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File 149297030826.jpg - (353.11KB , 964x808 , A place where I go to fuck myself.jpg )
797592 No. 797592 ID: 82a33d

521 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 839736 ID: f0e789

What do you think I'm trying to do!? Are all you painting just dicks or something!? Fine I'll get some help from one of you, Watch this!

*flys up and down the hall but staying close to the two guys not going far from them*

No. 839746 ID: bccf1a

Now here is why I screamed, first of all, probably a lot of paintings heard that. And with me sticking close by to these guys, the paintings nearby are going to react. These guys a probably pretty used to seeing living paintings like this seeing them all react at once to a loud noise that they can’t hear is going to raise some questions. Chances are they will lead me to one who can talk to ask it just what is going on.
No. 839854 ID: 6a58a0
File 150903530602.jpg - (263.87KB , 1294x652 , A place where I go to fuck myself 148.jpg )

No. 839856 ID: 272cf3

Excuse me sir? Can you help me?
No. 839908 ID: 6a58a0
File 150905034176.jpg - (594.71KB , 1668x1008 , A place where I go to fuck myself 149.jpg )

No. 839919 ID: 5f9b77

*ignores essence*
I’m sorry if I scared you kiddo. Im just scared for my friend’s life. I’m assuming your father is Robbit Rabbot? My name is Scarred Ana. Your father is a friend I just need your help, my friend is in the mad world painting, and she got pulled in. Please I just need you to tell those guys over there so we can save her, please I don’t want my friend to die.

Please... *falls to knees*
No. 839946 ID: 6a58a0
File 150905997035.jpg - (736.56KB , 1712x1310 , A place where I go to fuck myself 150.jpg )

No. 839966 ID: 5f9b77

*inner thoughts*
It’s a good thing I don’t care about any of that, as long as Ana is saved

*in deadpan*
You are better, smarter, and prettier than me
No. 840148 ID: 6a58a0
File 150913835039.jpg - (1.59MB , 1748x2392 , A place where I go to fuck myself 151.jpg )

No. 840153 ID: e9ef8f


*Inner thoughts*
I am still going to end you one day... When did I get my arm back though?
No. 840162 ID: 6a58a0

it just grew back
No. 840330 ID: 6a58a0
File 150919243283.jpg - (463.69KB , 1700x939 , A place where I go to fuck myself 152.jpg )

No. 840359 ID: 9b9146

*Wrestles phone from Marty trying to be creepy*
Robbit! It’s Scarred Ana! We are at your place and Ana is is in danger she got sucked into the Mad World Painting, someone in your place set a trap for her! GO SAVE HER!!
No. 840382 ID: 6a58a0
File 150922579875.jpg - (1.32MB , 1748x2352 , A place where I go to fuck myself 153.jpg )

No. 840385 ID: 31e9e0

They are just down the hall from the Mad World painting fixing a fuse! If you need to call them, call them fast!
No. 840677 ID: 6a58a0
File 150928650862.jpg - (1.19MB , 1748x2344 , A place where I go to fuck myself 154.jpg )

No. 840772 ID: 31e9e0

No. 840924 ID: 6a58a0
File 150933204013.jpg - (813.17KB , 2276x1691 , A place where I go to fuck myself 155.jpg )

No. 840928 ID: 9b9146

No. 841022 ID: 6a58a0
File 150937273616.jpg - (363.50KB , 1676x1002 , A place where I go to fuck myself 156.jpg )

No. 841047 ID: 3583d1

If you taze him the charge is also likely to go to Ana as well... Maybe it will wake her up...

Tell you what you piece of filth, I will count to three if you haven't let her go, I will let them taze you and just let you have everything they've got.

No. 841084 ID: d5b588
File 150940683147.jpg - (537.71KB , 1679x1074 , A place where I go to fuck myself 157.jpg )

No. 841086 ID: 5191f1

Someone seal that thing up first!
No. 841323 ID: d5b588
File 150947207601.jpg - (1.30MB , 1852x2184 , A place where I go to fuck myself 158.jpg )

No. 841347 ID: b0f04f

... Fuck that and fuck you, you had one chance to be nice and you tried to eat me. I could have helped you but instead you chose to eat me. I try to save everyone up until they themselves try to do me harm then it game over.
No. 841393 ID: d5b588
File 150948793511.jpg - (523.59KB , 1598x1033 , A place where I go to fuck myself 159.jpg )

No. 841416 ID: 1667ef

Eeeeuughhh.... Yes Robbit he’s here. Before you do anything let me have a talk with Ana.

