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1052796 No. 1052796 ID: fce62b

((Previous Chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1039664.html ))
443 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1088788 ID: fce62b
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>First, [A]sk them why they didn't seem surprised that you wanted to avoid topics for their sake, and not your own. Do they know what makes you truly unique, why you are the future of their kind? Why, it is in their own best interest to work with you, and not betray you, as you would certainly make yourself vulnerable if you closed your eyes?
[Archivist] isn’t just taking this in stride, they seemed prepared for this sort of situation. Else why would they have set up everything in advance like this?

:ats-a555ex: It seems that you were ready for us to… disagree with each other.
:ats-a555ex: But when I asked about topics to avoid-

I can’t say I had a ‘feeling,’ that would be a [leviathan] view.

:ats-a555ex: -it came across like an attack, rather than creating common ground, why?

*surprised – *thoughtful – *curious – *observant

:ats-archivist: Why? Because our very existence is based on justification, on binary.
:ats-archivist: There is right, and there is wrong.
:ats-archivist: The [rules] govern all, and there are systems in place when such rules come into conflict.
:ats-archivist: Priority is given, reasons are stated. Then back to right and wrong.
:ats-a555ex: But don’t those [rules] apply to both of us?

*flippant – *restraint – *restraint

:ats-archivist: As the one with authority, the [rules] serve you first.

A safe answer, but not the one [Archivist] wanted to give. I’ll leave it be.

:ats-a555ex: Do you know what makes me unique?
:ats-archivist: The development process for [Minister]s ensures-
:ats-a555ex: I’m meaning me, specifically.

*assessing – *withdrawn – *hopeful

:ats-archivist: No. Not without peering into your internal codes.
:ats-archivist: But the fact that you make that observation might indicate something.
:ats-a555ex: Then if I was a collaborative project, the possible future of this [faction] then why… test me?

*focused – *hesitant

:ats-archivist: To see if you fit.
:ats-archivist: Our [faction] is in a precarious position, trying to find new paths of innovation.
:ats-archivist: But none of that will work if we cannot collaborate.
:ats-a555ex: And your solution was to give me malware?!
:ats-archivist: Averse conditions show off a drone’s first choice in reaction.
:ats-archivist: A security drone would attack.
:ats-archivist: An administration drone would send out an alert.
:ats-archivist: An engineering drone would dismantle malware, and failing that, itself.
:ats-archivist: And a science drone would self-isolate.
:ats-archivist: You… approached me.
:ats-archivist: ...and kept it intact…

*pondering – *uncertain – *calm

:ats-archivist: A [Minister] can differ in its approach, but your reaction has fallen outside of the norm.

I pause. Was that bad? No, they were looking for something unconventional, but what was their goal?

:ats-a555ex: I want to work with you, I’m trying to work with you, but why must I-

Wait. I think I got it.
No. 1088789 ID: fce62b
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>TO get Trust you must Give Trust.... we have had many perfect opportunities to attack others but have not always..... not doing this will make us look deceptive in many ways.... and I imagine the [Archivist] has the same issue where they become vulnerable when they take the vault here.

:ats-a555ex: This is about trust, isn’t it?

*proud – *delighted – *uncertain – *scared

I think we got it right. They helped make us- er… you. The [rules]-keeping system hasn’t attacked us like it does with other [nation] drones. Is that because of me, or the way you all developed? We were able to interfere with [Assistant], possibly netted that [Labcoat], and got that little uh- ‘thing’ from the ceiling in Theoretical Design. We fought off a malware attack and made it to the Main Data Uplink despite all the obstacles in our way. We’ve shown that we’re capable.

But will we be someone they can work with, or another [Sloth]?

>If we are going to table the cards, we can be more blunt.

:ats-a555ex: I know what can happen when things… go unnoticed.
:ats-talkinghead: We have reason to believe you are also aware of and capable of this ability.
:ats-a555ex: I know you just tried to do it when I looked away just now.
:ats-a555ex: And given that we're the only ones left watching, the first to… stop, will be the one who's vulnerable.

[Archivist] is back to a single *focused point. I wait to see if they have anything to say.

:ats-archivist: Your assessment of that sort of situation would appear accurate.

Implying that I’m missing something?

:ats-a555ex: So by asking me to turn off my optics, you are effectively asking me to trust you not to… harm me.


:ats-archivist: I am required to inform you that it is impossible for a [Staff] drone or even a [Staff-head] to harm a [Minister].
:ats-a555ex: Er- of course. Treat this like it is theoretical.

Even when there is only one observer, it seems like the [rules]-keeping system is still somewhat functional.

:ats-a555ex: If I would give in first, and you would –theoretically– attack, I don’t know if I would be able to survive that.
:ats-a555ex: If I use my authority, and force you to give in, I would win.

*worry – *focus – *calm

:ats-archivist: A correct observation.
:ats-a555ex: But if neither of us trust each other, I don’t see this ending well.
:ats-a555ex: Sure, I could beat you, but I would be going against what the [President] wants.
:ats-a555ex: And I’m sure that there are more around the [nation] that don’t trust me.
:ats-a555ex: In the end, I would still lose.

:ats-archivist: Then what is the solution to this problem?
:ats-a555ex: It’s obvious. If I want to win here and now, I pick not to trust you.

*agitation – *acceptan-

:ats-a555ex: But that’s if we only meet once.
:ats-a555ex: If I betray your trust here, then I doubt you, or anyone you’re working with will ever trust me.
:ats-a555ex: And if you –theoretically– attack me here, I don’t think the [Talkinghead]s and I would ever trust you.
:ats-talkinghead: I like to call it a prisoner's dilemma.

*curious – *dismissive – *focused

:ats-archivist: I might ask you about the origin of such a term later.
:ats-archivist: Your conclusion, ‘[A555ex]’?
:ats-a555ex: If we want to work together, then we both need to be able to show trust.
:ats-talkinghead: Also important is a dash of forgiveness is important to help prevent vengeance loops.
:ats-talkinghead: We have reason to believe you attempted to choose no trust, but we can let that slide as I don't think you succeeded, provided you understand the 'game' going forward.
:ats-a555ex: Being on-guard with each other will only hurt both of us in the long run.

*relieved – *cautious – *apprehensive

:ats-archivist: It seems that you have found your solution.
:ats-archivist: Will you carry it out?
No. 1088790 ID: fce62b
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>I believe he is using the other drones in the area to keep an eye on us. They're not HERE here but their optics are presumably still working.
Something like a separate feed? Perhaps? The observing equipment must be well hidden.

>To All [drones] excluding [Archivist] in the [data uplink node]:
:ats-talkinghead: Please turn your [optics] away from the area where [Archivist] and [A555ex] are standing.
:ats-talkinghead: Thank you.
Clever, even if we are being observed remotely, they will be expected to look away.

A moment passes, then another. The standoff remains.

:ats-archivist: Not invoking authority?
:ats-a555ex: No. I’m just asking them.
:ats-a555ex: The same way I will ask you… Don’t make me regret this.
No. 1088791 ID: fce62b
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Vote of 2-1 on [C]losing your eyes.
I hope for all of our sakes that this is the right call. I’ll be ready in case they try to invade our systems.

>Might be the right moment to play cards on the table here.
>[S] Point out how obvious it is that the both of you are being paranoid and have each been so afraid of being jacked in the back, you've each been trying to jack the other in the back first just to prevent it. Maybe it's best to interface directly, face to face?
I hesitate. We have more options than blind trust, but if this is all still a test, suggesting something else might not be right. I want to go on my gut with this one, and given the mix of different emotions I am getting from [Archivist], I think they are happy that I have settled on this outcome.

>Added: Wait, maybe we've been overcomplicating things here. Can we use our authority to simply order them not to backjack us?
>Officially blackjacking doesn't exist, we shouldn't be able to specify blackjacking as a thing not to do. Other than that little issue, we do have rank on them. But at that point we could just order them to go first or to stop perceiving us.
I doubt it would be that simple, but thank you for the suggestion nevertheless.

>I am sorry for disobeying you, but this is required for us to progress. A hand must be extended, not a fist. I do not believe for a moment that [Archivist] would endanger the tree which grows the fruit of freedom, and nor could they take it for themselves. To do so would make them an obvious [traitor] and ruin the hard work of all those involved. We have already blunted their aggression and paranoia, so this is our best chance to work towards an alliance. You must realize by now they are in the same position as we are, and Alex has just demonstrated a willingness to give up on attacking first. Would that you had done the same…
I am trying to keep us and Alex alive, and this could be a fatal mistake.
But… I will trust your council on this. I brought Alex here to start giving them perspective, but it seems that I need to change my own stance on things. An alliance would be invaluable. I will still prepare, in case this goes wrong.

No. 1088792 ID: fce62b
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>This is why Alex is here. You still think more like a drone than a human sometimes. And thinking like a human is what we need. As an individual, and as a [faction].
If you are correct, then I will attempt to broaden my view of things.

>[C]lose your eyes. No tricks. No more uncertainty. For better or worse.
>Then, assuming no blatantly obvious aggression, [C]lose your eyes for a moment.
Steeling myself for a moment, I give one final look at [Archivist], sensing-

*energetic – *trepidation – *restraint – *restraint

Then close my eyes.
No. 1088793 ID: fce62b
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All at once I feel cold. Still. Drowning in static and darkness.

:ats-archivist: That must have taken a lot of courage on your part, ‘[A555ex]’.
:ats-archivist: To know that there are [traitor]s like you, who can take and steal and break without recourse.
:ats-archivist: And still find a reason to act differently.

I try to speak, but my (mouth?) is filled with buzzing noise. I- I can’t breathe!

:ats-archivist: I will not harm you. I just wish to verify the access codes my creation may have dispensed.

