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363717 No. 363717 ID: f80f15

Fewer words are best.
43 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 366198 ID: 453e62

give Chide a lit bop and tell him how he could be taken as a serious cop if he says a witness's name is funny.
No. 366203 ID: 1854db

Ask if they want to play with the ball.
No. 366250 ID: e55966

ask she thinks of school and policeman school
No. 366340 ID: f80f15
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"Oww," Chide whines.

"No thanks," Dvorak says. "I was napping, actually."

"I think I'd rather do something more exciting and dangerous than being a policeman," says Dvorak. Chide makes a disapproving noise as she continues, "Maybe a pilot, or something."
No. 366341 ID: 453e62

pilot is cool. what kind? big slow things or small fast things?
No. 366459 ID: 1854db

...I kindof wish we knew what technology level we're dealing with here.

I was thinking we could say we're gonna be a space pirate and cause trouble for both of them. But seriously at this point I'm thinking... scientist. Or doctor.
No. 366464 ID: e55966

how about sky police ?
No. 372966 ID: f80f15
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"Small fast things," Dvorak says. "Duh."

Crilki quietly considers her options. She decides not to vocalize her choice yet.
No. 372967 ID: 9c7c3b

I'm tempted to say "artist".
No. 372970 ID: e55966

yeah just work with materials. most everything depends on that SCIENCE
No. 373088 ID: f80f15
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"Maybe I'll be some kind of artist or scientist," Crilki says hesitantly.

"Oh, that's no fun," Dvorak responds dismissively. "You hardly ever get any adventures or anything. Why would you wanna sit in a stuffy room looking at things all day?"

Chide shrugs. "I wanna help people. I guess you can do that without running around catching criminal scum, but I'd rather do that."
No. 373091 ID: 6868bc

You'll find out what you like when you try things. Same for them. They might find out they enjoy totally different things than being a policeman or a pilot.
No. 373102 ID: f80f15
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"Anyway," Dvorak says, "I'm going back to sleep."

Is there anything else Crilki should do?
No. 373103 ID: 09a2fd

Check out the blue ball next to the table leg.
No. 373149 ID: 9c7c3b

We should go adventurin'! Grab Chide and leave!
No. 378182 ID: 5bec67
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Crilki is not interested in the blue ball.

Crilki would like to go adventuring, but the door to the room is electronically locked, a concept she is not yet capable of understanding, much less circumventing. Chide would also probably be hesitant to break the rules by leaving the room.

Dvorak has already fallen asleep again.
No. 378186 ID: 385f21

I suppose Crilki is not interested in the violet figurine on the table? Oh well... Maybe you should try to read with the yellow one. The book may be about circumventing electronic locks.

But before that, let's examine the lock. Maybe it has pushy buttons that emit funny noises when pushed.
No. 378189 ID: 0adc60

rule number one: when authority figures give you three options, you go find a fourth one and then decide which one you like best. so exit the room. see what's out there.
No. 378190 ID: 1b0f2f

draw art on door
No. 378201 ID: 1854db

Maybe we should take a nap, lacking other things to do.
No. 378228 ID: 5bec67
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Crilki decides this to be the best course of action, given no other courses of action.


She excels in school, though she is absolutely terrible at test-taking. The options muddle in her head and confuse her, and she has to take them slowly or risk overwhelming herself.

Socially, Crilki is awkward. She finds herself often knowing the end of her classmates' sentences, and saying them aloud before they can earns her strange looks and muttered disparagements. She is also often ostracized for her glowing antennae. Despite this, she has managed to accumulate a small circle of friends, most of whom have nothing to do with each other, and Crilki usually hangs out with each of them alone.

Her closest friends are still Dvorak, who has taken on a rebellious streak, and Chide, who is still as law-abiding as ever and earns far higher marks than either of them. Neither of their ambitions have changed. Crilki is still uncertain, though she feels like she wants to pursue something exciting.

She starts paying attention to her friends' banter again.

"But I got one hundred percent on his exam," Chide is saying. "I got one of the questions wrong, but it turns out he had the wrong answer. A common mistake, really, I don't blame him."

"Hey, that's great," Dvorak says. "I really didn't come out here to talk about your academic excellence."

