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File 135016013690.png - (23.22KB , 500x500 , Lily.png )
462457 No. 462457 ID: 7ad8b7

This is Lily.
She/he is the first life form. This physical form is a simple place-holder; you may make any modifications you wish.

Your goal is to build an environment in which she/he can thrive and grow.

You are being judged.
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No. 462466 ID: 7ad8b7
File 135016101190.png - (34.15KB , 500x500 , Ring World.png )

A ringworld. Are you sure this is what would be best for Lily? Keep in mind that she/he is your concern more-so than this world.

I will make it so, if you think this is acceptable.
No. 462468 ID: bf54a8

ringworlds are impossible to maintain and it is like impossible for the to NOT get hit by giant rocks. so no, give us a normal shape with a big ass moon.
No. 462470 ID: bf54a8

slow down author, otherwise it's going to be us two guys arguing rather then getting a real vote
No. 462472 ID: 7ad8b7
File 135016151706.png - (36.00KB , 500x500 , NOokay.png )


... okay.
No. 462473 ID: 86c3a7

Ringworlds are awesome, and we should keep it. If there are any giant rocks left in the system we didn't cannibalize to build it with, that's what the defense systems are for. We should be fine for anything smaller than a planetoid.
No. 462479 ID: bf54a8

what defense systems? near as i can tell lily is the only sentient being ANYWHERE. who the fuck built the defense systems and who is maintaining them? NO ONE.
No. 462481 ID: 6a1ec2

No space. Space is bad for life. Smaller pocket universe that is a paradise island!
No. 462482 ID: 86c3a7

We created a ring world out of nowhere. That's land, sea, mountains, sky, and possibly life forms. Why can't we include laser defense grid on that list? :p That's like taking the form of a snake but not being allowed to include the venom.
No. 462484 ID: bf54a8

no that is like being a snake and strapping an ion cannon to it. the ring world is supposedly natural formation somehow. it's not a metal ring with dirt on the inside
No. 462503 ID: 4cc8d9

make it two rings conjoining at a right angle.
No. 462506 ID: 98378e

That...doesn't make sense. Ringworlds simulate gravity be spinning. If the two rings are joined together then one of them isn't going to have proper gravity.
No. 462508 ID: 86c3a7

It's more like being a robot and having an ion cannon. It's not like ringworlds form naturally.
No. 462511 ID: 7ad8b7
File 135016602935.png - (41.12KB , 500x500 , Bubble.png )

Any planet that is created will not contain anything until you specify it. Lily is the only life anywhere, and your mission is to help her to grow.

A planet is a good step, yes, but I will create no life forms or even land or climates without your guidance. You are the creator.

A ringworld, on second thought, would be far too advanced for me to build at this point. Like Lily, I am also new. Perhaps as a second planet, when maintaining it is more feasible?

Perhaps, before you build a place for Lily to live, you should build Lily. You may have a much better idea of what she needs once that is complete. Until she is given a home, I will protect her from harm.
No. 462515 ID: 4cc8d9


it also spins. the points on meeting change. the point of my suggestion was to make it more defensible and also not completely be identical to the one from Halo by giving it a new... spin.
No. 462516 ID: 98378e

She looks pretty good as is. Cute and cuddly! :3
No. 462517 ID: 6cc859

No. 462518 ID: 7ad8b7

As is, Lily has no means of ingesting food.
She also cannot travel, nor can she breathe.
She also cannot hear.

If these needs are not met, she will die within 48 hours.
No. 462520 ID: 98378e

Suggested changes then:

*Chorophyll in the skin to create food.
*Straw mouth to suck up water.
*breathing hole on back.

Traveling and hearing is for smucks, teleportation and electromagnetic senses are where it's at. Do that, somehow.
No. 462522 ID: bf54a8

well a mouth and hands and legs are a good start, some food producing trees and bushes would be great.
No. 462531 ID: bbee3d

Some sort of teeth or mandibles would be better than a straw. They'd provide a cutting edge without needing to create tools; also, we can't assume all nutrients are going to be in liquid form, and Lily will need more than just photosynthesis if she's ever going to be particularly active.

Actually, the ability to create other life-forms would be extremely useful. If Lily can seed her surroundings with small plants of some kind, she could leave them to grow and provide a future food source.

Assuming, of course, that the planet doesn't come with an ecosystem already in place.

For limbs and breathing, an amphibious setup might be good - a combination of lungs and gills or oxygen-absorbing skin. If she's the only life, she might as well take advantage of every habitat.

Gripping appendages, whether they're hands or pincers or tentacles or mouth-palps, would also be helpful.
No. 462536 ID: e3814c

Hey guys lets get started on the environment before giving our live adaptations?
No. 462543 ID: bbee3d


The implication seems to be that we'll get to design Lily's environment to suit her, which seems much more convenient than the usual setup.

Still, if it's going to be a planet, then land, water, air, and edible plants or other creatures are some pretty basic things to include.

Actually, how large an area can we control? Would it be possible to make an infinite flat world instead of a planet? Can we fill space with air for easier travel?
No. 462579 ID: 7ad8b7
File 135017655666.png - (10.79KB , 500x500 , Area.png )

I have contacted my supervisor.

I am able to create planets, but I am no all-powerful being. My supervisor has informed me that I am not permitted to change the solar system, or 'space', as they say, which includes things like making its entirety oxygenated.
I can, however, create planets as well as other life forms inside of it. I will not create things like tables or desks, however; that would be toying with the progression of the planet, which I am not permitted to do. I may only make things which could be considered 'natural'.

