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252312 No. 252312 ID: 7c97d9

"- ... and she threw the goddamn thing out. Pretty useless, if you ask me."
"... This Scout Watcher seems pretty smart, though. I think it's trained."
"If it's taking its time recovering its energy, I'd say it's untrained and defective. Besides, I've never heard of Scout Watchers with their own mind."
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No. 256080 ID: 24a9bd

Run to the side, hopefully the hill will slow it down.
No. 256089 ID: 2d95d7

Evade to the side! Don't bother with a counterattack right now, even a glancing blow from that thing is going to mess you up bad. Afterward, watch it as it goes past, inertia will keep it from stopping close and find a chance then.
No. 256110 ID: 40cb26


Wait, if you just dodge it'll go right past you, and to the caravan! Quickly set the butt of your spear to receive the center of the charge, and position yourself as low and far to the side as you can. Hopefully you can skewer it through its thick hide using its own momentum.
No. 256122 ID: 8555c2

Brace your spear against a charge. Aim the tip 3/4 the height of the creature. Not 1/2. It will roll over the spear if you place it that low.

What are your secondary and tertiary weapons?
No. 256147 ID: 7c97d9
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> set up the spear so that it impales through the creature and evade
I'm not fast enough to set that up properly!
I dig through the sand with my spear as hard as I can, burying the butt part down. I can't turn back fast enough to check if it'll do anything to its scales, so I jump off to the side and hope for the best.
No. 256148 ID: 7c97d9
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I hear the spear snapping in the process, but I think it went through the creature's scaley armor. It groans out loudly, rolls so it lands sideways and keeps itself curled. I don't think I actually killed it, but I definitely did some harm.
... Ugh, there goes my only weapon. Granted it's those cheap-quality ones I usually buy from any weapons shop, but I'm probably screwed if this doesn't stop the creature.
No. 256155 ID: 40cb26

Should be good enough, it shouldn't want to fight anymore like that. Animals aren't usually big on suicidal vengeance, and currently just going after you is going to hurt it. Just get the hell out of there.

And if the spears are so damn cheap, why not carry a spare? Can't rely on having just one weapon, even if you don't consider crazy shit like this happening.
No. 256159 ID: 701a19

Wait and see what it does. If it looks safe then go drop some food in front of its nose and remove the spear fragment.

Also, I'd like to point out that you, Sanya, were the one who started this fight.
I'm not saying you should put yourself in harm's way, but it was only defending itself and you've established dominance.
No. 256162 ID: a49390

go and get that pod thing that was near it and put it down near it.
No. 256163 ID: 24a9bd

Hey, it attacked first.

Sanya, you need to get better weapons. Do you have knives, or things like that? Whatever, at this point, just get the hell out of there.
No. 256708 ID: 7c97d9
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> spare spears and weapons
Ergh. I've always found carrying more than one weapon too much to handle. So much clutter.
I fancy myself using spears and such. Spear fighting complements my height, and there's a certain kind of leverage that I utilize while I'm at it.
Still, I can probably wield an axe or a club. I'd like to get down and dirty during battles, you know.

> who attacked first
Does it matter, really? All that matters is who wins in a battle. And I won.

> spear fragment
It's too dangerous to pull it out.

> pod thing
It seems to be a wooden shield... Or maybe it's just a board... Anyway, it's holding a pair of horns in it that matches the corpses'. Looks like it belongs to them, not the pangolin. Why they attach the horns of their own kind into carved wood planks, I have no idea. Well, it'll hopefully have better use to the living than to the dead.
We'd better get back to Wala when we have nothing else to do around here.

No. 256709 ID: 6d73d9

hmm, okay. sure let's continue on to wala.
No. 256716 ID: 40cb26

Some weird cultural thing? I mean it doesn't look particularly useful to be on there so there has to be another reason. Wala probably knows, ask him about it. Speaking of which did that guy ever slow down or did he run clear out of sight already?
No. 256718 ID: 701a19

Did you notice that Wala assumed the Pangolin would attack, even though it was preoccupied?
Or the panic in his voice when he said he had never seen it before?
Or how he knew it could charge even though it's legs are obviously incapable of anything beyond a brisk waddle?

