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File 127439781745.jpg - (148.38KB , 500x824 , Best Gamebook Of All Time.jpg )
180352 No. 180352 ID: 395ca4

... urgh. What the hell happened?
>01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00101110
You have a vague memory of a falling sensation... nothing before that.
>01010100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00101110
You're in a forest... lush, and green, and wet, like the forests in fantasy novels. "How do I know that?", you wonder. An oddly-coloured mist wends it's way through the threes and around you; it's cold and moist, but not threatening.
>01000011 01101000 01100001 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100011 00101110
You look down at yourself, and discover that you are female, wearing a bright red changshan with golden embroidery in a pattern you can't quite make out, over equally bright silk pants. With this you are wearing a pair of soft, slip-on shoes with open backs - your mind makes you think "Like Yan-Wang in Souten no Ken", which is odd, because you have no idea what any of that actually means.
A quick glance back shows you that you have long, fiery red hair that travels untamed to your hips, like a river of magma.
>01000100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01111001 00101110

The numbers suddenly unfold into your ears and you wince, then look up - there's a boy standing there, around your age, over by a large oak tree, glaring at you.
He wears an open olive-drab cargo vest with silver zips, equally plain cargo pants, black sneakers and socks, and a grey beanie on his head. His face is almost... bestial; you get the impression of "Hunter" from him. For his part, he growls, raising fists tied in bloodstained white handwraps.
"Just what we need, another one? State your business, Entity."

What do you do?
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No. 180637 ID: 395ca4

That makes Josh shut up for a few seconds before shaking his head. "No... we'd know if they tried. We would."
But he doesn't sound convinced.

You're interrupted by the Elecmon from before, who hands you both... what appear to be steaming pasties. Josh takes his with hesitation, prompting you to do the same - you take it, cautiously; it's hot in your hand, but not dangerously so.
"Enjoy." The Elecmon bows and scurries off again.

Josh sighs. "Eat it if you want, but it's not going to taste good. For some reason, Tamers don't need to eat - and our sense of taste slowly vanishes, too."

You shrug and work on the pastie, chewing daintily - contrary to his suggestion, it tastes fantastic, almost vibrant; it's some kind of beef stew with vegetables chucked in to temper the flavour.

All conversation halts over dinner; Josh seems to be eating to be polite, and you do your best to copy him so as not to stand out.

He's silent once he finishes, and next thing you know a bunch of residents of the village have hauled out a set of drums and are beginning to play - Songs Around The Campfire thing, you assume (again, wondering where that came from).
Josh grins. "Fun fact. Digital World instruments can make some... interesting noises. Things that shouldn't be made with a physical instrument."


He's completely silent while you listen to the first song - partly watching the small dance that has sprung up around the bonfire, but partly thinking to himself.

When the last beat dies down and the Digimon stop to catch their breath, he looks at you with his arms in his lap. "Um, sorry for being a dick."

What say?
No. 180639 ID: 54a658

"Ahh, don't worry about it. Let's just get along from now on, 'k?"
No. 180646 ID: 395ca4

"Speaking of which... what are you going to do from now on?" Josh asks. "I'll understand if you don't want to stay here; we're a pretty boring place to be. I'm only here because... let's just say I owe Justimon."

What say?
No. 180658 ID: 8405c1

Josh whooped our ass in the fight, I'd say we ask how to get stronger.
No. 180686 ID: 395ca4

"Train. Travel. Practise. You'll find you're faster, stronger, just BETTER than you were back home." Josh clenches his fists. "If you really want to get better..."
He stands up, turns, points at the skyline - you refocus and *see it* - a giant mountain, so tall that the peak fades out of your view.
"There's a guy who lives up there. He'll teach you if you ask rightly..."

