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735073 No. 735073 ID: a4ec41

In a distant realm of time and space, the most powerful warriors in the cosmos are summoned to do battle in a contest that spans the stars!
In the balance hangs the fate of an entire galaxy, as well as control of the legendary Power Stones.
Mighty heroes and deadly villains clash in The Battle of the Cosmic Champions!

Previous Thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/692872.html
87 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 738354 ID: a451b9


Why didn't you make it, like, the last three to survive? The difference between the top three warriors of an entire species would be pretty negligible. Then you could each go find a different mighty warrior and create three different Zarn races who could then also have a war to see which of them was better.

I mean, not to be insulting or anything, but looking at the rest of your kind there, your gene pool seemed a little shallow anyway, so, you could do a bit more to avoid bottlenecking. I mean your kids are going to have to do the same thing anyway, go and find their own mighty warriors to be their babydadmommies, right?

And then also, bonus, one of the three could die without destroying your entire race.

Oh well hindsight is 20/20 and all that. Back to business. That ship that got illuminated looks like it's already damaged. Go ask them who did it, maybe it'll be someone decent. I guess maybe you might have to help them out a little to get them in a state to give answers, though. Oh well.

... Why were you killing that knight guy, again?

Man Apples you can color stuff so nice.
No. 738355 ID: 398fe1

If they're able to hide their presence, they must be powerful! Go seek them out.
No. 738379 ID: 9fdb37

Cautiously inspect the anomaly. If you couldn't sense it, it is possible that people in it are so much more powerful by an order of magnitude you can't yet comprehend.

In other words, try sneaking up to the vessel.
No. 738399 ID: b7883c

Well, go investigate. You don't find powerful opponents by not poking your nose into mysterious things.

>seeking the mightiest warriors in the universe and challenge each of them in turn until they came upon a warrior strong enough to defeat them.
What if its some relatively weak person in really good power armor or something?

By the way, are those blue things on your necklace Locator Crystals? (Is that how you found lizard knight?)
No. 738403 ID: 24100f

...what happens if the warrior strong enough to defeat you doesn't give you a chance to mate with them, and kills you for being a pathetic weakling before you have the chance to offer?

I mean, it's what you would do in their shoes, right? Utterly crush someone weaker who challenged you?

Are you actually destiny-bound to do those things now? I mean, suppose killing a great evil could be fun if it were strong, and a princess could theoretically be saved as an incidental consequence. You could even choose not to kill her if you had something better to do, or she was hot enough.

Perhaps it uses a cloaking or propulsion technology not familiar to you? That might mean whoever produced it is strong. Or at least knowledgeable, but knowledge can be strength in certain circumstances.

Bears investigating.
No. 738503 ID: 9fdb37

Um, wouldn't that result in either great amounts of inbreeding that would lead to a decline of Zarn quality as a race or watering the Zarn bloodline down to the point of being mere mongrels of once proud warrior species?

Your scientists and leaders were not the sharpest knives in the drawer, were they?
No. 738588 ID: 433720

Must be a crafty enemy if it could sneak up on you. PUNCH IT WITH YOUR HANDS!
No. 741062 ID: a4ec41
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>...what happens if the warrior strong enough to defeat you doesn't give you a chance to mate with them, and kills you for being a pathetic weakling before you have the chance to offer?

You are fully aware that there are plenty of forces out there that are far beyond the power of the Zarn. Pit yourself against a Sky Titan or a Monstrolith or a Roving Graveform or a Vanquisher Sentinel and yeah you're gonna get squashed like an insect.

That's why you've gotta work your way up the food chain to find the sweet spot, right between "strong enough to defeat you" and "strong enough to kill you."

As for what you'll end up doing if you end up getting defeated by someone of the same sex... let's just say, life ah... finds a way ;)
No. 741063 ID: a4ec41
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>By the way, are those blue things on your necklace Locator Crystals? (Is that how you found lizard knight?)

Indeed they are.

Funny story,

No sooner had you left the atmosphere of Zarn to set out on your quest to fight all the strongest warriors in the galaxy, when you bump into this weird octopus face guy!

He hands you a blue crystal and says "this is a map of all the strongest warriors in the galaxy!" then *poof* vanishes before you can even challenge him!

