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File 124914023163.png - (14.83KB , 559x480 , Alex C3 p1.png )
19601 No. 19601 ID: 6192b7

>>ACT II - The Jabberwocky

Alex wakes up in the morning with a weight on his chest. Upon opening his eyes, he sees that it is Tessa, laying on top of him and stroking his chest tenderly.
>>"Are you awake yet~?"
She purrs.

Lily is still asleep.
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No. 19921 ID: 33bb8b

This is a valid and important question
No. 19924 ID: 4e2ed0

Seconded. If fantasical, take it. If not, dont. The small sword will be easier and faster to manipulate(and more plausible).
No. 19947 ID: ddd49b

I'd like the gun. Give her the gunblade. Hopefully she won't kill us...Also, is there a place where I can see part 1? I'm just entering this one...
No. 19954 ID: acdc9b

First part is in the questarch section. Link is: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/12977.html
No. 20298 ID: 6192b7
File 124919206741.png - (16.35KB , 559x480 , Alex C3 p5.png )

Alex allows Tessa to take the MASSIVE BLADE, which due to her seemingly ungodly strength, she is able to weild.
>>"Now this is a weapon a girl could love."
Alex then slips the CURVED BLADE into a fastening at his waistband and takes the BLUNDERBUSS into his hands.
No. 20299 ID: 335096

Quick, team pose!
No. 20523 ID: 1afd58

Hey! HEY! You don't point loaded firearms at friendlies! Where did you get your training, boy?
No. 20616 ID: 1afd58

Now, since we should encourage good behavior like taking us to the weapon room and not killing us with what she found there, don't you think she deserves a little kiss, as a reward? Just a small kiss, nothing crazy. But she loves you, and she's being good.
No. 20655 ID: ecf12b

Well, maybe we should remove the collar. The mindcontrol should be perm, right?
No. 20657 ID: 1413b8

And we don't want additional commands in there.
No. 20659 ID: 904d48

Why not, see what happens.
No. 20687 ID: 6192b7
File 124923715460.png - (16.72KB , 559x480 , Alex C3 p6.png )

Alex approaches Tessa and tells her he's going to take the collar off now.
>>"You are? But... what if I do something to hurt you? - Not that I care or anything, but still, what if you take off this collar and the mind control of the Red Queen comes back?"
Alex notes that she still thinks that the collar is to fix her.
No. 20691 ID: 1afd58

I trust you. I believe in you. I love you, even, in the sense that I know you care for me and I care about you.

Let me take it off of you, Tess.
No. 20714 ID: ecf12b

Bracing for death. Do it.
No. 20727 ID: 335096

"Its a risk I'm willing to take... for your freedom."
No. 20743 ID: 53905d

Fuck that. What's the point of a slave collar if you don't use it to make slaves.
No. 20744 ID: acdc9b

There's a chance that if we leave the collar on, it'll accidentally imprint on her something we don't want it to.

Plus if we have it, we can always make another slave.
No. 20750 ID: 904d48

While I don't see Alex as a moralfag, that seems oddly appropriate.
No. 21438 ID: 6192b7
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"Its a risk I'm willing to take... for your freedom."
Alex removes the collar, bracing to have his head smacked in.
Tessa does not seem to be any different. Her neck is red and chafed from the inside of the collar.
>>"Thanks... so are uh, we ready to go?"
No. 21439 ID: 1afd58

Well, keep the collar for later.


Make her feel like she's wanted and like her devotion to you may someday be repaid.
No. 21443 ID: ecf12b

Maybe we should wait with the kiss in case she tries to murder us (with a giant gunblade). Assess the situation, ask her how she is feeling.
No. 21447 ID: 335096

Kiss her! Kiss her you fool!
No. 21478 ID: 6192b7
File 124927445177.png - (13.66KB , 559x480 , Alex C3 p8.png )

Alex leans in, kissing her, and quickly finds all items in hands dropped and he is pushed into a corner.
Tessa is rather furiously returning the kiss.
No. 21480 ID: ecf12b

Let's throw that dagger away before she cuts off our balls. Then, we can continue.
No. 21484 ID: 335096


Well, lets respond in kind.

... while still ready for a trap, of course. we did /just/ take the collar off.
No. 21497 ID: bcf6d0

Begin to undress her!
No. 21503 ID: 33bb8b

Maaaan, I dunno why she was complaining about that scar before, every time I see it, it either looks cool, or she looks like she is blushing adorably.

I have never been so attracted to art of this quality. Is that wrong?
No. 21510 ID: ecf12b

We have yet to lick her scar. A goal for the future.
No. 21543 ID: 6192b7
File 124927715169.png - (13.94KB , 559x480 , Alex C3 p9.png )

Tessa moves to let Alex toss his sword away, and it clatters across the ground. Instantly, their lips crash together again.

Tessa's free hand slips up the inside of Alex's sweatshirt.
No. 21544 ID: 335096

Well? Return the favor. but then, before things can go all the way, remember that we have work to do.
No. 21546 ID: ecf12b

Lock the door Alex, inb4 Lily walks in.
No. 21548 ID: acdc9b

Untie her bonds.

It's the humane thing to do.
No. 21694 ID: 35190d

Push her away a little and ask her why she is being so affectionate.
No. 21720 ID: ddd49b

It's a trap. She's gonna kill you.
No. 21726 ID: 53905d

Put it in her ass.
No. 21727 ID: 6b26df

Only not.
No. 21814 ID: 6192b7
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Alex,, still a little worried about the motives behind this, pushes her away and asks her why she is being so affectionate.
She blinks.
>>"Idiot! You just don't get it!"
No. 21815 ID: 6192b7
File 124932368870.png - (12.36KB , 559x480 , Alex C3 p11.png )

Tessa leaves the room in a huff.
No. 21816 ID: 1afd58

Well, get your stuff and go wake Lily. With a kiss~
No. 21818 ID: 04f34c

Way to go guys. Real smooth. Lets go appologise. Jerks. Bring the weapons.
No. 21829 ID: 6cfb26

Take the weapons, find out where Tessa vanished off to.
No. 21840 ID: acdc9b

Way to take the advice of the morons...
No. 21971 ID: ddd49b

Now I feel bad.

I guess you should take all three weapons and go wake Lily?
No. 21974 ID: ddd49b

Oh...Scratch that, I mean all two weapons.
No. 22028 ID: f78140

quickly, go put the collar on lily, then wake her up. she needs some confidence, even if it isn't hers.
No. 22703 ID: 6192b7
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Alex returns to the room to find Lily awake and Tessa looking a little pissed in the corner.
Lily asks what he did and why she is angry.
No. 22716 ID: 2ebee3

"Oh... umm... ya know... yea..."
No. 22717 ID: f1e758

"Let's find out." Approach Tessa and ask her why she is upset.
No. 22719 ID: 1afd58

We kissed. There's no point in hiding it. But she got mad when I didn't want to go further, and she ran off afterwords.
No. 28831 ID: d5b2d6

"That's how she is." Approach her.
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