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534105 No. 534105 ID: 593f45

Two figures move through the darkness of a manor house in the northern city of Senegha and settle in front of a large safe. "Right here," says a male voice. "Can you get it open without waking up everyone on the block?"
"Of course," replies a female voice. "Just keep it down and let me concentrate." The female kneels in front of the safe and rests her fingers on the cold metal, a light blue glow radiating from the point of contact. "Sam, come on. Someone's going to see that," says the male, glancing at the closed over door and large window in the study. "Okay, Al. Maybe you'd like to do the magic from now on? If not, can it. I'm trying to work here."

An aura of cold radiates from the safe and the metal creaks and strains from the sudden shift in temperature. "Almost there..."
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No. 534920 ID: e97f9d

Words of advice since this doesn't seem to have a discussion thread yet!
1. Give your threads titles so people can find them easier from the catalog.
2. Dialogue from different people goes on separate lines! Live it!

Watch your head this time, missy. How did you get in here, anyway?
No. 534922 ID: 41690e

Peek out into the hall, and then sneak as quickly out of here as you can without making a ton of noise or smacking into anything, again.

'Bold, you're smaller and sneakier. Watch out for your partner this time.
No. 534969 ID: fd7eca

Sneak a look through the keyhole, or around the cracks in the door if it doesn't have one, just to make sure the coast is clear. Then scarper.
No. 535106 ID: 312c37

Look around the room you're hiding in. Anything of note?

Wait a little while and then move on. This time without bumping into anything.
No. 539096 ID: 593f45
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>Look around the room you're hiding in. Anything of note?

Samira and Alban observe their surroundings and in the dark they can make out a bed, nightstand, dresser, window and screaming woman.
Now they can hear other sounds over the screams, barely. Something almost like a group of people yelling and running.
No. 539099 ID: 9ddf68

...oh god damn it!

well nothing to do now but go for the window
No. 539103 ID: 67bfa9

use bed as springboard for leaping out window!
No. 539105 ID: 96c896

Hi lady! Bye lady!
No. 539108 ID: 07e3a8

...welp. Out the window then.
No. 539115 ID: d6f26b

You should totally kiss her.

Nah, get out of here.
No. 539116 ID: bc8d67

Well, nuts. Time for a dynamic escape!

Al'll set the lock on the door, if there is one, or wedge a convenient chair under the doorknob if there's no lock.

Sam'll vault the bed, growling at the screaming lady to shut it as she goes, then drop the swag bag out the window where it'll land the softest. Then climb over the windowsill and hold on so Al can climb down her before she drops to the ground. Alternately, yank the sheet from the bed, twist it, and Al holds onto the end to rappel down while Sam lowers him, then she climbs over and drops.
No. 539182 ID: 593f45
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The elf springs off the bed and leaps through the open window, while Sam climbs out with a bit more care, heaving the bag of loot along with her.

After a masterful display of self-defenestration, the pair is free of the house, on the side lawn.
No. 539195 ID: 9ddf68

how far away are you two from an exit... or at the very least somewhere to hide.
No. 539198 ID: 16c47c

Al take the point and look for the best way out. Get ready to fend off dogs or dealing with locks or other obstacles. Sam focus on carrying that loot bag safely and moving after Al as quickly as you can.
No. 539231 ID: 07e3a8

Right, not get off the lawn before someone looks out the window and sees you.

You want to be on the streets ASAP before anyone starts chasing you. Preferably with enough of a lead you can act natural on the streets instead of having to run.

...is there a safe place you guys can get to? A hideout? A friend's place? Things are a little too hot in public.
No. 539248 ID: e9b708

uh oh, there was a witness!
you'll need disguises!
quick rob some hobos! and hide in the slums!
No. 539298 ID: 539243

Pray she doesn't get out much, or has bad night vision. Sam's a memorable sight after all.
No. 539428 ID: 2f4b71

