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203807 No. 203807 ID: 7c97d9

"... I'm ticklish down there... Jonah~"
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No. 203936 ID: 40ac40

let's see, dressed, eating, washed. nope, you are good to go.
No. 203939 ID: ed3816

She's a rat, what do you think?
No. 203945 ID: f58d30

School stuff? books? a bag? homework?
No. 203946 ID: 1e9d01

Do you have your school supplies or whatever?
No. 203947 ID: b4b04d

Rats actually have very good hygiene and spend a lot of their waking life grooming.
No. 203948 ID: 6c9d14

Jonah's coming? Quick, hide your vibrator. Just toss the covers over it or something.

Pick up your homework and school supplies, I guess, binder, paper, pencils, all that jazz.
No. 203958 ID: e2d0a6

hide your vibrator.

Put on some nice smelling stuff
don't be creepy
No. 203962 ID: c4c313


Yeah, except for their tendancy to hang around those filthy humans so much.


Psh. Hide your vibrator? That's like telling Jonah to hide his penis. Leave it out for him to glimpse as he meets you at your front door. Claim you know nothing about it. c:

And yeah, don't forget your chemistry books and such. Especially the lab manual; they'll be mad if you have to borrow your partner's manual again!
No. 203964 ID: ed3816

Claim it's a "Back Massager."
No. 203975 ID: 6c9d14

Claim it's an electric tortilla maker.

Low is for flour, high is for corn.
No. 204075 ID: c2c011

Put on deo, hide vibrator and grab school supplies. Then you're good to go.
No. 204102 ID: 40cb26

Look out the windows before you open the door. Just to be sure you didn't masturbate up a riot again.
No. 204652 ID: 7c97d9
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It's quiet around here, no standby riots outside my apartment building. Hopefully it'll stay that way at school.

I'm fully prepared, then. I hope Jonah doesn't mind the overalls. They're a bit small for me, but I guess it'll do better than the sando shirt and tight shorts, right?
No. 204654 ID: 7c97d9
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I go out the building. Jonah's already there!

"... Uhh, hi, Diana... That looks c-c-cute on you..."

Eeek! Jonah thinks my overalls are cute!
No. 204657 ID: df7322

gotta stay calm, act too excited about it and it may scare him off, just thank him, as a bonus, since he gave a compliment first you can give him one back without seeming out of place, compliment his outfit too.
No. 204658 ID: e2d0a6

... why is he dressed up like that?

If it turns out he has a creepy fetish for Diana...
Well... it'd just be realy awkward...
and hot

Also, compliment on the Shades. Shades are an important thing, generally for a cool factor, getting girls, or being a douche.
No. 204660 ID: c2c011

Thank him and tell him the shades look good on him.

Then get on with the walk to the school. You can talk a bit about your various sport intrests or just gossip a bit about teachers. Keep it tame until you can figure out his attitudes to stuff like that.
No. 204662 ID: 40cb26

Something seems... off. Like he's trying too hard? Or maybe he just has a kink for overalls, who knew? Anyways just engage in small talk, and if he'd heard anything new about the riot or just whatever.

Also ask him what he was saying after he dropped you off last night, it sounded like he said something about where you live.
No. 204663 ID: c4c313

Sounds good. Just remember you have every day after this one to walk to school with him.
No. 204665 ID: df7322

ah yes, sounds good.
No. 204669 ID: a594b9

Uhm. Ask if they're TOO cute. You said they were a bit small for you; you wouldn't want people to stare at you all day.

Also, remain calm.
No. 204680 ID: 7c97d9
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Okay then, calming down... Ugly beasts... Ugly beasts...

There! No sudden urge to relieve myself again.

"Thanks, Jonah. I think it's a bit small for me, though..."
"No, I think you're fine... in that... I mean, it's not bad..."
"I like your shades."
"T-T-Thanks. I just... It's sunny today, so I'd better cover my eyes, you know..."
"Did you say or hear anything last night after I got in my building, by the way? I think someone said something..."
"I didn't hear anything out of place. I went home immediately."

