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232332 No. 232332 ID: e31d52

((This will be a 'sometimes illustrated' quest. I'll draw art when I feel it's needed.))

In this world, everything has a soul.

Everything - from your house, to your computer, to your car - has a spirit sleeping within it. The spirits are capable of great and remakable things. Vast, incredible abilities lay dormant in every object. Incredible power sleeps where you least expect it.

Only some can access the power of these spirits, and even then, with but a single bonded item. This item is important to the person, or close to them, for some reason or another, and that bond allows them to awaken the sleeping spirit within.

The powers are wide-ranging in both power and usefulness. Some are extremely powerful. Some are weak and useless. Others are simply powerful enough to be useful in a specific, pragmatic way.

This is a special story. In order to tell it, we need to nail down a few things, first, alright.

Now, first of all...
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No. 233561 ID: f57857

Ew, someone watched you as you slept.

examine surroundings.
No. 233709 ID: e31d52

I'm in the medical room of the plane. It's small, having only one bed. There's my clothing beside the bed, and Freddy sits atop them.

My head still feels strange, and when I sit up, I decide that it's best to lay down because the room begins to object to it by spinning about.
No. 233758 ID: f57857

Listen to your surroundings. Are we flying or do you hear any chatter?
No. 233766 ID: d06fe5

okay then, yeah listen to see if you can tell where the plane is.
No. 234110 ID: e31d52

We're not flying, but I do hear chatter.

"Why the hell was the airport compromised?" says an angry, elderly man.

"We don't know, sir. We believe it was an inside job." replies one of the three J's.

"By who! We've done enough background checks to know what everyone in this goddamn plane ate for breakfast."

"I did not say it was a willing inside job." J replies. "It could just as easily have been an Item Spirit tampering with something."

"Fucking goddamned... do we have someone who knows about that bullshit on our speed dial?"


"Then call them and get out of my sight! This is a disgrace!"
No. 234113 ID: f57857

>"It could just as easily have been an Item Spirit tampering with something."

Freddy, y u do dis?
No. 234224 ID: a594b9

First thing's first. Ask Freddy if there's anything wrong with the plane.
No. 234518 ID: e31d52

Freddy tells me that he detects no abnormalities in the plane's construction, fuel tanks, lines, or any part of it. He further specifies that he cannot tamper with things: It's always been him diagnosing and you fixing, and thus, he was not the one at fault for this.

The door opens and an elderly man enters, an old medal on his chest, but wearing a similar outfit to the J's.

"You alright, miss?" he asks quietly. "My name is Gerald."

We shake hands. His grip is rather strong for an older man.
No. 234556 ID: a594b9

Old medal? Ask if he's got an Item Spirit.
No. 234738 ID: f57857

That would be an awkward question, especially if the answer turned out to be no. Lets hear what he has to say first.
No. 234757 ID: e31d52
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"I'm a little dizzy, thanks." I reply.

"Good. Then you won't mind me asking you a few questions?" he went on. "You're not suspected in any of this, I just want to know what happened. However, for the sake of accuracy..." he removes the medal, and places it between us, tapping it twice.

A Spirit emerges and looks into my eyes... and all desire, what little there was, to lie leaves my mind immediately.

"Don't be alarmed." he says simply. "You will be compelled to only speak the truth, but if you feel that something might implicate you, you can still plead the right. Forelore here doesn't like stepping on those sorts of things. Now, were you asked to attend the vehicle before you were driven here?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you did? What was the condition?"

"I did, and it was in perfect condition."

"Absolutely perfect?"

"Right out of the factory."

"I see. Were there any passengers aside from you and the boys?"

"No, there was no room."

"Where did you fill up?"

"A small gas station outside sight of the airfeild. We met up with another employee, a..."

"You cannot remember the name?"

"I cannot."

"His face?"

"No. I just remember him handing me a bottle of water. I said I was thirsty. I know he wore glasses, very thick glasses, and a long white coat, the kind scientists use in a lab."

"I see. Why did he not arrive with you?"

"He said he would catch up."

The elderly man goes into thought.

"Hm. Are you sure you don't recall the name?"

"I know he was a doctor?"

"Huh, but we only have registered nurses on this plane and the president's doctor for this test flight." he says.

He taps the medal again.

"Considering what you've said, and what has happened, do you have anything to add?"
No. 234816 ID: 6a4a82

Go ahead and tell him about Gary.
No. 234819 ID: fd6d7e

Also the disappearing dart. Sounds like an item spirit to me, maybe a dart spirit?


