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872651 No. 872651 ID: a039ca

Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest
QuestDis: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/81802.html
Previous Chapter: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/784829.html
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No. 873218 ID: 555f33

>"The advocate program got me laid! I have to pay it forward!"

There's a hell of a tagline.
B and E are really good options
No. 873228 ID: 1a8bd6

B and E. If we have time for another right after, then, from highest priority to lowest, D (preventing a gang war just by sitting around), C (just one nutcase, but you never know....), and A (can hopefully fend and figure things out for himself without TOO much incident).
No. 873234 ID: de15e2

A! It might help him to see a well adjusted oculot as well
No. 873235 ID: 67d5dc

B is my favorite, assuming we have the knowledge/ability to actually fix it.

A sounds fun as a reader and to make friends.

C sounds like a 911 call, not us.

D is... didn't Bika tell us to stay out of the Skut mafia stuff? it's either really serious or something we shouldn't be doing.
No. 873236 ID: 6ae5c0

A, because it seems like one it'd be handy to have Krin along for.
No. 873238 ID: 555f33

Oh the goal of B isn't to fix anything, it's to convince the landlord to stop being a bigot or at least do their job.
No. 873239 ID: 8c3774

B sounds like the most important. I think we can call in a few favors?

Also E, c'mon. Maybe with a little F:Hold her a bit.
No. 873240 ID: 6ae5c0

Come to think of it, have we publicly held hands with anyone else? Maybe with Bika? I'm not sure if it's the wisest thing to do leading into 3/4 of our choices. Krin might have had her own reasons to change her mind, too. If we're going to do that then just conspicuously leave the hand where she can take it if she wants, don't grab hers.
No. 873241 ID: 555f33

Sorry to reply twice but I missed what you said about c the first time. It's important to remember that we cannot bring the police into Visitor conflicts if we don't want to make things way worse for them. Cops have a bad track record with Visitors.
No. 873242 ID: 5f2b81


I wouldn't hold her hand. We're pretty encumbered with emotionally-invested relationships as it is, and personally, life has taught me to be a little more cautious and circumspect with who I let into my heart than maybe I'd want to be. We barely know her. Let's keep hanging out and see how that grows.
No. 873245 ID: bd5022

No. 873256 ID: c3ef5e

happy midhround, arm on shoulder
No. 873257 ID: 582b42

B with E on the way.

Make sure to let her know that you don't mind if she holds your hand. I kinda feel that while helping the Oculot would be nice, I feel like someone who's home is slowly getting destroyed is a little more pressing.
No. 873273 ID: c88e6d


We really need to help this fresh adjustee.
No. 873366 ID: 9aca35

B seems like the way to go, it's something that really needs something done about it and team ZacKrin can reasonably do it.
No. 873399 ID: a039ca
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"There's an Oculot who's fresh out of the portal and apparently having a rough time adjusting." You take her hand and pretend not to notice the blush that performs an immediate hostile takeover of her cheeks. "Old aristocracy. We're going to take him on his very first trip to the grocery store."
No. 873401 ID: a039ca
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No. 873402 ID: a039ca
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When he notices you come into the barebones studio, the Oculot who scored the hit raises one gloved hand to his sparring partner and they both lower their poleaxes.
"Gzhaszi zai shzassinzif ku gjza," he says.
"Hza. OK. Hello, Human." He unmasks as he approaches you. "You are bedmate of Dutchesj. Famous man Zack Zomething, yez?"
You extend a hand to shake. "That's m--"
"You are advocate?"
"That's right. I hear you need some help with groceries."
"Zo you hear. I zee. OK. Aha." He favors Krin with a quick smile. "Junstjelic fj," he says. "Bzisj ku szzujna."
Krin blushes again a little. "Krinstezj Sulesso fj," she says.
"Sulesso!" His hairy brows unknot. "You are poet-heartmate?"
"Not quite."
"Ah! Poet-daughter."
"And you're Junstjelic Hygian, right? The polist?"
He stands a little straighter. "I am yes that man. You are also advocate?"
"Uh." Krin fidgets. "Sort of."
"You are bedmate of Zack."
No. 873418 ID: bb78f2

English tip, saying boyfriend or girlfriend or dulamad will probably lead to less blushing and stuttering.
No. 873419 ID: d887c0

Yes, she is. And we're happy to have her.
No. 873423 ID: 33cbe7

Forgive me if I'm not versed on the finer points of discussing one's dulabira in polite company.
No. 873459 ID: 4f78c3

Forgive me, but I'm still pretty new to discussing dulabiras. Krin and I met recently, and we just sort of clicked.
No. 873469 ID: d887c0

>less blushing and stuttering
But it's so cute, tho.
No. 873475 ID: c7bda0

This reminds me, we still haven't introduced her to Poly properly yet, have we?
No. 873488 ID: d887c0

Let's not bog the quest thread down with discussion.
No. 873502 ID: 555f33

Yeah this sounds good.
No. 873518 ID: f3fe9b

Something like this, so long as it's clear we're not being a smart-ass.

