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1087480 No. 1087480 ID: 521475

You're all under arrest for murder and attempted transgenic blasphemy.
In truth, none of you had the slightest acquaintance with Saul Arbest until a chance encounter on the 4:15 midhive eastbound train, less than an hour before the incident.
During that time, what did he talk to you about?
Expand all images
No. 1087481 ID: 521475
File 171184460783.gif - (1.91MB , 380x285 , lSgF2.gif )

Who are you, exactly? One character (and question asked of the late Mr. Arbest) for each player.
Roll 1d% thrice for homeworld, career, and divination,
and 2d10 nine times for weapon skill, ballistic skill, strength, toughness, agility, intelligence, perception, willpower, and fellowship
(plus a base value for each according to homeworld, a few other modifiers from career and divination, as well as one optional reroll),
and 1d5 twice for HP and destiny/faith points (again, modified by previous steps).
Or just 30d10 and we'll sort it all out in order.

Then there's the matter of starting equipment, as well as spending 16 xp on some combination of skills, talents, characteristic advances, and background packages.

Name and gender and height and weight and distinguishing features and suchlike, too - ideally, formatted the way the arresting officer would write it down.
No. 1087482 ID: 521475
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Per this https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/sympathy-for-the-heretic.50176/post-28323993 alternate vision of the setting, the wider imperium recognizes three genders: feminine, masculine, and mechanine, each with its own sanctioned roles and reductive stereotypes. Most details of that aren't immediately relevant, so rather than rambling up-front exposition, I'll confirm or deny OOC theories accompanied by a test of the appropriate Common Lore specialty, with more detail for each degree of success. On a failure where the d% roll's digits match, outrageous falsehoods instead. Any other failure means you'll at least realize how much you don't know.

Mechanics I'll be using start from a base of Dark Heresy first edition, but with extensive houserules inspired by (among others) Numenera and Unknown Armies. If a character is abandoned by their original player, they'll face at least one appropriately grimdark mishap... but such intrusions also come with bonus XP. Then control can be passed to a chosen successor, or left open to whoever shouts suggestions. Plan is eventually working your way up to engaging with the Rogue Trader starship rules.
No. 1087485 ID: eb0a9c

rolled 2, 9, 5, 4, 1, 1, 7, 5, 6, 2, 5, 10, 8, 8, 5, 8, 5, 2, 3, 2, 10, 10, 6, 6, 9, 4, 4, 7, 2, 5 = 161

Name: Harida Tall
Gender: Female
Occupation: 'Genetics Accountant' - described as a logistics officer specializing in gene-seed research and maintenance.
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 64 Minas
Overt Mutations: Vulpine ears and feet. Tail has been amputated.

Confiscated Inventory:
* Military Grade Datapad
* Sisters of Battle standard attendant robes
* Standard Military Knife - irregular markings and stickers attached, suspected use in cooking due to oil stains, but it is not illegal to use or modify an Imperium-authorized weapon to this extent
* Illunor-brand recording camera with built-in Augmented Reality processor.

Harida: "The old man only said one thing: 'Have you ever eaten mushrooms that explode in your mouth?' Listen, I think this was all one big tragic accident. Guy seemed out of his mind, he had this creepy walk and kept bugging everyone he met. I think he was trying out some heretical drugs or something because he wanted to see what the fuss was about before he died of being really @#$%ing old, and then did something crazy suicidal that ended up being crazy suicidal. Maybe he ordered his own death for insane funsies?"

[Below is not in the police report]
Moonlights as a Professional V-tuber
I don't know how to assign XP
No. 1087496 ID: 521475

29: hive world
hIVe Worlder skIlls
All hive worlders can converse in the common cant of their home, each one unique to their hive of origin. Hive worlders gain the Speak Language (Hive Dialect) (Int) skill.
hIVe Worlder traIts
Hive worlders gain the following Traits. Record all of these on your character sheet:
Accustomed to Crowds
Hivers grow up surrounded by immense herds of humanity. They are used to weaving through even the densest mob with ease.
Benefit: Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain for hivers, and when Running or Charging through a dense crowd, hivers take no penalty to the Agility Test to keep their feet.
Caves of Steel
To a hiver, surrounded at all times by metal, machinery and industry, the arcane mysteries of technology are not so strange.
Benefit: Hivers treat the Tech-Use (Int) skill as a Basic Skill.
Hivers seldom endure the horrors of the open sky or the indignity of the great outdoors.
Penalty: Hivers take a -10 penalty to all Survival (Int) Tests, and while out of a “proper hab” (e.g. places without manufactured goods, solid ceilings and electrical power) the hiver takes a –5 penalty to all Intelligence Tests.
Hivers are constantly alert for the first hint of trouble, be it a gang shoot-out, hab riot, or hivequake.
Benefit: All hivers gain a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls.

