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File 125108143264.png - (23.75KB , 547x549 , woods.png )
33522 No. 33522 ID: a0aa05

> Hello? Does this thing work or did I waste the money?
4 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 33528 ID: f2de2f

I'm so happy!
AHA! Happy go lucky me!
I just go my way,
living everyday!
I don't worry!
Worrying don't agree,
Things that bother you,
never bother me!
Things that bother you,
never bother me
I feel happy and fine!
Living in the sunlight,
loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time!~
No. 33540 ID: 01383e

it works, but you still wasted your money.
No. 33543 ID: f2de2f

Rape the squirrel.
No. 33554 ID: a0aa05
File 12510845111.png - (27.55KB , 550x505 , woods2.png )

> Well, I guess that means it works. I bought an orb of limited psyche from the pawn dealer, but he's a pretty shady guy so I wanted to make sure it worked.
No. 33567 ID: a0aa05
File 125108546983.png - (26.74KB , 546x505 , woods3.png )

> I was a little worried about venturing out on my own, but you guys are omniscient, so I should be okay with you, right?
No. 33575 ID: 576388

We used to be. Close enough, right?

Don't worry, things normally go just fine! So kid, who are you and what do you want to be when you grow up?
No. 33581 ID: 01383e




No. 33585 ID: ed8d8a

um... omniscient is a bit of a stretch. We can see behind you and around corners, sometimes... Are you familiar with the concept of a disembodied viewpoint? On the plus side, we do know all sorts of stuff we have no business knowing, and we can do a sort of limited precognition thing. So hey, still a pretty decent deal, right?
No. 33586 ID: 7eda8b

>orb of limited psyche
>you guys are omniscient
>limited psyche

No. 33591 ID: a0aa05
File 125108662287.png - (13.37KB , 456x392 , woods4.png )

> No, that's not what I meant. The pawn dealer said it's like the real thing, which of course I could never afford, but there's certain conditions on it that when violated cause it to suddenly shatter violently.
> He didn't say what, but uh, I had to take the chance, you know?

> Considering it's the only money I'll probably be getting in a long, long time, I would hope so.

> Well, I think I had a name, but it's pretty long gone. When they wanted me to do something they pretty much just called me 'kid'.
> As for what I want to be... I guess free would be a pretty good start.
No. 33622 ID: c73b9f

Hey emo kid, get a haircut!
No. 33623 ID: 1689ab

Try taking of the collar then, genius?

Ok, here's what your going to have to do. Go find a dress of some kind. Something girly.
Then, wait... did you say you have a sister or not? The whole plan kind of hinges on you having a sister.
No. 33634 ID: a0aa05
File 125109019374.png - (26.84KB , 546x502 , woods5.png )

> I wish.

> What, you think I'm stupid? Just because youu're an orb full of people's collective consciousness doesn't mean you're the only one who ever thinks of things.
> I don't know what the collar does or how to get it off, but from what they've told me bad things will happen if I try.
> I've heard tell these collars were once made by a man on top of a mountain, used for conditioning soldiers, controlling wild animals and such. When they started being used for more sinister purposes, he apparently killed himself.

> If I have a sister, she is probably long gone. I don't remember much family.
No. 33644 ID: 1689ab

Well crap. Theres that plan out of the running then... how about... hmm... we can still make this work, we'll just need something extra girly...

But first, hook us up with some backstory bro. Lets here your side of the story. And lets figure out where you are too.
No. 33659 ID: 01383e

you've earned enough currency to purchase us, yes? how much does your freedom cost, and how much can you earn?
No. 33676 ID: a0aa05
File 125109250610.png - (26.71KB , 545x502 , woods6.png )

> While not exactly trustworthy, the pawn dealer seemed sympathetic, at least enough to give me a discount. I stole change until I had the 10 copper to buy you.
> Even if I had a way to get money, my freedom is priceless. They wouldn't sell me for anything, out of both spite and need.

> Well, there's not much to me. I don't remember much except working in the nearby town. I've always had this collar on, and they've always told me not to mess with it and to just do my work. But I've heard of the world beyond this, and I want to get out there and experience it.
> Right now I'm in the forests just on the edge of town. I didn't want anyone to see me talking to an orb, they might ask questions.
No. 33682 ID: 1689ab

So you've only heard about what happens when you take the collar off? Never seen any first hand evidence?

This is clearly shenanigans. You can probably just take the thing off without anything going wrong.

Look, I've got a plan, ok? But I need you to go find the girliest outfit you can and come back wearing it ok?
How far is the nearest next town?
No. 33697 ID: 6c80cf


You're not really saying anything useful.

Tell us everything about this world.
No. 33698 ID: 569595

Try just thinking to us, but it's still a good idea to not be staring into space in the middle of town.
No. 33711 ID: a0aa05
File 125109461112.png - (26.77KB , 545x504 , woods7.png )

> Like I said, I'm not dumb. It's too small to come over my head and there's no visible way to open it. I can barely see it, I'm not going to tamper with it.

