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209334 No. 209334 ID: 6e5a24

Your head is throbbing, your ears are ringing, and the world around has blurred into an indistinguishable mass of swirling colors. You don’t want to stand up. You can’t remember exactly what happened before you blacked out, but something tells you that standing up is going to be very painful to do.

Of course, it’s not like the man hovering over you, shaking your body frantically as he screams into your face, is giving you much of an option.
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No. 209917 ID: 6e5a24
File 127950143576.png - (18.63KB , 636x503 , uhoh.png )


>"Well we do have a dead guard on our hands. Maybe one of us could dress up like him and take advantage of the gap in the patrol route."

"Well, there aren't many guards, and they don't got nothin' on their uniforms that hides their faces, so they probably all know each other. If one of us dresses up as one of the guards, we would have to be careful that the others didn't get a good look at our face.

Like I said, personally, I think that..."

No. 209920 ID: e3ff7f

quick tackle him and neck snap!
No. 209925 ID: d280a2

Quick. Take him hostage and ask him how much he values his life!

(Is that a window?! We've been talking about how to get in and there's a window?)
No. 209933 ID: 6e5a24
File 127950372367.png - (17.11KB , 636x503 , uhoh2.png )

You notice that the guard you previously believed was dead has started to get up. You quickly begin to approach him, hoping to subdue him before he can get back on his feet.

"Hey Agent, where are you going? Oh, don't bother with the window back there, all the windows in Sinistra's mansion are wired to the security system, so if you try to pry it open or smash it you'll..."


"Holy shit! Jesus Christ! He ain't dead!"
>"Wait Kic, Don't--"


"Oh God!Oh God! Stay down you son of a bitch!"

No. 209934 ID: e3ff7f

slap Kic out of it and let's get moving, he just revealed our position!
No. 209935 ID: 6e5a24
File 127950392115.png - (17.00KB , 636x503 , agentkic_oops.png )

>"What was that!?"

"I...I got nervous. When I get nervous I tend to... I dunno..."

A voice comes in over the dead guard's radio.

"Come in! Come in! We heard gunshots!"

"Uh...This could be bad."
No. 209939 ID: e3ff7f

grab the radio and try your best to imitate a guard and say "it was me, saw something moving in the trees. was just a deer, false alarm."
No. 209940 ID: 40cb26

...You know, if this guy somehow gets shot and killed in the line of duty it wouldn't exactly be inconvenient. Not saying we WANT that to happen... just... yeah.

Well for now just fucking run.
No. 209941 ID: 6e5a24

Kic looks around nervously.

So... you goin up the tree, or coming around the front with me? On second thought, wanna jusst smash this here window? Our cover is about to get blown either way, so it's not like setting off the alarm is much of a concern now."
No. 209942 ID: e3ff7f

bluff the guard then up the tree.
No. 209948 ID: d280a2

Hey. He makes things interesting. Besides, this gives us an excuse to just run up and shoot them.
No. 209966 ID: d6ec33

No, no, strangle hold. And bring him down as quietly as possible. Ask him what he knows, find out everything we can, then neck snap. We will Jason Bourne or Jack Bauer this 70s pastiche!
No. 209969 ID: d6ec33

"Good god, Kic. Good god. You...you go in the front door, don't get yourself killed." Give him the pistol, hopefully we have a silencer for our revolver. Slap Kic upside the head, then start up a tree. While hanging upside down remember to say "Remember, John Wooing it will get you killed." Continuing shimming to the roof. Hope our new partner isn't stupid/trying to kill us.
No. 210233 ID: d6ec33

Before we actually climb up a tree, finish the mission and Sy Kic splatters brains all over the lobby entrance, lets ask him where we're suppose to meet up after we kill everyone. And if we're suppose to extract anyone.
No. 211853 ID: 6e5a24
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>"I... Good god Kic. Just... good god."

Realizing that you only have a few moments before another guard comes around back to check on things, you sigh and hand Agent Kic the pistol you took off the now very dead guard. You feel more comfortable using your lucky revolver anyway. Kic looks at the guard's pistol in his hand, and then reaches into his jacket, pulling his own pistol out again with his other. A devious grin forms on his face as he looks back up at you.

Something the idea of dual wielding pistols makes Sy's eyes light up like a small child in a candy store.

"Oh hell yes."

You take a few steps back to brace yourself before running up to the tree closest to the building's back wall. With a grunt you leap towards it, grabbing a hold of one of its branches and hoisting yourself up.

>"Just... don't get yourself killed, alright?"

"I try, man. Let's kick some ass."
No. 211854 ID: 6e5a24
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And a one... and a two...

No. 211855 ID: 6e5a24
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No. 211857 ID: 6e5a24
File 128000581240.png - (13.41KB , 636x503 , imonaroof3.png )

You are now on the roof of Luke Sinistra's mansion.

