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894346 No. 894346 ID: 209e03

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/The_Plagued_Doctor
89 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 895735 ID: eeb7d9

Oh alright then, thanks mate.
No. 895746 ID: b1b4f3

No it isn't. That is a file meant for use on metal. Nail files are much smaller and shaped differently. We can, in fact, use it on the chains. It'll just take a long time.

Read that note, then search the room a bit further. Perhaps there's something under the bed or behind the dresser?
No. 895769 ID: 209e03
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Upon closer inspection, it is indeed a metal file. Although, I suppose you could file your nails on this if you were desperate enough. And yeah, this’ll probably get through the chains, but at an agonizingly slow rate.

A quick once-over reveals the rest of the room to be devoid of any other secrets.

>Look At Note
Sure. Most of it looks scribbled over, but there’s a readable part in the middle.
No. 895770 ID: 209e03
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“...And so the great father poured of the tainted elixir of life into the veins of the earth. And from the earth he molded a temple of life. And he lit a fiery passion into it and breathed it to life with a name. And so the great father created the sixth and final child. And he named her ‘Lelahel’.”

This “key” fucking sucks. Also it looks more like a page ripped from a religious book than a note.
No. 895775 ID: 094652

Oh great, they have their own scripture.

Well, go to the door and just say "Lelahel".
No. 895776 ID: b1b4f3

Okay, the pantry went dark or whatever when the bear escaped. I'm thinking there's a secret passage in there.
No. 895779 ID: eeb7d9

Well, it is still better than nothing. Give the metal file to teh guard so he can free the girl.
I think we need more people here before we free that woman. Lots of more people. Let's keep searching the place for more clues.
No. 895886 ID: 209e03
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A closer look at the sealed door doesn’t reveal anything new. I’ve never seen a seal like this one before.

Well, I suppose it’s worth a try. I’ve worked with seals and barrier magic before. They’ll typically unlock with a “key” in the form of a word or phrase with a little magic to give it some power.



Maybe I’m missing something? Oh well, I’d better get back to Horace and the kid.
No. 895887 ID: 209e03
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I already checked the pantry. As far as I can tell, there’s no way that bear could have escaped concrete.

Holy shit it’s even darker than before. And where the hell is Horace? Evellyn doesn’t seem in too much discomfort at least.

>”OW! Dammit.”

“Horace, you there?”
>”Yeah, I’m over here,” yells Horace from near the entrance, “Doc, you’re gonna want to see this.”
No. 895888 ID: 209e03
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“Horace what are you doing the door’s locked.”
>”Well no shit doc, that’s the problem.”
“Have you tried running into it multiple times?”
>”Please tell me you have some good news.”
No. 895892 ID: b1b4f3

Ok let's follow the note a bit more thoroughly.
Tainted elixir of life into the earth, mold earth into a temple, light it with fire then breathe life into it with a name.
Sounds like you need to take the blood from the infected, mix it with dirt, mold it into some kind of shape and cook it in the oven, then use the name to finish making your key.

Relighting the oven is a high priority right now though, it's the only light source.
No. 895902 ID: 91ee5f

Tell him that you found a metal file that can be used to saw through the girl’s chains, but it’s going to take forever to do that.

Ask him what happened?

>Relighting the oven is a high priority right now though, it's the only light source.
Luckily there’s still a candle upstairs and we’ve got plenty of wooden furniture down here.
No. 896173 ID: 209e03
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I can’t help but agree that this has got to be some strange form of directions for unlocking that door. However, I’m not sure if it’s meant to be taken as a literal recipe for a key, or if it's supposed to be representative as some kind of hint for something else. I have no idea how I would even find dirt in here. Either way, my previous statement still stands: this key fucking sucks.

We walk and talk back to the kitchen.
“I do. I found a file, so we’ll eventually be able to get Evelyn out. It’ll just… take a while.”
>”Any solution is better than none I guess.”
“So… what happened”
>”No idea. Evelyn and I were just waiting here, when all of a sudden the door closed. By the time I realized what happened, it was way too dark to see if there was anyone closeby that could have touched it.”
“Unkillable infected starting to sound more likely?”
>”More like you just did it wrong.”
“Are you questioning my ability to execute an unconscious infected host?”
>”Well you must’ve done something wrong. Cuz like I said, it’s impossible for any of them to survive vital organ damage, especially the brain.”
“I’ll be sure to consult you the next time. In the meantime, we should try working on heating up those ovens then.”
>”What, are you gonna bake us a meal?”
“Hilarious. No, but we could use the light in here.”
>”Alright, while I work on the chain, why don’t you figure out how to increase the flames?”
“Why me?”
>”Because you. Quit complaining and just do it, will ya?”