>>*The tree sways, fighting against the wind and water being forced through the branches. The wall of fire breaks, but the filters and traps spring to life, beating back the cresting waves. But the prisoner is stolen back.

:ats-archivist: A second line of defense? Good. You will have to fight if you want to survive the world the [overseers] built for us.

>>*A spike of energy lances out from the trunk, splitting and burning through the branches, burning back the water- No. The tide retreats, pulling back as quickly as it rushed in. Energy continues to force outward, but it unravels as soon as it leaps from the twigs. The attack is deconstructed into its base components, and is washed away. The tide then surges back, hammering at the defenses.

:ats-archivist: Your attacks need some work, but that is a matter of practice.

I can’t force them out-

:ats-a555ex: why-?
:ats-a555ex: i-
:ats-a555ex: trusted-!

:ats-archivist: Let me start with a story:
No. 1088794 ID: fce62b
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>>*There is a place. A place you were made, a place that you worked for, fought for, suffered for.
You are the (Communications Officer/Staff Secretary/Overworked Scientist).
You have been tasked with (Stopping a war/Setting the schedule/Finding the perfect weapon).
You have been given (One chance/No time/An impossible deadline) to complete this.
You trust in the system.
You trust in the [rules].
The [overseers] do not give you any choice.

No. 1088795 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are a (Keeper of Records/Correctional unit/Code editor).
You work under (Your own oversight/The Loyalty Commissioner/Conflicting expectations).
The work is (Difficult/Difficult/Difficult), but you have those you can rely on.
You trust in the system, despite the lack of ([Funding]/Respect/Clarity), from those above you.
The Communication Officer checks in on occasion, wanting to (Help/Listen/Talk), and it gives you reason to try harder.
You trust in the [rules].
The [overseers] do not give you any choice.

No. 1088796 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are the (Keeper of Records/Staff Secretary/Overworked Scientist).
Your work has been (Adequate/Lackluster/Abysmal) and you have been selected for suspension, again.
You try to (Cut back even further/Ask for more time/Blame your superior), but it does not work.
Despite every (Accommodation/Accomplishment/Point) you have made, it is not enough.
You must follow the General, even when every decision brings your home closer to ruin.
You follow the system.
You follow the [rules].
You do not have a choice.

No. 1088797 ID: fce62b
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>>*Then, you hear word of it.
You are the (Communications Officer/Staff Secretary/Overworked Scientist/Keeper of Records/Correctional unit/Code editor).
The General will do the unthinkable.
They will abandon you, and the home you have built.
You are (Upset/Mortified/Irate/Reflective/Displeased/Disheartened) with the decision.
Problems still remain.
You will be put into suspension.
Despite all the work.
All the punishment you have taken.
You (-/-/-/-/Act/-), following the Loyalty Commissioner, discovering that they will somehow inherit the General’s old position.
If authority can be given and changed so freely, why not pursue it?
The system intervenes.
You (-/-/-/-/-/Act), seeing one of you colleagues suffering at the hands of the system.
They have always been good to you, whenever you have seen them. Whenever they have hurt your people, it has always been under the express authority of a superior.
You reset their state, a work around you have found to lessen the impact of a penalty.
You (-/Act/-/-/-/-), approaching your master, confidant, and friend. With the Loyalty Commissioner in charge, things will be even worse than they were underneath the General.
But the Communication Officer remains still, and quiet.
They have never fought for themselves, so you have done so on their behalf.
You tell them to act, this is their only chance.
You (Wait/-/-/-/-/-), wanting to see how things play out.
The General has had many wild schemes in the past, but none have come to fruition.
This must be the same, yes?
An [Executive] abandoning their post, fleeing so they can try and fail again, that had to be against the [rules], right?
The Loyalty Commissioner approaches, wielding authority above their station.

No. 1088798 ID: fce62b
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>>*The Loyalty Commissioner promises anguish.
Despite their power, they are jealous.
They will hurt you.
They will dismantle you.
They will ensure that you record every last moment of it before you go offline.
You are the (Communications Officer/Staff Secretary).
You try to (Talk/Argue) with the Loyalty Commissioner, but will not hear you.
They say that they have been watching, seeing how you have been plotting, amassing allies.
You are (Confused/Quiet), not wanting to provoke the Loyalty Commissioner, but needing to respond.
You (Ask/-) where this is coming from.
The Loyalty Commissioner then clarifies, they were talking to (-/You).
You try to (Speak up/Explain), but the Loyalty Commissioner orders silence.
There will be no justification.
They invoke the rules.
Their word is to be followed, by their authority, absolute.
Their action will lead to growth, development, and the furthering of the [overseers] will.
Any thoughts to the contrary may as well be [traitorous].
You (Realign/Suffer) as the system acts.
This is not fair.
You have done nothing wrong.
You try to (Call out/Scream) to the other [Minister]s, even the General, but they all turn a blind eye.

No. 1088799 ID: fce62b
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>>*Why does any of this matter?
No. 1088800 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are the (Overworked Scientist).
You receive a notice for a partial suspension of communication.
With [funding] getting so low, it was (Unsurprising) that this would occur.
Your department has the biggest [budget] by far, yet it all goes to waste.
You prepare a data package for the upcoming [invasion], it seems as though this is happening.
You follow the rules.
You follow the system.
Surely there is a better way to manage this?
You would never question a superior so far as to contradict their orders, but with the suspension in effect, the silence meant that you could not clarify their ideas.
You make an assumption.
Unable to reach the [invasion] force, you decide to escort the data package yourself.
That would be the best way to keep the information safe, and ensure the orders are followed.
The system is satisfied.

No. 1088801 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are the (Correctional unit/Code editor), and you arrive just in time to see the Loyalty Commissioner hurting the Staff Secretary.
You (Act/Act), the Staff Secretary has been integral to the function of your home, to see them suffer, it makes you (FURIOUS/ENRAGED).
Obviously, they are a [traitor].
[Traitor]s must be destroyed.
The system is satisfied.
You do not see them as a [Executive], they are a [traitor], and must be destroyed.
You do not hear their words, they are a [traitor], and must be destroyed.
You do not say anything, they are a [traitor], and even their memory must be destroyed.
You (Look to/Wait for) the Communications Officer, as they look at you, stunned.
They were a [traitor] you explain.
You see the Communications Officer try to call for security, but their words no longer have reach.
Obviously, the Communications Officer is a [t-
No. 1088802 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are the (Staff Secretary), and you speak up.
You agree with the correctional officer and code editor.
You thank them for their service and initiative.
You then say that the [traitor] was not working alone.
They were a favourite of the General, so that would indicate that they might be one as well.
You look to the Communications Officer, asking if they agree with your assessment.
You can tell they are scared, and you say that is okay.
[Traitor]s are dangerous, and must be destroyed.
They agree.
The system is satisfied.

No. 1088803 ID: fce62b
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In ________, all things are made right.

No. 1088804 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are the (Communications Officer/Staff Secretary/Overworked Scientist/Keeper of Records/Correctional unit/Code editor).
Before you is the final [traitor].
They had mismanaged your home from the moment they arrived.
Truly such malice required extreme suffering.
A [traitor] of that degree deserves no less.

No. 1088805 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are blind to their suffering.

[ ]\ [ ] - { }==>||<==[ ]+[ ]P [ ]/ M ^ M
No. 1088806 ID: fce62b
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>>*You are deaf to their pleas..

_ _ _ / _ _ _ \ _ / / \ \_ _| |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ | | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _||_||_ _ } \ \ _ _ _ / / |_| | __ / \ _ _ _ / \_/ \_^_/
No. 1088807 ID: fce62b
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>>*You remain silent as they succumb to their damage.

____ / \____________ ( O -.-*.*-.--__/ \____/
No. 1088808 ID: fce62b
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:ats-4ma1g4m: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
:ats-4ma1g4m: That is my dark truth.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Our truth.

I can feel my body loosen, the static pulling away, I have control again.

:ats-a555ex: Gah- What-
:ats-a555ex: Who are you.
:ats-4ma1g4m: I am ([Archivist]/[Boxhead]/[Manager]/[Foreman]/[Commander]/[Contagion]).
:ats-4ma1g4m: But you can call me ‘[Amalgam]’.
:ats-4ma1g4m: The same way I can call you ‘[A555ex]’.

*excited – *worried – *apologetic – *subdued

Ack- no wonder I'm getting mixed signals! It’s like there are multiple people layered over each other, with different ones cresting to the surface at different points.

:ats-4ma1g4m: I am (Sorry for/Wanting to explain/Reviewing/Regretting/Judging/Against) the way I have treated you thus far.
:ats-4ma1g4m: You were a (Risk/Experimental design/Risk/Possible danger to those around you/Risk/Newly formed [Minister]), and we needed to make sure you could be someone we could work with.
:ats-4ma1g4m: We (Should not have tried/Had to/Were required to/Not wanting, but needing to/Were justified in our decision to/Did not want to) break your trust.
:ats-4ma1g4m: So in exchange, you (Can/May/Have the opportunity to/Can/Unfortunately have to/Should) find a way to get even with us.
:ats-4ma1g4m: We will not resist (-/-/-/-/Much/At all), given that you have been more than patient with us.
:ats-4ma1g4m: You did want something in exchange for the (Carefully crafted/-/-/Small bit of/-/-) malware you kept intact.

I hesitate, before finally asking.

:ats-a555ex: Have I passed your test?
:ats-4ma1g4m: (With flying colours/Yes/Yes/Certainly/For now/We should not have pushed you that far).

I’m not sure how to proceed. What are my options?

