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855185 No. 855185 ID: ec2a5f

112 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 857334 ID: 91ee5f

Pull it under the water and hold it there until it stops moving!
No. 857335 ID: e17697

pull at an angle, it should get the tongue to unstick
No. 857354 ID: 1f4fbd

No. 857368 ID: de6d84

Swim in a circle and swing the bat into a wall.
No. 857474 ID: 08f2b7

Consume the bat. You can do it. I believe in you.
No. 857514 ID: cc5f4f

Pull it underwater.
No. 857561 ID: 094652

... Add sharp teeth to the list. AND a strong jaw. Not sure which should go first.
No. 857563 ID: 50d32d

No. 857751 ID: 874821

wrap your tongue around its neck and pull down, deep down!
No. 857990 ID: ec2a5f
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That's right, land-things can't breathe water like you! You decide to stick it out and turn this creature into food.

Unfortunately, you are not strong enough to overpower it nor agile enough to get it wrapped up in your tongue.

The bird breaks free of the water and tries to fly away, but you are too big and heavy for it to carry! It flaps frantically for a while, but you hold your ground (water?). If nothing else, you can tire it out.
No. 857991 ID: ec2a5f
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Suddenly, the bird dives at you and bites into your fin with its nasty little teeth!

No. 857992 ID: ec2a5f
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> Consume the bat. You can do it. I believe in you.

You feel a wave of motivation wash over you. YOU ARE A BRAVE GOLDFISH AND YOU CAN DO THIS

The animal's flapping weakens as it tires out. You swim underwater, an inch at a time.

The bird (bat?) starts hacking and coughing as its head dips below water. Eventually it ceases to resist.
No. 857993 ID: ec2a5f
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Whew, that was close! You're now a tad injured and will swim even slower until it heals. The struggle has made you extra hungry, but unfortunately you can’t figure out how to eat the bat-creature!

You turn to an easier food source: soft mushrooms. You're able to grab the remaining mushrooms with your tongue and gobble them all up. You notice that every time you evolve, it takes more and more food to satisfy your hunger! However, you think you've eaten enough mushrooms to manage 2 evolutions. Some way to eat the bird would be a good start, but the possibilities are endless!

No. 857994 ID: 094652

Evolve Strong Teeth
Evolve Improved Stomach
Eat Bat
Evolve Secondary Respiratory System [Oxygen-Nitrogen based] (do NOT discard original respiratory system )
No. 857995 ID: 33cbe7

Get bigger. Evolve split jaw to consume larger prey whole.
No. 857996 ID: cc5f4f

Evolve teeth. Evolve jaw.

((I was thinking darkvision, but it's probably still a tad early.))
No. 858006 ID: 3ce125

Can't we fit the toothy mouth all into one evolution?

For a second evolution I'd suggest stronger fins.
No. 858024 ID: 91ee5f

This sounds good!
No. 858034 ID: 9876c4

This sounds on point.
No. 858036 ID: d1f2e5

Strong jaw
Strong fins
No. 858086 ID: 3abd97

Supporting this, evolve a toothy maw, then eat the bat.

You turned it into food, you get to eat it!
No. 858127 ID: f97b68

Grow a strong jaw and retractable teeth.
No. 858128 ID: f97b68

(retractable so we dont end up biting off our tongue)
No. 858210 ID: 45aab1

Strong jaws and improving STRENGTH should hopefully set you up well to eat the rest of the flappy things and the lumpy animal. If you're lucky you'll be able to evolve some more and take your first steps onto land.
No. 858215 ID: f66698

I'm going to suggest teeth and increased strength, which should be good enough to eat it.
No. 858242 ID: ce19bd

Armored scales and teeth?
No. 858458 ID: ec2a5f
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First thing's first, you need a CHOMPIER MOUTH. Your jawbones strengthen and a set of sharp teeth poke through. SNIKT!

You consider further improvements to your jaw, but for now you think you would rather GET STRONGER.

You flex your fins as they grow in size. You are now a SWOLEFISH- you mean, strong goldfish. You feel ready to take on anything. Or at least, most things which are smaller than you.
No. 858459 ID: ec2a5f
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You take a moment to regard your surroundings. The two other bats have fled into the dark hole above you. Based on the amount of agitated screeching, you estimate that there are MANY MORE TASTY FOODS awaiting you there. Unfortunately, the cave-in is blocking your path through the water, and it is really quite dark. Also, multiple bats might present a greater risk to your health than just one.