Look, Ana it’s your body, if you want to give him a second chance that one is on you, honestly though I don’t think it’s a great idea to have a being who isn’t the embodiment of chaos in you as well as someone who wants to use you to gain their power back. Plus this guy is impulsive as fuck it seems. He wants you to help him but then as soon as you get a chance to, he tries to eat you? Fuck that noise. Just my two cents.
No. 841739 ID: d5b588
File 150957624506.jpg - (955.34KB , 1748x1910 , A place where I go to fuck myself 160.jpg )

You have chosen the path of betrayal, there will be major consequences for this action

No. 841753 ID: 9c2f50

Let’s hear it. Makes me wish I could have one of those Dream Biscuits and some tea.
No. 841774 ID: d5b588
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No. 841784 ID: c81293

Oh Dervan wasn't Dreamwalker freaking out about this knife or something
*summons knife*
Yeah wasn't this the one or something? Oh well. Let's take a look at the book.
No. 841925 ID: d5b588
File 150964147692.jpg - (1.74MB , 1748x2856 , A place where I go to fuck myself 162.jpg )

No. 841947 ID: 5d7976

*inner thoughts*
Geez that Dervan guy is an asshole. I really don’t care about this knife, it’s just another tool to use. Why Dreamwalker is more okay with me having it than me is beyond me.

Ana any advantage we can gleam as to how this whole thing got started is one I think we should take. We’ll use that card when we are done here.
No. 841969 ID: d5b588
File 150965410879.jpg - (526.57KB , 1034x1664 , A place where I go to fuck myself 163.jpg )

No. 841984 ID: b0f04f

Ana, look at me.
*put hands on her face, even though Ana won't feel it, the gesture is what matters*

I know you are scared, and that is okay. I am scared too. So many times, I have been afraid for you but every time, you have come through for all of us, you are so strong that it is honestly amazing. I act brave for you, and others who needed me, but I cannot tell you how many times I needed them as well. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. You should always know that I am here for you now matter what, and no matter what anyone else will tell you, I am ALWAYS going to be on your side and I will always try to be the best I can be for you. Even if you chose not to go on from here, I will understand, and I will remain by your side.

I know certain roads we've walked are scary, but that is why you ARE a hero. Do you understand, I know that you are capable of doing so much good in this world. You have chosen to do what you have felt is right. You are a beacon of light in this darkness, and it does not go unnoticed, it's why Boxy chose to follow you, because you are something good and pure. We have never told you what you have to do, you have always chosen to do them, maybe it's because in your heart of hearts, you know it has been the right thing to do. THAT is what makes you a hero, because you have had the courage to go on, to take those steps. Everything else is so much smoke in the water, you have the courage to continue on, and I know that in these kinds of moments where you feel like you are on the verge of breaking, you can always carry on, because you are amazing, you are a hero, you are you, and no matter what, I believe you can stand against anything.

*smiles at Ana, lifting her face out of shadow to let Ana see her face so she can see the love and care she has for her*

No. 842054 ID: d5b588
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No. 842061 ID: 3583d1

Ana I can't make that choice for you, I can only offer my help and suggestions. Personally, I want to find out what happened in the past that led to this. Maybe then we can actually get an understand of why we are even here, you know? And honestly... I don't know if I trust anything someone who wears devil horns would give me... Just my thoughts there.

But just listen for a while, it's alright, no matter what you choose, I will follow you.
No. 842178 ID: d5b588
File 150970431375.jpg - (1.10MB , 1748x2480 , A place where I go to fuck myself 165.jpg )

No. 842264 ID: d8b9a6

... I’m ready... no matter what happens Ana, I will stay by your side.
No. 842354 ID: d5b588
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No. 842373 ID: d8b9a6

What about me? What role will I have to play? The way I see it, my role would be to make sure that she comes out while if she chooses to do this.
No. 842488 ID: d5b588
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No. 842525 ID: d8b9a6

I know that my mind is quite accostumed to pain and suffering and yet I try not to let it affect me much. I know danger signals when I see it, and from what I can tell this all began with someone using a form of magic that they didn’t understand and it resulted in... well all this. First rule of the occult, if you don’t know what it is, you don’t do it.

As for you Ana I will always be here to guide you and point out things that may have been missed, I’ll make sure you stay sane and you stay you. I’ve had to do it multiple times before.
No. 842700 ID: d5b588
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No. 842705 ID: ade112

Ah, alright let me see what I can do about that, one second.
No. 842750 ID: ae9b99

suggestor's note: Fortune Ana is not here and is with Dreamwaker. Perhaps Dreamwalker should wake her up if you want her help.
No. 842873 ID: ae9b99

note:all this is her thoughts attempting communicating with Ana

...Ana, can you hear my thoughts? I can't use my voice... but regardless I want to say: sorry.
No. 842915 ID: d5b588
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No. 842919 ID: d8b9a6


What the... it’s like like... we are...

Slipping... away...
No. 852263 ID: ae9b99

thoughts: this space for rent, amirite?


thoughts: since nothing much is happening in this universe without Robbit, and Falafaf, we might as well snoop around. We might find and learn something of interest.

