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23132 No. 23132 ID: 227d44

I'm in. The target appears to be asleep.
8 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 23159 ID: acdc9b

Examine 'Z's on ground.
No. 23162 ID: 227d44
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What the fu-Reaver?! GTFO, I'm in disguise here!
No. 23171 ID: 227d44
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ANYWAY, I decide to shake the bed to wake him up. His soul, anyway. It's better to have them awake and consent to it, although we can take their souls forcefully. Its painful, though, and I really don't want this kid to suffer.


He isn't waking up.
No. 23174 ID: 04f34c

Right. Take no shit from a kid like that. Punch him so hard it wakes his soul up.
No. 23184 ID: 9a71e2

Grab his shoulders and yell something about centipedes.
No. 27701 ID: 4b96a7


Slap him lightly on the face.
No. 27726 ID: 227d44
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I don't know...I don't like hitting kids, unlike you all...Who do you guys think I am, anyway? Orcus? That amateur Xolotl?

...Shit, I might actually have to take his soul by force. He just won't wake up.
No. 27728 ID: 4b96a7


Got any water? Anything you could splash on his face? How about whispering/shouting into his ear?
No. 27737 ID: 227d44
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Ok, I'll try the latter option...

"hey kid. kid, wake up."

YES! He's awake!
No. 27740 ID: 227d44
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Fuck. Why do they always scream?
No. 27760 ID: 476456

Maybe if you looked a little less threatening. Try a bunny mask next time.
No. 27810 ID: 961ddb

>Who do you guys think I am
Deathstroke the Terminator?
No. 27817 ID: 1689ab

Tell him to stop screaming. This must be a misunderstanding. Tell him you're just here for his soul.
No. 28555 ID: 01383e

scream with him. louder than him. If it's scream-off he wants, it's a scream-off he GETS
No. 28557 ID: 227d44
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Good idea! ...Although, I'll leave out the soul part for now. Don't want him freaking out again.

"Shh...it's alright, kid, just stop screaming."

Ok...he's stopped screaming, but he's still crying. I hate seeing kids like this. Tears me up inside, y'know?

"Wh...Who are you?"

Ok, gonna have to lie for this one...I need a fake name to tell him, something non-threatening...
No. 28560 ID: b4f495

Santa. You're Santa.
No. 28564 ID: 6faa8c

"I'm Batman."
No. 28565 ID: a3b36a

"I'm SantaBatman."
No. 28588 ID: ed8d8a

You are clearly the toothfairy
No. 28603 ID: 1689ab

We are toothfairysantabatman! Destroyer of worlds!
No. 28651 ID: 227d44
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(I swear, if I miss one more FUCKING time)

Fine, I'll pretend to be something that this kid likes.

"I'm Santa!"

"You don't look like Santa!"
No. 28657 ID: 6faa8c

"It's amazing what they do with diet pills these days, kiddo."
No. 28662 ID: 1689ab

Don't beleive everything you see on tv kid.
No. 28678 ID: 01383e

If I weren't santa, I wouldn't be watching you while you sleep, would I? I have to do this to check my list right.
No. 28690 ID: 227d44
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"Well, if I weren't Santa, I wouldn't be watching you while you sleep, would I? I have to do this to check my list right."

"...It's the middle of July!"

He seems to be catching on...
No. 28694 ID: b4f495

I have to check early so I have enough time to double check my list.
No. 28695 ID: 9a71e2

Then tell him the truth.
What is the truth, anyway?
No. 28696 ID: 1689ab

"Being santa is a full time job. I don't get summer off like you crazy kids these days do."
No. 28701 ID: 227d44
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I'm kind of tired of putting up with this act. It also occurs to me that I have neglected to reveal my name to you all.
No. 28703 ID: 227d44
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Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste...
No. 28704 ID: 1689ab

... You're Richard Branson?

also, holy shit!
No. 28705 ID: b4f495

Huh. So Santa was a good choice in name. It was an anagram.
No. 28708 ID: 227d44
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I told you it was painful. I COULD have just led him along painlessly, but NO. They never come willingly. Fuck, I hate my job. I also burned a hole in the bed. Shit. THAT doesn't look suspicious.

Truly, an interesting coincidence. Also, why did God slate this kid for damnation? I don't THINK he's done anything wrong...
No. 28711 ID: 6faa8c

Pull back covers, find semen-covered sister?

No. 28713 ID: b4f495

What kind of God are we talking here? Old or New Testament? If it's Old then I'm not surprised.

Also Satan why are you collecting souls? Don't you have demons and shit for that? I thought you'd be busy ruling hell and losing drinking contests to Dorfs.
No. 28717 ID: 9a71e2

>loli dunno
What you did there.
I see it.
No. 28729 ID: 227d44
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I don't know. He's acting like he did in the old testament; no(direct)smiting yet, however.

My demons are a bit mean with the souls. I mean, I understand that's what they do, but come ON. They're perpetuating the stereotype that all demons are evil bastards.

Ruling Hell isn't that tough. Very cushy job, except for times like this, of course.

I haven't lost a drinking contest since...well...I don't like to talk about it.
No. 28733 ID: bde1b8

>I haven't lost a drinking contest since...well...I don't like to talk about it.

Was it that time you bet your arm on it to a Dorf?
No. 28735 ID: b4f495

>They're perpetuating the stereotype that all demons are evil bastards.
They are not? Tell me, Satan, what role does Hell play? I though it a place of eternal torture for sinners. Being evil bastards would be a good thing, would it not?
No. 28736 ID: 71fa60

I thought he just wanted a place of his own. Then God got pissed.
No. 28739 ID: 227d44
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Well, not ALL of us...I try to be nice...and it IS eternal torture for sinners, but...y'know, I try to give 'em a break once in a while...

You're half right. I asked for co-godhood from, well, God, we flipped a coin for it, and I got Hell. Lucky fucking me. I still think he cheated.
No. 28742 ID: 227d44
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Oh hey, it's Godwin, my trusty OTHER adviser.

"So, what now, boss? You're all done for today."

Um...what should I do?
No. 28746 ID: b4f495

Give 'em a break? What. Satan, I think there are going to be some changes. Unless you're talking about a giant Hell party.
Hey Godwin, care to list the average tortures for most sins? Murder and the like? Just the major ones.
No. 28748 ID: 1689ab

What else is on the docket for today? Maybe we'd best try to lighten our load while we're up here and give some money to some hobos or tell people to start repenting.
No. 28749 ID: 227d44
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A giant hell party? Sounds...neat...

"Well, boss, Murder is being killed in the same way that you were killed over and over again, rape is...well, you don't want to know what that constitutes. Arson is being set on fire for all of eternity, and jaywalking is infinite lashings."

Ugh. How brutish.

"Well, boss, you're pretty much done for today. As far as the jackass up there is concerned, you don't exist right now."

I really hate it when he badmouths God...
No. 28750 ID: b4f495

So... what was that kid's sin?

And Satan, can you clarify what's mean by a "break"?
No. 28751 ID: 1689ab

Lets go do some good for the world.
No. 28759 ID: 227d44
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The card says blasphemy, but I doubt it. He went to church every Sunday and said his daily prayers...weird. Oh, and I mean a brief act of kindness.

I don't know...God doesn't like me stealing his thunder...
No. 28763 ID: 1689ab

Fuck that. Just because you lose a coinflip you have to be bad guy? Come on dude, you're getting a bad rap and you know it. Lets do some good for the world. It'll make our job easier in the long run anyway.
No. 29120 ID: bde1b8

Well lets find something that's going to go horribly wrong, and set it right! Lets work some miracles, buddy.
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