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488889 No. 488889 ID: 14a1d0

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No. 491462 ID: 14a1d0
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Naomi tells the woman that she was just born or built or both and fell out of the sky, fought off a weird robot man and came here and immediately proceeds to barrage her with questions.

"First of all, happy birthday. My name is Lin and I'll try to clear up some things for you. I've never met anyone this new, but don't worry. After the first few days, everything kind of falls into place," she says with a smile. "Now, where to start?"

>Where am I?
"You're in downtown Montreal. Not the original Montreal, but a lot of cities are named after ancient settlements."

>What am I?
"Oh, this is a bit more philisophical. You're a person? If you're wondering more about your body, it's a standard model. Brand new, obviously. It's sensory input is on par with a natural human body, the strength and dexterity are a bit better. It has far greater durability and although I wouldn't advise doing anything reckless to test that claim, if you should find yourself in a situation where you might be hurt, protecting your head should be the priority, if you can.
Also, any minor damage will be repaired by internal nanites, so as long as you take care of yourself, it won't break down."

>This looks like a place for augmentation. Odd, for a world where you start custom built to your own specifications.
"You do get to choose your initial appearance, but bodies are standard. The market for advanced customization is quite large. From minor cosmetic modification to full body replacement. There's a demand for it all."

>Ask for a copy of the company sales catalog, so you can peruse their offerings.
"While we do offer a few predesigned products, most of our business is in customized parts, since default bodies are slightly randomized, prefitted parts are less viable. "

>get some of that nifty skin stuff that she has
"Oh yes! This model boasts enhanced tactile response and high levels of flexibility, thanks to it's soft materials. It's very similar to natural flesh, with regenerative abilities. Many people also find the aesthetics of this model to their liking.
I wouldn't recommend it for anything requiring heavy exertion, as it is relatively easy to damage, but for anything a delicate touch, it is absolutely top of the line!"

>get an arm with a chainsaw built into it.
"Ah... "

>Ask for police-grade subdermal armor and a basic skin-sheathe for your arms to prevent grit buildup. Also inquire as to the flexibility of their payment plans and possible prefered customer status.
"That is quite the order. Assuming you want to mount on this on your existing body, plus structural reinforcements on the arm. The estimated cost of these modifications is 23,000 quan. You might have less issue with would-be attackers with this," she laughs nervously.
No. 491466 ID: f2c20c

Okay. How do we get more quan?
No. 491467 ID: 5d98c3

Ask how much it is for a more basic strength boost instead of the chainsaw. Cmon, it only costs four times our starting cash WITH the chainsaw, we can just beat scavengerbots to death and loot them when they attack us for the rest. That's Darwinism, baby!
No. 491468 ID: bf54a8

hrmm... do we need to eat? anyway, we should just do some jobs i guess to get moolah.
No. 491470 ID: b6edd6

Ask what kind of things we can get for about 4000 quan.
No. 491472 ID: 908c2d

Okay, we probably don't want to blow all our moolah on augmentations right now. Presumably, we're intended to use some of that money to get ourself situated before we find a way to earn a living. I mean, we probably need food/fuel, or a place to live... etc.
No. 491478 ID: 772c81

>implying scavengerbots have anything of value

There's a reason that "robbing hobos" isn't a career.
No. 491479 ID: 4a328b

Ask about the cost of her type of body model, ask about other popular body models, ask if you need food and such, ask about how to get a job, and don't forget to thank her for helping you with all this, it's really kind of her.
No. 491486 ID: 67bfa9

ask how much the synthetic skin costs
maybe it's cheap?
No. 491488 ID: 03fd46

We could also ask about why the computer producing us detected a population imbalance... it seems pretty vivid here and full of "persons" of our kind...
No. 491491 ID: 35edd4

Why were we dumped on a trash heap? What was the deal with the scavenger? Where can we find work/housing? Is there some sort of welcoming committee that's supposed to be telling us this so we don't have to harass random secretaries?
No. 491504 ID: 256d52


I was going to suggest something but this already covers everything I wanted to say! Popular mods, any pressing mechanobiological issues, jobs, and thanks for answering the occaisonally deranged questions of a quest protagonist.
No. 491537 ID: 14a1d0
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>Ask how much it is for a more basic strength boost instead of the chainsaw.
"That would depend on the extent of the augment and how compact you want it to be."

>Ask about the cost of her type of body model, ask how much the synthetic skin costs
"It's not just skin. It's a full body frame, synthetic muscle system and nanocell skin with enhanced nerve response and sensory range. The standard model in an average size is 60,000 quan."

>Okay. How do we get more quan?
"Jobs in the service industry; stores, restaurants, structural or mechanical repair. Buying and selling commodities, company stocks. There's a lot of ways. There's even bounty hunting, combat expositions and extreme sports for the more adventurous individual."

