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210543 No. 210543 ID: e31d52

[http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/141591.html First thread]

[http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/143693.html Second thread]

[http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/161029.html Third thread]

[http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/179021.html Fourth thread]

Sup guys? I'm waiting for the elevator to start now. Are you as excited as I am? The kind of money riding on this match... man, I can hardly wait! It's been so long, after all.

I go over my equipment.

First and foremost is my rifle, which has a three-shot clip, and works best as medium to long ranges.

My second weapon is my rockets, shoulder-mounted seekers that need time to lock on. Multiple lockons can be deadly, though.

Third are my arm spikes, located beneath my gun arm. I need to discard or put away my gun to use them, but they're pretty potent!

((Battle refresher! In order to commit actions, roll 1d20 and add the correct modifier. If you cannot figure which mod to use, leave it as a flat d20 and I'll add it myself. Majority rules, and multiple rolls are averaged. Deleted rolls always count as a 1.

Anthony's stats run as follows.

Shooting (Controlling recoil, aiming, sighting, and controlled fire): +6
Movement (Dodging, fast moving, leaping): +3
Systems (Activating Extensions, jury-rigging in the midst of battle): +1
Close Combat (punching, kicking, gaurding): +2

(All actions that count as normal or routine can be performed without a roll.)

(Multiple attacks do not receive a -2 penalty.)

Bash and Smash
(Melee combat benefits from lock on.)

Hearts on Fire
(+4 bonus for copilot. +2 bonus for communicator.)

(+2 bonus if you have Complete Dossier on opponent, opponent takes a -2 penalty)

Cascading Willpower (When making a check to reactivate a disabled mech mid-combat, the first roll recieves a +5 bonus. Should you make a Dramatic (20+) success, you will gain a +1 bonus to all rolls for one action rather than a -3 as usual from a restarted mech.)

RODEO OF FISTS (you do not incur penalties for multiple hand to hand attacks.)

Comet Charge (When using Movement to close with an enemy, you gain an additional +3 to complete the movement. You also gain a +1 to any attacks made at the end of this movement.)
69 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 214529 ID: e31d52

"Tell me about your company. How do you operate?"

He thinks for a moment.

"As directly and as simply as possible." he replies, nodding to himself. "Just as the things we produce, we like to be as bold and to the point as possible. Most sponsors are met by representatives whose only power is to act as a witness to a binding document. I prefer to meet all likely candidates in person. Due to the recent downturn in individuals, this is hardly an issue anymore. I used to be run rather ragged... But I will not compromise for the sake of comfort."

"And the GILB? How much influence do they have?"

"My GILB rank is quite high, and as such, I take orders from very few people. Even when I do, I prefer to be as kind and courteous as possible. It's very rare when that happens, though. Most of the time people run their little side companies like a hobby. Interference is looked down upon by the company atmosphere. However, I can assure you, there are many things done by those who came before me and those currently in power that I do not agree with. Some things are sacred. Families..." he says with a very cold glare at the large tower that is the center of GILB activities, visible through the city, "Is one of those things." he pauses. "Ahah, but I'm being silly and overdramatic. Tell me about yourself, Anthony. What drives you so hard in the arena? It's rare to see someone with such potential this early in the ladder."
No. 214531 ID: a594b9

The thrill of the fight, the desire to improve ones self... but most importantly, to find Sis, and save her if possible.
No. 214534 ID: 13fc22

i wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. :3c
No. 214545 ID: 50c8c4


To fight them is my real test,
To find my sister is my cause!
No. 214566 ID: 55c4cf


knock first, mom!
No. 214777 ID: e31d52

"Really, I'm in it for the thrill of the fight. But my ultimate goal is to get my sister back in the family again."

Argyle thinks on this for a while.

"...The canned response would be that you can see her any time you like. But..."
He spits into the road, real emotion showing on his face briefly. Deep, utter rage. Ashley moves behind me, opposite of the man.
"But it's not like that. You probably understand that very well, Anthony. The way their eyes grow more hollow each time you see them?" He sighs. "Trust me, had I any real power, I'd help you on that front. All I can do is offer my sponsorship and training."
No. 215118 ID: a594b9

Okay, what kind of benefits can he give us?
No. 215121 ID: 2e8b69

"you are ether telling the truth or the best liar in the world, ether way, i trust you."
No. 215123 ID: e31d52

"What kind of benefits can you offer, as my sponsor?"

"I will personally train you in martial arts. Furthermore, you will have special access to parts not available to the public. I will demonstrate these later."

He stops and turns towards a small building, entering it. The door chimes as we enter, and the young woman behind the counter smiles.
"Mister Argyle! It's been a while."
"Too long, Sandy. I'll have what I usually do. Get my young friends here some of that wonderful cheesecake you entranced me with."
"Right away, sir!"

He smiles, and we sit at a table.
"When I was in the arena, I used to eat here after matches." he says. "The staff was different then, and I much younger, but... It was nice."
No. 215132 ID: a594b9

Ask him about his Legion unit. Is it a perv too?
No. 215137 ID: e31d52

He blinks, and Ashley sputters into laughter.

