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301095 No. 301095 ID: e911d6

The Bearer of Five Lanterns, Great Paragon of the Fifth Path had set up his desk before the Great Pyre of Alaruk, as he did every day. A hooded man ran into the chamber, removing his hood as he entered. He was a well built, white, blue eyed blond. He had some form of armor on, though it was hidden under his white cloak. A greatsword was slung across his back, he'd look handsome if it wasn't for the perpetually cross expression on his face and the never abating scent of blood that followed him, punishment for a past failure.

“My lord!” says the formerly hooded man as he bowed before the Bearer of Five Lanterns, Great Paragon of the Fifth Path, “I come to report failure, the Sharspawn escaped in the High Temple of Ig-Vhakhan. The Temple collapsed as we fought it. Hans and Jacques have been lost, though we were unable to confirm their deaths or find their bodies.I apologize for my fail-"

The Paragon bent down, raising the man’s chin as he interrupted him, “It is not your fault Nikolaus, Ig-Vhakhan is fickle, and opposed to the path. The Seneschal will not hold you responsible. Tell me, what gender was this Necrourge?”

So, what gender is our mystery fugitive?
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No. 318984 ID: cd63e9

then spend 4 pts on increasing undead complexity. that'll let us make some very nasty creatures. as we are i think we can wrap anything not specked out to detect lies and deception (or just fare more powerful than us) already.
No. 318989 ID: 0d095c

But we can always be BETTER at lying. It says we are almost on par with GODS in being able to conceal our intent.

That should be our goal. To be able to truthfully say we can bullshit IG VAKHAN.
No. 319017 ID: cd63e9

we can already talk out way out of almost anything that can be talked out of. We do not need to be able to outdo the god of deception. there is a drake corpse in fairly good shape right in front of us. if we up undead complexity by 3 or 4 ranks we could turn that into something really nice. Also if you want to make use better at deception we have illusion points for that.
No. 319024 ID: 07416a

We have two boons. I say we either pick up regenerate now or wait until we have two more boons to get access to the entire Biomancy tree
No. 319067 ID: a7ac94


Lifesight's interesting, it's not actually that useful (For your powerset at least) until around rank 4, at which point it starts developing new and interesting side abilities.


You turned the bull into an abomination. The Abomination got incinerated, there is no bull. So you've got a bunch of sprites that are either already undead or already loyal to you. And a crossbow.


At no point did I say you were godlike in scheming ability. You are above human, in verse there are a lot of things above human. I'll elaborate in the /dis/ thread.

And yes, there are more boons available in the temple. I won't tell you where they are, but they're pretty easy to find.
No. 319075 ID: b1f0e2

>((One boon gained. Two Necromancy points gained. One general point gained. Two Illusion points gained. Tactical Novice gained. One Xenothurgy point gained.))

Alright, so with the previously earned boon, current XP or XP like things are:
2 boons
2 necromancy
1 general (spells I presume?)
2 illusion
1 Xenothurgy

So... I get the feeling that getting boons is CRAZY HARD... so while spending them on things like healing or improving magic we know looks attractive.
>Using two, you can gain access to god exclusive fields you can't gain otherwise, but you don't know anything about the field or type of spell you'll get before you get it.
We can use 2 boons to gain a field of magic that otherwise we have no other way of getting. Any of the other plans, while cool, we could acquire by spending general spell XP (like the 1 point we already got) to gain.
I vote boons are used exclusively for that, at least for now.

Also, I am curious as to what our allies will spend THEIR boons on.

Now, how to spend...
I am looking through and I see a description of what she can do "at her current level" but not an actual numeric breakdown of her levels in various spells. We need that to decide on spending.
No. 319078 ID: a7ac94


Shit, forgot to put that down.


This is the build consensus was reached on. Including free points that means that you have:

Reanimate: 2.

Lifesight: 1.