What now?
No. 180722 ID: 45f54d

The right way? I take it it's not quite as easy as just heading up there and asking for training then, it it?
No. 180735 ID: 395ca4

At this, Josh gives a mysterious little smile. "It might be," he says, "it might be."
No. 180736 ID: 45f54d

Is there anything between here and there I should be worried about for when I eventually head that way?
No. 180737 ID: 395ca4

"Oh, just everything." Josh doesn't sound concerned. "It's actually... well, you'll be fine as long as you pick your fights. But you don't need to eat or drink here, for example... as long as you're breathing you'll live. You might get uncomfortable, but that's it. Deserts, for example, are no longer a problem."

That's comforting, you think.
No. 180742 ID: 45f54d

"Might be better if I stay around here with you for now then... No reason for me to run off and get myself killed on some crazy quest just yet.

So, what do you normally do around here?"
No. 180760 ID: d9d7b0

"Have you ever been up there yourself?" Cross legs, head tilt, obviously resist urge to cuddle adorable itty bitty digimon. "You're really strong, so I imagine you learned to fight with that guy, right?"
No. 180761 ID: 395ca4

That gets a snort out of him. "Of course not. He's not a fighter. He's still stronger than you'll ever be, though."

Josh shrugs. "Not much. Relax, patrol. There's only usually action every few weeks if that. Pretty boring, really."
No. 180857 ID: 275a5d

Well, in that case, I guess we should just look around Terminus.
No. 180909 ID: d6cb21

Lets talk to some of the Digimon.
No. 180961 ID: 395ca4

You excuse yourself to Josh and stand, looking around the camp.
There's two groups that seriously catch your eye:

A squad of Gazimon (little humanoid creatures that look like evil bunnies) sitting in a circle around a board, playing a game based on tiles - looks like gambling, to you.

The Elecmon from before is moving around a set of tables that have the appearance of an open-air kitchen, directing a small team of Gotsumon (little rock-men... Gotsumen, maybe?) around as they finish clearing up the scraps from dinner.

There's also a noise from slightly beyond the clearing... a rhythmic 'woosh' followed by a number of voices letting out a sharp, but muted, yell.

What do you do?
No. 180968 ID: d6cb21

Lets see what the commotion is.
No. 180991 ID: f091ad

Go see what it is, and be ready to fight.
No. 180999 ID: d896d9

>Be ready to fight
>Blatantly obvious that its a group of people training
Herp derp.

Still, we should check it out.
No. 181037 ID: 5aaa7a

Nobody but me wants to gamble?
No. 181078 ID: 395ca4
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You wander off, following the noise, and find... what appears to be an open-air dojo, of all things, with a classful of Rookie-level Digimon practising what appears to be kendo.
Heading the class is a tall Digimon wielding no less than two shinai - Yasyamon, the name jumps into your head, though you have the oddest feeling that you might be pronouncing it wrong - and he looks at you expectantly from behind his creepy oni-mask as you approach the boarded floor of the small clearing.

What do you do?
No. 181081 ID: 24c327

"May I observe your lesson?"
No. 181235 ID: 395ca4

He gestures to a plush cushion up towards one end of the dojo; you leave your shoes by the 'door' as appropriate, padding barefoot across the sprung boards to the cushion and lapsing onto it with your feet folded beneath you.
The Yasyamon looks at you approvingly and you sense that you've done something correct in the way you've moved.

There isn't much left of the class, and they're mostly doing a routine centered around vertical strikes - the same one, over and over again.
A quote jumps into your head -
>"I fear not the man who has practised ten thousand kicks once, but the man who has practised one kick ten thousand times."
- seems relevant enough.

When the class is near it's end, you're surprised to see the Yasyamon gesture for the students to move to sit at the sides of the dojo; he looks to you and gestures to the floor - and you suddenly realize that he is inviting you to spar with him.

