gonna tussle right here, and now!
Mary: OH NO! BOSS!
Gerbera: Whoa! Bud! Why’d you approach the ruthless gang, THE PRIESTS?!

Oh fuck! Gangsters!? Admittedly, Jerry’s heard of THE PRIESTS before, but he’s never actually seen them. He didn’t think that they’d actually be wearing priestess attire, that’s stupid! And what the fuck does she mean by STALKING her?!

Jerry tries to get a word in to explain himself, but all he can muster is a cough, The little green mouse is frantically waving her arms in a panic

Little Mouse: C-CANNIE! W-what are you doing!?! Ooooh, Not good, not good!
Little Mouse:STORM’s going to be upset I let her drink…
Little Mouse: Ummm… uhhh… look at him! He’s just a pizza guy!
Little Mouse: Put him down… Please? You’re drunk!
Cannie: Marlee, When the angel BOSS evacuated me from my dying world to here, he said I’d be sent somewhere completely random out of a selection of countless universes to be sure I’d never return.
Cannie: And I’ve seen this twig back in my home world over a year ago.
Cannie: Only explanation he’s here is he’s an ANGEL, or workin’ for them, and was sent here to SPY on me, and ruin everythin’ I worked up for.
Cannie: Now Spill it, twig! What the fuck are ya up to?!

He remembers now, she was actually the very same one who mauled him during one of his rare interdimensional pizza deliveries and tried to eat a bunch of pizzas that he was delivering. Stalking her?! She’s the one stalking him! Unfortunately, Jerry still can’t speak, but Gerbera yells on his behalf.

Gerbera: Hey! Jerry would NEVER do something like that!
Gerbera: While expensive, :pizzid: does offer deliveries to other worlds! You may have come across him then!
Cannie: Ya expect me to believe that bullshit? Multiverse is endless! Odds of that happening gotta be below 1!
Cannie: Ya can’t expect me to believe I ended up in the exact same world this guy lives in randomly! S’ too much of a coincidence!
Cannie: Wimpy poodle doll mentioned BOSS’ name too, the same name of an important figure among the ANGELS!
Cannie: S’ all makin’ perfect sense! He and his cohorts are tryin’ to SABOTAGE me!
Mary: HEY! “Boss” Is just a highly respectable nickname I give Jerry!
Mary: LET HIM GO, OR I’ll…
Cannie: Or you’ll what!?

Antonio rises from the ground. Oh shit! Is the pizza box open?

Antonio: Hm… TRUST ISSUES.
Antonio: She seems pretty paranoid, doesn’t she? Wonder what she went through...
Antonio: Whatever. Not our problem… want me to make you slimy like pizza grease so you can slide out of her grasp? Hold one finger for yes, two for no.

Before Jerry can raise a hand, Jordan enters from the room in the back, and immediately rushes over to the SITUATION! Jerry has never seen the frog so angry!

Cannie: Can’t, Jordan!
Cannie: He’s someone from my world who threatens the only way I can-
Jordan: I DON’T want to hear it!
Jordan: He’s been my friend since he graduated from college! And he’s busting his ass around the city almost every day!
Jordan: He and his family are natives of this world! He lives HERE!
Jordan: Was even a child actor in our world! You can look that up!

Jerry wants to plead to Cannie NOT to look up those terrible performances he did, but can’t speak

Jordan: There is NO WAY he has the time of day to give you any sort of attention!
Cannie: But he-
Jordan: PUT HIM DOWN, or I’ll let Grumpy know you’re banned from his shop!

Cannie gives Jerry a harsher glare, like she’s going to MURDER him, and tightens her grip around his throat. Jerry shuts his eyes and accepts his fate… But instead of feeling pain, he instead feels it subsiding and leaving his body, as a pleasant tingly warmth envelopes through his entire body from where he is being choked…
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…And then he is tossed to the ground like a ragdoll.
Mary: BOOOOOSSSSSS! Are you alright!?

As Mary runs over to Jerry’s side and hugs his arm, Jerry checks for damages done to him, and notices… there’s no pain in his neck! In fact, he also notices that the pain he got from the tight hugs he got today is gone too. He feels a lot better than he did for years! Well okay, there’s some pain from being tossed, but that pain is minor. Did Cannie do this? He looks over at her and sees her back turned on him, just downing a bottle. He assures his partners he actually feels better than ever.

Mary: Huh? Are you sure? She gripped you pretty hard…
Jordan: That woman, I swear… *sigh*
Jordan: You didn’t deserve that. Let me heat up your pizza. It’s the least I can do.

Jerry thanks Jordan as she takes the pizza to the back. Meanwhile, the small mouse Marlee scurries towards Mary

Marlee: Um… I apologize On behalf of our gang leader, she’s… a bit drunk and-
Mary: Drinking’s NEVER excusable! I’ve been abused by my sis because of alcohol!
Mary: And you’re defending her for that?! It was HER CHOICE to get drunk!

Whoa! Who knew Mary can release such ANGER in him! Jerry wonders just what poor little plush poodle went through, but at least he’s stepping up to it now.

Marlee: EEP! Y-you’re right! Sorry!
Marlee: it’s just that… a lot of bad things had happened to her and-
Cannie: Don’t waste your breath, Marlee… I know what you’re tryin’ to do.

Cannie finally speaks again, but her back is still turned on everyone as she faces the counter.

Cannie: S’ a waste of time, they’re not goin’ to help us… Forget it.
Marlee: But Cannie, they visited your world before! So they MUST have a way to h-
Cannie: Shut it… After what I did? I know they’re not gonna.
Cannie: And I still can’t fully trust them.
Marlee: But… You already tried EVERYTHING, you’ve been doing this for so long, that we might be running out of time!
Marlee: This might be the only chance we’ll ever get!
Marlee: …
Marlee: s...sorry, I’ll be quiet.
Cannie: … Damn it, Marlee…

Cannie gives a long sigh, and gives a single nod to her, but still refuses to turn around.

Cannie: Listen, pizza dorks…
Cannie: If I was dumb and innocent enough to believe in miracles, I’d of say s’ fuckin’ fate that s’ encounter happened…
Cannie: But I’ve lived and grown enough to stop believin’ in [HOPE].
Cannie: S’ why I’m skeptical to admit… you’re the only people who can get me back home to fulfill a PROMISE I made…
Mary: After how you treated my friend, Now you want OUR help using words like “only people who can”?
Mary: I’ve been through that manipulation before! Why should we!?
Marlee: But… She didn’t mean it like that! She’s telling the truth and, Uhh… ooooh…

Cannie doesn’t react at all, like she expected this answer. But Gerbera seems to be deep in thought as they stare at Cannie before finally speaking up.