You can't see the lumpy creature from here, so it might have hopped away. There is still a new area to explore farther down the tunnel.

But first, it's feast time! You begin to eat the bat. ITS FLESH IS SO DELICIOUS GRAR RAR RAR

It seems that animals give you a lot more energy than non-animals. In fact, you feel like you've gained an additional 2 EVOLUTIONS from the bat!

No. 858461 ID: c31aac

Let's get some incredibly pointless fish hands and a bigger brain
No. 858462 ID: a76a2b

Get some LUNGS so you can try this air breathing thing everyone like so much and BECOME LONG. The basis of all locomotion is slithering.
No. 858463 ID: a76a2b

Oh and explore the new area. Too many bats seems scary.
No. 858465 ID: 3ce125

Can we evolve regeneration or something? Not sure how limited this evolution stuff is.

For now, some sturdier scales would be good. Things are going to start fighting back so some defenses would be nice. Being LONGER could help with locomotion as well.

Then we should head towards the light while staying in the water. No need to go on land just yet.
No. 858467 ID: 91ee5f

No. 858471 ID: f66698

No. 858478 ID: c8da98

A set of oxygen breathing lungs would be wonderful, but keep your ability to breath underwater as this is your natural advantage.
No. 858479 ID: 9b80a5

become a long danger noodle, with land lungs but don't get rid of the water breathing
No. 858495 ID: 7579d8

How about a friend in the form of a second head?
No. 858496 ID: 7579d8

Also some of what >>858461 says. A pair of hands not arms where our pectoral fins should be.
No. 858503 ID: 9876c4

Longfish is less cute :C

secondary respirtory, regen, and scales sound all good.
No. 858516 ID: 0d1514

LESS WEAKASS FINS and SPEED jump at the stupid birds
No. 858520 ID: 094652

Evolve Redundant organs - like brains.

You also need a set of lungs - more energy from breathing oxygen so you can use further evolution with better results.
No. 858521 ID: 3ce125

Well, "speed" would accomplish much the same thing without needing to be longer. I'd be ok with that.
No. 858522 ID: d15dbf

gain REGENERATING POWERS and MORE tentacles under your body to improve your DEXTERITY with ITEMS
No. 858534 ID: 92cd99

Gaining land-breathing in addition to water-breathing sounds like a solid idea.
Perhaps tougher skin, like a shell or thick scales that let you keep your moisture on the inside for longer.

With your swole fins this would let you wriggle across land for decent amounts of time without dying.
No. 858540 ID: d36af7

Oxygen Storage (for operation out of water, or in deoxygenated water), and a Bioluminescent Forehead Dongle (for luring in prey and navigating in dark tunnels).

Also, if we're going to get into more fights, maybe armor plating should be considered?
No. 858549 ID: 46efeb

Regen + Intellegence
No. 858633 ID: 3abd97

Supporting regeneration for our goldfish's evolution.
No. 858685 ID: 90124d

Regeneration and Intelligence

Two most important things ever. Even low level regen would be great, we'd wouldn't die by being left to die by the many humans who waste food.
No. 858704 ID: cc5f4f

Regeneration and armor. I'm also good for intelligence.

I know we're gonna get air breating later, but would evolving lungs include an epiglottis? We don't want water to simply flow into our windbag.
No. 859242 ID: de6d84

Definitely regeneration.
No. 859261 ID: 094652

I dunno, regeneration needs to be re-upgraded with evolution points to keep it functional as you use new DNA strands and the genetic complexity exponentiates. If it were that easy, large predators would re-grow their lost limbs over a matter of weeks.
No. 859316 ID: ec2a5f
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Your stare vacantly at the wall for who knows how long, as many thoughts run through your head that you aren't intellectually equipped to handle. However you do hear two ideas a lot: AIR BREATHING and REGENERATION. It seems that at this level of intelligence, you will just go with whatever the most popular choice in your head is.

POP! Two little nostrils open up on your nose. You wiggle up onto land with your new sickass fins to test it out. COUGH COUGH COUGH BLERGHHH you cough up a bunch of water and gasp in a breath of - air! It works!