Blow her a kiss! We can at least be charming incompetent thieves.
No. 541438 ID: 593f45
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>get out of here.
>hide in the slums.
These are good ideas. Since people are now actively looking for them and the slums are not particularly close to this district of large houses belonging to very rich people.
The pair of thieves make a dash for cover and disappear into the night before any meaningful effort can be made to capture them. That will teach those rich people to think they can get away with being rich.
No. 541439 ID: 593f45
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Inside the mansion, a short while later...
"There was a man and a woman. The woman was definitely a cyclops and the man was dark skinned with light hair, so probably a dark elf," says a guard, speaking to a richly dressed man.
"Very good. Fortunately my daughter caught a glimpse of them as they were fleeing. More than I can say of you. You are aware that I am paying you to perform a service, correct? Just to be certain there is no miscommunication here, could you tell me what it is you think you do here?" the man says, a hint of agitation in his voice.
The two men look at each other for a moment before one of them speaks, "We're supposed to guard you and your property, Mr. Aigner."
"And do you think that you are doing a satisfactory job of it up to this point?"
"Thanks to your incompetence, I have been robbed, the sanctity of my home has been violated, my daughter has been accosted in the middle of the night and two of my guards are dead."
No. 541441 ID: 593f45
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"But no one di-HURK!"
The two guards crumple to the ground with a thud.
"Ah, Mr. Devan. Good of you to come at this early hour. Reliable help is so hard to find and I require someone who can deal with this situation," says Aigner, casually glancing at the bodies bleeding on his rug, while the killer wipes the blood from his daggers on the guard's coat.
No. 541442 ID: 593f45
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"Consider it done."
No. 541444 ID: 07e3a8

...what the hell is wrong with this guy. He responds to burglary with murder? There's either no law enforcement in this town, he has immense personal power, and/or he's insane.

Well, it was nice knowing our two protagonists while they lasted.
No. 541448 ID: 9ddf68

well this isn't looking to good
No. 541488 ID: 4f1dac

Well hold on, how do you know we haven't just perspective shifted to the new assassin person?

*attempt to assume the perspective of Mr. Devan*
Let's get an inventory of what's missing and then go looking in the likely places where burglars would try to cash in such goods.
No. 541586 ID: 593f45
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>*attempt to assume the perspective of Mr. Devan*
You can not do that, but that scene of exposition did cause you to miss out of Sam and Al's night of celebratory drinking and sex. Now it is morning... ish. Probably closer to noon now. They were going at it pretty hard.
No. 541589 ID: bf54a8

well ok, grumble about the light and ask for five more minutes.
No. 541590 ID: 16c47c

Time for sexy lazy breakfast.
No. 541591 ID: 7bbaae

Wake up with pounding headaches and stumble around to put on clothes and get breakfast. And take whatever hangover cures are available in this magical world.
No. 541594 ID: 07e3a8

...I came *this* close to suggesting they might as well get drunk and have sex before they get killed. But then I didn't.

And then it happens anyways. Whoo!
No. 541595 ID: 9ddf68

well I guess it's time to wake up now and see if we have to do anything... if not then back to bed
No. 541642 ID: 593f45
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Al gives Samira a few minutes to let her stomach settle before any mentioning of food and checks the complimentary paper at the door. Maybe there is some mention of their daring midnight robbery.
No. 541643 ID: 593f45
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That is not exactly what he planned to see. They totally did not murder anyone and these artist's renderings are awful.
No. 541645 ID: bf54a8

make your hair emo style, is as opposite of spiky as it gets. call anyone who claims you look like the one in the paper a racist.
No. 541646 ID: 9ddf68

aw shit, probably some dumb ass who heard the girl scream last night and fell on there own blade trying to see what was going on and of course they have to point the finger at someone.

Still unless whatever you stole has some kind of expiration date where you need to sale it or do something with it in x amount of time I think it would be beast to just stash it somewhere safe for a bit and wait for the heat to die down.
No. 541649 ID: 1f8505


Might want to wear a hat and some sunglasses, Sam. It would be easy to pick out a cyclops in a group of people.
No. 541651 ID: eaa372

Get breakfast and then think about what kind of fence you can fob that hot property onto. Given that you just stole from a rich presumably influential family you should consider skipping town right now and finding a fence in another city. The deeds and bonds will especially set off red flags in the city. Get a look at the deeds and see if they go to any city properties that you could rob later after getting rid of the rest of the loot.