What do you do?
No. 181292 ID: 6aee34

Accept his invitation with an appropriate bow.
No. 181374 ID: 395ca4
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You stand and bow, placing your right fist against your left palm; the Yasyamon cocks his head quizzically to the side but accepts you. He gestures to a pair of Kotemon among the students and they bring a long, leather case to you, laying it on the floor at your feet and opening it -

Inside are three shinai, like the ones Yasyamon holds... well, not quite.
The first is an ornate thing, with the handle inlaid with what appears to be ivory and something like gold streaks are laid into the 'blade' itself, giving it a fiery impression.
The second is almost the exact opposite; it looks old, chipped and worn and covered in battlescars; it's handle is wrapped in aged leather which is starting to fall apart.
The third is a completely ordinary shinai, identical to the ones used by all the students.

Which do you take?
No. 181376 ID: c4c7f5

The one for students of course.
No. 181379 ID: d896d9

Lift the ornate one, admire it for a bit...

...then put it back and take the ordinary one.
No. 181380 ID: 24c327

Indeed. We're no better or worse than them. Possibly less experienced with a sword, but still.
No. 181382 ID: d6cb21

No. 181390 ID: 395ca4


The ornate shinai is annoyingly heavy in your hands and quite uncomfortable to hold.
You return it to the box and retrieve the student's shinai instead.
To your surprise, it's much lighter and comfortable to hold, and you find yourself moulding your hands to the grip as though you've done this before.

The Kotemon pair with the box retreat and a third slips out of the crowd, untying the Yasyamon's left-hand shield and shinai and offering the former article to you.

You accept it's offer and it helps you bind the shield around your right forearm, giving you more defense on that side - you can always parry to the left, but it would be a little harder to go right; you and the Yasyamon are almost mirror images at the moment - though he's much taller than you, obviously.

There's a brief moment of pause, silent except for the whispering wind that blows a small leaf across the space between you.
The one of the students sounds a small gong and it's on.

The Yasyamon steps forward and strikes vertically, the same strike that you've seen being practised all night.

What do you do?
No. 181416 ID: d896d9

Jump back and throw your shinai at him!
No. 181433 ID: b71223

obvioulsy we should side step the vertical and horizontal slash him. I don't know much about sword fighting I suggest we keep on the defensive for most of the time and counter only when we have a sure hit.
No. 181466 ID: 395ca4

You see the slash coming at you almost slowly; Yasyamon tenses to pull it if you don't block.

You're having trouble making up your mind, though.
What do?
No. 181470 ID: c4c7f5

No. 181491 ID: 9b336d

I agree
No. 181565 ID: 395ca4


You step out to your left; the blade stops at the point in the air where you'd been a second ago - if you hadn't moved it would have landed exactly where the neck meets the shoulder.

Following your dodge, you strike out horizontally, planting your feet and twisting to add force to the blow.
The Yasyamon blocks with their armguard and steps sideways to help neutralize the force of the blow.

You both turn and step back to neutral positions, though you get there a little faster, enough that you have the edge.

What do you do?
No. 181587 ID: 5aaa7a

Press an attack. Anything will do now that we have the initiative.
No. 181708 ID: 395ca4

Your foot comes forward and down even as the Yasyamon's back foot returns to the neutral position and you return the downwards strike with devestating power -

The Yasyamon suddenly switches their grip on the shinai, holding it one-handed in reverse grip and lashes upwards, smashing the blade of your own with the squared-off pommel and then bringing the wooden sword whipping around to the side; despite the force, it touches your neck so lightly that you barely feel it.

The Yasyamon, without looking, holds their hand out and catches your shinai by the blade and holds it back out to you.

The match is over.
What do you do?
No. 182061 ID: 5aaa7a

Congratulate him, ask him what exactly they were doing here.
No. 182077 ID: d6cb21

"Wow, that was quick. Could you show me that move again, if its not too much trouble?"
No. 182412 ID: 395ca4
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He holds up his hand, asking you to wait, then moves his hand to the mask, gripping it as though to take it off -

Oh wow.
As the Yasyamon pulls to the side, the mask transforms into a small device, one you feel that's like your own - and their form changes... splitting into two, actually.
The first is another Kotemon, though this one wears white armor.