I give Horace the file and walk back out of the kitchen. Scattered around the area down here, I can count:
2x Pantry Doors
5x Tables
12x Chairs

Of course, I’ll have to break these things down into smaller pieces, not only so they can fit, but for some extra fuel in the near future. How should I go about doing that?
No. 896175 ID: eeb7d9

You must me in such a bad humor, so smashing things up might help. Start with the chairs, those break faster and you only have to smack them around. Hell, you can smash them into the exit door, might work.
No. 896180 ID: 094652

Yeah, bashing stuff against the locked doors until they break and using the wood scrap for fuel sounds about right.
No. 896196 ID: 91ee5f

Smash chairs against the door and tables.
No. 896232 ID: c49598

drag them up stairs and drop them.
No. 896484 ID: 209e03
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Got a drawing tablet, so illustrations from now on may appear different (and hopefully improved) from previous updates.


Okay, I’ll admit, I’m having a little bit of fun.

The door, however, seems to be a huge asshole and doesn’t look like it’s gonna budge. However, I’ve made a few notable marks and what looks like a few dents. At least now I know it’s not magically enchanted or anything. 8/12 chairs in and I’m exhausted. I just lug what I can back into a pile in the kitchen. I don’t really feel like running up the stairs just to toss a chair down, so I just lob one up to the second floor. I’m sure I’ll find a use for it.

>”Hey, thanks. That should last us a while. I’m maybe a quarter of the way done over here. You weren’t kidding about this taking an eternity. Oh yeah, I know you found that file and all, but how’s that whole barricaded woman upstairs situation going? You figure out a way to reach her yet?”
No. 896486 ID: b1b4f3

Tell him you have no idea where she's barricaded since there's a single room upstairs.

Or is there more than one room? Heck let's just assume we have no way of seeing whatever it is, and go up there and call out. She should be able to answer.
No. 896487 ID: 91ee5f

Go ahead and throw some wood into the fire before it gets completely dark.

>Oh yeah, I know you found that file and all, but how’s that whole barricaded woman upstairs situation going? You figure out a way to reach her yet?
Explain the situation with the door to him and the magic rune that’s keeping that woman from knocking down the door. Also tell him about the note you found on the desk that talks about that woman’s strength.

Then show him the page you found in a chest with that file and explain that’s supposed to be the key to releasing the magic on the door trapping the woman, but you can’t figure it out. Ask him if he can probably figure it out? And while he’s looking at that page, you take your turn at trying to free the girl from her chains.
No. 896488 ID: 91ee5f

There’s 2 rooms upstairs: >>894821 . The one on the left that we could go into and the one on the right the we can’t get into.

The woman is in the one on the right, according to the note we found: >>895220 .
No. 896489 ID: 094652

"It's no good! Whatever sorcery they're using to barricade the door, I can't get it open! Apparently, this stupid story on the paper I found has the password to unlock it, but the name of the heroine isn't it! I'll fuel the fire with these scraps, and then you get to work on reading the password hint!
No. 896541 ID: eeb7d9

Tell him what you have found until now, ask him what he makes of the riddle of the door.

Also, the drawing is looking good.
No. 896545 ID: b1b4f3

Oh. Let's just knock on the glowy door then.
No. 896575 ID: 209e03
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I toss a few broken chair legs into the furnaces as we speak. The embers spark back to life and gradually catch. Ah, the sweet relief of being able to see three feet in front of me.

“It’s no good. She’s locked behind a huge metal door that also has a magic rune sealing it shut. I did, however find a note in the room adjacent to hers,” at which I show Horace the note. “I’m not exactly sure who she is, but she’s important somehow. And who knows, we’re stuck here so we could use any help.”
>”And how do you know she’s still alive?” I can hear whimpering from around the stoves.
“Because the note makes it sound like they were trying to capture her. So I’m sure she’s fine.” I glance quickly at Evelyn as I speak the last part.
>”Okay… so what’s the plan to get her out?”
“Well according to the note, a key to the door is supposed to be in a chest upstairs along with the file. I found the file, but instead of a key for the door, I found this weird riddle.
>”A key in the form of a riddle?”
>”For the magically sealed metal door?”
>”Did the door have any visible locks?”
>Horace smirks, ”And you expected a physical key?”
“...Shut up and read.”
Horace takes the paper, and begins reading it out loud.