> I don't know much about it other than what I've picked up by listening. Aforementioned mountain, slavers around here. There's got to be more out there, though.


Anyway, this dagger is the only thing I really carry around. I could try to go back and sneak out some supplies, but I feel like I should get going.
No. 33718 ID: 6c80cf


Ah, geeze...

Okay, first off, who's in charge? Who owns food? What do you do as a slave? Is there mining? What resources are readily available at your command? How intelligent/ethical are the guards?

There's a lot of things here that you may not have noticed.
No. 33719 ID: 1689ab

That'll have to do then. You've tried cutting it off?

Get your ass going then. Make sure to cover yourself in camoflague from nearby bushes.
No. 33730 ID: a0aa05


It's made of iron!
No. 33731 ID: 1689ab

Doesnt mean you shouldnt try.
Yeesh. such a defeatest.

Ok, go pick that flower. It'll come in useful later. Then lets get going. Stay low and keep in cover.
No. 33736 ID: a0aa05
File 125109923377.png - (27.13KB , 549x502 , woods8.png )

No one is really in charge, they work together to keep the town hidden and in shape. They ration food amongst themselves and me. I do everything they do and more. We usually get ore and iron things from merchants. None, really. The guards are as ethical as you would expect slavers to be.

Jesus, what kind of steroids was this flower on?
No. 33737 ID: 1689ab

The useful kind. Now lets get going. Hopefully we can find our way over to the next town without too much trouble.

Seriously. You'll need to get a dress. My whole plan relies on it.
No. 33752 ID: a0aa05
File 125110241134.png - (20.36KB , 548x397 , woods9.png )

Alright then, let's move.

No. 33757 ID: 1689ab

Take no shit, dude. Punch that sign and tell it how much a suave motherfucker you are. Does it have a flower? huh? No! It fucking doesnt.

Stupid sign. Telling you what to do.

Then go through the dungeon. It's obligitory after all.
No. 33758 ID: a0aa05
File 125110560498.png - (20.69KB , 474x387 , dungeon1.png )

I'll save my fists for living things, thanks. Well, here we go.

Fuck, who designed these stairs? They're terrible.
No. 33762 ID: 1689ab

Investigate that strange smokey thing.
No. 33799 ID: 448a65

Wave flower cautiously over the smokey stuff.
No. 35055 ID: 64d98f
File 125130702795.png - (23.43KB , 541x396 , dungeon2.png )

That's weird, it just dissipated.
No. 35060 ID: 448a65


Examine plaque with glasses on them.
No. 35068 ID: 64d98f
File 125130895615.jpg - (13.37KB , 402x317 , dungeon3.jpg )

It's actually a poster.
No. 35069 ID: 448a65


Tear the poster off and spit on it, leave via south doorway.
No. 35096 ID: 64d98f
File 125131789058.jpg - (28.12KB , 541x396 , dungeon4.jpg )

Well, I tore it down.
No. 35099 ID: 64d98f
File 125131799132.jpg - (22.46KB , 482x400 , dungeon5.jpg )

There's some sort of monster here.
No. 35139 ID: 448a65


Tame monster, pet monster carefully? Talk to monster, poke monster with flower.
No. 35140 ID: 795b36

beat the shit out of that derpasaurus
No. 35638 ID: 64d98f
File 125151031944.png - (7.01KB , 323x286 , dungeon6.png )

> "Hey! No one's allowed through here.
No. 35639 ID: 43d730

No. 35640 ID: 789c25

"Actually, I am."
No. 35657 ID: 102947

That's right! No one is allowed here! What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here at all! No one is allowed here!
No. 35663 ID: 795b36


No. 36030 ID: 64d98f
File 12515979225.png - (7.01KB , 330x300 , dungeon7.png )

> "I said no one's allowed THROUGH here."

> "I don't know. Boss said no one goes through, I just enforce the order."

> "Prove it."

I'd rather not resort to violence.
No. 36031 ID: 43d730

Who is this boss?
What do you guard?
What is your quest?
What is your favorite color?
What IS THAT OVER THERE *run by*
No. 36038 ID: 64d98f
File 125159893544.png - (7.78KB , 383x269 , dungeon8.png )

> "I probably shouldn't tell you that."
> "This doorway."
> "What?"
> "Uhm..."
> "Huh?"
No. 36039 ID: 64d98f
File 125159896310.png - (20.00KB , 539x397 , woods10.png )

> HEY!

No. 36051 ID: 64d98f
File 125160147410.png - (20.51KB , 544x398 , plains1.png )

He doesn't follow me, but I run a ways away just in ca--...wow.
No. 36201 ID: 1f5d37

Head toward that castle.
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