In any case, Krin's lived on earth most (all?) of her her life, She's almost certainly got the perspective needed to help.
No. 873523 ID: 56e50f

Important stipulation. This guy is used to being pampered, let's not offend just yet.
No. 873627 ID: b58ed4

C-can we learn how to do that?
No. 873672 ID: c88e6d

It would be more socially acceptable in English to say Dulamad. Otherwise she'll cutely blush and stutter.
No. 873676 ID: d887c0

I agree with these.
We don't want to anger this guy, so maybe we should avoid patronizing him?
He's old aristocracy.
Quite possibly VERY old aristocracy.
Short tempers and big egos are part of the package.
Being respectful and deferential will get us far here.
No. 873688 ID: 8e8422


We just walked in on him practicing some sort of fighting style, we can probably credit him with being at least a bit tough. He's a guy who willingly came to earth, after all, and he's from a class who would have some knowledge what that means, he had to know he was stepping down lifestyle-wise. Besides, look at that beard.
No. 873742 ID: 2fe26a

Just wink at him.
No. 873946 ID: d887c0

Check your non-cycloptic privilege!
No. 874116 ID: 2120ee

Who isn't?
No. 874513 ID: 417353

He could also have a more “Warrior” mentality. The point is we dont know him yet. Lets go with the good old zacky charm and stick to being honest and open.

Definately a “bedmate”.
No. 874561 ID: 9876c4

"We all have our poles to swing."
No. 874969 ID: d887c0

I'd just like to add that this guy probably resents humans. We may want to tailor our behavior to account for that.
No. 874973 ID: a70f54

Well, one thing I might suggest is that we ask him for some sort of minor favor or assistance. It's probably pretty wearing on someone's pride for a stranger to descend from on high to offer them help out of the kindness of their hearts because they're so pitiful, and honestly both warriors and oculots, high-class oculots at least, don't seem like they accept charity easily. So if we can think of some small thing to ask of him, and then offer some small assistance in return, it might make this more comfortable for him.

We'd have to think of something that seems plausible, though. My first thought is to ask him for advice to help with your oculot girlfriends, but that would be sort of crass and Krin's standing right there. Maybe ask him for advice for your relationship with your warrior girlfriend? That would be a sly implied compliment, that we'd be assuming he has experience with warrior girls, and would play to more of a non-warrior camaraderie. Then we clarify that we want tips on "getting" warrior culture better.

We also probably shouldn't start off by just directly correcting him on word usage.
No. 875117 ID: 555f33

This is pretty condescending, honestly. It's a think veiled attempt to manipulate him and since we don't know anything about his personality he might just see through it.
No. 875139 ID: c31aac

guys we're just taking him to the supermarket


"So, where's your shopping list? What are we after today?"
No. 875149 ID: 2e22fa

This, honestly. It also saves Krin from answering any more questions.
No. 875151 ID: 91ee5f

No. 875157 ID: 4c4337

The most direct and polite solution is always the best.
No. 875158 ID: b1a25a

Yea, this.
No. 875190 ID: 555f33

Exactly. I'd still like some small talk, but we don't need to psycho-analyze him.
No. 877127 ID: 1cbc9a


Yeah this sounds good, honestly. His remark wasn't even addressed to us.
No. 880106 ID: 2ab55b

"ANYWAY! Yes. We're here to assist you with your shopping. Did you have a particular store in mind or would you like some suggestions?"
No. 885050 ID: d1486a

On one part, we have to help him socialize.Being royalty means he has never had the need to address any non-oculot as an equal (he could or couldn't have had personally, but all races bow to oculots instinctively).

On the other part, he's fresh from the portal and we don't want to offend him.

Ultimately we're here to help him learn how to buy groceries, so we should give him a respectful tour of American Freedom(maybe invite him to some burger and fries? is Tesla burger near?)
No. 885708 ID: 1118b5

Honestly kind of deflect it without getting defensive. Like pull out a new topic
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