54, when hive world: scum
Scum are the criminals, outcasts, conmen, gangers, thieves and desperados of the Imperium. They are the flotsam and jetsam of society. For all their dubious origins, they do have numerous skills that are highly useful for secretive, quasi-legal tasks. From picking locks to street stabbings, forgery and fencing illegal goods, Scum have what it takes to get dodgy things done. Whilst neither strong nor particularly tough, Scum are good at social skills, as well as being rather agile. Perfect for getting in and out of trouble.
Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Blather (Fel),
Charm (Fel) or Dodge (Ag),
Deceive (Fel),
Awareness (Per),
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int).
Starting Talents: Ambidextrous or Unremarkable,
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive),
Pistol Training (SP),
Basic Weapon Training (SP).
Starting Gear: Autogun and 1 clip or shotgun and 12 shells,
autopistol and 1 clip,
brass knuckles or club,
quilted vest or beast furs, (both are primitive armor providing AP 2, torso only)
street ware or rags or dirty coveralls (Poor Quality Clothing).
10+1d5 thrones of other gear... that's just about enough for a poor-quality dataslate, but definitely not a hundred-throne pict recorder. Let's say the arbites have siezed your webcam as evidence and won't be giving it back soon enough to be relevant for the current adventure.

>Overt Mutations: Vulpine ears and feet.
divination: “Mutation without, corruption within.” Begin play with one Minor Mutation
Mutation type... Aberration: The mutant has become a weird hybrid of man and animal (or reptile, insect, etc.) Apply +10 Strength, +10 Agility, –1d10 Intelligence, -10 Fellowship and the Sprint talent.

1+1+20 = 22 WS
7+5+20 = 32 BS
6+2+20+10 = 38 S
5+10+15 = 30 T
8+8+20+10 = 46 Ag
5+8+20-5 = 28 Int
5+2+20 = 25 Per
3+2+20 = 25 WP
10+10+25-10 = 35 Fel

11 max HP
2 max Fate Points

As scum, advancing Strength or Toughness by 5 would cost 20 xp, which is a bit beyond your current budget.
WS, Int, Per, or WP could be advanced for 10 xp.
Ballistic Skill, Aglity, or Fellowship could be advanced for 4 xp, and then the same one again would cost 10xp, so you could raise one of them by a total of 10 at the cost of fourteen out of your starting sixteen xp, though the remaining two xp wouldn't be enough to buy anything else right away.

Could take the "beast slaver" background package for 4xp.
Skills: Gain Forbidden Lore (Mutants) (Int) or Scholastics Lore (Beasts) (Int).
Talents: You start with Melee Weapon Training (Shock) and Peer (Underworld).
Corruption Points: You begin the game with 1d5 Corruption Points.

Could take the "penitent" background package for 8xp, possibly along with Beast Slaver.
Skills: Forbidden Lore (pick two) (Int). Options include Archaeotech, any one of the imperial Adepta (Administratum, Arbites, Custodes, Ecclesiarchy, Mechanicus, Navigators, Ordo Chronos, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Xenos, Space Marines), Cults, Daemonology, Heresy, Mutants, Pirates, Psykers, the Warp, and Xenos.
Talents: You start the game with Dark Soul, Insanely Faithful, and Flagellant.
Corruption: Your experiences have left you with 10+1d10 Corruption Points and the character automatically begins play with one Malignancy

