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907501 No. 907501 ID: 3d1cb0

Hello, and waelcome to the first ever Obligatory Generic Escape Room Quest! Please enjoy your stay.

You are currently in control of this fine being in front of you. Do they have a name? A gender? Do they exist? Let's find out together!

Please enter your next command. If you'd like help with your commands, please use the command INFO. And remember:

Have fun!
6 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 907517 ID: b1b4f3

Search cabinet, behind cabinet, inside hole, behind sign.
No. 907518 ID: 13eacf

You are Gideon Kramer, Amateur photographer and Journalist. You have a website you write for but otherwise you take job for local newspapers. How you got here you haven’t a clue.

Check the drawers and cabinets for useful items, also look under the lamp, maybe we can find a key or something.
No. 907520 ID: 575ec0

>Gideon Kramer
This name is acceptable.

No. 907521 ID: 3d1cb0
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>Name: Gideon Kramer
>Role: Photographer & Journalist
Okay, you have decided your name is Gideon Kramer, and you are a photographer and a journalist.

>Search cabinet, behind cabinet, inside hole, and behind sign.

Okay. You start by looking in the cabinet.
No. 907522 ID: 733bd9

Read the "OWO" board, insert the OWO board in your inventory for later purging.
No. 907524 ID: 3d1cb0
File 153998242814.png - (9.78KB , 500x375 , 6.png )

In the topmost drawer you find:
A bouncy ball that looks like an eye
A small flashlight
A key to something
A travel guide, or perhaps an ad for a hotel
A TV remote

In the bottom two, you find:
A sketchbook
An encyclopedia on "cryptids" that have been seen in the area you are presumably in
No. 907525 ID: 3d1cb0
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Apparently, this cupboard is not a cupboard at all. The outline is simply painted onto the wall, along with the lamp, meaning you also cannot look under that.

There's a switch on the lamp drawing though.
No. 907526 ID: 3d1cb0
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There's nothing in the hole, you think. There MIGHT be some little mouse living in there, or a spider or something, but you're not about to stick your hand in there to find out.
No. 907527 ID: 3d1cb0
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Reading the sign produces this:
"To Gideon,
(or w/e),
Just to remind you that
there is no escape.
xoxo, R"

It seems that the note was cut off before they could write their name. Or they're just very bad at predicting where their writing will go, and decided to use their initial to save space.
No. 907528 ID: 3d1cb0
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You take the sign and stow it into your INVENTORY. The sign is made of paper, so it does not slow you down at all. Be careful when picking up things that are heavier, however, as it may whittle down your energy somewhat when running.

Removing the sign has revealed a vent, that could possibly be removed with a screwdriver, or perhaps a crowbar of sorts.
No. 907529 ID: b1b4f3

Read the encyclopedia. Also see what the switch does, and check behind the clock.
No. 907538 ID: 1127ed

Shine flashlight in hole, see if there’s anything there
No. 907539 ID: 3d1cb0
File 153998572030.png - (11.87KB , 500x375 , 11.png )

You flip to a random cryptid and read about it.

"The Beer Squid

This cryptid doesn't actually look much like a squid really. It's more like a giant beer insectoid/humanoid thing with tentacles. This creature can lure you in by simply giving you a nice, refreshing, alcoholic beverage. Usually beer as it seems predisposed to choose men as its victims.
Its motives are unknown, but once they get their hands on some innocent guy, they can't get them off of them. Really, they can't. They sort of...hug people to death? I get that this is an encyclopedia for these things but I know about as much about them as you do, these are all just things I've heard about them. Don't worry though, the people I've heard them from are actually good sources, with pictures and photos and even videos of some of these things. Anyways, getting off topic..."

