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File 127288343345.jpg - (35.10KB , 700x500 , quest 1.jpg )
173132 No. 173132 ID: 014ff1

You awaken.
13 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 173430 ID: a85626


Of what nature are the lights? Do they burn with a flickering or steady flame? Is it focused or diffuse? What are those cables coming from, and where do they lead?
No. 175427 ID: 014ff1
File 127340006578.jpg - (123.39KB , 700x500 , quest 5.jpg )

sorry for the delay

The lights glow steadily with a moderate, diffuse white light with a tinge of blue that lends that which they illuminate a cold, hard feel. The cables to which they are joined lead to a wiring box embedded in the rock above the door.

Klilmus walks to the tunnel's end.
No. 175428 ID: 014ff1
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Though he racks his brain, Klilmus can't remember any strings of numbers.
No. 175430 ID: 014ff1
File 127340023081.jpg - (43.81KB , 700x500 , quest 7 inventory.jpg )

Klilmus currently carries:
Pocket knife
Pocket lint
No. 175438 ID: a594b9

Try knocking on the door. If nobody answers, we're gonna have to check other areas of the cave.

Check your body for tattoos, and your clothing for markings.
No. 175518 ID: 625e13

Do you have any special abilities?
Could you fuck with the keypad or the wiring without ruining them or, even worse, yourself?

Except for that, I guess you could examine the pad and the door more closely. Do the keys show different grades of wear?
No. 175540 ID: 754d8d

Check the ground behind you. There's an unusually straight shadow on the floor, implying something manufactured, instead of just rocks.
No. 175770 ID: a85626


What on earth are you wearing? It looks rather long and baggy, and a bit blemished if I'm seeing it right. Perhaps you were clambering about under here quite a bit? Good spelunking wear.

Are those boots? How old do they look? Are they all scuffed up with worn soles, or are they still shiny and stiff leather? You can tell by your boots how long you've been walking in them, even if you don't yourself recall.
No. 175771 ID: a594b9

You could try checking under the rocks, too. Maybe someone left a note giving themselves a reminder of the code.
No. 177966 ID: 014ff1
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Klilmus doesn't know much about electronics or how to crack them, beyond the physical definition of the word.

He gives the door a few good knocks. It sounds very solid, and very thick.

He picks up the syringe on the ground. Its label is marked in several languages, including his own. It reads, "Anti-histamine."
No. 177970 ID: 014ff1
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Klilmus's clothes, while showing signs of wear, are quite clean aside from a dusting of cave dirt on his back. Sewn onto the right upper arm of his shirt is a symbol, although he does not recall its significance.
No. 177973 ID: 014ff1
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Searching around the lit cave turns up no convenient notes.

A few minutes pass without interruption, and when nobody comes to the door, Klilmus walks to the ramp and looks out.
No. 177983 ID: a594b9

So what's out there?
No. 178001 ID: 49b821

looks like a fire, perhaps a tree (or underground equivalent) or pillar, some rocks and some water?
No. 178010 ID: a594b9

No, we're not seeing outside yet. That's the inside of the cave, still.
No. 178012 ID: a594b9

Oh, but the orange light is new. Better investigate.
No. 178039 ID: a85626


Anti-histamines? Damn I don't even want to know what happens when you guys get allergies.


We see an orange light. Can you see what is casting it from where you are? You should approach it.
No. 178060 ID: 014ff1
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Klilmus clambers down from the bright hole and approaches the new source of light. As he moves, it continues to a fork in the tunnel and takes the right path, and rounds a bend.

Klilmus stands at the fork, holding the lamp in his right hand and the syringe in his left.
No. 178228 ID: a85626

Is that a... cockpit of some sort? It looks like a strange shadowy contraption. Kilimus! What do your 'bold eyes see?
No. 178234 ID: a594b9

Follow the light.
No. 189554 ID: 110e2c
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Klilmus arbitrarily decides to follow the light, rather than investigate the dim blue form in the distance.

He descends carefully into a dry tributary that might once have fed from the (now still) cave river he just left. About halfway in, he notices the start of a system of small, interconnected metal rods embedded in the rock. He manages not to trip any of the wires as he catches up to the orange light. Then, just before he is upon it, it cuts out.

He peers over the last bulge.

The figure, hunched over a junction in the wires, doesn't seem to notice. It's carrying a long metal implement. Klilmus guesses it is a supressed gun.
No. 189564 ID: 0b2a05


...You're adorable.
No. 189572 ID: 0003ac

You should not assume this person is an enemy just yet. Do any of the markings on the uniform look familiar? Watch and wait. This person could be a friend.
No. 189663 ID: 110e2c
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Klilmus steps down from the hill, but keeps an eye on the figure.

Unfortunately, he trips a wire in the process. The suited form turns. Klilmus manages to get a glimpse of the symbol on his back before ducking his head down.
No. 189666 ID: 110e2c
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The orange light sweeps in his general direction. Shit.

The symbol on the individual's back looks familiar. Klilmus thinks for a moment before he remembers the insignia on his own arm, which also depicts an eight-pointed star within a wheel.

There are some rocks at Klilmus's feet. The figure isn't too close, so he might have time to scurry over the next hill or two, or try to surprise the figure with the knife, however ineffectual that might be. And then, there's always the diplomatic route.
No. 189667 ID: a594b9

Diplomatic route. Show him your symbol, since it's the same one.