"Why did you come out here?" Chide answers, annoyed.

"Because Crilki asked me to," Dvorak responds nonchalantly, and snickers as Chide sighs. "I'm sure she isn't excited to hear about how great you are either. Are you, Crilki?"

"I don't understand you, Dvorak," Chide says, causing Dvorak to roll her eyes. "You're smarter than most of the other kids, you could do great, but your grades are awful. You never do your homework, you sleep in class, you goof off instead of learning the material."

"Gee, I'm sorry, Chide, I forgot you were my instructor. Oh wait, you've only overturned his master's thesis." Dvorak leers down at him from the table.
No. 378232 ID: 0adc60

I'm with Dvorak on this one. why excel in school when you can study to be just good enough? it leaves you time for fun and keeps you out of that stressful spotlight.
No. 378240 ID: 385f21

Overturned a thesis? This means Chide is at least smart enough to understand it. It's kinda cool.

Now, Crilki, do you know any other... people (how's your species called?) with glowing antennae? Maybe there are mentions in books? Tales?

Anyway, I suspect you have some mind-reading powers. It'd certainly explain knowing ends of phrases and even difficulties with tests - you must be taking them in one room with others, and they all are concentrating on the same things, and of course everyone is thinking his own answer, and you catch all that.

Time for experiments! Try to guess what Chide's answer would be. Just don't blurt it out immediately if you get something.
No. 378241 ID: 385f21

Oh, also, what happened to that yellow person?
No. 378432 ID: 1b0f2f

No. 378451 ID: bfe7b2

investigate this behavior of yours. just ask what others think about it or if its come up anywhere else often or at all
No. 378502 ID: 7b4145

Chide's right. These years determine how well you'll do later in life. If you slip now then you're screwing yourself over.
No. 378507 ID: 5bec67
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"Well," Crilki says diplomatically, and their heads swivel towards her in surprise. "It's good to have fun in school, and you shouldn't let schoolwork become your life, but what you do here determines the outcome of the rest of your life."

"Yeah, well, who asked you?" Dvorak snaps irritably.

"You did," Chide reminds her.

Crilki believes Dvorak was just being sarcastic. As far as she knows Chide has no academic publishings or any interest in them. He does well in school so he can get into the best police academies.

As far as her antennae, she is the only one she knows whose bulbs glow like that. She has never seen or heard of anything like it, which only makes it seem stranger to her classmates.

Mind-reading powers...? Crilki has considered it before, when she was younger. She stared intensely at passerby, trying to read their thoughts, but nothing ever came up. And she was never able to do the sentence-finishing thing on demand. Lately all of that has been getting worse, though, and so she tries not to interact with other people much.

Guessing Chide's replies probably wouldn't be that difficult even without psychic powers. Crilki has known him a long time, and besides that he is sort of predictable most of the time.

Crilki eventually found out her name. Prachet spends most of her time in the library. Academically she's almost as good as Chide, and she is scarily proficient with computers and electronics. She is sort of icy to Crilki still, but Crilki sort of likes her because she suspects that's her default behavior to everyone and she doesn't prejudice Crilki for her social awkwardness or glowy antennae.

"Chide's right, though, I guess," Dvorak says grudgingly. "What -are- we doing here, Crilki? You asked us down here, but you didn't say why." And I'm getting tired of hanging out with goody-two-shoes over here, she implies.

"Threesome?" Crilki suggests.

"Ew," Dvorak replies immediately. "With him? No way."

Chide rolls his eyes and smiles mockingly. "As if you could do better, Dvorak," he teases.

"Why, you little bug-brained--" Crilki cuts off Dvorak's string of oaths.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, Dvorak," Crilki says. "Well, um, what do you guys think of my sentence-finishing thing?"

"I think it's weird," Dvorak replies promptly.

Chide shrugs. "I've heard of people who were born really close, so that they sort of share minds with each other, and know what the other is going to say. Maybe you, like, sort of share minds with everybody?"
No. 378522 ID: 0adc60

you should totally meditate and try to focus while you get someone just... saying things for you. y'know, practice and get some insight.
No. 378534 ID: 1854db

>And I'm getting tired of hanging out with goody-two-shoes over here, she implies.
I wonder if that was exactly what she said to herself in her head? Privately ask her if she thought something to herself right then, then repeat it to her. That would be a solid confirmation.