The second is a woman - probably a couple of years older than you, she wears black hakama with a sleeveless white kimono top, leaving her toned, tanned arms bare. She lowers her device and hands it to the Kotemon; they briefly bow to each other and the Kotemon scurries off, leaving her alone with you.

She turns back to you, running a hand through her hair - short and dark, like her eyes - and smiling. "Not bad at all. We were training, obviously... think like a civilian militia..." there's a brief pause and she looks slightly downcast. "... for all the good it'll do..."

That makes her brighten right up. "Oh, sure! It's called Teacher's Revenge; it's not really that hard, but you gotta get the timing right..."

... it must be well towards sunrise by the time you're both done, but you're confident that you've got the move downpat now. She bows to you, and you return it, and that concludes the lesson to your understanding.
"We should get some sleep; it's pretty damn late, huh?" she grins ruefully. "Sorry to keep you up."

What do you do?
No. 182422 ID: 24c327

"Dunno, got anywhere to stay?"
No. 182426 ID: f147b2

Uh, get her name at some point.
No. 182433 ID: 608bf1

"Sleep? . . Oh! Right, sleep. . . Where do we sleep?" Adorable head tilt.
No. 182434 ID: 395ca4

"Huh? Oh! It's Tsurugi." she tilts her head to the side gently. "And yours?"
You tell her and she blinks. "Pretty name. I'm kinda jealous." Tsurugi grins and you get the impression that she's joking.

"Oh, most of the time people just sleep by the fire; it's warmer than you think." Tsurugi nods. "Though you can come crash with me if you'd prefer a roof over your head."
You briefly finger the hold of your shinai as you ponder.

What do you do?
No. 182436 ID: 24c327

"I'll crash with you, I guess."
No. 182438 ID: 608bf1

Think for a moment, then remember one of the most fun words ever! "Sleepover!"
No. 182442 ID: 5aaa7a

We get to keep the shinai? Sweet.
No. 182450 ID: 395ca4

You get the feeling that it might be better to leave it in the dojo for now.
Besides, walking around with a shinai right now would be clunky.

Tsurugi gives you an askance look. "Uh, sure, if you want to call it that..." she looks... slightly nervous, and you suddenly get the impression that Tsurugi never had a lot of friends.

What do?
No. 182459 ID: d6cb21

Is something the matter?
No. 182469 ID: 395ca4

Tsurugi blinks and shakes her head. "Not at all. Not used to people." she looks left and right kinda shiftily, then makes to leave. "A-anyway, are you coming or not?"

Do you follow Tsurugi, or find somewhere else to camp for the night?
No. 182482 ID: 5aaa7a

Why not? It'll be safer, and she's obviously fairly used to this place if she's training a militia. She would be a good ally to have.
No. 182483 ID: b71223

I don't see why not. let's follow here.
today was if nothing else a pretty eventful time.
we should get some rest.
No. 182485 ID: d6cb21

"Sure, why not?"

Also, in the morning we need to socialize with the various digimon around here and get the lay of the land. For example, what varieties of Digi-destined are there around here?
No. 182503 ID: 24c327

Sure. One, it's safer, two, it's more comfortable, and three, we can do some bonding with her ^_^. She needs a friend. We need friends. We'll be her friend! It's all good!
No. 182510 ID: 395ca4


Tsurugi lives in one of the houses-carved-from-trees, apparently; she leads you inside and shuts the door behind her. It's very modest, with only a single bed, one chest of drawers, a low table, and a couch; she crosses to the chest and retrieves a thick blanket from it.

"Sleep on the bed." Tsurugi says firmly, beginning to untie her hakama from her hips.

What say/do?
No. 182514 ID: 24c327

"If you insist. It's your house, I don't want to impose. I'm absolutely fine with the couch."