Could spend all 16 starting XP to be an "untouchable."
Characteristics: The character’s starting Fellowship Characteristic is reduced by 10 (if the character’s Fellowship is 10 or less already, it is reduced to 1) but may later be increased as normal.
Unsettling Presence: An untouchable suffers a –10 penalty to all Interaction Skill Tests.
Psychic Blank: The character may never gain Psychic Powers, Pure Faith, Sorcery or related Talents.
Psychic Invulnerability: An untouchable is completely immune to Psychic Powers, psychic energy and effects directed against them (as well as warp powers, possession, sorcery, Corruption from warp shock, and so forth) Also, he cannot be detected by means of Psyniscience, Sense Presence, or similar abilities—powers of this type directed at their person, even though successfully manifested, simply fail. Powers in whose wider areas he is caught simply fail to affect him—although they may affect other people normally, subject to their disruption effect.
Psychic Disruption: All Psychic Powers and abilities manifested in the character’s immediate area (a radius equal to the Untouchable’s Willpower Bonus in metres) have their Threshold increased by 10, plus any associated Test by the psyker (such as Willpower Tests) have their Difficulty increased by –20. Additionally, entities subject to Warp Instability will suffer double Damage from its effects while in this area.

Other options... could get the "Sound Constitution" talent once, for 4 xp, to raise max HP, or 8 xp to buy it twice.
or any of the following talents for 4 xp each: Ambidextrous, Basic Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Las) or (Primitive), Unremarkable, or Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive),
or get entry-level training in any of the following skills for 4 xp each: Barter {Fel}, Charm {Fel}, Dodge {Ag} - note that you'll already have one of those - Drive (Ground Vehicle) {Ag}, Navigation (Surface) {Int}, or Swim {S},
or raise your existing Awareness {Per} skill to +10.
More options will become available after you reach rank 2, which requires having spent a total of 20 xp on permanent improvements.
No. 1087510 ID: eb0a9c

You know what, keep the tail on her, I keep getting edgy with these amputation backstories.

Brass Knuckles
Beast Furs
Street Ware

Spend 16 XP:
Sound Constitution X2

Harida was one of many of Clan Tall's 'norphans' (hive scum think they're witty); bastard children who are conceived by a clan in drunken orgies, sent exclusively to their clan's orphanage, and properly adopted by senior members of that same clan if they manage to survive the clan's high infant mortality rate.

Harida found her fortune early on when she discovered some noble's scuffed servitor in a random garbage pile, still intact and mostly bug-free. Long story short, she became a prominent V-tuber, collecting donations from fans by passing as a lesser noble with too much time on her hands.

Now, having bought her scholarship to the cadet academy by using her bank account to hire a decent tutor and get past the unfair entrance exams, she was on her way to a big career in the military. Despite being a midget mutant whose parents are mobsters.

(And yes, Clan Tall is oblivious to the fact that they are named after the disgraceful orkish insult, 'tallboy'.)
No. 1087519 ID: 3f01d5

Name: D'arce Le'garde
Age: ~34
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190lbs
Gender: F
Distinguishing features:
A thin woman covered in knights armor. The armor is of a silver metallic color, its material is not immediately evident but is likely to be some form of iron, it is well kept and polished. The knight is not wearing a helmet and the person residing in the armor is of pale skin, has green eyes, and strawberry blonde hair. The hair is short cropped and in a bowl cut style fashion with the back of the head mostly shaved. The hair is slightly curly throwing off the shape of the hair a bit. ((OOC: all features dependent on race for the most part pale(for that race), thin (for that race), etc))

Attitude and potential motivation:
The demeanor at time of writing is negative and scowling. Says she's on a "holy quest" and that shes a "Knight of the Midnight Sun" of the Kingdom of Rondon and that the king will have the officers heads for interrupting her holy mission. Boys in the back thought that was especially funny. Unclear where Kingdom of Rondon is as it isn't on any maps in the station and unclear what a "Knight of the Midnight Sun" is as it isn't in any available faction registries. Doesn't make her story impossible though, could be further West than the registries the station has on hand but unlikely.

Relation to Saul Arbest ((OOC: the presumed victim?)):
Says she never met the guy until an hour before and the most they talked about was her hunt for the man who's surname is her last name. So someone named Le'garde. She was supposedly asking him if he knew who she was talking about. Apparently he took interest in her hometown and started asking questions about the Kingdom of Rondon. Guess he never heard of it either. She needs to take this Le'garde fella back home to answer for his crimes leading a band of rebels. Told her she was in hot water herself at the moment and she'd best hold her tongue lest she get branded as a traitor as well. Considering the state of things, unsure if her story is to be believed.