Crazy, huh?
No. 741064 ID: a4ec41
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Before that octopus face guy came along you were just planning on going door to door, but this way is much faster.

You see, the secret to killing these suckers is to catch them while they're transiting between challenges. If they're using a space ship, the chances are pretty good they can't breathe in space, and even if their bodies can take a super powered punch, the hulls of their ships probably can't. One well placed hole and *pop!* no more mister legendary warrior.

You've already found and killed three champions this way!

Well... four now, but with all this sword bullshit you completely forgot to grab frog knight's. The damn thing is probably sub atomic particles by now.

Speaking of ships, where'd that slippery devil get to?
No. 741071 ID: 398fe1

>You've already found and killed three champions this way!
So... being able to breathe in space is a requirement for being strong, in your opinion?
No. 741073 ID: 7b7ab3

Probably cloaked or something by now. May have warped away. No way of telling.
Question: What will you do if you encounter an entire fleet? What if something far more powerful than yourself decides to target you? What if your mysterious benefactor has some sinister ulterior motive? Are you at all bothered by the fact that you carry the future of your entire species on your shoulders?
No. 741078 ID: 69cd69

For all your strength, your stealth needs work.

Try using the locator crystals to tag the ship. They might be short range and might not have a champion, but anything's better than waiting for the explosion to end you.

Maybe if you overload one with your energy it'll be more specific?
No. 741105 ID: 3663d3

hold one in each of your hands and feet and spread eagle to turn yourself into a sensor array and get a better scan.
No. 741108 ID: 27c0e0

Well shit if they can't even survive in space then they're not worth your time are they.
No. 741117 ID: d07da8

It's a requirement to even be fought.

What is she going to do if the offspring picks the non-space-breathing trait from the mate that beats her? That would be a downgrade to Zarn race even if they get physically stronger.
No. 741138 ID: 24100f

On the one hand, I want to criticism you for how that would seem to undercut the whole warrior race genetic fitness thing.

...but on the other hand, you quite thoroughly dodge the idiot warrior race trope, and it's a very effective way to shortcut the highly suspect cosmic champions setup.

So on the whole I'll give it to you. Good plan!
No. 741417 ID: 433720

Doesn't just popping their ship feel a little unfair?
What if you've already killed someone that could have defeated you if you hadn't sucker punched their ship?
No. 741425 ID: f461c5

Then she has refrained from producing children that DIE WHEN YOU PUNCH THEIR SHIP OUT FROM UNDER THEM.
No. 741961 ID: b7ba46

Do you have any idea how much space there is? Anything that can't survive space is a niche species in serious danger of having its habitat destroyed. Case in point: those other guys.
No. 745028 ID: a4ec41
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The explosion is over. You're done with the explosion.

The locator crystals don't actually locate things, from what you can tell, they're just receivers for a signal being transmitted through quantum entanglement, making it untraceable.

>Investigate the ship
You search for the ship, but in vain. Wherever it is, it's intangible as well as invisible. There's not a lot of ways to fool a Zarn so completely and none of them are reassuring. It's possible psychic tampering may be involved.
No. 745029 ID: a4ec41
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After a few moments of focus, you determine that all your psychic firewalls are still up, your mindscape labyrinth is undisturbed and your guardian tulpas are all peaceful.

Whoever this is, if they're using psychic powers to hide themselves from you then you're completely outclassed and if they wanted you dead they'd have killed you easily by now. It's more likely the ship has hidden itself through some other means. You might be able to find them by performing a Karmic Dive, though doing so would involve lowering your psychic firewalls...
No. 745030 ID: a4ec41
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Roughly speaking, the average Zarn warrior boasts a combat power equivalent to a destroyer or cruiser class warship from the navy of a major spacefaring power, but of course concentrated into a single individual. Their disproportionate strength and speed allows Zarn to go toe to toe with creatures and ships many many times their size.

It usually takes the combined arms of a space battle group to bring a Zarn down through conventional means.

As a matter of fact, most of the galactic superpowers have special quick response task forces specifically trained and equipped to kill Zarn. They've gotten pretty good at it, and the Zarn have gradually been forced to raid planets further and further afield.

You laugh for a moment when you think about all the thousands of heavily armed soldiers and ships that are wasting their time scouring the galaxy for Zarn when there aren't any Zarn left to hunt...
No. 745031 ID: a4ec41
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Except you, of course...
No. 745032 ID: a4ec41
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You suddenly feel very isolated, alone and vulnerable.

