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File 129151933621.jpg - (27.41KB , 500x500 , domandroidsdreamofelectricbeards.jpg )
261837 No. 261837 ID: b890cc

11 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 261880 ID: 605781

Create the universe.
No. 261882 ID: 2d625b
File 12915263101.png - (77.22KB , 500x500 , WHAPPO.png )

No. 261883 ID: 2d625b
File 129152717096.gif - (115.06KB , 500x500 , WHAPPO.gif )

No. 261884 ID: 80bb9a

Become alarmed at sudden background.
No. 261885 ID: 45be60

Go left.
No. 261888 ID: 2d625b
File 12915277548.png - (146.46KB , 500x500 , BEACH.png )

No. 261899 ID: 2d625b
File 129152889551.png - (130.85KB , 500x500 , BEACH2.png )

No. 261902 ID: 3d3364

No. 261911 ID: d0d015

No. 261979 ID: 1854db

Investigate the house.
No. 262030 ID: c71597

Investigate the fuck out of that house.
No. 262072 ID: fa980d

If it's a church, attempt to convert its parishioners to The Machine God.
No. 262074 ID: fa980d

check purse for inventory.
No. 262327 ID: ddfa1b

Eat the house, its tiny.
No. 262347 ID: 2d625b
File 129161521276.png - (53.88KB , 500x500 , omnom.png )

Like all robots, you choose to investigate it with your mouth.
Tastes like a house.
No. 262354 ID: 2d625b
File 129161693082.png - (71.16KB , 500x500 , INVENTORY.png )

BEER x 10
WEPON x 50
No. 262369 ID: 2d625b
File 129162504561.png - (411.92KB , 2000x2000 , MEIDO-KUN~.png )

You are not sure if that is a command, request or statement.
You strike a pose anyway.
No. 262372 ID: 6834bc

Determine gender facsimile (M/F); place instant house on ground and enter if possible.

Acquire goal and sweet-ass sidekick who will heroically sacrifice their life for us later in the quest.
No. 262379 ID: 2d625b
File 129163152177.png - (80.78KB , 500x500 , HOUSE.png )

Before putting the house on the ground, you decide to become a male, but you are open to changing this as it becomes more or less convenient.

After placing it on the ground the house soon grows, and as you catch a glimpse of orange eyes in the you feel a sudden flash of nerves about entering. You go in anyway.
No. 262380 ID: 2d625b
File 129163240286.png - (15.64KB , 500x500 , HOUSE.png )

...It is darker then you thought inside the house. There seems to be a woman at the top of the stairs, will she be your sidekick?
No. 262386 ID: 2d625b
File 129163628446.jpg - (10.86KB , 500x500 , PAUSE.jpg )

(Pausing for the night)
No. 262417 ID: 6040f7

Before she can be your sidekick, she needs to be converted to the true faith. All hail the Machine God!
No. 262622 ID: 23f0a5

She has glowy eyes. Offer her the drinks or, if that doesnt interest her, offer her the dildo or your love as a new man. Become a woman if she hates men and use the dildo to prove it.
No. 262634 ID: 2d625b
File 129170926719.png - (28.71KB , 500x500 , kittymow.png )

"'Sup. Robot. What 'chu want?"
"For you to be my sidekick."
"Why the fuck'd I be your sidekick?"
"I have large quantities of alcohol."
"...How much we talkin' here?"

You hand over five (5) cans of beer. The woman proceeds to skull them all.

"Gonna take more then that, robo."

Please select amount of alcohol to bribe with
No. 262635 ID: 6834bc

7 cans of beer and she gets half of all booze found on the adventure we're about to have together. We're totally going to adventure the fuck out of this quest, it's written in the script.