If this turns out to be a thing, we could become a PSYCHIC DETECTIVE or something.
No. 378584 ID: 385f21

>we could become a PSYCHIC DETECTIVE or something
PSYCHIC OVERLORD sounds better to me. Remember, Crilki, always aim high.

Otherwise I'm upvoting >>378534's test.

Also, I'd bet Prachet would have had a blast disengaging that electronic lock.
Maybe we should ask her about the glowy antennae? She might've read about something like that. Also consider getting her to tutor you in the electronic stuff; it'll be useful whether or not you manage to unlock the psychic powers. Appeal to the popular saying that you haven't really understood something until you've taught it to another; it'll be more practice for Prachet.
No. 383731 ID: 5bec67
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"And you're getting tired of hanging out with goody-two-shoes over there?" Crilki quips at Dvorak.

"Okay, you're being weird again, I'm leaving," says Dvorak. "See you around."

Crilki ponders the merits of detectivery. Probably exciting, sure. Psychic Agent might be even better.

Crilki makes a note to talk to Prachet later and try to get her to teach her skills with electronics, and to ask her about her antennae.
No. 383747 ID: 1854db

Apologize, but... ask if those were literally the words she was thinking.
No. 383753 ID: 1b0f2f

Don't worry about it. Thank Dvorak for coming to visit. You really value her as a friend.

I know of one other who could perceive implications with supernatural prowess. He became an ACE ATTORNEY and could always tell what a witness was trying not to be obvious about.
No. 388696 ID: 5bec67
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You thank Dvorak for coming.

"No problem," she says as she walks off. "Any time. See you in class."

Chide stays. "What now?" he asks. "We've got curfew in like, an hour."
No. 388700 ID: 2f7168

find out where you can get archives of investigations past, should get a handle on how things work out there if not provide some direction for your existing aptitudes
No. 398294 ID: 5bec67
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"I'm gonna head down to the library," says Crilki. "See you around, Chide."

"Alright," Chide says. "Remember. Curfew. Don't get in trouble."

Library. What else should Crilki do?
No. 398304 ID: 832169

Read the fuck out of some books
No. 398306 ID: b85f8c

Check out some news of current events.
No. 398308 ID: a43a6c

Get your snack on, because you are sad and lonely.
No. 398319 ID: 0006f5

read ALL the notes
No. 398445 ID: f5e4b4

Buy snacks. Save some for your friends.
No. 398446 ID: 16da88


hit on the librarian. I don't know about your standards of beauty, but I'm pretty sure being a hot chick is a universal prerequisite for being a librarian.
No. 398564 ID: 5bec67
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Crilki has no money on her, nor does she have her PDA, which she could use to pay people and also check the news. Crilki thinks pockets are useful in this regard, but wearing clothes around here tends to make you sort of a rebel. Students aren't doing anything important enough to need clothes.

Crilki follows the signs to the library. The LibrAIrian greets her.

"I'd like some books on famous investigators, librarian. Non-fiction, please," she says.
"Certainly, Crilki. Please pick up the blinking book and choose whichever title you feel most appropriate."
"Thanks. Um... I'm sure you have very pretty code," she says awkwardly.
"I am very lean and efficient," the LibrAIrian says proudly.

Crilki can read for a little more than half an hour before she is going to have to leave the library. Even if she dodges curfew afterward, the computer will report her if she stays.
No. 398613 ID: 0006f5

continue hitting on the librarian a little bit. see what titles are there to choose from
No. 398626 ID: 832169

Try to select an appropriate book for now, and I suppose check it out if you like it.
No. 398659 ID: 16da88

aw, shit. you can't fuck a screen.

go read near the yellow dude and make awkward body contact.
No. 398660 ID: f5e4b4

Is that the yellow bookworm kid? Grab a book and sit down with her.
No. 398755 ID: 5bec67
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Crilki supposes it would be difficult.

"See you around you... sleek, shiny thing, you," she says, taking a seat next to Prachet. Prachet continues reading, and doesn't even look at Crilki when she sits down.