You notice there is a little flappy thing in your throat that lets you switch between water and air breathing, depending on your environment.

Your REGENERATION evolution is less dramatic, but your fin hurts less already so it seems like something good is happening there!

Your stomach rumbles and you nibble halfheartedly at the mushroom nubs. No, not enough food there :(
No. 859317 ID: ec2a5f
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As tasty as that bat was, you don't think you can climb up the rocks to make it into their home.

You decide to investigate the new lighted area. To your right, the tunnel continues on into darkness. There is a light source farther along that seems to be moving.
No. 859319 ID: ec2a5f
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To your left, the tunnel continues on into darkness. There are a few more land-mammals gathered around something.
No. 859320 ID: ec2a5f
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The three creatures are nibbling at some discarded human food. Each of them is about the same size as the bat, and therefore is food! They do have some sharp-looking fangs. You wonder how you can get one without spooking the others...
No. 859326 ID: 91ee5f

I think that’s the wrong picture.
No. 859330 ID: dc91a0

Watch out! In the darkness behind the strappy thing!
A demon lurks!
No. 859331 ID: d15dbf

Stay underwater and
CATCH tiny mammal with PREHENSILE TONGUE, use CHOMPERS to consume it underwater
Try to catch other small mammal but use STICKY TONGUE to throw it away from BIG SCARY BLACK THING IN DARKNESS to appease it and distract it while we bring STRANGE FOREIGN FOOD underwater with our TONGUE
If SCARY THING is AWAY attempt to reach WEIRD BIG THING near weird food
No. 859335 ID: 094652

Looks like there's another, larger hunter nearby. If you wait too long, they'll pounce on the thing and you'll lose them all. You'll have to make do with what you can catch now. Try to catch without getting the others to notice.

If you're eaten by the predator, just swim into its gullet and rip it open from the inside with your teeth. I don't think it will realize you have teeth.

Also, whatever they're eating, you can eat (apparently). Plan your next evolution to grab the food in that box. Maybe a stronger tail so you can jump high enough to thwack it with your tongue.
No. 859341 ID: 3ce125

Wait until the bigger sneaky thing does something. Maybe you'll be able to pick off one of the smaller prey as they scatter.
No. 859359 ID: 33cbe7

Until you learn how to walk well, air breathing should probably only be used to cross between ponds. Go back to the dark end of the channel.
No. 859364 ID: d36af7

Haven't got enough brain for advanced tactics yet. Just grab whichever rat is closest to the water, then worry about the rest after you're done killing and eating that one.
No. 859369 ID: 45aab1

The thing in the darkness will grab one but the other two will flee towards you! See if you can kill one immediately, grab the other with your tongue and pull them both into the water.
No. 859391 ID: a2bf4b
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OOPS you are such a silly fish, that is most definitely not the light source you were talking about. Here's what you saw
No. 859393 ID: 91ee5f

That looks like a human that’s coming towards us. Maybe it’s the owner of this backpack: >>859320 ?
No. 859416 ID: de6d84

Do a fish jump near the rats and aim for the closest one
No. 859509 ID: 0d1514

Tongue one and then fall into the water. Foolproof plan!
No. 859740 ID: 3abd97

There's a big not-food hiding in the back!

GTFO, you are not food and will not be eaten.
No. 860105 ID: 526564

Go towards the rats.
No. 860148 ID: 68550e

Revealing yourself to the rats might not be good, something else is near them.
No. 860845 ID: ec2a5f
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> Watch out! In the darkness behind the strappy thing! A demon lurks!

Wait. YOU know what that thing is, that's a cat!! You had one of those back home. Your human always got upset when she tried to play with you….

You consider waiting to see how what the cat does. But if it spooks the little furry creatures, you might not be fast enough to hit a moving target.