Birthright: 3

Dread Hive: 2

Pheremones: 1

Visual: 3

Love of the Allmother: 1

Hateful, Wretched Noise: 1

One for All: 1

Blessings of Shar: 1

There's a breakdown of what exactly you can do at these ranks earlier in the thread.
No. 319084 ID: b1f0e2

>then spend 4 pts on increasing undead complexity.

As far as I can see, Reanimate determines both quantity AND complexity of animated dead.
>Reanimate: Reanimate allows you to create and control undead. As you increase your skill in the field you are able to command more and more complex undead, eventually imbuing the undead with sentience through the trapped souls.
And at skill level 2, it will cost 3 points to reach level 3, and 4 additional points to reach level 4.
And she only has 2 points in necromancy and 1 general to spend.

>Make yourself MORE persuasive
You are already persuasive enough to convince random people to work with you and even make a temporary peace pact with a pathist priest...
What you should improve is your combat and survival ability, especially considering that this is a temple of Ig.

>What to spend.
If people agree on my idea of using the 2 boons for the "pay 2 boons for a random secret magic school that isn't available for learning normally" then I would rather see what that gave us before spending the rest of the points. Don't want to get redundant here.
No. 319087 ID: 44766a

lets go with using the two boons to get a random magic school and increasing Reanimate by 1 level.
No. 319098 ID: b1f0e2

I made a detailed chart of all spells in our schools with current level, prereqs, links to descriptions, etc

This should help people with choosing how to allocate the points
right, now that all the legwork is finally done and I know what I am doing... votan time.

2 boons - unlock god's unique school otherwise unavailable whose details are secret unless taken. (I called it random in a previous post, but looking at author quote he said secret, not random)

1 general - if the unlocked school from above has a really awesome spell we can take, get that. Otherwise use it with the 2 necromancy to get level 3 reanimate.

2 necromancy - if used with 1 general point get reanimate 3, otherwise save them towards reanimate 3.

2 illusion - 1 auditory, 1 Consummate Falsehood (ties together various illusions to create a whole greater then the sum of its parts)

1 Xenothurgy - save for One for All level 2 (the stun we used on the drake)
No. 319113 ID: cd63e9

i vote we use the universal point to get reanimate 3, and then use the two boons to get a new field of magic. I'm willing to bet Ig-Vhakhans has some nifty magic, probably focusd on evolution or self improvement.
No. 319144 ID: 07416a

This, but save the boons.
No. 319145 ID: e99545

I agree with your build, but I think we should save the boons. We haven't even finished the temple yet...
No. 319153 ID: b1f0e2


but if we don't spend them we might not survive to actually finish the temple.
As per >>/questdis/>>348613 and based on it this >>/questdis/348616

I suggest we use the 2 boons for Ig-Vhakhan's own magic school. Boons are the only way to get it, and it would shore up our one weakness (our own personal body is frail and lacks combat skills... we have awesome social skills and awesome minions, but we are weak. Lets become a superwoman)
No. 319155 ID: 07416a

Instead of gambling, I want to use the boons to get regeneration. We don't get to choose which gods school we get.
No. 319159 ID: b1f0e2

If I understand correctly. We get to choose which god's school we get. We don't get a list of their actual spells... only "general knowledge about the school".
No. 319162 ID: a7ac94


No matter which school you choose, you do not get to choose the gained spell. You do get to choose which school you get (EX. you can decide if you want a spell from Ig-Vhakhans school or Biomancy, and you can ask for a specific Biomancy spell, but you can't ask for a specific spell from Ig-Vhakhans school as you don't know what they are.)

You can also gain access to the entire school, but that costs four boons instead.
No. 319164 ID: a7ac94


You may choose the school, but possibly not the gained spell. You do get to choose which school you get (EX. you can decide if you want a spell from Ig-Vhakhans school or Biomancy, and you can ask for a specific Biomancy spell, but you can't ask for a specific spell from Ig-Vhakhans school as you don't know what they are.)