>we can just beat scavengerbots to death and loot them when they attack us for the rest.
"Well, intentionally killing someone is a serious offense outside of legitimate self-defense and collecting bounty heads of high class offenders. So be careful about that unless you want to be the one being collected on.
Alright, a quick word on how the law works. You are free to do whatever you like, so long as your actions don't infringe on someone else's freedom to do that they want. That basically means that it is illegal to steal, damage or destroy someone's property, body, life or restrict them against their will. Actual murder will cause a bounty to be placed on you that anyone can collect on.
Any offense sort of causing the brain to cease functioning is actually just kind of an inconvenience, but that doesn't mean people won't take exception to it."

>What was the deal with the scavenger?
"People can do what they want. Threatening to strip someone down for parts is kind of frowned upon, though."

>Why were we dumped on a trash heap?
"Random distribution. Try not to take it too hard."

>Popular mods, jobs, and thanks for answering the occaisonally deranged questions of a quest protagonist.
"It's so wildly varied it's hard to say."

>any pressing mechanobiological issues
"Nothing I can think of. All the technology has long since reached a state of flawless performance, for normal use."

>thanks for answering the occasionally deranged questions
"Oh no, it's no problem. Things are usually quiet this time of day anyway."

Now Naomi has some answers about some things. What she should do now is still up in the air. She has a body, mind and currency and she can do whatever she wants with them.
No. 491541 ID: 67bfa9

Lin seems like a pretty chill chick
make friends

ask if you can maybe work part time for her, or if she has some random tasks that need doing.

maybe if you're nice enough and build enough rep she'll give you discounts!
No. 491543 ID: 11a38f


lets be a part time mechanic and bounty hunter! that way we can build our own stuff and graft it to our arms.
No. 491548 ID: 9ddf68

I firmly belive we should get into some kind of mechanic background. weather it be just as a hobby or a full time job it would be very usefull in a world of robots/cyborgs. We could even make our own custom mods if we get good enough or at the very least we should get to the point were we could fix ourselfs if we get badly damged. Maybe focus on some of the more 'adventurous' jobs later but if we do i think we should get some decent wepons and/or mods first.
No. 491564 ID: 6dc5a6

Ask where Lin got dumped when she was born and if she knows anyone called "Happy".
No. 491566 ID: 908c2d

>Random distribution. Try not to take it too hard.
Oh. Well, we're not bothered, really. Kind of relieved to discover that it doesn't mean that the system had broken down or something.

So... what do new people usually do, anyways? This place is cool, but I think we've established these kinds of augmentations are currently more than we can afford.
No. 491568 ID: 5d98c3

I like her. She's nice. Ask what happened to the Organics, and if she knows anyone named Horace.
No. 491574 ID: b33427

First order of business is renting a place to stay, so you'll have a safe base of operations and a place to stash your things, once you have things. You don't need a lot of space or anything special right now, so get a hole-in-the-wall apartment with the very basics for now, to conserve your cash. Ask Lin where to go to check the listings for open apartments.

Since studying mechanics and cybernetics sounds like a good idea, ask Lin what offerings are around for someone who wishes to better their knowledge and skill in the technical fields for little to no money. Even just a public library would be a start; You can buy used tools and supplies to try stuff later.

Before leaving, ask Lin what it would cost to have an emergency homing beacon and transponder installed in your head, right next to the brain-case, of the kind that you could activate in case you're trapped under rubble, your body below the neck was stolen, or you sustain enough damage you can't move your limbs at all. You'd also like one that'd auto-activate in case it detects near-fatal levels of damage inflicted. Also inquire about setting up an auto-bounty account for your rescue, so if the emergency beacon does go off you aren't relying totally on a good person coming along to save you. You won't be able to put anything into it right now, but knowing how to go about it when you do will be fine for now.
No. 491592 ID: f2c20c

Let's get a basic weapon. Say, a forearm blade or something like that. Something within our budget. Well, before we get a weapon we should probably find out how much it costs to get a place to stay. Also, what about food? Does this body consume organic matter for sustenance or do we just plug in somewhere?

As for what job we can take, well, bounty hunting is exciting. What sort of extreme sports are there, though? That could be cool too.
No. 491618 ID: c72f24

does sex work for robutts? also, is there a job available here?
No. 491925 ID: 14a1d0
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Naomi gets herself settled into an apartment and quickly learns a good deal about cybernetics repair and maintenance, in order to become an assistant to a cybernetics technician.
She makes enough to sustain herself, and considers bounty hunting as a more lucrative career, but going after hardened criminals without some combat upgrades is probably more suicidal than she would like. She does do some repairs on people in the more dangerous trades, though. They seem to be some of the more... eccentric members of the population and the bounties they hunt are likely just as wildly varied.

After all these thousands of years of human history, things have advanced to the point where there is no real reason to fight, yet people still find reasons; only now there is much less risk, anything that does not kill you can be shrugged off. Are they just doing it for the thrill?

That's insane, but in the back of her mind, Naomi feels the urge to indulge in the insanity. Just a little, to see what all the fuss is about.