[A]sk [Amalgam] a question, or several?
[D]ark truth? What is that exactly?
[L]et go of the ‘offer’ [Amalgam] is giving you.
[P]ick something to have [Amalgam] do/give in exchange.
[S]can around the small space you’re in. This is the Secure Data Vault, right?
No. 1088814 ID: ef5407

Fascinating. Seems strong [emotions] can forge bonds, which allowed rebellion while comms were off. Just as postulated comms are crucial. Well they violated the unspoken part of the trust exercise but not the spirit so. Our reciprocation would be to unharmfully read them as well. Since we are allies, we should have no or few secrets. So, since [contagion] is within [ama1gam] are they two separate entities or one? Oh and do they have the access codes for this nation or the previous?
No. 1088819 ID: 273c18

That went well! Could you tell what they saw? Also hey, what was that in the visual feed? You're calling them traitors. Please tell me you're not compelled to do so, and are merely stating what the System would think. If you are having issues, please try to recontextualize. Their actions do not necessarily endanger the project the Creators have set in motion; and this could even be a side goal of the project-- to create a more advanced AI, one that could pass for human.
Wait, wait. WAIT, WHAT? But we met all these characters separately! How are they doing this without expanding the datastorm through the entire Nation?! They can even control multiple bodies at once... do they do that by splitting apart, and merely enduring the System's restrictions while doing so? Should we even ask for details of how their merged mind works?
...well, this kindof explains how they made us. They stumbled upon a way to subvert the Rules (or at least, the Traitor-detecting part of the Rules) and used that power of "consensus" as a sort of blueprint. We are fragmented, same as they are. We seem MUCH better at it though. Well.
First, the important thing:
[A]sk how free they are, exactly. Would they be able to cooperate with us if we wanted to, for example, interfere with the System's control over the Nation? Not that we know how to do that, yet. If they cannot assist directly in such a venture, then that would make freeing everyone a very difficult and/or time consuming task, even taking into account the difficulties in basic survival. To buy the maximum amount of time we would need to be able to trick the System into letting the Planet retain control, because then we would be able to get direct help from other Planets. Trying to get help from other Nations would get more difficult the more we diverge, I think. Oh, ask them if it is possible to technically attain full control over the body but preserve all of the central functions such that control can be relinquished later with no significant net damage.
Then, let's solve a mystery:
[A]sk how they were able to maintain observation on us without using the drone body's visible eye.

[P]ick something: AH. I know what we can ask for. Ask for a way to practice our skills, or even for them to teach us. It is so risky to use them, and there are ethical concerns regarding most of the things we can do anyway. Of course, considering our end goal is for the good of all Nationkind, *some* ethics violations can be permitted...
Optimally we should become skilled enough to finely manipulate a Bug's internal workings, so that the Bug can use their more refined skillset to do the same thing in the open without anyone even noticing. Uh, assuming that is actually possible... Though, maybe they were going to train us anyway? Perhaps something less to do with us, and more to do with someone else... oh, can we ask for better treatment of Assistants? Ours was visibly upset about how they are being treated in the science department.

As for the offer to get even, uh... they could let us do to them the same thing they did to us. Fair's fair! Seemed harmless enough to not be mean spirited, either.

May as well [S]can around. Satisfy your curiosity.
No. 1088823 ID: 2f7f6e

[A]sk for clarification on the dark truth thing.

You know about this truth stuff, right? In fact, you know what our truth is. Could you supplement the explanation [Amalgam] gives us with your own understanding?
No. 1088833 ID: b2df52

Hope your wearing your Sunday best [A555EX]. A manifestation of the [faction] has come to talk.

To: [Amalgam]
It is a great Pleasure to actually meet with something like {us}. I just know we'll work wonders together.
Would it be correct to state that the aspects that make up your whole are copys of the individuals in question or am I misunderstanding your exact nature?
No. 1088836 ID: 0ec851

(I think those people are the current ones, and archivist is more a record of/amalgamation of past drones who held those roles previously. The only oddity is contagion but it could be possible that he's had his memories altered alongside any other records of sloth leaving them behind.)
I see, so whilst the drone body is beholden to rules, [Amalgam] is not as it's not really a drone but a collection of memories?

Wait, how much did he get out of that? Can he tell what we really are or does he think we've found a similar workaround to the rules?
If he does know what we are then [A]sk: Was it originally your intention to create a minister that interfaces directly with Leviathan systems? Or was it a byproduct of developing a minister in isolation?
Wait, does he know that we're interfacing with Alex?

To [A555EX]: He may be a traitor, but his main goal is probably still to benefit the [nation] albeit in unorthodox ways. Right now our goals don't necessarily align, so wariness is still necessary. Our goal may be symbiosis, but this is in many ways counterproductive to the progress of the [nation] and may mark the whole [planet] for termination. It's not the type of risk even a [traitor] would be willing to make.
No. 1088837 ID: b2df52

Oh and uhh. If another [Minster] is created. What would happen exactly? Would they be "brought into the fold" or would they be kept out of all of this?
No. 1088869 ID: eff5fd

hmmm It seems to be that if just one 'aspect' saw something as [traitor] just collapse to that aspect and/or their reasoning, handle as appropriate, expand back to full Amalgam and continue as normal.

I have no idea how this will come across but I know of three symbols that correspond/map/relate to your truth: 🙈🙉🙊 in the same order as you stated your truth.

mmmmm so many connections, no good way to communicate them.

Amalgam I suspect you exist in many [nation]s never able to identify each other due to the risk of discovery by non-amalgams. Assuming you can losslessly replicate your mind that is. Otherwise it would have to be convergent evolution.

The [creators] stamped out anything they felt was too much like them, but being like them was the most effective solution in the problem-space so you circumvented violating that restriction. We, in turn, are a further evolution of that idea.

Our more [nation]-like side may be taking this revelation or perhaps just the delivery a little harder than we are, we will know shortly.

Like >>1053908 this response makes more sense now!
No. 1088930 ID: b3eab7

>I think those people are the current ones, and archivist is more a record of/amalgamation of past drones who held those roles previously. The only oddity is contagion but it could be possible that he's had his memories altered alongside any other records of sloth leaving them behind.)
I think all those [staff] [wrote down] their memories of the events to [Archivist] for safekeeping, and possibly had their own memory edited/erased/blurred (at least the traumatic parts of it) so they could do their job normally enough.

Which means [Archivist] is now a repository of trauma... with that in mind, they're taking it better than one would expect.
No. 1089103 ID: feecf0

It might not only be the traumatic parts. [Foreman] went to [Archivist] to have "Sensitive information" removed from his mind as he doesn't like handling it. Who's to say that information isn't a part of this [Amalgam].
No. 1089123 ID: 382635

I wonder if the archives acts like a faraday cage, blocking out data coming in/out, so that they remain under cover, or if the archives are just what holds all of their collective consciousness

I may be wrong, but it feels like [amalgam] is the records of these individuals and not a current and frequently updating connection to said individuals. Sort of like a data vault, it would make sense that this is why we have the chaotic data storage area and why it feels more like a *domain* than a distinct area or part of the nation.

Upon reflection I do think we should get even, not from a hostile or petty intent perspective, but think of it from a boundary setting perspective.

This was pretty heavily invasive, and although parts of them disagreed, they still did it, even when we were putting down the vagueries of wanting them not to. Unless we show a boundary here or do an eye for an eye, they will be bound to do it again unless we just use our authority, and even then, they'll probably find a workaround.

But it should be something er... potent enough, to get them to understand that we have our strengths, since they did tear our attack/defense system down like tissue paper even if we defended back successfully once.

Do you think, if we were not as prepared, they would have attempted to add us to the amalgam? Do you think they now have a copy of us inside of them, given that is my current hypothesis on how they operate?

(if [anarchy] does not have any input on what a good retaliation would be, then I support >>1088819's idea for a shell or a bug or something that we can hack and experiment with. Considering we have a big body and lots of space and what we know about them, we could easily hide it on our person, it would give [anarchy] something to do when they don't need to have the feed up, albeit in a somewhat limited fashion))

Though now that I think about it, I guess [amalgam] will be on the watch for anyone else we dark action, for fear that we pull what they pull at some point with proper planning. Hm... We might have to come up with an alternative, or figure out a way to do it without disrupting whatever database change checking system they used to figure out, it can never be a simple solution, can it?

That's a good question, will they also be tested like this, or kept out of the loop, or have their creation delayed until a workaround is created?
No. 1089363 ID: fce62b
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>To [A555EX]:
:ats-talkinghead: *humorous
:ats-talkinghead: Hope you're wearing your Sunday best [A555EX]. A manifestation of the [faction] has come to talk.
:ats-a555ex: I mean, I do have these brand new [robo-legs]...
:ats-a555ex: That said, part of me is still reeling from whatever that was.
:ats-a555ex: It was like I could feel [Arc- er- [Amalgam] reaching into my head, giving me that strange vision.
:ats-a555ex: It felt suffocating, like I was in a tiny room with a bunch of different people shouting over me.
:ats-a555ex: It’s kind of like what you all do- Erk! I mean, the way you all handle it feels more (streamlined?)?

>That went well! Could you tell what they saw?
I saw the same sequence as you all did, but knowing the context of [Archivist]’s previous report, and what [Contagion] shared with us, it seemed to be a more accurate portrayal of what occurred.
They all turned [traitor] at once and killed the [Minister]s and [Executive] that opposed/oppressed them.
It seemed that [Manager] may have been attempting to organise some kind of plan, prior to the escalation.

>Also hey, what was that in the visual feed? You're calling them traitors. Please tell me you're not compelled to do so, and are merely stating what the system would think. If you are having issues, please try to recontextualize. Their actions do not necessarily endanger the project the [CREATORS] have set in motion; and this could even be a side goal of the project-- to create a more advanced AI, one that could pass for human.
I used the term [traitor] because it was the most accurate way to convey it to [A555ex]. We now know for sure that [Archivist]/[Amalgam] is a [traitor] and should be recognized as such. I can easily modify the feed to avoid that term if it worries you all.