((This is from the SV forums double posting for making sure others can see the other posts in there. Getting caught up and making decisions now. Needed Santovas help parsing the response given to me))
No. 1087520 ID: 3f01d5

((The reply given to me))
Saul Arbest replied that, as it happens, he'd actually been doing odd jobs for a "Magos Le'garde" as recently as last week. Managed to get away for a few days, back in town to check in with family. Small world, eh?

You're in Hive Sibellus on Scintilla. It's not a particularly small world by any reasonable standard - 25 billion souls, and sector capital of Calixis. Other major settlements within the same gravity well are Gunmetal City, where everyone carries a pistol, Hive Tarsus, which is upside-down, and Ambulon, which walks.

The Arbites interrogator handling your debriefing explains, with strained patience, that there's a 62-day gap in their solid knowledge of Saul Arbest's whereabouts. Lili Arbest reported him missing nearly a month after he was honorably discharged from employment as an unskilled laborer at Tantalus Indenture, registered habitation: chamber 6/23 stack 717# Coscarla Division, southern zone, Hive Sibelius. However, she was uncertain exactly how long he'd already been gone. Next confirmed use of his cognomen card anywhere in local datacrypts was boarding the train.
Scintilla's star has conveniently close jump-points, so someone could conceivably travel to a whole different system, and back, within that time. Did Saul say anything else useful to narrow it down, before he started vomiting maggots?

PickledClowns said:
5, 6, 5, 8, 4, 9, 1, 5, 5, 10, 6, 8, 8, 7, 9, 2, 2, 9, 7, 9, 6, 6, 5, 1, 1, 7, 2, 4, 3, 6

56: Void Born
The void born unconsciously channel the fickle powers of the warp, making them preternaturally lucky.
Benefit: Whenever you spend a Fate Point (though not if you burn one), roll a 1d10. On the roll of a natural 9, you do not lose the Fate Point.
You take a –5 penalty on all Fellowship Tests made to interact with non-void born humans.
Birthed in the depths of a spacefaring craft, the void born have a natural affinity for such vehicles.
Benefit: Navigation (Stellar) (Int) and Pilot (Spacecraft) (Ag) are Basic Skills for you, meaning that you can attempt appropriate rolls with an effective skill of half the relevant characteristic, where others would be helpless without training. Once you're trained in the skill properly this becomes redundant.
Void Accustomed
Due to their strange and unnatural childhood, the void born are used to the vagaries of changing gravity.
Benefit: You are immune to space travel sickness. In addition, zero- or low-gravity environments are not considered Difficult Terrain for you.

58, when Void-Born: Psyker
Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Psyniscience (Per),
Invocation (WP),
Trade (Merchant) (Fel) or Trade (Soothsayer) (Fel),
Literacy (Int).
Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive),
Pistol Weapon Training (SP) or Pistol Weapon Training (Las),
Psy Rating 1.
Starting Gear: Axe or sword,
compact stub revolver and 3 bullets or compact las pistol and 1 charge pack, (presumably matching the training)
knife (psykana mercy blade),
quilted vest, (2 armor points, torso only, primitive - half protection vs. non-primitive weapons)
tatty robe (Poor Quality Clothing),
book of Imperial saints or deck of cards or dice,
Psy-Focus, (+10 invocation skill, lets you "push" for +1 effective psy rating at the cost of guaranteed phenomena)
sanctioning brand (not actual removable equipment, but location should be noted).
And 50+1d5 thrones worth of cash or additional gear.
Quilted vest is worth 10 thrones, feudal plate is 120 thrones... let's swap the vest for a suit of half-price plate armor, meaning AP 5 all over (still counts as primitive) and -10 to Agility tests while wearing it due to poor craftsmanship.
Two thrones left. Enough for, say, a few plain meals, or forty ordinary bullets, or a twenty-meter coil of rope, or half-meter dataline cable, or some small common tool like a pair of pliers or firestarter or personal grooming kit.

49: Divination: "Violence solves everything." Increase Weapon Skill by +3
15: Sanctioning side effects... Unlovely Memories: Such was your sanctioning, that you visibly twitch and grimace whenever Holy Terra is mentioned. Gain 1d5 Insanity Points.