Crilki picks a book called Judicial and Law Enforcement Employment. She can't check it out until she has her PDA, which is in her room. The display on the book changes under her fingers as she flips through a few pages. What is she looking for, exactly?
No. 398764 ID: cf49fc

Look for a job involving psychic interrogation. Also, SLAN by A.E. van Vogt, for ideas on what to do with psychic powers.
No. 398780 ID: 0006f5

looking for examples of investigative methods, anything tangential to psychics is great too
No. 398816 ID: 16da88

say hello to your yellow friend.
No. 398837 ID: f5e4b4

Yeah, look for anything related to psychic powers.
No. 399340 ID: 5bec67
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"Hello, Prachet."
Crilki gets no response. From her previous experiences and Prachet's stony mood she guesses that if she wants a reply she'll need to initiate conversation with something more substantial than that.

There's no book called SLAN on the network, or for that matter, that author. And she can't find anything but pages and pages of superstitious and conspiratorial nonsense about mind reading, mind control and other telepathic endeavours.

Crilki reads some. It's a government book, and it mentions a lot about government employed detectives, special operatives, intelligence gatherers and spies. Some of it is fairly interesting.
No. 399345 ID: b85f8c

Say "I'm thinking of becoming a detective."
No. 399347 ID: a43a6c

Does the book mention any way of actually getting into one of these cushy government jobs?
No. 399353 ID: 923fca

Think about the times you've finished other people's sentences. Were you in a particular mood? Were your friends? Was there a sensation that came along with it?
If you want to be able to rely on a psychic talent, you should find out how to reproduce it, first. Practice on Pratchet. If she's that voracious of a reader, she must have a -very- active mind, even if she doesn't express it often.
No. 399381 ID: 0006f5

say 'i always find you reading. i think it's very studious.'
No. 399384 ID: 800ce6


read something with dragons in it

fuck yeah dragons
No. 400199 ID: 5bec67
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Crilki reads up on some of those positions. Besides judges, lawyers, police officers, et al, there are more interesting professions such as Intelligence Operative, Detective, Assault and Tactical Operatives, Espionage Specialist (a fancy word for spy, apparently), and Civil Intelligence Officer.

Intelligence Operatives are part of the Anti-Criminal Organization (the ACO), a large government paramilitary organization devoted to what Crilki considers the funner part of the justice system. It is further divided into IntOps and Special Forces. IntOps (Intelligence Operations) fields operatives used to gather intelligence on an area (via infiltration, covert action, even as a mole), before Special Forces are sent in to bust the place up and arrest everyone involved. Special Forces is divided even further into SaltOps and TacOps (Assault Operations and Tactical Operations), which perform joint operations in high-risk situations such as hostage rescue and counter-terrorism in all Koel-aligned planets, space stations, space ships, et cetera.

Detective is a more local and generic job description. Typically they are employed at the local level and aid local law enforcement in solving cases and bringing those involved to justice, especially on board space ships and stations. On smaller or independent ships they are sometimes hired as security, as they're typically cheaper, more clever, more loyal and more effective than hiring a mercenary force.

Espionage Specialists work for the Koel Intergalactic Intelligence Agency, and are basically spies. They infiltrate enemy governments, allied governments, even our own government, on the lookout for treason, terrorism and secrets. Seeing as the only enemies of the Koel currently are the Ziljin, which they have been fighting for several years now and are well-known for being belligerent, merciless, xenophobic psychopaths, any attempt to infiltrate them is likely to be incredibly dangerous and very short-lived if you're the slightest bit unlucky. Crilki is not enthusiastic about a long and rigorous education and maybe a month of action before she's shot in the face so she'll probably pass on that one.

All of these jobs would require her devoting the rest of her education to preparing herself for that, followed by several years of training and passing several tests to be accepted, but she probably wouldn't want for money afterward.

That's about as much as she can gather from this book. Crilki maybe has time to skim another if she's quick about it.

"I always find you reading. I think it's very studious," Crilki says to Prachet cautiously.
"You think I'm very studious," Prachet says bluntly, in a tone that stings Crilki a little.