Gerbera: What if she… Apologized?
Mary: Gerbera?
Gerbera: I mean… what she did to Jerry was horrible… and I’m upset from that too…
Gerbera: But I think that she’s going through personal stuff, hence the lashing out.
Gerbera: So maybe… I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt…
Gerbera: if she just apologized.
Gerbera: Right, Jerry?

Jerry just shrugs, really it’s not that big a deal enough for him to care either way considering what he goes through every day, like w2K’s situations in the past.

Cannie: Apologize? Why?
Cannie: I already HEALED him before I let him go, so that should make us even.
Mary: Hmph, I knew it… She’s just like her...
Gerbera: I mean, yeah, you healed him, but you still could have caused some trauma.
Cannie: What he went through is nothin’ compared to what I went through.
Gerbera: But trauma is trauma, no matter how small.

Cannie sits there quietly. Marlee climbs up the table, putting her hand on Cannie’s arm.

Marlee: Cannie… It’s okay…
Marlee: I know that it is really hard to trust others after what happened.
Marlee: But… You’re with people who support, respect, and risk their lives for you.
Marlee: Your gang, and me!
Marlee: And even, um… Storm!
Marlee: We’ve all endured so much during your time as a member, to the point where we accepted you as our LEADER.
Marlee: What will it take to, uh… have a tiny bit of faith? J…just this once?

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MESSAGE FROM PEA: This post is mostly related to the quests CATALYST and QUEEN OF HELL (With EDMANGO’s permission). They contain spoilers for those quests and are more for readers who follow that story. It will also include a choice that could affect the story a little. They will not have much to do with the story of 30 UPDATES or LESS. It’s alright to skip if you’re only following Jerry’s quest.

Cannie slams her fist on the counter

Gerbera: yikes! Uh… I suppose that’s a start…
Cannie: Everythin’s shit!
Cannie: My world is goin’ to end.
Cannie: And I broke a PROMISE I’d take everyone I cared about with me out of there!
Cannie: My family is goin’ to fuckin’ DIE cause I left them behind!
Cannie: I… I just want to… NEED to get back! Rescue the only people I care about!
Cannie: And FINALLY live a normal life… FOR ONCE!

Cannie slams her now empty bottle of alcohol down on the floor.

Gerbera: Do… you want to rant and get it out of your system? Plead your argument?
Cannie: I’m from a world of people with superpowers, in a town with my momma who’s mayor, my blood sis from a city, and another sis we adopted after a tragedy.
Cannie: Was as peaceful as all things considered could be…
Cannie: Til the loomin’ threat of a DEMON WAR ruined everythin’
Gerbera: You mentioned this war before. What’s that about?
Cannie: Some stupid catastrophic war where demons and angels fight for power, while mortals are stuck in the crossfire with both aiming to kill or enslave them afterwards.
Cannie: Hasn’t happened yet when I left, but the threat alone was still damagin’
Cannie: It caused my adopted sis’ family to die, and had angels and demons turn friends against each other, like my two sisters…
Cannie: But that wasn’t the worst of it. Some demon attacked our town with kaijus
Cannie: It killed many, includin’ a good friend of mine…
Cannie: I couldn’t…
Cannie: I-I couldn’t heal her with my powers no matter how hard I tried.
Gerbera: Sorry to hear that…
Mary: The same power you pulled on Jerry, the one that hurts people?
Cannie: It’s tied to my anger, not pain. And I… FUCKIN’ couldn’t get angry enough despite everything.
Cannie: The destruction was so bad, Momma even gave up her mayor position to a jackal demon in shame.
Mary: Another demon?
Marlee: Cannie, please don’t.
Cannie: … Look, I’m not openin’ that can of worms, lest I start screamin’ bout her.
Gerbera: Fair, how did you all deal with it?
Cannie: Horribly, had to hide from the demon and angels after that. But a plan was thought up by our new “mayor”.
Cannie: Let the kaijus attack a nearby city…
Cannie: So angels would be too busy fightin’ kaiju, while her “champion” would kill the kaiju demon lord.
Cannie: But It would have destroyed so many city folks’ homes and livelihoods…
Cannie: Thankfully that plan fell through, but the person prevented it… just as bad.
Gerbera: How can someone who saved the city be just as bad?
Cannie: Was a CREEP who had a sick obsession with my adopted sis.
Cannie: Workin’ with angels to kill anyone who got between them.
Cannie: Even gaslit my blood sis to make her think she did horrible things to my adopted sis’ family in the past, to keep her under his thumb,
Cannie: After the kaiju demon lord died, ANGELS took my adopted sis and me away from our home.
Cannie: And to my surprise, we were told that we were goin’ to evacuate that world.
Cannie: Thanks to a small group from out of town who helped stop the potential kaiju attack with that CREEP.
Cannie: And thanks also to my blood sis who at the time, I thought had common sense enough to actually want to escape with everyone with the ANGELS help.
Cannie: We were FINALLY leaving that world.
Cannie: But the group revealed that the CREEP mind controlled our adopted sis after we were taken in.
Cannie: And that he was gaslightin’ my other sis.
Cannie: It caused my two sisters to make amends with each other…
Cannie: But it also made my blood sis stay in that world with our adopted sis, so she can pointlessly get revenge on that CREEP.
Cannie: It put me in a fit of blind rage, and I destroyed my sis's home.
Cannie: And after the rampage, my sisters long since fled back to our small town and the powerful angel BOSS appeared,
Cannie: He still allowed me to evacuate despite my sis’ betrayal.
Cannie: But he altered the deal to which I’d evacuate to a random world so nobody’d be able to track me, and that I couldn’t return.
Cannie: I was just fed up with everythin’, I had nothin’ left. So I just fucked off here.
Cannie: I survived off the streets since I arrived, with my streetsmarts.
Cannie: Pickpocketed, mugged others, got into fights with thugs, sold illicit things…
Mary: Crime was the only thing you could turn to? Seriously?
Cannie: Look, I was left with nothin’ after I was evacuated, s’ was the only thing I was good at to get by.
Cannie: Luckily, I came across a gang called THE PRIESTS OF EXTATEM.
Cannie: I held my own against them when they tried to mug me, and gained the respect of Storm, their leader, when they couldn’t defeat me.
Cannie: Even offered me to join their gang. I accepted and rose through the ranks with my strengths and powers, eventually becomin’ leader, with Storm as my mentor.
Cannie: I’m livin’ a better life with people who respect me, sure,
Cannie: But… I still feel empty, I can’t fill it no matter how free I am now…
Cannie: I… have guilt… I ABANDONED my family and the few people I still cared about
Cannie: And left them to die. I BROKE my PROMISE to save them!
Cannie: I have to make things right!
Cannie: I’ve been gatherin’ weapons, items, and puttin’ my gang through trainin’.
Cannie: All in preparation for us to get back to my world, and rescue my family.
Mary: You’re looking to get revenge?
Cannie: Fuck no. The people who wronged me are already throwin’ their lives away for a pointless war.
Cannie: I only want to get my family and friends out of there.
Cannie: But the only thing… The ONE DAMNED THING that is preventin’ me from savin’ them is not knowin’ the COORDINATES to get back home!
Cannie: I NEED to get back there and rescue them off that dyin’ rock.
Cannie: Then take them with me to another world besides this one so nobody tracks us.
Cannie: My Momma, my two sisters, my friends…
Cannie: I’m runnin’ out of time…
Cannie: Only I can help them