You can also gain access to the entire school, but that costs four boons instead.
No. 319165 ID: 07416a

Ahh, I think you're right, but I still think Regerenation is the best buy right now.
No. 319187 ID: 51ca4d

Right now we're proof against pretty much everything but bad luck. With our armies we can defend against most anything, but one lucky blow can pretty much take out Fatima. The absolute best defense against that is taking Regeneration.

Also! Instead of trying to revive the drake see if you can use xenothurgy to make suits of armor for the charcoal elementals. Fireproof charcoal elementals? Fuck yeah! Even better if you can bond the scales to the elementals themselves.
No. 319236 ID: a7ac94

If you guys could post point breakdowns with your votes, it would be appreciated.
No. 319245 ID: b1f0e2

what? right now she has AWESOME social skills, good necromancy skills. and illusions.
In combat she attacks with a regular crossbow, she is as volnerable to injury as any mortal woman, she has no healing capability or super powers or durability or superspeed.

Bad luck is most certainly not the only thing that can do her in.
No. 319301 ID: 07416a

Exactly why we need regeneration.
No. 319324 ID: b1f0e2

I agree, we do need it and my idea was to get it ASAP, get the ability to heal others as well, and play the messiah figure, going town to town healing the sick, the poor, the blind, etc. Thing is, the Ig Vakun magic school can only be acquired via boons and it sounds like its really awesome powerful.

I am changing my vote to save the boons until we have 4 to fully unlock a spell field (to be determined later via vote). based on the detailed back and forth I have been having with the author on questdis, detailing exact costs and interactions between boons and XP.

I recommend checking it out.

All other points remain placed as before. so the new placement for me is:

2 boons - save.
1 general - add to necromancy
2 necromancy - upgrade reanimate 3 with the 1 general
2 illusion - 1 auditory, 1 Consummate Falsehood (ties together various illusions to create a whole greater then the sum of its parts)
1 Xenothurgy - save for "One for All" level 2 (the stun we used on the drake)
No. 319360 ID: 259738

I like this, except spend the Xenothurgy point on The Flesh is Weak. We currently are wounded, and it could help. Assuming it can affect broken bones, that is. If it can't do that at level 1, save the point.
No. 319720 ID: 259738

Oh, and attach the attribute points from Reanimate to Mind and Resistance, so that whenever we raise it we get a boost to our mental and physical resilience.
No. 319819 ID: a7ac94

((So, voting is closed. Upgrades are: Re-animate 3, Auditory 1, Consummate Falsehood 1. You have 1 Xenothurgy point and two boons remaining)

We rest for a bit before continuing. I use the opportunity to listen to your suggestions, and put to work the stored up magi-

You have me put it to work. Let's be honest here.

I, by proxy put to work the built up magical energy to increase my control over my spells. Despite the amount of bullshit we tell non-mages, learning new spells is more about getting a breather to think about how to apply a branch of magic you already now about in a new way instead of some sort of dramatic revelation of new power at a crucial moment. That only happens in plays. And to Ignans.

It's oddly re-invigorating. Feels like a nap combined with a healing crystal.

And then I move and realize that my rib is still broken. Fuck.

The Pathist is bandaged up, and we made a sled out of the Drakes scales so that the wolf could drag him after us. Now we just need to find an Ignan composite bow and start making Fried of the Barbarians references. Loved that play. Always wondered why the wolf never went beserk with the amount of blood they sprayed around.

We limp on, meeting the sprites at the giant crystal-shrine. It glows red, ominously, and the shrine around it is littered with skulls. I can feel the magic radiating off of it, and am about to suggest running when Miles waddles forward and touches the thing, then motions for everyone else to do the same. After he decidedly doesn't explode, I limp over and put a hand on it as Marisol drags the near-unconscious Pathist over to help him do the same.

There's a glow of power, and a skull made of ice and flame appears over it.