No. 852273 ID: 39a6ad

Prepare yourself, you will engage something really weird. This what you started will not stop. You might hate me for it, but it is alright I hate myself already so it is all equal in the grand scheme
No. 852287 ID: ae9b99


suggestor's note: I've already been expecting the worst.
That said, To my coplayer, wish me luck.
No. 852295 ID: 39a6ad

No. 852296 ID: 39a6ad

Don't ask me what any of that means
No. 852334 ID: 3583d1

No. 852354 ID: 39a6ad
File 151350863956.jpg - (307.87KB , 1230x1055 , A place where I go to fuck myself 170.jpg )

Alright no more joking around, this is what really was supposed to be

No. 852379 ID: ae9b99

*doesn't say or think anything*
No. 852429 ID: 39a6ad
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No. 852440 ID: ae9b99

No. 854242 ID: 39a6ad
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No. 854262 ID: ae9b99

*Is still silent and watching carefully*
No. 854573 ID: c69ce5
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No. 854679 ID: ae9b99

*only shrugs, but continues to silently watch*
No. 854937 ID: c69ce5
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No. 854938 ID: ae9b99

No. 856498 ID: c69ce5
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No. 856539 ID: ae9b99

No. 857318 ID: c69ce5
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No. 857341 ID: ae9b99

No. 857348 ID: ae9b99

*hides under the table*
No. 857629 ID: c69ce5
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No. 857744 ID: ae9b99

No. 858032 ID: 87a124
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No. 858052 ID: ae9b99

No. 858243 ID: 87a124
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No. 858250 ID: ae9b99

No. 858260 ID: 87a124
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No. 858306 ID: ae9b99

No. 858391 ID: 87a124
File 151595771744.jpg - (0.96MB , 1843x1736 , A place where I go to fuck myself 181.jpg )

No. 858404 ID: ae9b99


thoughts: hm... well, it seems it is time to make an exit. I'm not going to be able to discover who the murderer responsible for removing the protective layer off the Mad World painting if I was discovered since I got here. Perhaps I should check elsewhere before a curator gets sent after me... Now where is the hall of paintings? *comes out of table, and casually searches for an exit*
No. 858419 ID: 87a124
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No. 858440 ID: ae9b99

Thoughts: ...weird, I think I must be desensitized at this point if I can't feel any remorse, panic, or fear over this situation at this point. Might as well go with the flow

thoughts: hm, last I checked, I'm still linked through Lorence through here. So I believe you can hear my thoughts, Lorence.

Thoughts: I know you don't want to listen, but I just want to ask one thing that might tickle your curiosity: your mentor said cera saw "them", as in plural, instead of using terms like "a voice" or "she" or "her" when referencing any voice. However, according to Falafaf, she was using singular terms, as she claimed there was only one voice, which is of course yours truly: me. Why would there be a lie such as that? I don't see why Falafaf would say there was just one voice when she could just as well say there was multiple voices for the same result. For what reason would she have to lie about that.

thoughts: Plus if Cera truly saw the voices, or rather, a voice, wouldn't she have immediately warned you about it Lorence? Seems fishy to me. If Falafaf is correct about there being only one voice and not multiple voices, then Either Cera is lying, which I don't think she would have a reason to, or your mentor is lying, as he was not here during Cera's intrusion, and is using this opportunity to have you harm the one you love...

thoughts: I don't know, thats just my two cents *shrug* *whispers* If you want, you can give Cera a quick call while I hide again, and ask her just how many voices she saw, if she saw any at all. Maybe without her mask so you can see if your mentor starts talking to her through her eyes or something. But whatever you do, do it soon, tick tock, Lorence, we've all got things to do, and not enough time to do it.

No. 858550 ID: 87a124
File 151603092575.jpg - (646.52KB , 1748x2480 , A place where I go to fuck myself 183.jpg )

No. 858579 ID: ae9b99

thoughts: ok. *shrug* Well what a shame that is. When I saw you, I thought you were someone who was wise, intimidating, a man with great control and respect, and able to think for himself. but unfortunately, in the end, your mentor is right. You're nothing more than another sheep, no different from the other cross ash members. Not knowing what to do, lost, afraid, and needing the dogs to scare you in position even if you are overly stressed and put in danger, and a shepard telling you what to do without questioning or researching the true intentions.

thoughts: Actually, no, I was wrong. Your Shepard see's you more of a black sheep Lorence, a very abnormal creature among the herd of sheep, trying to please to the point of obsession. Let me explain. A very reliable source at the time with their cute little hand puppets had told me that Andrew sees your actions of trying so hard to please him as... very abnormal. When I was told this, it made his actions when first met him make a lot a sense.