Well, that's good to know, maybe...
No. 204682 ID: 29ddd8

Jonah is a spah
No. 204683 ID: c2c011

Well you already have one set of semicrazy headvoices. Getting a bit of paranoia on top of your schizophrenia isn't that uncommon. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

So, ask him what he has planned for the day.
No. 204710 ID: 7c97d9
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"What's your plan for today?"
"We're supposed to have a basketball practice today, but the indoor gym's closed for security reasons. So I'm pretty much free for the whole day."

I try to open up topics for our conversation, but Jonah just responds with either a nod or a single sentence. Nothing significant happens between the two of us for a couple of minutes.

I could feel Jonah's a bit nervous. Is he still worried about what happened yesterday?
No. 204711 ID: 7c97d9
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"Hey, Diana... Am I boring you? This probably isn't going according to what you wanted..."
"Me? No, not at all... I'm quite happy that you're with me walking to school."
"You're a free-spirited person, you know that? You do pretty much whatever you like without really worrying a lot. That's admirable..."
"It gets me into trouble though. I guess my attitude needs some changing."
"You shouldn't. I'm actually a bit jealous of you..."
No. 204712 ID: df7322

tell him he seems nervous and ask way.
No. 204727 ID: c4c313

Tell him to relax. He'll have plenty more times walking you to school to be naughty about it.

Alternatively tackle him into the bushes and do it.
No. 204729 ID: 20a559

"Jealous? Of me? I embarrassed myself, and the whole school. I probably have fifty different scandalous rumors being made up about me right now. But you're sweet to say that. Thanks."
No. 204736 ID: 988a7a

"Okay, maybe not my attitude, but.. my behavior. You remember the game. I just need to keep a reign on my impulses. The alternative pits a tiny lil' rat against the whole world."
No. 204740 ID: 988a7a

P.S. Show a lil' concern that your coveralls don't cover enough. Encourage him to look you over.
No. 204755 ID: 701a19

"Why jealous?"
No. 204760 ID: bc1727

I'm seconding asking him about his apparent nervousness.
No. 204763 ID: 7c97d9
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"Why would you be jealous of a girl who got into trouble for shlicking in public?"

Jonah lets out a brief laugh, but suddenly tries to stop himself from exploding.

"What, was it really that embarassing?!"
"To be honest, yeah... You really should start controlling yourself, especially with other people around you."

No. 204764 ID: 7c97d9
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"But let's ignore that. Things happen, so we adapt to it. You've done a mistake, so let's just try to avoid it in the future."
"... You were tensed up earlier. Why are you nervous?"
"I'm just worried on the reception we're going to get at school, but you just reminded myself not to give it such a thought. At least we'll go through this together, and I'm confident we'll push through."
No. 204765 ID: 7c97d9

(And his glasses even fell off when he laughed! Wow, he really thought it was funny!)
No. 204766 ID: df7322

well, seems while he thought it was funny he doesn't hold it against you. that's good.
No. 204781 ID: c4c313

You actually said the word schlicking. Oh my god.

Not all is lost! Jonah still likes you. He's sooooo cool! Tell him you'll totally control yourself, for him~
No. 204782 ID: 701a19

Grasp his hand and say "We should spend more time together. Hopefully we'll rub off on each other.
... ACK! I didn't mean it that way! Er, unless you'd be inter-GAH! I'll just shut up now..."

Margret Thacher naked on a cold day.
No. 204794 ID: 8ce2bf

Bend over and pick up his sunglasses.
No. 204825 ID: e32cb3


>push through

Smirk. "Wrong choice of words." Keep it joking.
No. 204832 ID: 2eac65

I think it would help to think about Jonah in a nonsexual context. So... try to do that.
No. 204892 ID: f80af7

This, he seems like a great guy so if you're gonna treat him like a talking dildo, don't think about us helping you.
No. 204902 ID: c2c011

Thank him for not being all awkward about it. You really need someone friendly right now.
No. 204958 ID: 7c97d9
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"Thanks, Jonah... You've been real support lately."

Jonah just nods as we finally get to our school. Someone's by the gates, seemingly waiting for us.

???: "Hey, loverats! Diana, I guess this means no more W.D.W.J., right?!"