>>You've found the first shrine! Congratulations. You've earned the boons I am gifting you.

>>There's an exit through that hall, nothing will attempt to kill you if you leave now. You are wounded after all.

>>Or you could go back in, there's a larger shrine with a much more impressive treasure elsewhere. I don't guarantee your safety if you try it though.

>>1 boon gained.

...Wait, how do we use these things?

>>I can read your mind

That was a response to me, correct?


There's a short pause, followed by the pathists shoulder wound closing and blushing on the pathists part.


There's another pause, and one of the non-undead sprites reaches forward and touches the crystal

>>That's sick, and you're sick for thinking of it.

Wait, if that sprite got a boon, does that mean that I can give the charcoal sprites-

>>Undead do not get boons.
No. 319821 ID: 259738

Absolutely continue on, we still need another boon. Also spend that Xenothurgy point on The Flesh is Weak so you can continue on without worrying about your broken ribs. Also does the wolf get a boon? The wolf should get a boon.
No. 319825 ID: 46c430

What? No we don't. The only reason she was in here in the first place is because she was chased here and had no choice. And 'The Flesh is Weak' only fills wounds like cuts and such, it doesn't fix broken bones. (Unless it does shore them up, in which case ignore this part, but my vote will still be the same.) Thank him for the boon, and let's get the hell out of here before our luck runs out.
No. 319832 ID: b1f0e2

agreed. No to the flesh is weak.

Also, go back and use your reanimate 3 on that delicious <DRAKE CORPSE>! I bet it will make an awesome undead. as much as I would like leaving, you have 3 boons, meaning you are 1 boon away from being unable to unlock a whole school of magic. So I recommend staying.
No. 319860 ID: 5aac32

Counterpoint: bumping The Flesh Is Weak would increase overall resistance, making our necromancer harder to hurt. Also, useful for some patchwork.

This isn't really a vote for The Flesh Is Work, just a counterargument. I'm actually neutral on the matter.

As far as actual suggestions go, we're already pretty beaten up. Probably best to make our escape while we can. And animating the drake sounds great.
No. 319865 ID: 259738

I'm pretty sure The Flesh is Weak does affect broken bones, given that Havocfett said the primary difference between it and Regenerate is that Regenerate is faster and The Flesh is Weak does mutations, and that higher levels of Regenerate let us use it on others. I don't know why you guys want to have broken bones for the next couple months, though. We don't really have anything to speed up healing right now, and spending a boon on it seems really wasteful.
No. 319907 ID: b1f0e2

check questdis, author confirmed that "the flesh is weak" does not heal broken bones at the early levels.
No. 319911 ID: a7ac94

The main difference between the two is that Regeneration increases natural regeneration, meaning that any wound that would naturally heal will eventually heal even at the lowest ranks, while The Flesh is Weak replaces open wounds with mutations, meaning that it has a hard limit on what it can heal at each level.
No. 319919 ID: cd63e9

I vote we put the xenothurgy point into the flesh is weak, go back and get the drake corpse, and then leave this crazy temple. If we ever find ourselves in dire need of power we can come back and face the trials.
No. 319920 ID: a7ac94


There will be brand new trials if you come back, and they'll be harder next time.
No. 319922 ID: 0d095c

Yes, THE FLESH IS WEA- Wait. Will these mutations ever leave? Otherwise we're gonna look a mite silly preaching love and friendship from our evergnashing-killmaw.
No. 319924 ID: b1f0e2

Ok, miles and marisol have 2 boons each now. And the pathist just healed himself so he has 1 left and an injured wolf companion.

We need to convince them that we should aim for more treasure and boons. And for that we need a healer. You have saved up 3 boons that you intended to spend on ig's magic of self improvement... but you see that the needs of all is that we need a healer, bad. So you will switch those 3 boons, and add 1 boon from each for you to get biomancy fully unlocked (with regen 1 included), +6 point of which 5 will go towards upgrading to regen 3. At regen 3 heal ourselves and our companions.