She puts her head on the table, covering her face with her arm

Cannie: And you… You all are the only ones who can help me…

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The PIZZA PARTY huddles to discuss what to do about this

Gerbera: Soooo… thoughts?
Mary: I… think it’s a bad idea to let her back there.
Mary: Uncontrollable anger, turns people away, uses emotional abuse to get what she wants, hurts good people like Jerry…
Mary: Even if she isn’t like that, her attitude will hurt herself if not anyone else.
Gerbera: Yeah, but you can’t forget that her family is probably being manipulated.
Gerbera: And that someone else is looking to kidnap one of her sisters.
Gerbera: Everyone there is also in danger of getting killed in a war!
Mary: But what if her paranoia is making her over exaggerate?
Gerbera: Either way, her family needs rescuing…
Gerbera: I just get that feeling that she just really misses and needs her family
Gerbera: And her family misses and needs her…
Gerbera: And even if they don’t want to be saved, they could probably try to at least debate with her and convince her otherwise?
Gerbera: They are family after all, they should know how to take care of her.
Mary: Unlike me and my sis. Gerbera, People like her and my sister don’t change. I waited for my sister to be better, but all she did was make things miserable for everyone
Gerbera: But you gained confidence since we met. Maybe it’ll be different when you see your sister again? Stand up to her and get her the help she needs?
Mary: Maybe… There's just too much unknown here. I think you’re the tiebreaker, Boss.
Gerbera: Hmm… What do you think, My bud?

Jerry doesn’t really care either way, but he thinks if she leaves with the gang, NEW CRUST CITY would probably be free from the PRIESTS’ crime spree. He’s also worried she might get revenge on him during a future SITUATION if he doesn’t HELP. But on the other hand, with her world becoming dangerous, would they be sending her to her death if they let her go? That’s probably something that might weigh on him. But then again, she did take down an entire gang by herself…

Marlee: Umm… excuse me… sorry to eavesdrop.

The PIZZA PARTY is startled to find Marlee in the middle of their huddle circle

Marlee: I’m Marlee, I was requested by my cousin Storm to watch over Cannie.
Marlee: I wanted to say that while I’m really hoping you’ll help her…
Marlee: I’ll understand if you feel uncomfortable doing it.
Marlee: She’ll likely forget your encounter by tomorrow after she drinks enough here.
Marlee: But as somebody who’s job is to try to keep Cannie’s emotions under control…
Marlee: I can help her calm down if anyone over there tries to clear up any misunderstandings or get her help.
Marlee: But… ummm… I might not be the best at it… she’s scary…
Marlee: And… if you help Cannie, w…we will be sure to give you something real good.
Marlee: Uh, um… you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Jerry thanks Marlee. But right now, they’re at an impasse, So he tells Cannie that he will let her know his answer next UPDATE. In response, Cannie doesn’t respond and instead calls Jordan over for another bottle of Tequila.

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: Decide whether Cannie should go back to her home world to save her family or not

- Giving your answer will not waste an action. You can still pick three actions after giving your answer
- Whatever your choice is, you can also tell her whatever you want her to hear concerning her situation. (She might become angry at you depending on what you say, but she might also consider some things even if she’s angry and doesn’t show it. Don’t worry, she won’t hurt you.)

- You will be rewarded with something.
- Cannie will head back to her home world and attempt to help her gang gain strength, and then try to save her family and some of her friends from that world.
- Gang activity from THE PRIESTS will calm down in NEW CRUST CITY
- Cannie will try not to be involved with the war, but will oppose ANYONE trying to stop her from saving her family and friends.
- Will she keep her emotions in check this time, or will she cause more problems once she's back?

- You won’t be rewarded.
- Cannie will never see her family again.
- She will probably become a problem to NEW CRUST CITY (but you won’t come across her in a SITUATION in this quest, don’t worry).
- Cannie will no longer be a part of the CATALYST storyline, not causing any SITUATIONS in that world, but will leave questions unanswered.
- Will she be able to emotionally move on from this?

…Maybe PEA will make a quest about her one day???

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Well that happened. That’s gonna take an update to think about. For now, Jerry thinks he wants to talk to someone a bit happier. This is a comedic quest after all! He sits at the barstool in front of Jordan.

Jordan: Sorry about Cannie…
Jordan: She's been really stressed lately, causing her to drink and lose her temper.
Jordan: More so than usual each passing day… I'm worried about her, despite her outbursts and troublemaking…
Jordan: Let me know if she bothers you again and I’ll ban her from the… blackmarket...
Jordan: Here's your pizza back, heated right back up, and still fresh.
Gerbera: I understand why she would act this way… hope there’s some way we can help…
Mary: …if she wanted our help, She shouldn’t have treated Jerry that way.

Jerry thanks Jordan, and assures her that Cannie's assault towards him is far from the worst SITUATION he's been in. It’s par for the course.