You're not sure it's such a good idea to stay here anymore and you have a very bad feeling about that ship.

Do you stay and search for the ship by performing a Karmic Dive, which involves lowering your psychic defenses, or do you book it out of here as fast as you can?
No. 745037 ID: 9f3729

We need to kill that scout, more important than just running.
No. 745038 ID: 3abd97

Book it. If there's anything hunting you, you just blew up a spaceship and then an even bigger destiny sword thing. You gave away your position pretty damn effectively.
No. 745039 ID: 1d4e27

Pff. You're not going to book it. Reading is for schmucks!
Karmic Dive.
No. 745061 ID: 398fe1

Leg it.
No. 745067 ID: 897b0b

It's far too likely that the ship has already sent a message to its compatriots.
You are in imminent danger.
Lowering your defenses is a very bad idea. One well placed psychic attack could cripple you - possibly even kill you!
Flee the scene and go to ground. You can take no risks at this time.
No. 745089 ID: b2d501

Dive. You need a ship, and you need it now. Those warships only have ONE target, they will not need to stand their space and aim with the big guns, they just need to ram the ^&*( out of you with their advanced FTL drives. Your best bet of survival is to intimidate a space crew into launching somewhere random.

Also, I seriously think you should consider a few kids right NOW. Remember, your species has reincarnation immortality, so if your children manage to be weak-ass @#$%heads you can always murder and eat them alive in front of a live studio audience to make a point about weakness.

Hey, don't look at me, YOU'RE the ones who intentionally committed self-genocide including your babies.
No. 745090 ID: b2d501

(I just wanted to point out that my latest post for this quest is not an accurate description of my opinions or moral code, I just wanted to play the villain. Thank you.)
No. 745156 ID: 9c373e

Follow your instincts, warrior. Your fear response is no coincidence. You are in danger. Flee.
No. 745184 ID: 2a7417

Make like a blue clue and skidoo.
No. 745537 ID: eced26

No. 745542 ID: 3009b4

Fight to the finish! Die like a warrior!
No. 745646 ID: a107fd

Take the chance on a Karmic Dive. If they're going to attack, better that you see where the attack's coming from, and if they're not going to attack, you're fine.

You need to find a worthy mate ASAP, right? Running away from every spooky thing isn't gonna achieve that. Maybe they're on that ship, which is so stealthy that the Referee hasn't found them to deliver a locator crystal yet. Maybe they're more badass than you in every regard except personal FTL capability and willingness to apply lethal violence to complete strangers, so they just use ships to compensate for the first thing, with advanced confrontation-avoidance cloaking technology for the second. That'd probably still be a net gain genetically.
No. 745831 ID: 97db13

No. 747392 ID: a4ec41
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For the first time in several lifetimes, you choose Flight over Fight and depart the area at maximum acceleration.
You try to ignore the weight of your fear on your shoulders as you sprint away from the mysterious ship and the threat it poses.
No. 747393 ID: a4ec41
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You tell yourself that this is a tactical withdrawal... that you are not running away, but the shame of your actions burns hot in your throat.

No! You can't afford to take unnecessary risks. Not now when your entire species depends on you! Your actions weren't cowardly, they were prudent! The survival of the Master Race is more important than your individual pride.
No. 747394 ID: a4ec41
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It's time to resume your mission of finding a worthy mate.

You withdraw one of your several Locator Crystals from beneath your armor and consult its catalogue of worthy opponents. You need to find someone new to defeat. Preferably an opponent that's operating far beyond the influence of the local superpowers.

Audience Participation Time!

Who is Khlar's next challenge?
Now is your chance to see Khlar duke it out with the Champion you create!

Submit your proposed Champion to the Battle of the Cosmic Champions Discussion Thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/97089.html

Submissions should include:

- Champion Name

- A description of the Champion's powers and abilities

- A sketch of your Champion (this is not a talent competition, I will end up redrawing the character in BotCC style anyway)

Other information that may be included:

- Character backstory

- A description of your Champion's personality, attitude and quirks.