Evelyn suddenly perks up, “Oh! I know that story.”
No. 896576 ID: 209e03
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>”Yeah my mom used to read me that.”
“Your mother… read you scripture?”
>”Um, no. It’s an old folk story from our homeland.”
“Alright then, well do you have any idea how this could help us get your mother out?”
>”Um, when my mommy told me stories like this, she always quizzed me on my inta...intra...inter-interpretation! She says ‘sometimes things aren’t always easy to see, you need to look for the hidden meaning’ or something like that.” Gods, who is this child, and what kind of a mother does she have?
“How about you Horace?” Judging by his expression, he seems equally as surprised at Evelyn.
>“Um, yeah I guess I’d have to agree with Evelyn,” Horace begins pointing to various parts of the page, “See here? ‘Elixir of life’, ‘earthen temple of life’, ‘fiery passion’, ‘breathed to life with a name’. It sounds like the four elements water, earth, fire, and air. Perhaps a riddle in combining the four? If I were to guess, maybe the ‘elixir of life’ could be blood? Fiery passion sounds like magic, i dunno that’s your department, not mine. Maybe the ‘breathed to life with a name’ part refers to some spoken word or incantation? Again, I’m not a wizard, so I’m not certain. I don’t really know what a ‘temple of life’ is supposed to mean, though.”
No. 896577 ID: 094652

Smart woman. Unhinged, but smart.

You don't have whatever cultist tools are needed to create the key. Get Evelyn out before the infection worsens. Make it look like the door is damaged and won't open.
No. 896593 ID: eeb7d9

So it is either a key we have to make, or a frace we have to say in order to make the door open. If we take on acount what Horace said, we have most of the ingridients to make a key. If we get manage to get out, we can find the rest, and find help for Evelyn.

Should we keep smashing that door? We still have some things to hit that door with.
No. 896603 ID: 91ee5f

>make a key
I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to actually make a key. There’s gotta be something else about it.
No. 896840 ID: 209e03
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This helps me not at all. There are way too many possibilities, way too many variables, and a fucking crazed murder-bear on the loose hiding gods-know-where. As much as I’d hate to leave the kid’s mom behind, I think our best bet is to get Evelyn out of here now, and come back later more prepared. Gods, this day just keeps getting more complicated, how the hell am I supposed to explain this when I get back?

“Alright, I’m gonna go bang some more shi-er, stuff against the door. We can always come back with more people, but I’d like to get Evelyn out of here as soon as possible first. You think you can handle some more filing in the meantime?”
>”Well, actually if you don’t mind, I think I could go for a switch. Hands are starting to ache. Up to you, though. Also, I would like to take a quick look at that door upstairs. I know it would probably be safer if we all stuck to the same floor. But now that there’s two of us, if you’re willing to stay with Evelyn, I’d like to go see that door while we’re stuck in here.”

Ah hell, that’s right. There was so much stuff on my mind, I completely forgot to show Horace the sealed door. He’s met Evelyn, but I doubt he’s gonna be content without taking a look upstairs for himself. He has a point with our numbers, but we still have no idea where R’omakh is lurking, not that horace even believes the whole “surviving deady trauma” claim. Gods, he may even try to fight him. Then again, it’s just a quick look and back, and it’s not like we can’t call out to each other if we need help. And if he sees the seal, he may be inclined to trust us more.

What should we do?
No. 896843 ID: b1b4f3

Actually, considering the infected dude didn't bother the kid she's probably fine on her own. Why don't you both go upstairs?
No. 896844 ID: 91ee5f

Make sure he takes a burning chair leg as a makeshift torch so he can see where he’s going.

Then get to work filing away the kid’s chains.

I’m pretty sure the guard is going to refuse that idea.
No. 896884 ID: eeb7d9

I am fine with switching activities. This will give us the chance of talking with Evelyn, she might be able to tell us more information, and Horace can inspect the door himself. But insist that our priority is getting Evelyn out of here.
No. 897656 ID: 209e03
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>Both go upstairs
Yeah, I’d like to get through these chains as soon as possible, and gawking at stuff I’ve already seen doesn’t seem very productive. Besides, I don’t know what our infected friend is planning for with this kid, but I don’t want to leave her alone long enough to find out.

“Hey, that’s cool with me. But our top priority right now should be getting Evelyn out of here, not exploration.”
>Horace huffs, “Fine. I’ll get the front doors open now, but as soon as that’s done I want to take a look at that door. You better not have been lying to me about this.”
“Hey, I’ve already shown you Evelyn and the note. What more do you want?”
>Horace speaks as he hands me the file, “Have you even made sure the woman was still up there yourself?”