He chuckles, too.
"At first. Then I started filtering it a little. After a while I removed the filter, and they learned their lesson." He smiles as the food comes in. "This place will always hold a special place in my heart, though. Despite the way legion always acts up here."
No. 215190 ID: a594b9

Eh? Why here?
No. 215192 ID: f835c3

first date? kiss? we are suckers for romance, pretty sure you knew that.
No. 215205 ID: e31d52

"My legion begs to know." I say chuckling.
"I met my wife here. She used to work as a server."
"Stole a kiss from her to shut them up. She gave me her number, and.... things went from there."
There's a soft sadness in his eyes as he goes on. "We married and I left the arena, my earnings at the time easily allowing me to raise a family without issue, so long as I was careful. Had a daughter..."
He pauses... looking distantly out the window.
"And then they took it all away from me."
No. 215208 ID: a594b9

Uh... who? Surely he doesn't mean GILB. He wouldn't keep working for them if that was the case.
No. 215211 ID: e31d52

"Not the GILB as a whole, no. But... It turns out the system they use to train the Gearheads in this region have a much higher success rate among females. My daughter excelled in the Military Leagues. You might know her as Bleeding Heart."

Ashley's eyes go the size of dinner plates.
"You mean the one who managed to take apart an anti-mecha-fortress on her own with only close-combat equipment?!"

"Yes, the same."

"And she was your daughter..."

He smiles. "I am nothing if not humble." his expression turns serious. "They offered me a great deal of money to put my daughter into the program. I turned them down, the first time. The second time, they offered me this position. Again, I turned them down. The third time, they offered me the position... and if I turned them down, I would lose my remaining Arena earnings."

"That's insane!" Ashley cries out. "An agreement made in duress has no meaning!"

"Of course. So I said. But they went on to say that they had found evidence of me cheating in various matches. They weren't offering me a deal. They were offering me a confession."

Ashley sits down, her eyes wide in shock. I can hardly believe what he's saying.

"This job I have? It's nothing but a gilded cage. If I leave it, I lose the rights to see my little Lucy."

"But the program..."

"Yes, it's true she doesn't hug me back, or talk to me, or even call me by anything but Argyle, but... It's all I have. However, I saw you climbing the ranks. I see you share a name with another Gearhead. And I think... Maybe..."

He looks me in the eyes, his own full of fire. "Maybe, together, we can change something."
No. 215523 ID: d9dec9

like i said, best liar or telling the truth. ether way, i think it's a deal.
No. 215524 ID: 0aff12

[Attempt to synchronize with his Leigon. We are the best Legion, we can do this. Time to have a 'meeting of the minds' so to speak. Oh yea, Block neural Synchronicity with Anthony and Ashley, no sense for his Legion to be able to reverse it on us.]

His case is very moving and his pitch was well done.

What do you think. Should we take it?
No. 215525 ID: 0aff12

This is a horrible Idea... do it anyway
No. 215531 ID: d9dec9

that is kinda impossible. and trying may result in something important breaking.
No. 215532 ID: eededc

Synchronize with his legion, what? Only if that's not some sort of horribly illegal thing or something. If it's acceptable, fine.

I'm confused, are 'we' conferring with Ash, or is our owner? If it's us, then lets, if it's our owner... I think we should just take the deal. The man seems to be sincere, and despite the risks, I think it's worth it!

Might I suggest...

"Mr. Thompson, I think you just got yourself a pilot." Unless you have something better.
No. 215545 ID: a594b9

What? We are NOT making a decision before we contact at least 3 of the companies we've gotten offers from. Don't leap on the first sob story you hear.

Hey... I've noticed a few suspicious things. First is that he said he was accused of cheating, while so far we have been told there is NO WAY TO CHEAT. You can use whatever parts you want, fight however you want, and even sabotage isn't considered cheating.

Second is that his story matches yours so well. Granted we can fact-check most of what he said, but it's still a bit too clear-cut, don't you think?

Third, he approached us before we contacted him, and assumed that he would sponsor us regardless. Yet his attitude changed after he found out your goals, right? He's playing us like a fiddle.
No. 215547 ID: d9dec9

and what exactly does he gain from this? unless he coats everything he gives us in bugs he doesn't really gain anything from this exchange, and may in fact lose some.
No. 215561 ID: a594b9

He'll be supplying us with parts and training. He can train us to use moves that have specific weaknesses that enforcers can exploit, and he can give us defective parts when we're about to fight a mission-critical battle.
No. 215567 ID: d9dec9

give defective parts to someone who has a well know mechanic as a girlfriend? that sounds stupid. and we can learn other things then just what he tells us, use moves he hasn't taught against any gilb guys.
No. 215582 ID: e31d52

"I sympathize deeply with your story, Argyle. However, you must understand a few things. First of all, I have yet to speak with my other sponsor candidates. You met me, without arranging anything, as soon as I was eligible for it."