Crilki always feels a little stupider around Prachet, but she thinks it's more likely that Prachet is a lot smarter and more focused than her, than something silly like her brain's so active that picking up her constant stream of thoughts interferes with and distracts her own thinking. She's not entirely sold on the psychic thing, and she's never been able to reproduce it when she's trying.

"I'm thinking of becoming a detective," says Crilki.
"That's nice," says Prachet.

Crilki has plenty of time for reading books with dragons in at her dorm room!
No. 400276 ID: 54b362

Detective would be best. The rest either sound incredibly dangerous or require anonymity, which is something that is impossible for you.

Skim a book on detectives, then you can go read about dragons.
No. 400298 ID: 0006f5

dragons, space krakens
No. 400311 ID: f5e4b4

Look for a book with dragon detectives! Or just regular detectives if you can't find that.
No. 400427 ID: 5bec67
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Special Forces isn't incredibly dangerous. Just regular dangerous. If you're good at it and you have a good team, at least.

As for anonymity, Crilki could always cover her antennae. It's not hard to be anonymous to people who aren't in the government.

Crilki loads a book on detectiving, but she probably won't have time to finish it. She could go back to her dorm and sleep after, or she could break curfew, which Chide would frown on, and explore, or visit another student. Dvorak would probably be the most welcoming, but she might be planning to break curfew anyway, so she might not be in her dorm.
No. 400428 ID: 70591e


fuck curfew, that's just the Man trying to put you down.
No. 400536 ID: b85f8c

Do whatever you normally don't. It's okay to act out like, a little bit. If we're planning to become a detective, I think it'd be cool if we weren't strictly by-the-book.
No. 400603 ID: c74bfa

the most dangerous game is the best game.

even better than the oldest game.
No. 408977 ID: 5bec67
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Curfew-dodging it is. As Crilki is removed by the LibrAIrian, who wishes her a nice evening, she contemplates where she could go.
No. 408978 ID: 5bec67
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Crilki could just go back to her room and stay up a while.
She could visit any of the people in the East Wing, though they may be busy or sleeping. Crilki only really knows Dvorak and Malikai anyway. Malikai is fairly nice. Last Crilki heard she was working on proof that the complex is planetside.
She could also visit Chide, although he would likely be unhappy to see her. On second thought, maybe she shouldn't do that.
Crilki also knows where Prachet's room is. She might be willing to teach Crilki some electronic stuff, or she might resent the intrusion. It's a little hard to tell, with Prachet.
Or, she could look for the hangout spot for curfew-dodgers Dvorak once told her about. She said it was in a place without any cameras, behind the walls, and that the entrance was somewhere in the East Wing where she wouldn't be spotted by a camera sneaking away.

Unfortunately her options are limited beyond that. Most everything is closed after curfew and there are administrators patrolling the complex, not to mention the numerous cameras. She has a little while before they start really cracking down on people wandering the halls, at least.
No. 408994 ID: 31015f

Go to the Hangout Spot, look for mysterious curfew-dodgers.
No. 409068 ID: 0006f5

go to the hangout spot
No. 411492 ID: 5b22d6
File 133696162504.png - (252.50KB , 1600x1200 , dormitory.png )


That's all well and good, but she has to find it first. And she only has vague hints from Dvorak as to where the entrance is, much less the place itself. Dvorak said the entrance was a place where she wouldn't be seen by cameras. So it can't be in the hallway, because there's a camera right behind her. And it can't be in a dorm, because there's no outside access from inside one. Where else in the East Wing could it be?

"Good night, Komai," says Crilki.
"Good night, Crilki," says Komai.
No. 411507 ID: b85f8c

Who's Komai?

Also what about the stairwell? Or the elevator shaft?
No. 411515 ID: b9e291

It might not be such a good idea to skip curfew...
No. 411691 ID: 31015f

Is Komai a friend of yours?

Also check out the stairs for hidden passages or something. Also the elevators.
No. 411694 ID: 0006f5

go check out the stairwell
No. 411696 ID: cd6e04

go to Dvorak's room and ask.
No. 443600 ID: 061a93
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Sorry about the hiatus, I went on vacation without my tablet, so I couldn't update.

