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File 136546592547.png - (246B , 200x200 , 1.png )
504649 No. 504649 ID: 28c60a

It seems that our protagonist is asleep. Wake him?
21 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 504685 ID: 28c60a
File 136546896613.png - (2.44KB , 508x332 , hm.png )

She imforms the voices that she is not hungry, and that it can get very lonely at times...
No. 504686 ID: ca3431

Wait so the grue can actually hear us? *starts singing Barbie Girl*
No. 504687 ID: d6ef5d

Aw. Don't be lonely. We're here, now. We can have fun!
No. 504688 ID: 28c60a
File 136546940595.png - (2.76KB , 508x332 , eye.png )

She tells the voices that yes, she can hear them. And boy are they dumb sometimes.
No. 504691 ID: 28c60a
File 136546956226.png - (2.44KB , 508x332 , heh.png )

She informs the voices that it's not always like that. Not all voices are nice...
No. 504692 ID: 28c60a
File 136546969071.png - (2.41KB , 508x332 , oh shi.png )

Suddenly the oranged eyed creature perks up, it seems as if she has heard something.
No. 504693 ID: ca3431

Looks like she's scarred by whatever it is. Protect the protagonist!
No. 504694 ID: 28c60a
File 136547006850.png - (2.27KB , 508x332 , she.png )

She seems to consider briefly leaving him there.
No. 504695 ID: 28c60a
File 136547010519.png - (621B , 508x332 , but.png )

But ends up grabbing him and running off.
No. 504696 ID: ca3431

any chance she's taking the protagonist to someplace that's well lit?
No. 504698 ID: 28c60a
File 136547031205.png - (1.26KB , 508x332 , can.png )

No. 504699 ID: ca3431

No. 504700 ID: 28c60a
File 136547036726.png - (4.71KB , 508x332 , cnn.png )

Three CANDLES are lit
No. 504701 ID: 28c60a
File 136547051665.png - (7.49KB , 508x332 , hmm.png )

The observer can now see somewhat better.
No. 504702 ID: ca3431

It's so fluffy!!! Also how's our Protag. doing? He seems to have gotten a nasty concussion in order to be out this long.
No. 504716 ID: 28c60a
File 136547601699.png - (3.69KB , 200x200 , foc.png )

She explains to the voices that he is merely sleeping, who wouldn't when you have an adventure ahead?
No. 504717 ID: 28c60a
File 136547608263.png - (3.67KB , 200x200 , also.png )

She also asks the voices not to call her fluffy.
No. 504720 ID: bbee3d

What should we call you, then?

Also, do people fall down here often?
No. 504724 ID: 28c60a
File 136547730534.gif - (4.62KB , 200x200 , gong.gif )

She says that the voices can call her ROBBIN. She explains that robbin meat is very yummy!
And no, she says, there hasn't been anyone down here that she knows of until this thing came along!
No. 504728 ID: 28c60a

(so looks like that wasnt animated because of the timing..oh well)
No. 504729 ID: 28c60a
File 136547826383.png - (4.09KB , 200x200 , sleep.png )

Robbin starts to feel a bit sleepy.
No. 504730 ID: 28c60a
File 136547840322.png - (4.32KB , 200x200 , star.png )

The protagonist screams, startling Robbin.
No. 504732 ID: 28c60a
File 136547870876.png - (4.41KB , 200x200 , rob.png )

Robbin starts to scream as well, it does nothing to help.
No. 504735 ID: 2a8a2a

...You have some experience dealing with burns when you have that many fire based powers, right?
No. 504739 ID: 9ddf68

maybe you two should stop screaming at one another and actually talk to each other, just a thought.
No. 505583 ID: 9be3b1
File 136589015875.png - (108.38KB , 429x454 , huh.png )

(Hey guys sorry for not updating, my computer's acting up and needs to be fixed :\ so here's a drawing of Robbin I drew on my cousins computer!)
No. 506107 ID: 984727
File 136614993151.png - (6.06KB , 508x332 , ru.png )