And I suppose start undressing too, while we're at it.
No. 182517 ID: 1ac39d

>beginning to untie her hakama from her hips.

i like where this is going.
No. 182519 ID: 24c327

Of course you would, but I don't think we're NEARLY at that level of relationship.
No. 182526 ID: d6cb21

No. 182547 ID: 0acef7

She's actually wearing black shorts underneath it; Tsurugi curls up on the couch under the blanket before you can voice any alternative suggestions.

You sigh and slip off the overcoat... shirt... whatever the top qualifies as, exposing the white undershirt beneath it; then you crawl beneath the covers and curl up, falling asleep almost instantly.

>01000001 01100011 01110001 01110101 01101001 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01010100 01100101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100111 01110011 00100000 01010010 01100101 01110110 01100101 01101110 01100111 01100101 00100000 00101000 01000010 01100101 01100111 01101001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01110010 00101001

You're awakened shortly after sunrise by a rhythmic sound floating in through the open window - a short yell, Tsurugi's voice you thinkg, followed by a 'whish' and a 'clack'.

What do you do?
No. 182559 ID: 24c327

Go outside to check on what's happening. Be prepared to make use of Digivice in case something bad is going on.
No. 182564 ID: 1ac39d

sounds more like she is cutting wood.
ask if you could try some.
No. 182617 ID: 5aaa7a

This, but be sneaky. If it's nothing go back to sleep, and if somethings up you've got surprise on your side.
No. 182706 ID: 0acef7


You slip outside slowly, making your way across the dew-wet grass with nary a sound; it takes you a little way out into the forest behind the house.
Sneaking up behind a tree, you discover the source of the sound:

Tsurugi is working over a training dummy with the chipped and splintered shinai that was lying spare yesterday. She's dressed lightly, just in a light t-shirt and cargo shorts - both clothes and her hair are plastered to her, and her bare arms and legs gleam with sweat; she must have been out here for hours.
Tsurugi keeps working away at the training dummy, working in quick spins and cuts that don't seem to be a part of the kendo she was teaching - she doesn't seem to have noticed you yet.

What do you do?
No. 182707 ID: 24c327

Watch silently. I don't think surprising her in the middle of weapons practice is likely to end well.
No. 182709 ID: 608bf1

"Nyoro~n" Head tilt, finger to lips, stare until she notices us.
No. 182727 ID: 0acef7


You wait almost twenty minutes before she finally lets out a sharp roar and drives the bamboo blade hard onto the dummy's head, scoring a solid *dent* there.

For a moment, there's almost silence, the clearing filled with nothing but the sound of her heavy breathing, and then Tsurugi turns, looking at the tree you've ducked behind. "Come out," she pants, "I saw you."

What do?
No. 182730 ID: 608bf1

Pop out, sheepish/adorable grin. "I heard you, and woke up. You're really strong."
No. 182735 ID: 24c327

Yeah. This.
No. 182744 ID: 0acef7


"I know."
She doesn't say it arrogantly, but more like nonchalantly, as though she's used to hearing it. "Sorry to wake you up, though."

What say?
No. 182746 ID: 1ac39d

"it's okay. hey maybe you can train me a little? just a few tips like stances and stuff."
No. 183051 ID: 0acef7

"Kendo isn't that easy, though... I mean, I make it look easy, but it's not as easy as teaching you stances and things like that..." Tsurugi looks surprisingly apologetic, like it's her fault.

What say?
No. 183056 ID: 86faf0

Do we really want to be restricted to a sword based style?