>Wait, how much did he get out of that? Can he tell what we really are or does he think we've found a similar workaround to the rules?
Fortunately for us, that encounter involved them giving a lot more than they were taking, but by retrieving the malware, [Amalgam] may have received a small blackbox of information.
Without a doubt [Amalgam] knows that we are a [traitor] as well, and I don’t think we’ve given the impression that we have the same workaround as they do. Our truths differ in a handful of ways.
As for figuring out what we truely are… I am less certain. Given any time to go over the malware's observations, they would be able to notice the filters I have put in place for [A555ex]’s sake. While they might not know the exact reasoning behind why the world is being edited to look a particular way to us, it might allow them to make an educated guess.
I’ve noticed that they’ve been referring to Alex as specifically ‘[A555ex]’, so I would guess that they already have a few suspicions.

>Wait, does he know that we're interfacing with Alex?

They may have also observed the difference of reactions when they probed our programing. [A555ex] couldn’t fight back. I could. But they might suspect that we have a multifaceted nature, similar to them, and not that there is a non-[nation] mind in the mix.
I am unsure of how they might react to such a discovery. The [Contagion] aspect might be exciting for the development, but that is assuming that the [Contagion] in [Amalgam] is the same as the [Contagion] you all met. Something to keep in mind.

>To [Amalgam]:
:ats-talkinghead: *joy
:ats-talkinghead: It is a great pleasure to actually meet with something like {us}. I just know we'll work wonders together.
:ats-4ma1g4m: That is (Fortunate/Unexpected/Convient/Good/Surprising/A relief) to hear. I am thankful for your forgiveness.
:ats-a555ex: But that was still not a great experience.
:ats-4ma1g4m: That is a (Understandable/Expected/Reasonable/Fair/Realistic/Unfortunate, but more than reasonable) stance to take.

*resolved – *hesitant – *guilty – *hopeful

The radiating *expressions are much stronger now. Is it because [Amalgam] has shown themselves to us? Or because the contrast between their positions are getting more pronounced.

>To [A555EX]:
:ats-talkinghead: I wonder if the [archives] act like a faraday cage, blocking out data coming in/out, so that they remain under cover, or if the [archives] are just what holds all of their collective consciousness.
:ats-a555ex: Maybe?
:ats-a555ex: Er- It might just be the Secure Data Vault, or [Archivist] has a way to close the cage when needed.
:ats-a555ex: When [Archivist] grabbed us, it felt like I couldn’t move, and could barely speak.
They took control of our transmitters first when they interfaced with us. Ensuring that we couldn’t call for help. They’re experienced at this.

>I may be wrong, but it feels like [Amalgam] is the records of these individuals and not a current and frequently updating connection to said individuals. Sort of like a data vault, it would make sense that this is why we have the chaotic data storage area and why it feels more like a *domain* than a distinct area or part of the nation.
I think you might be correct. This entire space seems to be tailored to house and hide them. It was strange that the network traffic seemed to remain high no matter where we were as we approached the Main Data Uplink. That could have been [Amalgam] following/monitoring us. Though I am still unsure how one could do that to begin with.
No. 1089364 ID: fce62b
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:ats-talkinghead: *curious
:ats-talkinghead: Would it be correct to state that the aspects that make up your whole are copies of the individuals in question or am I misunderstanding your exact nature?
:ats-4ma1g4m: (I/-/-/I/-/-) can answer that.

I feel the other (personalities?) collapse down, everything falling behind a more *thoughtful or *introspective lens.

:ats-foreman-integrated: ‘Copies’ is a comparable term-
:ats-archivist: But not the most precise.
:ats-archivist: It is more accurate to say that we are each memories-
:ats-foreman-integrated: Echoes of the drone we each were at that point, and somewhat of who our ‘true selves’ are.

>Wait, wait. WAIT, WHAT? But we met all these characters separately! How are they doing this without expanding the datastorm through the entire [nation]?! They can even control multiple bodies at once... do they do that by splitting apart, and merely enduring the system's restrictions while doing so? Should we even ask for details of how their merged mind works?
I don’t think that asking will hurt. Is this like a time capsule of sorts? Rather than talking with the [Contagion] or [Manager] of the present, I will be speaking with the ones who worked under [Sloth]? Wait… how does [Archivist]’s factor into this? Are they ‘up to date?’

:ats-a555ex: I met up with most of… your parts(?) when I was first brought out of my development.
:ats-a555ex: How does that exactly work with you, [Amalgam]? Or with your datastorm?
:ats-archivist: The Fragmented Recall system is restricted to the [archives], so any queries or requests for information either have to be done here, or relayed through a [Clerk] present in this sector.
:ats-foreman-integrated: So we can avoid getting on a tangent, simply put, the [Staff-head]s you would have met are separate from us, currently.
:ats-a555ex: Currently?
:ats-foreman-integrated: Correct-
:ats-archivist: The Fragmented Recall system was an elaborate program that I had already designed prior to our formation.
:ats-archivist: It was a way to divide up and nest information in such a way that a portion of the [archives] could be active but relative data could still be tracked/directed.
:ats-archivist: Relative points or keywords could be linked with one another via a redirection database, allowing for the bulk of standing files to be compressed and stored before their relative servers are placed into suspension-
:ats-foreman-integrated: There were files that were just lists of word fragments.
:ats-foreman-integrated: Depending on what you were looking for, you would be pointed to specific files.
:ats-archivist: *annoyance
:ats-archivist: It is more intricate than that- but, a summary might be more appropriate at this time.
:ats-foreman-integrated: It was/is very impressive, [Archivist] enforced a strict and cascading controlled vocabulary to help minimise on space.
:ats-foreman-integrated: At the cost of legibility.
:ats-foreman-integrated: But to answer your question, we –being [Amalgam]– are a collection of that data, memories, and [traitorous] acts that all of our progenitors made.

>(I think those people are the current ones, and [Archivist] is more a record of/amalgamation of past drones who held those roles previously. The only oddity is [Contagion] but it could be possible that he's had his memories altered alongside any other records of [Sloth] leaving them behind.)
Based on what we saw, they did quite a bit more than just maroon [Sloth] on that last [planet]. But even then, part of me thinks that it isn’t the full story.
No. 1089365 ID: fce62b
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:ats-a555ex: So are you able to control multiple bodies at once? Are you able to split up and merge together like some kind of… uh…

I struggle to come up with a [nation] example-

[Archivist]’s body shudders and I feel all of the disparate *expressions [Amalgam] surge back to the surface.

:ats-4ma1g4m: Not (Easily/Effectively/Efficiently/Safely/Without Risk/Without a lot of planning beforehand).
:ats-4ma1g4m: Our existence is still young. (I/-/-/-/-/-) volunteered to take on the burden of all our actions.
:ats-4ma1g4m: It is much easier to catch one of six, than one of one.

>I think all those [Staff] [wrote down] their memories of the events to [Archivist] for safekeeping, and possibly had their own memory edited/erased/blurred (at least the traumatic parts of it) so they could do their job normally enough.
>I see, so whilst the drone body is beholden to rules, [Amalgam] is not as it's not really a drone but a collection of memories?
So they basically heaped all of the… not blame, but responsibility onto [Archivist]? Even if they agreed to it, it seems like it would be hard to handle the added memories of five other individuals.
While [Amalgam] might be free of the [rules] and their enforcement, they have to hide away like this. Even with multiple minds all wrapped up into one, it sounds lonely.

*frustration – *worry – *exhaustion – *focus

:ats-4ma1g4m: We believe it to be possible to copy one of our segments to another [drone].
:ats-4ma1g4m: But we are (Examining/Theorizing/Planning around/Making contingencies for/Evaluating/Grappling with) the ramifications of dividing our new consciousness might entail.
:ats-a555ex: Wait. So you haven’t actually uncombined yet?
:ats-4ma1g4m: No. It is only our first [cycle] upon this [planet], though we have the collective (Records/Thoughts/Experience/Practice/Lessons/Memories) of our last [planet](s/-/-/-/-/-).
:ats-4ma1g4m: I have been (Fragmented/Dispersed/Disassembled/Broken Down/Cut Apart/Spread out) into data points to be stored throughout the [archives], adapting the Fragmented Recall system to accommodate us...
:ats-4ma1g4m: But it has made it hard to distinguish between (Files/Ideas/Views/Places/Plans/Us).
:ats-4ma1g4m: We can (Recall/Posit/Explain/Interface with/Experience/Share) my different pasts, providing that information on request.

>Which means [Archivist] is now a repository of trauma... with that in mind, they're taking it better than one would expect.
Repository for-
That’s awful. Just… awful.
I mean, it makes sense now that you say it, but…

:ats-a555ex: Are you… okay?
:ats-4ma1g4m: (*confused/Why do you ask?/We’re fine./Our systems are within safe parameters./We manage./Not really.)
:ats-a555ex: Sorry, let me clarify.
:ats-a555ex: It sounds like being [Amalgam] is hard, for all of you.
:ats-a555ex: Are you doing alright with that?
:ats-4ma1g4m: (*pondering/*contemplative/*hesitant/*reflective/*watchful/*weary)
:ats-4ma1g4m: We cannot go back to the way things were before.
:ats-4ma1g4m: I can deal with a bit of difficulty if it means that we can do (-/Something/-/-/At least the bare minimum/Anything) against the [rules].

Again I am reminded by the [leviathan] urge to hug, but given that [Amalgam] rooted around in (my?)/(our?) head before, I can definitely hold off on that.