For dramatic purposes you should totally rob that jackass, employee murdering noble's home again to get under his skin. Or hire a smuggler with your gobs of cash to get out of the city.
No. 541660 ID: 07e3a8

Wow, you must have really pissed off whoever you robbed if they set you up for murder.

Time to change your appearances and leave town, I think.
No. 541664 ID: 4f1dac

Skipping town and caching any loot that could be identifiable sounds like a good idea: You did a burglary and within a day after someone figured out roughly who you are and pinned you for murder as a result of your activity. That means you've probably got an assassin on your trail since *someone* had to die for them to make this murder story. Unless you have a lot of friends that are ready, willing and able to take out this assassin for you around town (I dunno, are you just burglars or are you communists/anarchists or something like that?) you're best off skipping town and hiding somewhere that someone like that can't sneak up on you.
I don't know your world and resources in it well enough to figure out where you can best set up a counter-ambush like that, and it may be instead that you're better off just running so far and so fast that they lose the trail.
No. 542546 ID: 593f45
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>find a fence

After recovering their pants and shaking off some of the effects of excessive alcohol consumption, Sam and Al discretely make their way to a less than reputable shop to try selling off some of their loot. It's more of an abandoned warehouse, really.

"No fuckin' way. That stuff's got so much heat on it, everyone for a hundred miles is gonna know where it came from. Nuh uh. No way."

>you should consider skipping town right now and finding a fence in another city.

Yeah, they should probably get out. This robbery got way higher profile than they planned. Time to make themselves scarce.
No. 542547 ID: d8b0c9

>Time to make themselves scarce.
Remember you're going to need some kind of disguises, here. You don't want anyone making you at the gate as you leave.
No. 542554 ID: 57a559

Ask the fence if there's another good fence closeby.

We'll give her a percentage as a finders fee.
No. 542555 ID: 9ddf68

ok then what are our choices of towns to pick from that we could run to and just how far away are they?
No. 542560 ID: 1f8505


Time to travel a hundred and one miles then.
No. 542564 ID: e1609c

Also, avoid town gates if there are any. We dont wanna have to explain to customs why we have an eighty pound haul of gold, cash, and crystallized carbon weighing down our satchel.
No. 542577 ID: 58c621

Aw, c'mon! "Money, gems, bonds, deeds". Right? Gems, who can track a gem? Even if you have one of the big-ass ones that could actually be unique enough to be tracked, no trouble, you can cut it up! That's what you do with stolen gems, and what sort of fence can't find a jeweller who can do that? Geez guys, know how to haggle a bit. You need some spending money if you're going to be bailing. I assume you can at least use whatever coin was in the safe, but a bit more is always nice.
No. 542769 ID: 593f45
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"Oh please, Ketzi! Make my stolen shit into money with your magical powers. It's cute that you don't know how this works, but I have risks on my end that in your situation are just too high to bother with. Just get lost before the cops come busting in here looking to see if I have what you want to give me, because that is a distinct possibility and I don't want you or any of that stuff around when they do."

>Ask the fence if there's another good fence close by

"Well, for this kind of deal, you'd need to go to one of the big cities. Cillinas, Silverthal, Aeroch Nor, Belja. Anywhere not here. We got some cool deals with the authorities around here, I don't get caught in the act and they keep off my ass. So, you know... Get the fuck out."

This avenue of converting ill-gotten swag into untraceable coinage seems to be exhausted. Time to flee the area, it seems.
No. 542770 ID: 2f2cd6

Well, thanks for the info. We'll get our hot inventory out of your face.

Now, we need a plan to get out of town. What are our exits, available means of transport, and possible disguises?
No. 542771 ID: 9ddf68

those cities she mentioned, How far away are they and how dangerous would it be for you guys to travel to any of them, cause I think we should just hit a city that isn't to far away but isn't next door either so we can get rid of this crap as quickly as we can while still trying to get far enough away so the authorities wouldn't be looking as hard for us if at all.
No. 542772 ID: 7bbaae

What sort of cities are these? What races are living there, are there rich people around, how tough are the guards, and are there any thriving black markets?
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