"Of course I did. We have a lot in co-"

"I'm not done yet."

"My apologies. Continue."

"Secondly, your offer, your situation, are too good to be true. There's many ways that you could sabotage me, and while I have my ways of checking them out," I remember Trine and Ashley, for training and parts, "I don't wish to take unneccesary risks with someone who is part of a group I don't trust in the slightest. For all I know, you may have come in here ahead of me, and intimidated these young women into following a script.

"Thirdly... There is no cheating in the arena."

"Actually..." Ashley says, "The technology for plasma screening was perfected only in the past ten or fifteen years. It wasn't around when Argyle was in the ring, so there were a number of regulations regarding location, Ring Outing, calibur size, and several other restrictions."

"...Well, alright. I overstepped there. I'll think about it, Argyle. However, I need to speak with the other sponsors first, at the least."

"I see. Well, you did not last this long without being cautious, after all. It was interesting meeting you."

A housefly hums its way between us, and Argyle snaps his fingers, catching it between his five outstretched fingers.

There's a loud popping noise and a flash, and the fly drops to the table, smoking. He snaps his fingers again. "I won't trouble you any further. Go or stay, it is up to you."
No. 215588 ID: d9dec9

... electro grip.
No. 215595 ID: 2698cd

Great Job Anthony, I bet he scripted the fly too huh.... >.>

No. 215944 ID: e31d52

I get up.

"I'm sorry, Argyle. I just... I can't trust you."

"Do you mistrust everyone who is part of the GILB, Anthony? Anyone involved in their research, their upper eschelons? Do you really think.... Would you really go so far as to say that no one in that tower is worth speaking with? Those who live by absolutes find themselves broken when the exception is found, An-"

"Don't preach to me." I say, leaning forward. "Do you have any idea how many guns have been shoved in my face? Any idea how many times I've nearly died due to the incompetence and corruption of you people?"

"A-anthony..." Ashley puts a hand on my shoulder.

I push it off.

"How hard I have to work to keep people alive in this blood sport you've set up to 'save lives'?! No. You have no idea, Argyle. You keep up your little 'hobby'. Don't call me, I'll call you."

I hear Ashley stammer an apology and thanks for the meal as I stalk out, fuming.
No. 215949 ID: 074512

dude, chill. you are getting mad at everyone right now.

now, we need to look up info on him, and maybe get someone at the nest to dig up some dirt on him. i just hope you haven't made it impossible to talk to him again.

burning bridges just because you don't like the color will leave you without supplies.
No. 215958 ID: 5de4df

PS. you gonna get slapped.

@ashley, slap some sense into this dumbass, say we told you to, cause we did.
No. 215959 ID: 701a19

@Ash: Agreed. Slap some sense into him. Remind him that we can use this guy for information, and that we have the resources to check every bit of information he gives us.
No. 215960 ID: e31d52


The hand slams into my face, with a resounding clap of sound.
"Grow up!"
"I... what?"
"Act like an adult, Anthony! Yes, he's part of the same people who have done terrible, terrible things, but... we need his help, most likely. And he might need ours."
"But that story might have been-"
"Maybe it was entirely fabricated. Maybe it was nothing but a bunch of paperwork, a bunch of network files, a few sentimental pictures. But..."

She steps up close to me. I see no anger in her eyes.

"These people took my father from me, Anthony. More than anyone, I have the right to be angry here, not you. Now get back in there and apologize."


I sigh heavily, walking back into the store.

"He of the firey blood returns." quips Argyle. "A change of heart?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't... judge you on your affiliations alone."

"That's right. But you don't have to be sponsored by me. In all honesty, Anthony, I'd be happy to train you for free."

"Wait... what?"

"You're the first person in a long time to be able to really go off at me like that. It was... while it was rude, in its own way it was refreshing." He inhales deeply. "A show of trust, then." he pulls off the same glove that was on the hand that killed the fly. "Do you wonder how I did that?"

"Some sort of implant?"

"A taser built into my hand with a switck located under my skin, between my thumb and wrist. I snap my fingers, and..."

He does so, and electricity pops between his thumb and forefinger.

"It is easily disabled in a number of ways." he muses, putting the glove back on. "At any rate, have we a deal?"

He extends his hand.

"Turn off the bug zapper."

"My, my, you're sharp." he says, snapping his fingers again.

We shake hands.

I feel dirty.
No. 216000 ID: eededc

Get used to it, you can be idealistic, you can even change the system if you're good enough...

But you gotta get inside it first. Put up with the filth long enough to rip the doors wide open and expose these bastards for the roaches they are.

At least you have someone to confide in, hmm? And she's woman enough to smack you when you need it!
No. 216061 ID: 701a19

You are very idealistic, but not very pragmatic. You need a balance between the two in order to fix anything; too much idealism and you'll be crushed under the jackbooted heels of the problem, while too much pragmatism makes you part of the problem.
You need to remember that ideals aren't a hard and fast set of laws, but are instead something for which you strive.

