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399497 No. 399497 ID: bbee3d

Chapter One
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No. 423815 ID: 886a4d

You have 131 coins now. Ask what you can buy for that. Right now you need live fish, and more things to plant.

Your farm is starting to really blossom. Perhaps its time buy buy that Jeraff and a cart that it can pull.
No. 423820 ID: b0d466

Some glass jars (for holding fish)
Some fish eggs (or seeds? Can you grow a fish tree?)
Some water plant seeds
some random seeds!
No. 423841 ID: 771d02


or just buy a house fruit. or a small tiny house toy.

buy transportation! how much for a car?
No. 424123 ID: 9e3c3d

Fish tree?! Fish tree!

We have to grow a fish tree!!
No. 439171 ID: bbee3d
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I already have a HOUSE FRUIT! I just have to wait until it's ripe!

I guess I could get that other stuff though? Then I would have TWO HOUSES!


I don't know what a CAR is but I ask the STOREKEEPER. He says he has some CARS but he can't get them out of the BACK ROOM because the door is too small. And he doesn't know how they work.

>Fish tree!!

YES! That is the best way to get FISH!

I ask the STOREKEEPER if he has any FISH or FISH SEEDS. He says no but he does have a FISH BONES.

BONES come from FISH like SEEDS come from FRUIT so maybe they do the same thing?
No. 439177 ID: ec9ba1

Even if they don't, bones are a handy crafting material!
No. 439184 ID: b85f8c

Sounds like a plan!

Also ask if he has any grass seeds. We're growing lots of trees but no grass!
No. 439310 ID: 6e44d2

Let's get car seeds from his cars. Maybe keys are car seeds?
No. 439374 ID: 5215e9

Jeraff is only 47 coins. Affordable now. Buy it!

As a plus, you can climb the jeraff's neck to reach high places! Like if some of your trees in the near future.

I bet if it's not long enough we can plant the jeraff for a while so it grows a bit higher.

Ask him if the jeraff comes with some kind of reins or we have to buy them separately.

Also ask him what kind of cart he has suitable for a jeraff to pull.

Dude, this is so awesome.
No. 439635 ID: bbee3d
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The FISH BONES are 2 COINS and the CAR KEYS are 9 COINS. I get one of each!


I have some GRASS already but it's the same color as the SAND so it's hard to see!

The STOREKEEPER says he doesn't know where his GRASS SEEDS are anyway.
No. 439636 ID: bbee3d
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No. 439637 ID: bbee3d
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>Jeraff and cart
No. 439639 ID: 4a328b


No. 439658 ID: bf54a8

plant them near where the lake will grow. will probably need a lot of water to grow properly.
No. 439665 ID: 180ec2

So... What would happen if you planted yourself?
No. 439669 ID: b85f8c

Aaahahhaa oh god, this quest.

Plant the fish bones near the aquifer's pond!
No. 439679 ID: 5215e9

He tried, it doesn't work. Seems like his supernatural powers to plant and grow anything do not include himself.
That's like, birth control Aquifer-style.
No. 440185 ID: 4447b0

Now that we have a new bigger cart we should consider planting the old smaller cart and see if we can just keep growing bigger and bigger carts. We could also try seeing if we can grow other living things just dig a small hole and plant the Jeraffs hoof in it, we didn't have to plant the scarecrow too deep to get it to start budding. We can than harvest the buds when they're still small and sell toy sized Jeraffs to all the children.
No. 488653 ID: acc9b6
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FISH BONES planted!
No. 488654 ID: acc9b6
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SMALL CART planted!

>CAR seeds

CAR KEYS planted!
No. 488655 ID: acc9b6
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JERAFF planted!

But it keeps unplanting itself. I don't know if this will work guys.

>Sell toy sized Jeraffs to all the children

What are children?
No. 488658 ID: 2accaa

They're like seeds, except you!
No. 488670 ID: f8a43b

snip some hairs off of its tail and plant those. I'd tell you to plant a piece of its horns but how could you do that.
No. 488683 ID: f2c20c

I don't think we have anything to cut with.

You know how when you plant something, smaller things start growing off it? Those are like children! Except children um... grow on their own, after they get big enough. I don't know how you guys reproduce, if you even do.

Anyway, uh. I have a question. Does anything you plant ever stop growing and producing fruit? Will our stick farm continue growing forever and take over the entire surface?!