...who the hell is Gary?
No. 234821 ID: e40e60

Tell him what you heard before you passed out.
No. 234822 ID: 6a4a82

"Yǫu͘ won't remember much. So remember the name Gary Albright."

That whole thing.
No. 235070 ID: e31d52

I tell him about the dream, and the name. He taps his forehead quietly. "It... it sounds familiar, but I don't know where from. You'll be fine in about an hour or so, I think, judging by the watered-down poison you recieved from that dart. We aren't taking off until we are certain that we can do so without tampering. And you read the contract, so you know that until we touch down safely after three hours in flight, you aren't getting paid.

He stands up and leaves the room.

Hm... Once I'm not dizzy anymore, how should I handle the situation?
No. 235087 ID: a594b9

Go talk to everyone on board.
No. 235088 ID: 6a4a82

Laugh as everything is going to plan! If you didn't plan on poisoning yourself, then.... I guess when you're feeling better get a better assessment of the situation by wandering where you're aloud to wander. Try to find one of the J's
No. 235687 ID: b1ce4e

can you check if the plane is asymmetrical?
No. 235780 ID: e31d52

((IT IS NOW 11AM.))

The physical design of the plane is perfect. There has been no tampering of any kind.

I rise out of bed, feeling much better. I dress myself quickly. Who should I talk to first?

>The J's might have seen something suspicious during the firefight.

>The flight attendant might have seen someone come onboard.

>The President This witness is locked until you can convince the J's to allow you to speak with him.

>The Pilot might know more about some aspects of the plane than you.

>Gerald might know something.

>The Item Spirit Expert the J's know about might know something.
No. 235823 ID: a594b9

Talk to the J's first.
No. 235825 ID: 6a4a82

Going with the J's
No. 235915 ID: e31d52
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I walk through the halls until I encounter two of the boys, who both greet me with questions regarding my health, pleasentries, and the like.
But soon enough, I get down to business.

"So, who was it that was shooting at me? Do you know anything about the group?"
They look at one another.
"While this is certainly somewhat classified information..." Jeremy states, "We believe you deserve to know." Jimmy finishes.

They explain that the group that attacked is known as the NEW DAWN, a group of people who believe that there should be an advent of the Spiritual (the collective term for Item Users) and that the Spiritual are superior inherently to normal humans. Ideally, the greatest User would be king in thier utopia, with citizens being lesser Users who own normal humans as servants.

At least, their uniform and outfit makes it seem as if it's the New Dawn, Jim points out.

Jeremy is certain he saw them carrying a large container, like some sort of briefcase. They haven't heard from the team sent to confirm deaths, nurse and arrest the wounded, and the like, but they were sent out minutes ago and reports should come in in half an hour, Jim states.
No. 236051 ID: 6a4a82

Well... you won't be able to get any follow up on this for a bit. Hmmm.... it's probably redundant at this point, but since you're here ask 'em about that item spirit expert.

I really don't know quite what to ask though....

Definitely talk to the pilot. You do need to ensure that this plane is going to touch down when and where it is supposed to
No. 236277 ID: e31d52

"What about the Item expert?"
"She's on call at the moment. You can use the phone on the plane to call her. Dial this number," he hands me a slip of paper, "And ask for Terri." he says.


((IT IS NOW: 11:15 AM))

I move towards the front of the plane, and greet the pilot. He nods.
"Anything you need to know, young lady?"

Truth be told, I'm not sure what exactly to ask him about...

>Ask about the Fuel
>Ask him about what else could be tampered with
>Ask him about his personal timeline so far.
No. 236279 ID: e31d52

>>There's also an (other) option, too, hur
No. 236351 ID: 2a9922

Ask about the Fuel first, explain that your car stalled because of fuel tampering which Freddy couldn't detect because the machine itself wasn't damaged.
then get his timeline.
No. 236843 ID: e31d52

I breifly explain the tampering with my car, and he shakes his head.
"There's no way he could do that covertly. The fuel is watched by various sensors that detect temperature and chemical composition."

The pilot says his timeline for the day went like this:

The pilot left his home nearby at around 6 AM. He didn't need to drive far, so he got here a few hours ahead of us, at 9 AM. He was doing his preflight check a third time to pass the hours when, at 10, he heard the firefight outside. He says it lasted only a few minutes. He also noticed a BLUE SEDAN parked on the overlooking cliff, near where the NEW DAWN came from. It left shortly after the firefight.

After that, he heard you being brought onboard, and then the debriefing some time later of the J's. Things were very hectic, he notes, as the cleanup crew didn't arrive until just before I awoke at 11 AM.

