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1028430 No. 1028430 ID: e1017c

Little is known of the uncharted land of Orenthar. But, with one of the two greatest empires of the civilized world looking to stake a claim to the land and its supposed riches and resources, many would-be explorers have answered the call to make the journey to the new world. It's a long trip by boat, and all voyages to Orenthar are first stopping at the Merchant Guild's off shore rig. You are one such brave adventurer, seeking work as part of an exploratory expedition.

This is a quest I am kind of using as a pre-alpha test to a co-operative tabletop style game I am attempting to work on. As such, there will be segments focusing on grid based combat. Since I have not had a chance to test any of these rules yet, please bare with me during these segments.
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No. 1028523 ID: 629f2e

Lazurek (Jungle) is my pick.
No. 1028524 ID: ce39da

Winged Engsami - Sleep.
No. 1028525 ID: ab8442

Engsami, Hallucinogen
No. 1028528 ID: 060b37

Nedynvor are fun!
No. 1028530 ID: e1017c

>Errata, replace the final part of "Hallucinogenic Gas" ability to read " Roll 2D8 against the adjacent target’s Mind stat. If successful, target rolls 1D6 each time it makes an attack action for 1D3+1 rounds. On a 1-2, their attack action automatically strikes an adjacent ally, or misses as they swing at a hallucinated foe if no adjacent ally is available."
No. 1028533 ID: 4c0dea

Engsami: Hallucinogenic Gas
No. 1028535 ID: 4c0dea

and male
No. 1028538 ID: e1017c

Addendum: Winged Engsami with Hallucigen gas (female) for glorious thunderlizard thighs
No. 1028540 ID: 96c896

Lazurek (Mountain)
No. 1028549 ID: 2aa5f0

Engsami (Winged): A smaller breed of Engsami with large wings for arms. They wield weapons with their taloned feet.

Sleep gas

wonder if our gas is flammable?
No. 1028554 ID: 30b187

Male engsami with Tough.
No. 1028561 ID: 2b3343

Lazurek (Mountain)

Big fluffy boy.
No. 1028563 ID: 9b127b

Winged Engsami male, eyes are good for reading maps. and wings can get up high cliffs and generally great for scouting/exploring
sleep breath
No. 1028565 ID: 5d9787

Engsami with Hallucinogenic Gas.
Things are not always what they look like.

Would I be safe to assume our potential companions would come from the same faction?
No. 1028566 ID: 056ca0

Winged Engsami, female, with sleeping gas
No. 1028567 ID: 33f0ce

Engsami: Hallucinogenic Gas
Dinosaur paleontologist time baby.
No. 1028577 ID: 513ff6

We are a young male Engsami with Hallucinogenic Gas
No. 1028578 ID: 67181a

Non-winged engsami with snooze gas
No. 1028582 ID: 12b116

First choice would be nedynvor but that's not going to happen. Regular engsami is my second choice, but I like sleep gas better.
No. 1028584 ID: 894419

I second this choice
No. 1028588 ID: e1017c
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"Yes, the Customer is a male Engsami. This One is sorry, this is all just a formality for the paper wo- Excuse me? Hallucinogenic gas? Yes, er... of course. It did not need that for the paper work, but it is good to know... Now, what service will you be providing the Expedition?"

Ruffian – A rough and tumble brawler who made their life on the streets or as some manner of brigand.
Weapon Specialization – Fist weapons, Unarmed Attack, One-handed Melee Weapons
Starting Skill[/b] – Furtiveness
Abilities – The Ruffian may dual wield One-handed or Fist Weapons. When Dual Wielding, a character may make one normal Attack Action with each weapon against the same target for 1AP.

Wizard – Born with the ability to weave spells, they are either a natural prodigy or a learned student of one of the Mage College towers.
Weapon Specialization – Staff
Starting Skill – Arcane Lore
Abilities – For every spell currently in the wizard’s tome, the Wizard gains an Arcane Shield that increases their armor by +1. As spells are cast, they are temporarily removed from the Arcane Tome.