... Lilai?! She looks quite different from yesterday!
No. 204959 ID: 7c97d9
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Lilai: "Come on now, we're going to be late for class!"
Diana: "... Why are you so eager about class? You're not even half as interested as I do! And what's with that headband? It looks freaky..."
Lilai: "No time to explain! You can let go of her now, Jonah sweetah! Let us girls alone!"
No. 204961 ID: c2c011

Say bye to Jonah and follow her to class.
No. 204963 ID: 4531bc

What none of you guys realize is that Jonah is a secret agent shadowing you to report to the Cat Authority, for within your body lies the secret to he continued survival of all rat-kind: the Tau Molecule. The diabolical cats, however, want the secrets of the Tau molecule for their own, and have sent Jonah to find them.
No. 204966 ID: c4c313


We...sure don't.


Diana, you have your own fan club? Who knew!
No. 204969 ID: f58d30

I have a baaaaad feeling about this...
No. 204975 ID: d23fc5

go straight to class, do not go on any detours regardless of what she says.
No. 204983 ID: 29ddd8

Yall gonna die
No. 204984 ID: c4c313

gabba gabba one of us
No. 204990 ID: d3dfb8

scissor with Lilai
No. 205036 ID: 41fbc0

This could either be a horrible prank in the making, some sort of support group, or a strange diversion of the 'you done bad' group.

Unfortunately, none of those possibilities mean you can skip Class. Go!
No. 205045 ID: f58d30

Let's just hope that they formed a fanclub or something...
No. 205121 ID: 40cb26

I have no idea what's going on, but brace for awkwardness. I mean, even more awkwardness.
No. 209426 ID: 7c97d9
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I thank Jonah and wave goodbye. He doesn't seem to be going anywhere except the gate, but he's fine with that, I think.

Yeah, I already thought something bizarre would happen today, after all the things yesterday. I'm kind of bracing for them.

Lilai: "We're here!"

The usual noise from the classroom goes silent all of a sudden.

Lilai: "See, Mrs. Sanders? She's not late! She's fine."
Mrs. Sanders: "Okay then... Please take your seat, girls."
No. 209427 ID: 7c97d9
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... Everything seems to be normal. We're holding a very ordinary Chemistry class.

... And somehow, I don't like this. It's kind of creeping me out.
No. 209428 ID: d3dfb8

Focus. Lets learn some motherfucking chemistry.
Goddamn miracles is what this shit is.
No. 209430 ID: 40cb26

Enjoy it while you can. Shenanigans are sure to follow.
No. 209435 ID: 8e7d2a

Take notes, put them into lyrical format, and make up a melody that goes along with them.
No. 209442 ID: 404e6c

memory wipe. no one remembers it happened, only logical conclusion. be ready to run from guys in black suits, but for now try to act normal.
No. 209460 ID: 7c97d9
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Let's see what I can quip up...
No. 209461 ID: 7c97d9
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... Okay, maybe this lesson should be something I should listen to, but I can't help but be distracted by Mrs. Sanders. She seems... a bit depressed.

Mrs. Sanders: "... And the oxidizing agent is? Diana, can you answer?"
No. 209462 ID: f9649b

Looks like Magnesium from the info on the board, but I HAVE NOT TAKEN CHEMISTRY so other suggestions are very likely to be more correct than me.
No. 209463 ID: c4c313


Do as you 'oughtter, add acid to water!

Also chlorine oxidizes everything. That's why it's so deadly.
No. 209464 ID: a6e87d

ok. This time so you can explain
Magnesium loses electrons. It is being oxidized.
Lead(Pb) is what is taking the electrons, so it is the Oxidizing agent.

Also, make a note that lead can have a charge of +2 or +4 cause it's cool that way...
and that lead has a configuration of [Xe]4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2.

Say that you spent the night studying (with Jonah... it's in parenthesis cause I don't want you to actually say that...).
No. 209465 ID: 701a19

No. 209466 ID: a6e87d

and also note that she's pointing at the bottom equation, which means that Fe2+ is oxidized...
by Cl...
the answer is
Fe + 2Cl-
No. 209491 ID: ad6ebf

I can see a number 2 just sticking out from behind the teacher's head...
No. 209662 ID: 8c0848

Tell her everything on the board is wrong and that she is stupid.
No. 209667 ID: a594b9

"An apple."
No. 210760 ID: c4c313

It's a trick. She's setting you up for a yo momma joke. You have to beat her to it. The answer is "Your mom."
No. 210865 ID: 7c97d9
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"It's Chlorine, right?"
"Yes... But..."