Jordan: You poor thing… This job isn't healthy for you and I'm worried. You really need to get out of that profession and find something new.
Gerbera: like acting as THE ZA and danc-

Jerry shushes Gerbera harshly, and assures Jordan he's going to really step up on job searching.

Jordan: That's good. I wish you luck then. Want a drink before you hit the road?

Jerry says he’ll think about it, but asks if she might have heard anything about MARINATION UNIVERSITY he should be aware of.

Jordan: Hmmm… OH!
Jordan: Apparently, some of the college students who drink here mentioned TALENT AGENTS, all the way from BIRCHBARK looking for new talent fresh from the university.
Jordan: So a lot of the acting students are really going to be putting their all into it during their final shows in college, and are going to bring a lot of attention.
Jordan: Apparently, too many actors are facing controversy and getting canceled these days, so BIRCHBARK executives decided it’d be easier to search for new talent to replace them.
Jordan: Makes sense, since it’s unusually dead here today…
Jordan: But… ugh… I just KNOW it’s going to be super crowded later after the fest…

Aww, shoot. Looks like the university is going to be crowded today. Jerry hopes that he can get through the crowds of people in his rush. But at least now he knows the cause of it is the TALENT AGENTS. Perhaps something can be done with that?

Jordan: Also! I think I heard some kind of famous fighter is going to be there as well…
Jordan: I forget where she’s from though, probably somewhere far far away, but I think she’s coming to inspire and do Q&As with the aspiring students.

Huh? A fighter? But this is an art and acting college. Fighting isn’t acting, is it? Maybe this person is both a fighter and an actor? Hopefully, she doesn’t interrupt Jerry’s pizza quest like Armstrong did…

Jordan: Hmmm… well, I think that’s all I got as far as rumors go. Hope that helps.
Jordan: Do you need anything else?
Mary: Weren’t you hungry, Gerbera?
Gerbera: Nah, I’m good.
Gerbera: I was only hungry because I didn’t have contact with the sunlight, so I couldn’t photosynthesize.
Jordan: Well, if you ever need a drink before you hit the road, let me know!

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Jerry thinks it’s time to drop some things, and pick up some things, so he thanks Jordan for the info and gets off his seat to do some things. Jordan also offers to watch the pizza until Jerry gets back and he takes her up on that offer.

After arriving at the MUSHEUM, and reaching the reception desk. He lets the receptionist know that they’d like to speak to the curator to return something that belongs to them. It's only a few minutes before the curator is summoned. It’s a large bull named Butch!

Butch: Hm, yes? I was told you got something for me?

Jerry says they recovered a lost artifact that was stolen by a hermit crab about 10 or 15 updates ago, and presents it to the bull.

Butch: My word! It’s back!
Butch: Thank you so much, my boy!
Butch: We were going to display it here. Yet, a hermit crab got wind of it, and replaced that diamond seashell with his own dirty broken seashell. Guess he was looking for a new home.
Butch: But now it’s back! I’ll let P.I.Zzander know of your accomplishments, I’m sure he’ll make you a hero, and give you recognition!

Jerry gives a hard no on that, saying that he’s had some issues with that jerk in the past, and would rather be anonymous on this matter.

Butch: ah, can’t blame you for that.
Butch: But I have to reward you somehow…
Butch: Hmmm… How about this, I could give you one million ₵A$H…

Jerry’s eyes widen at this proposal

Butch: Or I can give you this rare artifact…
Butch: The Illeg- err.. I mean TOTALLY LEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7
Butch: The ultimate powdered donut out of the seven, which is said to give a random ability from one of the powers of the other six donuts for one update upon taking a bite
Butch: And it also regenerates, so if you take a bite out of it, it will later regain its dough and powder!

No question, the answer is obvious! It's no contest what he wants most, and with a reward like that, he can be sure to be much happier for the rest of his life! Without a second thought…

Butch: You… Want the donut?
Butch: Uhhh, that’s a surprise, but okay.

Jerry asks why? The choice was super obvious.

Butch: Nevermind, nevermind.
Butch: Be warned, do NOT eat all of it, it is very dangerous to do so.
Butch: Not that you should eat it… it’s more for display as it holds historical significance.
Butch: Actually, don’t eat it at all. I’m not sure why I even brought that up.
Gerbera: Huh? How come you haven’t displayed it yet if it has historical value?
Butch: We’ve been trying to find a way to ask for permission to do so without getting in trouble, but couldn’t, considering it being pretty dubious.
Butch: And because of its dark history… you sure you want to know?
Gerbera: uhhh, I’ll let Jerry decide. I think I’ll get a headstart to the bank. Some things are better left unknown, as they say.
Mary: Me too. We’ll wait for you over there, boss.
Butch: Smart!

Gerbera heads off on his way with Mary, and Butch begins his explanation

Butch: I’m sure you know the seven powdered donuts… but are you aware of why they’re illegal in 17 different countries, and where the sugar came from?

Jerry shrugs, and thinks it's because of their different sugar rush powers, high sugar, and dangerous crashes and tells him to get to the point

Butch: Yes, that can contribute to why it’s illegal, but it goes further than that.
Butch: It is illegal in 17 different countries because it was made from 17 different countries.

Jerry wonders, so what? So the sugar is a combination of different sugars from those countries.

Butch: No, I mean LITERALLY made from 17 countries!
Butch: Forged from “THE SWEET, SWEET CATASTROPHE” in which a bakery from the other side of the world, and around the time interdimensional travel was invented, used MANA from another universe to create the worlds sweetest cakes.
Butch: misuse of mana caused a cataclysmic explosion turning the span of 17 countries to SUGAR!
Butch: That sugar on those donuts are 1/17 of 17 countries in a single donut
Butch: All the happiness of the people… All in those 7 donuts.

Jerry is taken aback by this, has he really been eating countries!? He asks where the donuts even came from.

Butch: Greedy people wanted to profit off of a tragedy, and decided to harvest that sugar since the sugar contains MANA, and put them on donuts.
Butch: Thankfully, the government over there managed to stop them, but 7 of those donuts somehow made it out into the wild.
Butch: We managed to possess the ultimate one as it seems to have the source of the mana that caused that explosion in it, hence why it replenishes the donut and gives different powers instead of one…
Butch: But if we can’t profit off of displaying it, and you’ve been honest enough to return our seashell, I think you’re responsible enough to keep it safe with you.