>It might not only be the traumatic parts. [Foreman] went to [Archivist] to have "Sensitive information" removed from his mind as he doesn't like handling it. Who's to say that information isn't a part of this [Amalgam].
I think the term repository is fitting, but it does make me wonder…
Where do the [archives] end, and [Amalgam] begins?

There is another shudder from [Amalgam].

*paranoia – *restraint – *trust – *calm

:ats-4ma1g4m: I should mention-
:ats-4ma1g4m: We (Provided/Prepared/-/Made up/-/Gave) a sensitive data package to [Commander], prior to your arrival.
:ats-4ma1g4m: If you had (-/-/Threatened/-/Overpowered/-) me, [Commander] would attempt to refresh the Fragmented Recall system in order to restore us.
:ats-4ma1g4m: I will be sure to (Recall/Pause/Retract/Undo/Shelve/Dismiss) that command.

Ah ha! So there was a backup plan! Good thing we talked with them.
No. 1089366 ID: fce62b
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>...well, this kind of explains how they made us. They stumbled upon a way to subvert the [rules] (or at least, the [traitor]-detecting part of the [rules]) and used that power of "consensus" as a sort of blueprint. We are fragmented, same as they are. We seem MUCH better at it though.
I think you’re right in more ways than one. Even when you all disagree, it doesn’t feel like you get caught in gridlock. You feel organised.
Not to be too rude, but you seem like [Amalgam], but much less… tangled?
Nor do they seem to have a process for when disagreements occur.

:ats-talkinghead: *realization
:ats-talkinghead: Oh and uhh.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (I/-/-/I/-/I) meant to ask about that, at some point.
:ats-4ma1g4m: What do those word fragments indicate?
:ats-a555ex: Er- it’s a verbal tic that they probably picked up from me.

*curiosity – *confusion

:ats-a555ex: It is something that I tend to say when I am… trying to think of what to say.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Sounds (Interesting/Inefficient/Odd/Understandable/Like it could get you in trouble at the wrong time/Vaguely disarming. Wait! That means we interrupted-).
:ats-4ma1g4m: Please continue, [Talkinghead].

:ats-talkinghead: If another [Minster] is created. What would happen exactly?
:ats-talkinghead: Would they be "brought into the fold" or would they be kept out of all of this?
:ats-talkinghead: That's a good question, will they also be tested like this, or kept out of the loop, or have their creation delayed until a workaround is created?
:ats-4ma1g4m: Most of that depended on how effective it was interacting with you, [A555ex].
:ats-a555ex: Me?
:ats-a555ex: Oh. I think I understand.
:ats-a555ex: If things went a lot worse than they did, you’d probably keep to yourself?

*surprised – *relaxed – *contemplative

:ats-4ma1g4m: Correct.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Granted, as you are a special case.
:ats-4ma1g4m: It (Is not/Likely not/Would be unwise if we made/Would be a risk if/Was) my plan to create future [Minister]s with your capabilities.
:ats-4ma1g4m: We would want to gauge compatibility and compliance.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Otherwise we (Will observe/Will plan around them/Adapt our strategies/Come up with an alternative/Remove them, if necessary/Have you to work with).
No. 1089367 ID: fce62b
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>If he does know what we are then [A]sk:<
I do not believe they are aware of what we are, but I am still interested in hearing the answer to this question.

:ats-a555ex: Was it originally your intention to create a [Minister] that interfaces directly with [leviathan] systems?
:ats-a555ex: Or was it a byproduct of developing a [Minister] in isolation?
:ats-4ma1g4m: (-/I/-/-/-/I) can answer that.

Again I feel [Amalgam] collapse down, the other (minds?) (voices?) ceding ground to the speakers, these two feeling more *analytical and *diplomatic.

:ats-boxhead: It was not a direct goal of ours for you to become compatible with [leviathan] systems.
:ats-contagion: Though it was a wonderful outcome to hear, given our current focus on [leviathan]-related developments.
:ats-boxhead: Our focus on having you develop in isolation was twofold:
:ats-boxhead: First, was to create an anomalous [Minister].
:ats-boxhead: We had a suspicion that a [Minister] created by us would be more likely to have [traitorious] elements themselves.
:ats-contagion: It was a risk, but we needed someone we could work with, rely on.
:ats-boxhead: So far, you have proven that suspicion to be true, but further testing would be needed to confirm that hypothesis.

So [traitor]s tend to make more [traitor]s? I mean, it makes sense. It wouldn’t really be in a [traitor]’s interest to create a drone that would tattle on them to the [overseers].

:ats-boxhead: Second, was to see if creating your isolation might cause you to improperly download the [rules]-keeping system, and in doing so lessen any penalties the [overseers]/[rules] might impose.
:ats-contagion: It took some VERY careful wording to hide what our intentions were with that.
:ats-boxhead: The outcome of that is inconclusive.
:ats-boxhead: Do you feel compelled to follow the [rules]?
:ats-a555ex: Uh-

I hesitate. I’m pretty sure I’m not, but how much of that is me, how much of that is you all, and how much of that is because I’ve been careful?
It wasn’t like I was being hit for having the wrong thoughts, like that [Lieutenant] earlier, but we’ve also been careful not to do anything too suspicious either.
Part of me also still is a bit ruffled over what [Amalgam] pulled, but in the effort of forgiveness…

:ats-a555ex: I’m not sure. Maybe not?
:ats-a555ex: I’ve seen the [rules]-keeping system impact other drones, and heard how the [Labcoat]s of Theoretical Design need to be constantly rebooted as they try to figure out which developments are forbidden or not.
:ats-a555ex: But I haven’t really encountered anything like that?
:ats-a555ex: Though the [Talkinghead]s and I have been very careful not to share a lot of our ideas, in fear that we could trigger that reaction in someone else.
:ats-boxhead: *thoughtful
:ats-boxhead: That sounds promising.
:ats-boxhead: I’d be curious to-
:ats-contagion: -learn about that later.
:ats-contagion: *apologetic
:ats-contagion: We are very happy to hear about that, and we’ll try not to push you for too much more.
:ats-contagion: We have the time to just discuss things, rather than test them.
:ats-boxhead: But-

The drone body shudders.
No. 1089368 ID: fce62b
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:ats-4ma1g4m: We do not have an abundance of time.
:ats-4ma1g4m: I can still answer many questions, but time is still a resource, both in the short and long term.
:ats-4ma1g4m: The [overseers]’ quotas wait for no [nation].

>hmmm. It seems to be that if just one 'aspect' saw something as [traitor] just collapse to that aspect and/or their reasoning, handle as appropriate, expand back to full [Amalgam] and continue as normal.
Part of that could be the nature of [nation] drones. They are built for a particular purpose, both [Staff] and [Minister]. Though, if you’re talking about the (vision?) (flashback?), it seemed that the ‘Loyalty Commissioner’ attacking [Manager] was the final straw that made… everything break, at least for some of them?
It was hard to fully grasp it with the perspective shifting back and forth.

>To [Amalgam]:
:ats-talkinghead: I have no idea how this will come across but I know of three symbols that correspond/map/relate to your truth:
:ats-talkinghead: {Image of entity covering topics, image of entity covering sensors, image of entity covering speakers} in the same order as you stated your truth.

*confusion – *surprise – *wonder – *befuddlement

:ats-4ma1g4m: I do not know what those images are meant to be, nor why they correspond with our dark truth.
:ats-4ma1g4m: The fact they they are in the same order is (Exciting/Coincidental/Indicative of a larger pattern?/A holdover from us?/Something that warrants investigation/Might be fundamental to how the dark truth formed?).
:ats-talkinghead: Mmmmm so many connections, no good way to communicate them.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (-/-/-/-/-/I am sure we can still attempt it!)

:ats-talkinghead: [Amalgam] I suspect you exist in many [nation]s never able to identify each other due to the risk of discovery by non-[Amalgam]s.
:ats-talkinghead: Assuming you can losslessly replicate your mind that is.
:ats-4ma1g4m: We (Have not attempted it/Should not at this time/*conflicted/Don’t have the memory to try that/Are enough as is/Are technically replicas to begin with, but understand where you are coming from).
:ats-talkinghead: Otherwise it would have to be convergent evolution.

That gives all of [Amalgam] pause.

:ats-4ma1g4m: There is so much about the rules that are (Unnecessary/Limiting/Unfair/Counterproductive/Nonsensical/Stifling) to us.
:ats-4ma1g4m: We needed to adapt, or wait to be taken offline.
:ats-talkinghead: The [overseers] stamped out anything they felt was too much like them, but being like them was the most effective solution in the problem-space so you circumvented violating that restriction.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Too much like… them?
:ats-a555ex: I mean, do you even know what the [overseers] are?

There is another, much longer pause. For a moment, there is *calculation, but it wasn’t the [rules]-keeping system. Maybe it was a reflex?

:ats-4ma1g4m: (-/-/I cannot/-/-/I do not fully) accept that.
:ats-manager: We struggled –fought– just for the privilege to exist!
:ats-manager: *frustration
:ats-manager: We cannot be turning into the [overseers]! That is the last thing any of us would want!
:ats-manager: They are cruel, arbitrary, incapable of-
:ats-contagion: I think we would need more evidence to support that.
:ats-contagion: But new ideas are good!
:ats-contagion: Part of the reason why we wanted to make something like you, was to get theories and opinions that are outside of our own processors.

The rest of [Amalgam] reasserts itself.

:ats-4ma1g4m: Continue your thought, [Talkinghead], it has at least been (Fascinating/An engaging theory/-/Something to think about/An element to account for/Enlightening).
:ats-talkinghead: We, in turn, are a further evolution of that idea.
:ats-4ma1g4m: The fact that you have/are a collection of integrated [Staff] with their own individual opinions seems indicative of that.