Say "Don't shoot!"
No. 189670 ID: 0b2a05

Wait. Your natural response is fear and/or aggression?

Run away, there's something wrong here. Do not make your presence known.
No. 189678 ID: 0b2a05

Run away and watch from afar. See if you can glean any more information about it.
No. 189710 ID: 110e2c
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I Wanna Be an Astronaut continues their advance.

Klilmus isn't certain whether or not showing his badge will grant him immunity from a shot to the face. For one, the symbol on his shirt isn't quite the same as the one on the backpack. He decides to move to a more favorable position before trying anything else, diplomatic or otherwise.
No. 189712 ID: 110e2c
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Pausing the quest here. I'm sleepy. Also I'm making up tests tomorrow, so yeah. Goodnight, /quest/.
No. 189714 ID: a594b9

Say "Don't shoot" and show him your badge.
No. 194794 ID: 05c9fd
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Klilmus stands up and flashes the badge. "Don't shoot!"

The figure raises its gun at him. Klilmus wonders if the suit obscures his hearing.
No. 194797 ID: 05c9fd
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It doesn't.

"What prison did you come out of? If we weren't miles away from the nearest settlement, I'd have you arrested. Tell me why I shouldn't shoot you now," the figure's voice booms out through a speaker on its pack.
No. 194804 ID: 0b2a05

Say that you didn't do anything wrong! You just woke up here and can't remember how you got here!
No. 194818 ID: 1a99f0

ask him if there's any reason he should.
No. 194910 ID: a594b9

"Is that what this badge means? I can't even remember if this is my jacket!"
No. 194930 ID: 099247

Why would you? Are you alone here? I can help you if you want. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. Care to fill me in?
No. 195045 ID: 476456

"i give amazing nosejobs"
No. 195062 ID: 2a421d

"Am I a prisoner? Wow, that sucks I just woke up back in that cave thing over there."
No. 195198 ID: 05c9fd
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"Why? Am I a prisoner? Is that what this badge means? I just woke up here! I don't remember how I got here!" Klilmus exclaims.

The suit's lights have cut out, darkening the surroundings to pitch black. Klilmus grips the lantern behind the rock, which he had turned off previously to conceal himself.

Presently, the man - or woman; it's difficult to tell - regards Klilmus. "I got at least one good reason to take you out - you're trespassing on my dig, and we've been troubled by our national enemy fairly recently. That jacket you're wearing is criminal outfit, as if you didn't know that already." They sigh. "But I consider myself a good person, so I'll consider that you might be telling the truth. Sit down."

Klilmus sees no reason not to under the circumstances.

"The Leel Nak Set team gassed this place some time ago. We haven't seen any other sign of them yet, but we heard one of their icebreakers was parked on the coastline nearby. So maybe you are touched in the head, or else you're spying for them, or here to steal artifacts, maybe both. Sreembis knows why they'd send in someone dressed out in jail uniform." They shake their head, and their aim drifts off a bit. Noticing this, they bring the gun back to level with Klilmus's head. "So. Let's start with: Who are you, and what do you do?"

"I - I remember that I'm Klilmus of Balathrulmer," stammers the same. "That's supposed to be a place somewhere, I think... I don't remember what I did. Are you alone? I, I give goo-" No. No. The person stares.

"You give good what?"

"I, uh, I can help you if you want."

"...Maybe. I'm not alone, of course. Though it's quite early, I'll admit.

"And this probably isn't the best place for an interrogation, on second thought. Up." They nudge Klilmus. "Oh, and take your shirt off."
No. 195202 ID: 1a99f0

best just to do what s/he says for now. We aren't the one with a gun.
No. 195203 ID: a594b9

Yes take off your shirt and expose your manly chest to him.
No. 195246 ID: 0b2a05

Do what he says. Ask if he wants you to take your pants off too.
No. 195247 ID: 05c9fd
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"What?" Klilmus steps back.

"It's nothing like what you might be thinking," the person says. "Okay? Even if I wanted to take advantage of you, I'd have to spend at least a minute getting out of this suit to be effective. There, you know a secret of mine. Off with it, now."

Hesitantly, Klilmus complies. The person inspects his right upper arm and sternum. "Generally they brand you with the prison designation under the badge. Since this can be removed fairly cheaply, they make more drastic modifications for more heinous cases - generally an implant down the length of the sternum, anchored partway into the bone." Their gloved hand pulls away. "I can't tell much more unless I bring you back to base, although I am - somewhat - reassured" they say. "You can put your shirt back on now."
No. 195249 ID: 05c9fd
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"And I suppose you can know my name, since that's no secret information. I'm Jidithrambus, House Kromber.

"Base is a short walk upcave and downstream from here." Klilmus notes that their gun is no longer pointed directly at him.
No. 195255 ID: a594b9

"Ok, lead on. I guess since I'm not a hardened criminal I might just be really poor and scavenged the jacket."
No. 195341 ID: f83b4e

Show of good faith: show them the other things you've found. They may recognize the type of knife, or possibly the needle's origins.
No. 195343 ID: 1a99f0

alright then, time to head to the base.
No. 195344 ID: c4c313

"Could I direct your attention to a dim blue form in the distance? I wonder what that is!"
No. 195590 ID: 732129

What is House Kromber known for?
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