Jerry thinks Butch is a hypocrite…

But mostly, he can’t believe how fucked that is… Well, the mana would explain the weird powers it gives people. He tries to reason with himself that the countries have been destroyed long ago before his birth, and the tragedy probably subsided by now. This could be considered something good that came out of this tragedy if it manages to help someone in constant SITUATIONS like him…

Butch: I’m just glad those countries are slowly recovering.
Butch: In any case, thank you so much for your help. We can finally put this seashell on display.

He shakes Jerry’s hand and he moves on.

Jerry decides to switch the screwdriver with the new donut he has in his HAMMERSPACE, and holds onto the screwdriver for now

- The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you a single power from one of the other 6 donuts depending on a 6 sided dice roll! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.
-This donut will regenerate
- powers include 1. Just being tasty, 2. Slow perception of time 3. prescience 4. bounce and swap places with anything in your line of sight at high speeds 5. lightning reflexes! Or 6. eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception
- Eating the whole thing will give you a HEART ATTACK, potentially ending the quest as Jerry gets sent to the hospital. It’s recommended you just take one bite from it. (or give it to someone you hate, but Jerry doesn’t want to kill anyone)

No. 1086139 ID: 7c55ad
File 171014210477.png - (161.62KB , 2560x1440 , 185.png )

Finally the bank. Gerbera and Mary greet Jerry. Nothing interesting going on here, Jerry just decides to first withdraw 2500 ₵A$H, bringing his total he has in his wallet to 3761 ₵A$H, and his bank amount to 1500 ₵A$H. He figures he can probably use the money for that one interdimensional wrist watch later for him and Mary to communicate with, and something on the side

He next deposits his notebook (but not before taking a pic of his notes. Really should have done this sooner and is kicking himself for not doing that), and ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #2. While Jerry has a regenerative donut, it’s still good to have a backup stored in case he loses it, or he can share it with a friend! Or maybe give it to Mary later. His species survives off junk food after all. He next pockets his SCREWDRIVER to replace the notebook, giving him more room in his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION.

Meanwhile, at Jerry’s suggestion, Gerbera decides to store their radio (they figure it’s low on batteries, so it’s best to save it for later). They aren't as sure about his advice to withdraw about 300 ₵A$H, until he starts to explain where they might be going, mentioning that Gerbera needs to refill the ammo for his gun, and the :pizzid: DRONE PROTOTPYE and THE LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE.

Gerbera: Huh? BLACK MARKET has a :pizzid: DRONE PROTOTYPLE?!
Gerbera: How’d they get that?!
Gerbera: Okay, I gotta try and buy it, and then give it back to our boss RICARDO. That’s :pizzid:’s confidential property!

Gerbera withdraws like, 3000 ₵A$H instead of 300 ₵A$H.

Gerbera: Don’t worry, my previous guard job left me with plenty of money to spare.
Gerbera: I’ll still have to be careful with my budget, but taking back what is rightfully ours is more important!

And with that out of the way, UPDATE 18 is now finished. The last thing Jerry does is UNBLOCK w2K from his phone, as they’re friends now. He then thinks about his next options. One thing he should think about is whether to get the coordinates from his uncle Ricardo to help Cannie save her family from a world ending war that could be happening soon if it hasn’t already in her old world, or if it is better for her to stay here. Thankfully Deciding whether or not Cannie should go back to her world or not is a FREE ACTION and won’t waste an action. He also thinks about shopping since they withdrew ₵A$H.

OH WAIT! Jerry takes the bananas out of the bank too. Whew, he almost forgot!


- SIDEQUEST: Convince Purr Feckt to kick Mary out of this quest and bring him back into his own quest where he belongs!
(Jerry already got Mary a bunch of wood and seeds (you can see what they are here >>1030255) , now all that's left is to try to convince Purr Feckt to give Mary the coordinates back… Though if you want, Jerry did find a PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE at the black market to give to Mary before he heads back.)

- SIDEQUEST: Find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael to give her for free to improve customer satisfaction!

SIDEQUEST: Give Purr Feckt some flowers to help with the NEGOTIATIONS for Mary
(Jerry can get some at the store)

SIDEQUEST: DON’T use the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN so Gerbera can give it to Snowpea in its highest quality
(Jerry failed this quest, but it doesn’t matter too much. He can probably refill it though at the BLACK MARKET and have Gerbera give it to Snowpea later… or not. It’s not Jerry’s highest priority)

SIDEQUEST: Succeed in Rocio’s challenge to not use an item on 5 separate UPDATES during a SITUATION or PROBLEM
(you have 4/5 left!)

SIDEQUEST: Get Eugene, or his disguise over to the Cardboard box in the Alley!

NEW SIDEQUEST: Decide whether Cannie should go back to her home world to attempt saving her family or not

REMINDER: Purr Feckt will come look for you sometime after UPDATE 20, but will appreciate it if you see her sooner (she will not find you in the SECOND CHECKPOINT though, this is a safe area)

REMINDER: the chances that Purr Feckt will find out Jerry rummaged through her purse is currently 15%, but you can lower it more by switching the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE with regular water

REMINDER: Gerbera’s clothing destruction ray gun is out of ammo.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind you don’t have to finish ALL these sidequests. There are no completionist prizes in this quest, so don’t worry.


Jerry ₵A$H:

Gerbera ₵A$H:

Jerry Bank
- 1500

Gerbera bank
- ???

Jerry’s Hammerspace

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE (15% chance Purr will notice Jerry used it) - Jerry didn't steal this, he just hasn’t had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, Jerry would hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), a pair of handcuffs. Water bottle full of sweat, And pretty much anything else you want. The more Jerry uses this, the higher the chance Purr Feckt will find out it’s been used. Currently at 15% chance she’ll find out.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7 - The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you a single power from one of the other 6 donuts depending on a 6 sided dice roll! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma. This donut will regenerate. powers include 1. Just being tasty, 2. Slow perception of time 3. prescience 4. bounce and swap places with anything in your line of sight at high speeds 5. lightning reflexes! Or 6. eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception. Eating the whole thing will give you a HEART ATTACK, potentially ending the quest as Jerry gets sent to the hospital, so only take ONE bite.