I rub the back of my head, “Well…”
>”Have you spoken to her?”
>”Have you even knocked?”
“Well the thought did occur to me.” I don’t like that stupid fucking face he’s making at me. “Alright, fine. Go check for yourself. But AFTER we get Evelyn out.”

Horace turns and makes his way back through the kitchen doorway, and I turn to Evelyn and start working on the chains. She fidgets every so often, and keeps looking around. I suspect she’s just anxious, I can’t blame her.

Aside from the crashing of furniture echoing from the front, and the slow scraping of the file, it’s dead quiet in here. Gods, I’m so bored.

>Talk with Evelyn
Wonderful Idea, that should ease the air. I suck at topics, though.

>What should we talk about?
No. 897664 ID: 094652

- What was life like, for her and her mother?
- Any more folk stories she could tell us?
- Ask how she and her mother were... captured.

That last one - make sure it lines up with the note.
No. 897675 ID: eeb7d9

Horace Goddamn it, we can't check the door because is magically locked. Sure, we could have knocked or call her, but that door is abnormal, we didn't wanted to deal with it until we know how it works. You can't just use comon sense with magic, this fucking "plague" isn't normal. Sheesh, this guy is way too casual about all this.
No. 898294 ID: 209e03
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“So Evelyn. You, uh, alright there?”
>”Um, yeah.”
“Well, this is gonna take a while. You think you’d be up to talk a bit while I work on the chain?”
>”Oh, uhm, sure Mr. Kassadin.”

“So what exactly happened here?”
>”Uhm okay. So my mommy and I came in here really early ‘cuz mommy knew the owner. Uhm, Mr. Taver… Tazer-Tazewhich! She wanted to talk with him alone so we came before the tavern opened. Then a bunch of people started banging on the door. Mr. Tazewhich hid me in the pantry while he and mommy went to go talk with them. Then I heard a lot of crashing and screaming. Then, a Formorian pulled me out of the locker.” Ah, that would be the bear. “He was with someone else, a human. Then he chained me here and they both went upstairs. I don’t know what happened to the human, though. I thought I heard yelling upstairs, but they never came back. Uhm, then you came.”

I can’t really find anything off with her story.
No. 898295 ID: 209e03
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>”Mr. Kassadin?”
>”Is… is my mommy gonna be okay?”
I slow my filing speed as I think aloud, “Well to be honest, things aren’t looking too good. Horace was right, it probably wouldn’t have hurt to check up on her while I was up there. But I made quite a ruckus while I was searching on my own, so for her to not hear me, or if she did, to not even try to get my attention somehow-” do I hear whimpering?
“-Uhh, but hey! I’m sure she’ll be fine. She could’ve just been sleeping, or maybe she didn’t hear me. It is a magically sealed door. It could be sound-proof.”

Holy fuck, I should’ve let Horace handle the kid.
No. 898296 ID: 209e03
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“Why don’t we talk about your mother? You seem to really look up to her.”
>Evelyn breaks into a big smile, “Oh yeah. Mommy’s the best! She’s super strong and smart and really pretty and teaches me a lot about the new places we go to and people and stuff.”
“Oh, so you’re not from here?”
>Evelyn shakes her head, “Nope! We’re Lumerians. Er, Rabbitfolk? Most of us come from the plains in Lumeria. We, uhm, travel a lot, my mommy and me.”
“Oh wow, sounds like a pretty exciting life. Don’t you think it’s a little dangerous to be traveling at such a young age, even with your mother?”
>”Nope! Mommy’s super strong, no one can beat her!” Recent developments urge me to disagree. “And I’m not weak either. I’m gonna be super strong just like her and have super cool magic too!” She jumps up and puffs out her cheeks and chest.
I hold up a hand, “Right, right, of course. Now come on, sit back down. I can’t work on this chain with you jumping all over the place.”
>”Eheheh, right, sorry” A real warrior princess, this one. At least she’s seems in a better mood now.
No. 898298 ID: 209e03
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Nice, almost through the chains. Take that Horace, you pansy-ass.

“You wouldn’t mind telling me more about some of your folk stories, would you? Just to pass the time.”
>Evelyn smiles, “Oh sure thing. Hmm, let’s see. I don’t really know too much about the Great Father, though. Mommy never really talked about it with me. Ooh okay, so this one is called “The Lumerian who called Gnoll…” Evelyn continues to share a bunch of children's stories, and doing her best to voice act when a character spoke. It would probably be cuter if we were anywhere else but here.

