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237818 No. 237818 ID: a3d82e

please help. it is dark and scary in this place. they won't let me leave. they say this place is for dangerous people. but daddy said i wasn't dangerous, just special. i didn't mean to hurt that boy. it just happened. but now i am here and i don't like it. please help.
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No. 237891 ID: a3d82e
File 128614370872.png - (163.37KB , 650x450 , Update_8.png )

I am Tuesday. Well, that's not my real name. But, the few of us here, the "patients", are named after days. Our names, if they knew our real ones, they could destroy our minds. Easily. But, it doesn't matter. Staying here breaks our minds anyway. I need to get out of here. But, you're only voices, right? I don't think you could actually help me, could you?
No. 237898 ID: a594b9

Maybe. We give decent advice. What kind of stuff can you do? We just met Monday.
No. 237907 ID: fd6d7e


Watch out if you've been receiving shots. Monday had a special eye that their treatments managed to completely incapacitate, such that it caused her great pain to use it. So anything you could do before coming here might have some seriously painful consequences if you try it after having been likewise treated.
No. 237911 ID: cbbd42

oh dear, monday was really monday. im guessing a day has passed...?

inventory, status and report on powers and recent events?
No. 237915 ID: a3d82e
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Monday...? Can't say I know who that is. Probably isn't allowed out of their room then. And, what kind of stuff do you mean? But, I suppose you'd mean why I'm here. It's my hand. I can use it to fuck with machines. That's it. I didn't even do anything with it, to get me in trouble. They took me from my home one day, when I was ten. I've been in this hell hole for nine years, maybe? Something close to that. I can't remember. Shots, eh? I haven't been getting shots, and none of the others have said anything about shots... I'll ask them. It's lunch time. As far as I know it's Sunday. We don't actually have a Sunday, in our group.


"Attention, patients. Due to a recent attack on a soldier from a patient, you are no longer allowed out of your room. Lunches will be delievered soon."

No. 237918 ID: 660aa0

just grab the door and bypass the security locks.
No. 237954 ID: a594b9

Your choice if you want to leave the room now or after lunch.
No. 237955 ID: 672936

im pretty sure his door is barred closed due to machine code or some other meme i couldnt squeeze here.

can you look around the room? any item, description, covenient holes where you can escape?
No. 237963 ID: 644ca1

I think that might be monday that they are talking about, you have to save her somehow.
No. 237985 ID: a3d82e
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Save some girl? That I don't know?...Oh, whatever, let's go. You'll just keep bugging me about it. So, where is she anyway? What room is she in? Hurry, maybe we can get this done before th-


What the christ. Well, now we have to act faster. Come on, voices, let's roll.
No. 237988 ID: b5448b

okay, she is probably right next door, since you are Tuesday. unless they keep everyone in different blocks.
No. 237989 ID: fd6d7e

Sounds like Monday's eye worked, even if the pain incapacitated her. It has the power to like, totally fuck up everything. Dunno the details.

They aren't stupid enough to lock the door with something more complicated than a deadbolt are they? You could fuck with it, maybe?
No. 237993 ID: a3d82e
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Next door? Maybe, I've never seen who's next door, if anyone is even there. It's worth a check, I suppose. Well, obviously they weren't smart enough to use something to keep me in, so I assume they have some shitty thing for her door... unless, of course, they wanted me to get out of my room. Now I'm paranoid. Whatever...

oh jesus...

D-did, uh, you guys happen to see what she did? B-because, uh, there's a guard hanging by his organs from the ceiling. And she's not here...

I'm kind of scared, now.
No. 237994 ID: b5448b

just don't look into her right eye. as long as you don't make eye contact she is harmless.
No. 237995 ID: a594b9

We didn't see the guard. Just her eye. It doesn't do anything to us, thankfully... although we did get shoved over to you. Maybe that's what it does to us.
No. 238003 ID: fd6d7e


Yeah that's... pretty much what her eye does. Hey is the guard still in his suit? Maybe you can rifle his pockets for cool stuff!
No. 238006 ID: a3d82e
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Right eye? Alright. That's kind of specific, I suppose. Whatever. So, you guys switched to me after she went bat shit insane? Huh... I suppose there's a reason for that. We'll find out, won't we? Also, I'm not even going to go through his pockets. That's not... not after what he's been through.

