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File 128658497571.jpg - (652.30KB , 1500x1000 , Tezakia Ostfront 3.jpg )
240415 No. 240415 ID: 583d5d


... This isn't a dream.

*click-click-click-click* "This is HQ, is anyone there? Please respond!"
316 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 259108 ID: 701a19

"Alright, then."
Hit the lights, lay down on the bed, and pull her down so you can wrap your wings around her.
She doesn't want to be alone, and physical contact with somebody she feels safe around will help her sleep and ward off nightmares.
If she's not tired, then make up a sudoku for her to work on; working on non-linguistic logic problems messes up the creation of PTSD, which is a good thing.
No. 259137 ID: c71597

Hmm, are there any neutral territories you could get too from this place?
No. 259138 ID: 701a19

The bug people.
No. 259139 ID: c17187

oh yeah, bug dude!
No. 259141 ID: c71597

I know about them, but it's not certain that they're near enough that it's possible to get to them.
No. 259197 ID: 0310e1


If you mean the country of bug people, they're *really* far away. If you meant Khaaz, the bug dude from earlier, you'd have to ask Moe/Colour.
No. 259198 ID: c71597

Meant the country. Really far away places arent' really a realistic prospect of deserting and running away to. Should preferably be some place that can be reached fairly easily by either boat, flight or by land. Should also have a policy of letting deserters seek asylum there, would kind of suck to get there and then get tossed out, or even turned over to Tezakian authorities.
No. 259246 ID: 701a19

Really far away places are pretty good choices, as long as they're in a direction that gets you out of the theater of war quickly.
No. 259549 ID: da8f19
File 129063950628.png - (90.39KB , 1500x1000 , Tezakia Ostfront Update 31 1.png )

Moezaki: "Okay.. I'll stay here then.."

I get a pillow and cover from nearby and set it on the bed, we then lay there, the Lian in my wings.

Moezaki: "What's that painting there of?"

Lian: "I don't know, maybe you should ask the doctor in the morning."

Moezaki: "Do you think there's anywhere we could run away to? Away from the war.."

Lian: "I really don't know what's beyond our borders.. I've not heard anything about the surrounding land. Besides, we have no food or water. It'd be difficult even if we knew where to go."

Moezaki: "You know, you still havn't told me your name.."

Lian: "It's.. Kera.."

Moezaki: "Goodnight Kera."
No. 259553 ID: da8f19
File 129063967631.png - (259.98KB , 1500x1000 , Tezakia Ostfront Update 31 3.png )

Act 1 End
No. 259555 ID: da8f19
File 129063976989.png - (330.36KB , 1500x1000 , Tezakia Ostfront update 31 4.png )

That looks like a Tezakian radio.. if only I could contact my team!

Maybe I should go back, it's dangerous here.. but I have an opportunity here. I could gather information about the enemy!
No. 259559 ID: bc95ad

Dammit Moezaki! Just as soon as we were getting somewhere with you...

Keep in mind, if you inform them of the enemy presence in the area, they will expect YOU to be their eyes and ears.

Normally not a problem, but considering your loyalty issues, I know you would have an issue with NOT keeping your fellow soldiers updated if we thought it best.

It's in your best interest to stay down and 'dead' for the moment.
Just like any experienced soldier can tell you, always obey, but NEVER volunteer.
No. 259561 ID: bc95ad

Woops, my bad. When I posted it had Moezaki tripcode on >>259555
Still something to keep in mind, Kera-not Moezaki.
No. 259563 ID: 0310e1


Check what's outside the window and tell us your name, rank, and mission. Also, loot that radio.
No. 259573 ID: c71597

Pick up the radio and see if you can listen in. They have probably some sort of encryption and code words in place, but who knows, they might have gotten careless.
No. 259581 ID: 701a19

Grab the radio and head back to Moezaki.
No. 259615 ID: 70e5c6


Yes, tell us about yourself first. (ARRRGH IS THIS A PREQUEL OR A SEQUEL?!)

And then listen to the damn radio. :V
No. 259623 ID: fba40f

Probably a prequel
No. 259625 ID: 701a19

>no tail
I'm thinking it's a dream sequence.
No. 259718 ID: c71597

If it's a dreamsequence that is close in time then she should still have the tail, she shouldn't have dealt with the loss enough to not have it in the dream. I'm guessing that there has been a timejump of some sort.
No. 259730 ID: d8cbe7

Except Colour actually mentioned it was a dream sequence.
There's still one way it makes 'sense': It could be Moezaki's dream.

No. 259828 ID: da8f19
File 129073929627.png - (241.90KB , 1500x1000 , Tezakia Ostfront Update 32 2.png )


Outside I can see the rest of the city, it's really foggy and I can't see very far or very clearly out there though.
No. 259829 ID: da8f19
File 129073932229.png - (426.31KB , 1500x1000 , Tezakia Ostfront Update 32 1.png )

Kera, Airforce Sergeant, I am currently infiltrating what appears to be a Tezakian held area within the city. I spotted something in the night and decided to investigate, my team is back at the hotel.

I pick up the radio. “Peep-peep.. peep.” I can't understand a thing they're peeping.


I have a tail! It's right here! I think I've sat on it for too long, it feels kinda funny.


I don't know what- I can't think right. Damnit! I should focus on what matters right now, the enemy could be anywhere!