Komai is the Koel who lives in the room across from Crilki. They have an amiable relationship, but Crilki doesn't know her that well. They don't have many classes together anyway.

The stairwell seems like a decent place to check out. Crilki can't really think of anywhere else that's feasible. The elevator shaft, not so much. It seems like it would be way too hard to get in to, and besides, it's on camera.

Crilki feels a little guilty about it already, but she's invested in it, so she's not sure she should wimp out now.
No. 443613 ID: b85f8c

Try the vent under the stairwell. There's no camera there, right?
No. 443768 ID: 4f3868

Maybe you could tamper with the little electric box right under the camera. It could turn it off, along with the light on the lower level.

If the light does go out, do you have night vision to compensate for it?
No. 443927 ID: 061a93
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Crilki opens the box marked with a lightning bolt. It's just an outlet, with a lid and padding on the inside. If Crilki had any electronics, she could charge them here. Sometimes people hang out on this stairwell and use it.

Crilki could conceivably short the power with it, but it would likely have negative consequences for her, not least of which would be getting in trouble for tampering with school property, seeing as the camera would be looking right at her in its last moments. It scans back and forth, and it's positioned low enough to catch a glimpse of whoever's used the outlet.

No. 443930 ID: 061a93
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As for night vision, no, Crilki does not have any more than dim low-light vision. Although she has heard of augmentations to that effect.

There are no cameras on the lower level, but the vent has a lock.
No. 443931 ID: b85f8c

Maybe it's unlocked. Try opening it.

What's that yellow thing near the door, anyway?
No. 443941 ID: 0006f5

maybe there is a mechanism on the other side. is the grating too rigid to warp ?
No. 444241 ID: 061a93
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It's fairly rigid. Crilki isn't strong enough to bend it significantly, and would prefer to try other methods first. Maybe if she worked her hand inside, or put a finger in the side and tried to jiggle the lo--

Oh, it's unlocked. Crilki swings the door open and peers inside, noting that the 'yellow thing' is a light.

Well, this is it. If she goes in here there's no turning back. Is she sure she wants to do this?
No. 444243 ID: 99090a

Sure, as long as you don't hear the whirring of a ventilation fan down the duct.

What DO you hear, anyway?
No. 444244 ID: 50ee41

No. 444262 ID: 4f3868

Where do you think the vent leads too? Someone's bedroom?
No. 444274 ID: 061a93
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Crilki hears... nothing, in fact. Just the clanging of her careful movements down the vent.

After a few minutes of duct-crawling, Crilki doubts that the vent leads to a bedroom, at least one in her section. She wonders what is down the vent, if not a bedroom. A wild animal? An administrative trap for would-be curfew-dodgers? A--

Wait! Crilki hears people up ahead.
No. 444279 ID: 99090a

Stop clanging around and listen! You gotta do this silently as possible so people don't know you're there.
No. 444317 ID: 0006f5

you did close the hatch behind you, right ?
No. 444318 ID: b85f8c

Listen for a moment before continuing.
No. 444346 ID: c9e7fe

yeah, be silent and listen
No. 444397 ID: 061a93
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Crilki tries to move more quietly. But she's in a ventilation shaft. There's no real 'quiet' movement.

Whoops. Crilki knew she forgot something.

>"--don't really like this guy anyway."
>"What was I saying? Oh, yeah."
>"What time is it?"

Sounds like students. Crilki relaxes a little.
No. 444409 ID: 0006f5

give the time, but dont actually.
No. 445535 ID: 31015f

Keep going on.
No. 446088 ID: 061a93
File 134559663637.png - (84.29KB , 800x600 , party.png )


Crilki emerges from the vents into a gathering in a larger vent room of sorts, which splits into several other vents. The usual feeling she gets when she is in a crowd creeps quickly into her head, and she tries to blink it away as she looks around. There must be at least a dozen people here.
No. 446105 ID: b85f8c

Say hello, and mention the vent cover's current opened state.
No. 446172 ID: 0b3003

Find out what's going on first. Introducing yourself while saying you did something that might reveal them is a very awkward introduction.
No. 446289 ID: 6a1ec2


Just... go back and close the vent cover. Nobody has to know.
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