Dragoon – A warrior riding into battle atop some manner of steed, such as a Sand Sail or a Droth.
Weapon Specialization – Polearms, Two-handed Ranged Weapons, Shields
Starting Skill – Muscle
Abilities – When a mounted Dragoon makes a move action, they may pass through a single enemy occupied space. If they do so, the enemy does not get to make a Free Strike and the Dragoon’s mount may make an Unarmed Melee attack against that character.

Militant – A close in fighter who may have once been or may currently be a soldier.
Weapon Specialization – One-handed melee, Two-handed melee, Shields
Starting Skill – Intimidation
Abilities - When an ally, in an adjacent space, is struck by an enemy attack, you may roll a D6, on a 4+ the Militant becomes the new target of the attack, regardless of position in relation to the attacking enemy. If wielding a shield, also reduce this damage by one to a minimum of one.

Apothecary – A specialized field medic with the tools and know how to brew potions/ salves to heal or buff allies and hinder foes.
Weapon Specialization – One-handed melee
Starting Skill – First-Aid
Abilities – Other expedition members will not attack an Apothecary unless attacked first. Apothecaries also bring with them Healing Salves: 2AP, target self or adjacent ally, target regains 1D4 lost Hit Points. If applied to a downed ally, they will wake up and rejoin combat in the following round.

Hunter – A skilled tracker, outdoorsman and master of ranged combat.
Weapon Specialization – Two-handed Ranged Weapons, One-handed melee, Thrown
Starting Skill – Tracking
Abilities – Roll an extra die when making basic Attack Actions against a target that is adjacent to an ally, or ensnared by a Trap.

>Please vote for which occupation the main character will be. Each class has a starting skill. The next post will go over skills and allow an additional skill to be selected. As well, each class has a list of advancements they can gain at level up which will be covered when it comes up.
No. 1028592 ID: 629f2e

No. 1028593 ID: 12b116

No. 1028595 ID: c92a02

Hunter, or lizard wizard.
No. 1028596 ID: 344f1d

No. 1028607 ID: 0055dc

No. 1028609 ID: 060b37

apothecary sounds fun.
No. 1028610 ID: 284627


Mixes well with our gas me thinks
No. 1028612 ID: 96c896

The gas requires us to be adjacent to the victim. Apothecaries won't be targeted unless they attack first, which means if we use the gas, we will be vulnerable and also next to an enemy.
It works best with a melee combat role or someone that doesn't mind getting into melee briefly, so either Ruffian, Dragoon, Militant, or Hunter. Non-winged Engsami are Tough so they work very well in the tank role.

No. 1028614 ID: 9b127b

Apothecary, lizard doctor
No. 1028624 ID: f3c9f0

Hunter or militant.
No. 1028625 ID: 5d9787

Let's violate the Harkness test.
No. 1028627 ID: ce39da

Apothecary or Wizard - We are the Boss Nerd of this group, and we can hire other people for on-the-ground navigation if we run into a situation where flight isn't safe.
No. 1028628 ID: 75b861

Out of one of the most bloodthirsty races ever made, a humongous nerd is born.

You frighten me good sir.
No. 1028635 ID: 629f2e

I'm kind of feeling Archeology for some reason.

As for name, I think something short and simple would suit us best. Something people can easily call out if they need help sounds most fitting for an apothecary.

I'm thinking Oliver, or Olly for short.
No. 1028636 ID: c92a02

Curtis Zisa.
Language lore, the best way to map unfamiliar lands is to ask the locals, and it's best to know when they are using nouns and not proper nouns.
No. 1028638 ID: e1017c
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"Ah, an Apothecary! Yes, very good, The Customer will be in high demand in Orenthar! Many likelihoods for one to be injured in the wilds. Now, It believes there is just one more question to ask. Could The Customer please provide any other additional areas of expertise, and sign The Customer's name, please.

>Please select 1 additional skill to begin with. Additional skills may be gained, and/or improved, through Advancement later. Additionally, please suggest a first name for the male Engsami Apothecary, one will, likely, be randomly selected unless multiple suggestors back a single name.