It would appear that there is a skylight on the roof, overlooking the third floor.
No. 211861 ID: 788388

look in, then shoot anyone inside from up here.
No. 211905 ID: b25a5c

Look inside, then make a dramatic entrance. A pity we'll have to kill the witnesses.
No. 212214 ID: 81a9af

Look down and in. Is anyone down there? Scope out the rest of the roof: What's there? Ventilation shaft, utility door, antenna? What do we have to work with?
Before we start, lets listen in on the radio chatter. I want to hit them after Kic goes metal like Cho Yung Fat.

If there isn't anything up here other then the skylight - which I doubt - see if there's anyway to open it from the outside. Screws to loosen, a hatch to open. Some way to get in without a lot of noise. Sy's gonna be out loud smash, we're gonna be the grab.
No. 212219 ID: 81a9af

Oh! Also, straighten handsome tie. Tug hat snugly back in place.
No. 212582 ID: 6e5a24
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>Straighten tie

But of course. An agent must always look his best.

As you approach the skylight, the all too familiar sound of gunshots fills the air. Seconds later, another voice comes in over the guard's radio.

"Come in! Come in! An assassin has breachedAAAAGH--"

Suddenly, both the gunshots and the radio chatter cease.

Well, we can't let Kic have all the fun now, can we? It's about time we got this show on the road.
No. 212588 ID: 6e5a24
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You look over the structure of the skylight for a few seconds. Below, you can see two guards standing in front of a door on the third floor of a building. They seem to be discussing something. You press your ear against the glass to see if you can make out the conversation.

"Did... did you hear something?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? It sounded like more gunshots."

"I'm telling you man, there's nothing to worry about. People drive by shooting at this place all the time. You know why I'm not worried?"


"Because we're on the third floor, that’s why. In all my years of working here, no one's ever made it to the third floor. There's just too many guys inside, and once they start climbing the stairs they don't got any cover to hide behind."

"I...I guess."

"Besides, if we were in any real danger, the guys outside would have sounded the alarm by now."

It seems like these guys are on a different radio frequency than the guys outside.

Smashing through the skylight would let you get the drop on these two guys, but you risk alerting anyone else on the floor to your presence. If Sinistra didn't already know you were coming already, breaking through the glass would guarantee he did.

There's a lock on the hatch. Picking the lock and opening it would be quieter, but it gives the guards directly underneath you much more time to notice you screwing around on the roof.
No. 212592 ID: 7e88ca

Oh come on, we were trained for B&E. Lock picking is easy as pie. We just hunker down, put the torsion wrench in place and work the pick. We can crouch low as possible while doing this - that is if we don't have a pick gun or something even better from R&D.

Anyway, before we do anything, radio off. Sy can take care of himself - I think - and this is our job.

I do hope we have a silencer for our revolver, but if not, we're gonna have to rely on close quarters combat for the job. Go for neck blows to stop them from shouting out and disabling their arms and radios.

If we do have a silencer for the revolver, doubletap both in the head. Jump in while they fall, to catch the bodies from making to much noise.
No. 212687 ID: b25a5c

We can break in which would be faster and would split the guards between us and Kic.

or, we could sneak in, take Sinistra hostage, and order them to stand down.

I think our second option is the best.
No. 212848 ID: 6e5a24
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You decide that if you're going to do this quietly, it would be best if you turn the radio off. Sy can handle himself... hopefully. Luckily, the lock isn't anything too fancy, and you manage to work it open within seconds.

Almost as soon as you begin to open the hatch, the gunshots start up again. This time, they're coming from within the mansion.

"Shit, they're inside! Why wasn't there an alarm! You just said that they would sound the alarm! Why didn't they sound the alarm!?"

"What did I just finish telling you? Relax man, we're on the third floor. Even if they clear out the entire first floor, they're sitting ducks once they start climbing the stairs."

Unfortunately, it seems like these guys have positioned themselves right in front of the doors leading to Sinistra's office and his bedroom. If you're going to get to them, you'll have to go through Sinistra.

Luckily, from your position overlooking the third floor's hallway, you should be able to get off a clean shot at both of them, and the silencer on your lucky revolver should keep you from attracting too much attention from anyone in the area.

"But... they're inside! What if-"

"I'm telling you, no one's getting up here..."

You take aim...
No. 212858 ID: 6e5a24
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No. 212859 ID: 6e5a24
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No. 212860 ID: 6e5a24
File 128024707249.png - (50.45KB , 636x503 , mansionguards_ohno3.png )

No. 212861 ID: 6e5a24
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"B...but floor three is the safe floor!"
No. 212862 ID: 6e5a24
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Two down. Time to move.
No. 212885 ID: 6e5a24
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You lower yourself down onto the third floor. There are two doors. To your left is the large double door leading to what you assume is Sinistra's bedroom, and to your right is a smaller door leading to his office.