thoughts: Here is what I mean, we were once given a chance to kill the following members in the cult which we refused: the diamond Delilah, the heart Clara, the spade Lester, the joker Wild Cat... and you, the club Lorence. Want to know who it was that gave us that opportunity to possibly off you? Your mentor Andrew. He put you in a group of people he sees as garbage. to put in perspective, you were put in the same category with Delilah even, which I was told was his most hated follower.

thoughts: In many respects, you're kind of like Ana, very scared, confused, stressed, and constantly trying to please us, and for the most part follow our advice without question. Heck, I'm sometimes finding myself trying to get her to think for herself, and not be a puppet to anyone, including myself.

thoughts: Well, knowing you, despite what I said, I suppose you'll take my message with a grain of salt and just ignore me. That said, I already know you'll most likely kill Falafaf here and give up on possible happiness for a life of stress, and constantly questioning how sinful you are and wondering if you can be a changed man like you were here. With that, I say, go ahead and kill her, and prove my hypothesis that you are nothing more than a scared little black sheep.

*was thinking about warning Falafaf by pointing at the knife behind Lorence's back and crossing her thumb across her neck, but decides against it*

*sits and relaxes at an empty chair with feet on the table*
No. 858584 ID: 3583d1

*through thought link with fortune*
If you get Falafaf killed I’m not gonna forgive you, and I doubt the one eyed lover boy will either.
No. 858595 ID: ae9b99

*upon hearing that, right eye burns a little. Covers up eye in response*

inner thoughts: it's not like me to get angered like that. Especially towards a friend. It is important I stay calm and neutral here, despite what people say or do to me, friend or enemy.

*uncovers eye once burning stops and sits back in her original calm position*
No. 858610 ID: 87a124
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No. 858625 ID: ae9b99

thoughts: *shrugs* Falafaf said she was fascinated by his struggles, but honestly, I don't really care about her reasoning as to why she loved him.

thoughts: but it seems like you have the wrong idea of why I was staying silent and not doing anything other than observe. I'll tell you this though, I wasn't playing the role of cupid for this couple and help them fall in love at all. Hell, it wasn't really my intention to enter this date, as I wanted to do something else in this dimension. I honestly don't care whether they fall in love or not, nor was I expecting a good outcome. In fact, I was expecting the worst, and I wasn't disappointed. I had a more important goal in mind with my actions despite the outcome, and I'd say I got some things out of it.

thoughts: Anyway, I don't really feel like talking to you after you called me "nothing", and I don't even know who you are or why you are here. If you've come here to laugh at what you think is a failure of mine, go ahead and waste your time doing so. As for me, I've got important things to do right now.
No. 858764 ID: 87a124
File 151611215307.jpg - (1.52MB , 1748x2420 , A place where I go to fuck myself 185.jpg )

This song contains spoilers for the Doki Doki Literature Club

No. 858791 ID: ae9b99

thoughts: quite literally splitting from what I can see. I think that means your switch has been turned on to kick me out of this dimension if you are who I think you are. I recognize the clothing.

thoughts: *smiles* If that is the case, I think it means our conversation is over and a fun little game of hide and seek, or a game of tag is about to begin. Forgive me for taking a head-start. I still have something to do in this dimension, and I'm not about to be kicked out of it.

*flies away off to the next room.*
No. 858800 ID: 87a124
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No. 858806 ID: ae9b99

thoughts: roll with the punches, not give a shit, and not take things seriously. Goodbye.
No. 859215 ID: 87a124
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No. 859227 ID: ae9b99

*sounds of a drum rimshot echos in her head*

inner thoughts: It seems the Venus flytrap has opened his mouth.

thoughts: ...do your worst.
No. 859238 ID: 87a124
File 151624428279.jpg - (34.50KB , 622x287 , A place where I go to fuck myself 188.jpg )

No. 867360 ID: b473ab
File 151859483131.jpg - (1.61MB , 1880x2744 , A place where I go to fuck myself 189.jpg )


Happy valentines day everyone!
No. 867368 ID: 3583d1

*Shade is hidden and no where to be seen*

*inner thoughts*

Well then... Quite a development...

Alright then... I'll leave this one alone for a while.
No. 867370 ID: 3583d1

*Pauses on her way out the door*

*Inner thoughts*
Did he really just compare himself to the biggest monster there is...?

Buddy, you've got a long way to go there. I knew him, fought along side him, seen him LITERALLY DROWN people in blood. You've got nothing on him.
No. 867380 ID: 318377

Forgot to italicize these, but yeah scarresd was in an invisible shade form and couldn’t be seen by them, and she only thought her words, she didn’t speak them out loud just clearing that up
No. 867818 ID: b473ab
File 151873368846.jpg - (886.79KB , 1748x1522 , A place where I go to fuck myself 190.jpg )

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