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT – It is SUPER ABSORBANT, more than a towel… seriously, why the fuck is this even a deodorant and not marketed as a cleaning supply??? It won’t just absorb water, so be creative with what it can absorb when suggesting to use it! Also makes you and things less smelly!

- BANANAS - Can use the banana peel to make someone trip! (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael)

Jerry’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 3761 ₵A$H) in pocket

- JERRY’S SMART PHONE – Contains phone number to the pizzeria, his uncle, Harmon, Vincint, Purr Feckt, Rocio, Iraphena (1000 ₵A$H for her fortune telling services) and Felafaf (will tell your fortune for free, but at the cost of having 9 SABOTAGE points the next update) the Sweaty Kitty’s, and w2K. Gerbera are blocked. In pocket.

- SCREWDRIVER - has a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

- LIGHTER – lights things up. In pocket

- CIGARETTES - take a smoke. In pocket

Jerry’s Equipment

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO





Gerbera’s Hammerspace

- GERBERA DOLL - Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

- THE ZA COSTUME - Dress up as ’s mascot!

- MACE - Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

- CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN (0% ammo) - Destroys the clothing of an individual.

Gerbera’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 3000 ₵A$H, their business card, A picture of SNOWPEA) in pocket

- KEYS - to their home, in pocket

- SMART PHONE - contains Snow pea’s home number, Jerry’s Smartphone number, Snowpea’s Smartphone number, :pizzid: pizzeria, Snowpea’s work phone, Snowpea’s parents phone number. In pocket.

Gerbera’s Equipment:

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO



Mary's Inventory

CLIPBOARD AND PEN - self explanatory

Mary’s Equipment:

VINEGAR’S HAIRCLIP - from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It gives whoever wears it a weirdly comprehensive knowledge of chemistry. (Equipped)

CONWAY’S THONG - Merch from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It makes you feel way happier with yourself but also makes you wanna wear minimal clothing (Equipped)


>With Gerbera here, they will do some actions on their own unless you recommend they do something else. They will automatically leave with Jerry if he decides to continue the pizza delivery.

(can do TWO things with this action)

Listen to Jordan’s gossip
- Seems like she’s got some interesting information about MARINATION UNIVERSITY… but what could it be?
you already got gossip from her.

Get a drink
- Jerry will become INTOXICATED, which means the author (ME!) will for 5 updates, vote 1 point into HELP or SABOTAGE, and even vote which item he wants.

Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse
- Jerry will remember who this person is, and might learn something important out of them depending on how things go.
You already know what their problem is

Heat up the pizza
-if your pizza got cold, Jordan will allow you to borrow her oven and heat it up.
Jerry doesn’t need to warm up the pizza right now.
- You can give them back the VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL for something REALLY GREAT.
You already returned the seashell and got a donut from it.

>BANK (can do multiple things)
- Lets Jerry withdraw or deposit ₵A$H
- Gerbera can do this too on their own, but the amount they’ll pull out can’t be controlled. They refuse to tell you how much they have.
- Jerry has 1500 ₵A$H in the bank and 3761 in pocket
- attempt to rob it (Jerry is not DESPERATE enough to do this)
- store an item (This is your last chance until after the break)
- Jerry has NOTEBOOK and ILLEGAL DONUT #2 he can pick up here. Gerb has their radio here, and who knows what else?

>Go to the store!
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 3761 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 3000 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. System must be broken probably. So go to the bank first.
-You can buy and sell LEGAL items here
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H tho.
- Jerry has room for 1 ITEM. Gerbera has room for 1 ITEM


- LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS = NAME YOUR PRICE! THE HIGHER, THE BETTER! (this will make Mary’s mood and friendship with Jerry SKYROCKET depending on how much Jerry buys, and will affect the ending depending on if you manage to find a way to get Mary back home. This won’t be in your inventory, Jerry will just have it shipped to the Pizzeria.) (Jerry already enough to get Mary’s farm going if he returns to his world, but he could always buy more)

- BANANAS = 1 ₵A$H (can use the banana peel to make someone trip!) (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael) (You already have some in the BANK)

- IMPORTED SPRING WATER BOTTLE = 500 ₵A$H (Expensive because it’s imported from a rare hot summers, which is better than a hot springs! can be used to hydrate.) (can replace the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE from the purse to decrease the percentage of Purr Feckt’s detection that Jerry used it by 5% bringing it down to 10%) (Expensive because it’s imported)



- POLAROID CAMERA = 19 ₵A$H (Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside its more common use of taking photos.)

- GOOFY STRING = 20 ₵A$H (It can be a belt, a rope, a bracelet, a bundle of rubber bands and more! Comes in COLORFUL and EVEN MORE COLORFUL styles. You can also eat it! It tastes like liquor flavored licorice! It comes in a can with 3 uses)


- A LOT OF SHEEP = 100 ₵A$H (You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep…)


- RICE = 5 ₵A$H (Good for drying out your phone. (Sweaty Kitty would probably like this)

- DUCT TAPE = 100 ₵A$H (Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!)

- DUCT TAPE GNNUY = 300 ₵A$H (It's a gun with little bnnuy ears at the end. It shoots a retractable roll of duct tape that you can use to pull yourself, but requires duct tape to reload after a few uses or the adhesive will wear off. Acts like a grappling hook, or a tape gun with a child friendly shape so it's not censored in over 17 countries! Kids love it, parents hate it! (can be merged with Duct tape)

- FLOWERS (NEW)= 20 ₵A$H (can be given to Purr Feckt to help convince her to help bring Mary home.)

- BATTERIES (NEW) = 10 ₵A$H (gives something POWER, like Gerbera’s RADIO


- PURR FECKT’S PURSE = select a value between 1-500 ₵A$H for the items Jerry will sell from inside the purse. (The more ₵A$H you want, the emptier the PURSE will be and the higher the percentage Purr Feckt will find out you used the purse increases, and the more you’ll stress Mary out)
Entire Purse is 1000 ₵A$H, (Mary will cry if you sell the entire purse, and you won’t use the purse to effect the percentage on how Purr Feckt will help Mary one way or another)

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7 = (can’t be sold here.)

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = 1 ₵A$H (because it’s been used)

- BANANAS = .50 ₵A$H

- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 3761 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 3000 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. They probably don’t want any investigators to track this place through someone’s bank history.
-you can buy and sell ILLEGAL items here
- I have items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you for guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H
- Jerry has room for 1 ITEM. Gerbera has room for 1 ITEM
- if you want to buy some REALLY EXPENSIVE items here, sell the SEASHELL. you no longer have the seashell.


- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #1 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, be really really tasty… That's it. It’s actually really the most attractive donut, and you can give it to someone to trade or negotiate for almost anything you want from them, materialistic or otherwise. But after about [1 Update] the person who eats it will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma.



- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #6 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, Make your eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma, and a desperate need to blink).

- ANGERY RUBBER DUCKY = 1200 ₵A$H (Its squeaks taunts your target, making them angry enough to focus on attacking the person who is squeaking at them. Jerry thinks he can trick Gerbera into using it in a situation to make a getaway)

- WEED = 500 ₵A$H (technically not illegal anymore, but they still sell it to make it feel like the good ol’ days when it was illegal)

- MIND CONTROL DEVICE = 250,000 ₵A$H (Discounted and Nerfed (this will let you mind control your target. But it’s been patched since Jerry has been in the last CHECKPOINT, so it won’t make the quest too easy. Can only be used for 1 update and the price lowered.)



- POWER CAPSULE = 500,000 ₵A$H (lets Jerry use a SUPER POWER for 1 UPDATE. The power is decided by what the voters want it to be.)

- JOTUND’S MIGHT = 400,000 ₵A$H (makes you bigger and stronger, almost as strong as Mr. Armstrong! can’t be reversed if used)


- drone prototype = 2,000 ₵A$H (This was an invention from Jerry’s uncle… but it didn’t work out well. Somehow it ended up in the BLACK MARKET)

- TEAL SPOTTED MUSHROOM = 10,000 ₵A$H (Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.)

- ELECTRONIC MAIL = 400 ₵A$H (An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.)

- SPECIAL MONOCLE = 2,300 ₵A$H (Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.)

A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE = 2 ₵A$H (A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.))

THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!! = 600 ₵A$H (Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.))

- PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRIST PHONE (Equipment) = 1000 ₵A$H (Cell service that can cross dimensions, time is a bit wonky though, so some service exceptions may occur. But if you upgrade the service plan for an extra 2000 CA$H it CAN be reliable! Too bad you don't want to spend the extra ₵A$H. At least while you're here it works perfectly. Can be for Mary so he can communicate with Jerry if he goes back! Also so he can do stuff while he's still here in case it all goes tits up.)

- HIRE DYON (3 Months) = 20,000 ₵A$H/month (Dyon is a slime girl with the unique ability to copy and paste superpowers. Sometimes. Dyon can copy a power if she maintains contact for approximately thirty seconds; most powers will be removed from her menu after three months. Her paste therapy takes one month on average (give or take two weeks) and has a success rate of 100% for D-class powers, 50% for C-class powers, 30% for B-class powers, 10% for A-Class powers, and 5% for S-class powers. Dyon has permanently copied the [Electrokinesis], [Lesser Transmutation], and [Dreamstuff Pymary] abilities for herself and can use them at will. Dyon is a horrible employee. She demands payment up front, is brash and abrasive, almost never follows orders, and will bail the moment she can interpret a technicality in her contract. But if you can take the time to earn her loyalty, she'll renew her contract for peanuts and may even increase her copying success rate.) (NEW)

- VORETEX = 250,000 ₵A$H (Every vore fetishist wants one of these. This cyber-psionic augmentation creates a user-friendly portal to a pocket dimension in their orifice, which connects to a giant bio-module attuned to the user's DNA. Long story short, anything that gets eaten will fit. Banned in all civilized eating contests. Rumors of the ability to vacuum objects are considered silly.)

- A KODAMA DOLL DRESSED LIKE A MAGICAL GIRLl = 5 ₵A$H (You're not sure why this is at the black market - is that the shriek of an angry harpy in the distance? Grumpy insists you buy now or never speak of this again.)

- ONE-WAY DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL DEVICE = 1,000,000 ₵A$H (RESERVED). (Apparently it’s a device that can allow someone to travel to any dimension they want, provided they know the coordinates. However, it only has enough power for one use, so it’s a one-way trip. Looks like somebody is already going to buy it. So he can’t buy it.)


- WATER BOTTLE FULL OF THE SWEATY KITTY’S SWEAT = 1,000 ₵A$H (but the detection level will go up by 10% (total 25%)

-PURR FECKT’S PURSE = Besides the water bottle full of the Sweaty Kitty’s sweat, They find nothing of interest, but don’t tell Purr Feckt that… actually, do tell her, it’ll be funny.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7 = (Jerry is NOT selling this)

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = They are not interested.

-BANANAS = They are not interested

>Read a newspaper

-Learn some lore, get hints, look at advertisements, get a sidequest, and other stuff.
- Has something about a virus going around affecting people, ads, and info on the university that catches Jerry’s eyes.

>Chill with Vincent and/or Harmon

- They might give you some helpful advice, or maybe give you a side-quest.
- Harmon and/or Vincent can potentially help you convince Good ol Grumpy to give you a DISCOUNT at the BLACK MARKET,. But it all depends on how your negotiations go with each of them, what you give them, and who is with you. a dice roll will determine afterwards whether they will join you or not
- base percentage of one of them helping is 50% each
- depending on what Jerry tells them to help decrease the price could either increase, or decrease the percentage, choose your words wisely! Or don’t. Have fun with it!
- You’re chances to get their help after spending another action to talk to them after each fail increases by 10%
- you can spend multiple actions to try to get their help in each UPDATE
- your chances to get their help also improves by giving them a certain pizza with various results (you can only give one pizza related item to one of them)
(A piece of the customer’s pizza increases by 50% (will decrease customer satisfaction though))
-Vincent will automatically help you if you got WEED (you don’t have any, Find some in the BLACK MARKET maybe)
-you can only give one person one item per action
-Your chances to get their help might increase or decrease depending on who you’re with.
(Mary has no effect on the percentage)
(Gerbera decreases chance of recruiting one or both of them by 30%, they think Gerbera is UNCOOL)
-Current percentage of getting Harmon or Vincent’s help at getting a discount is currently 20% each

>All purpose repair store
-fixes something you broke,

>talk/text someone
- Can be anyone you want
- Up to 3 people can be talked to in this action.