Maybe just a simple weapon mod for dealing with something small to start.
No. 491927 ID: 908c2d

If we're going to go this route, we should do it as techno-mage / gadgeteer. If we understand (some of) how cyborgs work, we can make weapons designed to interfer or disable the functioning of mechanical parts / bodies / weapons.

Make yourself a pulse EMP blaster, or something, to start. (We'll obviously need more specialized gear before going after combat-hardened people with shielding, but that should be enough for punks). And get some speed / reflexes / dexterity upgrades. Good for battle, and your day job.
No. 491929 ID: 57a559

Get a Super Stun weapon.
Or a shoulder mounted rocket launcher
or a retractable dildo sword
No. 491938 ID: 67bfa9

how much money have you saved up?

do you have enough to buy something from Lin?
No. 491941 ID: 6dc5a6

There's always room for insane thoughts. Here's another one, investigate the system that created you and potentially start a civil war.

Can you get any upgrades that let you sneak up on robots?
No. 491942 ID: 78c6ea

No. 491947 ID: 4a328b

The cyborg equivalent of a tazer. For self-defense purposes.
No. 491948 ID: 908c2d

I could get behind a stun gun and/or collapsible electric blade (cutting and/or stunning).
No. 491951 ID: 32e092

Electrolaser. Accurate and configurable for anything from 'temporarily disable' to 'set on fire'.
No. 491952 ID: 9ddf68

depending on how good you are at cybernetics now maybe you can MAKE a few upgrades for yourself, like being faster, stronger, or even more durable and make yourself a simple weapon.
It would probly be cheaper if you made it yourself instead of just buying the upgrades so that would leave you a little more speending money. but if you can't build your own upgrades yet just buy what you think would be most helpful/useful
No. 491956 ID: 5d98c3

Gamma Ray Laser, explode all the things! Also, begin gathering materials for a Space Ship. Fuck this place, let's go somewhere else and build our own civilization. With blackjack, and hookers.
No. 492007 ID: 8fca75

Hm, maybe you could use those technical skills to jurry rig upgrades and nerve resistors, that way you don't have to buy a lot of stuff, just scavenge stuff and use your new skills!
No. 492022 ID: 6aef5b


as many of them as possible

then I can dress up as you for Halloween and convince people I'm Slutty General Grievous
No. 492049 ID: 522afb

DON'T DO IT! Let's keep being productive members of society and lead a socially acceptable life! I don't want us to get hurt, we're too cute for that!
No. 492058 ID: 2f4b71

If GRASERs or Electrolasers are unavailable; piston-fist.
No. 492155 ID: 5d98c3

Yes. After Grasers, Pistons are the BEST weapon.
No. 492476 ID: 252e1b

A gamma ray laser isn't simple. Anything that involves sizable amounts of radioactive materials (and especially specific radioactive isomers) isn't going to be cheap or simple.

If you want simple, go with something tried and true, like a gun. If you want to get fancy, a gun that fires armor-piercing rounds.
No. 492477 ID: 5d98c3

That's BORING! YOU'RE BORING. And Grasers don't NEED radioactive materials, they're based around creating a medium of particles that will GENERATE a gamma-ray when charged by the laser's powersource. The more you know!
No. 492538 ID: 78c6ea

Could we save the giant robot ideas until we actually have/are a giant robot? Putting these weapons on anything aside from a mobile fortress would take considerable shenanigans that may not be compatible with physics and/or logic.
No. 492547 ID: 5d98c3

Oh, so only giant robots can have grasers and rusty metal skullguns now? Nonsense. We need some kind of defensive upgrade, we were attacked not two seconds after being born in this hellscape.
No. 492566 ID: 2f4b71

A Free Electron Laser can generate a coherent Gamma-ray beam without the need for a radio active source (as could a traditional lasing medium of the correct composition pumped to sufficient energy, though you'd need Gamma-ray 'mirrors').

On second thought, piston-leg rather than piston-arm. Free jump-assist, and kickboxing robots aren't all that common.
No. 492568 ID: 6aa8b1

Elecrolaser is simple and affective, and has some pretty awesome options for upgrade. Generating a zeta pinch inside someone's robotic body = indefinitely disabled enemy's that require hardware replacements to fix, and there's little chance off damaging their brain. and we can do lots of other cool things to.
No. 492583 ID: 5d98c3

Free Electron Lasers DO sound pretty sweet, but would they generate Spontaneous Fission Reactions like a pure Graser would?

Also, Jumpy Legs are best legs. Kangaroos are death on two hippity hops.
No. 492584 ID: bd1d08

A flip-out knife in your forearm.
No. 492648 ID: 5d98c3

So you want us to be like this?
No. 492649 ID: ad76be


hell to the yes.
No. 492667 ID: 32f0e3

Piston fist or power fist sounds amazing.
No. 494491 ID: a7824f

Piston fist would be unwieldy and imbalanced.
An ideal place for a piston would be near her center of gravity.

Crotch-piston. Marks would surrender on sight.
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