Just gonna back out slowly...
No. 238007 ID: b5448b

we also act as an extrasensory device. someone is behind you with a huge smile.
No. 238008 ID: fd6d7e


Aw c'mon he's not using those pockets anym--HOLY SHIT BEHIND YOU
No. 238009 ID: b5448b

make sure you look at their gut, just in case she is in some kind of hyper mode.
No. 238011 ID: fd6d7e


Actually I...get the impression that it's not dangerous to see the eye. It's dangerous to be seen by the eye. If the latter is true you're pretty much fucked so I guess assuming the former would be fine.
No. 238012 ID: a3d82e
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Is... she behind me?


"Thursday, what the fuck."
"Oh, what is it, Tuesday?"
"... Nevermind. Hey, have you heard of Monday?"
"Yes. It's a day of the week, silly."
"Cut the shit. The patient."
"Oh! The cute little seven year old?"
"... Sh-she's seven?"
"Yes! Why?"
"She hung a guard by his intestines."
"Ouch. We should find her."
"Yeah. Maybe. Where are you really?"
"In my room, waiting for you~"
"Oh, I'm kidding. Come on, get me out and we'll find Monday."

Gone. Well, that's Thursday's ability. I don't know where her mark is. Whatever, it doesn't matter. We have to move.
No. 238015 ID: b5448b

yeah it probably Psychically did that, not used her hands. may as well get Wednesday out on the way.
No. 238020 ID: a594b9

Get ye to wherever the next door is and open it.
No. 238048 ID: fd6d7e

Hah, I think Thursday might have been watching if that's her ability. There was a mysterious vanishing smiley face in the room at the time.

Careful about Monday. If they were doping her up with anti-secret-power drugs, but not the rest of you, there must have been something very different about her, something you wouldn't expect of the other subjects. One thing's for certain she's a killing machine. A cute little 7 year old killing machine with pigtails.
No. 238112 ID: 644ca1

If both Monday and Thursday have powers, what about you? Do you have any special power that you can use?
No. 238113 ID: 19dce0

His hand controls technology. Tuesday told us that when we met him.
No. 238430 ID: a3d82e
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Smiley face? I... don't think Thursday can change into one of those. I mean, her shadow thing is smiling a lot, but... whatever. I think Wednesday's talked about something similar, so I'll ask her when I see her again. Her ability sounds a bit more dangerous then all of our's, so I imagine that they're probably just trying to keep her from using the ability to fuck up their shit. Ah! Here's Thursday's room...

Shit. She's still out of it. She does this when she uses her ability, though she generally wakes up when her shadow returns, so maybe it hasn't come yet? Whatever, I need to move... um, what do I do with Thursday?
No. 238432 ID: a9bea6

pick her up and sling her over your shoulder.
No. 238453 ID: 732129


She's totally into you dude. Cop a feel and then carry her out.
No. 238498 ID: a3d82e
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C-cop a feel? I... I don't think I could do that, not to Thursday. She's, like, been the only one keeping me sane, really. I couldn't... and I don't think she's "into" me. I think... fuck, I'm confused, now...

-! A needle...? Ugh... shiiit...
No. 238500 ID: a3d82e
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No. 238542 ID: 049f7a

geez, now what.
No. 238547 ID: 4e15e3

if anything bad happens to Tuesday i blame you 732129.
No. 238594 ID: 732129


Oh you.
No. 238812 ID: a3d82e
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{Chapter 2}

Oh! Did something happen to Tuesday, little voices? And adorable little Monday, too, I suppose. She's the one the went wild, isn't she? Well, I'm not surprised. Little children should be able to run around outside, not stay couped up in a room all the time. Well, that's irrelevant, anyway. I'm Wednesday. I'm the only one with a straightjacket, just like in the cartoons. But, it's because of my ability. It's quite a vicious one. So, I lie to the others.

Well, should we get started, then? It's almost time for us to join with Monday, again~
No. 238813 ID: 127c1a

unfortunately the doors can only open from the outside unless you are Tuesday because of his power. so we need to know your power in order to create an escape plan.
No. 238834 ID: a3d82e
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Oh! My hand has a little mouth on it, and it eats things! I think it has a limit, maybe. Anyway, it converts whatever it eats into these little, odd orbs, and releases them. The orbs can be used as shields, maybe, or a long range weapon. I can also fuse them, and they get stronger, and can take more hits.