Pull out the script and show her, too. It says right there on page 11, "And thus Robomaid and Kitty Mowz set off together to adventure the fuck out of this quest."
No. 262636 ID: bf0f89

face down ass up that's the way we like to bedazzle
No. 262638 ID: 2d625b
File 129171379335.png - (67.38KB , 500x500 , NEKO-CHAN~.png )

"Seven beers, half of the rest of the alcohol and a bedazzled script of the quest?"
"...Deal, gimmie that shit bro!"
You have lost:
Seven (7) Beer
One (1) Script

Name new sidekick?
"Bro I have a na-"
No. 262639 ID: bf0f89

sexy chicken thighs
No. 262641 ID: 45be60

I believe the script says Kitty Mowz
No. 262645 ID: 8555c2

Wife is her name.
No. 262647 ID: 6834bc

She is totally Kitty Mowz, and she is like, the love interest or something.
That's how it always is with catgirls, you know.
No. 262658 ID: c71597

She will be known as Sara. Nothing else, no last name or any descriptive nickname or shit like that.
No. 262666 ID: 6040f7


We shall call her Mombasa Thunderchunky.
No. 262699 ID: 1ed8ff

She shall be Mrs Kitty Mcswirls Mowz of the prestigious northern Mowz clan.
No. 262742 ID: 2d625b
File 129176727050.png - (29.18KB , 500x500 , NAMED MOTHERSEDUCERS.png )

"Your name is now Kitty Mowz Thunderchunky, of the northern Mowz clan"
"Bro that isn't. What. This is stupid, what are we even doin' man?"
"...I do not know."
What are you doing?
No. 262745 ID: c71597

Giving your sidekick an adorable nickname. Other than that you're trying to figure things out as you go along.
No. 262759 ID: cbdb8b

You are on a quest to become the bestest robo maid evar!
No. 262790 ID: 7daa45

You're trying to find the question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
No. 262808 ID: f78a5d

punch a hole in the wall or laser some ducks or both
No. 262820 ID: 9e0406

Whip out the organic dildo and throw it at something
No. 263082 ID: da2919

Plant one of the dildos.
No. 263114 ID: 6040f7

You are on a quest to destroy your evil reverse-cyborg sister, who died and came back as a ghost. Also, she's really slutty.
No. 263143 ID: c71597

Or possibly an ultra prude. Who knows.
No. 263229 ID: fde1f8

Either way she doesn't dress like a proper lady, the organic dildo is the only thing that can stop her ghostly rampage and save the king of the cheerleader t-rexes.
No. 263391 ID: 2eac65

We are on a quest to free our robot people from the evil supercomputer overlord who forced us to turn against our organic creators!
No. 264748 ID: 14149d
File 129249213970.png - (10.48KB , 370x344 , sweet renard and hella kitty.png )

(Sorry for the lack of updates, had some computer issues, and as for now I'm using a friends computer and mspaint)


"I am on a quest to free my robot people from my prudish yet slutty sister by throwing a dildo at her. And planting some more dildos in her garden."

"...Is she hot?"

"Her external temperature is average."

"...Fuckit, I'mma sleep with her anyway."

You are now in control of Kitty Mowz Thunderchunky.
New quest gained: Kill/Seduce Renard's slutprude sister
No. 264753 ID: 6834bc

Well, first order of business is to go check on the nearest elemental crystal of virtue, the Crystal of Decency. That slutprude sister of ours and her evil umpire have been trying to use the crystals to power their apocalypse machine.
We gotta make sure the Crystal of Decency is still in its protective multi-layered fortress, and that the umpire hasn't set up a complicated contraption to siphon energy off it.

There, we will surely probably find yet another companion to help us fight our sister.
No. 264754 ID: c71597

Tell robomaido to get a move on then. You got an itch to scratch and only her sister can do it. Or maybe she can as well... better try to make sure.
No. 264763 ID: 6040f7


Obviously if you are to seduce robomaid's sister, you'd better practice on her first. Slutprudes are fickle creatures and can be tricky to seduce without knowing much about them.
No. 264791 ID: e5c4cf

Yes, learn from the sibling of the one you need to seduce! You are the key to defeating her, as you will be the one to wield the Dildo of Truth and hit her weak spot with it!
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