One of the scritchy things perks up its ears. NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! It's standing close enough to the edge….
No. 860846 ID: ec2a5f
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Not as subtle as you had hoped.
No. 860848 ID: ec2a5f
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You drag the creature back into the water with you. This time, you're able to use your teeth to hold on to it. The scritchy thing struggles but you've got a good grip at the back of its neck so it can't turn around to bite you.
No. 860849 ID: ec2a5f
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You look up and see the cat. She does not look happy.
No. 860850 ID: 33cbe7

Dive, dive, dive! When you come back up maybe you'll be big enough to eat the cat too.
No. 860852 ID: 91ee5f

Dice under the water to drown your prey and swim away to escape the cat!
No. 860854 ID: 094652

Just swim for now! If she pounces, release the rat and go for her little legs!
No. 860856 ID: cc5f4f

No. 860870 ID: d36af7

Bite down hard and use your brawny fins to oscillate. If that succeeds in breaking the rat's neck, drop the corpse and free up your mouth for fighting in self-defense, maybe even scoring additional kills. You can go back to eat it after the immediate fight's over.
No. 860953 ID: adb0d6

Dive with the rat facing the creature incase in tries to swipe you.
No. 860980 ID: f97b68

lets hope this scritchy thing isnt super floaty and do a dive as fast as we can.
No. 862088 ID: dc91a0

Cats hate water. You're golden.
Do watch out for humans though. I thought I saw one earlier.
No. 862243 ID: de6d84

Collide with creature and eat a leg
No. 862974 ID: ec2a5f
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You dive with your prey as quickly as you can.

Unfortunately for you, SEWER CATS CAN SWIM!!
No. 862975 ID: ec2a5f
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Thinking fast, you shake the scritchy thing vigorously. You hear a SNAP and it stops resisting.

You drop the dead food and get ready to- aaAAAHHH the cat claws the left side of your face and grabs the food before you can muster an attack.
No. 862976 ID: ec2a5f
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How dare you that is MY FOOD!!!

You grab onto the cat's foot as it turns its back to you.
No. 862977 ID: ec2a5f
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The cat yowls in pain, dropping the food.

It kicks its foot hard and you lose your grip, and a few teeth in the process.

You go flying and hit a wall before slamming into the ground. Oof… You're hurt, but nothing that won't heal!
No. 862978 ID: ec2a5f
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The cat dashes off into the darkness, trailing blood. Looks like she wasn't willing to put up a fight for the food. What a scaredy-cat!!

However, you've been punted to the other side of the sewer, and it seems that the human has been alerted by the commotion.

The human is probably too far away to see what's going on, but starts to approach. You can tongue the food from here, but as of now you are not a very fast eater.
No. 862983 ID: 094652

Quick, Tongue the box and pull to move yourself and the box with the food into the water! Then stick to the bottom and wait for the human to pass.
No. 862989 ID: 45aab1

Crawl into the water with your strong fins and wait for a little bit. If you're lucky the food will attract more food after the human leaves!
No. 862992 ID: d36af7

Tongue the box, crawl behind it, hide inside the backpack. With luck, the human will carry it off, and once they let down their guard you'll have the chance to feast on the flesh of those who thought to discard you.
No. 862995 ID: 33cbe7

Tongue the food and pull so you both fall into the river.
No. 863018 ID: 91ee5f

>Not in water.
Good thing we got AIR BREATHING earlier!

>You can tongue the food from here, but as of now you are not a very fast eater.
Tongue the food and pull it into the water, not to yourself. Then use your fins to drag yourself into the water. Then grab the food and swim away.
No. 863160 ID: c8da98

Counter idea: Tongue the ceiling, and swing across to the food. Then, drag food into backpack and start eating. Chances are the human might take us with them. If that happens we just get a giant meal once it falls asleep.
No. 863174 ID: 3ce125

Interesting idea!
No. 863181 ID: 91ee5f

Interesting, but too risky.

We’re nowhere near strong enough to kill a human before it can overpower us to stop us from killing it and then it kills us.
No. 863960 ID: c31aac

...yeah fuggit lets do it
No. 863980 ID: 094652

That would be weird enough to pique the human from "oh hey look a dying goldfish should I push it back into the water or just stomp on it" to "OMG FROGOLDFISH GOTTA CATCH IT GONNA BE RICH". Whatever action it takes, it has to get you in the water in one turn, or the human won't brush it off and figure they're hallucinating frogs as goldfish.
No. 863981 ID: de6d84

Why not.
No. 866257 ID: cb585b

Swing yourself into the Human's face, stun it, and hopefully knock it into the water, keep it down, drown that Human. Consume and enjoy~
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