As far as I know, I've been given an entire universe to play with, but it is all for Lily.

I see you are calling Lily a 'she'. I have taken this opportunity to shift her gender to reflect this.

Please continue to voice your suggestions for Lily's body.
No. 462587 ID: 4cc8d9

she is large and has eyes all over her body so she can see everything.
No. 462588 ID: 86c3a7

Nah. Eyeless, with freaky EM senses instead of sight.
No. 462600 ID: 2f4b71

A "Smoke Ring": A torus of gas (your normal OxyNitroCO2 mix) dust and water, in orbit as a ring around a small hot star, orbiting in that star's 'Goldilocks Zone'.

Basically, it's one big atmosphere with very minimal gravity (though very long things would be subject to the Coriolis effect), plenty of clouds along with globules of liquid water, and occasional rocky agglomerations.
No. 462608 ID: d67cc6

Eyeless, uses microwave and UV-pits to see surrounds.
No. 462630 ID: 6a1ec2

Her body must be composed of self replicating cells. That will allow her to continue to improve and adapt to her environment. The planet must be composed of suitable minerals such that one could construct such cells from them and sunlight.

Specifically, we do need a sun. Some sort of limitless source of useful energy. If possible contain it within Lily herself. Otherwise, orbiting at a safe distance is fine.
No. 462650 ID: 4a328b

Make Lily a sun.
No. 462651 ID: bf54a8

... let's just go with human template and cange if needed. people get infinite options and they go a little....

No. 462674 ID: bbee3d

Actually, I think you were the first to call Lily "she:"
But that probably would have happened anyway.

For basic body structure, I'd suggest something like a eurypterid (see picture). Sturdy, elegant, and easy enough to make intelligent and amphibious with a few minor alterations.

It would be convenient if Lily could survive by eating nothing but the most common material on the planet. And it might be fun to have an entire planet made out of, say, cheese or chocolate or something.
No. 462675 ID: bbee3d
File 135018773967.jpg - (29.74KB , 204x343 , jaekelopterus.jpg )

See this picture, that is.
No. 462676 ID: 4a328b

Lily the mouse on cheese planet
No. 462812 ID: bf54a8

the goal is to make her thrive. just eating and sleeping for all eternity doesn't sound that great.
No. 463232 ID: 7ad8b7
File 135032782239.png - (15.12KB , 500x500 , The New Lily.png )

>Actually, I think you were the first to call Lily "she:".

That is unfortunate. I will be hearing about this.

I have heard your responses. I am shocked there are so many of you.
This is the Lily I have come up with, based on what you have said. She is an amphibian whose skin becomes callous closer to her tail, which is equipped for swimming. She can breathe underwater and also has small, flat teeth, and her diet will consist of tree sap and pollens, as well as insects, if you choose for those to exist.

Is this acceptable?
No. 463235 ID: 86c3a7

Sure, looks good. Did electromagnetic sensory organs make the cut?

>insects, if you choose for those to exist
Sure, those should exist. They serve an important part in many life cycles (pollination of flowering plants, breaking down of larger deposits or organic matter, a good early block for many food chains).
No. 463239 ID: 7ad8b7
File 135032966172.png - (18.27KB , 500x500 , Electrolily.png )

Yes. Lily is able to feel the contractions of the muscles of other creatures when underwater, though the sense works limitedly while on land.
No. 463246 ID: 86c3a7

Ooh, neat. Well, I'm ready to hit compile, if no one else has anything to add.
No. 463253 ID: f2c20c

Reproductive system!
No. 463254 ID: 4a328b

Give her three forward facing horns like a Jackson's Chameleon
No. 463291 ID: e2e29b

to expand upon this eloctrosence idea, why not further develop these organs to generate a magneto-hydrodynamic field. this will allow her to generate some small amount of thrust in a fluid, like water. thus will she be much more maneuverable that would be expected from her appearance alone.
No. 463292 ID: e2e29b

also, if a ring world is unfeasible, why not make a gas-torus. easier to maintain, safer, and at minimum 500% more awesome. Integral Trees status.
No. 463316 ID: 5d98c3

Give her magnetic field sensors, and echolocation.
No. 463351 ID: fb6ed7

Of course we have to have insects! What's a planet without insects?

As for Lily, I think we've reached sufficient levels of functional cute. A reproductive system might be useful - perhaps an asexual method, like parthenogenesis or budding, if she's the only one - but I think the rest is covered.
No. 463352 ID: 813de2

I would presume that if she has a defined gender that a reproductive means of some kind is implicit.
No. 463420 ID: 3cd973

Not really:

No. 463426 ID: 813de2

Not a counter example. Parthenogenesis is still a means of reproduction. And depending one the case/species, still involves gendered individuals.

A proper counter example would have been a species with gender, but without reproductive means (although a species that does not reproduce kind of breaks many definitions of species, or hell, life).
No. 463538 ID: 98378e

Sorry, I misread you reply as the means instead of a means. :/
No. 463782 ID: 43b15d

hey, queen bees have kids without having sex all the time. I'm sure Lily can crap out a few drones as well, and if those drones have sex with their mother she could have soldiers and shit. which in my head is how beehives work.
No. 463786 ID: bf54a8

drones come from other hives and emit a 'I AM A DRONE' pheremone so the other bees don't try to sting him to death. also drones have sex and then die. not because the queen eats them or anything their dick and testicles rip off and stay lodged inside the queen and the drone dies of blood loss. the queen then never mates again and her blood supply hooks up to the new part and keeps it alive while it makes as much sperm as she needs.
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