I could go further into the building.. Maybe I really should just go back this place is scary. And I think my light is dimming...
No. 259831 ID: 701a19

It's behind you!
This is what happens when you wake up in Silent Hill!
No. 259832 ID: 082f80

I wouldn't be carrying around a bright light if I was sneaking around in hostile territory. I suggest you turn it off. Go further into the building.
No. 259842 ID: aa7d51

Behind you in the doorway!

It's already spotted you so turning the light off won't help, leave it on so you can get a clear view of the flapper otherwise you'll be handicapped by the darkness.
No. 259909 ID: 25e2c8



What would a Lian air force fly?

>“Peep-peep.. peep.”

I think they just called your mother a slut.

>I should focus on what matters right now, the enemy could be anywhere!

If you're worried about that, why do you have a flash light on? Lians have better night vision than Tezakians, right?

Anyway, yeah, you should check behind you.
No. 260411 ID: b6c6fc

if your in the airforce, why are you infiltrating on the ground?
No. 260903 ID: 71d466
File 129115171759.png - (19.23KB , 750x500 , Tezakia Ostfront update 33 2 Small.png )


Silent Hill? What's that?


It's still pretty dark inside, I might not be able to see some things, but I guess it will make it harder for the Tezakians to see me.

I don't think they know my mother...

We usually fly interceptors to take out tezakian scouts, but they can also be used to take out tezakian ground forces. We've recently had them equipped with rockets to take out supply bases, and if they ever get any, some armoured vehicles.

However, they were training me to fly larger aircraft.


They have enough pilots, and not enough officers. I have officer training, so they thought to put me in charge of a few Lians to make sure they arn't wasting their time. It's only temporary. To be honest I've kinda forgot everything, I just wanted to fly..

Whatever was at the door fled the moment I looked, I'm sure I saw something, and the door was closed earlier. Inside it's even darker! I can't really see anything in there from here. I'm not sure how any Tezakian could possibly see in there.

I- I'm frightened...
No. 260910 ID: 075a41

Maybe it's a rapist.

Go on in, keep your light off, keep your weapon raised.
No. 260919 ID: 25e2c8


>We usually fly interceptors

Biplanes? Monoplanes? Jets?

>larger aircraft

Like bombers or gunships, or stuff like zeppelins?

>if they ever get any, some armored vehicles.

If they don't have any yet, they probably will soon. They'll probably be really slow and badly made monstrosities, but they will probably have better artillery than yours.

Also, yeah, you probably should head in. Keep your light off and let your eyes adjust to the darkness; that may take a little while, though.
No. 260927 ID: fba40f

Throw the door open and shine your light through.
No. 261019 ID: 701a19

>To be honest I've kinda forgot everything, I just wanted to fly..

Sounds like you need a Tezakian boyfriend who's willing to give you a ride whenever you like.
No. 261085 ID: 71d466
File 129118140872.png - (38.94KB , 750x500 , Tezakia Ostfront update 34 6Small.png )

It's way too dark in here.

I'll just wait until my eyes adjust to the lack of light...
No. 261086 ID: 71d466
File 129118144361.png - (73.15KB , 750x500 , Tezakia Ostfront update 34 7Small.png )

There! I can see a table, a vase and a borded up window here. There's also some feathers..
No. 261087 ID: 71d466
File 12911815488.png - (25.69KB , 750x500 , Tezakia Ostfront update 34 8Small.png )

The feathers seem to form some kind of trail.

"Keerraaa...." A voice in the darkness is calling out to me. I can't tell exactly where though, the rest of the room is too dark to see very well in. I can only see a few metres.
No. 261102 ID: 701a19

Follow the trail.
No. 261115 ID: 70e5c6

Smash vase for the hell of it.

Then, follow the plot-trail. ;3
No. 261127 ID: 71d466


Here you go.

No. 261130 ID: 1854db

Turn on your light so you can see what you're probably about to shoot.
No. 261202 ID: 075a41

Fire wildly into the direction the feathers are leading.
No. 261208 ID: 25e2c8


Okay, yeah, it's almost definitely Eikii. Remember the basics of CQC and approach slowly. If you have a knife, apply it to your gun to make knifegun. That will help your CQC greatly.
No. 263940 ID: 8bbd68
File 129218594556.png - (2.22KB , 750x500 , Tezakia Ostfront update 35 6.png )


I have enough bullets, it already knows I'm here. I fire at the darkness!

*BANG!* I can't see! My eyes sting!


I need help. Someone help.
No. 263941 ID: 8bbd68
File 129218598093.png - (301.52KB , 750x500 , Tezakia Ostfront update 35 5.png )

No. 263944 ID: 25e2c8


Wake up, hug Moezaki, read note.
No. 263946 ID: c71597

Flip the fuck out and start fighting back.
No. 263960 ID: 701a19

Call for help.
Specifically, call for Moezaki to help. He's a total badass who puts monsters down with one shot and zero eye-bats. Even the worst nightmares shrink in fear at the mention of his name.
No. 264031 ID: 7a835c


Oh, you guys.


Clearly he just wants a hug.

Why don't you indulge him just a little? He looks like he's been through some awfully tough shit very recently.
No. 264060 ID: 1854db

Stuff your gun into his gut and tell him to get the fuck away from you.
No. 264108 ID: efa85e

this, but change "tell him to get the fuck away from you" for "fucking shoot him"

And yea, calling for the guy that saved your life from IS a good idea too.
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