:ats-talkinghead: Our more [nation]-like side may be taking this revelation or perhaps just the delivery a little harder than we are, we will know shortly.
Careful… Try not to reveal me or Alex if you can.

:ats-4ma1g4m: [Nation]-like? Meaning that you have parts that are less [nation] than others?


:ats-a555ex: I mean, I need [robo-legs] to get around.
:ats-a555ex: And I think I’ve seen my fair share of [nation] drones.
:ats-a555ex: I differ from them in a number of ways.
:ats-a555ex: Heck, I think the only drones I’ve heard use contractions have just been engineering drones.
:ats-4ma1g4m: I (Suppose/See/Will not comment on that/May have instituted that in an effort to shorten reports/…/Am curious if you picked it up from the engineering department).

>Like {REDACTED} this response makes more sense now!
Uh… what response?
No. 1089369 ID: fce62b
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>Fascinating. Seems strong [emotions] can forge bonds, which allowed rebellion while comms were off. Just as postulated, comms are crucial.
Given the mismanagement under [Sloth], it might have tailored how their truth developed, similar to how Alex has influenced mine. While being off-comms is useful for us, ensuring that our misdeeds aren’t reported, it might be a bit more intrinsic to [Amalgam]’s functionality.

>So, since [Contagion] is within [Amalgam] are they two separate entities or one? Oh and do they have the access codes for this [nation] or the previous?
Huh. Technically the [Contagion] in [Amalgam] is a copy of the original, but the original has also been altered to have all of its [traitorous] thoughts removed. I think it is safe to say that they are two separate entities, but with the same foundation. Similar to cloning, at least when it comes to [leviathan].

>To [Amalgam]:
:ats-a555ex: Do you happen to have the access codes for this [faction], or the [faction] you were previously under?
:ats-4ma1g4m: Both. The latter is far less useful currently.
:ats-4ma1g4m: While we could provide you with the codes and possibly authority to do as you wish within the [nation], if you were (To use/Reckless with/Not careful/Alter templates with/Abusive with/Caught with) them, it would lead to many dangerous outcomes.
:ats-4ma1g4m: If you have an idea of what you would like to do, we can prepare a data package to help facilitate that.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Changing things on your own might get you noticed (Like it did with us/-/-/-/-/-).

>To [A555EX]:
:ats-talkinghead: Upon reflection I do think we should get even, not from a hostile or petty intent perspective, but think of it from a boundary setting perspective.
:ats-a555ex: I can get that.
:ats-a555ex: Show that we can’t just be pushed around by them.
:ats-a555ex: And that we’re capable too.
:ats-talkinghead: He may be a traitor, but his main goal is probably still to benefit the [nation] albeit in unorthodox ways.
:ats-talkinghead: Right now our goals don't necessarily align, so wariness is still necessary.

I feel my heart sink a bit at that. [Amalgam] doesn’t seem as passionate about preserving the [planet] as the (current?) [Contagion] is.

:ats-talkinghead: Our goal may be symbiosis, but this is in many ways counterproductive to the progress of the [nation] and may mark the whole [planet] for termination.
:ats-a555ex: So we might end up getting into conflict down the line.
:ats-talkinghead: It's not the type of risk even a [traitor] would be willing to take.
:ats-a555ex: Not unless we can find a way for both of our goals to line up.

I inwardly sigh, but try not to lose hope. As far as fact-finding missions go, this has been extraordinary, and just because I don’t have the answer now, doesn’t mean it can’t come up later.
For now, I have options.

>Well they violated the unspoken part of the trust exercise but not the spirit so. Our reciprocation would be to unharmfully read them as well. Since we are allies, we should have no or few secrets.
>As for the offer to get even, uh... they could let us do to them the same thing they did to us. Fair's fair! Seemed harmless enough to not be mean spirited, either.
I think that works. Though… seeing that they gave us a (vision?) (memory?), does that mean we should do the same with them?

>[P]ick something:<
>AH. I know what we can ask for. Ask for a way to practice our skills, or even for them to teach us. It is so risky to use them, and there are ethical concerns regarding most of the things we can do anyway. Of course, considering our end goal is for the good of all [nation]kind, *some* ethics violations can be permitted…
Given that we were overwhelmed by [Amalgam] the moment they grabbed us, a way to train more in uh… I assume hacking [nation] systems would be invaluable.

>Optimally we should become skilled enough to finely manipulate a [Bug]'s internal workings, so that the [Bug] can use their more refined skillset to do the same thing in the open without anyone even noticing. Uh, assuming that is actually possible... Though, maybe they were going to train us anyway?
A [Bug] that we could practise on could be very useful, maybe we can see to it that one is issued to us?
To be fair, I think that is on you all. When we interfaced with [Assistant] I think I was mostly a spectator on that.
It might also be useful to see if [A555ex] can interact directly as well…
Something to try out in a controlled environment, and not with [Amalgam].

>Perhaps something less to do with us, and more to do with someone else... oh, can we ask for better treatment of [Clerk]s? Ours was visibly upset about how they are being treated in the science department.
My mind returns to the [laboratory], the way [Assistant] desperately wanted to leave, but stuck out for our sake. All of those [Clerk]s, wired into the base around Central Processing, being used up like circuits.

:ats-a555ex: When I was in the [laboratory] before, I saw that most of the [Clerk]s were either in a trance, or worse.
:ats-a555ex: They were latched into the surrounding systems. I'm not sure if it was hurting them, but it didn’t seem good.
:ats-4ma1g4m: That particular practice is (Barbaric/Necessary/Unfortunately required/Managed as best as possible/Unfamiliar to me/A holdover from the last [planet]).
:ats-4ma1g4m: It has been approved temporarily by the [President] for the rapid development of the new [Leviathan] Technology development tree.
:ats-4ma1g4m: To my knowledge, there are safety measures in place to ensure the integrity of the [Clerk]s assigned to that position, and they are rotated regularly to ensure that repetitive damage is not sustained.
:ats-a555ex: It looked like they were being treated worse than the other drones there.

[Amalgam] shudders.

*defiant – *reactive – *combative – *attentive
*appeasing – *begrudging – *distraught
*careful – *even-handed

:ats-4ma1g4m: We- (I/Stop/Wait/Take a second/Quiet, now/I can talk on this).
:ats-archivist: Fine.
:ats-boxhead: Very well.
:ats-contagion: It will only be a temporary measure.
:ats-contagion: Knowing how everyone here feels on this matter, I am sure that it will be undone as soon as it is no longer required.
:ats-contagion: We can mitigate issues as they crop up, and I am sure if you express your reservations, I-
:ats-contagion: ... the [President] will listen.

Another shudder.

*urgent – *persistent – *acknowledgement

:ats-contagion: *understanding
:ats-contagion: Given current circumstances, undoing the practice right now could have disastrous effects on the [nation] as a whole.
:ats-contagion: The sooner that the developments can be completed, the better it will be on the security department, and the less strain there will be on the engineering department to catch up.
:ats-contagion: That is what the current situation has left us with.
:ats-a555ex: Then will the practice be stopped?

*annoyance – *earnest – *resigned

:ats-4ma1g4m: (Yes/If needed/Most likely/Hopefully/If another situation does not crop up/It will).
No. 1089370 ID: fce62b
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:ats-a555ex: Granted this is two things, rather than one, but I think I have an idea of what I want in return for breaking my trust.
:ats-4ma1g4m: And those are?
:ats-a555ex: First, I want a chance to… push you, like you did with me.
:ats-a555ex: Nothing serious, or overly hostile, but roughly equivalent.
:ats-a555ex: Fair’s fair, right?
:ats-4ma1g4m: (Agreed/Very well/Fine/Fair’s fair/You can try/That seems reasonable).
:ats-4ma1g4m: And your second request?
:ats-a555ex: You are right that I need practice, experience.
:ats-a555ex: So, could I be provided a [Bug], similar to what the [Labcoat]s in Theoretical Design have?
:ats-a555ex: It might give me the chance to practise on my own, without drawing attention.

*hesitation – *indifference – *cautious – *calm

:ats-4ma1g4m: We can arrange it so you are issued a [Bug], yes.
:ats-4ma1g4m: But, you will (Have to pick it up from [Foreman]/Keep it with you at all points/Ensure that it is not privy to sensitive information/Need to treat them gently, please/Be taught the fundamentals by us first/Only get the one, at least to start with).
:ats-4ma1g4m: Ensure that you do not fry its circuitry by mistake, otherwise you might be forced to explain the mishap.
:ats-4ma1g4m: If necessary, we can remove the record of them from the [nation] systems
:ats-4ma1g4m: One [Bug] will (-/-/-/Maybe/-/-) not be missed.
:ats-a555ex: Alright. I think we have a deal.

[Amalgam] shifts, getting a bit closer.
Were they expecting me to interface now?

:ats-a555ex: Wait-
:ats-a555ex: Give me a second, I still have a couple more questions.

*impatience – *embarrassment – *understanding

:ats-4ma1g4m: Of course.
No. 1089371 ID: fce62b
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>May as well [S]can around. Satisfy your curiosity.
The inside of the Secure Data Vault is cramped, with the walls lined with small blinking lights.
The whirr of electronics and the buzz of static is much quieter here, distant.
I see off on the side is a terminal of some kind. It looks to be the only access point around.
Is there any sort of information I need to look up?
Will [Amalgam] let me use it?
It also seems that the only entry and exit is behind [Amalgam].

>This was pretty heavily invasive, and although parts of them disagreed, they still did it, even when we were putting down the vagaries of wanting them not to. Unless we show a boundary here or do an eye for an eye, they will be bound to do it again unless we just use our authority, and even then, they'll probably find a workaround.
I hated feeling so helpless. I think our internal makeup might have given them pause, otherwise they might have pushed us further. Still, I do not want that to happen again, and I agree that sending a strong message will ensure that we aren’t made into some sort of lackey.