The larger of the two dead guards has an assault rife on his corpse, but automatic weapons are certainly less discreet than your methods so far. Perhaps you should leave it here in case Kic comes by and decides he wants to step up the firepower?

The other guard has no weapons on him. It seems that he was so confident in his safety on the third floor that he stopped bringing any form of self defense to his patrol. He did have a lighter on him, which you tuck away next to the cigarettes you took off the dead guard earlier.

In the frame behind you is a copy of a late eighteenth century painting titled "New World Order," which depicts an eye rising behind a few mountains. Maybe Sinistra is a fan of fine art? A similar eye appears to be carved into the design above his bedroom door.

Through the window on the office door, you can tell that the lights are on. Someone is likely inside.
No. 212889 ID: c4c313


Leaving loaded automatic weaponry lying around for random protagonists to pick up? Best idea ever!

Check the painting to see if the eye is a camera. You may have already been spotted. If not prepare to bust through that door (C4 works wonders there) and take the guy by storm. Beware he might already be armed, but it's nothing a man of your talents can't handle.
No. 212894 ID: d560d6

Poke the eye, see if it unlocks the door.
No. 212902 ID: b25a5c

...wait. We just need to kill him. Burst in dramatically and end this! Don't give him a chance to monologue.
No. 212952 ID: 6e5a24
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Now that you think about it, leaving a loaded assault rifle around isn't a very good idea. You decide not to take it, but you remove its ammunition and tuck it away in your suit pocket.

Inspecting the picture you find nothing strange, with the exception of Sinistra's odd fixation on eyes.

Which only leaves one thing left to do...
No. 212956 ID: 6e5a24
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No. 212957 ID: 68584a

peak through the window and confirm target locations, then open it and shoot them.
No. 212958 ID: c4c313

No. 212965 ID: 68584a

be wary, he wouldn't be this calm if he didn't have an ace up his sleeve. just say "no" and shoot him.
No. 212966 ID: 7e88ca

Find out what the hell is more important than us. Look around, gun at the ready. Eyes on the prize, but if it's the people that are controlling our little drug cartel owning merc, two to the head of them. If not two in Sinistra.

Do we have any way of radioing Sy after the job is done?
No. 212970 ID: 6e5a24
File 128027290819.png - (40.67KB , 642x521 , SINISTRA.png )

"... *sigh*

Look, can this wait a minute. I appreciate the trouble you must have gone through to kill me, but I'm in the middle of something important right now"

Luke is... oddly unphased by your presence. This must happen a lot.
No. 212971 ID: 6e5a24

(Sorry about that, had to fix something with the post)
No. 212997 ID: 6e5a24
File 128027552078.png - (277.41KB , 638x525 , meetthedoctor.png )


Having said all that needs to be said, you prepare to pull the trigger only to be caught off guard by voice behind you.

"Well whatdda'ya know? An assassination attempt just as the meeting gets underway, huh? How convenient. This wouldn’t happen to be your way of weaseling out of our little conference, would it Luke?"

You look around, gun still focused on the drug lord.

...That voice sounds a lot like the one in all of those videos sent by...
No. 212999 ID: 6e5a24
File 128027582813.png - (102.17KB , 603x509 , meetthedoctor2.png )

...This is bad.

The man on the screen is Doctor Viper. The leader of the international terrorist organization known as RED VIPER.

Something tells you that this is about a lot more than drugs.

"...Because if this is your way of avoiding conversation with me, I'm not impressed Sinistra. Not one bit."
No. 213000 ID: 68584a

jump towards sinistra and shoot him. then turn and engage viper. you need to not worry about who they are and just do it.
No. 213024 ID: b25a5c

Viper's on a television screen, I believe.

This has got to be embarrassing for Sinistra. Maybe we should switch to capturing him alive. I bet the powers that be would like to know why these men are in communication.

That and we need a way to get out of here safely. A hostage might help...
No. 213046 ID: 7e88ca

Keep our lucky revolver trained on Sinistra. Put one hand in our pocket and hope to god that a)our cellphone tracker works at all, and b)the tracker works after our fall.

"Busy, gentlemen? I hope this isn't a pressing engagement, I have some business with Sinistra. An arms deal."
No. 213130 ID: 831db2

"Hands up Sinistra!" Put a bullet in his shoulder if he does not comply. (Four rounds left in our revolver, Three if we have to shoot him in the shoulder!) Radio in to Uplink and ask if they wish for the assassination to be carried through or if they want us to take Sinistra in for questioning. Keep your gun trained on Sinistra and move away from the door, you've watched too many movies were the villain pulls some crazy last-minute escape plan out of their ass!
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