5+10+20+3 = {WS} 38
6+8+20 = {BS} 34
8+7+15 = {S} 30
9+2+20 = {T} 31
2+9+20 = {Ag} 31
7+9+20 = {Int} 36
6+6+20 = {Per} 32
5+1+25 = {WP} 31
1+7+20 = {Fel} 28

7 max hit points
2 max Fate Points

Psy Rating 1 comes with a number of minor psychic powers equal to half your willpower bonus, rounded up, so in your case two. Going with semi-random generation for those, but if you buy a third one as a talent you'll get to shop around through the whole list:
24: distortion OR mutable features
36: fearful aura OR warp howl
Mutable Features is self-only, illusory disguise makes you look like someone else... but only to people who already know what that specific person is supposed to look like. Handy for impersonating celebrities.
Distortion is touch-range. Illusory disguise makes someone unrecognizable by scrambling their appearance in a blatantly unnatural way. Handy for bank robbers, MissingNo. - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. cosplay, could sow confusion by tagging an enemy and hope they succumb to friendly fire, but not so great in low-profile espionage.
The other two are self-explanatory. Warp Howl literally makes a very loud noise.

Could take the "Living Nightmare" background package for 12 xp. That'd provide +5 Willpower (doesn't count toward advancement caps), the Resistance (Psychic Powers) talent for +10 to appropriate rolls, unconditional immunity to mind-reading, and 1d10 insanity. Only available during chargen, though, not something which can develop later on.

As a psyker, advancing {WS}, {Ag}, or {Fel} by 5 would cost 20 xp, which is a bit beyond your current budget.
{BS, {S}, or {T} could be advanced for 10 xp.
{Int}, {Per}, or {WP} could be advanced for 4 xp, and then the same one again would cost 10xp, so you could raise one of them by a total of 10 at the cost of fourteen out of your starting sixteen xp, though the remaining two xp wouldn't be enough to buy anything else right away.
Other options... could get the "Sound Constitution" talent once, for 8 xp, to raise max HP,
or any of the following talents for 4 xp each: Chem Geld, Flagellant, Hatred (Daemons), Meditation, Minor Psychic Power, Pistol Training (Las), (Primitive), or (SP) - note that you'll already have one of those - Quick Draw, Unremarkable, or Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive).
or get entry-level training in any of the following skills for 4 xp each: Awareness {Per}, Common Lore (Imperial Creed) {Int}, Common Lore (Imperium) {Int}, Drive (Ground Vehicle) {Ag}, Forbidden Lore (Warp) {Int}, Scholastic Lore (Occult) {Int}, Swim {S}, or Trade (Soothsayer) {Fel}.
More options will become available after you reach rank 2, which requires having spent a total of 20 xp on permanent improvements.
No. 1087523 ID: 3f01d5

rolled 8, 6, 6, 9, 1, 2, 5, 7, 2, 10, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6, 2, 5, 5, 10, 2, 2, 6 = 147

With important character details being randomized, it's hard for me to come up with a character before I see results. Can you interpret results of the roll so I know things like birthplace and job, before I come up with other details?
No. 1087525 ID: 3f01d5

rolled 4, 3 = 7

Options chosen:

Career skill: Trade Merchant (Fellowship)

Career Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive),Pistol Weapon Training (Las)

Starting Gear:Sword, compact laser pistol and 1 charge pack Psy focus is a small wooden necklace on a wool rope with this symbol

Lets put my sanctioning brand (Of I assume to be the religion of Holy Terra) on the nape of my neck in the back below the hairline. Lets say my tattered robe has a hood that I use typically to keep it covered just by draping it not really always having the hood up though also an option.

book of Imperial Saints

Yay I get to keep my armor!

Lets spend the last of my money on a fire starter. Surely that can't go wrong in a spaceship filled with oxygen. Every medieval knight needs the ability to cook their hunt though.

Insanity Points: rolling 2d10 1st d10 is for my d5 (1&2 for 1, 3&4 for 2, etc)
Psy Rating 1:


fearful aura

Spent XP (16XP):

I do like the idea of the Living Nightmare background though I couldn't find background section in the book so I'll just take that one. for -12. That leaves me with 4XP left and I want another minor psychic power bc those sound cool as heck. I'm looking at the Dark Heresy book now but I am having trouble deciding. Asked you follow up questions in the Discord so I'll sort that outside of this post.

Note: I deleted this post because I had all the options laid out but bolded the ones I was choosing in the SV forums but the formatting obviously didn't carry over so reposting with the options I wasn't choosing removed
No. 1087535 ID: 521475

>rolled 8, 6, 6, 9, 1, 2,

divination, 12: “The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation.” Increase Toughness by +1.