This man is a resource, a potential ally, and a tool. You don't have to like him, but you do need to work with him.

Oh, and ask him if he knows what 9ball is.
No. 216067 ID: e31d52

I withdraw my hand.
"You know anything about 9ball?" I ask.

"No, honestly. His origins and secrets are probably only known by his mechanic. And that's similar to the relationship between doctor and patient. Right, Ashley?"

"Yes." she replies. "Even if I knew more about him, I can't really tell you."


"Well. This was exciting!" Argyle says with a chuckle. "But I have my own matters to attend to. By all means, go and see the other sponsors. I'm sure you'll find something interesting."

He walks out of the store.

No reaction rises from the employees.
No. 216115 ID: 701a19

The employees lack of a reaction doesn't mean much.

Alright, well, just because you can restrain your anger doesn't mean you're not angry. Go do something that will calm you down.
No. 216120 ID: e31d52

"I need to cool off." I say, shaking my hand subconsiously. "Blow off some steam. I'm still angry."
"Let's go home and relax. You've had a rough day, Anthony."
She giggles. "Yeah, I know. Come on, let's take Burn home."
No. 216678 ID: e31d52
File 128136305576.jpg - (188.35KB , 1200x1177 , Sarii.jpg )

We make our way back.

***Unauthorized Activation***

SHIT! SHIT! I thought we locked burn down! We run as hard as we can, Ashley barely keeping up, into the stadium. Damnit! Was it a lure? Did he talk to me to get me to leave Burn alone?

"Ashley, call Jack! Then the proper authorities for a theft!"
"Doing it now!" she says, flipping open her cellphone.

We make our way into the room where Burn was, only to see it snapping off the safety locks, the cockpit open.

I only get one look at the person inside as Burns leaps over me and begins dashing into the street.
No. 216679 ID: eededc



You really need to give us some sort of way to shut your mechs down via an encrypted link.

Got anything that can chase it?
No. 216683 ID: 2161ea

get in a car or something and chase it, maintaining a visual is important.
No. 216685 ID: a594b9

Target identified. Designation: Sarii.
No. 216688 ID: e31d52

"Ashley, get in the truck!" I call, sliding into the driver's seat and reversing into the road, then careening after Burns.

"Yes, Jack?! I know, I know, but this is an emergency! Burns has been stolen! We're chasing it now! We just passed the intersection of Wild and Crazy, heading northerly! Okay, we're counting on you!"

Sarii leans low as it runs, picking up an automated cleaner and hurling it behind her.


I swerve wide, barely missing the sidewalk as the thing slams into the road, leaving a large dent.

She leaps over an intersecti- FUCK!

Oh god oh god the intersection is busy and it's not my light oh fuuuuuck!
No. 216689 ID: a41b85

are you saying nobody stopped when a giant robot went by? fuck. just punch it and hope for the best!
No. 216690 ID: eededc

No. 216701 ID: e31d52

Oh balls this is insane.

I slam the pedal to the floor, bracing myself. Ashley lets out a scream that sounds vaguely like my name in terror, But an opening appears at the last second and we manage to slip through by the skin of our teeth.

"Are you fucking insane?!" she screams as we turn the corner.
"It's won me three matches!" I reply. "I'm not letting some thief take him from me!"

"It's pissing you off that she handles it better than you, huh?"

"...A little. Hold on tight!" I scream as Burns backflips over us and runs the opposite direction, as I swerve the car backwards and tear off after it.

"I thought you hated driving!"

"I DO!"

We're closing with Burns now, almost...
No. 216713 ID: eededc

... What're we going to do when we catch her?

Ask her not to crush us?

Keep her in sight but approaching isn't exactly a priority.
No. 216719 ID: 701a19

>***Unauthorized Activation***

If Burn can identify an unauthorized activation, then WHY IS IT STILL ACTIVATING?

This is horrible security. How do you screw up that badly?

>I scream as Burns backflips over us

Holy fucking balls, why didn't you tell us that telekinesis works? If it's strong enough to ignore physics like that then you need to get some of that.
What is it, some kind of genetic therapy?
No. 216727 ID: e31d52

Look, if something belongs to someone, someone is going to come up with ways to steal it. The fact that the cockpit can't close is telling, though.

Also, haven't you heard of boosters? You know, the ones you told me to install?
Right. Jumping on is a bad idea. Heheheh.... Right, right. I'll hang back a bit, then.

... We're leaving the city proper and are heading into the outlying roads.

"I don't get it. My security protocols should be up to date..."

"Unless she's not using the Mech's OS."

"What are you talking about?"

"When the cockpit closes, it boots automatically, right? So tell my why she hasn't closed it yet, if she has control over Burn now?"
No. 216728 ID: eededc

So what, she's controlling it analogue?

She's running a different OS from a portable drive and is using it to run the interface?