It's not even close to a desert species, so something odd must be going on if it's all the way out.
The most likely explanation is that smugglers were involved; it either escaping from them, or chasing them to free its young.

Regardless, drag a corpse over to the Pangolin and toss it near the thing's mouth. You can get quite a bit of information by observing its response.
No. 256744 ID: 7c97d9
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> Wala
I start walking towards the direction where Wala bolted off when I see him already. He has two rather decorated daggers on his hands and looks to have been wanting to join the fray.
"I guess you already took care of it, huh?"
"Not really. Where's the caravan?"
"A bit of a walk from here, but you won't miss it."
Wala's probably just taking the benefit of a doubt, especially with a huge creature like this. It certainly beats having to wait for a potentially violent reaction before making a move.

"... You broke your spear?"
"I'll get you something you can hold on to until we're through with this."
"Okay, just give me a sec."
No. 256745 ID: 7c97d9
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> Drag corpse over to the pangolin and observe its response
I move the corpse close to the pangolin, but it does not uncurl itself. Seems it's not really fond of our presence after that whole thing.
"... Do you know this creature? Seems you were lying about not knowing this at all."
Wala keeps his eye on the pangolin. "... These creatures usually live in forests and swamps, and there aren't any of those nearby. Not to mention this one's mightily huge compared to the usual ones."
"I wasn't technically lying about knowing any desert-living pangolins this size."
No. 256746 ID: 701a19

The problem is that it's not a desert-living pangolin. Ask why he thought it would attack.

Have any rope? If you can safely remove the spear point from it, you should.
... Here, hold on...

[Fly over to the pangolin and try to speak to it]
Hello, there! What are you doing in this place? Would you like us to remove that thing from your back?
No. 256783 ID: 40cb26

Ask Wala if the smaller swamp-dwelling sort are always so damn aggressive and hungry and if there any particular reason it would charge the caravan. It's hard to believe it was still violently hungry after it's little snack right there.

Ask him what is up with that horned shield too. Then get yourselves out of here and away from this damn mess.
No. 256809 ID: 7c97d9
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> ask Wala about the horned board
I hand in the horned board to Wala. He takes a brief glance at it.
"Do you know what this is?"
Wala lets out his trademark grunt that tells me he's rather uninterested in the matter.

> ask Wala more about the pangolins
I have this feeling I shouldn't be riddling my client with questions while we're stopped like this.
"Any idea why this one attacked us?"
"... It saw the caravan when it turned to us. It got frightened 'coz it matched up its size and thought it was a predator."
Wala starts walking back to his caravan. "We don't have time for this, Sanya. We have a caravan to deliver."
No. 256810 ID: 7c97d9
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> ask the pangolin
Oh-ho, I don't think so, little bugger. If I don't even want to go near it right now, what makes you think you'd be safer?
Besides, let's leave the poor thing alone already. Judging by how it's all curled up and unwilling to relax itself, it's terrified.
Wala doesn't want delays anyway, and this is just making things worse for him. He has supplies to deliver.
No. 256839 ID: 701a19

I'm pretty certain his supplies are of the less-than-legal variety, but you're the boss.
No. 256854 ID: 7a9e2c

Nothing more to do here, keep going.
No. 258762 ID: 7c97d9
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We both return to the caravan, which is situated not far from the pangolin's site. Wala climbs the caravan and gets something from inside. After finding it, he hands it to me.
Equipped FALCHION!
It looks like a sword, but it feels rather heavy for a short one. Looks like it's meant for whacking out stuff with, sort of like an axe.
It's only a short walk before we finally arrive in our destination.
No. 258763 ID: 7c97d9
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Migrowle Manor... Finally we're here...
... Where's the people? The place doesn't look deserted, but there's no one around here.
No. 258764 ID: 0b2a05

Are those pigs? Maybe they're all in some kind of town meeting, or it's prayer time or something. Try knocking on a door.
No. 258767 ID: 40cb26

Staying inside where it's cool? Not much to do outside? Just a quiet town? Just ask Wala. Or grunt and comment "Lively place here."
No. 258770 ID: 5ba6bb

There are no signals of an attack, and the chances that the town are trying to ambush their own the supply caravan... are low. Go with "Lively place here."
No. 258786 ID: 197650

This is practice, you'll probbably never see any of these people again.