You kinda get bored halfway through. This guy rambles way too much.
No. 907540 ID: 3d1cb0
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The switch on the lamp turns on and off the lights, as one would expect.
You flick them on and off in succession to convey this fact.
No. 907541 ID: b1b4f3

Okay stop flipping the switch and look for a cryptid that's only visible in the dark. Or maybe it's a grue?
No. 907543 ID: 3d1cb0
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You would, but, you know. The lights are off.
You can hear it in the dark too. Maybe that will help...somehow.
No. 907547 ID: 1127ed

Shine flashlight banish this creepy ghoulie and tell him to stop puking, that’s really gross, yo...
No. 907548 ID: 891b91

Drool luminescent ichor at the cryptid as a sign of goodwill.
No. 907549 ID: 3d1cb0
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You inform the...thing, that drooling copious amounts of fluid onto the floor is gross and that it should stop.

...It doesn't seem to want to listen. Also this thing is creepy. You guess at least it isn't trying to kill you.
No. 907550 ID: afdebc

Swallow the eyeball (you know it's real, saying it's a bouncy ball is just wishful thinking) to gain occult powers.
No. 907551 ID: 3d1cb0
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You turn the lights back on, and suddenly have a craving for eyeballs.

...It couldn't hurt to try, right?
No. 907554 ID: 891b91

consume eyeball
remove "T" sticker from lamp
affix "T" sticker to OwO sign, transforming it into a TwO sign
wear TwO sign as a mask
turn lights off
befriend cryptid
No. 907555 ID: 3d1cb0
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Here goes nothing.
No. 907556 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907557 ID: 3d1cb0
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Yeah no it was rubber. That was kind of a dumb idea.
No. 907559 ID: 3d1cb0
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>T sticker
While yes this switch looks remarkably like a T, it is not one unfortunately.

So I suppose if you'd like to wear a mask to greet the cryptid, you'll unfortunately have to think of something else.
No. 907563 ID: 891b91

Feel around for goodies inside the mouse hole.
No. 907568 ID: cbcfcb

Prepare to seduce a Cryptid.

Flirt with it.
No. 907570 ID: 3d1cb0
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You just sorta...shove your arm all up in there haphazardly.
No. 907572 ID: 3d1cb0
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You find some kind of bottle, labeled "NOT BLOOD".

You think it might be blood, but you're no hematologist...
No. 907575 ID: 891b91

Well, we can at least rule out the possibility that it's horseshoe crab blood, since it isn't blue!

Ask the cryptid if it's blood. I feel like that's the kind of thing cryptids would be good at.
No. 907576 ID: 3d1cb0
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You offer the bottle to the cryptid to examine for you. Clearly a cryptid would know blood from Kool-Aid, right?
No. 907578 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907579 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907580 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907581 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907582 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907583 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907584 ID: 3d1cb0
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Well that didn't help at all.
No. 907585 ID: 891b91

...neat! Time to experiment: hand the TV remote to the cryptid and see what happens.

Also, examine the sketchbook.
No. 907590 ID: 3d1cb0
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...Yeah, you think they're just gonna eat it again, or...whatever it's doing.

Checkin that sketchbook isn't a half bad idea though.
No. 907591 ID: 3d1cb0
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You're not really sure what the guy who wrote and drew all this was talking about, but it looks like another cryptid?
Pretty much all of the drawings are of this ghosty guy with a jacket.
No. 907595 ID: 891b91

Keep your eyes peeled for a stylish cryptid, then. Now, as for the cryptid right beside you, I wonder whether it's simply invisible when the lights are on, or if it's only actually present in the dark.

Let's test that. Turn on the lights, tear off a blank piece of paper from the sketchbook, and attempt to hand the piece of paper to the now-invisible cryptid.
No. 907597 ID: 3d1cb0
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You attempt to hand the cryptid a piece of paper with the lights on.
No. 907599 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907600 ID: 3d1cb0
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No. 907601 ID: 3d1cb0
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Huh...You guess they really do just appear in the dark.

((im goin to sleep now!! cya all tomorrow!!!))
No. 907614 ID: 575ec0

Name our new friend "Grue".
No. 907669 ID: 3d1cb0
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>Cryptid Name: Grue.
Okay. You decide to draw him and his name in the sketchbook to keep track of your creepy, cryptid confidante.
No. 909341 ID: 7e9c89

awesome. turn the lights back off and hug him
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