... I think I like this girl. I mean, she's scum, but she's talented scum. I wonder if she's doing crazy awesome things because she doesn't have to worry about the OS?
No. 216742 ID: 701a19

Tony, it's easy enough to rig the mech so it impales a would-be thief if they sit in the seat for, say, more than 30 seconds after the unauthorized access warning. You need to know about security in order to bypass it, and sudden death is a pretty good way of retarding their education.
Of course, you'd probably be better off if it just injected them with sedatives and hallucinogenics. Once they start tripping balls and drooling it'll be hard for them to keep Burn upright.
We'll talk about that later, though, since now isn't the best time to talk about how security should have been handled.

So she bypassed the mech's computer systems.
There's no authentication? No asymmetric key encryption? No interrogation time checks?
I'll give you a list of changes you can make to keep this from happening again, but for now we've gotta roll with the punches.

I said she's got telekinesis because we've got boosters in nonstandard locations, meaning that Burn's control systems needed to be custom-tweaked to use those without failing miserably. You need to run a simulated model of the physics involved in order to get a proper thrust/drag map; otherwise you can't abstract it out and the pilot would need to manually direct and vary each and every thruster individually while they were piloting. Normal control software would have had to assume default locations for the thrusters, and since she didn't run it through a thruster calibration test she must have either perfectly guessed the metrics about those thrusters on her first shot - including the unit identifiers for nonstandard parts, which is a difficult enough task that clairvoyance is a reasonable answer - or bent physics with her mind to achieve that backflip.

Ok, with that out of the way, how about you ask Tiny Dancer if she'd like to tap-dance on Burn's square little head?
No. 216765 ID: 4998b7

you are over-thinking this. your idea assumes she used generic software. she could of just watched a match and made new software with the booster locations set.
No. 216774 ID: 701a19

If her measurements were off by a few inches or degrees then that backflip would have been fatal. More notably, she needs to know the thrust profile of those boosters, which is not something she can tell by watching the match; boosters aren't binary on/off, and the software would need to be calibrated to the specific characteristics of the boosters as installed. Remember, these thrusters are generic parts. In order for them to function properly they would need to be calibrated and governed for the mech's weight distribution and their own location; burning 100% thrust on a leg booster would be a very bad idea if you've got equally powerful thrusters on your back, since you would pivot around your center of mass and make a rather large mess of yourself. Since the boosters could be hardware governed, software controlled, or a mix of the two, there's no real way to know what burn percent you want without testing.

So, no, watching the match wouldn't tell her what she needs to know in order to pull off a backflip.

As far as 'inside information' goes, only Ashley and Tony know Burn's details, and I am very disappointed in you for suggesting betrayal.
No. 216782 ID: 6a07ca

so burn's stats are not written down ANYWHERE?
No. 216872 ID: e31d52

First of all, it's very likely we're dealing with a very skilled thief. You can lock the doors all you want (so to speak) but people are going to simply smash the window. There's a good reason this doesn't happen often. The security in Burn somewhat relies that the OS is on, which is usually the only way to even run the mech.

Secondly, I don't want to install a security system that can either kill the driver, or kill the people around them by drugging them. Sorry, that is simply not an option. I'd rather simply lock down the mech.

As to her abilities regarding Burn's handling... I don't know anything, but stop assuming what others are capable of. It's annoying. I don't know how she's capable of it, but don't jump to illogical conclusions just because something is slightly out of your scope.

We turn another corner, and for once, I'm happy to see the GILB logo. Three police mechs, each from a league above Burns, sit in the next intersection, a fourth closing behind us.

"You are surrounded! Leave the vehicle immediately!" they command, leveling their weapons.

There's a long pause where she looks around for various escape points. Then she scoffs, leaping directly up...

And suddenly flies away west. Something in the air shimmers above her, and it looks like she's holding onto something.

"Damn her!" roars one of the police mechs. "This is the fourth victim this year! Sir, if you can come to the station, we will explain the situation. Since you're a competitor, your mech is insured, so don't worry about that."
No. 216881 ID: 5898d7

... well fuck me sideways. high-speed stealth mech transport plane. that is just bullshit. at least it means you were hit by the best of the best and not some two bit nobody.
No. 216885 ID: ed90ef

Why the heck does the best of the best want Burns?
No. 216887 ID: c8c7ff

THAT is the million dollar question.
No. 216982 ID: e31d52

"Why did she take Burns? I mean, he's a good mech, but..."

"Trust us when we say that we have no idea either." one of the mech's head opens and a tall man steps out. He's lean, with a short beard and short blonde hair. "We'll lead you back to the station. Follow us."

We make our way back to the station, the police mechs carefully stepping around cars, and we enter the large building. I'm escorted into an office.

"My name is Officer Harold, and I'm in charge of the Sarii case."

We shake hands and we both sit down.