You may be dirt poor but image is everything, pretend to be mighty and wealthy and people will treat you as such.
No. 258801 ID: 7c97d9
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> proceed
We both take a few steps in-
"Argh, I told you not to miss!"
No. 258802 ID: 7c97d9
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The voice is coming from up there.
???: "Damnit... You there! What are you doing with our caravan?! You have Wala as hostage, don't you?!"
Sanya: "No, you moron! I-"
???: "Spare your words for when you meet your maker!"
Wala: "Hold it there! She's my bodyguard!"
No. 258803 ID: 7c97d9
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???: "... But that roar from earlier-"
Wala: "It's not her, guys. It's a long story, but we're all safe and good here, right?"
???: "... You there, down there! Check that... thing beside Wala and let them through."

Wala pats me by the back. "Things are rather... finicky around here because of the abductions. I guess they heard the commotion with the pangolin earlier and alerted everyone in."
No. 258805 ID: 0b2a05

No. 258807 ID: 76fa95

abductions?! sounds like a QUEST to me!
No. 258811 ID: a29330

It's probably best to try and be friendly and keep in good relations with them. You don't have to hide that you're annoyed at getting shot at but trying to get back at them won't gain anything.
Not to mention that staying on good terms with villages can be beneficial for; finding employment, information gathering, residence while traveling etc.
No. 258815 ID: 5ba6bb

This, but DO complain...
No. 258878 ID: 7c97d9
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> complain
Heck right I should complain! That's not a way to treat a visitor around here!

They let us through the gate. There we see lots of humans in peasant clothing, most of them terrified. They're all looking at me like I'm covered in blood or something.
"Why'd you shoot at me?! That was uncalled for!"
The guy in front of me speaks, albeit in a shaky manner. "S-S-Sorry, sir!" is all he could let out.
... Sir?!
No. 258880 ID: 7c97d9
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On the other hand, Wala casually talks to the guy earlier, who looks rather different from these humans. He looks more like a cat.
???: "-and I thought she got you tied up and all that. But seriously, a bodyguard?! You aren't that old, are you?"
Wala: "Oh please... I only need her for me to travel safely. Besides, she doesn't really *murmurs the rest of the sentence*."
Wala: "Anyway, meet my bodyguard Sanya."
The cat stares at me as if I just said something silly. "She should know better than to call me a moron. Stupid ignorant lots." He trudges off inside after leaving some orders to the peasants around, which soon disperses around the manor.
Wala pats me once more, this time on the shoulders. "He's Akil, a Felia and an old friend of mine. He's got a brief but colorful history around here, and people respect him despite his hasty attitude. But he's not the one who controls these people, mind you."
No. 258895 ID: 76fa95

so uhhh, now what?
No. 258933 ID: 701a19

[Fly over to Wala]
"He does know she called him a moron because he shot at her, right? Or is there some sort of racial oppression or stereotype that we don't know about?"
No. 258951 ID: cbdb8b


Wala's keeping some info from you, Boss.

Better to just hurry up and get this thing over with. Then you can leave Mr. Sourpuss to his newcomer-hating ways. Quite amusing considering he was new here as well not too long ago, himself. But anyways.

No. 259243 ID: feb4a2

That Cat is the one that ordered carrot-top to shoot at you. 'Respected' or not, his decision nearly got you shot. Even the most savage of societies would not accept any of his actions or words so far as an appropriate show of remorse.

However, he isn't in charge. The master of the manor is, in the end, responsible for all actions of those that take orders from them, or indeed, everyone living in their territory. The one who must make amends is Akil's master.
No. 259260 ID: 7c97d9
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"What was that you told Akil about me, huh?!"
"Nothing much. Just told him how green-horned you still are in terms of battling..."