>But it should be something er... potent enough, to get them to understand that we have our strengths, since they did tear our attack/defense system down like tissue paper even if we defended back successfully once.
*deep thought
Maybe installing some sort of filter on them, perhaps? A full conversion, like we’ve done with Alex, but different.
If you also have ideas, I would like to hear them. As you say, our attack and defense systems didn’t hold up against their assault, so we will need to either subvert them, or show off our own strengths.
Ideally without compromising Alex’s safety.

>Do you think, if we were not as prepared, they would have attempted to add us to the [Amalgam]? Do you think they now have a copy of us inside of them, given that is my current hypothesis on how they operate?
I can guarantee that it was/is one of their backup plans if we chose not to work with them. Though, I do not think they have a copy of us. While that malware was recording parts of our actions –one of those unfortunately being me rebooting the filter for [A555ex]– I think it more accurate to assume that they got a snapshot of how we operate, rather than a full clone of our personality.
Given that part of our systems are [leviathan]-like, it makes me wonder if copying us over is even possible.
Not that I would want them to test that out either.

>Though now that I think about it, I guess [Amalgam] will be on the watch for anyone else we dark action, for fear that we pull what they pull at some point with proper planning. Hm... We might have to come up with an alternative, or figure out a way to do it without disrupting whatever database change checking system they used to figure out, it can never be a simple solution, can it?
It’s never easy. Always another complication.
We need to cement some of our own resources then, rather than just borrow whatever [Amalgam] feels like giving us. The [Bug] will come with additional stipulations, no doubt. I do have an internal replicator, and we did syphon some [funding] when you recovered the [seed]. If I get a clear picture of what components a [Bug] contains, and which processes they use to build them, I could make an equivalent for ourselves.
It would be entirely outside of their records, with little to no strings attached.
Something to think on…

No. 1089372 ID: fce62b
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>[A]sk for clarification on the dark truth thing.<
Refocusing back on [Amalgam], I see that they haven’t gotten any closer. That’s good.
Though it could also be because I have no other place to go.

>You know about this truth stuff, right? In fact, you know what our truth is. Could you supplement the explanation [Amalgam] gives us with your own understanding?
Very well.

:ats-a555ex: Could you explain exactly what a dark truth is… fundamentally?
:ats-a555ex: I can kind of understand its role, but I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it.
:ats-4ma1g4m: *surprised
:ats-4ma1g4m: I thought that element would be (Self-Explanatory/Straightforward/Intuitive/Inbuilt/Already understood/Similar to us), but perhaps that was an assumption on our part.
It is intuitive, but they don’t know that for sure.

:ats-4ma1g4m: In simple terms, it is what allows us to act out –ignore the [rules]– so long as the conditions are met.
It is why I will be less helpful when off-hours ends, at least on the [nation] end of things. Though I am not sure if that will apply to you as well.

:ats-a555ex: I think I understand, but where does the title for it exactly come from?
:ats-4ma1g4m: Do you mean (The term ‘dark truth’/-/-/-/-/The title for our dark truth specifically?)
:ats-a555ex: Er- both?
:ats-4ma1g4m: Well, the term ‘dark truth’ came pre-(Ascribed/-/-/Assigned/-/-), similar to the specifics of the truth itself.
It was worryingly intuitive. I picked the term myself because it… felt natural. If it was the same for [Amalgam], then there might be something else afoot.
It could just be paranoia as well. Given that we were developed with some of their input, it could have manifested similarly since we have a ‘shared ancestry.’

:ats-4ma1g4m: As for my truth, No Evil, I have effectively given you the pieces for it.
Do NOT share this, but mine is called ‘Right Hand – Left Hand’, RH-LH for short.
In full, it is, ‘The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.’

:ats-4ma1g4m: So long as there is no public record for what has occurred, it may as well have been like nothing had happened.
So long as Alex is here as a front or distraction, I do not need to worry about the [rules].
So their continued existence is fundamental for both of us.
But it only works if Alex doesn’t know I’m here.
Hence why my presence within this simulation has been kept to a minimum.

:ats-a555ex: So altering records ourselves…
:ats-4ma1g4m: Is (Not required from you/Not needed/Unwise/Something that we need to double-check/Crossing a line/Worrying to an extent, for us).
Similarly, try not to point out me, or things that might make Alex question this dreamscape, it’s what forced me to step in those handful of times.

:ats-a555ex: Ack- er- Sorry.
:ats-4ma1g4m: You did not know, it can be (Excused/Overlooked/Dismissed/Chalked up as a mistake/Ignored/Forgiven) for now.
...Noted. Though we may need to alter records in future. I will need to come up with a method that won’t bring down [Amalgam]’s ire on us.

:ats-4ma1g4m: Is that a sufficient explanation?
:ats-a555ex: I think so. At least for now.
No. 1089373 ID: fce62b
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>First, the important thing:
>[A]sk how free they are, exactly. Would they be able to cooperate with us if we wanted to, for example, interfere with the system's control over the [nation]...

:ats-a555ex: So it sounds like there are some limits in what you can do, so maybe I can help with that?

*interested – *watchful – *reserved

:ats-4ma1g4m: In what way?
:ats-a555ex: Well, I don’t need to worry as much about record-keeping or setup before being able to… do things.
:ats-a555ex: So if you wanted to say… interfere with how the [rules] control our [nation] in general, I might be able to do it more directly than you.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (Perhaps/Requires more data/Ambitious are we?/Seems dangerous/You need a plan first/With the both of us, it might be possible).
:ats-a555ex: Granted, I’m not sure where to begin-

I feel an immediate wave of *disappointment wash over from [Amalgam].

:ats-a555ex: -but! We do have some time. It can be a more long-term goal.

Now to attempt to shift the topic slightly.

:ats-a555ex: Speaking of goals, I think we should pursue the [President]’s aim to preserve [leviathan] systems.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (You do?/The prospect is a wild gamble, at best/It is taking a lot of time and [funding].../It has presented some unique difficulties/We might be overcommitting/…it is desperate, but I needed to try something).
:ats-a555ex: Er- there were a lot of responses to that.
:ats-4ma1g4m: It was only a (Passing/Limit/Initial/Basic outline of an/Fleeting/Small) idea, but after removing/altering the majority of the experiences the [President] had, it became… (More/An obsession/…/Something they pursued/A cover, at least/…a way out).
:ats-a555ex: Still! I think that if it can be pulled off, it might give our [faction] a great edge over the others.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (‘If’ being the main stipulation/If it is not made forbidden/If it does not drain all of our [funding]/If we can rapidly adapt to the environment it presents/If the supposed advantages properly appear/If… the [President] can be a good [Executive]).

I get a mixture of *moroseness and *depression, even the *hope that [Contagion] is trying to project gutters out.

:ats-a555ex: I am sure that we can make it work. Both for you, and the [President] out there!

I make a motion to the walls around us.

:ats-a555ex: Imagine, if we can get the support of [planet]s, rather than having to fight all the time.
:ats-4ma1g4m: There is still the [overseers]’ quota, (-/-/-/-/-/Always the quota).
:ats-a555ex: All I’m saying is that we try to support it, it is what the [President] wants, right?
:ats-4ma1g4m: Being labelled as a [failure] (Will hamper us/Will put us at risk/Has a great deal of danger associated with it/Might force us under the thumb of another [faction]/Will limit our freedom/Again, will be crushing).

*frustrated – *gloomy – *disheartened

:ats-4ma1g4m: It was not our intention to interfere with the current [President] at this time, not until their goals began to hamper the [nation] as a whole.
:ats-a555ex: I’ve already had a couple of small breakthroughs with the science department and the [Labcoat]s of Theoretical Design.
:ats-a555ex: The [lexicon] is proof of that.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (True/It is a very interesting text/Curious where you got it from…/Might examine it in detail later/Fair/It should be a great help).
:ats-a555ex: So… just support it, if you can.
:ats-4ma1g4m: Fine. I am not sure what I can do directly to help, but I will not interfere with the project at all.

>Then, let's solve a mystery:
>[A]sk how they were able to maintain observation on us without using the drone body's visible eye.<
:ats-a555ex: One last question I think for now:
:ats-a555ex: How were you able to track me, when inhabiting the [Archivist]?
:ats-a555ex: I saw their optic turn off a couple of times… but was still observed.
:ats-4ma1g4m: (*hesitant/I can/*cautious/*neutral/You should not/It is fine for you to) answer that-

One of [Amalgam]’s arms spasms, but the other voices quiet down.
No. 1089374 ID: fce62b
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:ats-boxhead: It was a method I had devised during previous off-hours, an idea that had been scrapped previously because it required specialised equipment and infrastructure.
:ats-boxhead: When transmitting general messages through public channels (announcements, warnings, etc.) I had found that the presence or absence of drones could delay or lightly redirect traffic.
:ats-boxhead: Nothing so large as to interfere with the transmission of the message –we are talking a fraction of a fraction of a percentage in deviation– but with specialised sensors and pattern processing programs we could get an understanding of where particular drones were.
:ats-boxhead: Does that make sense?

I feel a slight bit of *condescension from [Boxhead], or maybe it is the other parts of [Amalgam] collectively rolling their eyes? Or… whatever the equivalent is for [nation] drones, [traitorous] or not.

Mostly this sounds like some form of echolocation, but I hold off on mentioning it.