"Any other questions?" he asks.
No. 236861 ID: a594b9

...is he saying Freddy would've noticed it? What about an actual bomb? Would someone have been able to put that on the car without it being seen as a 'flaw'?
No. 236871 ID: 6a4a82


Use that question to lead into asking what else could have been tampered with.
No. 236881 ID: e31d52

No, he has various sensors that hook up to the tanks and take readings every now and again. I was able to catch the car's tampering because of damage to the fuel tank.

Car's probably ruined, now. Damn shame.

I ask if there's anything on the ship that could be tampered with without it being noticed by either of us, and I explain Freddy.

He goes into thought, then tells me to get back to him on that. It'll take some time until he figures this out, he'll have the information at NOON.

((IT IS NOW 11:30 AM))

>Should I ask more questions?

>Should I check with the J's and see if the cleanup crew has any information?

>Should I continue going around the ship and talk to either Gerald or the flight attendant?

>Should I call the Item Expert?

>Is there something else I should do?
No. 237713 ID: 13cc3a

let's head back to the Js and see if what the report is.
No. 237722 ID: a594b9

Hmm, I'm thinking we should talk to the flight attendant.
No. 237850 ID: a594b9

Scratch that let's get the Js' report.
No. 238245 ID: e31d52


I walk up to the J's and ask them how things are going.

Excellently, they reply, and I hear a loud explosion outside. They explain that they had found, among the the terrorists, a bomb, and now, it was nuetralized.

One notes that the bomb was comprised of two tanks of water that had been treated with various chemicals. Upon the seal being broken, it would explode with a great deal of force. The J's theorize that the bomb would have been set somewhere on the plane by an infiltrator. Luckily, they found a man disguised as a steward in a car some distance away.

Apparently he had gotten cold feet and the New Dawn were too antsy to wait until another opportunity.

They shrug. Stupid organization, they add. Hasn't been a real threat in years.


Something doesn't add up here...

>Who should I talk to next?
>What should I do next?
No. 238247 ID: 701a19

Tanks of tainted water?
Water is about as low-energy as molecules can get. Clearly, that was a distraction so that the people who handle bomb responses would be preoccupied.

Have Freddy look for deformed metal and plastic that would signify a weight on it.
No. 238252 ID: e40e60

No. 238723 ID: e31d52

Hm. Looking through the plane, there's signs of such weigh here, in the cockpit, in the seating area, in the presidential office, and in the water reservoir.
No. 238863 ID: a594b9

Check here first, then the Presidential office, then water reservoir, then the cockpit, and finally the seating area.
No. 238928 ID: 701a19

The water reservoir might be tainted.
No. 240774 ID: e31d52
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>Water resevoir

That sounds bad. Really bad. Thinking back, I vaguely remember being given some water before everything went bad. And that bomb was based on altered water.

I pull out my wrench and run to the water resevoir, throwing the door open.


"Oh, bother. More interruptions."
No. 240784 ID: a594b9

Is that the same doctor as in the gas station? Yell for security. Also demand he explain himself. Or maybe you should just smash him with your wrench right away.
No. 240791 ID: c59f60

do whatever you can to keep whatever is in that beaker out of that tank.
No. 240883 ID: e40e60


This is Gary Albright, the man who staged the attack. Make absolutely sure he can't get away.
No. 240902 ID: 46c430

Do you still have that gun? Hold him up. ...Or just shoot him. Your choice.
No. 242083 ID: e31d52


I pull out the gun and point it at his face, and he holds up his hands, holding the beaker over the water tank. One of many, I notice, the room has rows of them along the walls. He's smiling, watching me.

"You realize there's no point in holding me at gunpoint, right? If you shoot me, I'll drop the beaker, and it'll fall into the water. If you try to get me to leave, the same thing will happen. In either case, I emerge victorious and you, as well as half of this plane, will be reduced to nothing but smoke and grease."
No. 242087 ID: e40e60

We need an expert in here, where should we shoot to make the beaker fall away from the water?
No. 242088 ID: 8c06b9

Figure he might be bluffing. If he wins simply by dropping he flask in, and is willing to die by doing so, then why hasn't he already done it?
No. 242089 ID: 40cb26

Stall him, wait for him to make a mistake and shoot him when the beaker will land somewhere else. Ideally we get him to turn around and then we shoot his hand so it drops on the ground, then nail him in the head. Or... we could actually talk him down. Maybe.

"Emerge victorious? You'll die too. A bit short sighted, don't you think? Not to mention something like this doesn't really help people side with your cause. If all the Spiritual consider you a dangerous and disturbed enemy where does that really get you?"
No. 244756 ID: 1854db

"Okay, don't leave. But drop that in the water and you get shot. Tell me why you're doing this."
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