"We'd question you regarding the theft, but we've seen this twelve times before."
"Twelve? And you haven't come up with a way to stop her?" I ask, incredulous.
"We've tried everything. Fingerprints, DNA, Retinals, hand-scanners, passwords, hundreds of types of encryption... Nothing works. Nothing even stalls her. It's almost as if she doesn't even need to bother with verification, even though that should be impossible."
"And her targets?"
"Utterly random. No connections aside from the fact that they all owned insured mechs."


"You just need to submit the claim and all parts will be shipped to you." Harold says. "We'll also keep you abreast of the case in case anything occurs.
No. 216986 ID: f635d0

how about a small blast bolt on the controls that is not connected to the system that we have a remote detonator for. someone hacks in and gets it running we just blow the bolt and they can't do anything.
No. 216988 ID: 701a19

Yea, we need to have a serious talk about security. If you think in terms of metaphorical 'breaking windows' then you're not familiar with the basic precepts of security.
No. 216997 ID: ed90ef

As for non-Lethal security, how about you install a remote lock-down system that locks all the joints in place when activated (think iron man, emergency lockdown mode). Ashley (or us, or us and Ashley) keep the trigger for it.
No. 216998 ID: d6ad3d

a blast bolt is non-lethal. it doesn't cause a massive explosion, it just causes a just big enough puff to break something.
No. 217001 ID: ed90ef

Heh, maybe her goal is to take money from GLIB, just in a way that is easier than robbing them directly. She makes them have to keep paying out cash for insurance, cash that they would use on other things. She probably has a few top notch-ers under her belt, but they also likely have better security. Not just Mech security, but environmental security.

So I would also suggest using some of your cash to upgrade your hanger and equipment in it. You coudl also install a few laser grid security systems around your personal hanger and the hanger bay itself so as to have multiple layers of security. This was you also help Ashley.
No. 217003 ID: ed90ef

You assume that she was using the conventional controls.
But yea, we can look at that too.
No. 217318 ID: e31d52

Yeah, I'm going to need more security. It's irritating, but it's a lesson to be learned here. On the bright side, I can, if I want, refund the total price of Burns and start from scratch, if I like, along with the winnings from my most recent match. I've been thinking, is the rifle really the correct choice? What about the missiles?


Should I get Burns back as he was? Or should I get Burns at market price, essentially trading in the whole setup for 100% market price?
No. 217332 ID: d54d3b

"They stuck you down Burns..."

"But they didn't strike him down they stole.."

"Silence woman, They struck you down, but you will rise again, more powerful than they could ever have imagined!!!!"

Take the cash, Burns 2.0 will outclass his former self in every way.... I just wish we could have saved the on board comp. SOON IT WILL GAIN A PERSONALTY OF ITS OWN AND ANTHONY WILL GET A NEW FRIEND!!!!

This line of insanity has led me to a rather far fetched idea. What if they stole Burns to prepare you? Think about it.
No. 217346 ID: 701a19

Take the price, then rebuild him with it. You really don't want to trust anything they give you.
Keep the rifle, but switch the missiles from explosive to sticky chaff rounds; if you can cover an enemy mech with sticky strips that interfere with their wireless controls, then you can take them out of the fight.
There's countless ways you can debilitate enemy mechs without causing any real damage or putting the enemy pilot at risk. Another option would be to do basically the same thing, but use randomly colored strips that brightly flash on and off rapidly in order to blind the optics with lens flare... and pack in a charge of teargas to render the pilot unable to fight.

Actually, does the mech have to be immobile for the 10-count, or do they just need to be unable to fight?
No. 217350 ID: e31d52

Utter immobilization is neccesary. There was a match that the current Pro of the Competition Circuit won, despite having naught but head and torso, by forcing his mech (some say rewiring haphazardly, others are more fanciful) to boost directly into the enemy and force them into the plasma window. One of the greatest turnarounds of the game's history. Interior parts don't count, by the way, it needs to be limbs.

I like the idea of sticky chaff. Might have other uses as well. Perhaps in a shoulder cannon as opposed to a missile, so I can shoot it at will?
No. 217508 ID: d54d3b

GET A STRONGER RIFLE (and as a result stronger arms for Burns 2.0)
No. 217514 ID: d54d3b

OK, here's the list.

+ Back-mounted large-bore rifle + extra ammo containers + speed loader (auto)
^Modify this so that it can fold around and slide into your back for ease when you do Melee.

Modified Magnet Arms that can also attract so that you can lock a foe easier when you do your signature punch.

Modified Tower shield. Lighter and retractable into along the Arm mode. Versatile.

Retractable, +Anchoring for legs, for when you are firing the super rifle and doing multiple magma slams.

Reinforced armour and double the amount of thrusters you had before. And of course a shiny new coat of Ferrari Red on Burns 2.0 (for the red parts)

We are gonna knock their socks off.
No. 217515 ID: be9b1b

oh wait, let's finish the sponsor things so we can build him up with the sponsor special parts.
No. 217663 ID: e31d52
File 128163106050.jpg - (259.89KB , 1728x1096 , Duon.jpg )

>>By the way, If someone can compile a list of parts and the expenses needed to put together Burns, (the base price total, not the amount actually spent) I'll give that poster ID a free re-roll on any dice roll OR a single +20 bonus on any roll.