- A description of the Champion's race, home and society (in case more of their species is featured later)

I am not accepting submissions for Stonebearers at this time your champion can be powered by any number of natural, artificial or supernatural phenomena aside from one of the thirteen Power Stones.

I will choose three champions from those submitted (assuming there are at least three) and from those three the audience will be given the chance to vote on which one Khlar ultimately challenges.

Submissions will be open for one week
No. 747429 ID: a4ec41

Oh, one more thing I forgot that you might want to include in your submission: where your champion is/would be at the time of their encounter with Khlar as well as their performance in the contest thus far.
No. 747848 ID: 2fc323

I think it's time we fought Katicha champion of the Flying Shark-Mermaids and Lead guitarist of the intergalactic metal band Cosmic Impaler.

Like most Mer-people she can create and control water, however as Cosmic Champion, Katicha is capable of creating enough water to fill a freighter class ship.

This was how she defeated Romulus The Anti-Wolf, by drowning him in space.

So far, she's killed 13 cosmic champions.

Currently residing on her home planet (where she has the home advantage)
No. 748408 ID: a4ec41
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After a brief consultation, you select three opponents within your flight range that are still outside the territory of hostile superpowers.

The first is Krux the Fallen, a Rosechaletan. Some kind of scavenger by the look of things. Through past life recollections you recognize she seems to be wearing armor cobbled together from Oluranthi military gear. She also appears to wield Oluranthi cyber-telekinesis implants, technology forbidden to all non-Oluranthi.

Your most recent previous incarnation did a great deal of mercenary work quelling rebellions for the Oluranthi and you recall that it was highly enjoyable. The Oluranthi are a warlike, imperialist species with cunning to match their considerable physical strength (considerable by non-Zarn standards, that is). You fought and ate well with the Oluranthi and if this guttersnipe has been causing them trouble, they might be grateful if you took care of her for them.

It would be nice to eat something other than rations scavenged from the starships you've raided.
No. 748409 ID: a4ec41
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Now here's a blast from the past.

Manipulator Five
Even though the memory comes from one of your earliest incarnations, over two hundred lives ago, it still feels like only yesterday.

A few centuries after the First Zarn slew the Demon King and plunged the Dread Empire into chaos, one of the various warring splinter factions, you don't remember which, cooked up the Manipulator Series in a promising but ultimately futile attempt to reunite the Dread Empire under their banner.

Artificially engineered bioforms with embedded neurotech and extremely enhanced psychic abilities,
the Manipulators were extremely effective at taking over planets. Effective enough that their masters grew overconfident, and sent them to conquer the Zarn.

It was a terrible struggle. Thousands of Zarn were mind-controlled by the Manipulators and the resulting war raged for decades before the Zarn were finally able to breed a strain of warrior resistant to the Manipulators' mental powers. The counter attack was fierce and thorough. The Manipulators were wiped out.

Or so you thought. Manipulator Five must be the last of her kind. Fitting that she should meet her end at the hands of the last Zarn.

Though the thought of coupling with this creature fills you with disgust, of the three potential combatants, Manipulator Five has the highest genetic compatibility with the Zarn.
No. 748410 ID: a4ec41
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And finally there's Geoffrey.

Like all true-hearted warriors, you have a particularly large and throbbing hateboner for capitalist pigs. The degenerate, self-seeking cowardice of commercialism. The crass, empty pursuit of meaningless "wealth" in the form of worthless scraps of paper or coded bits. It fills you with disgust.

You especially hate self-styled "robber baron" types. Corporate suits who have the audacity to refer to their overgrown network of lemonade stands as "empires." Worms who pretend to live by the law of the jungle, but hide, mewling behind the veneer of "legality" whenever they themselves come under attack.

ZephyrCom also happens to be the largest manufacturer of Anti-Zarn technology in the sector. Cheap crap for the most part, nothing equal to what the big empires have, but they make a lot of money scamming fearful populations with the promise of affordable protection from Zarn raids. None of their products are a real threat to you, but they are definitely a nuisance.

On top of it all, he appears to be some kind of air Elemental. You hate Elementals because they don't have the decency to die when you rip off important bits. He's gonna be frustrating to kill, but oh so satisfying. Your mouth is watering at the thought of it.

Everything about this guy seems tailor made to enrage you.