Any plans, little voices~
No. 238837 ID: 127c1a

huh, that is pretty neat. need to gt your hands free, guess eat the jacket off of them and then just eat your way through the door. also, have you tried sculpting them into things?
No. 238845 ID: e31d52

What can it eat?
No. 238943 ID: fd6d7e

What do you know about Monday? She is in a lot of trouble right now. The shots they gave her hurt her special eye, and when she tried to use it she passed out from the pain, then somehow still managed to decorate her room with the entrails of the man who was giving her shots!

Tuesday got struck with a tranquilizer dart when he was... distracted, so watch out for those. The facility seems on high alert since Monday did whatever...she did, and I doubt they'll hesitate to tranquilize you too.
No. 239062 ID: a3d82e
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I know a lot about everyone! Monday always passes out when she uses her special power, but, it never hurts, apparently. She's only used it twice. The time that landed her in here, and then recently. But, from what I saw it wasn't supposed to hurt.

Also, I don't think the guards are issued tranquilizers, actually! It must've been one of the four. Hm... we'll find out, then, won't we? And, now, if I'm correct, Monday should be here... now! Her ability is incredibly strong, if it can break that door!

Hi, little Monday! Hm, I think you need to be cleaned up, you're a bit dirty!...

Oh... she dropped. What should I do, little voices? Monday looks hurt~
No. 239064 ID: 127c1a

the meds they gave her weakened her eye. once they are out of her system it wont hurt anymore. hurt itself using the power.
anyway. i think jailbreak is the only thing to do. may decide getting rid of you all instead of taking care of you is better.
No. 239947 ID: a3d82e
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I'll just peek out of the room, real quick, and see if anyone's around so I know if it's safe to get Monday...

Oh, dear~
No. 239948 ID: a3d82e
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Why does everyone insist on hurting their eye today?

"Hello, Friday!"

"Saturday's dead."

"...Oh, dearie. That's not good."

"We killed Autumn. Fall found us, then. Saturday managed to get Fall, too, but he didn't last much longer after that."

"So, what happened to your eye?"

"It's not my eye. It's my symbol. We cut it out."

"That's probably not healthy, Friday."

"I don't have powers anymore, Wednesday."

"... That's good for you~ Now, can you come help me with little Monday? She's hurt."


"The little seven year old. You wouldn't know her. They've been injecting her with something, it makes it hurt when she uses her power."

"Alright, then."
No. 239952 ID: fd6d7e

Well, why did he do a silly thing like that? Monday definitely looks worse for wear. I would advise you to check her eye, but NO DO NOT REVEAL THE EYE.

I guess there are only two seasons left then, Spring and Summer? One of them must have taken Tuesday and Thursday.
No. 239953 ID: c59f60

yeah, maybe wrap it up like Tuesday's so she can't use it by accident.
No. 240764 ID: a3d82e
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Actually, it's Winter and Summer. They're the strongest two, out of the four. We might have a bi t of trouble, now, but, at least that's two down~

Well, Monday's fixed up, so I guess I'll talk to Friday.

"So, why did you cut your symbol out, Friday?"

"Hm? Oh. The reason we were brought here was because of our symbols."

"I figured."

"They hate us, because of our symbols, our powers. But, they have powers too. I don't know why they hate us for this. But, it doesn't matter now. I no longer have a symbol. I can be normal, now, Wednesday."

"Friday, we've been in here so long, I don't think any of us know what normal is anymore."


"Well, why don't we go get some food for the three of us~"

"Yes, that'd probably be good. Let's go, then."
No. 240765 ID: a3d82e
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Hm? I ----- Little Voi--- - --- --- - - - - - - ---- - - ----- - -- --- --- --- ---- --

"Why are you doing this?"

"You think of me as a bad person, right?"

"No good person would do this!"

"Mhmm. I bet you would give your life to be me right now."


"Oh, Thursday, I know you'd love to fuck Tuesday. It's quite evident on your face, the way you talk to him."

"W-we're just friends."

"Did you know, Thursday, that you stutter when you lie?"


i let her hurt tuesday. I was sitting and i was right there but i couldn't help! And now i can see him lying on the ground, only just a bit away from me. I think he's alive. But i can't tell. I couldn't do anything to help him. My throat hurts, so i can't call to him. I just...

No. 240771 ID: c59f60

what's going on? we are the voice that has been jumping around here. it seems we are losing track of time or something, what happened? last we remember is getting Monday patched up then jumped to now.
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