This sounds like an excellent idea. "I'll be sending the form in for the insurance money claim, then." I say simply, rising. The officer nods, and we leave, heading home. I'll go meet up with Pangolin Defenses tommorow. I need some sleep.

I open the door to my home, and see someone reading a small leatherbound book with a black feather emblem on the cover. He wears a fedora, has a mask about his face and tinted goggles over his eyes. His entire body is covered, no skin is exposed anywhere. He wears a long trenchcoat and has a small handgun in a hip holster.

"My name is Duon." he says, closing the book and placing it inside his coat. "I've been sent to check the safety of your house. Given that I'm inside it, I'm almost certain you can guess what grade you've earned."

His voice is synthesized like Trine's.
No. 217667 ID: d3dfb8

We seem to have a lot of people breaking in recently. I assume you are going to suggest ways we can improve the security?
No. 217822 ID: e31d52

"I assume you have ways to improve it?"

"Of course. Depends on how safe you want it though." he says, taking off the hat. "I also went to the liberty of putting your bugs on longloop."
"They'll 'record' everything from when they were installed to..."
He checks his watch.
"About five minutes ago." he stretches. "I'll do it again in a month if you like."
"Er..." Ashley begins, but he holds up a hand.
"It's my job to make sure that the folks I work with are as safe at home as they are on the base. You're Ashley, right?"
"Incredible. Really. You don't even need to wear a mask like I do."
No. 217823 ID: bd369c

... is he an android?
No. 217845 ID: 9d83c1

A member of the ravens nest? Ok then.

Thank the man Anthony, your special brand of aloofness should be held in check at least sometimes man.
No. 217848 ID: 701a19

"Oh? Are you synthetic, or prosthetic?
Either way, you've got everything you need to do the same."
No. 217988 ID: e31d52

"Are you an android?"
He chuckles.
"When the... incident occured, myself and my brother Trine were nearest to the blast and thus recieved the most augmentations. While we now hold the technology to be able to function without these modifications, they mean something special to the Raven's Nest. They are..." he pulls off one glove, revealing a nearly skeletal metal hand that nonetheless curls and moves with a sort of liquid grace. "Reminders. Scars of, as my brother puts it, exposure to an ugly truth. When the time comes, we shall show ourselves to the world, and we will tell them, 'look upon us. We are what this 'peace' you hold has, and will cost you.' We are unpeople, Anthony. According to public record, we are not only dead, we do not exist." he puts the glove back on. "Long gone are the days when I was a genetic neurologist. Long gone are the days of Richard Barne. Now I am Duon. That is why I wear a mask of leather and plastic, not one of synthetics."

There is a long pause.

"W-well..." I manage. "Thanks for the help. I trust you to know how far to go in securing me."

He nods. "It'll only take a few hours. Get on to bed, you look tired."
No. 218215 ID: 24833b

sounds like a plan.
No. 218224 ID: cc0f00

what he said
No. 219215 ID: e31d52

We head upstairs, And slide into bed. I'm exhausted, and fall asleep immediately.


I wake up, stretching. It's early in the day, and I wander down the stairs in my bathrobe, looking through the fridge. There's a gentle knock on the door, which nearly sends me into the roof.

I walk up to the door and look throught he peephole.


I look down at my new security system and disengage it, long enough to open the door. He slides inside, dripping a bit, but walks into the kitchen rather than letting it soak into the carpet.

"I was waiting for you to wake up." he says. There's no anger in his words. "But I think you should know. We found the informant."

He slides the photo over to me.

"We thought... you should decide what to do about him."

"How'd you find out?"

"He tried to vanish when you called him about the 'interview'. My brother went after him to ask why. They had a scuffle, with... Paperboy striking first."


"It's up to you, Anthony." he leans against the wall.

"This is a hell of a thing to wake me up with."

"I know. But, ah, Akaba insisted. Said that it was your choice to make."

I look down at the photo of the journalist who had helped me against Smokah. Who had brought me home after I joined the underworld. Who spotted me the cost of the wine for that date.

I just don't know.
No. 219221 ID: 3b77b9

sigh, nothing ever goes right. capture him first and interrogate. need to see why he would do that.
No. 219222 ID: 701a19

He's useless because he's been outed, so work this to your advantage.

Specifically? Stage a 'rescue' to free him, then tell him that they're going to keep going after him so he needs to get out of the region.

That will boost your credibility with his backers, and may lead you to be put in contact with them. If he figures it out, then tell him he doesn't have a clue what he's been getting himself into, that you're bailing him out because you owe him one, and that he's probably a persona-non-grata to his bosses and he should still get the hell out of the area. Give him some parting words when you leave him; something like "I don't give a damn what anybody wants. I do what's right."
No. 221669 ID: e31d52
File 12826381345.jpg - (384.05KB , 1280x1624 , Ingram404.jpg )

I vaguely explain my plan to him, though it takes a few minutes. He nods. "Heard you lost Burns. Tough break."