The only thing that puzzles you is that there's no way the two of you could possibly mate. It seems strange that a list of all the potential mates in the galaxy would even include him. Whatever, obviously that octopus face guy doesn't know shit about Zarn physiology.
No. 748411 ID: 38685c

Krux, most definitely!
No. 748414 ID: 3e182c

No. 748416 ID: 47160d

Manipulator-5 obviously, if we are looking for something to breed with what better than something that actually managed to hurt the zarn?
No. 748417 ID: 395c02

No. 748419 ID: 5cc184

I vote for Manipulator-5 as well!
No. 748423 ID: 38685c

But the head is a triangle and she doesn't want to fuck it
No. 748425 ID: 5cc184


Well, then Khlar will just have to do her best to kill 5 instead!
No. 748431 ID: 398fe1

This raises a question. If the warrior that defeats you is female, how are you gonna breed with her?
No. 748435 ID: 3e182c

Or let it live as her Slave Pet.
No. 748436 ID: 3abd97

2 of these peeps look like they can survive naturally in space, and Krux's armor probably does too. Not gonna be able to cheap kill these ones by popping their spaceships.

Geoffrey seems a bad choice for you. It's added risk for zero chance of restarting your race. Plus, a capitalist "empire" means if you kill him, all his chumps are gonna be shouting about it all over the place. Brings you attention you might not want, costs you the element of surprise.

Krux or M-5 seem appropriate opponents.
No. 748440 ID: d3768b

just imagine the lulz
No. 748444 ID: a49576

Manipulator 5, seems like a nice way to close that particular chapter of history

this has already been answered with 'life finds a way'
No. 748451 ID: d682c1

> Krux
Thanks for adding my character to the roster


The Oluranthi like adding specialist races to their military/engineering rosters, and Zarn is on their potential militia top 10 list. If you show up on one of their operations, revealing yourself as the last Zarn in the galaxy, they're going to have ideas. Mostly about shooting you with enough tranquilizer darts to play Santa Claus for an entire Oluranthi planet (and each battleship has more than enough), strapping you to a chair (after sawing your limbs off), and breeding you with inbred nobles, brainwashable Rosechaletans, and other choice picks until the voices in your children's heads stop making sense.

Basically, might be a bad idea to go near the Oluranthi Empire while you're still one girl. Maybe if Krux leaves Oluranthi space one day.

> Manipulator Five
There is a LOT of potential here. She's only one girl, and yet she's powerful enough to conquer a home planet for you. Regardless of grudges, you seek battle, and who better than a worthy foe? Plus, an opportunity to breed with the very species that nearly exterminated her species, in the hopes of creating a new hybrid that will surpass all previous limitations? You BOTH want this.

> Zepyrcom CEO
Bad idea. This guy likely collects Anti-Zarn defense systems for his living quarters. Not much, but enough to defeat you. Since most of his assets are tied to his wealth and not genetic augmentations (being an elemental and all), you wouldn't stand to gain much from killing him other than a massive bounty from a company that knows how to kill you.

So yeah, if there were more Zarn I might have chosen something different but due to circumstances I vote for Manipulator Five.
No. 748460 ID: a4ec41

I always appreciate your input, Kome, but I'd prefer to reveal the nature of the Oluranthi through the normal course of the story.
No. 748462 ID: 9f3729

Consider: if we best and manage to impregnate/be impregnated by the cloud man, we will have limitless resources and likely nigh-immortal offspring.
I'm biased as his creator but I'm throwing in with cloudboy for the betterment of the species, just imagine a version of that guy but with rippling muscles.
No. 748466 ID: 44bc30

I'll say Manipulator Five.
No. 748468 ID: 71d443

Go full riot-mode against Geoffrey.
No. 748473 ID: 1b392b

Kill Geoffrey, steal wallet, get megabucks.
No. 748479 ID: 3e6394

All three of those sound unworthy of your legacy. Kill all three of them in random order (because let's face it, you are totally gonna slaughter these losers), then resume your original plan: go to the nearest populated planet and beat it up until a mighty space hero shows up to intervene, then beat up the mighty space hero. Repeat until someone kicks your ass, then submit said ass to the kicker. You get to kill lots of people, you get to have lots of strong babies, it's the perfect plan.
No. 748486 ID: 383927

Krux the Fallen. Reunite with old allies, get hot food, and maybe even find a worthy opponent.
No. 748494 ID: a8bc5c

No. 748523 ID: a107fd

Manipulator-5. Gotta get on with the begats sooner rather than later, and we knew this job would involve disgusting crotch stuff somehow, even before that bit with the sword of destiny.