>ITEM MANAGEMENT (this is a free action and won’t count towards an action, this includes throwing an item away, or putting an item in or out of your inventory)

This will continue Jerry’s Pizza journey.
No. 1086141 ID: eb0a9c

On one condition: She has to plug the power vacuum. Leave NCC a better place than she found it.
Trick the other gangs into an ambush that will warp them all into the Catalyst warzone, forcing them to band together or die out quickly.
Meanwhile, the successor gangs picked by Cannie should be sponsored by the council and under the thumb of the government for a limited time.
If she can't do this, then it means New Crust City needs her more than her old family does.

Hire Dyon for $650 today
Buy ammo for the clothing gun $300
Electronic Mail $400
Kodama doll $5
And the drone thing $3000
Try to haggle for a bulk purchase discount.

Read Newspaper

And talk to 3 people whatever
No. 1086150 ID: 2f41db

Jerry should:
Have a drink with Cannie.
While doing that give her the coordinates.
No strings.
If she questions that,
Say something badass like "i'm a pizza guy. We deliver."
Try to squeeze in a action hero hand shake like Carl and Arnie outta predator.
Leave saying something cool like
"bring em home cannie."
Wear yor pizza coat as a cape. Ho
E for dramatic breeze.

The jerry should:

Buy that weird doll and some redwood seeds for mary.
Tell him about how large they grow and how long it takes.

Try to convince gel that the rubber duck would be awesome for his doll to ride on.

The drone sounds neat too.

Then get ready to head out.
The pizza must flow!
No. 1086161 ID: 30f3c0

Give her the coordinates and your reservations about it.
No. 1086214 ID: 2b155e


I agree with this suggestion.
No. 1086225 ID: 5ebd37

Jerry just had a reconciliation with someone he wronged in the past, I think he should give Cannie the chance to do the same.

should buy the ID phone and the kodama doll
No. 1086240 ID: 0ce5cf

Let's start with Cannie, as that's a pretty big can of worms. Short answer: Jerry should give Cannie the coordinates.

Cannie isn't a great person, and I don't think she's really changed all that much. She's always been a bitch, and she still is here. Importantly however, she does want to do the right thing. Cannie makes a lot of bad choices, but she isn't straight up evil or anything. She just has a lousy temper and a power that seems tied to her anger. She doesn't deserve to be banished from her home forever because of that. If her family doesn't want to be with her, that's one thing, but that wasn't the story we were told. Her family didn't cast her away, they just wanted to stay for personal reasons. Even if they did fight, we don't know that they don't want her back.

Cannie may be a biased storyteller, but hers is the only account we have to consider at the moment. She admitted to enough of her own faults that I think we can accept it as true for the time being, if perhaps leaving out details others would find critical. With all of that in mind: Cannie deserves a chance to go home and protect her family. She left before, abandoning them to fight without her. Now she wants to make things right, and I think she deserves that chance.

Mary will be against it, he's made his thoughts on her clear. Make sure you talk to him about it before you give Cannie your answer.

Instead of having Jerry tell Cannie anything, I think it'd be better to let Mary talk to her before she goes. He's been on the other side of a familial relationship with someone like her, so I'm sure he has plenty of things he'd like to say to her. Not that he hasn't said a bit already, but I think it'd be right to let him have the last word on this.

With that settled: Jerry actions!

- Have a drink with Cannie: Stealing this from someone else's suggestion, but it's a fun idea. Let's get Jerry a bit tipsy, while giving Cannie a fitting send off. I would also like to suggest that Marlee gets a beer the same size as everyone else's, and that she's just swimming around in it, getting absolutely wasted by absorbing it through her skin.

I'd suggest something similar with Mary, but due to his experiences I don't think he'll be up for any alcohol. Maybe just some chocolate milk for him.

- Read a Newspaper: Nice and simple bit of time killing right here. I like the Crust City lore, and wanna see what we get from this.

- Leave: We've got a delivery to make, and time's a wastin' Speaking as the resident SABOTEUR, you're gonna want the extra time for when SITUATIONS become PROBLEMS.

Now, Gerbera clearly intends to head down to the black market. He wanted to pick up that Pizzid Drone Prototype after all. Instead of spending a whole action following him, let's just hand him some bills and ask him to pick up a couple things for us as well.

As for what to get:

- Special Monocle: My meta-sabotage on this quest is, naturally, slowing it down by giving Polt more to draw. Truly, I am a villain. On a more practical level however, this would be equipment, and therefore shouldn't take up any inventory space, which is good because we're sort of lacking at the moment. This does also create the possibility that Jerry will confuse what he sees upon reaching Rachael's dorm with leaving his monocle on, making it less likely he fucks up on the customer service.

...Does the monocle go over his sunglasses, or under them?

- Angery Rubber Ducky: Of course I'm gonna support this, this is a prime SABOTAGE tool in so many circumstances. If other people are down, then you can count me in too. Unlike the monocle, this will immediately cause an inventory problem for us, which I propose solving in one of two ways: If we're leaving this update, then just make Mary hold onto it until we pitch an item. If we're staying, then maybe we can convince Vincent to come help us by offering SK's Deodorant? The scent-blocking properties would help him hide the scent of his weed.
No. 1086790 ID: 75b262

For Cannie, this is a tough decision, but I vote to give her the coordinates. She’s not the greatest person, but she’s carrying a boatload of regrets and her ship’s full of holes. She’s gonna sink into despair at this rate, and she has no coping mechanisms to bail herself out of this. So before I drown in boat metaphors, let’s cast off any doubt: let’s give her the coordinates.

She’s not happy now, she’s got no happy future here, and the only resolution she sees is in going back. There’s death and destruction back home, but it’s still home. Godspeed, Cannie. Jerry should wish her not a good time, but a goodbye, and have a final drink with her to speed her along.

Now that that’s outta the way…


Hell yeah, donuts. Thank you, brave 17 countries, for your sacrifice. We’ll think of you every time we taste this delicious donut.


1. Drink with Cannie

2. Read the Newspaper to see if there are any fockses rooting around in the trash or blonde streakers in alleys

3. Leave

Tell Gerb to go to the black market and get:

The SPECIAL MONOCLE with Jerry’s cash. Polt, feel the meta pain of having to draw x-ray vision! I for one would love to see a monocle’d Jerry with the lens over the sunglasses. Classy!

KODAMA DOLL: Could be useful as a distraction for nerds

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