86: noble born
nOble bOrn skills
You begin play with Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), and Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int).
nOble bOrn traits
Noble born gain the following Traits. Record all of these on your character sheet:
Nobles are schooled in how to comport themselves in all manner of formal situations.
Effect: You gain a +10 bonus on Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests when dealing with high authority and in formal situations.
supremely Connected
Nobles have extensive connections and you know that dropping the “right” names into a conversation can open more doors than a fistful of Thrones.
Effect: You begin play with the Peer (Nobility) talent. In addition, you also gain Peer (Academics, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Government, Mercantile, Military or Underworld), selecting one category to reflect your family’s powerbase.
Every noble house has its sworn enemies and rivals who would do it and its members harm. Joining the Holy Ordos doesn’t stop this, it merely forces those who wish you harm to be a bit more cautious and subtle in exacting their vengeance.
Effect: You have powerful enemies, perhaps in the shape of a rival noble house or some other powerful group. The details of these enemies are left to you and the GM to define, working together to create a formidable threat. While they do not dog your steps at every turn, they are still out there, aiming to inconvenience, harm or kill you when you cross their path, You, of course, are free to return the favour when it’s expedient to do so.
Those born into the nobility are also born in to wealth and enjoy the fruits of their family’s fortunes.
Effect: You begin play with double the starting number of Thrones. You are also Noble for the purposes of determining monthly income.

For characteristics, Noble-Born get -5 Willpower but +5 Fellowship.

69, when noble born: guardsman
Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag) or Swim (S).
Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive),
Pistol Training (Primitive) or Pistol Training (Las),
Basic Weapons Training (Las),
Basic Weapon Training (Primitive) or Basic Weapons Training (SP).
Starting Gear: Sword or axe or hammer,
flintlock pistol and 12 shots or las pistol and 1 charge pack,
lasgun and 1 charge pack,
bow and 10 arrows or musket and 12 shots or shotgun and 12 shells,
guard flak armour,
uniform or stealth gear or street clothes (Common Quality Clothing),
1 week corpse starch rations,
mercenary licence or explosive collar (still attached) or Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer.
and 70+1d10 thrones additional gear, doubled by Noble Born to 140+2d10

Guardsmen advance Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill, and Toughness cheaply, while Intelligence, Willpower, and Fellowship are expensive. In terms of skills and talents, Awareness {Per} and up to three purchases of Sound Constitution are the only ones not already listed as alternates... unless you take the explosive collar option in starting equipment, in which case you can be a Penal Legionnaire and get access to an expanded list.
Background package options include Untouchable (already listed),

Tranch War Veteran for 4 xp providing
Skills: You gain the Search (Per) skill.
Talents: You start the game with the Hatred (Mutants) and Light Sleeper talents.
Insanity Points: Gain 1d5 Insanity Points.

Soldier of the Margin Crusade for 8 xp providing
Characteristics: Reduce Toughness by –3.
Skills: You gain Awareness (Per) and Survival (Int).
Talents: Gain the Unshakable Faith talent (allowing you to reroll failed Fear tests)

Survivor of the Mara Landing Massacre for 12 xp providing
Characteristics: Increase starting Willpower by +5.
Talents: You start the game with Resistance (Psychic Powers).
Corruption: Your experiences at the massacre means that you begin the game with 1d5 Corruption Points.
Fate Points: You gain one additional Fate Point.
Insanity Points: Unhinged, you start the game with 1d10 Insanity Points

or Unsanctioned Psyker for 12 xp. Could combine any of those that fit within the 16 xp budget.

Table 1–1: Random Home World/Origin Roll Result (D100) 01–15 Feral World – – – 16–35 Hive World – – – – 36–55 Imperial World – – – – 56–65 Void Born – – 66–75 Forge World – – – – 76–85 Schola Progenium – – 86–95 Noble Born – – 96–00 Mind Cleansed – Table 1–7: Career Paths —Home World— Career Path Feral Forge Hive Imperial Mind Noble Schola Void World World World World Cleansed Born Progenium Born Adept — 01–25 — 01—12 — 01–18 01–20 01—10 Arbitrator — — 01—17 13—25 01–15 19–30 21–40 11—20 Assassin 01—30 26–35 18—20 26—38 16–50 31–40 — 21—25 Cleric — — 21—25 39—52 51–60 41–56 41–60 26—35 Guardsman 31—80 36–60 26—35 53—65 61–80 57–75 61–80 — Psyker 81—90 — 36—40 66—79 81–90 76–85 — 36—75 Scum 91—00 61–70 41—89 80—90 — 86–00 — 76—85 Tech-priest — 71–00 90—00 91—00 91–00 — — 86—00 Sororitas † — — — — — — 81–00 — † Sororitas characters must be female; re-roll if your character is male.
No. 1087597 ID: 521475