Also have we planted a rock yet? Maybe we can go exploring while we wait for things to grow. Where can we explore?
No. 488688 ID: 6a5a08

That's brilliant!

Plant self.
No. 488694 ID: f2c20c

>I can't plant my pocket because it's attached to me. I'd have to plant myself! But I tried that once and nothing happened.
No. 488700 ID: 6a5a08

What if we cut out an eye and planted that?
No. 488767 ID: 78c6ea


Even if that did work, how would you put the eye fruits back in!?
No. 488769 ID: 57a559

Fuck the ground
No. 488802 ID: c31f72

He doesn't have the stuff he needs to do that!
No. 488870 ID: a19d72

try planting some dirt
No. 488952 ID: f2c20c


Maybe we can plant some air while we're at it.
No. 489185 ID: 6a5a08

Don't ask me, I'm not a doctor.

How about some water and fire to round out that elemental farm?
No. 489188 ID: 91c1b3

He already planted a puddle/lake.
No. 504432 ID: bbee3d
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>snip some hairs off of its tail and plant those.

I don't have anything to snip with so I just pick a hair instead. Wow this JERAFF can jump!
No. 504433 ID: bbee3d
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>They're like seeds, except you!

No. 504434 ID: bbee3d
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>Does anything you plant ever stop growing and producing fruit? Will our stick farm continue growing forever and take over the entire surface?!
I don't know! That would be cool but things mostly just grow up. I'd have to plant a lot of stuff to cover the whole world!

>try planting some dirt
>Maybe we can plant some air while we're at it.
>How about some water and fire to round out that elemental farm?
>Also have we planted a rock yet?

I already have DIRT and AIR and WATER and ROCKS! That's what a farm is!

No FIRE though. Where does FIRE come from?

>Maybe we can go exploring while we wait for things to grow. Where can we explore?

There are lots of places here! There's the STORE and the AQUIFER'S POND and the ALMOST A LAKE!

Also lots of MOUNTAINS!
No. 504445 ID: c31f72

I've if you rub a couple wooden sticks together fast enough you could get some fire. You way need some dry grass to set on fire though.
No. 504447 ID: f2c20c

Fire comes from uh... rubbing two sticks together until they get really really hot? That could take ages though. Alternatively you can strike two particular types of rocks together to get sparks, which can set fire to dried leaves. Be careful though. Fire eats plants! And maybe could eat you. Fire is dangerous.

Maybe you can buy some? Anyway I wanna look around. Go check out the base of the mountains! We've already seen the top.

Are any of our plants easy to climb? We could plant some of those near the mountains so we can get up and down them easier.
No. 504454 ID: 78c6ea

That... that jeraff is not coming down is he.
No. 504551 ID: 943463

Your list had sheep on it. Ask the shopkeeper if he has any wool.
No. 504552 ID: 943463

You have rocks and marbles, right? How good are you with your hands? Take a rock, and chip away at a large marble, trying to shape it into a cone. Then very gently scrape (don't hit) the material away from the inside of the cone, all the way through, with a small hole on the small end and a large hole on the large end. Take the result, and plant it. When its glass-cone fruit grows to the right size, you can take it to the shopkeeper, and he can hold the small end up to his ear to hear you better. You can also use it yourself: speak into the small end and you'll sound really loud.
No. 504553 ID: 943463

Plant the shiny ring.
No. 504554 ID: 943463

And don't forget to plant that jeraff hair.
No. 504583 ID: 974e61

pluck a spike from that spiky plant and plant it. maybe you'll grow a spike plant instead of a spiky plant.
No. 504954 ID: ad199c

Lets plant a whole mountain range on the edge of the farm to the north.
No. 505382 ID: f9c57a

Next time you're at the store, ask the storekeeper if he has matches or a lighter, so you can make fire. Also, see if he has a map of the area.
No. 505466 ID: 943463

Easy enough to start a fire with a marble and the sun.
No. 506256 ID: c15bbc

I, uh, I dunno if this guy has the patience for that. Particularly since marbles aren't optimally shaped for that.
Ooh, but it would still be AWESOME if we could get the glass geologist to make us a huge lens! We could burn/melt/vaporize stuff SO HARD.
No. 506320 ID: 68bbc5

Genius! Get the Glass Geologist to make us a big lens, and then we can plant the fire!
Just, uh, plant it far away from all your other plants.
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