"Yeah, it's really my fault though. Standard security systems these days are a joke. You gotta customize."

"Oh, yeah, I know. My baby Ingram, she floods the chamber with nerve gas every time she starts up or the cockpit closes."

"What about... you?"

Trine smiles and bangs his chest. "About the only thing left squishy is my brain and heart, my good man. I don't really give a flying if I'm doused in the stuff."


"Wanna see her? She's right outside."

I walk out with him and he stops near the door. I walk into...


"Ingram404 is one of Akaba's better inventions." he says, as the whole thing fades into view. Incredible. "Can't really tell you how she works, but it's right dandy to be able to stake out a place in something like that. Everything I need to stay comfy is right in the 'pit. Size and power of a Rookie mech, but in the right hands, it can tear anything a new one. She's our pride and joy."
No. 221670 ID: 701a19

How much for an invisibility system like that?
No. 221743 ID: 08ce05

Heh. 404 - Not found.

Anyways, inquire to lockout procedures for a mech.

Perhaps locking the legs in place if the right instructions are not sent/certain things are not right.

Maybe a weight based system in the seat? Only unlocks under a certain calibrated weight?
No. 222706 ID: e31d52

"Sorry, not for sale. Ingram here is one of a kind. Akaba is sorta odd like that... occasionally she'll make an incredible and then suffer horrific amnesia within hours of sending off the plans. Then she stop production, destroys the plans... I havew no idea what goes on in her head."

"That's a fine idea, and it'll keep you in shape, too."
No. 222708 ID: e31d52

"Sorry, not for sale. Ingram here is one of a kind. Akaba is sorta odd like that... occasionally she'll make an incredible breakthrough and then suffer horrific amnesia within hours of sending off the plans. Then she stop production, destroys the plans... I havew no idea what goes on in her head."

"That's a fine idea, and it'll keep you in shape, too."
No. 222709 ID: e31d52

>Bah! This is the correct post. the other is password derping.
No. 222713 ID: 701a19

That's hardly a problem. Constructing completely new technology takes far too much time for that kind of breakthrough event, so all you need to do is look at the parts you can't identify to figure out how it works.

So, she suffered brain damage at some point. When her insights don't make the transition from short term to long term memory she becomes infuriated and destroys it out of a feeling that her own achievement has been stolen from her.

I still say the best solution is to go with CTM asymmetric key encryption on the actuator controllers, since then it's not possible to bypass the computer without rendering the entire mech immobile.
Also? Remote shutdown under our control that you manually disable each time you start it up.
No. 225165 ID: e31d52

"That sounds nice and complicated and perfectly elegant. But you might also want a physical deterrent as well as an electronic one. Security onion, you know." he pauses in thought. "One more thing. You might get asked later to participate in our raids later... my advice is that you don't. You're great in the arena, but... the field might be too much."
No. 225172 ID: d3dfb8

Sounds like good advice to me. Thanks for everything bro. I'll see you around hopefully.
No. 228495 ID: e31d52

I wave him off and the Ingram walks away, silent as you'd expect a gigantic metal cat to be. The money will be arriving tommorow, I'll be visiting a few more of my potential sponsors... Things are looking up. So why... Why am I getting the feeling everything is getting ready to fall down around me? This crushing, huge despair I just.... I just can't shake. At any rate, I need to mail in the report for how much Burns costed before morning, but... oh god, the physical records for that were in the mech too.

I'm sure you all remember. You record everything, right? Hate to be a bother, but, uh, could you tally it up for me?
No. 228496 ID: 97cb33

yeah sure, give us a bit though, back tracking that far still takes a while. and if you forgot to say anything out loud about ANY of the parts you will be boned.
No. 228708 ID: 7f3e9c

We will do it.... for a price *grin*
No. 228825 ID: 732129


Yes! A price!

Gloria, I want a hamburger.
No. 229655 ID: e31d52

Well, I suppose a few hours of wait are understandable.

... I should think about how I rebuild Burns. Previously, I preferred close combat, however, my rifle was unsuited to medium range. I should decide if I want to focus on Long, Medium, Short, or Adaptable Range.

Long range builds tend towards power and accuracy, as well as concealment and heavier armor.

Medium range focuses on balance and manueverability, as well as tactical ability: extra sensors and the like. Most often they use more rapid-firing weapons, such as assault rifles. Less armor and more avoidance are preferred.

Short Range is generally the province of melee weapons, low armor, handheld sheilds, and special parts.

Adaptable mechs generally carry multiple weapons for different situations but do not have any specific specialization. Though more effective in all areas, they are both more expensive and less powerful than specialized mechs.
No. 231019 ID: 701a19

Previously Burn was primarily short range, but had a rifle for long range and a pistol for medium range.
This seems to be a good compromise.
No. 231110 ID: 10f195

Adaptable with a leaning towards close range.

Some specs from awhile back.
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