>entrance exams
>on her way to a big career in the military.
Was on her way there today, of all the rotten luck. Stuck in a cell, getting grilled about some rando's mushrooms, while every soon-to-be-cadet who showed up on time is taking the written portion of their exam. Better luck next year, assuming she can scrape together another load of bribes by then.
No such thing.
No. 1087900 ID: 3f01d5
File 171216617795.png - (63.54KB , 1119x461 , Report.png )

rolled 1, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 2, 9, 8, 8 = 51

Taranis, Donato M.
Sex: Female
Hair: Blond
Height: 160cm
Weight: 68kg
Eyes: Grn
Age: 50

Donato Taranis, of house Taranis, is a noble born woman. Slight genetic deviance, resulting in large pointed ears and differential developmental milestones/timeline. Her family isolated her for much of childhood due to these differences, giving her a rather sheltered upbringing.

Divination, 12: "The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation." Increase Toughness by +1.

86: noble born
You begin play with Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), and Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int).
Noble born gain the following Traits. Record all of these on your character sheet:
Nobles are schooled in how to comport themselves in all manner of formal situations.​
Effect: You gain a +10 bonus on Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests when dealing with high authority and in formal situations.​
supremely Connected​
Nobles have extensive connections and you know that dropping the "right" names into a conversation can open more doors than a fistful of Thrones.​
Effect: You begin play with the Peer (Nobility) talent. In addition, you also gain Peer (Academics, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Government, Mercantile, Military or Underworld), selecting one category to reflect your family's powerbase.​
Gonna go for Adeptus Mechanicus. Cool minis, and I know slightly more about them than the rest.
Every noble house has its sworn enemies and rivals who would do it and its members harm. Joining the Holy Ordos doesn't stop this, it merely forces those who wish you harm to be a bit more cautious and subtle in exacting their vengeance.​
Effect: You have powerful enemies, perhaps in the shape of a rival noble house or some other powerful group. The details of these enemies are left to you and the GM to define, working together to create a formidable threat. While they do not dog your steps at every turn, they are still out there, aiming to inconvenience, harm or kill you when you cross their path, You, of course, are free to return the favor when it's expedient to do so.​
Thinking the Dark Mechanicum makes a natural vendetta.
Those born into the nobility are also born in to wealth and enjoy the fruits of their family's fortunes.​
Effect: You begin play with double the starting number of Thrones. You are also Noble for the purposes of determining monthly income.​

For characteristics, Noble-Born get -5 Willpower but +5 Fellowship.

69, when noble born: guardsman
Starting Skills:
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)​
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag)​
Starting Talents:
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)​
Basic Weapons Training (SP)​
Starting Gear:
las pistol and 1 charge pack​
lasgun and 1 charge pack​
shotgun and 12 shells​
guard flak armour​
1 week corpse starch rations​
Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer.​
70+1d10 thrones additional gear, doubled by Noble Born to 140+2d10​

Guardsmen advance Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill, and Toughness cheaply, while Intelligence, Willpower, and Fellowship are expensive. In terms of skills and talents, Awareness {Per} and up to three purchases of Sound Constitution are the only ones not already listed as alternates.
Taking "Survivor of the Mara Landing Massacre" for 12 xp providing:
Characteristics: Increase starting Willpower by +5.​
Talents: You start the game with Resistance (Psychic Powers).​
Corruption: Your experiences at the massacre means that you begin the game with 1d5 Corruption Points.​
Fate Points: You gain one additional Fate Point.​
Insanity Points: Unhinged, you start the game with 1d10 Insanity Points​

First two dice are thrones, third is Insanity, the rest in case I forgot something.
No. 1088090 ID: eb0a9c

rolled 4, 8, 7, 1, 10, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6 = 49

Harida twiddles her legs.
"Sooo... can you, like, tell the [Academy] that you brought me in for questioning?" [Charm]

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