To perform a skill, choose which skill from the character’s available list of skills you would like to perform. Roll 1D8 + the character’s MIND stat + the character’s rank in the skill. Compare the result to the skills target difficulty. Roll 1D4 instead if the character is currently engaged in melee (an enemy is occupying an adjacent space). All skills start at Rank 1.

Basic Skill list
Find Trap/ Secret – Detects traps, secret passages, or hidden items in any adjacent hexes

Bushcraft – Allows the character to gather food and/or construct makeshift shelters in the wild with very little equipment or supplies

Thievery – Allows a character to attempt to pilfer belongings from an adjacent target

Tracking – Allows a character to attempt to follow a trail left by an animal, character, or mobile object

First-Aid – Allows a character to attempt to stabilize an unconscious ally and prevent them from bleeding out. Additionally, this skill may be rolled after a combat encounter has concluded to allow all party members to regain 1 lost hit point.

Negotiate – Allows a character to attempt to improve the disposition of another character to make them more open to discussion or even possibly consider a non-violent solution to a problem.

Cooking – Allows the character to attempt to prepare enough food for a party of 4. Eating a good meal will fully heal a party member during a long rest.

Archeology – Allows the character to attempt to identify and interact with ancient artifacts.

Furtiveness – Allows the character to attempt to sneak past unaware characters. Only works if the character is outside direct line of sight, or able to hide in shadows.

Technomancy – Allows a character to use and maintain Technomancy devices.

Beast Lore – Allows a character to attempt to gather information on a creature or enemy type they have encountered more than once.

Arcane Lore – Allows a character to attempt to gather information on a spell or spell specialization they have encountered more than once.

Language Lore – Allows a character to attempt to gather information on unknown languages and attempt to learn to speak or read said languages after repeated exposure.

Intimidation – Allows a character to attempt to force one or more characters to back down or give information through display of force, or threat there of.

Muscle – Allows the character attempt to use their impressive strength to move heavy objects, force open sealed doors and other feats of strength.
No. 1028639 ID: ce39da

As we wish to be hands-on with the cartography (and there doesn't seem to be a dedicated skill for that), I'd pick Language Lore. (We'll definitely want to hire people with Find Trap/Secret, Tracking, and Archeology, though. Second opinions are important!)

Actually, is it possible to write in a Cartography skill? Whatever the case, let's hope our Mind stat is decent, of course.

Kosroh is fine.
No. 1028640 ID: e5709d

No. 1028642 ID: fd36da

Cooking. It’s just chemistry, too.

Ashtender, or Ash, of Greyvale.
No. 1028643 ID: 5d9787

Name: Tlipoca

Would first aid complement our profession or would it be redundant? Depending on the answer my vote is either this or technomancy. I guess we have some interest in the inner working of thing, living or not.
No. 1028644 ID: 344f1d

Negotiation - a healer would want to AVOID fights when possible
No. 1028646 ID: 284627

Cooking since I’m pretty sure our job makes the first aid skill redunded.

As for a name… Doc… it’s just what everyone calls me
No. 1028647 ID: 3aa06e

Cooking, no one wants to have a garbage meal after a day of adventuring in unknown the unknown world. It'll keep our spirits up and when we find them, a good meal will keep morale for our allies.

Name: Sidzeek

Some people shorten it and call you Sid or Zee. That's usually people who are your friends which you don't have right now.
No. 1028651 ID: 422cea


We will heal through the power of medicine and technology.
No. 1028683 ID: 4c0dea

Our name is Theseus
No. 1028685 ID: 0055dc

The Name's Jeb

Cooking for the skill. As a non-mashroom we probably arent going to be atarting with technomancy items and it will probabky be a while before we can get any. The mashrooms arent even part of the faction that got chosen.
No. 1028686 ID: d0108b

Skill: Cooking
Name: Kosroh
No. 1028711 ID: 36784c

No. 1028714 ID: 4d7a41

considering how savage some engsami clans can be I'd like to think that if we do get cooking as a skill we would joke that anyone we can't save we can turn into rations.
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