Also, to the extent it's allowed, I'm voting against Geoffrey as a target, at least until there are new Zarn babies. Tailor-made to piss you off, plus tedious to kill, plus massive supplies of anti-Zarn weaponry (most of it's crap, but surely he reserves the best stuff for defending himself?), equals obvious trap.
No. 748573 ID: 18c950

No. 748575 ID: ea2bfa

Manipulator 5! Tear off their stupid psychic head and reproduce with the neck stump!

Or something, I dunno, just kill 'em dead.
No. 748579 ID: ba1f7e

Krux and make it brutal
No. 748594 ID: 6be18b

Kill that cloudy, corporate fucker.
No. 748828 ID: cdea8c

Geoffrey! It would be hilarious, and you deserve something relaxing after having to fuck the sword.
No. 748829 ID: 3abd97

I'll resolve my earlier waffle and say M-5.
No. 748909 ID: ba1f7e

Krux, she seems worthy.
No. 748963 ID: d848bb

At the moment, it seems as though Manipulator-5 has a major lead, while Krux and Geoffrey are tied for second.
No. 750444 ID: a4ec41
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While the chance to catch up with the Oluranthi and eat some real food is tempting, and it would definitely be fun to kick Geoffrey's rich ass, the idea that there is still a Manipulator out there is too much for you to stand.

It's time to settle the score.

It looks like she's on a starship in transit between worlds not too far from here, so you don't even have to change up your routine. Just zip over there, pop her ship and pat yourself on the back for driving yet another enemy of the Zarn extinct.

You enter the warp trance, expanding your consciousness to encompass local spacetime. Your instinctive sense of direction and location allows you to visualize your destination and transmit the coordinates to the integrated warp drive in your armor. You open your kandrithium portals and flood the armor's micro coils with energy, accelerating you to superluminal speed in seconds.

You take off in the direction of Manipulator 5.
No. 750445 ID: a4ec41
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You drop out of warp still a few thousand kilometers out from Manipulator 5's ship. You want to give yourself enough space to accelerate to a good ramming speed. Warp drive may allow you to travel faster than light but it does not actually impart momentum, and you want to have plenty built up when you splatter Manipulator 5's oversized brains all over the sector.

Dumb bitch won't know what hit her...
No. 750446 ID: a4ec41
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Oh shit-
No. 750447 ID: a4ec41
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That's a nuke.
No. 750452 ID: 094652

RIP Khlar

She drove into traffic

DEFCON traffic
No. 750453 ID: 3abd97

Huh. Your ftl depends on your armor? So if you took enough of a pounding, you'd lose the ability for rapid space transit? (Unless you hijacked a lesser craft I guess).

>Dumb bitch won't know what hit her...
Why would you assume for a moment you'd catch her by surprise? Her entire thing is sensors and scanners and information and awareness! She's the one opponent you absolutely should have assumed would see you coming!

>That's a nuke
Well, M-5 predicted exactly where you would emerge from hyperspace, and when. That means there's a good chance the nuke is on a timer to go off any second now. That, or it's got a hair trigger linked to sensors and is about to go off.

Either way, I assume that's a threat to you.

Blip backwards into hyperspace? Throw up as strong shields as you can? Perform a karmic dive to dodge this layer of reality and the blast? Hit it hard enough to throw it out of range? Use an extremely powerful energy beam sufficient to disintegrate the entire nuke before the fusion and/or fission process can begin?

Unfortunately, we don't know enough about your abilities or about how nuclear explosions interact with the cosmology you've introduced us to to reliably pick the best course of action.
No. 750454 ID: 595d54

I assume you don't want to die messily and I doubt it'll let you chuck it somewhere else, so just run away as hard as you can.
No. 750457 ID: dd4df2


There's never just one nuke. They're like pringles! Once you pop, you just can't stop.