As Evelyn talks, I finish up cutting through her chains, and we sit together near the stovetop.
>”Then the Big Bad Gnoll said to Little Red Bunny Hood ‘Better to-‘“


>Horace yells from the front, “Got the door open! Doc get out here, bring Evelyn. Once I get you two out to the town square, I’m coming back here.”
No. 898315 ID: eeb7d9

Good work Horace, i am done with Evelyn's chains as well. I will bring her with me to see what we can do with her. When i am done, i will come back to give you a hand. I have the suspicion that this whole ordeal is deeper than we think and we need al the help we can get. Be careful, i think we are not dealing with the usual plague anymore. I am not sure, but being extra careful never hurts.
No. 898345 ID: 209e03

I just realized that "Little Red Rabbit Hood" sounds a lot better than "Little Red Bunny Hood".

I'm sorry for letting you all down.
No. 898645 ID: 209e03
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Evelyn and I dash through the tavern and out the front door. We continue running with Horace. Finally, we reach the clearing of the town square and we stop to catch our breath near a fountain. Looking back, it doesn’t look like we’ve been followed.

“Well that was an experience. Hey Horace, good work back there.” Horace grunts in response. Turning to examine Evelyn, she appears relatively unharmed.
>Horace stands straight and turns back towards the direction Tavern, “ Well Doc, it looks like you can handle the rest of this here on your own. I’ll…try to contact you again if I can find out anything.”
“Be careful back there Horace. I’ll get Evelyn checked in from here. You gonna be okay on your own back there? You want me to go get some help? We could probably use all the help we could get.”
>Horace doesn’t even turn around as he walks off, “Don’t worry about me Doc, just take care of Evelyn until I get back to ya. Besides, most of the guards and clerics are gonna be at the eastern side of town. Like I said, we’re just the skeleton crew. This likely won’t take long. Have at least a little faith in us guards. Oh, and do try not to fuck up with the whole ‘killing infected’ at the purge tonight. We’ve already had enough casualties as is. We don’t need more because someone forgot to check up on one of ‘em playin’ dead.”
“Hey wait, why not report to the higher ranking clerics?” I call out to him.
>Horace waves back, “I don’t like dealin’ with your shitty hierarchy. Also, you’re less annoying than most of the doctors I’ve had to deal with.” I think that was a compliment?

>”Bye Mr. Horace!” Evelyn cries out beside me.
>”Later Evelyn, keep the doc outta trouble willya?”
Oh, okay.

>This goes deeper than we think
I dunno about that. I don’t think we need to be so dramatic about this, but it’s definitely a strange time for a kidnapping attempt.

>Not normal plague
Yeah, I’d like to send a report about that bear as soon as possible. If I can convince the others that the infection may be evolving, we may be able to come up with a solution before it’s too late. But maybe Horace was right? It could’ve been some huge fluke that I messed up the angle or something back at the tavern and the brain wasn’t as damaged as I thought. No, but I stabbed right through to the top of his skull. Man, just thinking about it is giving me a headache.

>Go back and give Horace a hand.
No. 898646 ID: 209e03
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No. 898647 ID: 209e03
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No. 898648 ID: 209e03
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Perhaps you‘re mistaking me for someone like Horace. I’ve risked my life more than enough today, and as much as I’d love to go fighting a possible invincibear, and partake in some grand quest uncovering a hidden, lizard illuminati conspiracy, I’d much rather leave this situation to the other clerics and guards who: have anti-magic, are more willing to blindly run into their deaths, and most importantly of all, don’t have a little girl they need to babysit.

Besides, I still need to:
>Get Evelyn checked in and examined at the medical center in the south side of town.
>Report this recent situation to my superiors
>Help prepare for tonight’s infected purge
>Take a nap

No. 898649 ID: 209e03
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>And apparently grab a bite to eat.
No. 898650 ID: eeb7d9

>Get Evelyn checked in and examined at the medical center in the south side of town.
>Report this recent situation to my superiors
>Help prepare for tonight’s infected purge
>Take a nap
>And apparently grab a bite to eat.
Sounds good to me, let's get to it! Chop chop!
No. 898660 ID: b1b4f3

Yes, this is a good priority list.
No. 898711 ID: 094652

Wait, are you seriously bringing an infected to a public restaurant? Really?

Get her to the anti-magic center, THEN get her take-out.
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