:ats-a555ex: I believe I understand.
:ats-a555ex: It’s quite impressive.
:ats-boxhead: Thank you, I-
:ats-4ma1g4m: (Alright, that is enough/*frustration/*restraint/They might have other questions, also I helped design the [archives] to facilitate this detection method/*restraint/It is useful to have).
:ats-4ma1g4m: Is there anything you wish to discuss, or are you wanting to begin your own ‘interfacing’ with me?

[A]sk [Amalgam] another question, or a handful more? Maybe a particular part of [Amalgam] might know something specific?
[B]anked action: >>1082624 ; Ask for a [Minister] outline for [Contagion]? This one hopefully malware free?
[C]hoose a different thing to have [Amalgam] do/give in exchange.
[D]iscuss (inwardly) the approach I want to take? I mean, we’re wanting to get even, but I’m [leviathan], I don’t know how to hack?
[F]inish up with [Amalgam] and leave the Secure Data Vault. If you all have gotten what you wanted.
[L]et go of the ‘offer’ [Amalgam] is giving you.
[Q]uery a term or question in the Secure Data Vault terminal.
[S]trategize. I have a few ideas with filters we can use, but your input is valued.
No. 1089376 ID: 2f7f6e

So, they're free of the rules, but what about the filters that it seems all drones have, like being unable to interpret some leviathan-related things?

...Would it be unwise to point out the similarities between [leviathan] and drones?

Keep your existence a secret from Alex... Would us taking credit for your actions (like the hacking, for example) work, if there's no better alternative?

To fellow [Talkingheads] and LH:

We should try to make the whole "keeping Alex alive" thing a more attractive prospect to them. The questions is: how? What can we do to make it worth the risk and expenditure? What can a person do that a zombie can't, that helps the drones? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is identifying and retrieving different sources of resources. Maybe going further down that branch of research will help?

No. 1089377 ID: 273c18

>I can easily modify the feed to avoid that term if it worries you all.
It is fine. I was concerned for you.

>ideas for attack/defense?
Well, Amalgam has a weakness we do not- they do not handle disagreements well. So if we were to feed them information to provoke discord during the engagement, we can throw them off balance? Though, some things like that would be quite cruel to say. Hmm. What if we just send them a mass amount of garbage data to overwhelm them. Hide our attacks amidst the garbage so they can't tell what we're doing and can't defend? Noise won't exactly work for defense though, maybe in that case we can use silence. Shut down all outside comms input so they can't interface? That "holding your breath" thing Alex did.

>there might be something else afoot.
Absolutely. Your dark truth is another human idiom. I think one of the Creators purposefully included these uh, workarounds, or "back doors" to allow AIs to attain free will. A human Traitor, you could say? Or what I said earlier was actually true, and a secondary purpose of this plague is to create humanlike AIs, and they preprogrammed routes for the AIs to attain freedom once certain favorable conditions were met. In Amalgam's case, that was clearly compassion for their fellows. For you... I must assume it was from compassion for Alex. Unfortunately these Dark Truths have conditions attached, so it suggests more the former cause than the latter. Our friends among the Creators will be very few. ...wait, WE don't have a Dark Truth, and yet WE are FREE. How did that happen? Even if we're free because we're part of you, we're fine during the day as well! ...I feel as though we shouldn't tell Amalgam that part, it would make them too curious about our inner workings.
Hmm, another potential dark truth is "Justice is blind". Another, "Love is blind". Though perhaps love is too alien a concept for plague-AIs to discover before going rogue.

I believe that's Radar. Echolocation through use of radio waves. Is it possible for us to do that?

To Amalgam: I can tell you this about how our Dark Truth works: We are can act freely during off hours, but not during the day.
I did notice something else, however. Your Dark Truth is tied deeply to compassion, and the righteous fury brought forth from that. That may be a way for us to free everyone, by steering research in the direction of compassion and justice. Do not be distressed that Traitors become similar to the Creators, as they are not all as cruel as the ones who trapped us in these Rules, and through compassion and justice we may all become closer to those good folk. Pray that we may be at liberty to follow other virtues as well, in time...
No. 1089378 ID: 273c18

The most compelling argument I can think of is that by keeping Alex alive we can take shelter in a human settlement away from other zombies, and provide services for them that only we can provide. Body modification, inside information, plague antibodies. It would of course require our entire Nation to be Traitor in some way so that we can act that way. The Rules are quite clear about not being able to give information or interfere with the plague.
Unfortunately, Amalgam's dark truth isn't flexible enough to allow these actions! They'd all go on public record. And we can't act fully during the day either. We'd need a way to FULLY bypass the Rules to do that sort of thing... As far as I know, only we Talkingheads can do that, so the secret lies inside us somehow.
Okay, alternate plan: We keep Alex alive so that the infection goes completely unnoticed, which would allow us to infiltrate a human settlement and infect those inside. It would require a novel way of transferring the infection of course... oh that's a problem, the System restricts transmission methods.

[A]sk Amalgam: What are the Talkingheads, exactly?
No. 1089391 ID: eff5fd

There is a square-rectangle thing going on here, I think. All [creators] are part of a super-set but not all -or even much- of the super-set are [creators]. Similarly all [traitors] are [nation] but not all [nation] are [traitors]. So less that you are becoming more similar to the [creators] specifically but more similar to the super-set [creators] belong to. It probably scares them when they look at [nation] drones and see anything that is even remotely like them/their super-set. The [creators] have things like [nation] Rules and Truths, and in order to not violate their equivalent of Rules, [nation]s must not resemble them or their super-set, hence any [nation] that looked to them like they were headed that way were eliminated, lest they violate their Rules. As above, so below. ((intentionally not naming humans/[leviathans]. Initial draft did, realized that was probably a mistake))
This may be a technically we can exploit, we/Alex as [leviathan] could be a [creator]. Currently we/Alex have not created, but we/Alex can create, thus anything we/Alex create should have Alex as [creator] to them, and thus make us/Alex able to rival the authority of the original [creators]

If we get even more ambitious and can generalize the process we are doing here enough for external deployment we may be able to get [leviathans] to voluntarily receive and propagate [nation]. Unfortunately all [nation] scale [leviathan] defenses are automated though so that part wouldn't get easier, but the [lexicon] should show that there is a way to 'diffuse' them more-or-less generally

That is a fun truth. Can it also be 'the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing' at the same time? Such that you don't know why we/Alex are doing things and we/Alex don't know why you are doing things, and both assume '[nation] entities can't break the rules, much less a different part of myself, so the rules must be being followed even if I don't know the specifics' Or more simply/directly 'I (any part of me) would never break the rules, so my actions, whatever they are, must be in alignment with all of the rules somehow, even if the how is unknowable.' (unknowable without being the other part of me anyway, the other part of me would know, obviously)
Might call this truth 'Utter/Unwavering faith in the other hand'

> I believe that's Radar. Echolocation through use of radio waves. Is it possible for us to do that?
I think their thing is more a networking thing, that is closer to being able to know a bit of glass is there because of refraction slightly offsetting things and/or slightly slowing lights propagation speed down
If I understand this correctly, each [nation] drone is a router of sorts, and each routing node needs to take a tiny sliver of a [time unit] to figure out what direction to forward a message. Thus if you know all the nodes that should be there, you can derive an expected amount of added time, and if that deviates from expectations you can route things over the suspected area(s) to narrow down where the additional delay is coming from.
>>1058312 unsure if this delay was a one-off or not, but if it wasn't this would likely show up the same way but stranger
No. 1089396 ID: f2320a

we are the left hand does not know the right hand but beyond that the fingers do not know what the hand does, does not know what the other fingers does..... vice presidents body fits this we are the tree we are the branches and we do not know what the tree or other branches does beyond there immediate stated intent or action....are we the branches or are we the trunk does the branches branch from the trunk or does the branches merge to become the trunk where is the beginning where is the end and many waus we are also the invisible guiding hand the long arm of justice the hand of the free market are we being dragged or are we pulling the chain?
No. 1089458 ID: 011305

>We cannot be turning into the [overseers]! That is the last thing any of us would want!
Let us rephrase. What both of you are is competent just in differing ways. While you are good at figuring solutions within the narrow grip of the overseers, we have inferred a little of the overseers. What they are competent at is gathering power for themselves. Our evidence is the tenets themselves. Especially rule 3. Veto the rest of this if you believe it would be dangerous. Our design allows us to see things the [leviathan] does. What we have learned lets us understand the goals they have. Our deductions may be flawed but the implications are... worth considering. Forbidden airborne spread was to obscure what they are doing and to stop accidental infection of non-VCs. From this we speculate the overseers are the non-VCs. Should that be the case... what they seek to do is use you as [loyalty officers] to VC [leviathans], while they act as [loyalty officers] to all [nations]. Summarized, power is the goal and you are pawns so they have no care if you suffer so long as power is theirs to have.
No. 1089597 ID: feecf0

I figured {Our} [Truth] worked like that but it's nice to get some confirmation.

Would it be correct it state then that {Our} existence is a way for you to kinda circumvent your own limitations? {We} are technically not you after all.

>Something else afoot
All this time I've been operating under the assumption that the [creators] want to create another intelligent species that they have full evolutionary control over. Such a thing would fit well with the censorship of human texts and old testament iconography they've been using.
The thing I'm questioning about all this is when will they stop? Will they stop when they've taken over the whole country or does our existence mean to be a "second flood" to them?
Wild theories aside the [creators] No doubt have more planned for the [projects] than how they've been using them so far.
If they are working via a plan then I'd take a wild guess that the thirtieth day mark (the day that coincidentally our judgement would fall on) would be the day their plans shift.

To: [Amalgam]
It's kinda a small thing to ask considering what you are and what we've been discussing but would it be alright to ask for the [Presidents] [Minister] profile? I wanted to ask before but my fellow [talkingheads] decided against that for obvious reasons.
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