(You fly over to Wala, who looks at you indifferently.)
"He does know she called him a moron because he shot at her, right? Or is there some sort of racial oppression or stereotype that we don't know about?"
"He shot at her thinking she's one of the abductors. Akil's a hair-trigger, reacting with his feelings rather than his thoughts."
"It's a long story why... We'll have to meet the landlady first."
No. 259261 ID: 7c97d9
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A handful of humans open the door to the manor. There, we are greeted by three ladies, who glance at me with a curious look. The one in the middle is the only one who greets us, mostly Wala.
"Welcome back to Migrowle, Wala. Please, let my maids bring your supplies."
Wala does not directly return the greeting. "Akil almost got my bodyguard here killed. Have things been worse since I last left?"
The pink-dressed lady gasps then raises her eyebrows as a sign of worry. "Oh, I am definitely sorry! Akil has not slept much lately, for the mysterious abductions have increased over the last few days. He is just doing his best to lessen these horrible deeds, I feel helpless myself..."
"Tell me, able-bodied companion... Is there anything I can do to lighten up this situation?"
No. 259263 ID: 40cb26

"I'll settle for an explanation about these abductions. And not getting shot at any more, that would be nice too." Try to say this with a grin. No sense getting pissy in this kind of situation. Lighten the mood yourself, and find more cooperation down the line.

Something really weird is up here and they don't seem to want to talk about it, work to earn their trust as well as you can and it might just save your life.
No. 259280 ID: 701a19

"Is there a price on the heads of the abductors? Maybe a reward for the return of the missing people?"
No. 259301 ID: a29330

See if you can find out more about what's happening in this town. Something about 'being between two warring barbaric tribes'. Does this have anything to do with the abductions?

You're currently on a job so avoid asking about a bounty, looking like you're trying to moonlight or get your next job when you're supposed to be focusing on protecting Wala is bad form and unprofessional. You just finished a job with a good pay-out so money isn't the biggest priority right now, I think showing you're good at what you do to improve your reputation for future jobs would be priority. Being greedy will only make them think that you only care about their money.
No. 259309 ID: 7c97d9
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> Treat us as friendlies, ask for explanation on abductions
"Two things... One, I don't get shot at any more."
"Yes! I shall see to that right away!"
"Two... I'd like to be informed about these abductions."
"... Not to avoid the subject but... Talking about these in front of my people affects their esteem. Please, walk with me as I attempt to keep you informed."

Wala lets me off with the lady as the other two behind her begin to help him unload the caravan. I listen as she begins her explanation.

"I must introduce myself first. I am Cynthia Protel, daughter of the late Sir Gradrion Protel the Third. This manor and the little patch of land this stands on have been handed down to me by my father, who have inherited these from our clan's generations. Thus, it is my responsibility"
"We have been experiencing a series of abductions, almost hitting fifty since the first report several months ago. The occurrences seem to be in random places and time: we've even had abductions of some of our maids from inside this very manor. However, most of the abductions were done when the victims were alone."
No. 259310 ID: 7c97d9
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"And to think that this happens when the two tribes that surround us have waged war against once another... We are caught in the crossfire, and this only worsens our situation. We find ourselves having to fend off those who cannot be reasoned with and raid our place, as well as panicking at the news of new abductions. Please understand our predicament."
"Because of our situation, we always keep a close eye on anything that might signal trouble. Once we see any sign of it, we would ring the bell on top of this manor, which warns my people to hurry themselves to the manor; in fact, I ordered the bell to be rung when we heard that ominous roar. I had specifically ordered Akil and his men to trust their judgment on an incoming fellow. This might explain his hostile reaction towards your arrival, so I apologize once more."

>> 259301
I don't have to be involved in stuff like this... Let's be real here: the manor really isn't my direct liability. My job is to protect Wala until we get back to town.
We don't have to do everything ourselves, but maybe we can help them out in some other ways.
No. 259321 ID: 40cb26

Well, protecting this place protects Wala by proxy and his business. Sure it isn't your job to help out, but we didn't say you should do it for free. Find out more about this war that they're in the middle of. Also tell her the source of the roar and your dealing with it. Maybe she'll have more insight into it's peculiar presence there in the desert.

Something to wonder about, but perhaps not ask: If these abductions are really so random, quiet and unexpected perhaps it isn't invaders but some kind of inside job? Or if not, perhaps the warring tribes are suffering from the same thing. In either case keep your eyes peeled, you don't want to get assaulted yourself.
No. 259737 ID: 88a9b4

But you can't leave Wala alone while you go investigate an unrelated quest, let's try to help, but keep an eye on him.
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