The observer redirects their attention onto the Protagonist, who has yet to be named, he has ran out of the room with the Monster.
It may have been a Foxsheep but he isn't sure... He has taken a LIT CANDLE from the other room.
No. 506108 ID: 984727
File 136614996585.png - (3.84KB , 552x384 , mapy.png )

There are 3 (THREE) doors to choose from.
No. 506111 ID: d6ef5d

>three choices.
FOUR. Peer cautiously back through the door leading to the Foxsheep.
No. 506113 ID: 984727
File 136615338099.png - (3.56KB , 508x332 , he i.png )

He isn't very sure about this but she did seem weak...
No. 506127 ID: 984727
File 136615558514.png - (1.66KB , 508x332 , he is.png )

He looks in, seems like she's searching for something...
No. 506139 ID: d6ef5d

Keep watching.
No. 506141 ID: 8c4b01

See if it does anything and slip away if it notices you
No. 506212 ID: 2a8a2a

So, why are you afraid of a fox-sheep anyway? Neither foxes nor sheep are particularly scary.
No. 506230 ID: 3459dd

He's afraid of its fearsome adorableness.
No. 506781 ID: cda468
File 136642694295.png - (1.75KB , 508x332 , fi.png )

He keeps watching for a bit.
After a while, she seems to find something.
No. 506784 ID: cda468
File 136642741552.png - (1.69KB , 508x332 , fii.png )

Whatever she's doing can't be seen, it's too dark.
The Protaganist thinks that foxes are very scary, thank you very much! Have you seen their teeth? They have sharp teeth. VERY sharp teeth. At least, he thinks they're sharp
No. 506787 ID: 9ddf68

so other then her ear twitching so really isn't doing much, think we should keep watching or try some of the other rooms?
No. 506788 ID: cda468
File 136642791967.png - (4.93KB , 150x150 , cutue.png )

(Also I drew something earlier, sorry that Im not really a fast updater u~u)
No. 506791 ID: cda468
File 136642805229.png - (2.37KB , 508x332 , col.png )

He decides that he should, and fast.
No. 506793 ID: b53faa

oh hush, ya big baby.
She meant no harm, and in fact kiiiinda saved you when you passed out earlier.
Get in there, apologize for being a speciesist twat, and get your first ally already. She'll probably be a big boon for later puzzley bullshit, and she has magical fire powers so she'll also be good in a fight.
No. 506796 ID: cda468
File 136642883427.png - (3.29KB , 508x332 , ye.png )

What door should he go through?
These doors must be of some importance...
No. 506798 ID: 9ddf68

try talking to her form the door. If you think she is about to attack you then shut the door really quick and run to whatever room is closest to you and see what is in there/try and get away.
No. 506800 ID: 9ddf68

start with the closest and work from there.
No. 506801 ID: cda468
File 136642949591.png - (5.19KB , 508x332 , hee.png )

He has a phobia of foxes and you suggest that he goes back???
No. 506805 ID: cda468
File 136642996169.png - (2.91KB , 508x332 , ho.png )

The nearest one is a VERY SMALL door. He doubts that he could crawl inside even if he tried. But there is also the option of STICKING HIS HAND INSIDE, risking a limb and his life.
No. 506813 ID: 9ddf68

never heard of a fear of foxes before but sure why not, before you stick your hand in there lay down and see what you can see with the candle's light to see if there is even anything to grab in there, if so grab it if not head to the next door and see what awaits us behind door number 3
No. 506819 ID: d6ef5d

Yeah, sure. Let's be irrationally afraid of the person who helped you and blindly feel around in holes instead. I'm sure we won't get injured or anything.
No. 506829 ID: e3aff6

Don't stick your hand in a mysterious opening you can't see through. There might be foxes in there.
No. 506944 ID: c15bbc

Maybe you could look inside BEFORE putting your hand in.
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