For the pathist, it will be his last boon, since he used one to heal, but it will allow us to save the life of and fully heal his wolf companion.

For the other two, it will help them greatly in getting the treasure and the extra boons in the temple. And we would be glad to travel with miles and marison further and continue to act as their healer.

If the bulk you can point out how there are plenty of boons to be had here, you got 3, they got 2 each (at least, that you know of), and then there is the treasure itself.

If they continue to bulk, you can offer to pay back said boons with whatever boons you get in this temple later on.
No. 319925 ID: 07416a

I'm still arguing for regeneration. Then going deeper. Deeepeeer.
No. 319927 ID: 07416a

Oh fuck yeah. Use all your magical whiles to this purpose.
No. 319928 ID: e99545

If this is possible it is the BEST IDEA.
No. 319932 ID: b1f0e2

oh, start with "wait, don't spend the rest of your boons yet I have an idea".

we should tailor our negotiations with each, with the pathist focus on his companion wolf's well being and that if he stays, he could keep some of the magic artifacts (aka the treasure) we find out of our hands and in the hands of the loyal.

With miles and marisol, focus on all the remaining treasures and boons for us to find here, and long term healing on their future missions as well.

BTW, if we pull this off we would be at regen 3 with 1 biomancy point unspent. That is one boon off from biomancy 4. which we should spend our next boon on if they go for this plan.

This is actually also something to mention btw, that you also commit to spend the next boon you get earn on making your ability to heal others even better.
And again, point out that this is something you do for the good of all. Self healing / durability is very much cheaper but you are aiming to healing your companions too, which is why it is expensive. (you could take "flesh is weak, maybe add a boon or two. You could use a boon on a trait rather then a spell that lets you regenerate yourself only, you could just walk away")
No. 319938 ID: b1f0e2

oh, how many surviving sprites are there and have not used their boons?

Same logic could be used, they are free to leave if they want, to go out the door and live out their lives. But they could choose to continue deeper into the temple with you for boons and treasures, and there a healer will help.

But appealing to more people you get a higher chance of getting enough boons
No. 319998 ID: a7ac94

Fatimas upgraded attributes (Non upgraded attributes are higher in thread):

Perception 3: Fatima has above average eyesight and hearing, and tends to pick up on things others wont.

Resistance 4: Fatima is increasingly durable, on par with a trained (Though non-veteran) soldier at this point.

Mind 6: Fatima would be considered for MENSA, if it existed, and is close to as smart as you can possibly be without magical assistance.

Reanimate 3: Fatima can control 10 Normal Undead and 1 Advanced Undead at any given time. (Details will be provided in /dis/ upon request)

Auditory 1: Fatima may artificially create one source of sound at a time, lasting up to three minutes, though it cannot have much subtle variance.

Consummate Falsehood 1: Fatima may use two illusion spells simultaneously, treating each of their levels as the lowest of the two.

Update coming soon.
No. 320014 ID: cd63e9

we can make one advanced undead, and we have a drake corpse to work with. I think what we do next is pretty obvious.
No. 320036 ID: 0d095c

Use boon to summon unlimited popcorn for life?
No. 320043 ID: 44766a

No. Just no.
No. 320176 ID: b1f0e2

alright. based on questdis >>/questdis/348780
Monsterous undead can be made into carriers (a little more powerful, can carry you, lose some abilities) or stalkers (significantly more powerful)

Considering how awesome strong that thing was I say we make it into a stalker. I shudder with glee at the thought of a significantly more powerful drake.
No. 320406 ID: 259738

I think technically we should be at Mind 7? We were at 5 before and it looks like the Reanimate points went to Mind and Resistance, because nothing else we picked went to Resistance. Auditory raises Mind, so that should be two points to Mind, leaving us at 7.
No. 320476 ID: cd63e9

I agree. a carrier would be useful but having a power house on hand would be more useful.
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