Mrs. Sanders pauses for a second.

"... Nevermind. I think that's all for today's lesson. You can all have your free time."
No. 210866 ID: 7c97d9
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???: "But Mrs. Sanders, it's just half an hour since we started-"
Mrs. Sanders: "Stop complaining and go out, now! This is what you all want, right?! I've given you my lesson for today, so just go!"
"And you, Diana! You're staying here. We need to talk."
No. 210868 ID: 476456

if she asks how you knew that, tell her you're a wizard.
No. 210869 ID: 445c48

A SCIENCE wizard.
No. 210872 ID: 40cb26

Of course something terribly wrong is going on, but at least she's coming straight out about it. Just try to stay calm pay attention and be ready for anything.
No. 210896 ID: bd2931

Oh shit. We shoulda had you just say what you'd normally say.
Wait, shouldn't there be someone else in the room always? In most schools at least. Claim someone who'd be okay knowing we're in your head.
No. 210899 ID: 701a19

Pfft, naw. Just tell her that you're trying to turning your focus to studying.
No. 210944 ID: 283fa9

...this smells like a trap. If it turns out to be, kick her int he shins.
No. 210956 ID: 8e92a2

>a PINBALL wizard
No. 210958 ID: c4c313


>> "Yes... But..."


>> "... Nevermind."

:o She dropped the yo momma joke! She must think you weak. That underestimation will cost her her reputation and sense of humor!
No. 210969 ID: 7c97d9
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... I'm left with Mrs. Sanders. She slouches down and brings both her hands to her eyes. Eventually, she starts to break down.

"... Was it something I said, Mrs-"
"P-P-Please, don't talk for a second..."

Mrs. Sanders sobs, sometimes groaning between her cries. Somehow, it feels like she's been holding it for awhile, trying to look professional in front of her student.
No. 210970 ID: 7c97d9
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A minute later, Mrs. Sanders recovers herself from her wailing. The first thing she says afterwards is...

"... Did those nasty perverts hurt you in any way? Please don't lie to me..."
No. 210971 ID: c4c313


Uh, yeah they socked you in the stomach? Unless she was talking about Jonah? How dare she say that about Jonah!
No. 210972 ID: d3dfb8

Don`t talk about us like that >:C
No. 210974 ID: 07fbf1

oh, i suppose you can just tell her the truth about what happened.
No. 210979 ID: e31d52

Hug the teacher.
No. 210980 ID: 0b2a05

Either talking about them, or talking about us. They punched you, we didn't!
No. 210983 ID: 40cb26

She thinks you got raped, and she's blaming herself. Tell her how it actually went down.
No. 210990 ID: 701a19

Give her a hug. She needs one.
"Oh! No, not like that! Jonah and Gromu were close, and they stepped in before things got really bad.
All I got was a punch in the gut. I'm fine, really."
No. 211022 ID: c2c011

Tell her that you got punched. But Jonah and Gromu intervene before anything else could happen. And Jonah got beat up pretty bad.
No. 211075 ID: da60c1

Oh... The rape attempt...

"they socked me hard in the stomach, and I think I got voices in my head from that. Hopefully they both subside."
No. 211076 ID: 5a92fd

what? why would saying something about us be a good idea?
No. 211077 ID: da60c1

And by they, i mean the other two guys. If it weren't for goromu or Jonah... I don't want to think about it...
No. 211078 ID: da60c1

Because if things go down, it'll be nice to have another supporter behind us. Also cause someone needs to council Diana if we break her mind.

Also cause it makes us much more prominent. Our presence can be proven with very high level questions which we can likely solve. If not by our own minds, by the internets which bring us together.
No. 211081 ID: 5a92fd

well then don't blame our appearance on a gut punch. we showed up right before last class and kinda helped her with that one too.
No. 211109 ID: 40cb26

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now we want her to worry less.
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