Ask her for general tips in self-defense.
No. 183067 ID: 0acef7

Tsurugi grins. "I'll give you the two best pieces of advice you can have. The first: 'The best way to win a fight is by a hundred metres'. The second: 'Don't think'. Y'follow?" she asks, resting her shinai over her shoulder.
No. 183069 ID: d6cb21

I kinda got the second one, but the first went WAY over my head. Sorry.
No. 183070 ID: 86faf0

I think she's talking about shooting them.
No. 183075 ID: d6cb21

Makes sense.
No. 183076 ID: d6cb21

Also, another question for the OP, can we choose what Digimon we become, or is it preset? Just wondering.
No. 183077 ID: 1ac39d

basically 'be certain of victory before the first blow'
No. 183094 ID: 0acef7

She means that it's better to avoid a fight. Why would a kendoka be talking about shooting someone?

Not sure yet. I have a line in mind, but I'm willing to change up.

So, what do you do?
No. 183226 ID: 608bf1

"Don't think, feel!" Adorable is good at remembering random stuff. It's probably time to choose a random direction and wander off, after giving swordgirl a nod of thanks. Probably find weird plants to eat and stuff.
No. 183234 ID: 86faf0

Thank her for the place to stay. Eventually make our way back to the village, where we might find some food.
No. 183235 ID: 1ac39d

No. 183364 ID: 7a7c67

I second this.

Also OP, how does Guilmon sound? Would that fit?
No. 183396 ID: 892169

Tsurugi looks flustered at the sudden hug, but she doesn't throw you, so you must be doing something right. "*That's* what you were feeling?" she asks, and you get the feeling that she's teasing you gently.

You wander back to the village; it's so early that only the absolute early-risers are up and moving, and you're interested to note that you aren't hungry in the least despite the workout and passage of time. Come to think of it, Josh mentioned that Tamers don't need to eat; it seems like he was right.

You do see the Elecmon that was leading the kitchen last night scurrying around - but you also notice Justimon, starting to head off into the woods, roughly in the direction you arrived from yesterday.
Come to think of it, you also left your shinai back at the dojo.

What do you do?

Possibly. Probably.
No. 183401 ID: e3a7da

Well, the shinai wasnt anything special. We can always get another one later. Lets talk to Justimon and Elecmon and see whats up.
No. 183424 ID: 892169

True, it's not special, but you can't help but think of it as 'yours'.
Which one first?
No. 183425 ID: 608bf1

While it might be better to get the Shinai, we DO have our 'digivice' so it's not like we're helpless. Plus, if we take the time to go back, we might lose Justimon. Follow him!
No. 183466 ID: 8405c1


Didn't Josh mentioned some kind of incredibly powerful guy up a mountain? Perhaps a visit is in order so we can train.
No. 183618 ID: d6cb21

I think we should save that for AFTER we have aquainted ourselves with the area and stuff more. Talk to some inhabitants, see whats up, current events, ect.
No. 183646 ID: 892169

He doesn't go far out, only about to where you 'landed' yesterday; he's snooping about the ground as though looking for something, and doesn't seem to have noticed you.

What do you do?
No. 183752 ID: d6cb21

Start looking for anything out of the ordinary. If nothing found, engage in a conversation.
No. 183754 ID: 86faf0

Maybe we should be sneaky about it. If he knows he is being observed he will act differently because of it. That being said, if he's just doing nothing a conversation would be fine.
No. 183783 ID: 608bf1

Totally leap and hug him from behind, and be all adorable and stuff, with a cute "Hello~!"

It'd be more effective if we had a bigger bust, but this'll be fun just the same. :3
No. 185152 ID: 892169

There doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary; you get the impression that he's looking for clues as to your sudden arrival.

"Guh -!"
Justimon stiffens like he's about to attack and then he realises that it's you and relaxes, heaving an irritated sigh. "Don't *do* that!"
You let him go and step away, suitably chastened.

What do?
No. 185351 ID: 24c327

Sooorry~ Find out anything?
No. 185360 ID: 892169

Justimon is short with you, almost business-like. At least he gave you a straight answer.

Now what?
No. 185372 ID: b18957

Thank him, and ask if there is anything we can do to help.
No. 187482 ID: d6cb21

Just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help.
No. 207484 ID: d6cb21

This quest continuing any time soon?
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