Anyway, GTFO warp speed, hop out in a random proximity to her ship. Rince and repeat until nukes stop appearing/she tries something new.
No. 750462 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 750464 ID: a886eb

Are these the kind of nukes that don't explode properly if you punch them before they detonate? If yes, do that.
No. 750469 ID: 91ee5f

>Driving yet another enemy of the Zarn extinct.
So, does that mean that the Zarn consider themselves an enemy of the Zarn? Because a species that regularly drives itself to near extinction every time they get bored with their genetics is just plain lucky that they aren't actually extinct from trying that the first time around.

>Dumb bitch won't know what hit her...
>Oh shit-
>That's a nuke.
The thing that you're trying to kill just predicted where you were going to show up and timed firing a nuke to give you little to no chance to dodge it.

The only dumb bitch I see here is you. You should know better than to underestimate an opponent and overestimate your own abilities. Shame on you for doing that. Things like that will get you killed and cause your race to go extinct.

I would suggest that you both put your differences aside and work together and maybe mate with each other so that both of your almost dead species have a chance to survive. But, I know you won't listen to that, so just try not to die.
No. 750489 ID: 3e182c

Dodge and warp. DODGE AND WARP!
No. 750493 ID: a107fd

Antimatter, fission, fusion, or some high-tech mass/energy converter?

It it's a simple fail-deadly antimatter charge, just set it off, then turn around and 'walk' away, ideally while putting on sunglasses. Your grafted heroic destiny will manipulate probability to control turbulent forces within the warhead in such a way as to keep you safe from anything more than superficial injuries.

If it's a fission charge powered by chemical explosives, or any sort of mass-energy conversion that depends on macroscopic physical structure, just smash it up before something can activate the elaborate detonation circuitry and it won't properly detonate at all.

If it's a fusion warhead, details depend on the triggering mechanism. Same basic procedure as with the fission, but focus on peeling off any shell of x-ray-reflective material and safely dispersing lighter elements such as hydrogen inside.

Don't try to dodge until you've neutralized the immediate threat. Somebody anticipated your approach vector, so they know Zarn hyperspace and realspace maneuverability specs, and can be presumed to have further ambushes ready along the obvious lines of retreat.

Also you can't catch other champions by surprise, or evade long-term, if they're paying attention to their own locator crystals.
No. 750500 ID: 74ad1d

Step slightly to the left. Problem solved.
No. 750522 ID: af9799

Looks like someone knew you were coming. Just don't let the missile hit you, its easy.
No. 750524 ID: 3725ee

think you can grab this thing by it's rear-section and re-

>There's never just one nuke.
-position yourself, maybe surf the thing briefly while you get your bearings
No. 750536 ID: 71d443

Why are you scared of a puny little nuke? Punt it into the sun and dodge the real attack that it was supposed to distract from.
No. 750552 ID: 3abd97

>There's never just one nuke.
True, but they have to be staggered a little. If they're too close together, you get nuclear fratricide, where the detonation of the lead nuke destroys, damages, or knocks off course the nukes following behind it. Meaning you waste some nukes, and if you target is actually hardened enough to necessitate a pounding from chained nuclear detonations to bring it down, you're not getting the chain you wanted.

...of course if these nukes can hyperspace the way her armor can, the others could just be waiting a light second out or so, waiting to blip into range one after the other as they detonate. Allowing close pursuit / timed blasts without M-5 risking one missile killing all its siblings.
No. 750841 ID: 3e6394

No. 753211 ID: 2704be

Punch da bombding
No. 753978 ID: e41ad8

So the manipulators have a history of mind controlling the zarn.
Now what if, just what if, the nuke isn't real?
I vote punch it to prove you Mental Fortitude!
No. 753993 ID: db0da2

Maneuver so that the blast pushes you towards her, or smash it before it can go off. If a measly nuke is all it takes to kill you then you're kinda pointless, you might as well just use conventional weapons.
No. 754581 ID: 81391e

Going into a karmic dive and lowering mental firewalls when being attacked by a literal psychic? Seems rather unintelligent.
No. 763285 ID: 356c3c

This guy has his head screwed on right. Except for the bit about grafted destiny, we've already proven that destiny is a shit defense. Destroy the triggering mechanisms/warhead before the fuses can register your presence.
If it's a fail-deadly system, like antimatter or something more exotic (pressurized plasma? Strangelet soup?) your best bet might be to do a crash Karmic dive and hope you can pop back up and re-erect your firewalls before she can start really digging into your brain.
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